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<judson> I thought I had, but I guess not. Now crashes during configure, which is what I remember of trying to build ruby :/
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 2 commits to master:
<judson> I assume fetchFromGithub hashes its input and attempts the fetch first?
<clever> judson: it takes the sha256 you give it, computes what the output path is, and then check the cache for a pre-made copy
<clever> and if you reused the hash of another derivation, it gives you that other source
<judson> It also explains why my patches weren't working...
<clever> ,tofu
<{^_^}> To get a sha256 hash of a new source, you can use the Trust On First Use model: use probably-wrong hash (for example: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) then replace it with the correct hash Nix expected.
<judson> It wasn't the hash of a derivation I expected, but I'd borked by prefetch
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48166 → pythonPackages.facebook-sdk: 0.3.0 -> 3.0.0 refactor move to python-modules →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
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<gchristensen> I'm getting out of memory errors adding a big file to the store with Nix 2.1.1. is there a workaround?
<aleph-> clever: So question, if I define each of the .nix files as such then how would I import it as such into my config.nix? Trying to do your - let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in import ./common.nix pkgs doesn't work since common.nix now returns a list
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<aleph-> Which makes sense.
<clever> aleph-: it would be better to accept pkgs as an argument with `pkgs:` or `{ pkgs }:`
<aleph-> Wait
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<clever> aleph-: re-importing a new copy of nixpkgs in each file will harm performance
<aleph-> Okay, so the better way would be to have each file be like pkgs: with pkgs; [] and then just import them all into a central file to be instantiated with?
<clever> yeah
<aleph-> Okay so how would that work with stuff like python packages? Doing the later with python36Packages.requests in the list fails out with it not being a derivation, where as if I import <nixpkgs> works fine.
<aleph-> I'm assuming it's due to me not importing and having it in scope?
<clever> aleph-: can you pastebin the exact contents that failed when you did python36Packages.requests ?
<aleph-> Sure, one sec.
<aleph-> pkgs: with pkgs; [micro python36Packages.requests python36Packages.beautifulsoup ]
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @costrouc opened pull request #48187 → pythonPackages.atsim_potentials: init at 0.2.1 →
<clever> aleph-: and the file that loads this did what?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »:
<aleph-> I retract this question, I was calling the wrong file with nix-env
* aleph- sighs
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<aleph-> clever: So last question for now I think, importing two files into packages.nix and when I nix-env -if it, I get the following error.
<aleph-> Error: error: syntax error, unexpected ID, expecting '{', at /etc/nixos/package.nix:2:5
<clever> a nix file must have a single value at the top level
<clever> you have 2 values
<clever> having syntax highlighting also makes it obvious its not valid
<clever> first thing, i would merge them into a single let block...
<clever> gist updated
<clever> now you need to decide what to do with common and python, if they are both lists, you could: in common ++ python
<aleph-> Ah, that makes more sense.
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 3 hours ago, history:
<aleph-> clever: Now it'd be better to just place the contents of that gist under users.users.aleph.packages {} right?
<clever> aleph-: you can also put it into a let block at the top of that file
<aleph-> Rather then try nesting it in package.nix and importing it into users.users.aleph.packages {}
<clever> { pkgs, config }: let common = ...; python = ...; both = common ++ python; in { ... users.users.aleph.packages = both; ... }
<clever> any time you can have a value, you can also have a `let key=value; in value`
<aleph-> Gotcha... boy. For some reason this is gonna take a while to grok fully.
<gchristensen> I think you're both over- and under- estimating Nix at the same time
<aleph-> I probably am, probably just need to sleep on it.
<gchristensen> it isn't so complicted, the language itself is quite simple
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @iwinux opened pull request #48188 → httping: add libintl to buildInputs on Darwin →
<drakonis> aleph-: oh hi
<aleph-> clever: So that {pkgs, config }: block, would I place that in config.nix? Because it errors out due to all the ...
<aleph-> Heya drakonis
<clever> aleph-: that was more of a configuration.nix example
<aleph-> Ahhhh
<drakonis> i have the nixos bug again
<drakonis> fedora is making me too comfortable
<aleph-> So I would just do common = import ./common.nix pkgs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl closed pull request #48184 → gfortran: don't enable Objective-C{,++} on darwin →
<drakonis> is nix-assimilate ready yet?
<clever> drakonis: kexec + justdoit is also an option
<drakonis> i'm not looking into paving over the fedora install and risk accidentally having a dumb while backing up files
<clever> ah, then justdoit wont be of direct use
<drakonis> i lost a few years of logs because i did a dumb while moving them out of the root
<drakonis> kexec?
<clever> kexec lets you just boot a given kernel+initrd, without having to shutdown or mess with any bootloader stuff
<drakonis> ah i see
<drakonis> that's neat
<clever> in this example session, i build a tarball containing a bash script, kexectools, and a kernel+initrd
<clever> then i scp the tar up to a victim machine, unpack it to / and run the bash script
<clever> the machine is now running nixos, from a ramdisk, and the previous os has essentialy had an improper shutdown
<clever> you can then do whatever nixos things you want from there
<drakonis> before i forget, fedora defaults to lvm
<drakonis> and i'm not exactly sure how to enable lvm on nixos
<clever> lvm is enabled automatically in the initrd
<clever> i dont think it has an off button
<drakonis> nah i mean like, i have to set up the partitioning
<drakonis> ah wait, that's automatically generated, right?
<drakonis> so it should pick up the lvm setup without any trouble
<clever> if you want to use lvm for your install, you will need to run lvcreate, and then mount the nixos rootfs to /mnt, and also mount your chosen boot partition to /mnt/boot
<clever> then just continue with the normal install directions from the manual
<drakonis> fair enough, i already have it from fedora
<clever> keep in mind that nixos will probably overwrite the fedora bootloader, and you would need to add a boot option to boot it again
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<drakonis> clever: justdoit paves block devices so i can't fire it into my hard drive as it also has windows in it
<drakonis> maybe if i order a new hard drive :V?
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<clever> drakonis: yeah, you would want to avoid justdoit in that case, and just drive it manually, normal lvcreate/fdisk/mount/nixos-install
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* clever heads off to bed
<drakonis> aight, peace.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse opened pull request #48189 → redmine: refactor, cleanup, bug fix, and add functionality →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @costrouc opened pull request #48190 → pythonPackages.scikit-bio: init at 0.5.4 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @f--t opened pull request #48191 → julia: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 →
<sevanspowell> Hey, anyone got any experience creating static Haskell binaries?
<sevanspowell> I'm trying to statically link a project, but getting linker errors.
<sevanspowell> These are my nix files and errors:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @costrouc opened pull request #48192 → pythonPackages.filterpy: init at 1.4.5 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @brendan-hall opened pull request #48193 → now-cli: init at 11.4.6 →
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<aleph-> Question, can I set home manager to be run on a first install in my config.nix?
<elvishjerricco> aleph-: home-manager has a NixOS module, so that home-manager is activated whenever your NixOS config is activated. Makes sure it gets activated on first boot, before you ever get to log in
<aleph-> Awesome, that makes this easier then mucking around with users.extraUsers.pkgs
<aleph-> elvishjerricco: Link to any docs on doing so?
<aleph-> Google is being sparse.
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<elvishjerricco> aleph-: Just put `imports = [ home-manager/nixos/default.nix ];` in your nixos config, and wrap your home manager config in `home-manager.users.<user>` within your nixos config.
<aleph-> Gotcha.
<aleph-> I think,
<aleph-> I'll do some more reading and experimenting first.
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<aleph-> Is there an actual manual for home-manager out of curiosity? All I've found seems to be an appendice listing options.
<drakonis> this i suppose?
<drakonis> its not much
<drakonis> needs an actual manual though, because the only available documentation is reading the modules
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<aleph-> Yep it does, badly.
<aleph-> Or at least a small tutorial.
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<sevanspowell> Seems is down.
<gchristensen> seems up from here, how did you determine that?
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<sevanspowell> I know nothing about these things but it seems to be a DNS problem, it could be something internal to the company I'm working at.
<Ralith> works for me
<teto> aleph: the whole doc is `man home-configuration.nix`
<sevanspowell> It's likely working because of cache
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.09-small advanced to (from 4 hours ago, history:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg opened pull request #48195 → iio-sensor-proxy: 2.4 -> 2.5 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg opened pull request #48196 → okteta: 0.25.3 -> 0.25.4 →
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to (from 4 hours ago, history:
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<aleph-> So to run home-manager via config.nix I want to add "${builtins.fetchGit { url=""; ref="master"; }}/nixos" to imports []; and then set home-manager.users.USER = import ./home.nix; right?
<kalbasit[m]> aleph-: yes
<kalbasit[m]> sounds about right
<ekleog> aleph-: you may want to pin the ref to a specific commit and specify a sha256
<ekleog> otherwise you'll need internet to rebuild, which is painful
<aleph-> Noted, seems I need to increase swap since the daemon keeps running out
<ekleog> for swap, I heavily recommend zramSwap = { enable = true; numDevice = [number of cores]; memoryPercent = [your pick]; }
* ekleog discovered recently and it's great
<aleph-> Noted. just doing this on a cheap vps before I move it over to my main laptop
<emily> makes more sense to use zswap for swap than zram
<emily> (zswap.enabled=1 on kernel commandline, dunno if there's a nixos toggle for it)
<ekleog> I don't need physical-disk swap, so don't see the point of zswap
<ekleog> actually I've grown heavily biased against physical-disk swap, having computer freezing during half an hour because xorg got physically swapped led to me having no swap at all for like 2 years, until I discovered zram
<emily> how much ram do you have?
<ekleog> current computer is 8G
<emily> heh
<emily> I need plenty of swap even with 16 gigs of ram
* aleph- has 32
<ekleog> wat u doin
<emily> using a web browser :(
<aleph-> ...
<emily> okay, using a web browser a lot
<ekleog> I actually discovered zram because I had rustc compilation OOM on 8G, and linux needed some swap space to defrag memory allocations
<ekleog> having the zramSwap settings with memoryPercent = 80 (didn't test any other value) led to me being able to compile rustc while having thunderbird, firefox and intellij ( :( ) running
<ekleog> and with only minor freezes (like < 15s), compared to swapping to physical disk
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<aleph-> Cool, so question if I have a home.nix as such:
<aleph-> How would I split out the package section into a packages.nix and just import it in
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
<ekleog> import ./packages.nix pkgs; and in packages.nix have pkgs: with pkgs; [ ... ] ; potentially
<aleph-> Cool, let me test
<ekleog> then there are a huge number of ways of doing it, nix is a language you can use in many ways :)
<ekleog> (btw, please don't use, it's infested with ads and isn't nice to look at))
<aleph-> Aye
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<aleph-> How would I do the union of two lists?
<kalbasit[m]> aleph-: `[ ... ] ++ [ ... ]`
<aleph-> Gotcha
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<kalbasit[m]> fyi, for sets it's `{ ... } // { ... }`
<aleph-> Yep, if I'm importing two .nix files with packages a la = import ./packages.nix pkgs;
<aleph-> What would be the easiest way to then union the two imports?
<aleph-> Set them to a variavle and them union them together?
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<ekleog> (import ./packages.nix pkgs) ++ (import ./graphics.nix pkgs) ?
<aleph-> Forgot about the ()
<ekleog> (import ./packages.nix) is really just a function that takes as argument `pkgs` and returns a list of packages taken from `pkgs`, so you can then call it / combine it like any other function :)
<aleph-> Yep and that works.
<ekleog> (well, to be precise import ./foo.nix is really “copy-paste foo.nix between parenthesis here”)
<ekleog> :)
<aleph-> Now I just need to have it grab my configs from git
<aleph-> ekleog: For other config types, say git, I could do - home.git = (import ./git.nix config)?
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<ekleog> you can
<lostman> hi folks. I want to setup Hydra in such way that my buildsets can access docker. Not sure how to do it though. Is it possible?
<ekleog> aleph-: though usually one splits the configuration across modules
<ekleog> with imports = [ ./file.nix ];
<ekleog> using import directly can be useful in some circumstances, but is rarely done in practice
<ekleog> (then I'm not sure this applies to home-manager, but ISTR it uses the same module system as nixos, so it should)
<ekleog> lostman: hydra builds are by designed sandboxed. So you'll need to either turn off the sandbox (and likely have security vulnerabilities accessible from people who can trigger builds on your hydra) or run the docker daemon inside the build
<lostman> how do I run docker daemon inside the build?
<aleph-> Gotcha, thanks.
<ekleog> lostman: I don't know, sorry… if docker requires root you likely can't anyway unless you spawn a full VM inside the build
<lostman> ekleog: I suppose turning off sandbox is also fine. it's a private build server. would it be then ok to simply change the permissions of docker socket to be accessible by all nix users?
<ekleog> (then, I must say I don't really see the point of running docker inside a nix build as nix already provides reproducibility and an isolation likely better than what docker does, but I guess you have your reasons)
<ekleog> lostman: you'd need to 1. disable pure-eval and sandbox in hydra, 2. make docker socket accessible by nix users
<ekleog> I'm not really sure about how to do any of those, not having deployed a hydra myself
<lostman> I see. I'll have to look into it a bit more
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<worldofpeace> How can one mark a package broken on aarch64-linux ?
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<etu> worldofpeace: broken = stdenv.isAarch64;
<worldofpeace> etu: Thanks :)
<aleph-> And now it's broken. Bollocks
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<aleph-> Meh this can wait till tommorow.
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<siers> in this file, when I change minorVersion, but not the hash it still starts building, but not when it to another wrong hash. Isn't that very weird?
<srhb> siers: No, it isn't, but it's a huge gotcha
<srhb> siers: When nix sees that a fixed-output-derivation is already in the store, it does nothing.
<siers> ah
<srhb> siers: Consider the opposite case: Everything would always have to be downloaded to verify that the hash matches
<srhb> siers: Building would take aeons.
<srhb> _every_ time. :-)
<siers> or just factor in the sha256 to calculate the derivation hash?
<srhb> That sort of mangles the idea of a fixed-output-derivation
<srhb> (Consider that we can change the url to point to any other mirror without changing the hash of every dependent)
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<srhb> FODs are about being morally pure too, after all. "I know the hash in advance, therefore fetching is morally pure."
<siers> But the sha256 doesn't change when you change the URL, does it?
<srhb> Not on a fixed-output-derivation. The hash is the sha256. Maybe I misunderstood your question?
<srhb> But how can you know the hash in advance if the hash depends on the hash.
<siers> the /nix/store path hash
<srhb> siers: It already does. name and sha256.
<srhb> (That's how it knows where to check whether it's already there)
<siers> srhb, so when I changed the minorVersion the name must've stayed the same?
<srhb> siers: Yeah :)
* siers built the latest lilypond \o/ woo
<siers> still has a bug
<siers> srhb, does the name come from derivation's name?
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<hyper_ch2> hmmm, having issues with bridged networking on nixos.... on my office server pre-18.03 unstable, I use systemd to crate the bridge and it all works fine... now I've upgraded to 19.03 unstable and when I boot into it, the kvm VMs work properly (meaning they get their network addresses fine and all works) but the host system can't access anything (ping not working etc.) except for the router
<hyper_ch2> that's the configuration I use:
<hyper_ch2> here a bit prettier
<joko> hyper_ch2: sysctl -n net.ipv4.ip_forward ?
<hyper_ch2> the strange thing is, while I can't ping anything except the router (neither bei IP nor domain name), the DNS still resolved (probably because the router is set as dns resolver)
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<srhb> siers: Yes. And different fetchers produce different names
<hyper_ch2> joko: booted back into the old pre-18.03 unstable and it returns "1"
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<hyper_ch2> and as said, if I boot into latest nixos unstable, the VMs still work fine, they do get their ips and can reach everything and be reachable... only the host can access the router and nothing else
<srhb> siers: So you'll cause a refetch if the file name changes indeed, and a new store path will be created for each combination (name, sha256) but since you're fetching 0k2jy7z58j62c5cv1308ac62d6jri17wip76xrbq8s6jq6jl7phd each time, the actual contents won't change.
<srhb> siers: (Slightly different surprise) :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg merged pull request #48196 → okteta: 0.25.3 -> 0.25.4 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.09 advanced to (from 20 hours ago, history:
<srhb> siers: So a) store path already exist, b) hosts that sha256 as
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @teto opened pull request #48198 → rfc-bibtex: init at 2.2.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48168 → prooftree: cleaning →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
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<manveru> would anyone please merge ?
<{^_^}> #47389 (by manveru, 2 weeks ago, open): ejson: init at 1.2.0
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<YellowOnion_> is there something like base-devel from Arch in NixOS?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #47389 → ejson: init at 1.2.0 →
<goibhniu> YellowOnion_: I wonder if you're looking for stdenv
<symphorien> YellowOnion_: for most compilation related tasks, you don't instll anything, only use nix-shell
<manveru> infinisil: thanks :D
<infinisil> :)
<YellowOnion_> symphorien, I'm trying to setup a Haskell dev environment and I'm using stack to build some tools for spacemacs, I guess maybe there's another way to do this.
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<symphorien> I don't know any haskell specific things. what is the exact error you encounter ?
<YellowOnion_> I got gcc is missing, then ar is missing, I assume I'm gonna need a lot more of the dev stuff.
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<YellowOnion_> maybe the haskell packages exist in nixpkgs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @obadz merged pull request #48002 → cups-googlecloudprint: init at 20160502 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @obadz pushed to master « cups-googlecloudprint: init at 20160502 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #48103 → kubernetes: 1.12.0 -> 1.12.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to master:
<symphorien> then: develop inside nix-shell -p stdenv
<symphorien> stdenv is for base stuff (gcc, binutils etc.)
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<YellowOnion_> Ahh okay.
<symphorien> if you need some other lib, like sqlite, add it to the arguments: nix-shell -p sqlite libfoo libbar
<symphorien> (stdenv is not implicit, but I think -p needs at least one argument)
<symphorien> s/not//
<symphorien> ,library YellowOnion_
<{^_^}> YellowOnion_: Don't install libraries through nix-env or systemPackages, use nix-shell instead. See for details.
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<srhb> YellowOnion_: Have you read the user guide to the haskell infrastructure in the nix manual?
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<srhb> YellowOnion_: Working with stack might be difficult, but working without it is extremely flexible and productive.
<YellowOnion_> srhb, ahh true, I'm just familiar with it.
<hyper_ch2> hmmmm, samba fails to start now also... I have no idea why... neither journalctl nor the logs in /var/log/samba/ tell me somehting
<srhb> YellowOnion_: I know people that do use stack with nix, but that generally means giving up most of the nix stuff and letting stack build everything, which means no binary caches etc.
<srhb> YellowOnion_: I have little experience with it.
<ekleog> stack --nix kind of works
<srhb> \emph{kind of}
<ekleog> but yeah, it's letting stack handle all the things
<ekleog> well, it's been enough for me to build hledger, but not enough to build the test suite (but it seems the test suite was broken when I tried anyway, so not sure it's stack's fault)
<ekleog> I mean, stack without --nix doesn't even find ghc, so… ^^'
<srhb> I think on NixOS you can't even unselect --nix
<ekleog> oh a few months ago you could
<srhb> Oh..
<srhb> I may be wrong. I don't use stack really. :)
<manveru> anyone know what "Can't locate in @INC" means when trying to clone a repo with git?
* ekleog had a time of dismay when it didn't find ghc before finding about --nix
<ekleog> well, I don't really do haskell dev, but had to try this patch to send to hledger, so went with hledger's build system :°
<srhb> manveru: The perl bindings for Git aren't found, I assume.
<YellowOnion_> Thanks for your help guys.
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<infinisil> Yeah, I'll recommend using cabal over stack
<infinisil> Have used stack in the past and it was a pain for multiple reasons
<manveru> srhb: it doesn't even work with gitFull :|
* ekleog thinks the haskell build systems are one of the few that managed to be worse than the C build systems
<srhb> manveru: Is in there?
<infinisil> ekleog: How so? I quiet like it
<manveru> srhb: /nix/store/9gv8d1866f3xhr9d5p3zmp25xicic8rg-git-2.19.1/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.28.0/
<srhb> Same. It's really good compared to other ecosystems..
<manveru> that's on master
<ekleog> if it's about cabal, I don't really know about it, but stack appears to require specifying dependencies multiple times
<srhb> manveru: Hum. I guess some specific shenanigans are needed to tell perl about the existence of that path.
<manveru> i can try adding it to the perl path
<ekleog> then maybe it's just that I don't understand the stuff yet
<srhb> ekleog: It does not.
<manveru> i think is related?
<{^_^}> #38636 (by layus, 26 weeks ago, merged): git: 2.16.2 -> 2.17.0
<infinisil> ekleog: Yeah it only needs to be specified once in the .cabal file
<srhb> manveru: Looks like it, yes!
<infinisil> Every dependency management tool in Haskell land uses these cabal files actually
<srhb> Except if you use package.yaml
<infinisil> Well even then, package.yaml is used to generate a .cabal file
* srhb nods
<infinisil> (or multiple)
<srhb> Cabal-the-library is pervasive.
<ekleog> hmm I guess the issue is I've been looking at packages that commit their package.yaml and .cabal files together
<infinisil> Yeah, it's pretty neat
<srhb> Yup..
<manveru> srhb: in particular it happens on executing the git-credential-netrc bin
<srhb> manveru: Sorry, I don't know enough about it. Looks like you're further along than me. :)
<manveru> :D
<manveru> oh well, will see if i can debug it
<srhb> manveru++
<{^_^}> manveru's karma got increased to 1
<manveru> i still like perl better than C++
<ekleog> manveru--
<ekleog> (sorry :p)
<manveru> lol
<__monty__> YellowOnion_: johnw_ has a different way of managing dev environments, talks about it here He has since adopted overlays rather than overrides, check it out here I personally have a much simpler setup but it still uses overrides, see that here
<infinisil> And this is how I manage all my Haskell environments:
<infinisil> Along with the shell.nix in the same directory
<manveru> adding `export PERL5LIB=/nix/store/9gv8d1866f3xhr9d5p3zmp25xicic8rg-git-2.19.1/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.28.0` fixes it
<infinisil> Works with multiple packages too, is quiet simple, easy to override packages as well
<manveru> might've to wrap those executables...
<__monty__> Only problem is it relies on nix-shell. Isn't that the approach in the nixpkgs manual, infinisil?
<infinisil> __monty__: I can build it with `nix-build -A hashsearch` or `nix-shell --run 'cabal build'`
<manveru> LnL: you know anything about the missing PERL5LIB, i saw you made some changes to it...
<__monty__> infinisil: But building it doesn't help setting up your environment right? As in whatever editor support you use, ghci(d)...
<infinisil> __monty__: Ahh you mean that
<LnL> manveru: it's not set globally on nixos anymore
<infinisil> I'm using haskell-ide-engine, and it's working pretty well with this
<manveru> LnL: so that changed in 18.09?
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<rauno> hey all
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<manveru> rauno: welcome
<infinisil> Which then works correctly on my projects if I have a direnv .envrc file with "use_nix" in them
<LnL> manveru: it used to leak perl dependencies installed in the system, resulting in stuff like that git issue not getting noticed on nixos systems
<LnL> manveru: yes
<__monty__> infinisil: You've installed that globally? I use ghcid, pointfree and some others but I keep them in my environments so ghc version differences don't interfere.
<rauno> when debugging systemd service, is there a way to simulate nix systemd environment so i could try manually running service ?
<infinisil> __monty__: Yeah I installed hie globally, but it's a bundle of versions 8.0, 8.2 and 8.4, with my wrapper it first gets the correct ghc in the environment, then hie-wrapper auto-detects which version of hie to use based on that, then starts that hie versions
<rauno> funny is that i dont get any real error while starting a service, just "main process exited", when starting ExecStart line manually it runs perfectly so i suspect some missing dependencies caused by the isolation
<manveru> LnL: ok, this might be because i have a ~/.netrc file, will see if i can figure out a way to patch it :|
<LnL> manveru: together with a global pkgconfig variable that would magically find system dependencies
<__monty__> infinisil: And how do you typically develop with this, using build or shell?
<__monty__> infinisil: With build you give up incremental builds, right?
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<infinisil> __monty__: automatically enter nix-shell by going into the directory (direnv does that), then use cabal repl/build/run/whatever to develop, with HIE giving completions and stuff in the editor. nix-build only to deploy
<manveru> LnL: setting `PERL5LIB = "${git.outPath}/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.28.0";` in my nix-shell fixes it temporarily, will open an issue for it anyway
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<LnL> you could reintroduce the global variables in your config, but I really don't like doing that, stuff should work without that
<infinisil> __monty__: (I spent quiet some time until I got to this point, with lots of problems, most of which are solved now)
<{^_^}> #46453 (by Infinisil, 4 weeks ago, merged): haskellPackages.shellFor: Fix ghc calls
<{^_^}> domenkozar/hie-nix#26 (by Infinisil, 6 weeks ago, merged): Update nixpkgs, stack2nix and HIE
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<infinisil> Still need to fix something, namely the hie ghc detection not working if you don't have a cabal hackage database which you get with `cabal update`
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<infinisil> (And hie has a bunch of issues on its own still)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @smaret opened pull request #48200 → gildas: 20181001_a -> 20181001_b →
<infinisil> And I still want to have better new-build support, currently I would need to duplicate what cabal.project contains in default.nix and shell.nix
<srhb> infinisil: Shouldn't shellFor have you covered there?
<manveru> rauno: you can try running the command in a pure nix-shell?
<infinisil> srhb: Still need to list all of the packages I want a shell for out:
<manveru> i don't think there's any easy way of getting the exact same environment as a service without a lot of manual work...
<__monty__> infinisil: The nix-shell approach doesn't work for me.
<{^_^}> #18315 (by domenkozar, 2 years ago, open): Remove myEnvFun
<srhb> infinisil: No?
<infinisil> __monty__: Wait what doesn't exactly work?
<manveru> rauno: other options are to change the executable to `strace` and pass it the real executable, so you see what it's doing
<infinisil> srhb: Well I can't build the packages unless I do. I don't think there's a cabal.project parser somewhere in there which would automatically add them
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<srhb> infinisil: Combining callCabal2nix and shellFor, you'll get all deps.
<srhb> infinisil: Isn't that good enough?
<infinisil> callCabal2nix only works for a single package
<srhb> shellFor doesn't though
<srhb> And you can automate callCabal2nix for multiple packages.
<cocreature> disclaimer: I’ve never tried using that myself
<infinisil> srhb: packageSourceOverrides ends up calling cabal2nix here:
<srhb> What I do is callCabal2nix every directory that has foo/foo.cabal
<srhb> (In some tree of packages)
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<infinisil> Ah yeah, and I'm currently listing out all sources in packageSourceOverrides
<srhb> Then I can shellFor any sum of those
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed to master « dino: 2018-09-05 -> 2018-09-21 »:
<infinisil> I guess I could `let in` the packageSourceOverrides arguments and use that for shellFor
<infinisil> But still would need to duplicate cabal.project info once
<srhb> So essentially, lib.filesystem.haskellPathsInDir, callCabal2nix all those, shellFor whatever union of those.
<infinisil> Checking out cocreature link now
<__monty__> infinisil: The problem is mostly how internet-happy nix-shell is. For me specifically this is a problem not because I don't usually have internet but because my host is too weak to do any building on its own within a reasonable time frame. So it poses a problem whenever I can't reach my remote build host.
<infinisil> srhb: Ahh, haskellPathsInDir
<infinisil> While not really project.cabal parsing, would probably be the same for most projecst
<srhb> infinisil: Yah. With those pieces you get fully automated shells for any union of haskell sources in some tree. :)
<infinisil> Neat, I'll try this later
<srhb> All I want for christmas is incremental/component-wise nix builds of haskell. :-)
<infinisil> srhb: snack? :P
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<betaboon> has anyone used elastic-apm and packaged it for nix yet ?
<srhb> infinisil: Yep, I've really been meaning to rewrite my personal infrastructure for that to get a feel for it
<srhb> infinisil: It sounds incredibly exciting, but I don't quite understand it yet.
<infinisil> srhb: Unfortunately snack only does the current project like that, not all dependencies
<srhb> Someone needs to blog about snackifying an existing project :P
<hyper_ch2> ok, seems newest samba doesn't like anymore extraConfig = "name resolv order = hosts wins bcast"
<infinisil> It's also quiet slow..
<infinisil> I like snack's idea, but it's kinda impractical right now
<srhb> :(
<infinisil> cabal is much faster, and I can still get nix builds with nix-build
<__monty__> Are there any plans to unify cabal new-*'s store with the nix store (if it exists)?
<srhb> I think it might still win with snack when I have a single cabal project that takes 20m+ to build
<infinisil> cocreature: That cabal.project parsing sounds decent too, assuming the parser doesn't mess up. haskellPathsInDir sounds more solid, I think I'll use that
<srhb> __monty__: I haven't heard of any such attempt.
<__monty__> srhb: Why would snack be faster? Cabal does incremental builds already, no?
<srhb> __monty__: I mean incremental when I do the actual nix-build :)
<__monty__> Ah.
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<srhb> __monty__: iirc snack will do the build component-wise, which our current haskell builder does not.
<srhb> __monty__: That could save a ton of time.
<infinisil> Well it is actually possible to have the cabal build products be reused in the nix-build
<infinisil> Kinda impure, can happen if you forgot to cleanSource
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<srhb> Our builder picks that up? Funky.
<srhb> And by kinda, you mean... Very. :D
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lschuermann opened pull request #48201 → nixos/nftables: check ruleset syntax during build →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed to master « piper: fix gi dependencies »:
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<CMCDragonkai> Why does nix-shell report this sometimes? `bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)`?
<sphalerite> CMCDragonkai: glibc locale stuff incompatibility between 18.03 and 18.09/unstable iirc
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<CMCDragonkai> I see
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #48200 → gildas: 20181001_a -> 20181001_b →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @smaret to master « gildas: 20181001_a -> 20181001_b (#48200) »:
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<kai_w> Is /sys available during the checkPhase of builds?
<etu> I haven't checked but I would guess no
<etu> Since builds are sandboxed
<etu> And /sys contains loads of things that are related to state of the system
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 opened pull request #48203 → alacritty: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #48086 → glava: 1.5.1 -> 1.5.5 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @eadwu to master « glava: 1.5.1 -> 1.5.5 (#48086) »:
<etu> Hmm, I think my raspberry is compiling rustc
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<baum> setting up wifi should be as easy as: networking { wicd.enable = true; } right?
<etu> I found it very slow this morning
<etu> baum: Should be fine yeah, I don't use wicd myself but that should do it
<baum> etu: thanks, sadly this fails
<etu> baum: How?
<etu> baum: I mean, how does it fail? What doesn't work? What message does it tell you?
<baum> error of wicd.service: Failed to connect to non-global ctrl-ifname: wlp3s0 error: No such file or directory
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<baum> (this happens after trying to connect to a network selected with wicd-curses)
<baum> etu: ^
<baum> (note: the interface wlp3s0 exists (according to ifconfig))
<etu> Probably some permission thingy then
<baum> i'm executing it as root
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #48152 → qiskit: 0.5.7 -> 0.6.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed 4 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48203 → alacritty: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed to staging « alacritty: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Synthetica9 opened pull request #48204 → firefox, nss: enable SSLKEYLOGFILE option →
<Taneb> Is there such a thing as "using nix as a library"?
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @domenkozar closed pull request #19 → Use bash for install script and retain on failure →
<symphorien> Taneb: yes
<symphorien> nix-du does this
<symphorien> This c++ ffi so not easy to use from another language, though
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<kai_w> etu: OK, that explains my issue - pytorch seems to read the number of processors from /sys/devices in its tests
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<teto> baum: while I love wicd UI, I think the project is dead and nmtui is getting better and better so maybe you could try to switch
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<Taneb> symphorien: is there documentation for using nix as a library anywhere? Even API docs?
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<symphorien> not that I know. I looked at the public .h
<symphorien> like store-api.h for
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<etu> kai_w: Ouch, annoying :/
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<joko> Is there anything like writeScriptBin that also sets a path, so that I don't have to modify the script?
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<infinisil> joko: "sets a path"?
<bjhall> hiya, what's the correct procedure for making a minor adjustment to a pull request? I missed a semicolon in maintainers.nix
<joko> infinisil: I meant that the script runs external tools, e.g. curl and jq
<symphorien> bjhall: git commit --amened; git push --force
<infinisil> joko: You can add `export PATH="${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.jq pkgs.curl ]}:$PATH"` at the beginning of it
<kai_w> Is it possible to pass /sys into the build for tests then? Or a restricted subset of it? I agree it is impure so should be off by default, but it seems like it is necessary here.
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<infinisil> bjhall: Link?
<joko> infinisil: and append the script from the file, got it, thanks
<infinisil> bjhall: If merged already you can just open a new PR, should get merged rather quick, otherwise just change the commit in the PR
<{^_^}> #48193 (by brendan-hall, 9 hours ago, open): now-cli: init at 11.4.6
<bjhall> not merged, I only made it last night
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @etu opened pull request #48206 → gitea: 1.5.1 -> 1.5.2 →
<infinisil> bjhall: Ah I see
<infinisil> bjhall: git rebase -i HEAD~2
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<infinisil> Change the commit you want to edit to "e", then do the changes, then git commit --amend
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<baum> teto: i tried switching to nm on my previous system, it didn't work well with enterprise networks
<baum> guess i'll give the a new version a try though, thanks for the headsup!
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<bjhall> thanks symphorien, infinisil :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @DIzFer opened pull request #48207 → Do not limit user namespaces if Nix's sandbox builds are enabled →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #47736 → pmd: 6.7.0 -> 6.8.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « pmd: 6.7.0 -> 6.8.0 (#47736) »:
<Ke> if I have file in patches, which one is relevant for the dependency hash, file path or file contents
<infinisil> Ke: Not sure what you mean, can you elaborate?
<Ke> If I change the path of the patch file, will it rebuild my kernel?
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<Ke> I guess it will always modify the script
<symphorien> the file name is important but not the path I think
<kiloreux_> I am trying to copy binaries from to my s3 bucket and found this
<r5d> patchelf is black magic!
<kiloreux_> But the command there isn't working
<infinisil> ,dnw kiloreux_
<{^_^}> kiloreux_: "Does not work" isn't very helpful: What doesn't work? What's the error?
<kiloreux_> infinisil, Thank you. I am getting "nix: Argument list too long"
<symphorien> well then split the arguments in several batches
<symphorien> possibly with xargs
<kiloreux_> thanks symphorien. Is that the only to copy cache from ?
<kiloreux_> Couldn't find other documented ways
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<symphorien> I don't know
<kiloreux_> Alright, thank you :).
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lschuermann closed pull request #48201 → nixos/nftables: check ruleset syntax during build →
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<azazel> hi guys! It seems to me that zfs has been removed from the 18.09 install disc, am I right?
<nahamu> That would be a little sad.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau merged pull request #48177 → lollypop: 0.9.601 -> 0.9.604 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 2 commits to release-18.09:
<LnL> it's because of the licensing issues with zfs IIRC
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji closed pull request #48206 → gitea: 1.5.1 -> 1.5.2 →
<gchristensen> zfs has never been on the install disk I don't believe
<gchristensen> you can _very_ easily add it though
<LnL> I think it was at some point
<azazel> it was, I'm almost sure
<gchristensen> of the (many) time's I've installed, I can't remember a time I didn't have to add it at install time
<gchristensen> but maybe so
<srhb> At least it hasn't been since 17.03 or whenever I started using NixOS. :)
<avn> zfs wasn't on install media due possible license issues
<srhb> git should be able to reveal if it was ever there, but it would be a mistake if it were.
<gchristensen> has instructions on how to add it at install time, azazel
<azazel> I was a bit concerned about the reasons it wasn't there, I thought that maybe there were kernel incompatibilities
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #48195 → iio-sensor-proxy: 2.4 -> 2.5 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @peterhoeg to master « iio-sensor-proxy: 2.4 -> 2.5 (#48195) »:
<samueldr> couldn't see git commits referrencing zfs and installer media since ~17.09 (stopped looking mid 2017)
<srhb> I think Ubuntu are the only ones who ignore the potential licensing issue? At least, only mainstream.
<azazel> srhb, avn, gchristensen: maybe you're right... the last times I've installed nixos I was using the kexec method that's on the wiiki
<srhb> azazel: That would explain :)
<samueldr> (and find '*zfs*' looks really similar on boath 18.03 and 18.09 media)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #48017 → Fix `nload` output corrupting a few seconds after starting →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @nh2 to master « nload: Include patch to fix screen corruption. (#48017) »:
<rawtaz> HELLO!
<Taneb> rawtaz: not so loud, some people are asleep
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<ekleog> Profpatsch: Hey! Was looking at and wondered… did you start thinking about a way to include support for merging lists of values?
<{^_^}> #37252 (by Profpatsch, 29 weeks ago, open): Rewrite meta-check.nix type checking logic.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @prusnak opened pull request #48208 → spotify: fix icon →
<rawtaz> i have a question. running NixOS unstable (master branch) in a VM, and there's no sound. is there normally sound out of the box in NixOS? any pointers to what to check? i know ALSA and pulseaudio are two things sound related in linux
<gchristensen> rawtaz: I think you need sound.enable = true
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #47740 → brigand: init at 1.3.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed commit from @pmiddend to master « brigand: init at 1.3.0 »:
<azazel> gchristensen: thanks for the link
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lschuermann opened pull request #48209 → Add licenses →
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<rawtaz> gchristensen: hehe, gonna test that :D
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #47252 → nixos/network-interfaces-scripted: fix a container networking bug →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed 2 commits to master:
<Ke> is there a way to get absolute path from relative
<Ke> builtins.toPath, but without expectation to have an absolute path
<srhb> Ke: Can you give more details of your use case? All paths are usually normalized to absolute paths
<Ke> I have a string that I want to use as path
<Ke> user input
<srhb> Ke: User input as in an argument?
<Ke> yes
<srhb> Just don't use a string.
<Ke> what do you mean?
<srhb> Ke: I mean, that will also just normalize a path to an absolute path under normal circumstances.
<Profpatsch> ekleog: Yes, my hunch is that merging logic should be implemented seperately.
<srhb> > let foo = { path }: path in foo { path = ./.; } # <-- Ke
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected IN, expecting ';', at (string):197:26
<srhb> > let foo = { path }: path; in foo { path = ./.; } # <-- Ke
<{^_^}> /var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs
<Profpatsch> ekleog: Plus, all merges should implement the semigroup interface, because “last element”, “first element”, “max element”, “concatenate lists” all follow that interface.
<Profpatsch> And if something doesn’t it’s probably not a good candidate for a merge.
<Profpatsch> If you go one step further and require a Monoid, you even get default values for free.
<Profpatsch> But then you lose a bunch of nice merges, e.g. the ones interspersing elements.
<Profpatsch> So what I want to say is: the type checker and the merging of options are two different things that can be implemented seperately and then combined.
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.09-darwin advanced to (from 51 minutes ago, history:
<rawtaz> gchristensen: no dice. do you think i need the pulseaudio one too?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @akru opened pull request #48210 → solc: 0.4.24 -> 0.4.25 →
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<Ke> srhb: I don't still quite get, what you mean, but ./. seems to at least expand to absolute path, so I can continue
<ekleog> Profpatsch: hmm, I agree with that, but from an end-user point-of-view specifying the two is likely the best course, in my opinion
<Profpatsch> ekleog: What do you mean by “specifying the two”?
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<ekleog> but yeah, TYPE.check :: v:any -> r:bool{r = v has type TYPE} and TYPE.MERGESTRATEGY :: [TYPE] -> TYPE are likely the two primitives we want to implement
<ekleog> like, as a user I don't want to specify product { type = "foo"; val = string; } and then in addition merge-product { type = merge-unique; val = merge-lines; }
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<Profpatsch> ekleog: Well, what you want to do is: you build a DSL of combining types with an instance of Semigroup/Monoid.
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<ekleog> something like product.merge-inside { type = "foo"; val = string.merge-lines; } sounds good to me, from an end-user pov
<ekleog> (disclaimer: I'd be willing to use your types module along with some merge logic in something that's not nixtos, this example is from real code :))
<Profpatsch> Nope, simple-types.nix isn’t going to have any idea about merging.
<ekleog> nixos*
<Profpatsch> But you can combine types with the instances you need and use that.
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<ekleog> yeah, I'm not saying simple-types should support merging, just wondering how to integrate the two to minimize duplication in the way recursion is handled :)
<Profpatsch> Well, it’s like tearing the Haskell type class system apart and manually giving implementations where you need them.
<ekleog> (and in the user-facing interface, too)
<Profpatsch> Hm, the type checking is not related to the merging. So you type check first and then you merge.
<Profpatsch> I mean if you have something like a “last” merge you don’t want to ignore all values but the last, right? You want to type check them separately first and then merge.
<ekleog> yeah, but imagining `merged-values = merge (merge-product-inside { type = merge-unique; val = merge-lines; }) (verify (product { type = "foo"; val = string; }) initial-value))` sounds quite redundant :/
<ekleog> I completely agree about the two phases being internally done, though :)
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<Profpatsch> A good user interface means defining good atoms first and then combinators for those.
<ekleog> hmm? I usually start from the user-interface I want to define, then define atoms that are coherent, and then try to make ends meet
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<ekleog> and you already have defined the “type checking” atom here :D
<Profpatsch> Exactly.
<Profpatsch> If I had started from the user interface, I think the clarity would be missing.
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<Profpatsch> Meaning: For fundamental parts of the system I like to get the foundations right first, even if they are too “heavy” or “complicated” for the user.
<Profpatsch> One sign of getting the foundations right is that a good user interface is easy to add (is my hunch)
<ekleog> actually thinking it more, a merge strategy can often apply reasonably only on a single type (apart from when it's something like `first` or `last`… but I think these shouldn't exist, they're IMO the sign of a problem somewhere along the chain anyway, `unique` would be the only case of any-type merge strategy I can think of)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #48208 → spotify: fix icon →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 2 commits to master:
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<ekleog> hmm when I say single type I mean not full type, just outer type (eg. list 'a, not necessarily list int)
<Profpatsch> ekleog: There’s more than one semigroup implementation for a lot of types. Think + and *
<Profpatsch> on Ints.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed commit from @prusnak to release-18.09 « spotify: fix icon »:
<Profpatsch> You might also define a merging strategy as “multiply” or “add”
<ekleog> oh yeah there are a lot of semigroup implementations for a lot of types, what I mean is that not a lot of semigroups are independent on the type
<Profpatsch> Oh, those. Yes, you are right. But there are some useful ones. ;)
<ekleog> so somehow merging is already (most of the time) dependent on typing having been done
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<Profpatsch> I’m sure we can find a lot more for the use-case of implementing a module system.
<Profpatsch> I found “interspersing an element” is a good use-case.
<ekleog> hmm ok
<ekleog> so basically we'd need, for typing+merging, a (type, merge strategy) couple where some merge strategy impose requirements on the type
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<ekleog> s/strategy/strategies/2
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<ekleog> a merge strategy is… should we consider it as [T] -> T'? it's not the most direct translation of a monoid but should be close enough
<Profpatsch> Nope, wouldn’t do.
<ekleog> (and it takes into account weird merge strategies that aren't strictly speaking monoidal)
<Profpatsch> I have a pretty good representation of type classes somewhere.
<Profpatsch> ekleog: Which merge strategies for example?
<ekleog> ISTR having seen some stuff in nixos that do post-processing in the `merge` function
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* ekleog looking
<ekleog> Profpatsch: yeah, for containers, nixos/modules/virtualisation/containers.nix l. 449
<ekleog> (on latest master)
<ekleog> (I think at least, that's the part I understand least of the current options system, so…)
<Profpatsch> That applies the module system recursively.
<Profpatsch> It calls eval-config.nix on the given config set.
<Profpatsch> err, list of modules.
<ekleog> oh yeah it's true nixos module system once evaluated has the same type than before being evaluated
<Profpatsch> (btw one reason why defining lots of containers is such a memory hog, it has to evaluate the whole module systems once for each container)
<Profpatsch> s/systems/system/
* ekleog still thinks that doesn't really make sense, but… meh ^^'
<ekleog> so well, that's a case where I think it would be legitimate to have a result that's not in the same set as the input
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<ekleog> even though, yeah, it's really corner-case
<ekleog> (and not even the case in the current module system)
<exarkun1> nixops lost the ssh keys to these virtualbox vms it is managing. what the heck?
<exarkun1> is it going to lose the ssh keys to other machines I manage with it?
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<Profpatsch> ekleog: Out of interest, are we talking about
<gchristensen> never lost an ssh key on mey before
<ekleog> Profpatsch: yeah (hence my typo x))
<Profpatsch> gchristensen: There’s always a first time :P
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.09-small advanced to (from 86 minutes ago, history:
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<ekleog> Profpatsch: actually thinking about it a bit more, the `all` merge strategy that just takes all values and puts them in a list is not technically a monoid law
<ekleog> yet I think it can come in handy :)
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<Profpatsch> ekleog: I think it is.
<Profpatsch> It’s applying a function a -> [a] first and then using ++ on lists.
<Profpatsch> I think you can define a valid Monoid from that.
<Profpatsch> at least a semigroup
<ekleog> hmm my definitions are a bit rusty, but I think it's a semigroup action, not a semigroup law
<ekleog> like, T * U -> T
<Profpatsch> Don’t look at me, I sucked in theoretical CS. :)
<ekleog> (with T being [a] the semigroup, and U being a)
* ekleog just checked wikipedia :°
<gchristensen> why would our meta checks need to implement merging?
<Profpatsch> I can’t think about that stuff mathematically at all, just from the perspective of the Haskell type system tbh
<Profpatsch> So no proofs from me.
<ekleog> gchristensen: it's here not for meta checks, but for replacing the module type system :) (as the PR was globally concluding with “we won't have two type systems”, if I read correctly)
<Profpatsch> gchristensen: The idea is to use it for the module system as well, at least for a mockup.
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<gchristensen> oh I see
<Profpatsch> There’s always room for experimentation :3
<ekleog> Profpatsch: anyway, back from theory to practice: what's the alternative you propose for [T] -> T' ?
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* ekleog thinking T * T' -> T' would be possible to turn into [T] -> T' via fold
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<Profpatsch> Monoid t => [t] -> t
<Profpatsch> And yeah, that’s fold
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<ekleog> oh, so it's basically the same idea :)
<Profpatsch> :)
<Profpatsch> fold is a bit more abstract, (Foldable f, Monoid m) => f m -> m
<Profpatsch> But I guess that distinction is moot for most use-cases.
<Profpatsch> Except if you want to allow a tree of module implementations or something. :)
<jonge> hi there. i have a project where i would like to add `cmakeFlags = [ "-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined" ];`, but unfortunately this somehow gets mixed up on the cmake call during build. if i add \" or ' around the two fsanitize tokens, the same happens. any ideas how to feed multi-token parameters into -D cmake params correctly in a nix derivation?
<Profpatsch> Maybe a semilattice to implement priorities?!
<Profpatsch> ekleog: And yes, one interesting (unsolved) aspect of the merge thingy is how to implement priorities in that scheme.
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<ekleog> hmm I must say now I'm lost in haskell parlance, sorry :° (and semilattice don't really speak to me)
<LnL> joko: you need to use the bash cmakeFlagsArray to add opitions with spaces
<ekleog> oh. well, for nixtos I don't need to implement priorities 😇
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<LnL> jonge: oops ^
<Profpatsch> ekleog: rest easy, I have no intuition of semilattices as well :)
<jonge> LnL: thank you. let me try...
<ekleog> ooh the definition is not that bad
* ekleog assumed highly complex stuff from the “lattice” word
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<ekleog> now, between the definition and actually using the word… x)
<jonge> LnL: other packages always use `preConfigure = " .... cmakeFlagsArray=($cmakeFlagsArray ... plus my own flags) ...". is that the correct way to use it or can i also provide this as an attribute in my derivation parameters?
<LnL> no, attributes are regular variables and would get split
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<LnL> that looks ok, but you can use +=
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<jonge> LnL: great, using preConfigure = ... it works great (and killed some of the unit tests, so i can go bug hunting, yay!)
<jonge> LnL: about += ... so i can say `cmakeFlagsArray += ... my stuff...;` you mean?
<jonge> LnL: does this play well with my preexisting `cmakeFlags = [ ... ];`?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #48055 → nixos/tests: add test for prometheus exporters →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 4 commits to master:
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<LnL> it doesn't override cmakeFlags and yes you might still need the parentheses with += since it's an array but at least you don't need to repeat the name
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<jonge> LnL: great, works. awesome, thank you!!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ashkitten closed pull request #45959 → roccat-tools: init at 5.7.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alyssais opened pull request #48212 → gem-config: add sassc →
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<makefu> hey all, i am trying to run a CI runner for our local jenkins instance with nix.In the tests we are compiling a small number of c files, which require some libraries. right now i am using a custom script which exec's nix-shell -p lib1 lib2 etc, however the machines now do not have any internet anymore and i am not sure what would be the right way to prepare an image which allows nix-shell to be executed. when
<makefu> i try it, nix tries to fetch some bash source tarballs from the internet
<makefu> what would be the correct way to handle this situation?
<srhb> makefu: Is making proper derivations out of the question?
<makefu> unfortunately, yes
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 3 commits to release-18.09:
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<makefu> if i'd know which derivation nix-shell actually requires i might be able to somewhere become it part of the system, however it is very unclear what actually gets built and why. because obviously bash is already part of the system
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed commit from @Vskilet to master « nixos/nextcloud: add poolConfig option (#48094) »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #48094 → nixos/nextcloud: suggest poolConfig option →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz opened pull request #48213 → lazygit: init at 0.4 →
<johanot> Is it possible specify SSH identity file to "nix copy --to ssh://..." ? By looking at nix source code it looks like "ssh-key" exists as an option to ssh-stores, but it is not possible to provide that option to copy-closure?
<gchristensen> maybe you can do ssh://...?ssh-key=...
<johanot> but haven't tried tbh. will try anyway :)
<gchristensen> nix-copy-closure is not `nix copy`
<aleph-> Morning
<makefu> srhb: i tried a couple of things and if i see this correctly, then all you need to do is to put "pkgs.bash{,Interactive}.{out,dev,info,doc}" somewhere into your system derivation (e.g. into an output string)
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<johanot> gchristensen: right.. I'm possibly guilty of making to many assumptions about the nix codebase without knowing it :)
<gchristensen> :)
<gchristensen> nix-copy-closure is ... well, nix-copy-closure :)
<johanot> gchristensen: Yeah I know that "nix copy" is not the same as "nix-copy-closure". My brain just didn't make the connection there. Aaand you were right. ?ssh-key=.. actually works :)
<gchristensen> great!
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<kiloreux_> How can I get store paths for specific commit from github ?
<symphorien> nix-build --dry-run on a checkout
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<kiloreux_> Thank you symphorien . Will try it now.
<ldlework> how do i get flash to work
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<ldlework> hbonow doesn't work in google chrome or firefox
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<kiloreux_> symphorien, I am getting "error: Typesafe Activator was removed in 2017-05-08 as the actual package reaches end of life."
<aleph-> If I'm running i3 via home-manager, do I want to enable x11 in config.nix?
<symphorien> kiloreux_: hum to be specific: nix-build /path/to/checkout -A somepackage --dry-run
<kiloreux_> My end goal here is to find store paths for that specific commit and copy them all to my s3 (so I stop using
<kiloreux_> So I don't want to use only one package but I want paths for everything.
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.09-darwin advanced to (from 65 minutes ago, history:
<symphorien> ah this approach is too naive
<gchristensen> kiloreux_: why do you want to not use
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03 advanced to (from 15 hours ago, history:
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<kiloreux_> gchristensen, because I need to keep all binaries inside the same region as my production server.
<kiloreux_> And is too slow for me currently. Unfortunately.
<gchristensen> kiloreux_: is this a recent change? was it previouslyfast enough?
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<gchristensen> kiloreux_: a very simple route is to throw up a squid caching webserver in front of it, and put squid in your region
<kiloreux_> I only started rolling my complete changes currently now.
<kiloreux_> So storing paths on S3 is a no go ? Or is it a very hard route ?
<gchristensen> it is fine, but not really necessary
<kiloreux_> Do you have an idea how I could get all store paths (for runtime and build time dependencies) so i can upload them to S3 with nix copy ?
<gchristensen> nix-store -qR or nix-store -qr on the build product and the .drv
<gchristensen> but again, not really necessary because having a local cache will probably be a more pleasent experience.
<gchristensen> but, did you notice the cache being too slow recently, or always?
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<kiloreux_> It was only recently that it started taking waaaay too many minutes to pull from it.
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<kiloreux_> Even though my nix store is only around 3GB
<kiloreux_> used to be pulled in less than 1minute
<gchristensen> concerning
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @basvandijk opened pull request #48216 → lib: fix wording of the `overrideScope` warning →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #48217 → libdrm: 2.4.94 -> 2.4.95 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #48189 → redmine: refactor, cleanup, bug fix, and add functionality →
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<o1lo01ol1o> I need to build package from fetchFromGitHub. What's the expression to tell nixos to use that derivation for any future configuration of the package in configuration.nix?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #48218 → [WIP] libdrm: 2.4.94 -> 2.4.95, use meson →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #48216 → lib: fix wording of the `overrideScope` warning →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed to release-18.09 « Merge pull request #48216 from LumiGuide/fix-overrideScope-warning »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48213 → lazygit: init at 0.4 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
<rmra> hello, anyone with problems using i have warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35)
<sphalerite> rmra: consistently?
<rmra> since 2 days to naw
<rmra> now
<rmra> i have not very experience with nixos, but work on it :D
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48165 → pythonPackages.escapism: 0.0.1 -> 1.0.0 move to python-modules →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
<sphalerite> rmra: all of the time?
<emily> rmra: is your clock set correctly?
<nbardiuk> rmra: it is because of fastly IPV6
<emily> ah, ok
<o1lo01ol1o> can anyone point me to an example of how to use packageOverrides? I want to use the master hydra via fetchFromGithub to replace the one from nixpkgs
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<rmra> emily: clock set is correctly... nbardiuk: maybe the problem was the ipv6... yes... i will see
<sphalerite> o1lo01ol1o: you shouldn't need to use packageOverrides for it, since there's a hydra.package option
<sphalerite> o1lo01ol1o: something like hydra.package = pkgs.hydra.overrideAttrs (o: { src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {…}; }); should be enough I believe
<o1lo01ol1o> sphalerite: cool, i'll give it a shot. is it documented in the hydra manual?
<sphalerite> o1lo01ol1o: not that I know of, this is more nixpkgs territory
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<rmra> nbardiuk: definitely a ipv6 problem... my isp is crap
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zimbatm pushed to release-18.09 « vault: 0.11.1 -> 0.11.2 »:
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<rmra> nbardiuk: thank you
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<nbardiuk> yes, same here. Waisted a lot of time because of this issue
<cransom> did cloudfront not have ipv6?
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<gchristensen> I'm quite sure it did
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 opened pull request #48219 → __splicedPackages: Don't include xorg →
<o1lo01ol1o> sphalerite: could you glance at this configuration and see if it passes the sniff test? It looks like it's building the master but also still trying to install the nixpkgs hydra:
<sphalerite> o1lo01ol1o: I don't know what simple-hydra is, but it may be playing a role in that
<sphalerite> aah ninja :p
<o1lo01ol1o> x)
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<sphalerite> hm doesn't look like there's anything there that would pull in the unmodified hydra
<betaboon> anyone knows how to get uwsgi with python3 support in a nix-shell working? `nix-shell -p 'pkgs.uwsgi.override{ plugins = ["python3"];}'` and then `uwsgi --plugin-list` doesnt seem to be the solution oO
<cransom> if simple-hydra is a copy of the services.hydra/hydra.nix module, you need to set simple-hydra.package = thatotherpackage
<sphalerite> cransom: it's not, it's a wrapper around it
<cransom> oh, i could have kept reading and saw that.
<o1lo01ol1o> ok, so i've forked simple hydra:
<o1lo01ol1o> and set the package to use the master
<o1lo01ol1o> however: builder for '/nix/store/lzqbylz7yrl9jhhsclbfvypkssymri4z-hydra-2017-11-21.drv' failed with exit code 1
<jabranham> In nixos, any call to pactl results in "Connection failure: Connection refused" and "pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused". Any idea how to go about fixing that?
<jabranham> I have sound.enable = true and hardware.pulseaudio.enable = true set
<o1lo01ol1o> sphalerite: am I right that hydra-2017-11-21.drv is from nixpkgs? can I blacklist that?
<betaboon> just for the record regarding the uwsgi with python3-plugin: uwsgi --plugins-dir $(dirname $(which uwsgi))/../lib/uwsgi --plugins python3
<Ke> is { a="override";} // set_b normal way to override one attribute in a set?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #48169 → erlang: temporarily disable wxSupport on darwin →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 2 commits to master:
<clever> Ke: values on the right side have priority, so that will overwrite the "override" value if seb_b contains a .a
<Ke> oh right, the other way around, but is it idiomatic
<Ke> hmm, using that syntax would not even make my code cleaner, I'll just leave it in naive form
<Ralith> I think you have that backwards
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<Ke> Ralith: yes 2/3 previous lines noted that =o)
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* Ralith grumbles at lag
<kiloreux_> How can I have a list of derivatives paths ? (The one that ends with .drv)
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<clever> > hello.drvPath
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/0jkra0b2rmiqlpiaricf0j38gs98kzlm-hello-2.10.drv"
<clever> kiloreux_: or just nix-instantiate
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<aleph-> Hey I'm install stuff via home-manager, do I need to set allowUnfree=true in my home.nix as well as in con.nix?
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<clever> aleph-: not sure, simplest way to find out is to set it to false and see if it fails
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<kiloreux_> clever, Thank you.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @prusnak opened pull request #48220 → openvpn plugins: use absolute paths to configuration gui →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 opened pull request #48221 → __splicedPackages: Don't include xorg for 18.09 →
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<judson> "infinite recursion encountered, at undefined position"
<emily> Judson: sounds like there was an error
<gchristensen> haha
<judson> Taking another run at pulling old version of Ruby in with an overlay. This time, I checked out the nixpkgs repo to where the old versions still existed, and copied from the all-packages into my overlay file, redirecting the callPackage to a local directory...
<judson> emily, thanks ;)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed to release-18.09 « Merge pull request #48189 from aanderse/redmine »:
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<judson> Oh, because the "ruby" directory I created in overlays gets included automatically...
<judson> That seems better.
<judson> Well, I'll know in $(compileTime)
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<gchristensen> god speed
<judson> I think this was a way better solution than my last frankenstein
<o1lo01ol1o> is there a way to check when a new version of a package gets pushed to nixpkgs?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #48219 → __splicedPackages: Don't include xorg →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #48221 → __splicedPackages: Don't include xorg for 18.09 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 2 commits to release-18.09:
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<symphorien> o1lo01ol1o: repology has rss feeds
<{^_^}> [nixops] @amemni opened pull request #1022 → Trap boto exception InvalidSpotInstanceRequestID.NotFound when allow_missing is True in function get_all_spot_instance_r… →
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<schmittlauch[m]> Is there a good reason why certain pkg expressions don't allow to pass arbitrary additional variables to the expression? They lack the "..." argument
<gchristensen> it is generally just not done, because there is no need for it
<schmittlauch[m]> Also, where to find documentation for certain nixpkgs things, in my case cmake options? "Use the source, Luke"?
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<cransom> if the expression has all the inputs defined, there's no reason to expect other arguments
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<schmittlauch[m]> hm, I need to override the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE. the cmake setup hooks even have a variable for that, but it is not exposed by the package in question.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm closed pull request #48154 → lib: overrideScope: Correct parameter names in deprecation warning →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm closed pull request #48134 → fix typo in overrideScope deprecation warning →
<schmittlauch[m]> so I guess I introduce a new argument then
<clever> schmittlauch[m]: you want overrideAttrs, not override
<schmittlauch[m]> ah
<clever> if your trying to do things with an override of some kind
<clever> override changes the params at the callPackage level, what gets passed on line 1
<clever> overrideAttrs changes the set that was passed to mkDerivation
<schmittlauch[m]> regarding the doc: Is it just reading the source of the builders and stuff?
<schmittlauch[m]> clever: Can I use both?
<clever> yeah
<clever> (hello.override { foo = bar; }).overrideAttrs (drv: { baz = qux; })
<schmittlauch[m]> Ah yes, now that I think of it
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to (from 4 hours ago, history:
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<worldofpeace> Anyone up to review/merge #48108 ?
<{^_^}> (by KimBurgess, 2 days ago, open): Teleconsole
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @seppeljordan opened pull request #79 → purism/librem/13v3: disable wifi hardware crypt →
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<judson> Except somehow gemPath isn't coming through on my old rubies...
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<judson> I see it in the passThru attribute, but installing gems is failing because they don't have a gempath
<o1lo01ol1o> source root is source; fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
<o1lo01ol1o> I'm trying to debug this build. I have a package being fetchted from github but this shows up in my build history:
<clever> Judson: attributes in the passthru section only apply at the nix level, and dont exist at build time
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #47827 → audacity: 2.2.2 -> 2.3.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: fetchFromGitHub doesnt keep the .git directory
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: and some packages try to run `git rev-parse HEAD` to figure out what version they are building
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #47756 → obs-studio: 22.0.2 -> 22.0.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
<bitmapper> Can steam-run be used for other programs that require a FHS filesystem such as propriatary software?
<symphorien> yes
<clever> bitmapper: if they need the same dependencies, yeah
<clever> steam-run doesnt include everything, so it might still fail due to something missing
<o1lo01ol1o> ok, that's possible. is there a workaround?
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: look at what the package is doing exactly, does it check for a file like .version? and then either provide that, or pach what its doing
<clever> patch*
<o1lo01ol1o> oi, what a pain
<judson> clever, yeah, this is at a build level, I think - there's a genStubsScript that takes from its ruby parameter ruby.gemPath
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #48108 → Teleconsole →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 3 commits to master:
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<clever> Judson: thats probably reading it at nix time, run `nix show-derivation` on the .drv thats failing, to see what nix generated in the string
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zimbatm opened pull request #48223 → terraform-providers.gandi: init at 1.0.0 →
<judson> ""
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zimbatm closed pull request #47246 → terraform-provider-gandi: init at 0.0.1 →
<clever> Judson: and nix repl lets you eval things directly
<judson> "env": { ... "gemPath": "", ... }
<judson> So e.g. /nix/store/chfypr2q8si124xqywph2lmw5m1aqihz-ruby2.1.10-p0-addressable-2.4.0.drv has that.
<kalbasit[m]> zimbatm: should we do overrides for the deps for instead of having a separate module for it?
<alexshpilkin> Is there a way to pass around a library of functions in my NixOS configuration, apart from doing it manually?
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<judson> The expression for ruby hasn't changed that much, and interpolates a string into passThru.gemPath, so even if things are wrong it shouldn't be empty, right?
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<alexshpilkin> I have a number of config files stitched together by import statements, and right now I’d have to do something like
<clever> Judson: what about passthru, rather then passThru ?
<alexshpilkin> { lib, ... }: let inherit (import ./lib.nix lib) aFunc in ...
<judson> Sorry: that's what it is: passthru
<alexshpilkin> which is silly
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #48220 → openvpn plugins: use absolute paths to configuration gui →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to release-18.09:
<zimbatm> kalbasit[m]: do you mean to avoid generating the deps.nix?
<zimbatm> it's not worth the added update complexity IMO
<kalbasit[m]> zimbatm: Well the `update-all` in the terraform is able to generate the derivation but has no way to add deps, we can still use the script but have an override (similar to vim plugins)
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<kalbasit[m]> beautiful
<zimbatm> <3
<zimbatm> kalbasit[m]: ok I understand what you mean now
<zimbatm> I don't have the energy to think about this anymore
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<zimbatm> I'm not against it kalbasit[m]
<kalbasit[m]> awesome
<worldofpeace> infinisil: thanks too :P
<infinisil> :)
<infinisil> gchristensen: Whoaaa, that's really neat
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zimbatm merged pull request #48212 → gem-config: add sassc →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zimbatm pushed commit from @alyssais to master « gem-config: add sassc (#48212) »:
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.09-darwin advanced to (from 71 minutes ago, history:
<gchristensen> any NixOS community people able to get to Vegas Nov 28/29?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #48224 → coreutils-full: fix cross build →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #48026 → nixos/fish: use 'escapeShellArg' for shell aliases →
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<kalbasit[m]> gchristensen: what's in Vegas at the date?
<gchristensen> AWS ReInvent + surrounding social events where you can go chat people up about nixos
<kalbasit[m]> Oh I see
<gchristensen> but specifically, Packet is having a thing there
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edolstra pushed 4 commits to master:
<kalbasit[m]> do you work for Packet?
<gchristensen> no
<gchristensen> just a big fan
<gchristensen> (and they're big fans of NixOS)
<kalbasit[m]> I noticed they offer NixOS, that's awesome
<kalbasit[m]> are they AWS backed?
<kalbasit[m]> by backed I mean the EC2 instances
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<gchristensen> no, they only provide bare metal hardware
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #48225 → nixos/nix: ignore nix.checkConfig when cross-compiling →
<shreyansh_k> Hi, I can build a package with nix-build. Now, How do I install it into my env with nix-env?
<symphorien> nix-env -i ./result
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #47902 → nixos: correct improper uses of mkEnableOption, clarify service descr… →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master:
<o1lo01ol1o> so I can install a package from a binary cache with: /nix/store/2mvn5gv9hjmal1pw9zz2822a82fajh4a-hydra-0.1.2552.e0f204f3da6245fbaf5cb9ef59568b775ddcb929 --option binary-caches
<o1lo01ol1o> is there an expression analogous to fetchFromGithub for the binary cache?
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<gchristensen> you can just refer to the path in your nix expression, however it isn't very nice because it is opaque as to where it comes from and what is inside itw.
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<shreyansh_k> symphorien: thank you.
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<bgamari_> Ericson2314, what is the status of pkgconfig and cross-compilation
<bgamari_> Ericson2314, it seems we still don't prefix pkgconfig
<bgamari_> and I'm seeing build failures of shared-mime-info due to it not finding packages
<o1lo01ol1o> gchristensen: of course, yes. but now i'm onto a new problem: I need a `package` not just the location of the package, is there a function to get that?
<gchristensen> I don't understand, it sounds like you've taken a wrong turn somewhere and you're now in trouble
<gchristensen> what are you trying to accomplish, and how have you done it so far?
<Ericson2314> bgamari_: oh it's good to know that actually is still causing problems
<Ericson2314> it was just sort of idling on my todo list
<bgamari_> Ericson2314, ahh, I see
<bgamari_> to be honest I'm actually rather perplexed by the current failure
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<bgamari_> Ericson2314, how is pkg-config supposed to find .pc files of dependencies again?
<Ericson2314> matthewbauer and I were also talking about wrapping meson
<exarkun1> afaict this has no effect: <>. How do I make the system use nixpkgs unstable, updated daily?
<o1lo01ol1o> gchristensen: the short of it is that I'm trying to build the master branch of hydra and patch it into my configuration.nix. there have been more than a couple roadblocks along the way with fetchFromGithub and various forks of hydra. now I'm just trying to pass the binary from the hydra master build in the cache to the `services.hydra.package` attribute.
<Ericson2314> bgamari_: there's some environment variable. I forget
<bgamari_> Ericson2314, mmm, I know nearly nothing about meson other than it's now seeing fairly wide adoption
* bgamari_ just hopes it's better than cmake
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @cocreature opened pull request #48226 → nix-index: 0.1.1 -> 0.1.2 →
<Ericson2314> bgamari_: i was thinking for a second perhaps 2 things needing wrappers would lead to work dedup, but that is false
<Ericson2314> just found that
<rawtaz> if during rebuild you get the message "cannot find file sv" for the keymap package, what can you do? i've set the stuff in i18n to sv and sv_SE.UTF-8, which according to;a=blob;f=localedata/SUPPORTED
<Ericson2314> yeah the wrapper would basically make a NIX_<config>_PKG_CONFIG_PATH
<bgamari_> Ericson2314, ahh, I think I found my bug
<Ericson2314> and then stick the right stuff in that
<bgamari_> Ericson2314, pkgconfig was in nativeBuildInputs but I think it should be depsBuildBuild
<gchristensen> o1lo01ol1o: and what happens with that codeyou linked?
<rawtaz> sorry, the error message is "cannot open file sv"
<bgamari_> Ericson2314, since we want it to find libraries for the build machine
<Ericson2314> just like cc-wrapper with -isystem or ld-wrapper with -L
<bgamari_> Ericson2314, does this sound plausible?
<Ericson2314> bgamari_: *with* the fix that woudl solve it. but without the fix it won't make a difference
<o1lo01ol1o> gchristensen: it pulls the repo, builds, complains about not being a git repo, goes on doing some stuff, and then fails to build hydra-2017-11.drv
<bgamari_> Ericson2314, oddly it looks like it actually worked
<Ericson2314> (meson btw has some nice things, and I am trying to add my cross methodology to it atm as side project.)
<o1lo01ol1o> So, it looks like it's still pulling the old repo; I though maybe there was an issue with how fetchFromGithub was working
<bgamari_> we'll see
<Ericson2314> reallly?
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<bgamari_> Ericson2314, it looks like it
<Ericson2314> weird. I cannot explain that
<bgamari_> it's still building
<o1lo01ol1o> gchristensen: and iohk manages to do it:
<bgamari_> but I *think* it's farther than it got last time
<o1lo01ol1o> but their fork fails to build for me.
<bgamari_> cmake and bjam are two of my least favorite pieces of software I have had the misfortune of encountering
<gchristensen> they don't override hydra's src but they import the release.nix from the hydra they pull, oldnborg
<gchristensen> o1lo01ol1o:
<hodapp> cmake is great as a "here be a horrible horrible C++ build" flag
<Church-> Nix pills is the standard for learning to package packages right?
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<symphorien> More the inner working, I'd say
<gchristensen> o1lo01ol1o: they dont, you overrideAttrs and replace the source. they import a whole different package.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #46041 → nix-daemon service: Ensure `ssh` is on PATH. Fixes #46038. →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master:
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: hydra can fail to build if your nix version isnt right, i had to patch that to hndle an older nix
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<o1lo01ol1o> clever: 18.03.133300.5a38f731d79 ?
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: simpler to just paste the error your getting
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zimbatm merged pull request #48223 → terraform-providers.gandi: init at 1.0.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zimbatm pushed to master « terraform-providers.gandi: init at 1.0.0 (#48223) »:
<cransom> hydra is one of those apps that demonstrates how you should be nailing down all of your inputs and testing your upgrades. if you didn't, it would be a magnitude harder to run.
<shreyansh_k> Hi, trying to write nix expression for a package and it needs qt's core. Stuck on: "error: attribute 'qtbase' missing". Any pointers?
<o1lo01ol1o> gchristensen: I guess I'm still to new to follow.
<shreyansh_k> tried "inherit (pkgs) stdenv cmake qtbase"
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<o1lo01ol1o> clever: error: 'class nix::Settings' has no member named 'restrictEval'
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: yep, i have a branch with that fix
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<clever> the option was renamed (and hydrrra was updated to handle the new name), but we are using an older nix
<o1lo01ol1o> clever: but I need the submodule fix that's currently in master!
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<clever> the branch above, includes both a submodule fix, and the older nix fix
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil opened pull request #48227 → [18.09] nix-daemon service: Ensure `ssh` is on PATH. Fixes #46038. →
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.09-small advanced to (from 72 minutes ago, history:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @etu opened pull request #48228 → php: 7.1.22 -> 7.1.23, 7.2.10 -> 7.2.11 →
<o1lo01ol1o> clever: gnarley. So previously when I built the master, I got no notifications of build failures beyond it saying that the hydra-2017-11.drv failed. I had to muck around with the iohk code to accidentally get the error above. I was also able to build from source on the machine locally. your branch builds successfully.
<o1lo01ol1o> clever: however, my jobset still returns `command `git rev-parse master' failed with exit status 32768 at /nix/store/hhvbyrc8rnfihpka791l5srzy767bdr7-hydra-2017-11-21/libexec/hydra/lib/Hydra/Helper/ line 428`
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: you may need to fork hydra master, then cherry-pick my oldernix commit, and then see what happens with that version
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<gchristensen> o1lo01ol1o: what are you going to use Hydra for?
<o1lo01ol1o> CI for a git project with submodules and CD to a staging environment
<o1lo01ol1o> gchristensen:
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<Church-> clever: On a system 76 laptop? :P
<Church-> Saw a mention in your config
<clever> Church-: yeah
<Church-> Which one? On an oryx pro myself.
<Church-> Heh so almost the same as mine.
<Church-> Think porting the sys76 drivers over to nix?
<Church-> Is worth it.
<clever> Church-: i have thought about it a bit, but never got around to it
<clever> Church-: i also notice that the oryx shows some pictures of the motherboard, one min
<Church-> Only thing really stopping me from loading my config up. Not sure how it'll affect my setup
<Church-> Aye aye
<o1lo01ol1o> clever: I forked and cherry picked your commit into the current master but no dice.
<clever> Church-:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #48227 → [18.09] nix-daemon service: Ensure `ssh` is on PATH. Fixes #46038. →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to release-18.09:
<Church-> Yeah effectively the same as mine.
<clever> Church-: you can see that a very large chunk of the kudu is just empty space, and there is an obvious void where the GPU and cooler went
<Church-> Aye. Got a gti 1070 in mine.
<clever> Church-: the photo on looks like a different motherboard
<Church-> Ah, yeah it does
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<clever> all of my ports on the right side are on a daughter board with an extension cable, lol
<clever> so the laptop could be as wide or narrow as they want, and still use the same board
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<clever> Church-: oh, and my battery is more external, and i can swap it while the machine is on
<Church-> Neat
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<o1lo01ol1o> clever: does my git repository need a `master` branch?
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: nope
<o1lo01ol1o> Ok, I dunno then.
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<infinisil> I wonder if it's possible to have a github repo without any branches
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lopsided98 opened pull request #48229 → nixos: initrd/luks: fix detection of devices by UUID →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nicknovitski opened pull request #48230 → fastlane: disable update check →
<gchristensen> infinisil:
<samueldr> perfect to store your secrets in! (nom don't)
<infinisil> Hehe neat
<samueldr> no,*
<gchristensen> haha
<infinisil> Well actually, is there a way to get to commits without tags?
* samueldr wonders about user activity
<infinisil> Ah, I guess github allows 7 char long sha's to go to the full ones, which makes brute force to discover commits not too bad of an option
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<elvishjerricco> infinisil: Doesn't github garbage collect commits with no refs to them?
<infinisil> elvishjerricco: Ah, that might be a problem too hehe
<elvishjerricco> That too :P
<Berra> It doesn't seem possible to do: path + "../dir2" - any way around this?
<infinisil> ,dnw Berra
<{^_^}> Berra: "Does not work" isn't very helpful: What doesn't work? What's the error?
<clever> Berra: path + "/../dir2"
<infinisil> Ah
<clever> Berra: nix strips any trailing /'s from paths
<Berra> clever: Great stuff - I had even tried that - but wasn't careful to make sure the concatenation happens between the string part - so concating "/" with the path was idempotent. Thanks for the help.
<clever> yep
<infinisil> > ./. + "/" + "/" + "/"
<{^_^}> /var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs
<infinisil> > ./. + "///////"
<{^_^}> /var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #48192 → pythonPackages.filterpy: init at 1.4.5 →
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<bgamari_> Is there any way to disable sandboxing for a particular derivation?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #48231 → yubikey-manager: 0.7.0 -> 1.0.0 →
<Church-> Hell with it, let's try out nixos on my laptop
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<gchristensen> woot!
<clever> bgamari_: if you set `sandbox = relaxed` in nix.conf, then you can put a special tag in your derivation to disable it
<bgamari_> clever, right, that is exactly what I'm looking for
* bgamari_ searches
<clever> bgamari_: __noChroot is the special key in the drv
<bgamari_> wow
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonafato opened pull request #48232 → keybase: 2.5.0 -> 2.7.3 →
<bgamari_> we really discourage use of it, eh?
<clever> bgamari_: ive also discovered, that if you do `sandbox = on`, fixed-output derivations are still in a mount namespace, and only get network
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonafato opened pull request #48233 → kbfs: 2.5.0 -> 2.6.0 →
<clever> bgamari_: but if you do `sandbox = relaxed`, then fixed-output derivations get full access to any world-readable file on the host, without having to request anything special
<bgamari_> hmm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonafato opened pull request #48234 → keybase-gui: 2.5.0 -> 2.7.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #48235 → pcsctools: 1.4.25 -> 1.5.3 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir opened pull request #48236 → rust-bindgen: 0.40.0 -> 0.42.2 →
<elgoosy> have anyone had success with vlc or videostream (chrome extension) + chromecast in nixos? I opened the ports and i can cast from chrome tab, but not with vlc neither with videostream
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
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<etu> gchristensen: Hey man, do you know what versions of macOS the borg and hydra runs?
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<etu> gchristensen: I'm trying to help out to trace this bug down:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir opened pull request #48237 → [18.09] apacheHttpd: 2.4.34 -> 2.4.35 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir opened pull request #48238 → [18.03] apacheHttpd: 2.4.33 -> 2.4.35 →
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<Church-> How would I start the x server on the latest live cd?
<Church-> Seems the display manager can't connect
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<lassulus> huh this sounds wrong
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<Church-> Man this livecd sucks.
<lassulus> well it starts for me, but takes a while (10sec)
<lassulus> I actually never used the graphical live cd
<Church-> Welp trying to do graphical since wpa won't connect to my wifi
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<Church-> lassulus: gui fails out due to trying to connect too often.
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<Church-> And X not starting
<symphorien> You can try nmtui then ?
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<Church-> Ah didn't know that was installed
<worldofpeace> Church-: um you start it with `systemctl start display-manager`
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<Church-> worldofpeace: I'm aware now. Failed to start.
<worldofpeace> Church-: Oh the unit doesn't start when you start it
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<Church-> Nope, finally got networking going, so let me get a log
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<Church-> So log is here,
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.09-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
<Church-> On a System76 Oryx Pro 4. So a rebranded clevo basically.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 2 commits to release-18.09:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #48237 → [18.09] apacheHttpd: 2.4.34 -> 2.4.35 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #48240 → perl-cross: 1.2 -> gitmaster →
<Church-> Anybody got some thoughts?
<worldofpeace> Church-: Reading, doesn't sound too good
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<bgamari_> Church-, what does lspci say?
<Church-> One second
<Church-> bgamari_: ^
<bgamari_> ahh
<bgamari_> you need to install an nvidia driver
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #48229 → nixos: initrd/luks: fix detection of devices by UUID →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 3 commits to master:
<bgamari_> my condolences :)
<worldofpeace> yeah all makes sense now
<Church-> ... sigh.
<Church-> nix-env -i nvidia then?
* bgamari_ hasn't the slightest idea under nixos
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 2 commits to release-18.03:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #48238 → [18.03] apacheHttpd: 2.4.33 -> 2.4.35 →
<bgamari_> I'd probably try nouveau
<bgamari_> xf86_video_nouveau
<Church-> Because running nix-env from the installer gives this error - "GC Warning: Bad initial heap size 10000 - ignoring it"
<Church-> When trying to install any package.
<bgamari_> you likely don't want to use nix-env for this though
<bgamari_> you should edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<worldofpeace> can't they just set services.xserver.videoDrivers ?
<drakonis_> Church-, you gotta add nvidia to your config
<bgamari_> are all drivers installed by default
<bgamari_> ?
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<bgamari_> If so, then yes
<bgamari_> Church-,
<drakonis_> nvidia has to be compiled on the host device
<Church-> bgamari_: So just add this to config.nix - services.xserver.videoDrivers [ "ati_unfree" "amdgpu" "amdgpu-pro" "nv" "nvidia" "nvidiaLegacy340" "nvidiaLegacy304" "intel" ]
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<worldofpeace> I would try just `[ "nouveau" ];`
<bgamari_> Church-, I'd probably drop the irrelevant entries
<bgamari_> and yes, I would use nouveau
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #47321 → oraclejdk: deprecate oraclejdk 10 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed commit from @taku0 to master « oraclejdk: deprecate oraclejdk 10 »:
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<worldofpeace> then try to find out a actual workable configuration for that machine (nouveau sucks)
<bgamari_> back when I had the misfortunate of owning a machine with nvidia graphics I found that nouveau was by far the best option
<bgamari_> but that was a long time ago
<Church-> Okay set it like this?
<Church-> Yeah I was running Pop OS before
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<Church-> So I never had problems. Could game or do ML stuff like a dream
<bgamari_> services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ];
<Church-> Doy
<worldofpeace> Probably need to try to replicate the Pop OS configuration
<bgamari_> Church-, this is a system76 machine?
<Church-> Eyep
<Church-> worldofpeace: Yeah gonna see about porting the packages. Or hell I'd pay some cash if somebody wanted to do it
* bgamari_ is quite surprised they ship an nvidia GPU
<Church-> Seems lile a pain in the ass
<Church-> bgamari_: Yep they do a nvidia/intel combo
<Church-> With a custom script to make switching easier.
<Church-> Was damn good for games
<bgamari_> fair enough
* bgamari_ admittedly doesn't game
<Church-> Ran everything up to wiiU and modern PC like a breeze
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed commit from @taku0 to release-18.09 « oraclejdk: deprecate oraclejdk 10 »:
<worldofpeace> Isn't that like bumblebee?
<Church-> I don't either usually. But I'm home almost all the day so I needed another hobby
<drakonis_> porting packages eh?
<drakonis_> speaking of games
<Church-> worldofpeace: Eh it makes it easier to switch in the bios and do a reboot
<drakonis_> i couldn't get dead cells to run :(
<Church-> Not a live switch
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed commit from @taku0 to release-18.03 « oraclejdk: deprecate oraclejdk 10 »:
<Church-> Drakonis_: Yeppp. Three should be okay enough, one C, two Rust and a python script around them.
<Church-> All except python use makefiles
<drakonis_> i really want to play dead cells
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<alex-v> Hi,what's the proper way to run nix-daemon when the Nix admin user is not root?
<gchristensen> nix-daemon has to run as root
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed commit from @paddygord to master « yojimbo: init at 1.1 (#48214) »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #48214 → yojimbo: init at 1.1 →
<Church-> And new errors now
<Church-> Man this reminds me of my youth
<Church-> Let's try nouveau
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<Church-> And nouveau dies as well. Bollocks
<alex-v> gchristensen: I mean on non-nixos system. This user owns /nix/store so no issues
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<gchristensen> alex-v: let me put it another way, I know of no way for nix-daemon to run as any user other than root.
<alex-v> gchristensen: i don't have any issues with running it as a different user. it owns /nix/store and its profile is the default one so all the users see it
<lassulus> how can i find out why a package is installed?
<Church-> Hmm seems i950.ko isn't loaded.
<infinisil> lassulus: run `which <binary>`
<infinisil> Should tell you where it comes from, user profile or system profile probably
<alex-v> gchristensen: i am not on nixos so no system services via nix
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<gchristensen> alex-v: you seem to not be reading my messages properly. As far as I know, nix-daemon must run as root.
<lassulus> well it's not in PATH
<gchristensen> alex-v: if you're using Nix on a system with systemd which isn't using selinux, you can install nix-daemon and the service from the installer.
<infinisil> lassulus: What then?
<lassulus> I'm trying to debug xpra, but when I connect via xpra to my local user and local system an older derivation of xpra gets called, even though the one in my PATH is patched
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<Church-> And running via nomodtest didn't help off the bat. Well let's try with other drivers
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<infinisil> lassulus: If you have the path of the binary you can use `nix-store -q --roots <path>` to figure out some stuff
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<lassulus> that helps
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<alex-v> gchristensen: btw Nix 2.1 has this in release notes: nix-daemon</command> now respects --store, so it can be run as a non-root user.
<samueldr> lassulus: <3 ping me if there's progress
<lassulus> will do, but could take a while :D
<lassulus> (most certainly not today)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #48241 → perlPackages.LWP: support cross-compilation →
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<andi-> Is there some darwin user available that could dig into why the gitea 1.5.2 PR expects another sha256 for the very same fetchFromGitHub? ( )
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #48242 → perlPackages.XMLParser: fix cross-compilation →
<elvishjerricco> andi-: This is really really weird:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #48180 → retdec: 3.0 -> 3.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to master:
* Church- is so close to telling nixos to fuck itself
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<elvishjerricco> Church-: ?
<Church-> Graphics issues
<worldofpeace> Nvidia Optimus?
<Church-> Maybe if I set bumblee...
<elvishjerricco> andi-: Oh, y'know what? I bet it has to do with macOS's case sensitive file system
<Church-> Or optimus
<andi-> elvishjerricco: m(
<worldofpeace> This looks really helpful #42846
<{^_^}> (by ambrop72, 14 weeks ago, merged): nixos/xserver: Implement configuration of NVIDIA Optimus via PRIME
<andi-> elvishjerricco: I mentioned you and the darwin guys on the PR.. let's see if they agree. Feel free to elaborate on that theory there :-)
<Church-> worldofpeace: Looking through it, is there a link to just how to enable it?
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<worldofpeace> Church-: This feature isn't in the release for complex reasons.
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<Church-> Eyep
<worldofpeace> I'm not sure if bumblebee works in nixpkgs but you can try it
<worldofpeace> config options are here
<worldofpeace> Actually this issue makes me think differently #24711
<{^_^}> (by ghost, 1 year ago, open): Nvidia, Bumblebee, Hybrid Graphics, Nothing Working on NixOS 17.03
<alex-v> gchristensen: I see that the section " Nix store/database not owned by root" was removed from the manual after I did my initiall install. According to the commit message it was done because nobody was using nix-setuid-helper. Neither did I because I did not use the build users nix-setuid-helper was meant to enable.
<worldofpeace> Church-: You could use nixos unstable
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<Church-> worldofpeace: Why?
<Church-> Trying out bumblebee now.
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<worldofpeace> Church-: It would have this feature now
<Church-> Ah
<lopsided98> Church-: I know this isn't very helpful, but I don't think nvidia and bumblebee should be necessary to get X working. I have a (somewhat older) optimus laptop, and if you ignore the nvidia card it runs just like any other laptop with Intel graphics
<lopsided98> Anyway, bumblebee only works with an already running X server on the Intel GPU
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<worldofpeace> I think that option would be `hardware.nvidiaOptimus.disable`
<lopsided98> I haven't tried running NixOS on it, though, so I can't be much help
<Church-> lopsided98: I tried just - services.xserver.videoDriver = "intel";
<Church-> Already
<Church-> Nada same error every time.
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<Church-> This:
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<puffnfresh> gchristensen: we're about to start using your Docker work
<puffnfresh> thank you <3 <3 <3
<puffnfresh> we have a few images with about 100 layers
<puffnfresh> most are only around 15 or so though
<neonfuz> Church-: I'm using nixos-unstable with bumblebee
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<Church-> Gotcha. Tbh I don't care about nvidia. I just want intel basic graphics working.
<lopsided98> Have you tried: services.xserver.videoDriver = "modesetting";
<worldofpeace> That's a default
<lopsided98> Yeah, it should be used automatically
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<{^_^}> [hydra] @aycanirican opened pull request #601 → Add JSON to hydra-perl-deps →
<worldofpeace> Church-: You're currently just trying to get the graphical installer to just work?
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<Church-> Eyep
<{^_^}> [hydra] @aycanirican closed pull request #601 → Add JSON to hydra-perl-deps →
<worldofpeace> So blacklist the nvidia kernel mods
bb010g[m] is now known as bb010g
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<Church-> Gonna try that now.
<worldofpeace> Probably nouveau nvidia nvidiafb nvidia-drm
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to (from 63 minutes ago, history:
<Church-> worldofpeace: Doing it from a fresh install now, there is no nvidia driver loaded
<Church-> Gonna load the intel driver
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<worldofpeace> Fresh install? I'm not sure what that means in your context
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<jakubd1> hello, i am totally new to nixos, I get a tmpfs on /run/user/1000 by default with way too little space (800MB) and a build tool (commercialhaskell/stack) uses up the space quickly aborting a compilation, how can I control the size of this dir?
<Church-> worldofpeace: Reloaded the burned livecd
<worldofpeace> Church-: ahh
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<Church-> Hmm no module fbcon
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<lopsided98> I'm testing the ISO on my laptop
<Church-> Thanks!
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<Church-> Okay, reloaded the livecd, gonna try again and post the logs. This is intel only, no nvidia.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #48231 → yubikey-manager: 0.7.0 -> 1.0.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed commit from @dtzWill to master « yubikey-manager: 0.7.0 -> 1.0.0 »:
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<Church-> Log here:
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<lopsided98> It works fine on my laptop - this is something specific to your hardware
<Church-> ... fucking laptop
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* Church- sighs
<Church-> How are there graphics issues with intel in this age?
<avn> Personally I have only one intel hd machine, and it works, all other are radeons of different age
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<worldofpeace> intel graphics issues when you through nvidia in the mix
<worldofpeace> *throw
<Church-> Well nvidia is disabled
<Church-> It should be a non issue >_>
<lopsided98> Can you manually load the i915 module?
<lopsided98> Are there are errors related to it in dmesg?
<Church-> Let me check
<Church-> Ahhh. The driver support for my hardware in this kernel is alpha quality for i915
<lopsided98> Try using a newer kernel
<worldofpeace> Also did you say that you could disable the nvidia card in the bios?
<Church-> I'm supposed to be able to. Option isn't there.
<lopsided98> NixOS uses 4.14 (LTS release) by default
<Church-> Gotcha
<Church-> Yeah let me try that. This is the current newest intel hardware
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<ryantm_> Is there a reason not to have the option types in the NixOS options documentation? It would be really helpful for variables like which aren't just simple strings.
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<samueldr> ryantm_: dunno, but as long as serializing it into the options.json is possible, once done adding it to the site shouldn't be too hard
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<samueldr> oh, they're already in the json file
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<samueldr> optionData["<name>.preStart"].type // -> "string"
<clever> samueldr: the type is actualy lines, which will join multiple values together with a \n
<samueldr> yeah, just found it, so the existing serialized data is... not entirely truthful right now
<clever> yeah
<clever> samueldr: this is part of my old nixos-installer idea, it would build that json file, from the current channel, and then render the options as an interactive tree
<samueldr> that's the data source for the site
<clever> yep
<samueldr> the release -A options
<clever> i also built my own UI's over it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @catern opened pull request #48243 → bazel-buildtools: upgrade to 2018-10-11 →
<clever> samueldr: is the QX one
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<samueldr> yeah, saw that ages ago
<clever> you have a standard treeview, which dynamically shows the description at the bottom, and you can add the selected option to the tree on the left
<clever> that was back before hnix, so i had no easy way to convert to/from configuration.nix and a treeview
<samueldr> okay, so the generated manual pages (html and man) also list "string" for types.lines
<clever> samueldr: lines runs the separatedString function, which returns a set with description = "string";
<samueldr> oooh
<samueldr> I was one level removed from that (climbing in the source too)
<clever> ive memorized the whole source tree and was expecting to find that in lib/types.nix
<samueldr> :)
<clever> i tend to get obsessed with how things work, and devour the entire source tree :P
<samueldr> since you know it all you could fix all the bugs?
<samueldr> ;)
<clever> lol
<samueldr> *left as an exercise to the reader*
<Church-> Man this kernel is taking forever to build
<Church-> samueldr: Found the maths prof
<ryantm_> clever: cool!
<samueldr> clever, ryantm_, any more... clever... ideas than adding a parameter to describe the type?
<worldofpeace> Church-: um why are you source building the kernel?
<samueldr> so that lines would become lines = separatedStringDocumented "\n" "type.lines";
<clever> samueldr: all i can think of is to improve the description, description = "string seperated by ${sep}";
<samueldr> (to not break the API)
<infinisil> ryantm_: I would totally not mind having types in the options page, sounds useful
<clever> maybe with a way to escape the ${sep}
<Church-> worldofpeace: I didn't plan to, "nix-env -i linux"
<Church-> And it started building
<samueldr> the type isn't "string separated by \n" but "strings that will be concatenated by ±n"
<worldofpeace> yeah no no no
<ryantm_> samueldr: that sounds good to me.
<samueldr> s/±/\\/g
<worldofpeace> Can you even use a newer kernel in the installer? (no building the installer yourself)