
<vandenoever> eh, something like that, i'm not familiar with how PAM works, i told niksnut about the problem once and he was surprised that it was not working
<vaibhavsagar> maybe you need to run something else before nixos-rebuild?
<maikklein> I assume something is missing?
<johnramsden> Could Someone give me a hand with something related to typelibs?


<copumpkin> because they just assume something is in the path, because usually it is, because most people don't turn off their firewall
<MichaelRaskin> Well, you can import something less imperative and write builder in it, if you want
<exarkun> except there's probably something complicated to do with references that appear in the graph for more than one layer...
<exarkun> but I guess what I was really hoping for was something like `closureOf derivation` returning a list or set of whatever's in the closure of `derivation`
<MichaelRaskin> I.e. set ssid to be a string with "and a linebreak and whatever extra options you want (don't forget to put something making use of the stray " in the end)
<pikajude> sudo has a specific list of environment variables that it will preserve, it's in the sudoers file or something, i don't remember
<joachifm> thineye: err, that should be kernel.features.grsecurity or something, but you get the idea
<maikklein> Can anyone run 'nix-env -qaP | grep teamspeak_client' and tell me if it actually find something?
<steveeJ> sphalerite: gotcha, I wanted to reassure myself that I'm not missing something. this also means that the old derivation will be GC'ed on next run, correct?
<bennofs> is there something like Nix for deploying Android phones? :D
<Filystyn> nah it did not but still something changed any way gtg
<vasile_> I've installed nix on a debian box and I'm trying to understand how it works in practice. If I install a nix package, where do I configure it? Do I just edit /etc/foo/config as per usual? Is there a way to specify configuration as a nix expression? How do profiles and rollbacks work with that config stuff? I didn't see anything in the documentation about this, but if anybody can point me to something
<ToxicFrog> If you need to do this from the command line, there's probably something you can do with pacmd and/or pactl?
<exarkun> okay cool so I just have to treat it like a string and it will do something kind of useful... I guess I need to stop having a _set_ and start having a _list_ though?
<dash> exarkun: ok i learned something
<exarkun> It seems to me that the docker module in nixpkgs must be doing something like this but I can't follow the code. It takes a set of derivations as `contents` and somehow mashes them all together with some shell.
<dash> nix-naive: use it to do something awesome, and people will get excited :)
<exarkun> Hmm but something eats the output?
<dash> so, at worst you can build something up from there
<jsgrant__> Maybe 20,000 usd thrown in at a hackerspace or something.
<goibhniu> but I guess you could also have some buggy software that eats up RAM or something
<exarkun> The way privilege escalation works is you take a component that has escalated privileges and you abuse it to gain the ability to do something it's not supposed to let you do
<LnL> probably something that should be a buildInput instead of a propagatedBuildInput
<exarkun> I don't know what dragged it in. Something.
<exarkun> when docker.buildImage encounters this, it doesn't do something very smart (it resolves the symlink as deep as it can and then I guess it dies because a path is too long)
<LnL> ^ yeah it looks like include/freetype2 might be a symlink back to include or something
<exarkun> something wrong with the freetype2 packaging?
<gilligan_> LnL, bennofs: to be honest that is something that still confuses me: The process of the channel updates.
<sphalerite> it needs XAUTHORITY or something. But again, it's probably a nicer option to use the sysfs interface
<Dezgeg> I thought of something like that but I cringed at the thought of having to recompile the bootstrap tools for that
<clever> b: the nix file you linked be doesnt use multiple outputs, you either have un-commited changes, or something weird is going on
<clever> nix requires that all dependencies exist before something can be unpacked to /nix/store
<clever> so it must be something special with the user config
<clever> vaibhavsagar: i usualy only bisect nixpkgs when i find something that actualy breaks, and can narrow down a testcase
<johnramsden> Can someone give me some help with something related to typelibs?
<vaibhavsagar> clever: ah, in that case, let me know if you're able to reproduce it and don't hesitate to abandon if something more interesting comes up
<Infinisil> That's at least something


<clever> Sonarpulse: something is acting up with my pc and cant load that link, but i have made my own system dual-boot via legacy
<obadz> wdym it downloads something?
<clever> obadz: this downloads something
<Sonarpulse> this is a new builtin or something
<jophish> perhaps it has something to do with the differences in ld-wrapper between a native and cross buil
<jophish> I think that something incorrect happens when patching the rpaths while cross compiling or something
<benley> Anyone know what could be wrong if nix-env is barfing with "error: illegal option name/value"? It looks like that could only happen if there's something bogus in /etc/nix/nix.conf but I can't find anything that would explain it on my system
<schoppenhauer> if I need to patchelf something, what is the best way to find package names which provide a certain library?
<bdimcheff> yeah i think the problem has a lot to do with node packages being not fully implemented in nix or something, idk i just have been marginally paying attention to various threads
<maikklein> clever: I still get "fatal error: xcb/xcb.h: No such file or directory", do you know why this happens? Do I need to specify something else? Although cmake tells me "Found xcb: /nix/store/hz0gy5hhflfziaravsqpn64sx8si1kk2-libxcb-1.12-dev/include" which seems correct?
<LnL> yeah, I think something like basePackages with the default packages that are added now would be useful in some cases
<simukis_> most likely something with BBS in its name
<joepie91> clever: so is it a hard *requirement* to have that <x>, or is it just something you should do as a best practice?
<Yaniel> can I just replace services.xserver with services.wayland or something?
<clever> dcz: use something like fetchurl or fetchFromGithub to download that revision, and import the result of the fetch
<CcxWrk> clever: It compiled … something. :) How do I link it to my default profile now?
<LnL> I didn't even know something like that exited
<CcxWrk> Is there something in nix for building cross toolchains? Eg. for bare-metal I'd want gcc-arm-none-eabi, etc.
<phreedom> copumpkin: you mean something like this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1490611 ?
<sphalerite> don't think so, I think the set passed to derivation also needs a system attribute or something. Probably easier to just stick with stdenv
<simukis_> ideally stuff under linuxPackages(_4_11_rc8, or something) would still work fine
<simukis_> how do I use a custom nix package? Namely I’m interested in trying out 4.11-rc8. I’d expect it be something like me putting an appropriate `.nix` somewhere and specifying it somewhere in my configuration.nix
<vandenoever> is there something with containers too? would be faster then ramping up vms
<vandenoever> i'd like to write some scripts to run tests on nix packages in a controlled environment, is there something for this?
<Tipping_Fedora> I got something
<aszlig> Tipping_Fedora: well, you could get into the grub shell and try to chainload different .efi files to see whether *something* works...
<pxc> aszlig: I need the path to the Nix default profile (e.g. /nix/var/nix/profiles/default). Should I just do some hack to take the first dir in $NIX_STORE or is there something more appropriate? (& thank you btw)
<aszlig> Svarog: a better way however would be using nix-shell with something like --indirect --add-root foobar
<aszlig> Svarog: gc-keep-outputs only is relevant if you're rebuilding something that's a dependency of stdenv in your case
<copumpkin> or something
<aszlig> rcshm: you can use something like packageOverrides = super: { scala = super.scala.override { jre = super.oraclejdk8; }; }
<simp__> Something like this, do I fix it by manually adding it to $PATH or is some "nixos way" of doing it?


<symphorien> I see something called nixos-rebuild --rollback
<fresheyeball> because I did something dumb in configuration.nix
<ericnoan> thats probably why i felt something was missing
<MichaelRaskin> Still easy to fix, but you need something external to boot
<copumpkin> niksnut: if you decide to accept something like https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/9, I'd be happy to help out
<copumpkin> steveeJ: you can't operate on the hash before the hash is computed on something that includes the hash
<steveeJ> copumpkin: something inside me wants not to believe this :-D
<nschoe> But okay, I understand. Will try something else, then :)
<jophish> so something's going on
<kuznero> I am try to specify unstable when querying for fsharp41... but still it is not there. Probably missing something
<qknight> clever: in the past the hydra machine itself could build software. now something has changed and i have to add a build machine, right?
<qknight> clever: i don't get how to create a hydra project, it probably wants to evaluate nixpkgs or something
<taktoa> my current list of alternatives is: Matrix, WebRTC, Signal, something custom
<ben> is it vim manpages or something else's? :)
<qknight> and can i test what hydra would build with nix-build or something?
<bennofs> simp__: except if you're using something like gnome that manages layout by itself
<jophish> dash: I can't recall git ever doing it, perhaps I've got something in my config I've forgotten about
<goibhniu> simp__: it's the default, but I believe it's a bit buggy, it might be worth testing something else e.g. lightdm or sddm
<Dezgeg> is it coming from the binary you compiled and not from something like gmp?
<simp__> yeah, I definitely need to do something of that sort sometime
<clever> and you could use a conflicting version of something in a different terminal by running nix-shell on a different default.nix
<avn> domenkozar: something strange, I also got empty file ;/
<c0c0n3> there's still something funny w/ the network config but then again, it could be me doing something wrong
<c0c0n3> goibhniu: yip, I did that yesterday to no avail, but I'm going to try it again now on a fresh container just in case I did something wrong, will get back to you in 10, thx!
<c0c0n3> cool, then I'm going to ask here before opening an issue, just in case I've got something wrong---quite possible...
<themk> So, it can be a bit daunting if something goes wrong.
<simp__> How does it compare to something like Arch Linux?
<lukego> Just trying to think about whether I need something like S3 for hosting data or whether a nix store would do the job more directly.
<lukec> joko: try setting it to something smaller.
<jophish> What's the best way to debug something in the postInstall phase?


<jophish> yeah, just a sec, I'll show you something gross
<clever> and if you throw in some keypair rotation, and put a timestamp into the signature, you could proove what month something was signed during
<taktoa> so you don't need very much disk space unless you have a chrome profile in there or something
<ryantrinkle> has anyone done something like "declarative container in user area"?
<GLn> How nixos works with selfupdating software? For example if i got something like telegram client. Will it be able to update itself?
<gchristensen> = "${pkgs.fish}/bin/fish" or something
<m3tti> gchristensen: and i've to push my changes into the master branch? or something else ???
<Sonarpulse> jophish: https://travis-ci.org/NixOS/nixpkgs/builds/224958163 yay something finally built
<Infinisil> Took only 30 seconds to start, somethings not rig
<Sonarpulse> we could make something like cross stdenv
<jophish> Just to saity check, here's how I'm cross compiling zlib. Perhaps I've got something really wrong: https://gist.github.com/f81a1d3d73ee9d6797f52cdfb8ba997f
<Infinisil> I see, definitely seems like something i don't need heh
<jophish> I think it's trying to get gccCrossStageStatic from buildPackages or something
<infinisil> Damnit, my nix doesn't want to start anymore, i messed up something with .xsession/.xprofile
<clever> ive also done something related, let me gist it
<joepie91> clever: that's something that confused me as well, actually
<joepie91> you should start out with something that explains the whole thing as a single entity, and then afterwards splits up the bigger picture into which is responsible for what
<joepie91> ixxie: that would be a start, yeah. my initial suggestion would be to have all the of the following: 1) a quickstart tutorial, 2) an architecture document, something that gives a bird's eye view of the design of Nix*, 3) a set of conceptual documentation that goes into more detail about specific mechanisms (one article/page per topic), 4) a set of FAQs (anticipated questions), 5) a reference manual on the CLI tools, and finally 6) a reference manual
<gchristensen> does nixos have something like fetchmail / getmail packaged as a service?
<joepie91> anyhow, I would say that doing technical writing (including documentation) is just something that's hard-to-impossible to do effectively if you haven't gained an understanding upfront of how much detail people typically need on the topic... which is why starting out by answering questions in real-time is a great path to better generic documentation
<ixxie> bennofs: I understand the basic concepts, but in this case the gap of knowledge was in knowing something which seems to most so basic it didn't need to be mentioned: that putting a script in /bin will automatically make it excecutable
<joepie91> clarification: some of the differences between conceptual documentation and tutorials are that 1) conceptual documentation doesn't assume linearity in reading/learning, and 2) it explains how something *works*, rather than how to *do* it (like a tutorial would)
<bennofs> we need something that goes from start to "here's where you find more information if you need it"
<ToxicFrog> Anyways, the question wasn't "how do I download it using something that supports resumes", like I said I solved that problem already
<MarcWeber> ToxicFrog: "Is there a way I can download the .nar.xz using something that does support resumes"
<MichaelRaskin> Then you have something that can work as --option binary-caches file:///tmp/cache
<ToxicFrog> Usually the obvious thing you're missing is that the permissions on something in ~/.ssh are wrong
<jophish> Is there something obvious I'm missing
<ToxicFrog> Is there a way I can download the .nar.xz using something that does support resumes, then install from the local copy?
<sphalerite> drp: I doubt nixos will *lose* anything to docker, appimage, flatpak and friends, because it has technical advantages that none of the other systems address. Nixpkgs shows that there are ways to get even the most uncooperative software to work in the system. I think that either nixos will prevail, or it'll get replaced by something even better.
<clever> something that i think would be usefull for many, is to make a nix expression that takes a gog blob, and patches it
<drp> makes sense, someone half a decade ago hardlinks something in a script which is then copied over and over and now something new comes out which calls out the script on cheating
<clever> Svarog: something i somes do is something like HOME=/home/clever/fake-home nix-shell -A ...
<Svarog> Is there a way to keep a virtual user environment so the dot files created by something in a nix-shell environment don't interfere with existing dot files?
<bennofs> dmj`: but a nixpkgs resolver could allow you to do something like resolver: nixpkgs-<hash> in your stack.yaml, and stack could manage checking out that nixpkgs rev for you & take haskell prebuilt packages from that nixpkgs


<bennofs> perebor: wait, I remember something like that
<perebor> the exact problem I'm having is that if I compile something with ghc that uses hmatrix and then execute it I get: ./test2: error while loading shared libraries: libgfortran.so.3: cannot open shared object [..]
<pie_> you guys know anything good for "keeping" tmux sessions if my machine crashes or something/
<spacefrogg> dupin: Try repairing your store. Did it fail during installing something?
<dupin> clever, nix-collect-garbage --max-freed 10M seams to clear something :)
<joepie91> hodapp: similarly, depending on runtime Python may be either compiled, interpreted, or something else entirely
<ekleog> <simpson> ekleog: "VM" has a better definition that can help make it clear when something is definitely a VM; it's synoymous with "emulator". <-- then HVMs aren't VMs because they use VT-x for performance?
<joepie91> ekleog: once you passthrough something to a guest you can't use it on the host or another guest anymore
<simpson> ekleog: "VM" has a better definition that can help make it clear when something is definitely a VM; it's synoymous with "emulator".
<clever> joepie91: when you try to mount something via fuse, it will use a setuid wrapper to do the actual mounting
<joepie91> bennofs1: nor can you assume that just because something runs as non-uid0, it won't *become* uid0
<steveeJ> ekleog: you enforce isolation by tweaking capabilities, eg. forbid another namespace switch. and further use something like selinux to prevent file access
<eacameron> clever: I see. I suspected that all along but it seems people are doing more with containers that *just* isolation. Something about scalability. But my complaint about microservices is that any time you have something "micro" you have to build up to the thing that's "macro". Having small pieces in and of itself isn't helpful.
<clever> eacameron: yeah, an example of something that typicaly needs docker, messing around with musl, there can only be 1 /lib/libc.so, and you cant just swap glibc out for musl
<eacameron> simpson: joepie91: Yah I think that's what I'm getting at. I'd love to use something like AWS to manage the containers for me. I just want them running Nixos
<clever> GiGa: ah, sounds more like a video driver problem then, something the driver/GPU is doing breaks the entire system
<bennofs1> gchristensen: didn't hydra use something like that?
<gchristensen> how can I do bash variable substitution in a configureFlag? I need to do something like "--with-web-group=$UID"
<clever> LnL: something in binutils failing while building the stdenv
<jophish> you were doing something terribly "clever" with kexec
<jophish> clever: ah, I think I saw something similar maybe a year ago
<clever> jophish: oh, and that build.cc patch for nix, i have something very similiar, https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-misc/blob/master/upgrade.patch
<bennofs> hodapp: try something like callPackage ./...../your-pkg { sqlite = null; }
<Svarog> Ok so I just deleted something from one of the stores and after some fiddling with the keys (for some reason the signing key was ignored and was defaulting to /etc/nix/signing-key.sec which didn't exist), and now when doing a nix-copy-closure I get unexpected end of file.
<clever> Svarog: or use nix-store --delete to get rid of something, then copy --from it again
<clever> Svarog: try finding something you dont have yet
<Svarog> ssh nix-ssh@server returns PTY allocation request failed on channel 0 - seems that has something to do with nix-ssh user not having access to pseudo terminals
<clever> nix.extraConfig = '' secret something''; is the private keys
<Svarog> I am guessing looking through Nix code. Which is fine, I was just hoping there was something more describing how it's supposed to work.
<Svarog> Without SSH I can do curl http://<hostname>:5000/nix-cache-info, is there something similar I can do with nix-serve and SSH?
<clever> let foo = stdenv.mkDerivation { ... }; bar = stdenv.mkDerivation { something = foo.drvPath; } in foo // { env = bar; }
<clever> steveeJ: it might be possible to set passthru.env = stdenv.mkDerivation { something = parent_deriv.drvPath; };
<johnramsden> clever, I must be doing something wrong
<clever> Isorkin: something you added to systemPackages is a set
<clever> Svarog: something that can help a lot, click the enable option here, then the file its declared in: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#sshserve


<obadz> or something like that
<clever> IITaudio_: and bisect confirms that commit, trying something...
<obadz> nix-instantiate --something?
<infinisil> Clever, is there something you don't know about NixOS?
<bennofs> infinisil: a common trick is something like echo "...new brightness" | sudo tee /path/to/brightness
<infinisil> (sorry if i missed something)
<clever> IITaudio_: ah, found something that will likely ruin your performance
<IITaudio_> clever: I was able to login with the user by placing the bin/i3 path in the (newly created) .xsession; it seems that the login command sends a malformed none + i3 string, because the error message said something like "no session named 'i3''" with 1 ' more
<hodapp> or... do I still need something like this present?
<hodapp> I mostly tweak mine when I need to add support for something (scanner, shitty WiFi, something that's supposed to help the shitty WiFi, something to fix the problems that happened when I tried to help the shitty WiFi, removing a bunch of crap pertaining to the shitty WiFi, trying another network manager because of the shitty WiFi)
<infinisil> Question: Are you content with your current config? Or is there still something missing/wrong? How long has it been since you started your config?
<hodapp> clever: and that works for something in nixpkgs that's grabbing a specific release, but I'm aiming for a shell.nix to put in a repo alongside the source
<infinisil> I also thought once more about the whole all config files in a nix expression, but I think it's too much effort in the end. Much easier to just store all files in a repo and use something like GNU stow
<clever> something a lesser OS cant even do, lol
<infinisil> I thought about something more.. elegant
<Dezgeg> yeah, I get caught by that as well... it's conv=notrunc or something
<infinisil> If I ever get this working I'll write something about it, don't want anyone else to go through that experience
<clever> https://dav.infinisil.io/bob/birthdays.ics/ should do something, if that calendar/user exist
<infinisil> okay i have an idea, I until now I tried to use something like https://myserver.domain.com:3000/bob/birthdays.ics/ (from the docs) to connect to my server, but because I am proxying, I don't really need the port do iI
<disasm> which means you have to have something running on on port 5234
<infinisil> Ahh, thanks, I'll consider doing something similar :D
<infinisil> NixOS is really beautiful, but oftentimes (and I guess this applies to all distros) there's just something not working, some bug, some wrong config, parse errors, missing files, ugh
<infinisil> I got to be honest, I'm already sick of configuring all the broken software, nothing seems to ever work without something going wrong
<clever> tjg1: it wants to load the hibernation state from the swap, and ive heard something about hibernation on zvol not working either
<tjg1> ideal solution would be to use something like ulogd/nf_log
<Turion> (I'm coming from a Gentoo background, there it's easy with a script that creates an ebuild from a .cabal file or something like that)
<mudri> clever: with “self.callPackage ../repos/liblastfm { xml-html-conduit-lens = xml-html-conduit-lens; }”, I get unexpected argument. Do I have to pass in a whole modified haskellPackages, or something?
<mudri> The file is definitely being read, because if I put something wrong in it, it fails sooner.
<johnramsden> How would I create two lists of packages then append them? Something like, myPkgs = with pkgs; [ <package> ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; myPkgs ++ [ packages];? But that doesn't work.
<mudri> clever: thanks, that looks like something I can use.
<clever> johnramsden: buildFHS sets up a giant mess of symlinks to simulate an FHS env, then uses some bash scripts and setuid stuff to chroot into it and run something
<johnramsden> Could Someone give me some advice? I'm having trouble packaging something with buildFHSUserEnv and I think I must be doing it wrong. I tried without the FHS but it didn't work I assume because I was attempting to use a deb.


<hodapp> does the CI exercise optional parameters or something? I was looking at the failed build log on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/25063 and surprised to see that it was building the postgis stuff in mapnik, when that should be disabled by default (with the option I just added)
<jophish> I think clever mentioned something about running armv7 builds on aarch64
<Mateon2> If I name my nix file something other than default.nix, can I build it with `nix-build filename.nix`
<Mateon2> I did something wrong... I get no output from nix-build
<hodapp> how does that "foo ? null" idiom in the arguments of a derivation work anyway? 'foo' by default is null but can be overriden to something else?
<symphorien> Avn : I saw something like X-restart-when-modified in the unit, once
<Yaniel> something like that
<simpson> The idea is simple to grok if you already know something like Nix. Nix embodies the Principle of Least Authority in build environments; if you don't have a dependency on a package, you can't access that package.
<hooo> maybe the first step is to rename either the language or the package manager to something other than Nix
<FRidh> mixed up with something else
<FRidh> hooo: how would you imagine something like Nix without an expression language?
<im_ferris> Svarog, as far as I know nix-instantiate is your best option, though this isnt' something I'm super familiar with.
<im_ferris> I have the plasma5 desktop but can't figure out how to control volume, is there something I'm missing?
<pie_> hm wait i think i remember fixing something like this before..
<pie_> or something
<pie_> FRidh, so far what im looking at is running pycharm in nix-shell but that kinda sucks because if i have something with more deps i have to restart pycharm with the proper environment
<puffnfresh> you'll see something like nixpkgs=something
<pie_> is there something that says "get the dependencies of this package" instead of the package itself?
<engblom> gchristensen: Earlier if I wanted something to run on a TTY automatically at boot, I edited one simple file: /etc/inittab. Now I end up creating both strange named folders and files and adding several lines
<engblom> My complaint is that it makes the life much more difficult and in many cases (not just this problem with network adapter) the boot becomes many, many minutes while something is timing out.
<engblom> But that is a bit of an overkill for something I think an init system should implement itself already
<LnL> maybe the vm definition installs something extra
<mbirkis> I think there is something wrong with my installation, I have several generations but when i run nix-env --list-generations I get no output
<lukego> and seriously if I don't get this wrapped up in the next hour or two then I am going to throw it away and do something else with my life. So: less IRC :)
<lukego> domenkozar: Sucky situation when the obvious way to do something is the wrong way to do it...
<tsmeets> something is wrong with xmonad in 'nixos-unstable-small'. when I try to start xmonad with lightdm it fails to start and pulls me back into lightdm
<fresheyeball> clever: we need to update docs or something
<fresheyeball> something is rotten about the compton option in systemPackages
<clever> dash: i read something years ago about somebody hacking into the box of a linux maintainer, and making a slight tweak to the kernel source, changing a ==0 to =0, so if you called a certain syscall with invalid flags, it would change the process uid to 0
<nhill> Make sure you call it something generic like Management Engine


<simpson> Linux syscall API compatibility is something that third-party vendors have done for a while. And Go, etc.
<jophish> yeah, there must be something to change on the qemu-arm side of things, the page there says that the interpreter should be aware
<TweyII> Ahh, thank you! I remembered there was something new and cool, but I didn't remember what it was ☺
<Criena[m]> 71% inodes used. Still quite something, but much more relaxing than 99%.
<niksnut> maybe it better to do something like 48?
<lukego> clever: oh, I only just realized that my install step was copying the libs in the first place. I thought it was something that had magically propagated from a dependency. thanks :)
<johnramsden> Mic92, clever: If normally packages call stdenv.mkDerivation, or something similar that builds a package, do I just leave that out completely? If so, how exactly do I name my package?


<fresheyeball> something?
<GiGa|Laptop> I can whitelist it, of course, but I wondered if this was going to be fixed in 17.03 as it seems odd to release something that's a big issue
<ben> my nixops deploy fails because something has manpages generated from xml files that don't validate ;_;
<manveru> disasm: something like this: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/E4egAJI1?nix
<dtzWill> oh sorry was responding to something from scrollback, but forgot it wasn't real-time O:)
<tommyangelo> I'm starting to think something is wrong with my nixos install, what with this and nix-shell only working _sometimes_
<the-kenny> is $outdir set to something?
<ben> might need to restart bash if it cached bad paths or something, i dunno how that stuff works
<kuznero> clever: I am normally install something unstable (fresh) like this: `nix-env -f https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz -i fsharp41`. Should it be something else?
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: maybe try adding set -x in preConfigure to see what command it's invoking. Maybe it's not passing any parameters to qmake or something
<benley> timclassic: probably not automatically - is it something that should be backported?


<jeremejevs> Should I maybe run "nixos-install" or something? Would there be any risk of losing my home dir?
<jeremejevs> '/boot/loader/entries/nixos-generation-<number>.conf.tml'". And the number changes between reboots. Running "nixos-rebuild switch" again then complains about something different: "Read-only file system: '/boot/efi/nixos/<hash>-linux-4.4.52-bzImage.efi'". What do I do? :(
<hodapp> hm, if I need to fix something in a PR, should I just push another commit to the branch? or squash & rebase and do a new PR?
<samotarnik> MichaelRaskin: thanks, switching to nixos-unstable did something, gonna switch to cable now to see if it upgrades
<copumpkin> MichaelRaskin: I don't recall, sorry. I do think there's something about user permissions in there
<sphalerite> Could also serve it up via HTTP or something, that would avoid a bunch of rebuilding
<shanemikel> I'm just developing something, not packaging it.. But trying to Make my project (after running qmake), I get some strange linker messages: https://clbin.com/DvH8J
<hodapp> I see that python-mapnik simply includes mapnik as a dependency, so I'd have to figure out how to inject in python3 somehow... or something?


<johnramsden> For some reason my installer seems to be looking for *.py files but the files that are there have no extension. Do I just need to rename all the files? Why would this be happening on Nix? Has anyone have this occur before when packaging something?
<clever> kuznero: for the exact syntax, its something like this
<kuznero> btw, does anybody know if something was already done to get dotnet core into Nix?
<kuznero> MichaelRaskin, though I need to defined an override for it ;) typically I will do something like this: https://pastebin.com/NkZFP013 But that need to also reference custom package like systemPackages above.
<kuznero> MichaelRaskin: I see. Then I need to get back and figure out what is happening with those F# bits in ${mono}. Maybe I am missing something
<kuznero> MichaelRaskin: I am not sure about profile builder (I am still relatively new to Nix)... My understanding is that in the postInstall phase I can run something like `ln -s ${mono}/bin/fsharpc ${out}/bin/fsharpc`, right? THis will kind of give me what I need.
<shanemikel> Should I be doing something like `services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "mesa" "nvidia" ];`, or just append to the list?
<boxofrox> anyone using zsh as default shell on a remote server? when I ssh into my nixos 16.09 server, I get a bash shell (`zsh host 'echo $SHELL'`). in /etc/configuration.nix, i set `users.defaultShell = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/zsh";`, `environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.zsh ];`, and `programs.zsh.enable = true;`. did I miss something?
<dtzWill> well other than coordinating the revision used, offhand maybe it'd be simpler to use nixops or something and just build+push to all your machines at once
<kristoffer> I installed some texlive collection, maybe it was "basic" or "small". But then I got an error in latex about missing something like modern.sty
<infinisil> I see, I assume there's something like windowManager = { default = "xmonad"; xmonad.enable = true; } in your configuration.nix?
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe nix-env does something stupid here…
<MichaelRaskin> I guess we have a preference to have #! reference something in store (like stdenv.shell)
<copumpkin> and it's failing weirdly and I wasn't sure if we're doing something weird inside the VM with mounts
<mtetreault> MichaelRaskin: I have no idea, I just know that the fn key are usually working within debian, but they are not working under nixos. There is probably something to enable.
<Dezgeg> I have been waiting for xfs reflink support to get stable, that's something I wanna try
<gchristensen> or something like that, I copied it out of another file so it may not be perfectly correct
<ixxie> gchristensen: where do you put that substitution? I tried something like: let thing = pkgs.substituteAllInPlace script.sh in stdend.mkDerivation
<Mic92> I wonder why runit was chosen and not something modern like s6
<ryantrinkle> (perhaps it's something specific about my situation?)


<gchristensen> or something like it
<joepie91> dtzWill: good catch btw, thanks. this gives me something to go off :)
<dtzWill> joepie91: my stack strace is something like: error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, at /nix/store/npa53yinwy24hnrc4rr2xr3x40gb60mw-nixos-unstable.tar.gz:1:1
<MichaelRaskin> I think no, as long as the build prints something every ten minutes or so
<ambro718> how to build something in a custom set of packages as i686 on x86_64?
<praduca> I saw something strange when trying to install leksah
<copumpkin> returning something like /nix/store/1218437185972897189-config.h to cp in your case
<rob12234> it gives me: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a path, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:20:95
<copumpkin> rob12234: I might have messed something up above :)
<copumpkin> rob12234: oh also, I missed something
<copumpkin> so the safer way would be something like
<copumpkin> add something that looks like this to your config: nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { dwm = super.dwm.overrideAttrs (_: { postPatch = ''cp ${/path/to/my/config.h} ."; }); }) ];
<MichaelRaskin> Because I want to be able to eventually run something that can run out of memory in the context of the system management process
<MichaelRaskin> Details do take effort, but these usually go into something more VCS-friendly than a paper notepad
<MichaelRaskin> Well, I am using something similar in purpose
<MichaelRaskin> unlmtd[m]: if you want something even less practical (well, it does work somehow and I try to make it something useful for me), last lightning in the file http://european-lisp-symposium.org/static/2017/lt2.pdf
<sophiag> yeah it's given me the aptitude name for something
<ToxicFrog> Updating to 17.03 broke the permissions on all my letsencrypt certs or something