
<joko> azazel: you could use destDir
<joko> I have yet to "automate" NixOps deployments
<joko> NixOS has channels and machines could get updated automatically, even rebooted
<joko> NixOps is cool, but I still struggle using it
<joko> elvishjerricco: (off-topic) this is an awesome post, thanks for the inspiration!
<joko> I would have the sources in nix store directly and use requireFile afterwards
<joko> Guanin: I would not have written the Vivado derivation the way in nix-fpgapkgs
<joko> locallycompact: me, too! Try the arandr application
<joko> locallycompact: You could use arandr or a utility from the DE you're using


<joko> I suspect, you just need to enable the user service for the respective users and enable lingering
<joko> peti: nope, it works reliably here as a user service, but I start it manually
<joko> peti: syncthing already has a user unit, the tough one is as you said, how to start it on boot
<joko> ddellaco1: I'm not sure how one can install home-manager system-wide, why don't you try with the default instructions?
<joko> ?
<joko> ddellaco1: are you setting programs.home-manager.path (and enable) in your ~/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix
<joko> samueldr: you mean the lxd executable is in a container itself?
<joko> Maybe systemd is denying access to the /nix/store directory?
<joko> The command fails while in systemd service as follows: Error: basedir /nix/store/1hxayamd0s923f49c290ykqmawrvgahf-apparmor-profiles-2.12.0/etc/apparmor.d is not a directory, skipping.
<joko> While running the command in a nix-shell, it works
<joko> Anyone familiar with apparmor? One service (lxd) tries to run the following: apparmor_parser -I /nix/store/1hxayamd0s923f49c290ykqmawrvgahf-apparmor-profiles-2.12.0/etc/apparmor.d/ -b /nix/store/1hxayamd0s923f49c290ykqmawrvgahf-apparmor-profiles-2.12.0/etc/apparmor.d/ -rWL /var/lib/lxd/security/apparmor/cache /var/lib/lxd/security/apparmor/profiles/lxd-ipa and fails


<joko> betaboon: sth like nixos-option <custom>?
<joko> turion: I think you would need to re-install again
<joko> The nix package pulls it and it seems that its compilation is never ending
<joko> Hey, is anyone able to build aws-sdk-cpp in recent versions of the nixos-unstable-small channel?


<joko> __monty__: any other idea? The sh command is hardcoded and I don't wish to modify it
<joko> I typically use the PATH variable to expose the executables I want in typical scripts, is there a way to pass it on "sh -c command" invocations?
<joko> Another version of GHC?
<joko> Or you could run sth like nix-shell -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz -p haskell.compiler.ghc844
<joko> For 18.09 you will have to wait for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/48806
<joko> oldandwise: nix-shell -p haskell.compiler.ghc844 --run ghci works here (nixos-unstable)
<joko> I mean in the nixpkgs project
<joko> I get lots of 404 in github, has anyone else noticed anything similar?
<joko> teto: I think you have safely assume bash, but it's better to wait for others to say so, too


<joko> will *
<joko> Mic92, I would have a look, thanks
<joko> But it's bad work, lxd became dependent to beta stuff, dqlite and sqlite with replication (a patched one from Canonical)
<joko> Mic92: me, neither, I think it's a new feature
<joko> Mic92: nah, I'm even starting with deleted /var/lib/lxd, the db shouldn't be there?
<joko> Obviously I am not packing properly lxd with the custom sqlite
<joko> This is the log of starting lxd 3.0.2 that I have tried to package: https://ptpb.pw/77kW
<joko> interesting
<joko> Mic92: lxd init seems to fail
<joko> Mic92: roger, I would try my luck again with lxd
<joko> Mic92: well, I would like to fire up some Ubuntu containers for mainstream stuff until I port them to NixOS
<joko> I would start from lxd, even tried to update it to a more recent version, but it seems to require a distributed flavour of sqlite and might be harder to use it at this point
<joko> Mic92: speaking of your configuration, I got reminded of a setup of yours with LXC containers in nixos. Do you have any tutorial / guide I could look into?
<joko> Mic92: ok, thanks, I will have a look
<joko> I meant for inspiration :D
<joko> Mic92: I used to look around your configurations, but nowadays you've removed lots of stuff :D
<joko> Does anyone know if it is possible to define a network in systemd-networkd to be manually enabled? I would like to setup wireguard as a client and I would like to be able to manual enable it


<joko> EffSquared: srhb mentioned autogeneration
<joko> EffSquared: derivatives in general do not install systemd services globally, you have to expose them somehow
<joko> your package *
<joko> EffSquared: try to add your packages to systemd.packages
<joko> Is it possible that hydra evaluates stuff in another way than the one of nix repl?
<joko> clever: got it, thanks ;)
<joko> I am trying to use nix repl with a file and I get: error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value, even if I use the --argstr flag, any idea what's wrong?
<joko> Myrl-saki: this should be a nixos option and it is ok to keep it so, it marks how some services were initialised since you created your machine
<joko> clever: hello, I noticed in your hydra-configs repository, you have both nix and json files for each project. I thought that only a json file was necessary. Are you using the nix one just to generate the latter?


<joko> dongcarl: you could use the label attribute to mount by label, check https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#filesystems
<joko> Hey, is it possible to reset manually my nix channel cache? nixexprs.tar.xz seems to be cached


<joko> login to the container
<joko> mokasin: the easiest way would be to log in and set the unstable nixos channel
<joko> mokasin: I would suggest using unstable for everything on that container, it would be easier. Otherwise, check on how to use disabledModules
<joko> mokasin: no worries, glad to have helped you a little bit
<joko> So, if it was elsewhere enabled, it doesn't matter. If it wasn't, the nextcloud module enables the nginx one, too
<joko> mokasin: no, it enables it for you, check L376
<joko> So, if you want the configuration inside the mkIf block, you have to set it so
<joko> Because line 374 says cfg.nginx.enable and cfg is config.services.nextcloud
<joko> (inside services.nextcloud = {};)
<joko> So try to add nginx.enable = true; and see if it works
<joko> And mkEnableOption sets an option to false by default
<joko> The trouble is that nginx.enable = mkEnableOption "nginx vhost management";
<joko> if cfg.nginx.enable is set to true
<joko> nginx seems to get enabled at line 374
<joko> mokasin: that's the case indeed
<joko> This is the module that you have enabled
<joko> mokasin: no worries, we all have to start from somewhere :D
<joko> also, what's the reported error
<joko> mokasin: could you share some of the configuration?
<joko> mokasin: no. I think the containers share /nix/store with the host, but apart from that it is a different system


<joko> Hey, could anyone help me with a config evaluation? My Hydra started skipping some package jobs and I can't find why


<joko> right, right
<joko> srhb: are any of those scripts publically available? :D
<joko> srhb: so you update revisions and hashes every time?
<joko> And this is not for the nixos channel, I would like to have additional ones
<joko> srhb: the drawback with pinning is that I need to update the hash of the channel, I would like the update process to be more flexible
<joko> srhb: I meant to declare them in nixos configuration instead of running nix-channel --add
<joko> :S
<joko> eeem, meant declaratively
<joko> Hey, is it possible to add nix channels in nixos?


<joko> infinisil: and append the script from the file, got it, thanks
<joko> infinisil: I meant that the script runs external tools, e.g. curl and jq
<joko> Is there anything like writeScriptBin that also sets a path, so that I don't have to modify the script?
<joko> hyper_ch2: sysctl -n net.ipv4.ip_forward ?


<joko> steveeJ: yes
<joko> steveeJ: I'm getting "Failed to start transient service unit: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1"
<joko> clever: do you recommend patching Hydra on 18.09 with any of your patches of https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/pull/597 ?


<joko> So in the respective submodule, { "8139TOO_PIO" = lib.mkForce yes; }
<joko> teto: can't you use lib.mkForce in yes?


<joko> Hey, any news on releasing 18.09?


<joko> Hello, I was wondering if wine 32-bit installations in nix are properly linked with external libraries such as winbind


<joko> I must automate this :/
<joko> clever: you were right. I have forgotten to move the new nixexprs to the HTTPS server and fired up nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade, so it was cached indeed
<joko> I mean 5-10 minutes
<joko> clever: just did
<joko> clever: strange, the expressions are not getting downloaded: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/qnDa3FX3?nix
<joko> It was working before :S
<joko> clever: no, I move nixexprs.tar.xz manually
<joko> symphorien: yes, I have tried both with sudo nix-channel --update and sudo -i
<joko> clever: over HTTPS, it seems to be downloadable
<joko> nix-channel --update seems not to download the channel at all
<joko> Hello, it appears I am unable to update the nixos channel on my PC (custom channel based on nixos-unstable-small), any ideas what could be wrong?


<joko> If I add a new machine in nixops, should I perform nixops modify?
<joko> clever: indeed, that would be my next comment
<joko> ixxie: swap is optional and you could use a zvol for it unless you want suspend to disk
<joko> tobiasBora: have you tried with "nix search -u firefox" first?
<joko> clever: ah thanks
<joko> (I have searched them, but cannot find them in man nix.conf)
<joko> clever: are these options documented somewhere?
<joko> Why do we normally remove the size of /nix/store on garbage collection's --max-freed option?


<joko> LOL
<joko> clever: quite convenient, I see
<joko> clever: I also have an old Sound Blaster headset with USB connection, but I think it is not emulating a USB keyboard
<joko> I tend to agree with clever, the most possible cause for me would be pulseaudio
<joko> One thing I can think of is rfkill, check if bluetooth gets blocked and the other is pulseaudio (of course). Lately I have to kill the latter at startup, so that it works properly
<joko> And you're both experiencing this with headsets?
<joko> elvishjerricco: are you using wi-fi?
<joko> elvishjerricco: what's the issue?


<joko> ?
<joko> adamantium: could you post your /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<joko> adamantium: have you updated /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix to import your files? Have you copied them to /mnt/etc/nixos?
<joko> clever: fair enough :D
<joko> Hey, is there a way to make "nix build" output the building phase?


<joko> Hey, is there any workaround in order to maintain multiple entries in the boot loader with different kernelParams per nixos-rebuild?


<joko> sphalerite: good call, it seems to be working now
<joko> sphalerite: no sound, pavucontrol shows only "Establishing connection to PulseAudio. Please wait...", although I can see a "pulseaudio --start" process from my user
<joko> Hey, is anyone using Pulseaudio? It seems it's not working anymore for me on latest nixos-unstable-small


<joko> samueldr: regarding this, I already have issues with pcmanfm, are you aware of any workaround?
<joko> Hello, is anyone using pcmanfm? If so, how are you dealing with MIME types? Dolphin finds the file associations, but pcmanfm does not


<joko> E.g. on my Hydra instance I have builders in NixOS 18.03 which are building nixos-unstable packages and configurations
<joko> It is fully declarative
<joko> Thra11: I think so, too
<joko> d1rewolf: as gchristensen said... Think of this as apt-get update && apt-get upgrade or pacman -Sy && pacman -Su (or sth like that, I don't remember anymore)
<joko> d1rewolf: the latter


<joko> Hey, is anyone using pcmanfm? I have trouble using default applications, it appears MIME types are not working


<joko> joepie91: I am reading lib/modules.nix of nixpkgs, but I am not sure if there is a merging strategy which removes attributes that are set by other files
<joko> infinisil: so, I'm trying networking.hosts = builtins.removeAttrs config.networking.hosts [ "x.x.x.x" ]; and I am obviously getting "infinite recursion encountered"
<joko> Hey, is it possible to remove an attribute from a set? E.g. I have somewhere a nix file that I import and I want to remove an attribute from there


<joko> LnL, ah, I see, the hydra user already has the key
<joko> LnL: Really? How so? I want to build it in Hydra
<joko> LnL: I know, I remember doing something similar in the past, but I am at work and I don't have my notes. If I recall correctly, I had to add an expression to Nix path, so that the builders get the key. But even then, there were issues with the file ownership and permissions and I don't remember anymore how to deal with them. Set a specific number of builders? I don't remember...
<joko> Hello, could anyone explain to me how using a private SSH key works on fetchgitPrivate and Hydra? I have noticed this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/4004 , but it unclear how the key should now be used


<joko> infinisil: you're right, I thought that was the case for string type only, thanks
<joko> Hello, is it possible to make a list overridable in NixOS configuration? E.g. I have multiple files setting the same list attribute and in the end I want the list attribute to have all the elements concatenated


<joko> It works for me
<joko> Title is a bit outdated
<joko> manveru: for ff 60 look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/40006
<joko> Even use git-crypt for added security
<joko> But what about the state? Since it's a private repo, you could include the state, too
<joko> infinisil: you just set it once and then you don't have to use it
<joko> Without it I was getting kernel panics
<joko> I think gchristensen mentioned it here sometime ago
<joko> The other thing missing was initrd=initrd as kernel boot argument
<joko> I will do so tomorrow, it's in my work and I don't have remote access
<joko> But couldn't make it with dhcpcd
<joko> which works
<joko> clever: ok, I think the issue is with dhcpcd, I have a similar system with dnsmasq
<joko> Why partially, is anything missing?
<joko> clever: I noticed on your nixos config repo that your netboot server supports now partially uefi
<joko> clever: any comment on the partial uefi support thingy?
<joko> yorick: it works here, you could use Symbola :D
<joko> clever: just saw partial uefi support on your netboot setup, care to mention what's missing?


<joko> nick_l: about to do so, is there anyone else?
<joko> so no nix command available
<joko> jcrben: I'm on 1.11.16
<joko> nick_l: I have an old install using the curl command
<joko> What would be the best way of upgrading nix in mac os?


<joko> I get it now, you want to connect via SSH and use a GPG key from there
<joko> elvishjerricco: that is correct, but I rarely leave X's tty
<joko> elvishjerricco: what do you mean? E.g. if I press Ctrl+Alt+F2?
<joko> The only problem I have with my Yubikey is after suspend, I have to eject it and re-plug it in so that it works
<joko> https://git.joko.gr/joko/etc-nixos/src/master/modules/x11.nix#L71 have a look on my displayManager.sessionCommands
<joko> gpg-agent caches properly for me, too


<joko> infinisil: It must be, yes. My workaround was to set GIO_EXTRA_MODULES = "${pkgs.gvfs}/lib/gio/modules"; in home.sessionVariables (I really like home-manager)
<joko> dbus, polkit, anything else?
<joko> Any idea what could be wrong?
<joko> So, what I am trying to do for today is to get pcmanfm working with smb share browsing over my xmonad environment. I have installed pcmanfm and gvfs as user packages, but pcmanfm still complains about "operation not supported" whenever I type an smb:// address
<joko> infinisil: thanks for the tip!
<joko> It was the glib one
<joko> Any idea which package contains the gio command?


<joko> foobarok_: You could try setting "-Wno-error" and see if it passes
<joko> Anyone using pcmanfm or thunar with cifs shares? I am wondering how to make this work. I thought that just adding gvfs would make it work, but nothing so far: pcmanfm says "operation not supported" if I type "smb://myshare"
<joko> foobarok: well, don't you have any logs to show?


<joko> dx_: yes
<joko> sir_guy_carleton: I agree with goibhniu


<joko> betaboon: oh, you do not have declarative containers, you just run "sudo nixos-container create foo"?
<joko> betaboon: are you using privateNetwork, hostAddress and localAddress?
<joko> betaboon: I launched one with Postgres two weeks ago and it was working fine, really simple stuff though
<joko> adisbladis: Thanks for the tip, I will try it
<joko> srhb: I guess you're right, I was just hoping to make a more informative error. I will leave it as an evaluation one
<joko> zybell_: that's right... The assertion is not happening, I get an evaluation error
<joko> srhb: I have settings.json on the filesystem, I convert it to an attribute set and I need to test that it contains all the necessary attributes before feeding them to NixOS configuration
<joko> Hello, I am trying to parse some attributes from a JSON file to feed them on a NixOS expression. In order to be sure that the JSON contains the ones I want, I made some assertions, e.g. "builtins.hasAttrs setting1 settings", but nixos-rebuild switch moves forward to point out the error in the expression later on. Isn't it possible to make the assertions earlier on to give a better message?


<joko> anyway, off to sleep, nn everyone
<joko> ndrei: it did, at least nix build: error: undefined variable 'wsta' at /home/joko/tmp/nixos-config/packages.nix:16:5
<joko> ndrei: it's not nixpkgs.config.overlays, it's nixpkgs.overlays xD
<joko> a lot :D
<joko> ndrei: could you share your hardware-configuration.nix?
<joko> ndrei: I am, I was trying to create your system
<joko> ndrei: stdenv.mkDerivation should also be super.stdenv.mkDerivation
<joko> guessed *
<joko> ndrei: you guest it right, it's not a plain dir, it's an expression
<joko> ndrei: for the <nixpkgs-overlays> to work you would need to define it manually on your NIX_PATH
<joko> ndrei: next, use nixpkgs.config.overlays = [(import ./nixpkgs-overlays)];
<joko> ndrei: you are missing {}
<joko> ndrei: could you paste your configuration somewhere?
<joko> LnL: I wasn't either, until Nix in Hydra became too pure to handle some hacks I was relying on :D
<joko> LnL: I think that would solve it https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/pull/552
<joko> Akii_Work: nix-channel --list will show you the channels you have as user
<joko> I am using git submodules in one project, indeed
<joko> LnL: ah /nix/store/s4ymjifk68q5pm01f8965rcn0g28wjvm-hydra-2017-11-21/bin/.nix-prefetch-git-wrapped: line 160: cd: too many arguments
<joko> Akii_Work: you mention NixOS, so you have added the nixos-unstable channel, not the nixpkgs one, right?
<joko> LnL: yes
<joko> Any way to clean up the git repositories in hydra? I am getting an error (command `nix-prefetch-git /var/lib/hydra/scm/git/8bcf562ad1ea5cd3d7316c2cbd3607b2682c0f370f573aea174914af08dfd0d7 3d15af3724991dda15a2b1238ab9a9072d3c028a' failed with exit status 256 at /nix/store/s4ymjifk68q5pm01f8965rcn0g28wjvm-hydra-2017-11-21/libexec/hydra/lib/Hydra/Helper/Nix.pm line 428.) and "Clear VCS caches" is not fixing it


<joko> sphalerite: nothing happens here, too... g2g though


<joko> fearlessKim[m]: the files could get corrupted / not properly saved, but this is to be expected since you did such a big system change.


<joko> ixxie: are there hooks in hydra when a build is finished and successful? That could be a starting point
<joko> I have migrated to nixops and was wondering how I could automate the system update process
<joko> Hello, I was wondering if anyone is using Hydra like Jenkins (not building packages and testing VMs) and how so


<joko> samueldr: got it, thanks... tilpner: I was using the filter :/
<joko> tilpner: let's say that I am searching for my own messages, I add "joko" to the filter and it filters the currectly selected date. Any way to search for "joko" in 2018?
<joko> tilpner: Any way to remove date from search?
<joko> Guys, do you know how to search botbot.me? I can't find any search button :S
<joko> This is when I decided to split my packages to user ones, too, the system closure was giant
<joko> clever: I think I had experienced that bug :D
<joko> Ah, right, host store, too
<joko> clever: what would be the rest 10%? Bootloader installation?
<joko> I need to start complying to Nix 2.0 :D
<joko> clever: ah, right, just saw it at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/34636
<joko> Did the --chroot flag of nixos-install got erased?
<joko> michaelpj: many thanks!
<joko> The thing is I was expecting some kind of a limit
<joko> boomshroom: I see, thanks
<joko> nix build does not accept a -j flag anymore?



<joko> Dezgeg[m]: thanks!
<joko> Hello, since qt-webengine builds fine now, could anyone have a look and merge https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/35571 ?


<joko> symphorien LnL: thanks, it seems to be working!
<joko> Hello, is it possible to run nix-shell using sudo -u other_user? I get error: Nix database directory ‘/nix/var/nix/db’ is not writable: Permission denied


<joko> Mic92: in any way, I need to set my IRC client, I am losing messages if I don't have the IRC window active :D
<joko> Is weechat that good? I am using irssi, but I admit I have barely have it set up


<joko> infinisil: are you on nixos-unstable?
<joko> infinisil: This might be related to this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/35884
<joko> fearlessKim[m]: overriding extraConfig works as intended, though
<joko> fearlessKim[m]: The nixpkgs version was getting pulled
<joko> clever: I would prefer to avoid getting a new nixpkgs tree to keep disk space low, any other way?
<joko> I have tried with pkgs.linux_4_9.override { version = ...; src = ...;}, but no luck
<joko> Hello, could anyone help me override the kernel version on a system with old nixpkgs?


<joko> infinisil: it worked as you said, thanks :D
<joko> Hey, I would like to use a file inside a derivation as a environment.etc.<name?>.source, any example on that?


<joko> It may seem ugly, though :D
<joko> nioncode: wrap one with parantheses, e.g. (package.override { ... }).overrideAttrs( ... );
<joko> nioncode: use package.overrideAttrs and inside there sth like cmakeFlags = oldAttrs.cmakeFlags ++ [ "newflag" ];


<joko> mfiano: where do you have polybar in your configuration?
<joko> clever: thanks, that solved it!
<joko> Any suggestion what to do if nixos-install from a livecd fails due to space?
<joko> i-am-the-slime: I am using xmonad on a dual monitor setup in office


<joko> clever: fixed it, I must be tired
<joko> clever: facepalm
<joko> clever: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/9HquOzXM?nix <- any clue why this is not working then?
<joko> clever: system.extraDependencies requires packages, so I cannot use it for a toplevel system attribute, do you have any idea how to use it?
<joko> Is it possible to get the packages of a system derivation retrieved by eval-config.nix?


<joko> gchristensen: merci
<joko> I have a shell script in a Nix string which uses ${var}, is it possible that Nix does not try to parse var as a Nix variable?
<joko> clever: LOL, my bad
<joko> clever: commands such as uname still cannot be found if I add coreutils into buildInputs
<joko> clever: and avoid setting sourceRoot?
<joko> clever: you're a wizard! it worked!
<joko> alright, I'll patch it manually then
<joko> I did it on purpose, so that I can chmod it to executable
<joko> should I patch it manually?
<joko> clever: exactly
<joko> Sure, just a sec
<joko> clever: I've used sourceRoot = "." and a custom unpackCmd, should I leave those ones? The problem is that the file must be executable
<joko> clever: oops, no
<joko> (I am trying to package racadm from Dell)
<joko> The source is the file directly, it's a "binary" one
<joko> --- a/SINGLEFILE and +++ b/SINGLEFILE
<joko> clever: diff --git ... and index ...