samueldr changed the topic of #nixos to: NixCon 2018 - 25-27 Oct In London || NixOS 18.09 released || || Latest NixOS: || Latest Nix: || Logs: || #nixos-dev, #nix-darwin, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-chat, #nixcon
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #48787 → samba4: 4.7.9 -> 4.7.10 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @danieldk to master « samba4: 4.7.9 -> 4.7.10 (#48787) »:
<pie___> well...i /seem/ to have gotten it down to: systemctl start network-addresses-tinc.iaacluster.service
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »:
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<pie_> i think i figured out my problem but im not sure what to do about it
<pie_> im using this to set up my interface properties and i think its having issues because its getting run before the tinc service
<pie_> so i need to get systemd to run tinc.iaa_cluster.service before whatever that is
<pie_> dont really know how to do that
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<pie_> but those services specify After=sys-subsystem-net-devices-tinc.iaacluster.device what gives?
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<pie_> well this didnt work
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<pie_> the best guess i have is that i created a circular dependency, and apparently systemd gives no warnings/errors or anything about unsatisfiable orderings or something?
<pie_> unless the error message i pasted is that...
<pie_> well not necessarily circular but rather maybe tinc depends on networking, and the address/link scripts on networking-pre and i just made tinc need to be before address/link (i think))
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<pie_> ok for starters i typod the service name in my fix... /me waits
<pie_> well, holy crap i think i got it to work
<dhess> Anyone here using NixOps to deploy to EC2 instances with targetEnv=none (rather than targetEnv=ec2 ?
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<clever> dhess: yes
<dhess> clever: I was going to ask, how do you keep it from re-configuring after every boot, but it looks like this will do the trick:
<dhess> I just had a fright after rebooting mine and it came back up looking very bare :)
<dhess> I was so confused, I thought I had logged into the wrong bo
<dhess> x
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<clever> dhess: that sounds much more like you didnt mount /boot correctly
<dhess> cle
<clever> dhess: so the nixos-rebuild failed to update the boot config
<clever> and then it just booted the previous generation
<clever> s/nixos-rebuild/nixops deploy/
<dhess> clever: I don't think so. There's no separate boot fs
<dhess> I'm pretty sure it was just the configure script, because it started deploying the keys, then paused for a few minutes, then resumed
<dhess> and then I noticed that it had activated apply-ec2-data
<clever> ah
<dhess> clever: I'm doing `imports = [ .../nixos/modules/virtualisation/amazon-image.nix ]`
<clever> dhess: and the testnet deployer you linked above, is being created with terraform, and then nixops manages it via none
<dhess> which maybe I shouldn't be doing? But I wasn't sure what the right image is for EC2 instances
<dhess> clever: yeah, which is precisely what I'm doing
<clever> dhess: just read amazon-image.nix and decide what you want to keep from it?
<dhess> clever: Considered that but I'd really rather not :) I think that iohk-ops fix will do the trick. I'm about to reboot to find out
<clever> ah yeah, it does a lot, may be simpler to keep that small override, then to copy what you need
<dhess> yeah
<clever> i had to duplicate a lot of it to make a zfs based ami
<dhess> I can imagine. I've got quite a bit of duplicated stuff already, don't wanna add to it if I don't need to
<pie_> fpletz, you're listed as a tinc maintainer, I think I figured out how to get tinc to restart properly when using config.networking to set the interface properties, but i wont be able to do a pr or anything, here's the info:
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<dhess> yeah that did the trick
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bgamari opened pull request #48806 → [18.09] ghc: add new 8.4.4 version →
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<dmj`> anyone here familiar with declarative spec files and/or declarative input types
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<CMCDragonkai> Is there a way to get Python GDB support in NixOS?
<CMCDragonkai> It says that there is a file `` that we use.
<CMCDragonkai> But where is this file inside Nix?
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<infinisil> dmj`: no idea what you mean by that, sounds very generic
<dmj`> infinisil: have you ever used hydra
<wykurz> hi, I've created a PR to add cpuset to nixpkgs. however I'm having second thoughts on the location. the current one in the PR is pkgs/os-specific/linux, but I'm wondering if something like pkgs/tools/admin would be more appropriate?
<infinisil> dmj`: oh, nope, you didn't mention hydra in your question..
<dmj`> infinisil: ah, sure
<{^_^}> #48765 (by wykurz, 1 day ago, open): cpuset: init at 1.6pre1
<dmj`> infinisil: my bad, I might just go to gitlab
<infinisil> wykurz: nah looks good to me. These locations don't matter much anyways, most of the time
<wykurz> infinisil: thanks
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<aleph-> So question is there a way to create a directory in /etc/ in a way similar to environement.etc."CONFIG_NAME".option?
<aleph-> Trying to programmatically create /etc/logrotate.conf.d/ amongst others.
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<pie_> fpletz, well, fwiw that /seems/ to have fixed the restarting, but starting the service at boot is broken. i have to "ifconfig tinc.mynetwork up" and then "systemctl start" seems to get stuff working
<aleph-> For example, could I do - environment.etc."logrotate.d/fail2ban".text = '' '';
<pie_> just...seems like a mess (mostly my own mess? idk...)
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<YellowOnion> Hmm, is there a site or something providing configuration.nix's for various setups one might need?
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<YellowOnion> jackdk, yeah sorta like that. I was thinking how like a lot of services provide 1-click hosting, or how vagrant can get "ready to use" systems up in a couple of minutes.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk opened pull request #48808 → openal: 1.19.0 -> 1.19.1 →
<CMCDragonkai> Does anybody know how to use `separateDebugInfo`?
<CMCDragonkai> I looked in `~/.nix-profile/lib/debug` and that directory does not exist.
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<CMCDragonkai> There's 2 things I'm trying to understand. How get all my programs on NixOS to have debug output enabled, and integrated into gdb using the `.gdbinit` config.
<CMCDragonkai> Or how to get a derivation in a nix-shell to have debug output, and how to get that into the `gdb`
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<ekleog> CMCDragonkai: you should look into `enableDebugging`, I think (though it won't integrate with `.gdbinit`)
<CMCDragonkai> It's not working for me atm
<ekleog> if you can get `nix-shell -p 'enableDebugging mypackage'` (note: I'm not sure about the syntax) to add the path to GDB you should make a PR for it and maybe even make it default :°
<CMCDragonkai> What do you mean make a PR for it?
<CMCDragonkai> Oh I see
<ekleog> upstream
<ekleog> I tried adding stuff to shellHook in `enableDebugging`, but somehow it looked like it wasn't evaluated, and I didn't have more time to investigate
<CMCDragonkai> The answer seems to indicate that after creating a shell that has gdb and the `enableDebugging` of Python, it should just work. But GDB still says no debugging symbols found.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #48585 → ocamlPackages.zmq: init at 20180726 →
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<ekleog> CMCDragonkai: yeah, it doesn't, you need to add the directory (in the derivation) to the load-path
<ekleog> and you also need to unpack the source to get the source lines to display
<ekleog> it's a bit of a PITA, so if you find a way to automate this all… :D
<adisbladis> bpye: You're welcome :) I think it's about time to get it into nixpkgs..
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #48191 → julia: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed commit from @f--t to master « julia: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 (#48191) »:
<CMCDragonkai> @ekleog What is this directory? Is the `drv.debug` output path? And what do you mean by unpacking the source to get source lines?
<ekleog> CMCDragonkai: actually scratch that about adding to the load-path (o.O was convinced I needed to do that like last week)
<CMCDragonkai> ekleog: You have a solution?
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<ekleog> (the no such file or directory is because I didn't unpack the source)
<CMCDragonkai> ekleog: Do you have an example for Python? It seems that the python derivations have lots of different ways of doing it.
<CMCDragonkai> If we get this working, we get to be able to "debug" the python interprete.r
<CMCDragonkai> But I want to debug my application level code, which requires the python extensions to Gdb
<ekleog> CMCDragonkai: for the source,
<CMCDragonkai> And I can't find anything about how to get the python extensions to gdb in NixOS
<ekleog> (it doesn't look really automatable, though… maybe with some metadata added to the package it could be auto-generated?)
<ekleog> CMCDragonkai: well, if you want to add python extensions to gdb then it's not the same thing as debug symbols for python :)
<CMCDragonkai> @FRidh That's the one I'm working off.
<ekleog> (and I know nothing about python debugging apart from adding print() everywhere because it's been enough for me until now, so… sorry ^^')
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<FRidh> I never used debugging myself either, but this did seem to work
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<CMCDragonkai> @FRidh I don't understand how to use that nix expression you have. I copied it into the `shell.nix` and `nix-shell` complained that it was not a derivation. So I removed the list and left it as `((python.override{inherit self;}).withPackages(ps: with ps; [ cython ]))`. And entered the shell. But of course python isn't in the PATH for the shell.
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<CMCDragonkai> Ok I get it.
<CMCDragonkai> I'll send a suggestion to make your answer on SO clearer.
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<CMCDragonkai> @FRidh I was wondering does `enableDebugging` propagate to all dependencies?
<CMCDragonkai> So if you ran it on a derivation, would it also do that for all buildInputs as well?
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<CMCDragonkai> I believe that is a no, since I can see that the `select` call inside the glibc doesn't get a source map
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<FRidh> No, it does not propagate. In this case, it keeps debug info for the interpreter. The reason for the override with self is just to make sure that the Python packages use that derivation. You will need to enable debugging for every individual package.
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<srhb> Woah, github is not very healthy right now...
<srhb> adisbladis: Ouch. Thanks :)
<adisbladis> srhb: Yeah ouch indeed :)
<srhb> Note to self: Do not believe it when it says you can't comment right now. You'll spam a lot. :D
<adisbladis> srhb: Tried creating some new repos, they dont show up and when I try to create it again it says they already exist :)
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<srhb> I think I'll just postpone my monday morning github roundup to tuesday. :D
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<FRidh> yea...they should have disabled commenting while restoring.
<srhb> Lots of things seem to be acting every weirdly. I think they should have just shut down the UI completely, or made it read only :-P
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<adisbladis> Yeah RO would have been nice, now things are just plain weird
<ekleog> ^
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<teto> how can I pass NIX_DEBUG to nix-build ? It seems ignored (I have sandbox enabled) ?
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<lewo> teto: did you set the attribute `NIX-DEBUG=true` in the derivation itself ?
<teto> lewo: yep that works but is there any other way that don't involve changing the derivation ? like having nix-build accept some environmnet variables ?
<teto> well that will do thanks :)
<lewo> teto: I don't think so
<lewo> teto: and if your are using a daemon, nix-build env variables are not propagated to the builder
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<colemickens> is there a function that will read a text file but still do ${replacements} ?
<Mic92> substituteAll does something similar
<colemickens> thanks, that will work
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<hyper_ch2_> so, finally I found a name for my zfs snapshot and backup tool that I'm going to create :)
<infinisil> hyper_ch2_: Does it do anything special?
<hyper_ch2_> infinisil: it's two parts: the snapshot tool will create snapshots and you will define in the zfs property how many of eah kind to keep - pondering making it: easysnap:daily -1/0/xxx/false where -1 means unlimited (do not delete any), 0 means delete all existing snapshots, xxx means keep xxx snapshots and false means don't make any new snapshots but don't delete existing ones
<hyper_ch2_> and the other part is the zfs send/receive script on a backup server
<hyper_ch2_> so, basically nothing special... I just will write it in bash and tailor to my needs
<hyper_ch2_> infinisil: why? you have special needs?
<infinisil> Nice. But yes I do, I'll write my own thing too though, probably as a bachelors thesis
<hyper_ch2_> infinisil: the problem is that I have with auto-snapshot I want to have different amounts of hourly snapshots for different datasets
<infinisil> You could use znapzend for that
<hyper_ch2_> and I think the options as value to a custom property are nice: -1/0/xxx/false
<hyper_ch2_> so if you want to change something, alter the property value and on the next run it will put it into effect
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog opened pull request #48810 → wasm: remove alias to unbreak the channel →
<hyper_ch2_> znapzend has issues with encryption
<teto> is it possible to convey proxy information at runtime to the nix daemon (I guess not else I could have passed environment variables) ? recommandations seem to be to build several profiles and switch inbetween but that seems overkill
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<hyper_ch2_> infinisil: also the thing is, znapzend sends to backup locations... I do not want a live server to be able to send stuff to a backup server
<hyper_ch2_> it's the backup server that needs to pull stuff from the live server
<infinisil> I see
<hyper_ch2_> also, not sure if you have have different amounts of snapshots depending on the dataset in znapzend... I know znapzend too little for tht
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<infinisil> You do, #nixos-chat though
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<adisbladis> ekleog: The proglodyte-wasm warning is causing eval failures
<ekleog> adisbladis: should have been fixed a few hours ago?
<ekleog> srhb poked me about it on #nixos-dev :)
<ekleog> (which led to being cherry-picked because the webui was down)
<ekleog> hmm actually it's down again… meh
<ekleog> well… 1hr to be precise
<ekleog> thanks for the ping anyway :)
<adisbladis> ekleog: Ahh right. Sorry for the noise :)
<ekleog> np :)
<adisbladis> Hmm, even pulling from github yields inconsistent results
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<ekleog> the outage was supposed to be finished ~30min ago according to the latest estimates :'(
<adisbladis> ekleog: Yeah.. Not over quite yet
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed commit from @Ekleog to master « wasm: remove alias to unbreak the channel »:
<ekleog> ah, notifications are coming :D
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<adisbladis> Nicely delayed :3
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<srhb> adisbladis: Pulling yields inconsistencies? O_o
<adisbladis> srhb: Github storage problems.. Sometimes a branch exists, sometimes not.
<adisbladis> Sometimes it has some commits, sometimes not
<srhb> Urgh...
<srhb> Gonna be a really fun monday.
<adisbladis> I wrapped my pushes in a while loop to try until it succeeds
<srhb> lol
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dguibert opened pull request #48811 → networkd: don't managed interfaces set up by script →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mpickering opened pull request #48812 → cedille bug fixes →
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<mg-> Huh, has the default been changed from slim to lightdm?
<infinisil> mg-: yeah i think so
<mg-> :(
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<infinisil> What's the problem?
<teto> can I assume in that we are using bash ? or is it just sh ?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @loskutov opened pull request #48813 → opensc: 0.18.0 -> 0.19.0 →
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<joko> teto: I think you have safely assume bash, but it's better to wait for others to say so, too
<sphalerite> teto:
<teto> sphalerite: not really, in a custom phase let's say. I wanna force glob expansion and check for results but seems like the elegant solutions are mostly array-base => bash
<sphalerite> teto: ah yes, you can
<sphalerite> teto: we have soooo many bashisms in nixpkgs
<teto> cool thanks
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<teto> I managed to get automatic conversion from rockspec lua packages to nix (a bit harder than src.rock) so hopefully we can import whole of luarocks into nixpkgs
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<kai_w> Is there a way to add additional overlays in a `.nix` file (to the ones I have in ~/.config/nixpkgs)?
<teto> kai_w: you can set nixpkgs.overlays I think
<kai_w> teto: currently I'm doing `import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [...]; };`, but that replaces, not appends
<teto> kai_w: it's a list so you can put yours as well. append there may need nixpkgs change like mkDefault or ...
<kai_w> ah good point, I can just `import ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix`. That works :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed to master « vgo2nix: init at unstable-2018-10-14 »:
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<joko> I get lots of 404 in github, has anyone else noticed anything similar?
<joko> I mean in the nixpkgs project
<teto> joko: github is behaving badly today
<__monty__> Yep, noticed it too. Guess Azure can't shoulder the load ; )
<teto> microsoft interns took over the operations
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<__monty__> Ouch 11 hours of fixing things under pressure.
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<srhb> Worst part is the inconsistencies in the UI. 404s are much nicer in comparison..
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<mg-> infinisil: I just upgraded to 18.09 (from .03), and the nice minimalistic login screen was gone, and my screenlocker doesn't work anymore. I'm sure lightdm is just as good, but it looks worse
<mg-> (out of the box, at least)
<infinisil> I see, you can still turn on sddm again
<infinisil> The default was changed because sddm is deprecated and stuff
<Taneb> (infinisil: do you mean slim there?)
<infinisil> Ah yes I do
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<teto> old login screen was too bright
<Taneb> I got a new laptop recently, I'm going to install NixOS on it tonight!
<etu> Taneb: Nice!
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<oldandwise> can i get ghci 8.4.4?
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<joko> oldandwise: nix-shell -p haskell.compiler.ghc844 --run ghci works here (nixos-unstable)
<joko> For 18.09 you will have to wait for
<{^_^}> #48806 (by bgamari, 7 hours ago, open): [18.09] ghc: add new 8.4.4 version
<joko> Or you could run sth like nix-shell -I nixpkgs= -p haskell.compiler.ghc844
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<oldandwise> thanks. And what is this ghc-8.6.1 in 18.09?
<joko> Another version of GHC?
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<__monty__> oldandwise: It's the latest version.
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<__monty__> It does have a bug though, 8.4.3 has multiple. But they shouldn't matter if you're just learning.
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<oldandwise> __monty__: k..i'm just learning. I'm just confused of the versions coz 8.4.4 is the latest
<__monty__> oldandwise: It's the most recent, just because 8.6 is out doesn't mean the GHC team can neglect 8.4. The latest version is 8.6.1.
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<regina_> I'm not using nixOS but rather the nix package manager. Is this the right channel?
<regina_> I'm on void linux trying to build idris from source.
<Taneb> regina_: it is the right channel
<regina_> Taneb: thanks
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<regina_> I'm not sure what I did differently yesterday, but before installing nix from void's package manager, I was able to create a /nix directory without permissions errors
<regina_> then I installed nix from void's repo, .. and now it can't find nixpkgs
<worldofpeace__> Hey, can someone please merge/comment on #48150 ? I think it's suitable for a backport.
<{^_^}> (by Vskilet, 1 week ago, open): [18.09] nixos/emby: use the dataDir option
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<shreyansh_k> Hi guys, if A depends on B and there a minor version bump on B, does Nix rebuilds A too with newer B?
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<ekleog> anyone knows the mail address to which to send an email to generate a discourse thread?
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<ekleog> just tried sending to and it failed
<__monty__> shreyansh_k: Yes because the hash for B changes.
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<ekleog> oh it's +inbox
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<__monty__> regina_: Sounds like problems with NIX_PATH maybe? Generally, installing nix with a package manager instead of letting nix manage itself is annoying though. There's really no reason to have void manage nix.
<regina_> __monty__: thanks
<regina_> error: file 'nixpkgs' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at /home/regina/idris.learn
<regina_> __monty__: so I should xbps-remove nix, then build nix from source via latest stable?
<__monty__> This is usually the easiest way to install nix: curl | sh
<regina_> __monty__: thank you
<regina_> how should I set the permissions and ownership of the /nix directory?
<simpson> You shouldn't. The installer will pick good permissions for you.
<regina_> it looks like there is not much difference to using void's nix versus the i686 binary .. except I am planning to switch this sytem to x86_64 (installed the wrong version) and this would be one more outside (non-xbps) thignt o remember..
<regina_> simpson: thanks
<simpson> The biggest difference is that eventually you will want Nix to manage your Nix.
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<regina_> simpson: when I tried (from to stack build --nix , it gave me a bunch of permissions errors
<regina_> it sounds like I will have two competing sets of packages, sources, and binaries...
<regina_> I want to try out nixos on a separte system .. at this poitn just looking for a working build of idris
<simpson> Well, yeah, Nix + other distros is always an adventure.
<regina_> So, that would be a good reason to let Void manage my nix.
<simpson> I'm currently seeing if $(nix-shell -p idris) works; it should. I don't know how to make Stack and Nix play together nicely; it seems like Stack is always in the way.
<simpson> Yep, `idris` works fine.
<regina_> simpson: thanks.
<regina_> simpson: what were you implying by $(nix-shell -p idris) ? I'm new to nix.
<regina_> I figured I could alias nix-shell='/path/to/voids/nix' ...
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<simpson> You will eventually want a set of Nix tools on your PATH, although I don't know how Void works.
<simpson> And those paths will generally point into /nix, where Nix manages things.
<regina_> simpson: thanks
<regina_> my error was with nixpkgs, I guess
<simpson> Github's still 404'ing, so I can't check on idris-dev, but odds are good that you merely need to run the nixpkgs derivation on a local development checkout.
<simpson> And that will use the derivation's build instructions on your chosen local source tree, so that you can develop with Nix.
<simpson> Although this isn't a 100% thing with Haskell due to common too-brittle version requirements for dependencies.
<regina_> simpson: I typed the githbu address wrong. git://
<simpson> You should also have nix-env, nix-shell, etc. $(nix run nixpkgs.idris) should work, using the Nix 2.0 command.
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<simpson> Hm. I don't know how you installed Nix, but it seems like your /nix permissions aren't right for a single-user install.
<simpson> The Nix installer should give you a root-owned installation that also allows one particular user to use Nix directly.
<regina_> simpson: Right, that's what I was asking about before..
<regina_> it worked yesterday which is the strange part..
<regina_> however I didn't have nix installed from void's package manager
<regina_> (which itself claims a lot of the good features nix claims)
<regina_> so that might ahve been stack build --nix doing something...
<regina_> now taht I've added and removed nix from teh binary I get different errors..
<regina_> simpson: why are you $(enclosing commands in dollar and parentheses?)
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<simpson> regina_: Because quotation is the only way to stay sane on IRC.
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<regina_> I have nix 2.0.4
<simpson> ...I feel like you're flailing, which is a dangerous way to approach package management.
<simpson> It sounds like you have a pretty opinionated way of managing packages on this system already; why have two package managers?
<regina_> yes
<regina_> not opinionated .. just looking to get idris installed
<sir_guy_carleton> and it is not in the void repos?
<simpson> `error: opening lock file '/nix/var/nix/db/big-lock': Permission denied` needs to be dealt with.3
<regina_> sir_guy_carleton: no. it's claimed to be in cabal, but .. cabal
<regina_> simpson: yep. thinking of rm -rf 'ing the /nix directory ?
<regina_> but that has 2 GB of downloads from yesterday when stack build --nix was actually working..
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<simpson> I hear that the installer can be used on top of an existing /nix directory safely, but I have *no* idea whether that's true. Also I have no idea how to prevent your Void package manager from breaking.
<simpson> And, of course, if something invisibly broke your Nix installation before, it could happen again.
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<simpson> Meanwhile, $(nix-shell -p stack) works, and inside that shell, $(stack --nix build) is doing things. So after you figure out how to have a working Nix, everything else should just be a matter of waiting for GHC to use far too much CPU~
<regina_> simpson: thank you
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<betaboon> hello #nixos, i am running into following situation: i am running on macos with nix 2.1.1 with a virtualbox as a linux-build-slave, which is registered via 'builders' in nix.conf. now on 'copying ... from build-slave' it errors out with 'cannot add path .... because it lacks a hash. any hints ?
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<simpson> regina_: My Stack build finished successfully. Once your Nix is fixed, the rest of the path should be straightforward. Good luck.
<avn> Folks, if I have deployment with nixpkgs pinned via fetchzip, how I can propagate this version to nix-shell on "deployed" systems?
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<maurer> Can you not just put it into shell.nix? Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question
<adisbladis> avn: Something like this: `nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=${your-pinned-nixpkgs}" ];`?
<avn> adisbladis: yep. How to propagate <nixpkgs> set via -I nixpkgs=$PATH_TO...? ;)
<adisbladis> avn: That would go in your configuration.nix and set `<nixpkgs>`.
<avn> Even nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=/etc/nixpkgs" ]; and set /etc/nixpkgs as symlink.
<worldofpeace__> avn: like like `system.extraSystemBuilderCmds` for that
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<avn> yep. But is not a question, how I can get <nixpkgs> as path, to symlink (I know how to make symlink from activation)
<worldofpeace__> adisbladis: exactly as adisbladis said, though this question has larger implications than your nix-shell problem
<worldofpeace__> sorry
<worldofpeace__> avn:
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<avn> Well, I probably formulate my question very unclear.
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<lo_mlatu> 10:16 下午 <lo_mlatu> Hello, some question here: how can I prevent the system from creating .xsession-errors in my home dir?
<avn> I have a deployment script, which evaluate nixpkgs.nix (which actually a builtin.fetchTarball expression), then run `nixos-rebuild $@` with exported NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=$(result-of-fetch-nixpkgs). I want to pin this nixpkgs revision somewhere in etc, to use as default NIX_PATH
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<adisbladis> avn: You could use builtins.getEnv ?
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<avn> adisbladis: an option. Just curious, if any common practice exists.
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<Taneb> The hpc tool (which I am using with haskell.doCoverage) generates a HTML report, which I'm using as a hydra-build-product
<Taneb> But the links to this are broken, I think because hydra doesn't know about the other pages in the report, only the index
<Taneb> How would I make sure hydra knows about them?
<jophish> Yo, Taneb
<Taneb> Hey, jophish
<jophish> how's things?
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<Taneb> Pretty good! Looking forward to going to NixCon later this week :)
<jophish> Dezgeg: Do you happen to have an armv7l installer around?
<jophish> nice!
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<Dezgeg> in the usual place:
<jophish> thanks, the link here seems to be bad:
<worldofpeace__> avn: like this?
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<jophish> oh, Dezgeg, I meant just the nix distribution, not a whole image
<Dezgeg> ah, I don't have that one... maybe it's easiest to extract one from the image
<jophish> I wonder if I can boot this image on my raspberry pi 3
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<Dezgeg> yes, it should work
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<jophish> oh great, thanks!
<jophish> the armv7l image that is
<Dezgeg> yes
<jophish> cool beans
<infinisil> Nixcooon \o/
<hyper_ch2_> where?
<adisbladis> Exciting \o/
<adisbladis> hyper_ch2_: London
<Taneb> Just close enough for me to not need a hotel \o/
<hyper_ch2_> never been there
<hyper_ch2_> will the Queen also attend? :)
<adisbladis> hyper_ch2_: Unconfirmed
<hyper_ch2_> this weekend?
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<Taneb> Thursday and Friday, with the hackathon on Saturday (which I'm not attending :( )
<hyper_ch2_> have fun
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<infinisil> ,nixcon
<{^_^}> NixCon 2018 will be in London on 25-27 October,
<gchristensen> I'm on my way!
<hyper_ch2_> don't forget to eat fish'n'chips
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<infinisil> ,nixcon = NixCon 2018 will be in London on 25-27 October,, join #nixcon for discussions!
<{^_^}> nixcon redefined, was defined as: NixCon 2018 will be in London on 25-27 October,
<gchristensen> if you insist ;)
<hyper_ch2_> do they have haggis in London?
<adisbladis> hyper_ch2_: London has everything.
<adisbladis> gchristensen: Me too :) About 80% there already!
<adisbladis> Multi-day stopover
<gchristensen> oh man, I have 5hrs before I get to the air port :P
<avn> worldofpeace__: yep. Although I do "fetch" stage independent, then pass -I nixpkgs=... as search path. So I need resolve and symlink `<nixpkgs>`
<hyper_ch2_> adisbladis: even fried chocolate bars?
<gchristensen> where are you stopped at, adisbladis?
<adisbladis> gchristensen: Stockholm (sweden)
<adisbladis> Visiting family & friends
<gchristensen> awesome
<adisbladis> Yeah it's pretty sweet to be back :)
<avn> sadly I miss nixcon this year
<hyper_ch2_> who was responsible for the audio levels last year?
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<worldofpeace__> avn: then just make `pinned-nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};`
<adisbladis> hyper_ch2_: We have tried hard to improve the AV situation this year. Hopefully this won't be an issue.
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<hyper_ch2_> :)
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<avn> Hmm, curious. I never though, that result of `import <nixpkgs> {}` can be symlinked
<worldofpeace__> actually don't do that
<avn> Actually I can just re-import my nixpkgs.nix, and symlink it then
<worldofpeace__> yep
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<betaboon> anyone has an idea on my 'cannot add path ... because it lacks a hash' problem ?
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<worldofpeace__> how can I make binaries not be the first output in a multiple output derivation?
<samueldr> worldofpeace__: pretty sure the order is what defines it
<samueldr> (see 4.4.1 "Binaries first" following the introductory section)
<Taneb> One of my coworkers has force-deleted a .drv file from their nix store (I know, bad idea), but now when they try to rebuild it they get an error that says "error opening file /nix/store/....drv no such file or directory"
<Taneb> How can we fix this?
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<__monty__> nix-store --verify --repair?
<Taneb> __monty__: just that verbatim or does it need the path?
<infinisil> ,tias
<{^_^}> Try it and see! (then tell us what you saw)
<__monty__> Well there's also --verify-path
<__monty__> And --repair-path
<adisbladis> hyper_ch: [fried chocolate bars] I remember seeing that in camden town
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<Taneb> __monty__: thanks
<Taneb> Ended up getting them to nix-store --gc --print-roots, figured out why the path was needed and made it not, and then things work
<Taneb> infinisil: I could try it and see, or I could ask and look like I know things in front of my coworker ;P
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<srid> how often is nixpkgs-unstable updated?
<Taneb> srid: I think it's "automatically when some tests pass"
<Taneb> I use to check how recently it's been updated
<adisbladis> !stuck
<srid> actually, since I'm on nixos-18.09 i won't get linux 4.19 when using `pkgs.linuxPackages_latest`?
<sphalerite> srid: you can use it right now, nixos-rebuild boot -I nixpkgs=
<sphalerite> srid: I think linuxPackages_latest updates are backported, not sure though
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<srid> sphalerite: but, after having run that command, what happens if run `nixos-rebuild switch` at a later point? would it use the channel in `nix-channel`, or this specific nixpkgs?
<das_j> Hey, can I see why a package should be installed on a system? I want to deploy my pi but it tells me that ghc is not compatible with aarch64. So I need to find the package which pulls ghc as dependency
<srid> i suppose i could also just switch to nixos-unstable
<sphalerite> srid: it would use the normal channel, it will only use that commit on the one time you specify it
<srid> so the next time i run `switch` my kernel upgrade would be reverted?
<sphalerite> srid: well, switch and reboot. But yes
<sphalerite> srid: note that everything else will be updated to the master versions as well, and that if the channel hasn't advanced yet you can't be sure it won't break everything horribly
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<Taneb> Asking again, how can I get a multi-page HTML hydra-build-product working? Currently I'm just getting the index
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<samueldr> srid: linux kernel updates *are* backported :)
* samueldr looks if it *is* backported
<samueldr> hasn't been yet
<drakonis1> 4.19 lives.
<worldofpeace__> speaking of backports, #48150 please :)
<{^_^}> (by Vskilet, 1 week ago, open): [18.09] nixos/emby: use the dataDir option
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<jophish> Dezgeg: oh rats, I forgot, these images don't have ssh access for root do they, and I don't have a keyboard :/
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<jophish> perhaps I can wobble the nix store from another machine
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<tilpner> jophish - Try mounting the image, then copying your thing out
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<jophish> tilpner: it's not that I need to get something out, but I need to get into the system
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<tilpner> I was assuming "maybe it's easiest to extract one from the image" meant you wanted to have files from the image
<jophish> ah, possibly, although getting this booting on the rpi is an even better solution
<tilpner> Booting and able to login
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<srhb> jophish: The ssh server is there by default but also turned off by default iirc (insecure password)
<jophish> yeah, no password in fact
<srhb> jophish: Might want to roll your own installer image, changing that option.
<tilpner> srhb - Do you know how to do that, from an x86_64 system?
<jophish> it's possible to do with qemu
<jophish> but it's a pain
<sphalerite> tilpner: just mount the existing thing and change the password or stick your key in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys?
<tilpner> Having the configuration the images are built from would also help
<tilpner> sphalerite - jophish is trying to do something (and I'm not sure what), not me
<srhb> jophish: I think it's in system-tarball-pc.nix
<jophish> I can stick my key in authorized_keys with no problem, but I'm not sure how to reenable ssh manually
<srhb> (in nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd)
<srhb> jophish: = lib.mkOverride 50 []; -- change this.
<jophish> srhb: but I can't rebuild the system from here
<srhb> Ah, no, I meant build a new iso. If that doesn't help you, errr umm :)
<jophish> oh, however I think that root logs on straight away, because of new password
<srhb> Activating is going to be hard without ssh and keyboard
<jophish> so perhaps I could put something in /root/.profile to turn on ssh
<srhb> Sure.
<srhb> systemctl start sshd presumably?
<jophish> systemctl start sshd
<jophish> fingers crossed
<joko> I typically use the PATH variable to expose the executables I want in typical scripts, is there a way to pass it on "sh -c command" invocations?
<jophish> it worked!
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<jophish> thanks tilpner, srhb, sphalerite!
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<__monty__> jophish: sh -c env PATH=... command?
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<jophish> joko: ^
<__monty__> Oh, sorry.
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<genesis> nix build -f ~/devel/nixpkgs/ pkgsCross.mingw32.navit --show-trace
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<__monty__> joko: Actually, env searches for command on the PATH by default so if it's run in an environment with the correct PATH you don't even need to specify it. I'm not sure specifying it would work even, might need env PATH=... env command. Could someone clear this up?
<genesis> it download 1.5GB each time i launch nix build :d
<srhb> genesis: *each* time?
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<joko> __monty__: any other idea? The sh command is hardcoded and I don't wish to modify it
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<__monty__> joko: You don't want to add env?
<__monty__> I don't know of any other ways.
<__monty__> You can pass 'env command' instead of a command.
<__monty__> s/can/should be able to
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.09-darwin advanced to (from 3 hours ago, history:
<dhess> Today is "redo my personal email server" day. Day 1, anyway. :\
<dhess> never a fun task. But soon it will be running NixOS!
<dhess> infinisil: yeah. A good effort :)
<infinisil> Wait what the hell "This repository has been archived by the owner. It is now read-only. "
<dhess> it's on gitlab now, no worries
<infinisil> Oh
* infinisil didn't even bother to scroll
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<kalbasit[m]> has anyone experienced DNS problems? In the past week, I keep getting host not found and I temporarly solve it by re-connecting to wifi through the network manager. I did not have time to dig deeper yet but it's driving me nuts
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<ocharles> clever:
<ocharles> whoops
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<ocharles> clever: how does your Hydra fork fetch submodules? I see, but that would only fetch submodules if --fetch-submodules was passed by hydra-eval-jobset
<ocharles> so how do you make that happen?
<ocharles> my previous (18.03) hydra setup had a patch to nix-prefetch-git that set fetchSubmodules to true
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<elvishjerricco> ocharles: I use this:
<{^_^}> hydra#552 (by joranvar, 29 weeks ago, open): nix-prefetch-git: Fix git submodule checkout
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<dhess> The number of long-open, working PRs in the NixOS repos makes me sad.
<simpson> Why? Does it make you more or less sad than, say, the fact that Oracle owns the "JavaScript" trademark?
<regina_> simpson: thank you for your help
<simpson> regina_: Did you find victory of some sort?
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<regina_> no
<regina_> how do I add nixpkgs via nix?
<regina_> I'm reading on the wiki
<simpson> Probably via nix-channel.
<regina_> thank you!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nyanloutre opened pull request #48821 → jackett: 0.10.304 -> 0.10.365 →
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<clever> ocharles: *looks*
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nyanloutre opened pull request #48822 → [18.09] jackett: 0.10.250 -> 0.10.365 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « stack: fix the ghc 8.4.x build »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 7 commits to haskell-updates:
<clever> ocharles: when hydra internally runs nix-prefetch-git, it doesnt really escape anything, so you can directly put --fetch-submodules into the URL field of a build input, and it will fetch them
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « all-cabal-hashes: update snapshot to Hackage at 2018-10-22T08:31:54Z »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Zimmi48 opened pull request #48823 → ocamlformat: init at 0.8 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « haskell-yesod-core: drop obsolete override »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 5 commits to haskell-updates:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « haskell-pandoc-types: drop obsolete override »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « haskell-lucid: drop obsolete override »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau opened pull request #48824 → pythonPackages.cypari2: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.1 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau pushed 3 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau merged pull request #48824 → pythonPackages.cypari2: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg opened pull request #48825 → live555: 2018.02.28 -> 2018.10.17 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ilpianista closed pull request #28616 → WIP: Add NetworkManager-sstp →
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « Update travis-ci build script to require ghc-8.6.1 successes. »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @clefru opened pull request #48827 → gvfs: Fix-up paths to gio binary →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « linux: Add 4.19 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @danieldk to release-18.09 « samba4: 4.7.9 -> 4.7.10 (#48787) »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel merged pull request #48764 → marble: Fix include install to dev output →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji closed pull request #48778 → remove dependencies-of-dependencies →
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<iblech> Hey, quick question: We are preparing a pull request to get TikZiT into nixpkgs ( Should we squash the individual commits into a single one? The build has worked after each individual commit, we were just modified variour hooks to keep up with upstream.
<{^_^}> #48479 (by iblech, 1 week ago, open): tikzit: init at 2.0-rc2 (WIP, do not merge yet)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kamilchm closed pull request #48449 → ponyc: 0.24.4 -> 0.25.0 →
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<clever> ,locate json-diff
<{^_^}> Found in packages: haskellPackages.aeson-diff
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji closed pull request #48770 → Darwin sandbox →
<dhess> Can someone look at ?
<{^_^}> #48834 (by dhess, 35 seconds ago, open): dovecot: dovenull user should have its own group.
<dhess> should be pretty straightforward
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « libmd: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Synthetica9 opened pull request #48829 → sway-beta: init at 1.0-beta1 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl opened pull request #48830 → [18.09] mu: fix build for `withMug = true` →
<arianvp> Anyone here familiar with the nixos systemd fork?
<drakonis1> its not a fork?
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<arianvp> yes it is! We have our own patches in https://github/nixos/systemd
<drakonis1> ah ok
<drakonis1> fair enough
<arianvp> and it's specifically a question about the fork, as we have some differences between the upstream version I have questions about :P
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<arianvp> Mic92: Are you around?
<arianvp> you're in the git-blame of the part I have a question about :'D
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin pushed commit from @Vskilet to master « nixos/nextcloud: extend documentation for nginx configuration »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin merged pull request #48041 → nixos/nextcloud: extend documentation on nginx →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nyanloutre opened pull request #48831 → [18.09] slimserver: Relax audio scan dependency (#47029) →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kalbasit opened pull request #48832 → gocode: 2018-07-27 -> 2018-10-22 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #48715 → firefoxPackages.tor-browser: 7.5.6 -> 8.0.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 5 commits to master:
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<ocharles> clever: oh, sneaky
<ocharles> I wasn't sure if the array to "grab" ended up basically quoting each argument
<ocharles> clever: yea, I'm pretty sure that doesn't work. the exec syscall has the url as a single argument
<ocharles> I'll try the PR elvishjerricco uses
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<Mic92> arianvp: yes
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl opened pull request #48833 → arrow-cpp: disable zstd →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dhess opened pull request #48834 → dovecot: dovenull user should have its own group. →
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<arianvp> cool
<arianvp> there are some upstream units by systemd, that we currently put in $out/share/factory/etc
<arianvp> for example the default dependencies for networkd, resolved, and machined
<arianvp> I can see why we don't want to include those by default in the systemd module in NixOS, as for example networkd is opt in
<arianvp> but is there a good reason why we configure those units in NixOS Modules directly, isntead of copying over the vendor files from the systemd packages directly?
<arianvp> currently we only consider the units in $out/lib/systemd but not $out/share/factory/etc/systemd
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<Mic92> arianvp: this might have historical reasons. I had to extend factory etc support in systemd also a bit when we switched to mesonbuild
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mhaselsteiner opened pull request #48835 → add pythonPackage.wrf-python →
<Mic92> I am also not sure if overriding systemd units was supported from the beginning
<Mic92> I agree that taking systemd's default is less error prone.
<arianvp> the only thing that the /factory folder introduces is .wants/* style links; not actual units
<arianvp> but was a bit confusing, as for example we include , but not its dependency on
<arianvp> so now I just added it through targets.multi-user.wants = [""] but perhaps it's worth it to just use the upstream dependencies
<arianvp> though I think it doesn't matter that much actually
<arianvp> there's only like 5 unit files in $out/factory
<arianvp> I'll look into it... see if I can switch to the systemd defaults
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #48482 → ttyplot: init at 1.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @demyanrogozhin opened pull request #48836 → particl-core: -> →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 4 commits to master:
<catern> is there a way to turn off the path check in Nix gcc?
<catern> so I can link against system libraries on non-NixOS systems?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lokke-me opened pull request #48837 → homely: init at 0.15.3 →
<mightybyte> I'm trying to install Nix on Ubuntu, but I keep getting "error: the build users group 'nixbld' has no members" even though I definitely created the group and users.
<mightybyte> Any idea how to fix this?
<aleph-> So is there an easy way to generate arbitrary dirs in nixos at nixos-rebuild time?
<srhb> aleph-: No. /etc and friends are special in the activation scripts.
<aleph-> Bollocks.
<aleph-> Guess I'll have to create a script and run it at build time.
<srhb> aleph-: What's your actual problem? Maybe there's another solution.
<simpson> catern: To an extent, yes; this is how e.g. Darwin support works. I don't know the details. What are you trying to build?
<aleph-> srhb: Deploying a rails app and ancillary services, attempting to make the custom assests for the app rather drop in. Generally live in /srv/
<srhb> aleph-: Why not just let them live in the store? As long as they don't mutate
<srhb> aleph-: Anyway, lots of services are _stateful_ and generally set up their initial /var/whatever space in an initial systemd script.
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<aleph-> S'what I'm thinking of doing, just doing multiple sources during the setup.
<catern> simpson: just some random thing, I just want to demonstrate that this is possible
<srhb> aleph-: Right.
<srhb> aleph-: Normally these scripts run on every startup and just do some if bootstrapfile doesnt exist then...
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau opened pull request #48838 → pythonPackages.cython: 0.28.5 -> 0.29 →
<catern> hmmm
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #48414 → libowfat: 0.31 -> 0.32 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « libowfat: 0.31 -> 0.32 (#48414) »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @romildo opened pull request #48839 → dde-daemon: init at →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « wlroots: 2018-03-16 -> 0.1 »:
<Synthetica> What's up with ofborg?
<Mic92> there were some issues with github today and webhooks got disabled temporary
<Mic92> github will push out those events delayed now to ofborg
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<slack1256> (FYI: compiling with --disabled-optimizations works)
<Synthetica> Ah, so they should be up-to-speed again in a day or so?
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<Mic92> yes
<Mic92> will have more details
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau opened pull request #48841 → sphinx: 1.7.9 -> 1.8.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bhipple opened pull request #48842 → pythonPackages.bitarray: init at 0.8.3 →
<ocharles> My Hydra builds no longer seem to have network access since updating to 180.9
<ocharles> 18.09*
<ocharles> anyone know what setting could cause that?
<infinisil> Ain't working for me! "Couldn't find suitable memory target."
<Mic92> ocharles: we have the nix sandbox enabled since 18.09
<Mic92> you might need to disable it.
<ocharles> i see. how do i do that?
<ocharles> a nix.conf option?
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<ocharles> ah, useSandbox
<Mic92> nix.useSandbox = false in configuration.nix
<Mic92> or sandbox = false in /etc/nix/nix.conf on non-nixos
<Twey> What's the appropriate way to use `fetchzip` (from nixpkgs) with a zip that is named something other than `.zip`? I might have expected that there be an attribute to be used for the downloaded file's name (maybe `name`) but there doesn't seem to be anything ??? it's hardcoded to be $(basename $url)
<Twey> Oh no, encodings
<Mic92> did we not had an irc bot that had faq answers to various topics?
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<ocharles> thanks Mic92
<Mic92> Twey: it should be name = "";
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<Twey> Mic92: `name` isn't actually used in the calculation of the filename :(
<Twey> renamed="$TMPDIR/${baseNameOf url}"
<Twey> That's what I expected too, I was quite surprised
<infinisil> clever: Is there something special I need to do for this to work?
<Twey> Now I have an URL scheme like "/foo/bar/download", which is a gzipped tarball, so I want it to be renamed to foo-bar.tar.gz
<dhess> Mic92: thanks!
<Twey> But all I get is "download" and a confused unpackFile
<Mic92> Twey: a weired hack could be
<Twey> Oooh
<Mic92> for fetchurl I think `name = "something.tar.gz";` works
<dhess> Mic92: I have at least one more change coming down the pike
<dhess> dovecot change
<drakonis> the pike huh
<Twey> Mic92: I don't think so, looking at fetchurl
<Twey> Mic92: It works unless you use downloadToTemp, in which case you get $TMPDIR/file
<Twey> (literally)
<Twey> And of course fetchzip always uses downloadToTemp
<Twey> Mic92: The #-hack is horrific and works beautifully, thanks
<Mic92> I don't remember but I think I ended up using the same at some point
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<Twey> New silly question: the nixpkgs manual is full of caveats about how evil setupHook is. Why does cc-wrapper &c. use setupHook instead of, say, parsing buildInputs at runtime?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48834 → dovecot: dovenull user should have its own group. →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed commit from @dhess to release-18.09 « dovecot: dovenull user should have its own group. »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48831 → [18.09] slimserver: Relax audio scan dependency (#47029) →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to release-18.09:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @JohnAZoidberg opened pull request #48843 → rng-tools: 5 -> 6.6 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nyanloutre closed pull request #48822 → [18.09] jackett: 0.10.250 -> 0.10.365 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nyanloutre reopened pull request #48822 → [18.09] jackett: 0.10.250 -> 0.10.365 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b opened pull request #48844 → nixos/ddclient: make RuntimeDirectory private →
<Ralith> Twey: I have no special knowledge, but maybe because they're old?
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<clever> infinisil: shouldnt need anything special if you have a normal /boot partition, just add the path to that to your imports and rebuild switch
<infinisil> clever: Yeah that's what I did
<infinisil> but when selecting the boot entry i got that error
<infinisil> My /boot is just a normal vfat
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<Twey> Ralith: Hm, maybe... the manual seems to think it's necessary though
<infinisil> I guess no rescue boot for me, darn
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<Twey> Calls it a 'last resort'
<Twey> I wonder if there are some build tools that completely nuke the environment or something
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<clever> infinisil: what was the error?
<clever> infinisil: can you gist the whole grub.cfg?
<infinisil> clever: "Couldn't find suitable memory target."
<clever> thats an odd one
<clever> to the source!
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<infinisil> Want the grub.cfg?
<clever> infinisil: that will also hep
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl opened pull request #48846 → zstd: 1.3.6 -> 1.3.7 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jwiegley pushed to master « wabt: Allow building on Darwin as well »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #48150 → [18.09] nixos/emby: use the dataDir option →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed 10 commits to release-18.09:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @magnetophon opened pull request #48847 → gxplugins: init at 0.5 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir merged pull request #48846 → zstd: 1.3.6 -> 1.3.7 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed to master « Per-output reference and closure size checks »:
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<colemickens> Just out of curiosity, in regards to this PR: What's going on exactly?
<{^_^}> #46020 (by jtojnar, 7 weeks ago, open): meson: 0.46.1 → 0.48.1
<colemickens> Are they using the GNOME PR and Hydra jobs to check if the Meson change is okay too?
<colemickens> But the plan is to merge the meson change and then the GNOME change when they're ready?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nicknovitski opened pull request #48848 → Update android sdk and build tools, add license config option →
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<colemickens> Do some people have direct commit access?
<emily> oh yay @ 1.0-beta being allowed-to-package according to
<{^_^}> #48829 (by Synthetica9, 7 hours ago, open): sway-beta: init at 1.0-beta1
<colemickens> Argh!!
<colemickens> I spent so much time packaging (okay, not really) and was so excited to send the nixpkgs PR
<emily> awww
<colemickens> tbh I just don't like carrying commits, so I'm happy either way :)
<colemickens> oooh this one has the meson change integrated too, nice.
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<colemickens> very nice. oh well, I have grim/slurp/wlstream at least that I can send now that wlroots is merged :)
<emily> doesn't ditch the useless setcap stuff though seemingly
<emily> so you can send a patch for that :p
<colemickens> :)
<colemickens> Somehow it figures that there is a big overlap of NixOS users, Wayland adopters, beta-Window-Manager users.
<colemickens> It actually makes me smile real big :)
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<pbogdan> how could I inspect build-time dependency graph of my nix expression?
<clever> pbogdan: nix-instantiate and nix-store --query --tree
<pbogdan> clever: thanks!