
<joepie91> something sounds seriously broken :)
<__red__> get reference? Sounds like something that may be automatable for non-critical packages
<LnL> I think ndowens uses something to get notifications, but I forgot what it was
<__red__> So, if I want to bump the version of a package - should I a) PR against master or something else? b) add myself to the maintainers field? (ettiquate question)
<peti> I added a custom CA certificate on NixOS via "security.pki.certificateFiles", but it seems like Mozilla Firefox is unaware of that CA. Is there something I can do about this? How can I make Firefox honor those extra CAs I configured?
<flyx> something else I need to do to make it work?
<pie__> clever, i fixed the last error by reverting to older R version, id used unstable originally because i thought that might fix something
<Filystyn> how do i do something liek dist-upgrade just like in debian with apt?
<pie__> man either im doing something very wrong or my channels are fuckt
<pie__> uh how do i specify something like R-3.3.3 for nix-shell? it dosnt like the fanct characters
<ndowens08> something broke nox-review again lol
<shawndomniti> I'm running a laptop for basic vagrant/ansible dev work, is there a big downside to switching to unstable for something like this?
<shawndomniti> alright cool just wanted to make sure. is there anything I need to do on my end, something equivalent to `apt-get update`?
<shawndomniti> noob question: is there a lag time between something being added to nixpkgs and when I can add it to my `environment.systemPackages`?


<pie__> is it possible to install something from the unstable channel from configuration.nix while its running on the stable channel_
<disasm> My default profile bin dir points directly at busybox in the nix store. is this the default, or is there something stupid I did along the way somewhere: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/07Rtq8VK?nix
<ndowens08> ah was thinking it might be something like that possibly THanks much pmade wanted to make sure
<eqyiel[m]> neeasade: you probably need to enable unfree and switch to that system before you can even build something unfree in a dry-run
<ndowens08> pmade: would it be something like: for example pkgconfig was in my pkgconfig branch; Would I checkout pkgconfig, then git pull --rebase staging?
<eqyiel[m]> there might be something spooky going on like that monit executable demanding that the path exists
<ToxicFrog> Also, if you want something that runs periodically, you want a oneshot service that *isn't* enabled + a timer
<disasm> I'm sure there's something I'm doing syntax wise... error is error: cannot coerce a function to a string, at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/lib/strings.nix:442:44
<ma9e> hard to guess about something like this
<ma9e> you can do pstree ssh as root and maybe that'll tell you something
<piotr> when i uninstall something
<Twey> I'm trying to create a derivation for a project ( https://github.com/RedPRL/sml-redprl ) that requires I `git submodule update --init --recursive` before compiling. How should I do this? Is there something I can pass to fetchFromGitHub that does this before removing the .git directory?
<NickHu> I guess if you use google dns or something you're fine
<lucasOfBesaid> I have determined that the problem happens after udev has processed its rules. Could something be responding to udev and turning off my monitor?
<mojjo> po. I'm asking, where is good place for this generated nix-file? Would it belong to the project, and should be included in it's git repo (maybe a subfolder 'nix')? Hence before every change/push you should make sure that you'll run your 2nix tool that this is always up to date. Or is it rather something, that should kept out of the repo (like your builds), and would better maybe live in an extra repository (like "my
<LnL> filyforasec: that's fine, it's something like /var/disk/by-id/<id>
<clever> mojjo: try switching it from builder to buildCommand and see if it does something different
<pie_> i probably goofed something up
<manveru> babynix: you need something like this in your hardware-configuration.nix then
<pie_> i want to be able to search so i need something that can also do partial names?
<pie_> is there something like https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html thats fast and i can run it locally?
<manveru> did the format change or something?
<mkoenig> what happened to the launchpad link? it redirects to something different today
<LnL> pie__: nix-shell looks in your current directory, if you want to use something from nixpkgs you can do nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A hello
<srhb> lush: (By the way, if you've manually installed buildutils somehow in a global or user local way, you may be doing something wrong.)
<pie__> oh, well the guy does mention at the end to put it in tmp or something, i guess maybe whatever the qemu user is (pretty sure its running as root though since it changes the owners to root..) doesnt have access to my downloads folder, that sounds dumb though
<pie__> this is bs...somethings fucky
<pie__> also it seems that something (qemu appears to have a dynamic_ownership option which is probably what does it, but idk if thats actually my problem) changes the ownership of the image file to root:root when i try to create the vm
<LnL> spacekitteh[m]: I have something like this https://gist.github.com/LnL7/a0689b1ec8b9b0f59108693263ad716e
<ronny> calvertvl: ah, i remembered something - fixed output derivations are completely cached, so they dont rebuild if you dont change the hash
<ronny> ok, then im missing something else
<calvertvl> ok wtf...it built fine on mine without the new hash, something is wrong
<LnL> by searching through the repo with something like https://search.nix.gsc.io
<calvertvl> you can download raw off of github; otherwise, override will probably be fastest to get something working
<ronny> amosbird: i roughly recall it should be possible to use something like "(import <nixpkgs> {}).postgresql_94.override ...)" in your own default.nix, i'd have to try the exact progress
<pxc> bhipple: you could just do it the gross old fashioned way with a script sourced from /etc/profile or something and have it not run if it finds ~/.nix-initialized, and have it do `touch ~/.nix-initialized` after it runs
<bhipple> Thix nix-setup-user() function needs to be run as root for each multi-user on the machine, so I'd imagine it's not something that a deb or rpm could do automatically
<ilyaigpetrov> pxc: are there some low-level layers of nixos that don't depend on systemd and may be used as a ground on which I can build something
<pxc> then definitely give it a try. actually dealing with systemd outside of using systemctl is something you basically never have to do in Nix
<pxc> I think in Guix I've heard murmurs about swappable init systems, but I don't think it's actually there. I think they were talking about the strategies they use for generating shepherd units in Guile or something
<pxc> ilyaigpetrov: NixOS containers are something else, they provide an additional layer of isolation
<dhess`> erlandsona: another technique I use when I'm trying to understand how to use Nix is, I go hunting on GitHub for projects that do something similar. For example, search GitHub for "node" and ".nix".


<erlandsona_> ndowens08: do you use anything like bundix / node2nix for packaging language level dependencies in Nix? Or do you write a default.nix in your project directory by hand and use nix-shell or something?
<dhess`> ndowens08: I discovered something similar myself recently. GitHub will happily keep adding future commits to the same branch to your PR. So basically, make sure you do a "topic branch" for each PR to keep them separate.
<ToxicFrog> Before declaring that chmod worked, make sure that `nixos-rebuild switch` doesn't end up overwriting your .zshrc or something
<mojjo> Dezgeg: leothrix: I tried to do this some time ago, but my the building of the deployed config failed (don't have the msg anymore). Just wrote something related to this to the nix mailing list, did you read that by any chance?
<fresheyeball> Oop I messed something up
<leothrix> I could hack something together to deploy configuration.nix files but figured maybe nixops could just point at pre-built hosts
<ToxicFrog> fresheyeball: to get OMZ loaded as the default, probably set programs.zsh.shellInit to something that will load OMZ
<pmade> mojjo: I was thinking of doing something like that. Looking for @@HOME@@ and doing some sed magic on it.
<seanparsons> Is there anything I can add to say nix.extraOptions to make it retry downloads? I keep getting transient failures on this machine and I think it's something to do with the wifi.
<tsmeets[m]> fresheyeball: if you want a service or configure something use an option
<praduca> Hi, newbie question here :) I am trying to use cinelerra, but when installing, it tries to compile, and fails. The fact that it is on stable channel says that I am doing some wrong, maybe? I'm supposed to do something before installing it?
<ericnoan> is this something you took upon yourself or is it a feature of the core project?
<ericnoan> is there a community repo. something equivelent to Arch AUR or Debian community repository?
<kuznero> MichaelRaskin: as part of installing dependencies NuGet downloads it from public `nuget.org` repository. But script fails to resolve host name. Is there something typical that I am missing to specify or `nix-build` has access to internet and dns by default?
<kuznero> MichaelRaskin: I don't think it needs $HOME to have something before it is running, though it requires $HOME in order to store packages that it fetches. Do you have an example of defining a $HOME in default.nix for a package?
<kuznero> MichaelRaskin: as part of the `nix-build -A fsharp $NIXPKGS` I get error from the dependency manager (NuGet) unable to restore F#'s dependencies into `homeless-shelter` directory. Is this something special I need to configure before testing nix-build locally?
<Filystyn> is there something liek sid in debian
<pie_> aaand now virtanager is failing on something else
<pie_> also the way i was originally thinking of probably would have required something like the gmask and umask options
<pie_> well or i probably need to modprobe something...?
<lush> ty joepie91, maybe I will come here again if something won't work (Uefi, ssd and stuff)
<sphalerite> I don't know how much more than that it will take, I wrote something like that to cross-compile for an armv7l device and it took quite a lot of extra config to get the C library building
<sphalerite> tsmeets: so write an expression something like `import <nixpkgs> {crossSystem = {config = "aarch64"; arch = "arm";};}`
<LnL> tsmeets: I'm retry sure you have to use something like stdenvCross rather then just changing the system
<ertes> something like that
<user1> Hi. Nixos lets me install any package from hackage into the nixos store, which is nice, so I don't have to manually deal with updates. However, when using something like cabal (or manually compiling haskell packages) you get to customize stuff like test-suites and especially flags. Is there any way this can be overridden in my nix configuration file to allow clean installation of customized packages?
<manveru> but i think it's in perl or c++, so not something i'll touch
<__Sander__> including something that determines whether an object is an array :) https://www.npmjs.com/package/isarray


<ndowens08> something like /msg chanserv -m or so?
<mounty> gchristensen: configure inputs? I haven't got that far yet. Is that something to do with project configuration?
<srk> gobject something :)
<pie_> and i dont think theres an option for "just find something" :P
<pie_> MichaelRaskin, something like "hey patchelf, fix this whole directory"
<ndowens08> I did have 3 efi partitions as I like the idea that something weird didn't happen and affect my kernels
<pie_> ok somethings screwy
<arianvp2> but I get error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a path, at /home/arian/Documents/UU/MBD/report/shell.nix:1:10
<mounty> nixos does something wierd so that select and middle-click doesn't work any more
<jack[m]> As MichaelRaskin alluded to, if you reference the bare file a nix expression, nix copies the file into the store and use that value. If you got the original path, then something prevented that?
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe you need to press something for it to start actually listening?
<YellowOnion> I was thinking if nix is all about reproducibility, using -i, should create something I can replicate somewhere else.
<YellowOnion> I'm starting to think there's something unique to the declarative brain, Haskell community has a unique way of handling documentation that I still have trouble navigating.


<mounty> Am I doing something wrong/stupid/unexpected ?
<Ralith> mounty: for future reference, `sudo netstat -lntp` is a good way to debug whether/how something's actually listening, and then you can use `socat` from various places to determine low-level reachability empirically
<clever-afk> simendsjo: i saw something about that on an issue, one min
<fpletz> did I forget something? :)
<ben> Is that state literally "have upgraded nvidia driver but not rebooted" or something
<MichaelRaskin> A lot of time you just echo "" >> version.txt or something like that
<JayVii> hey, i cannot quite find something on that on the options- or wikipages. is there a way to use override-options to change firefox' UI-language or do i have to rebuild firefox myself?
<Mateon1> Hi, how can I prefetch something and get the sha256 hash if there doesn't exist a nix-prefetch-x for it?
<mounty> There must be something wrong with the water up there for people to vote for him but this is the state that turned-down DST because the extra hour of sunlight would bleach their curtains.
<gchristensen> groups are inherited when the terminal is spawned, you may need to restart the service or the system or log out / log in, something like that
<unlmtd[m]> something happened to the way custom vim plugins are handled, cant rebuild now
<MP2E> probably something to do with fontconfig
<MP2E> from looking at the changelog it looks like something to do with the recent staging merge
<joachifm> taeradan: have you tried something like { config, lib, ... }: { imports = lib.optionals config.fooEnabled [ ./a.nix ./b.nix ]; }
<klarso> hello guys, i have openvpn.ovpn to conenct my ubuntu server. i can connect from windows but i couldnt make it in nixos. should i do something else to connect ?
<joachifm> taeradan: so a conditional import would look like imports = ... ++ optional myBool ./fun-stuff.nix or something like that
<greoan> Or how do you do, when you want to install something? Say you sit by your computer watching cat videos, and feel a pressing need to run the `sl` command. What are the steps to install it, given that you want to use a declarative .nix file that one can stuff in a git repo or whatever?


<schoppenhauer> I am trying to install something from a local unstable repo, but I get the error "error: anonymous function at /home/christoph/nobackup/nixos-unstable/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/editors/android-studio/default.nix:1:1 called with unexpected argument ‘jdk’, at /home/christoph/nobackup/nixos-unstable/nixpkgs/lib/customisation.nix:56:12"
<LnL> it's usually better to setup a bindmount or something on the machine to just use /nix/store
<Unode> So I though, can I build on something I can control...
<Unode> maurer: so yeah the problem is something to do with it being shallow, https://github.com/madjar/nox/blob/1fefad56f0c4b882d99e5e59869f6e53b4ab3774/nox/nixpkgs_repo.py#L32
<praduca> is this something that is probably my fault, or it is expected?
<disasm> dhess: here's my config if you see something I'm doing wrong...
<ndowens08> I am currently inside .nox/nixpkgs ( i dont know if it has something to do with that) only difference I have done since you pushed fix
<MichaelRaskin> (if you pass it to something that either doesn't care about extra attributes or expects these magic strings)
<ndowens08> something aobut automatic merge failed
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: can I buy you a beer or something? :P amazon wish-list?
<LnL> gchristensen: something like this? map (x: (import (./. + "/nixos/tests/${x}.nix") {}).drvPath)
<MichaelRaskin> Well, the executable contains the library basename; then it is searched in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, then in RPATH or RUNPATH (a set of paths to search libraries that is encoded inside the executable), then in the system default locations (/usr/lib or something)
<clever> it could possibly be handled via ~/.nix-profile/lib/ and use profile.d/nix.sh to do something
<maurer> gchristensen: So, normally when you set up a hydra jobset, you say something like run nix expression "default.nix" in input "nipxkgs"
<dtzWill> wasn't that bad. Thought you were gonna enumerate some emojis or something :P
<Unode> something fastopen was also failing.
<Unode> yeah the old TMPDIR was tmpfs, this one is ext4 so I guess something else is to blame. The actual /nix/store is on some shady NFS system that has messed up hardlink support (this is also loads of fun)
<sphalerite> Dezgeg: yeah, that would be cool. I don't have a real reason to do so besides "it would be cool" though so if there's something I can just download and stick on the card that would also do
<Unode> the other one was libu something or something like that
<dtzWill> and IIRC often eventually fail, due to a kernel bug or something.
<sphalerite> (even if it's in qemu or something)
<dtzWill> lol wait were we really talking about 'time'? I assumed he meant like NIX_BUILD_HOOK=time or .. something. lol
<ndowens08> Something similar to: time nix-build blah
<kragniz> I did something to the steam files to fix it
<ryantrinkle> oh, actually, nevermind; i still had something out of date
<HappyEnte> c0c0n3, yep currently taking a look also at your dot link module, I have currently something similar where I have a super user spark service that links from store into user home, but as a nix module it seems a lot nicer :)
<orphaneo> the pkg , i am packaging depends on gnome-shell at runtime, i added gnome-shell to path but it downloads gnome-shell and building from scratch, am i doing something wrong ?
<LnL> usually you'd do something like runCommand "foo" {} '' echo foo > $out '', but that still depends on the stdenv
<LnL> you mean like something that's simpler then stdenv.mkDerivation, or do you really not want to use the stdenv?
<contrapumpkin> something like fetchGitRepo: init with an explanation below
<contrapumpkin> if something goes wrong
<spacekitteh[m]> oh hang on something's gone bad
<Ralith> I assumed he's on slack or something
<dash> dpren: if you got it to build something that runs, presumably everyone else will too :)
<ndowens08> i think someone else was reviewing it as well; I look at cosmetic of a Nix pkg, some are something I dont understand beyound suggesting cosmetic changes :)
<ndowens08> i wanted to say, well use something like awesome/bspwm then you dont worry so much pretty your desktop is lol
<dtluna> simpson: you know what's nice about Arch? I don't need a PKGBUILD for something to just compile it
<dhess`> Can't believe nobody has pitched something like that to YC or similar.
<ndowens08> gchristensen: something always to seems to break nox-review lol
<simpson> dtluna: Yes, you can. You can do something like $(nix-shell -f '<nixpkgs>' -A openra) in your git checkout and it will give you all of the environment required to do development builds.


<dtzWill> deepfire: strangely I don't see your mentioned pulseSupport config option anywhere: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=%22config.virtualbox.pulseSupport%22&type= -- does setting 'nixpkgs.config.$PACKAGE.$ARG' automatically become something like a package override?
<dtluna> and how do I install something with that script?
<sphalerite> often if I want to use a newer version of something I just cherry-pick the commit updating it onto the release branch, then build it from there
<deepfire> gchristensen: something seems odd, it shouldn't take this long
<sphalerite> something like LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(nix-instantiate --eval -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; lib.makeLibraryPath [SDL2]')" mono OpenRA.Game.exe then
<sphalerite> something like nix-shell -p mono freetype openal lua5_1
<LnL> gchristensen: I think so, what I was talking about is having travis only instantiate packages and eval meta or something
<ToxicFrog> Yeah, but Iwould have thought that something like this:
<ToxicFrog> The manual implies that that's for pre-shell initialization, but I guess if I exec something it replaces the process and it never gets that far
<ToxicFrog> How do I get it to run something other than bash as the shell by default(as opposed to using --run)?
<simpson> dtluna: Well, there's a box somewhere in GNOME or something that shows you the available themes, right?
<benley> can you share your configuration.nix in a gist or something?
<benley> tsmeets: services.xserver.videoDrivers = if config.nixpkgs.allowUnfree then "nvidia" else "noveau" (or something close to that)
<dtzWill> dtluna: haha welp I just filed an issue about it, I expect it's something relatively minor impacted by recent qt reworkings that are overall for the best
<pi3r> eacameron: have you had the time to look at the snippet. I might doing something obviously wrong. When I remove the 'pinning' everything is working
<copumpkin> well, I meant something outside nix
<Yaniel> is there something I can use to reliably detect whether I'm in a nix-shell or not?
<Unode> is there some kind of channel signature being used as part of the build process? I just checked out 16.09 from nixpkgs-channels and using it to install something is giving me a full deptree build.
<clever> if you wanted to use a different vmTools, you would have to do something like (import /home/clever/nixpkgs {}).vmTools
<LnL> bkchr: configuration.nix, something like this for example https://gist.github.com/LnL7/a90b8a2d6219ba144d141a5acacd3390
<erlandsona_> simpson: hmm... well no worries. Here's an error output though, maybe this is related to something you've fixed in other languages? http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/XRRPT7mi
<erlandsona> simpson: interesting. I guess I'll ask again then, what does something like Monte have over Haskell? EG: thinking "right tool for the job" what do I get with Monte that I wouldn't want to use Haskell for?
<clever> erlandsona: ive heard something about a script doing rm -rf /backups/${filename}
<clever> oh, optional stuff, ''foo ${stdenv.lib.optionalString true "something"} bar'' i believe
<tempeh> issue with channels or something?
<erlandsona> Anyone here ever deal with ENOENT errors in Node projects? I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my PATH setup but not really sure?
<spinus> spacekitteh: to have "downloader" you need to provide outputAlgo or outputHash and something else (two variables I think) - check other one like fetchgit or sth like that


<spacekitteh> so, in a builder.sh script, i'm trying to fetch something from github (via git-repo) but it can't resolve host github.com
<Yaniel> and because you can seamlessly roll back to the previous system state if something still goes wrong
<Yaniel> hsk3: because if something really needs an older version of a dependency it doesn't break when something else moves to a newer version of that dependency, as both versions can be installed at the same time
<eacameron> For example, if git is installed at the sys level but the user level, then when VSCode tries to run git it gets a relocation error which appears to have something to do with dynamic linking.
<clever> might be something from before the change
<gchristensen> I'm feeling ignorant, do we have a tool to patch a particular file's shebang to be something else?
<eacameron> nix-shell keeps dropping me into something where the shell is all screwy. The prompt says "\[\][nix-shell:...]$\[\]
<smw> gchristensen, I have been using docker for years. I still pray for the day it is replaced with rkt or something.
<smw> gchristensen, docker changed something?
<clever> ocharles: not sure what else it could be, but maybe something isnt setting $PATH right
<globin> ikwildrpepper, amosbird: maybe a purity issue? tensorflow isn't built on hydra, right? not that something from outside the build leaked there?
<fRoping> sphalerite: sorry my connection is gone, if you told something
<ikwildrpepper> and then have something like:
<sphalerite> Oh yeah, that's something I like a lot about nixos too though. The ability to install software without ever giving it root access.


<primeos[m]> I think reverting 872770286d04cadb9816cd1665d3d5f17adce456 might be appropriate even though fwupd seems the only package affected, I did something stupid without realizing... :o
<ndowens08> gonna try something
<joepie91> something about 'assumptions'... :)
<clever> joepie91: hardware.32bit something in configuration.nix
<joepie91> (the "something" is Alpha Centauri)
<joepie91> when running something in WINE, I get this error: err:winediag:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Direct rendering is disabled, most likely your 32-bit OpenGL drivers haven't been installed correctly (using GL renderer "AMD Radeon R7 200 Series ", version "1.4 (2.1 (4.5.13416 Compatibility Profile Context 15.302))").
<NickHu> I feel like if we built it against a newer version of openssl or something it would work
<abbradar> NickHu: yep, it should be good if you need something not yet in nixos-unstable
<abbradar> NickHu: oh ho... so this is something in my system
<abbradar> niksnut: something like http://lpaste.net/6842574671435530240 should suffice
<ronny> btw, is anyone working on something like system level waylnd?
<abbradar> I've usually seen it implemented as something 3rdparty
<abbradar> tried to debug something and wondered why nothing changed for hours
<abbradar> ronny: ....shit, I remembered something. I think at some point we have switched X logs to journald
<taeradan> why are we stuck on the commit "2839b10" on the nixos-unstable branch ? Is something broken ? Or is hydra just slow ?
<bkchr> Next try :D I'm struckling with bluetooth, added "hardware.bluetooth.enable = true;" that to my configuration.nix and also added bluedevil and bluez tothe packages list. If I'm trying to connect my bluetooth mouse, that did not work :( Any ideas? Did I miss something?
<c74d> (or possibly something called an activation script, which I think is deep dark magic I don't know)
<c74d> if you (a) can name the derivation that provides ghci in configuration.nix and (b) can modify the relevant elisp files from configuration.nix, you could set something to `pkgs.writeScriptBin "ghci" "${pkgs.foo}/bin/ghci -ghci-script ${pkgs.writeText "ghci.conf" ''...''}"`
<sophiag> mostly unrelated, but the reason why i set up an environment for haskell was to install ghc-core but it's throwing an error from runInteractiveProcess when trying to call less (which i do have installed). i'm unclear as to whether this is a bug in ghc-core that just hasn't been pushed to the version installed by nix (i found one PR possibly related to it) or something on the OS side


<yerbatin> can i override a module? so that hardware.parallels.enable = true becomes something like (hardware.parallels.override {}).enable = true
<pmade> I must have screwed something up.
<hodapp> at this point I need something more than "might"
<ronny> and it will probably be a massive undertaking to even gt to a basic version of something like that
<c0bw3b> ToxicFrog: i'm thinking it could be easier to lobby the developer of 'nox' to provide the ability to search among _all_ pkgs and display unfree/broken/insecure in another color or something
<gchristensen> c0bw3b: as in some change in bridge networking and-or-containers-and-or-something-else broke my nix tests :(
<ToxicFrog> I'm super jetlagged right now, maybe this is something I can work on in the morning while everyone else is asleep.
<LnL> a bundler binstub will do something similar for you
<clever> i sometimes had to dig thru 5 pages of hydra jobs to find the right jobset and build for something
<LnL> contrapumpkin: do you have any idea if this might be something related to cgo linking against the Security framework?
<gchristensen> ndowens08: I'm concerned about your skill level with git itself, and am worried you may accidentally push something very hard to revert
<dtz> gchristensen: cool, thank you! Seems about as official as it'll get then--mostly wanted something to not be ashamed of should a miracle occur and I encounter another NixOS user in the wild :D
<joepie91> socksy: generally speaking, if something is in the NixOS docs (as opposed to the Nix docs) you can assume it to not work outside of NixOS
<socksy> goibhniu: that sounds useful, did you mean to link something?
<socksy> impure but get the job done sounds like a good general solution for me, this is something that i am constantly hitting my head against as i use nix for things
<justan0theruser> anyways, how do I delete something that is "still alive"? error: cannot delete path ‘/nix/store/iiykizdm2h0vrl5jk5yanijzpa2czszc-tensorflow-1.0.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl.drv’ since it is still alive
<contrapumpkin> adelbertc: for example, if it produces multiple outputs, you might have multiple result-* symlinks, or if something else you built somewhere still uses the underlying store path
<contrapumpkin> adelbertc: yeah, unless something else uses it
<benley> sophiag: I think something like this ought to work: https://gist.github.com/benley/6a93799becc474e5f40de51614f4fa5c
<sophiag> benley: i already had ghc and cabal installed, but now would rather have something similar to the snippet in here: https://nixos.org/releases/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-17.03pre91860.124f25b/manual/#how-to-install-haskell-packages
<ToxicFrog> I can see zlib is supposedly part of the FHS, but when I bring up a shell from inside steam, it's ending up /usr/lib64/steam-runtime/x86_64-linux-gnu/lib or something like that, and that isn't in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<ndowens08> LnL: may have something else for you to test, not sure when, but will tag ya :)


<abbradar> dhess: something gigabit
<dhess> disasm: hehe, I was just trying to do something similar (hacking on the DigitalOcean backend). See https://nixos.org/nixops/manual/#chap-hacking
<joepie91> it's definitely not something I'd use in another scenario :P
<joepie91> contrapumpkin: hmm. how would I integrate that with something like a fetchgit?
<contrapumpkin> joepie91: you'd probably want something like import-from-derivation, which is frowned upon in nixpkgs but generally works. You'd do something like
<joepie91> I'd probably just end up using something a la syncthing or even just a local-network rsync
<ndowens08> I am still learning somethings, just mine tend to be cosmetic reviews
<_deepfire> the fact nix-builds does something at all is a proof of its own
<LnL> ndowens08: ping me if you want me to test or look at something
<clever> i used something similar for wireshark without root
<ndowens08> hmm thought it was something like that
<clever> gbbrt: 99% of the time, buildFHSUserEnv is the wrong way to package something
<ndowens08> Mic92: createrepo_c is causing issues with nox-review, something about patches
<joepie91> teh[m]: around by any chance? I have some questions about your DO backend for NixOps, because I've found what seems like a really obvious bug, but I want to confirm that I'm not just missing something
<Mic92> tempdir is an alias I use in my shell for something else
<ndowens08> idk how others feel, but i rather have a long one, versus something happening and that short url points to something else
<spinus> there is something similar to overlays, little older mechanism but works as well.
<spinus> nixpkgs.config.overridePackages (or something like that)
<c74d> myndzi: I think it saves it in something called a manifest file in the Nix store, which environment.systemPackages also does
<c74d> I can rig something up with symlinks, but I thought there might be a Right Way I didn't know of


<Troupal> I precise that I use (for the moment ?) nixos-graphical[...]-x86-64-linux.iso . Is it that it can change something?
<copumpkin> weird, I wonder if we have something else somewhere telling it the wrong thing
<copumpkin> haven't had time to look into it yet, but matthewbauer suggested something on the PR that broke it
<NickHu> *sigh* maybe the best solution is to set up some weechat replacement triggers to convert it into something like :winkingface: or something
<MichaelRaskin> Erm. If urxvt cannot do something, st cannot do this either
<ndowens08> ok so how was it i was suppose to generate version and docs through git when packaging? I believe LnL said something about a git script? if so what do I put in it?
<MichaelRaskin> Create a script called git that ignores the input and outputs something close to a version description
<joachifm> I see there are still some idle machines, but looks like it's doing something, at least :)
<Jookia> if you're trying to download something and you don't know what it will end up being, you need to get past that hurdle first
<hodapp> to geverate OAuth tokens or something like that
<DMZ__> FRidh: thanks again. It's better you guys giving too much effort to handle things but also should care documentation or how things are done and why. Line by line should be good :D I want too much but i am struggling too much to do something and understand and getting nothing :D
<DMZ__> its okey but something is wrong i guess
<yurrriq> hmm, maybe it's too late here or something, but I'm not sure how to amend my fork. maybe you can
<jophish> actually, for other reasons I might have to have something on which they both depend
<lezed1> Also, joachifm is there something else I should do if I keep it in configs
<lezed1> or something specific to building a python package?
<Acou_Bass> i also have something in my gtkrc-3.0 gtk-cursor-theme-name=AdwaitaGreen, but i dont really see why lxappearance would write that file, with it being a gtk2 app at the moment
* hodapp stares blankly while Go something something compiles...
<bennofs> ndowens08: the funny thing is, if this sort of "auto merge" occurs with any commit for an empty PR, could I use that to get fake contributor stats? Just submit an empty PR, wait for someone to commit something and you've got your PR's merged / day metric inflated :D
<ndowens08> true; i was being hopeful that i would find something
<ndowens08> ok i tried to do ls /nix/store/*/sat.core.i18n and well cant find something that provides sat.core.i18n


<clever> test and increment until you find something good
<manveru> it'd probably be, if you ran it through tail -c 4000000 or something :)
<hodapp> something is working far enough that OS X can see this printer and print to it, but it takes it sometimes minutes to actually finally send the print job
<chakerbenhamed> hhh Okay I will check something else :p
<hodapp> https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-918972-start-0.html says something about encryption...?
<hodapp> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CUPS/Printer_sharing#Cannot_print_with_GTK_applications is what I ended up doing on another machine that had this problem on a network printer (not a CUPS one, just some HP or something)
<cryzed> maybe... in Arch you needed something called gtk-printer-information? I think
<hodapp> andymandias: I think that was from some other problems I had after I was sick of CUPS being a miserable piece of shit about something
<cryzed> So there's something still not completely correct with the nss-mdns settings
<cryzed> benley, although I'm a bit confused. In that linked blog post the author claims that overriding the xkbConfig in configuration.nix causes all packages that depend on that variable to be recompiled -- when you patch files of the xorg package in the manner that paste described, aren't you effectively doing the same? All packages would then have to depend on that new modified xorg package -- maybe I'm missing something
<benley> once I work out a usable patch I'll hack it into the main package or something, and maybe try to submit it upstream if I can figure out how.
<benley> I just copied the whole thing to see if I could get something working.
<cryzed> so you most likely want to add something like this: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/43b9cfadf5fd48d6242a0f6aff3c354f to the list
<benley> but it seems like it's not fully fledged or something
<bendlas> I've tried to update it, but when finishing building, it says something about a circular reference in the output paths ....
<pmahoney> copumpkin: sure. just trying to get something building on darwin (pdsh). its configure is explicitly looking for gcc (easy enought to set CC=cc), but it may also require libgcc_s, but i've no idea if that would just work (apparently not)
<copumpkin> hodapp: I think obadz wrote something called nixos-lustrate
<cryzed> I'm trying to do this: nix.nixPath = nix.nixPath + ["https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable/nixexprs.tar.xz"]; in my configuration.nix file. First I got the error that "nix" is undefined, so I assumed that I'd have to add it to the function signature? at the top of the file, so actually bind it to a name. That I did, however now I'm getting the error "attribute nix is missing" -- am I doing something dumb?
<kriztw> cryzed: can you give an example of something you can't find?
<cryzed> So I already know about "allowUnfree" and "nix-env -qaP", however even after having set allowUnfree in my configuration it still won't list unfree packages, forcing me to search for them on GitHub directly. People keep talking about "don't show unfree packages _by default_" -- well I disabled this default and kind of expected niv-env to respect that setting. Am I still missing something?
<exarkun> pull.sh would probably be easier to write in another language. eg one with a Docker client library... Would there be objections to rewriting it in something else, Haskell or Python or whatever?
<icetan> but when i try to call it i get the error "attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at ..."
<gchristensen> something about no longer providing test patchces