samueldr changed the topic of #nixos to: NixCon 2018 - 25-27 Oct In London || NixOS 18.09 released || || Latest NixOS: || Latest Nix: || Logs: || #nixos-dev, #nix-darwin, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-chat, #nixcon
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<buckley310> I have found that since 18.09, GVFS no longer mounts file shares under /run/user/1000/gvfs/ like it's supposed to. however if i run "systemctl --user stop gvfs-daemon.service", then it starts working until i reboot again.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »:
<acowley> What does "error: path '/nix/store/.....' is not valid" imply?
<acowley> At the end of a build
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<samueldr> acowley: what's the full path?
<acowley> samueldr: /nix/store/6jk2rz382qmlwr2j834xyhp7kshwnz1n-tensorflow-build-1.11
<samueldr> the error is thrown from a condition looking like "!store->isValidPath"
<samueldr> hmm doesn't look bad
<acowley> It takes about 5 hours to get to that stage of the build so just a teensy bit painful to debug
<samueldr> oh, a couple more hits in the nix source
* samueldr looks more closely
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<samueldr> hmm, it's getting out of my league quickly while looking at the nix source code for this
<samueldr> src/libstore/ is probably where the error originates from, but a couple of strings would end up as that specific error
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<acowley> Yeah, the nix code isn't shedding much light on this for me
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<sgillespie> Howdy, I'm trying to debug why I node version manager (nvm) doesn't work for me
<sgillespie> I've nailed it down to a missing library: => not found
<clever> sgillespie: if it downloads pre-compiled anything, it will fail
<sgillespie> That's what it does...
<Ralith> last time I saw that error it meant a remote binary cache couldn't find the path
<clever> sgillespie: all binaries must be patchelf'd before they can work on nixos, and its recomended to just let nix-build download and compile/patch them
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<sgillespie> Well that certainly makes sense
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<sgillespie> Where can I learn about patchelf'ing
<clever> sgillespie: its all in the nixpkgs manual
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<sgillespie> Thanks, looks like I've got some reading to do
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.09-darwin advanced to (from 62 minutes ago, history:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rnhmjoj opened pull request #48301 → Update Monero for upcoming hard fork →
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<acowley> I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to debug that "path is not valid" thing. I think I can use the build within a nix-shell, but it's weird
<acowley> And not an ideal workflow
<acowley> I guess I could add printfs to nix itself and do a rebuild
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #48193 → now-cli: init at 11.4.6 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 3 commits to master:
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<colemickens> Any experts on node2nix around?
<{^_^}> #48030 (by colemickens, 4 days ago, open): cloudflare-cli: init v3.2.0
<colemickens> It appears it's switching URLs from HTTPS to HTTP. Which I don't imagine should be happening.
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<acowley> It used to be that on NixOS when I typed a command name that wasn't on PATH, I'd get a suggestion for what package I needed. I no longer see those, and I'm not sure what I did to break it. Any ideas?
<acowley> Oh, it might be something to do with nix-channel
<acowley> I think I tried to delete everything to do with that some time back as it was becoming such a regular source of problems
* samueldr deletes question
<samueldr> the command-not-found implementation IIRC only works if you're using channels
<acowley> I do have a NIX_PATH with a nixpkgs definition
<acowley> Well I'm glad to finally know of a reason I would want channels
<acowley> I wish I understood them better. It seems like quite a bit of overlap between NIX_PATH, ~/.nix-defexpr, and nix-channel.
* samueldr looks deep in the stack of unfinished things
<samueldr> I tried making a command-not-found based on nix-index
<samueldr> but it uh... segfaulted bash
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<acowley> Can I add a nix-channel that won't come back to constantly haunt me? Can't it just point to the existing git checkout I use?
<acowley> Like you can ln -s your git checkout to ~/.nix-defexpr
<samueldr> I don't really know
<acowley> I want everything to equal everything else
<samueldr> because even then, the command-not-found AFAIUI needs to be in the system's nixpkgs since it's built with nixos
<acowley> I'm surprised nobody's taken a machete to these overlapping mechanisms given how accepting nixpkgs is of drastic surgery in general
<acowley> I guess I should set up a channel again, then. It's a very useful feature.
<samueldr> I'm thinking most end up comfortably nested on one side or the other of the tooling, without thinking back (at least I did)
<acowley> My trouble is that I find having a git checkout makes submitting PRs much easier
<acowley> So it has to be a sudo nix-channel --add
<acowley> I really don't understand how nix breaks things down between users
<acowley> Why would this feature need a channel rather than looking at NIX_PATH? Why would it only look at root's channels and not the user's?
<acowley> I guess channels provide an extra "channel" of information for the database of commands
<samueldr> yes
<samueldr> the programs.sqlite is built by hydra
<samueldr> and it can't be built without building *everything* locally AFAIUI
<acowley> Yeah, it makes sense
<samueldr> (and will lack things like unfree, and broken software)
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.09-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
* samueldr added back his command-not-found implementation
<acowley> So what's the killer feature that depends on ~/.nix-defexpr? :P
<samueldr> none, I depend on a stateful database from nix-index
<samueldr> well, even the existence of nix-locate!
<samueldr> so it will drift and become outdated
<samueldr> and possibly not match the channel used
<samueldr> if I see it stay stable for a while (and not segfaulting bashes) I'll look into making it a self-contained module for nixos configurations
<emily> [1:-2]
<emily> oops
<gchristensen> so what if our documented functions had their examples tested?
<samueldr> I think I made my opinions clear about that
<samueldr> my opinion: it would be all the special stage names from Super Mario World
<gchristensen> LOL
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<gchristensen> well so there we go, less than 50 lines of code, and >10 of those lines is printing diagnostics data
<acowley> gchristensen: Do the nixops examples, too!
<samueldr> gchristensen++
<{^_^}> gchristensen's karma got increased to 38
<gchristensen> "writing docs in xml is bad" meanwhile it is so empowering! easy to parse structure means easy to implement magic tricks!
<acowley> I was honestly a little hurt a ways back when I was trying to learn nixops and the examples I copied from the manual didn't work.
<Church-> Odd that I have none of the usual devices fan control expects.
<Church-> gchristensen: Markdown is better I find.
<Church-> Easier to write and parse.
<gchristensen> Church-: ok
<gchristensen> acowley: ack ... yeah..... harder to test since those cost money to test :)
<samueldr> Church-: "expects?" does it work on other distros?
<acowley> That is a neat doc checker
<Church-> samueldr: It works on ubuntu on this same laptop
<acowley> Church-: I had to enable a couple kernel modules
<samueldr> good, just a basic check :)
<Church-> Not on here. pwmconfig errors out and example configs fail.
<acowley> Err, oh, I was thinking about lm_sensors
<Church-> acowley: What did you have to enable?
<Church-> acowley: Ah what did you do?
<acowley> Sorry, noise. I had to enable it87 and coretemp modules
<Church-> lm_sensors works but pwmconfig errors
<samueldr> acowley: can you check the pwmcontrol package version? (and maybe the version of the more specific dependencies?) on ubuntu?
<samueldr> sorry, Church- ^
<Church-> Huh how did you? Just a system. Option?
<Church-> Yeah sure. One sec
<acowley> Church-: boot.kernelModules = [ ... "it87" "coretemp" ... ]
<acowley> (Where "..." is whatever other modules you might want)
<acowley> And that's in coniguration.nix
<Church-> One sec, jumping on laptop
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<aleph-> For version
<aleph-> Let me find depends
<aleph-> acowley: What was the line again? Sorry.
<samueldr> aleph-: I'm assuming you're Church-?
<acowley> aleph-: boot.kernelModules = [ ... "it87" "coretemp" ... ]
<acowley> aleph-: In /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<aleph-> samueldr: Correct
<samueldr> do you have ubuntu booted?
<aleph-> Cool, thanks
<samueldr> ls -l /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/*fan* and compare on nixos
<aleph-> samueldr: I do not, wiped my laptop cleaning loading nixos
<samueldr> ok
<aleph-> I'd do it now, but no flash drives on hand.
<samueldr> because AFAICT this is what it uses to check
<samueldr> (though I'm not 100% sure)
<samueldr> it could also be pwm instead of fan
<samueldr> in fact, probably is pwm
<aleph-> acowley: What's the point of the ...?
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<acowley> aleph-: Sorry, that's just placeholder for whatever other modules you might need
<aleph-> Ahhhh
<acowley> I have one for a wireless device, and another that's msr
<aleph-> Gotcha
<acowley> I didn't want you to delete anything you might already have there
<aleph-> samueldr: Neither fan or pwm was found. And acowley that line didn't help,
<aleph-> Was just going to install nbfc but it seems nix doesn't have a copy
<samueldr> so yeah, *something* isn't setting up the *whatever they are named* modules for those
<samueldr> on my asus laptop it has hwmon2 linked to ../../devices/platform/asus-nb-wmi/hwmon/hwmon2
<aleph-> Bollocks. That sounds like... a pain
<samueldr> what's the laptop?
<aleph-> samueldr: System 76 oryx pro
<aleph-> So a Clevo P650SE I believe
<aleph-> Or no.
<aleph-> That's too old
<aleph-> What's the current moel
<samueldr> I don't know, but just that information is great as it's probably a kernel module that can be tracked down
<aleph-> Yeah that was a question to myself.
<gchristensen> is it ok how I use CSS to add the => in example 7.35?
<gchristensen> samueldr: ^
<samueldr> gchristensen: perfectly fine
<samueldr> only issue you have to be aware is that it's not part of selectable and copiable text in the flow (at least not guaranteed to be)
<gchristensen> right... hrm
<samueldr> oh, it's not necessarily an issue though
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<o1lo01ol1o> When does hydra master get merged into nixpkgs? is there a schedule or is it ad hoc?
<gchristensen> samueldr: notably, links doesn't display the =>
<samueldr> well... that's another issue altogether :)
<gchristensen> maybe there is another way.
<samueldr> maybe something an XSL sheet could do?
<gchristensen> definitely is something it could do
<samueldr> insert the additional "decorative" elements before docbook processes the document, so it's not part of the source, but still present for those formats requiring it
<gchristensen> ok bed time, this has been a fun and _quick_ hack
<gchristensen> thank you samueldr!
<samueldr> no, thank you for the good doc work :)
<aleph-> samueldr: Yeah so just waiting for somebody with my laptop to paste me what they have loaded kernel wise.
<aleph-> This should be a big help.
<aleph-> Yeah I saw that.
<aleph-> Need to figure out how to package it.
<samueldr> this is *probably* what you need for the pwm stuff
<aleph-> Ah
<aleph-> So I was reading nix pills, how hard does that look to package up?
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<samueldr> it goes from trivial to hell
<samueldr> (hell being java maven things)
<aleph-> Oh god maven
<aleph-> Ick
<aleph-> This is just plain C thankfully.
<samueldr> well, maven isn't the worse, it's the projects using the eclipse SDK which have a component that's managed outside of maven... but let's not talk about that :)
<samueldr> this is not just "plain C"
<samueldr> these are kernel modules :/
<aleph-> Okay, not "plain."
<samueldr> most common distros have what's called "dkms"
<samueldr> which is a way to distribute and consume kernel modules from outside the source tree
<aleph-> Ahhhh
<samueldr> we don't have dkms on nixos...
<samueldr> dkms isn't really pure (as in FP pure)
<aleph-> Aye
<samueldr> I think another user found a good way to compile modules out of the kernel tree some days ago
<aleph-> Ah cool.
<samueldr> hmmm, can't seem to find a good reference to find in the logs
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<aleph-> Huh, well I was able to build it via
<aleph-> Wonder how bad this could bork it if I "insmod ./system76.ko" it
<samueldr> if it built, probably not badly
<samueldr> but only if it built using the right headers I guess
<aleph-> And invalid format
<samueldr> aleph-: you chose a kernel in your configuration.nix, right?
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<aleph-> I did, latest. 4.18.12~
<samueldr> instead of with that nix-shell
<aleph-> Gotcha
<samueldr> you probably want to make clean and get rid of all build artifacts
<aleph-> Oh doy
<samueldr> looks like your PWD is /home/noah/code where it should be in the project?
<aleph-> Yeah just saw it, built
<aleph-> Let me try and insmod it
<aleph-> And it worked!
<aleph-> Holy crap that was easier then I thought.
<samueldr> progress! we now know how where to find the driver
<aleph-> Yep, I can do pwmconfig and let me see if I can set my keyboard backlight
<samueldr> how where... probably time to find how when to sleep :)
<aleph-> Huh?
<aleph-> How where what?
<samueldr> "how where" isn't good english
<samueldr> that's what I said one sentence earlier
<aleph-> Ahhhh doy.
<aleph-> samueldr: Now my question is, what's the processing on upstreaming this? Is there a faw?
<aleph-> faw>*
<samueldr> (ESL even though I'm pretty fluent, probably has an additional cost)
<aleph-> Nah it's fine, I never would have known
<samueldr> I don't know of any out-of-tree modules in nixpkgs... but haven't looked closely
<samueldr> luckily enough I don't own fresh hardware ;)
<aleph-> Aye, fair enough.
<aleph-> Heh
<aleph-> Maybe I can store it in my own github.
<aleph-> This has been far less of a pain then I thought.
<Drakonis> NUR!
<samueldr> main issue I think is with integration: your kernel module is a "bitrotting" artifact
<aleph-> Define bit-rotting?
<samueldr> even though you built it, it's not part of the modules installed in the system, so it won't be automatically loaded by the system
<aleph-> Ahhhhh
<Drakonis> ah right, the module has to be rebuilt against the latest kernel and maintained
<samueldr> and as far as bit-rotting: when your system updates the kernel, it will rebuild it, but if you built it manually, this won't be updated
<samueldr> aleph-: unless I'm mistaken, you "just" built it manually, right?
<samueldr> (but in a nix-shell)
<Drakonis> any out of tree modules will bitrot due to the new kernel having changes that break it
<samueldr> Drakonis: that bit is less concerning; I'm more concerned about it being a loose .ko file floating around :)
<Drakonis> ah yes
<samueldr> integrated build of something that won't build anymore at least won't allow a broken system update (hopefully)
<aleph-> samueldr: Correct
<samueldr> oooh
<samueldr> it might end up being simple
<samueldr> or, at least, not impossible to figure out
<aleph-> samueldr: Yeah isn't there a way to have your build script just grab from git?
<samueldr> not what's concerning me
<aleph-> builtins.fetchGit?
<aleph-> Ah, fair enough.
<samueldr> what was is to integrate it in the kernel modules the system builds
<samueldr> but turns out there are already some good examples I think
<aleph-> Ah
<samueldr> here's a fragment of all-packages.nix
<samueldr> read the comment at the top
<samueldr> this project has the same "shape" as the system76-driver project
<aleph-> And fancontrol is a go-go baby
<aleph-> Sweet
<aleph-> Noisy but my CPU is hovering around 44C with firefox at 300+ tabs and video playing
<worldofpeace> Where's the code for multiple output derivations?
<samueldr> aleph-: not totally relevant
<samueldr> but maybe helpful in the future
<aleph-> Aye
<samueldr> cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/*_name <- you probably will end-up with a model name like oryp2
<aleph-> Heya worldofpeace
<aleph-> Oryx Pro
<worldofpeace> :)
<samueldr> here the system76 has device specific quirks
<samueldr> aleph-: theres' probably a more "identifier" name than that in there
<aleph-> Aye
<samueldr> pretty sure bonw11 is a bonobo abd serw10 serval
<samueldr> if you have such an identifier, it may help you while googling for solutions :)
<samueldr> (or not, who knows!)
<aleph-> Aye
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<aleph-> Still I can just build my own .nix file for later wipes.
<aleph-> Hmm, let me check nix pills. How to convert this one liner...
<samueldr> looks like system76 uses /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_version exclusively for that
<samueldr> (for identifying devices)
<aleph-> Gotcha.
<worldofpeace> Hah #48301 see some people are generous
<{^_^}> (by rnhmjoj, 2 hours ago, open): Update Monero for upcoming hard fork
<aleph-> Heheheh
<aleph-> worldofpeace: Thanks for advancing that PR requests to merge Optimus_Prime patch
<aleph-> Anddd I just got that joke
<samueldr> aleph-: bumblebee
<samueldr> :)
<aleph-> God damnit
* aleph- goes to put on the 80's Transformers movie
<Drakonis> :))))
<worldofpeace> aleph-: Someone yesterday was having a true pain with a nvidia card and that module made lives easier :)
<aleph-> Yes... me.
<aleph-> :P
<Drakonis> i wonder if someone will do a megatron joke at some point
<aleph-> On my laptop now. Twas my vps weechat relay yesterday
<aleph-> Man NixOS runs light. 2GB of RAM. With firefox at 300 tabs
<aleph-> Christ this is a great OS
<worldofpeace> Lol all these nicks and 20 git rebases = memory loss :P
<Drakonis> aleph-, stockholm syndrome?
<Drakonis> :V?
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<aleph-> heh
<Drakonis> i think i suffer from it, because i want to run it again
<aleph-> I mean I just need my intel iGPU to work and it'll be a dream
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<worldofpeace> Did you research the intel card just to be sure?
<aleph-> Not as of yet. I crashed into bed after I tested graphics a bit
<Drakonis> cannonlake era gpus probably depend on a new driver
<aleph-> worldofpeace: Changing my driver to "intel" had x11 running but not running in the same way.
<aleph-> Drakonis: Probably
<Drakonis> intel just announced it on xdc
<aleph-> Yeah they should be in good shape at 4.17
<aleph-> And I'm on 4.18
<Drakonis> cool beans
<aleph-> Still crashes though when I set services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "intel" ];
<aleph-> Which is a bummer.
<worldofpeace> I think there needs to be some special configuration
<Drakonis> multigpu has always been a pain
<worldofpeace> I swear that machine should have a bios option
<aleph-> It should, their docs even said there was.
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<worldofpeace> Maybe there's an upgrade?
<aleph-> Maybe
<aleph-> It's not the end of the world for now. This is more a portable work station then a light weight on the go laptop
<Drakonis> is fwupd available yet?
<worldofpeace> yep not sure it works perfectly
<Drakonis> for the future possibility that system76 stops dicking around with allowing folks to use it
<worldofpeace> yeah doesn't look great here, lots of issues
<Drakonis> there was some troubles with that a while ago
<samueldr> aleph-: I will soon have something for you to try
<samueldr> maybe 10-15 minutes
<samueldr> (pinging you in case you were about to go away)
<aleph-> Heh if you want, was going to try making my own.
<aleph-> I'll be here
<aleph-> I'm always online
<aleph-> Always
<aleph-> Just ask Drakonis
<Drakonis> hahaha yes he's online all the time
<aleph-> Drakonis: As c3 joked to me, he only has to jump in and play moderator when I leave to the rest room
<samueldr> if you were to mkdir -p /etc/nixos/system76
<samueldr> and then add both those files in
<samueldr> you should be able to imports = [ /* ... */ ./system76];
<Drakonis> har har
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 3 hours ago, history:
<samueldr> I obviously can't *test* it, but it built fine
<aleph-> Yeah, let me try it
<worldofpeace> samueldr persistent secret agenda in there :P
<samueldr> (and now I think I know how to handle a dkms module if I need to!)
<Drakonis> adding a dkms framework would probably be nice
<samueldr> I decidedly can't maintain something I can't use
<samueldr> Drakonis: dkms itself is a no-go because dkms aims to install things itself
<Drakonis> would there be a better solution to that?
<samueldr> though it may be interesting if possible to wrap some of it so instead of stdenv.mkDerivation you would mkDKMS or something
<Drakonis> probably
<samueldr> but as the derivation shows, I'm not sure it's warranted
<Drakonis> it'd be sufficiently sane if you could just point to the source and it would build the module for you
<aleph-> samueldr: ./system76 didn't work.
<aleph-> Woops
<samueldr> woops? :)
<aleph-> Nevermind, removed the .nix
<Drakonis> i actually wish it was nyxos
<samueldr> yeah, both those files in a subdirectory
<Drakonis> and nyx
<aleph-> Worked fine
<samueldr> the real test will be on rebuild, aleph-
<aleph-> I did a rebuild
<aleph-> I always do -rebuild
<samueldr> on a reboot*
<aleph-> Ah
<aleph-> Let's try it!
<aleph-> BrB
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<samueldr> and followed by homework: on 4.19 release, update this so it works with it; and following by keeping tabs on that system76-dkms repo for updates... :)
<samueldr> (waited until you came back)
<aleph-> samueldr: Worked like a dream
<samueldr> awesome!
<aleph-> Thnaks
<aleph-> Thanks.*
<samueldr> this should ease you in until you grok this all
<worldofpeace> samueldr++
<{^_^}> samueldr's karma got increased to 34
<samueldr> it sucks when the hardware isn't working right
<aleph-> Wonder if I can have it do it on auto?
<aleph-> Hmm
<Drakonis> 4.19 is out?
<Drakonis> if it isn't, it should be out this weekend
<Drakonis> where's the lobsters ruby package
<aleph-> Ugh don't remind me
<aleph-> Need to try making that
<Drakonis> i'll take this opportunity to pimp lobsters
<Drakonis> pls join
<Drakonis> its good.
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<aleph-> samueldr: The resul folder it generates, do I need to keep that?
<Drakonis> you're doing a build?
<aleph-> Drakonis: Well the nix files he gave me builds the module
<aleph-> Not a big deal, not like I need to commit it to github
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<colemickens> ../include/modules/battery.hpp:3:10: fatal error: filesystem: No such file or directory
<colemickens> #include <filesystem>
<colemickens> ^~~~~~~~~~~~
<colemickens> I don't know enough about C++ these days to know what to try to do to fix my derivation
<Drakonis> its probably filesystem.h?
<Drakonis> you didn't import the header correctly?
<Drakonis> alternatively, you should pick up a little bit of c++ to do this properly
<Ralith> colemickens: you need to use a C++17 standard library, and possibly put the compiler in C++17 mode
<colemickens> Uhm okay.
<colemickens> lol
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<colemickens> I just want to package something that builds fine wiht Meson on a normal OS.
<samueldr> aleph-: a nixos-rebuild switch will not create a result link, and if you have one, it is not required
<aleph-> Queston how is sec on nix? Are there signatures for the cached binaries?
<samueldr> yes there is
<aleph-> samueldr: Huh, nixos-rebuild switch created a result folder
<samueldr> only build and build-vm from nixos-rebuild will leave result symlinks :/
<samueldr> to what does it point to?
<aleph-> Odd
<Ralith> colemickens: the OS isn't really relevant
<aleph-> samueldr: /nix/store/2cakcy5n8kdr3kgdw0prn5z2d59sjqx6-nixos-system-nixos-18.09.git.4dd9cd3
<samueldr> :/ that's a system build alright, weird
<samueldr> anyways, it isn't needed
<samueldr> generations are registered in their own way to the garbage collector
<aleph-> Cool, thought so
<aleph-> Alright now I just need to start organizing all this better and start tweaking my home-manager config and I'll have my dream repoducible OS
<thefloweringash> does ofborg build the GitHub generated merge, or does it merge itself?
<samueldr> not sure it definitely does
<colemickens> Ralith: sure but I'm guessing there's a simple flag that I need to add to the derivation...
<colemickens> I am guessing I'm not the first person to try to build a C++ project that needs a certain flag to the generic build infra to get g++ to od the right thing.
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<Ralith> colemickens: generally that's the responsibility of the project's own build system
<colemickens> Hm.
* colemickens nods
<colemickens> thanks Ralith
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<Ralith> colemickens: they might be relying on a newer version of gcc, which you can provide by customizing the provided stdenv with overrideCC
<Ralith> compiling with clang/libc++ is possible too but a bit of a pain since it changes the ABI so you need to get every transitive dependency as well
<colemickens> okay, that helps too. I was also just reading about libc++ too, but I also don't think that it sounds the best path.
<colemickens> I have new things to try :)
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<Ralith> gcc is sometimes slow to support new C++ features, and distros are usually slow to update gcc due to the massive impact
<colemickens> What I'm reading hints that in gcc7, it needed to be <experimental/filesystem> but that it has stabilized in gcc8. Trying to confirm which is the default in NixOS right now, etc.
<Ralith> 18.09 is on gcc7
<Ralith> might be easiest just to patch the `#include`
<colemickens> Yeah, just found `gcc = gcc7`. Cool. I think you're probably right again.
<Ralith> you might find other, more significant issues, but it's worth a try
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #48303 → notmuch: 0.27 -> 0.28 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #47732 → opensm: 3.3.20 -> 3.3.21 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo merged pull request #48100 → helmfile: update from 0.19.0 to 0.40.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo pushed 2 commits to master:
<colemickens> interestingly you commented on an issue about meson + custom gcc :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk opened pull request #48304 → liblinear: 2.20 -> 2.21 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #48228 → php: 7.1.22 -> 7.1.23, 7.2.10 -> 7.2.11 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed 3 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #47964 → Staging next →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 71 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh opened pull request #48306 → Staging next →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 93 commits to python-unstable:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48187 → pythonPackages.atsim_potentials: init at 0.2.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @costrouc to master « pythonPackages.atsim_potentials: init at 0.2.1 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48185 → pythonPackages.pytest-* init 2 new pytest packages →
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<colemickens> When one runs nix copy and gets a cachey dir of narinfos and nar/*.nars, is there a special name for that?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48181 → pythonPackages.amqplib: 0.6.1 -> 1.0.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @costrouc to master « pythonPackages.amqplib: 0.6.1 -> 1.0.2 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48170 → pythonPackages.Fabric, pythonPackages.paramiko, pythonPacakges.pytest-relaxed →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 3 commits to staging:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48162 → pythonPackages.boto: 2.47.0 -> 2.49.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @costrouc to master « pythonPackages.boto: 2.47.0 -> 2.49.0 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48161 →* refactor move to python-modules (no version change) →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 10 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48156 → pythonPackages.django: update all supported versions →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 3 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48145 → pythonPackages.fdint: init at 2.0.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @costrouc to master « pythonPackages.fdint: init at 2.0.2 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48144 → pythonPackages.pyvoro: init at 1.3.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @costrouc to master « python36Packages.pyvoro: init at 1.3.2 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48143 → pythonPackages.nest-asyncio: init at 0.9.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @costrouc to master « pythonPackages.nest-asyncio: init at 0.9.1 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @costrouc to master « pythonPackages.gsd: init at 1.5.2 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48142 → pythonPackages.gsd: init at 1.5.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48141 → pythonPackages.vidstab: init at 0.1.5 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48066 → arrow-cpp: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @veprbl to master « arrow-cpp: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.0 (#48066) »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48022 → pythonPackages.mypy_extensions: use typing from stdlib on >=3.5 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @catern to master « pythonPackages.mypy_extensions: use typing from stdlib on >=3.5 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #47929 → pythonPackages.histbook: init at 1.2.3 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @delroth opened pull request #48307 → prometheus-tor-exporter: init at 0.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #47672 → pythonPackages.XlsxWriter: 1.0.9 -> 1.1.1 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #47114 → tensorflow: Add contrib/tensor_forest to rpath →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from Herman Fries to master « tensorflow: Add contrib/tensor_forest to rpath »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48284 → go: do not wrap with `go get` tools →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48258 → perlPackages: cross-compilation fixes →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 5 commits to staging:
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<joko> Hey, could anyone help me with a config evaluation? My Hydra started skipping some package jobs and I can't find why
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sephalon opened pull request #48308 → jameica: 2.8.1 -> 2.8.2 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 5 commits to staging-18.09:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rvolosatovs opened pull request #48309 → go-sct: 20160529 -> 20180605 →
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<oldandwise> i have ghc 8.2.2. How do I upgrade/install the latest one?
<oldandwise> ghc-8.4.3
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
<symphorien> how can I get debugging symbols for a haskell executable from nixpkgs ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh opened pull request #48310 → python.buildEnv: new argument `makeWrapperArgs` →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48308 → jameica: 2.8.1 -> 2.8.2 →
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<schmittlauch[m]> Hi, I still struggle to build a development environment for a nix-shell as a nix expression. I need opencv to be available for compiling and linking against, but it doesn't appear in the search path. Any ideas?
<symphorien> can you paste you shell.nix and error ?
<srhb> symphorien: haskell.lib.dontStrip?
<symphorien> is it recursive ?
<srhb> symphorien: There's also enableDWARFDebugging, depending on what you need.
<srhb> symphorien: No, for that you probably want to override haskellPackages.callPackage
<symphorien> I just need gdb to give me useful stacktraces
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<srhb> symphorien: taffybar debugging? :-P
<symphorien> no, tamarin-prover
<srhb> Ah
<schmittlauch[m]> Here's my default.nix and the gcc search path:
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<srhb> schmittlauch[m]: What's opencvDebug?
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<schmittlauch[m]> srhb: that's just a personal package override, you can substitute it with opencv3
<srhb> Thought as much, but hard to reproduce without being sure :D
<schmittlauch[m]> I can give you the override as well.
<srhb> That's OK.
<philippD> does anyone else have problems upgrading on unstable-small because of vulkan-loader assertion failures?
<schmittlauch[m]> srhb: opencvDebug = enableDebugging ((opencv3.override {enablePython=true; enableDocs=true; pythonPackages=pkgs.python3Packages; }).overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {cmakeBuildType = "Debug";}));
<schmittlauch[m]> srhb: generally speaking: What needs to be done to have include paths and library search directories set accordingly in a nix-shell? Is putting the packages into buildInputs enough?
<srhb> schmittlauch[m]: Generally yes. If you check `env`, you should see opencv in the relevant NIX_CFLAGS etc.
<schmittlauch[m]> env?
<srhb> A command to list your environment variables
<srhb> env | grep opencv
<schmittlauch[m]> Ah, that env
<schmittlauch[m]> yes, indeed
<srhb> schmittlauch[m]: Normally I tend to write the actual mkderivation first (such that I can nix-build the project) and then create a shell.nix that calls that.. Still investigating, not used to c++.. :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #48299 → perlArchiveCpio -> perlPackages.ArchiveCpio →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @volth to staging « perlArchiveCpio -> perlPackages.ArchiveCpio »:
<schmittlauch[m]> What'd be the difference between the both expressions? The shell.nix just using pkgs.mkShell?
<schmittlauch[m]> I'm starting a project from scratch, that's why I can't build anything yet
<srhb> schmittlauch[m]: mkDerivation is fine, buildInputs = [(pkgs.callPackage ./default.nix)]
<srhb> Where default.nix contains all the actual dependencies and looks like a regular package in the nixpkgs tree, eg { stdenv, opencv3, ... }: stdenv.mkDerivation ...
<schmittlauch[m]> I'm using direnv by the way, that's why I don't have a dedicated shell.nix
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<symphorien> schmittlauch[m]: my guess is that cc-wrapper only injects the required arguments when *using* gcc and not when you call it with --print-search-dirs
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<schmittlauch[m]> might be possible. Thx so far
<srhb> Seems surprising..
<srhb> Where do I find a hello world for opencv3 :P
<juhe> Hello. If I "ping noob", it doesn't work, though "ping noob.lan" works fine. I use systemd.resolved and had also set to ["lan"] (even though I'd like to avoid this for notebooks for which I'd like to get the domains automatically from DHCP server). No luck with "ping noob" anyways... Any idea how to get that working?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #48303 → notmuch: 0.27 -> 0.28 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed 3 commits to master:
<schmittlauch[m]> Sadly I'm also not familiar enough with C++ to know which env vars determine the search path for what
<schmittlauch[m]> trying it out myself rn
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #48304 → liblinear: 2.20 -> 2.21 →
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<schmittlauch[m]> srhb: Well, the cmake example works, thanks to the CMAKE_ env variables being set.
<srhb> Yes, that example works fine..
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<schmittlauch[m]> srhb: What does *not* work though is just compiling an easy cpp file with gcc
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<schmittlauch[m]> and I think that should work as well.
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<schmittlauch[m]> So it looks like all CMAKE_ env vars are set up accordingly, but the g++ one (like CPATH?) are not
<arianvp> hmm
<srhb> schmittlauch[m]: I'm guessing pkgconfig is needed.
<arianvp> `nix search` only shows some packages
<arianvp> whilst `sudo nix search` shows all of them
<arianvp> why would this make a differencE?
<srhb> arianvp: Different channels perhaps?
<arianvp> I don't have any channels set up for non-root
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<arianvp> I also get the following warning: arning: Nix search path entry '/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' does not exist, ignoring
<schmittlauch[m]> srhb: Why would that be needed? Although what's throwing the error is LD, so looks like mostly linking isn't working
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<srhb> schmittlauch[m]: This appears to work: g++ $(pkg-config --cflags opencv) $(pkg-config --libs opencv) test.cpp
<srhb> using pkgconfig as a buildinput..
<srhb> cflags appears to be unnecessary
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<schmittlauch[m]> ah, so the libraries are not added to the default library search path by itself, but need to be added using pkg-config
<schmittlauch[m]> I really need to take a look at what pkg-config is good for
<schmittlauch[m]> Thx four your help, srhb
<srhb> schmittlauch[m]: You're welcome. I learned something as well :-)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bchallenor opened pull request #48312 → jenkins: 2.138.1 -> 2.138.2 →
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03 advanced to (from 2 days ago, history:
<jasongrossman> srhb++
<{^_^}> srhb's karma got increased to 22
<juhe> DNS local name resolution is not working, because /etc/resolv.conf points to /etc/static/resolv.conf which is a link to /nix/store/<hash>-systemd-239/lib/systemd/resolv.conf. I'd expect to have some of the links to point to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf. Is it possible to get the link to the proper file without doing it manually after each time I do "nixos-rebuild switch"?
<arianvp> hmmph
<juhe> Actually... it didn't work even when I do the link to the file in /run directory...
<arianvp> so 'nix search' only seems to be listing things that are instlaled in my environment...
<arianvp> I install things like `nix-env --set my-user-env` though instead of with nix-env -iA
<arianvp> but why would that matter? :/
<arianvp> shouldn't nix search just evaluate nixpkgs/all-packages.nix ?
<srhb> arianvp: approximately, yes.
<srhb> (It should list the top level attributes from importing nixpkgs, more or less)
<srhb> That it indeed what nix search -u does for me.
<arianvp> but it doesn't :/
<arianvp> maybe I should strace?
<srhb> arianvp: I would start with a clean environment first and try pointing it at a nixpkgs manually.
<srhb> strace as a last resort :-P
<arianvp> what is a 'clean environment'
<srhb> arianvp: something like nix-shell --pure -p nix less
<arianvp> can I just remove all `nix` related folders in my homedir?
<arianvp> same problem. only 1500 packages
<srhb> nix search -u -I nixpkgs= ?
<arianvp> oh wait
<arianvp> nix search -u of corse
<srhb> Or simpler, -f channel:nixos-18.09
<arianvp> okay in nix-shell nix search returns no results, as expected
<srhb> Now try feeding it some channel along with -u
<arianvp> on train wifi. give me 20 minutes
<arianvp> lol
<srhb> :P
<arianvp> for a stateless system... nix sure spreads a lot of environment files and random config files into your homedir
<arianvp> :(
<arianvp> that interact in very non-obvious ways
<srhb> arianvp: The stateful stuff is very opt-in, but yes, you have to know..
<srhb> Just always run -u and you're fine :P
<srhb> It's not that slow
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48292 → nixos/gitlab: add custom hooks directory for gitlab-shell →
<arianvp> I'm trying to opt out as much possible from it. Also trying to get away from using channels in the long run
<arianvp> because many headaches
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed to release-18.09 « reattach-to-user-namespace: 2.6 -> 2.7 »:
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<arianvp> srhb: problem persists!
<arianvp> [nix-shell:~]$ nix search -u -f channel:nixos-18.03 | wc -l
<arianvp> 1584
<arianvp> Y
<arianvp> :/
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Gerschtli opened pull request #48313 → teamspeak_server: 3.3.0 -> 3.4.0 →
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<arianvp> I any clue?
<arianvp> so even in the pure nix shell, I only get a small subset of the packages
<srhb> arianvp: No, no idea really. I can only think some overrides must be messing it up somehow.. fwiw I get 50190
<arianvp> Ah! I have a custom overlay
<arianvp> but .. that should only extend the environment. not shrink it
<arianvp> :/
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #48129 → gpgme: 1.11.1 -> 1.12.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 3 commits to master:
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<arianvp> I think it has to do with the fact that I `nix-env --set` my environment to a custom set of packages, that is not in the nixpkgs set that is in the NIX_PATH
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<arianvp> or something along those lines
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<arianvp> but why the hell doesn't it work in a pure shell :/
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<srhb> arianvp: I don't think nix search ought to care about your profile in any way
<srhb> Just nixpkgs from NIX_PATH
<arianvp> srhb: Aaaah. I had a `nixpkgs` overlay that discarded all non-GPL packages
<arianvp> that explains, lol
<arianvp> which I added for demonstration purposes months ago during a talk
<arianvp> lmao
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #48310 → python.buildEnv: new argument `makeWrapperArgs` →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to staging « python.buildEnv: new argument `makeWrapperArgs` »:
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<huevo5050> hi, im in nixos 18.09 and nix-rebuild is failing because flash upstream has been retired. I see in github that a fix has been backported to 18.09 but neither nix-channel --update nor nix-rebuild boot --upgrade gets the new version
<huevo5050> I've tried to clean old configs and generations but no success
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch merged pull request #47866 → taskell: init at 1.3.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch pushed commit from @matthiasbeyer to master « taskell: init at 1.3.2 »:
<colemickens> How do I set <nixpkgs> within a nix expression.
<colemickens> I'm trying ot write something that will build various nixos configs with various nixpkgs enlistments
<colemickens> I can import mynixpkgs/nixos, but when it starts loading the configuration, <nixpkgs> is missing and it fails.
<tazjin> you can set it via an environment variable (`NIX_PATH`), but I'm not sure if there's a way within an expression
<tazjin> in a NixOS config you can use `nix.nixPath`
<mpickering> Anyone know why evaluation fails on this PR?
<{^_^}> #48288 (by mpickering, 13 hours ago, open): cedille: init at v1.0.0
<tazjin> colemickens: you can just parameterise over it, the angle brackets just evaluate to a file paths, so your config can take that as an input argument
<tazjin> *-s
<colemickens> I guess I need something like nixpkgs = mypkgs somewhere, I'm just not sure where.
<colemickens> I'll keep poking at it.
<tazjin> can you gist/paste a short example of what you're trying to do?
<colemickens> yeah, about to do that. (also, thank you!)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #47895 → Python pylama update →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master:
<colemickens> tazjin:
<tazjin> colemickens: you can use the `-I` flag for individual `nix-build` invocations to override the paths
<colemickens> I know, I am being a smidge stubborn to see if I can understand a way to do it in a single nix expression.
<colemickens> I think I can work it out from this post as a guide:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh closed pull request #47894 → pythonPackages.eradicate: init at 0.2.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #48000 → haskellPackages.arbtt: jailbreak →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed commit from @erictapen to release-18.09 « haskellPackages.arbtt: unbreak with jailbreak »:
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<huevo5050> ok seems like channel release is stucked in a commit of 10th Oct before flash update, do you know when channel updates to last git commit?
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<symphorien> huevo5050: it is explained very well on
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<juhe> To get local resolution working, I had to add "dhcpConfig = { UseDomains = "yes"; };" to my<name> configuration.
<tazjin> symphorien: I think someone should CNAME that to `` :)
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<srhb> juhe: Thanks :)
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<juhe> srhb: no problem, hope it helps others having similar issues too.
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<colemickens> Hm, is it possible to accidentally use builtins.fetchTarball without the sha256?
<colemickens> can I lint for that?
<{^_^}> nix#2343 (by guibou, 9 weeks ago, open): builtins.fetchTarball should issue a warning if no sha256 provided
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0deaddict opened pull request #48314 → sonic-pi: 3.0.1 -> 3.1.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #48312 → jenkins: 2.138.1 -> 2.138.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 3 commits to master:
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<colemickens> hooray
<colemickens> I had to fix a bunch of other stuff on the way, and get lucky with timing on an impure overlay and nightly updates
<colemickens> but I have an unset NIX_PATH and a nix file that will build my system configurations.
<colemickens> I also made my overlays deterministic fetchTarballs to also ensure consistency. It's all much tidier. :)
<siers> manveru, it seems that bundix/bundler breaks on «gem 'gem', path: "#{ENV['HOME']}/my-gem-fork"». Am I doing something wrong?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko opened pull request #48315 → wireguard: 0.0.20180925 -> 0.0.20181006 →
<siers> manveru, Ah, I was sneaky and used "gem …, git: '/path'", but is it expected that "path: " doesn't work?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed commit from @bchallenor to release-18.09 « jenkins: 2.138.1 -> 2.138.2 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko opened pull request #48316 → security-tool: --prefix instead of --set w/ DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko opened pull request #48317 → gnutls: provide pure cacert path during configure phase →
<manveru> siers: yeah, that's not supported
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<manveru> if you know the path already, just require it...
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #47715 → urh: 2.2.4 -> 2.3.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « urh: 2.2.4 -> 2.3.0 (#47715) »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @cryptix opened pull request #48318 → go-junit-report: init at 2018-06-14 (385fac0ce9a) →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #47776 → krita: 4.1.1 -> 4.1.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 2 commits to master:
<Lisanna> Hey, I want to use a machine as a remote builder that has inbound network access but no outbound network access. What options should I set in its nix.conf file to avoid it attempting to download stuff from the internet?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lschuermann opened pull request #48319 → nextcloud: 14.0.1 -> 14.0.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « tdesktop: 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 »:
<gchristensen> Lisanna: I ... think ... it will do that automatically. is it not working?
<Lisanna> "substituters ="
<Lisanna> that was what I needed
<Lisanna> Oh, wait, you might be right, hangon
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #47721 → strongswan: 5.6.3 -> 5.7.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 2 commits to master:
<gchristensen> all the remote fetchers in nixpkgs are marked as preferLocalBuild = true, which should make all that happen on your machine
<gchristensen> Lisanna: scroll up from this heading to see the docs of that
<Lisanna> yeah, you're right, I was just misinterpreting the output of nix-build
<gchristensen> ah cool :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48315 → wireguard: 0.0.20180925 -> 0.0.20181006 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 3 commits to master:
<Lisanna> when it builds remotely it prints "building '/nix/store/blah' on '<remote builder>' and then prints the same thing immediately afterwards but without the "on '<remote builder>'"
<gchristensen> oh weird
<Lisanna> which made me think it was falling back to the local machine due to the inability to connect to a substituter
<Lisanna> but it's just the weird way nix-build prints stuff
<Lisanna> OK... now to figure out how to specify a remote builder in a build machines file that uses a non-standard port for SSH...
<Lisanna> NIX_SSHOPTS is available for command-line initiated builds but don't know if there's an equivalent way to specify it for stuff like hydra
<Lisanna> which can only read these definitions from a build machines file
<Lisanna> ...and, of course, I only want it to apply to some of the build machines
<srhb> gchristensen: Can I see the epyc-1's hydra machine config somewhere?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed to master « Revert "vulkan-headers: -> 1.1.85 (#47702)" »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko closed pull request #33691 → lumo: init →
<gchristensen> srhb: I need to send a PR to make it public
<srhb> Ah, I can just get it from queue-runner-status..
<gchristensen> srhb: what's up?
<srhb> Not sure yet. Seems to be failing a disproportionality large amount of vm tests compared to other hosts.
<Lisanna> OK, looks like I can just specify it as an SSH config option for that kind of host
<srhb> My first suspicion was that it was overprovisioned too much to have big-parallel.
<gchristensen> hmmm
<symphorien> Lisanna: use .ssh/config
<gchristensen> I can look again soon
<srhb> But, still early investigations..
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « android-studio: -> »:
<gchristensen> srhb: oh I forgot to take the next part of my experiment, which is to reduce the max concurrent jobs from 24
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<srhb> gchristensen: That sounds like a good idea.
<srhb> step time is pretty high.
<srhb> It's hard to filter out all the irrelevant test nondeterminism from the errors though :/
<gchristensen> yeah.
<srhb> And I don't even know how to begin to analyze the virtual disk errors...
<gchristensen> I reduced max concurrent from 24 to 12
<srhb> OK, let's see what happens. :)
<srhb> I've also been debating whether we should increase the "alarm 300" in nixos/lib/test-driver/
<srhb> A _lot_ of the failures may just be optimism here.
<gchristensen> what is that
<srhb> The time for the guest root shell to appear
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<srhb> 300 seconds
<gchristensen> ouch
<srhb> I don't know that it'll do anything, but I suspect we might just be bailing out too early on busy machines.
<andi-> that has also been my impression.
<gchristensen> would it be better to make the machines less busy?
<srhb> gchristensen: Possibly, but I'm not sure if everything is only getting one core anyway
<andi-> probably that as well. We should try to find the sweetspot
<gchristensen> they're not all getting one core
<srhb> Honestly I think we should try each separately
<srhb> Before we try and settle on anything
<srhb> And we should probably make up a proper test plan for this over a range of time.
<gchristensen> +1
<srhb> (Ideally big-parallel would just work-steal more than one job slot, I think)
<gchristensen> the epyc has cores=4 and the t2-4 will too
<srhb> Ah ok :)
<srhb> In fact, rather than big-parallel it would be neat to be able to say meta.job = 4
<gchristensen> hehe
<{^_^}> nix#2307 (by ledettwy, 11 weeks ago, open): Consumable system features
<srhb> That would be extremely helpful
<gchristensen> sort of
<gchristensen> these sorts of things are guessing games I think
<srhb> The only other way to do it right now is to underprovision, at least partially.
<srhb> Which is bad for the environment :'(
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko opened pull request #48320 → COPYING: move notice to →
<gchristensen> I'm not sure it is?
<gchristensen> unless we drastically over provisioned
<gchristensen> but we could, for example, make the EPYC _only_ accept big-parallel jobs, limit it to 4 jobs at a time, and each job gets 12 cores
<gchristensen> VMs and chromium would all like that
<romildo> Is there any guidelines for packaging when the package wants to install something into /var/cache ?
<andi-> it sounds like it is worth a shot
<srhb> I think your maxJobs reduction is a good first try
<srhb> romildo: Make it not do that, is the guideline :P
<romildo> srhb, and how to deal with the files it expects there?
<srhb> romildo: Usually patch the locations.
<gchristensen> surely it will handle missing cache files appropriately
<romildo> The archlinux version of the package in question:
<gchristensen> so pretty different crowd from last night -- check out this here hack I did with the function docs, testing the examples work:
<andi-> gchristensen: wow, doctest for our docbooks? :D
<gchristensen> yep... :) in < 50 loc
<andi-> that is pretty neat :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b opened pull request #48321 → guile-cairo: 1.4.1 -> 1.10.0 →
<gchristensen> there are some anonying edge-case ones like functions which use builtins.trace -- it is tricky to verify that
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko closed pull request #34519 → rofi: 1.4.2 -> 1.5.0 →
<romildo> Would it be interesting to have a nixos service that generates the cache?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed to master « wireguard: 0.0.20181006 -> 0.0.20181007 »:
<romildo> I am packaging the deepin desktop environment, and it is already expected to have service for it, like the other DEs.
<gchristensen> it looks like there is a lot of deepin already in nixpkgs, have you seen what is there?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #47741 → parallel: 20180822 -> 20180922 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 3 commits to release-18.09:
<romildo> I am the one who is packaging it.
<gchristensen> oh, so you are! :D
<gchristensen> what is the cache used for? I wonder if it is never actually changed
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<romildo> for this package the cache has blurred versions of wallpaper images
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<romildo> so I believe it will not be changed after installation
<gchristensen> cool, yeah, so it might be interesting to have it put the cache in to $out/cache/
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko closed pull request #46257 → libbsd: 0.8.7 -> 0.9.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 5 commits to release-18.03:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #37600 → impureUseNativeOptimizations: add stdenv adapter →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko closed pull request #31052 → patchwork: init at 3.8.0 (WIP) →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau merged pull request #48313 → teamspeak_server: 3.3.0 -> 3.4.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.09-darwin advanced to (from 4 hours ago, history:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rasendubi merged pull request #48186 → nodejs: 10.11.0 -> 10.12.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rasendubi pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #47789 → goxel: 0.8.0 -> 0.8.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « goxel: 0.8.0 -> 0.8.1 (#47789) »:
<hodapp> hmmm I see this but seemingly no way to configure what port it listens on
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<clever> hodapp: sounds like a job for a nixos module
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @delroth closed pull request #48307 → prometheus-tor-exporter: init at 0.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @delroth reopened pull request #48307 → prometheus-tor-exporter: init at 0.3 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rasendubi merged pull request #48307 → prometheus-tor-exporter: init at 0.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rasendubi pushed 3 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @taku0 opened pull request #48322 → adoptopenjdk-bin: init at 11 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #47696 → nixos/thefuck: don't run thefuck on `environment.shellInit' →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #46738 → wine: 3.0.2 -> 3.0.3, 3.17 -> 3.18 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 5 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #48084 → steam: add libxcb to steamrt overrides →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed commit from @florianjacob to pull/47691/head « nixos/matomo: introduce services.matomo.package option »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 0 commits to pull/47691/head:
<typeggzero> yo
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #48074 → dwarf-fortress: fix build error →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #47691 → nixos/matomo: introduce services.matomo.package option →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.09-small advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #44441 → environment.shellAliases: change default behavior →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 4 commits to master:
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<o1lo01ol1o> How can I upgrade nix on the nixos aws ami? I'm currently on 18.09 and nixpgks-unstable but nix-info reports nix-env is 2.0.4
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @paulperegud opened pull request #48323 → py-solc: init at 3.2.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #47762 → mkvtoolnix: 26.0.0 -> 27.0.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed to master « Revert "Revert "vulkan-headers: -> 1.1.85 (#47702)"" »:
<jbo> Is there a way to reduce the parallelism of `nixos-rebuild`? I find that it saturates my disk i/o, which causes X to freeze for a bit whenever a big update is happening.
<infinisil> jbo: --max-jobs n or --cores m
<infinisil> max-jobs is how many nix-builds at a time, cores is how many cores for a single build
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #47893 → luigi: init at 2.7.9 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed 2 commits to master:
<jbo> infinisil: hmm - I suspect that it's literally just package unpackings. I'll try nix-builds
<jbo> aha! max-jobs=24 :-/
<jbo> ooh - and nix.buildCores = 0 # max
<jbo> yes, this probably does need some tuning
<jbo> infinisil: thanks!
<infinisil> :D
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<wpcarro> I'm having wireless issues where I need to `reboot` everytime after my computer sleeps in order to restore the wireless connection. `systemctl restart wpa_supplicant.service` doesn't seem to do the trick. Any ideas for troubleshooting?
<wpcarro> It's been going on for about a week and I think my patience has waned a bit
<orbekk> jbo: nix.daemonIONiceLevel and nix.daemonNiceLevel are probable good to set too
<wpcarro> sorry about sending this ^
<orbekk> wpcarro: I don't know really but maybe some kind of driver issue with your chipset? sometimes there are flags you can pass to the driver, that's resolved some issues for me in the past
<samueldr> wpcarro: that's a consistent failure after sleep?
<wpcarro> samueldr: consistent
<samueldr> (if so at least it's easier to repro and figure out things)
<wpcarro> I reboot multiple times a day bc of it
<samueldr> chipset + laptop model?
<wpcarro> samueldr: does chipset mean my CPU model?
<samueldr> wifi adapter
<wpcarro> ok let me look that up. It's a Macbook Pro 15" unibody... will research
<samueldr> ah, no need then
<samueldr> not much variance in there
<samueldr> and well documented
<samueldr> do you know the model number, like macbookproX,Y ?
<samueldr> what I'd do to try and figure out thing: before sleeping, clear the dmesg kernel buffer `dmesg -C`, suspend, resume, then dump the `dmesg` output at resume `dmesg > resume.txt` hopefully there's something in there
<wpcarro> samueldr: tough to tell bc I used to rely on the "About this Mac..." menu. I can try and figure it out though
<wpcarro> oh wow... this is super informative
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 4 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 3 commits to release-18.03:
<samueldr> wpcarro: I'm specifically pointing out the "identifying your computer" bit
<wpcarro> samueldr: MacBookPro11,5
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<samueldr> thanks
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 4 commits to release-18.09:
<samueldr> given such a model number, it's easy to know exactly the hardware you have
<wpcarro> samueldr: I can see how that'd help. I'm googling it to learn more
<samueldr> wpcarro: which kernel are you using? `uname -r`
<wpcarro> samueldr: 4.14.71
<samueldr> something dirt cheap to try: `boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_4_18;` in your configuration
<wpcarro> That's another part of what attracted me to NixOS, is that I hope to swap in different kernel versions easily
<wpcarro> samueldr: does that change out the kernel?
<samueldr> (then rebuild, reboot)
<samueldr> yes!
<wpcarro> omg that's so cool
<samueldr> NixOS is conservative wrt the kernel
<wpcarro> absolutely amazing
<samueldr> it uses the last LTS by default
<samueldr> but between 4.14 and 4.18 there's a bunch of changes!
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<wpcarro> samueldr: okay I'll rebuild and see what happens
<wpcarro> do I need unstable channel for that?
<samueldr> shouldn't need to
<samueldr> just a reasonably updated channel, either 18.03, 18.09 or unstable
<samueldr> kernel updates always are backported AFAIK
<wpcarro> I think I'm 18.03
<wpcarro> channels are another weak area of my Nix knowledge
<gchristensen> it would be good to update to 18.09 :)
<wpcarro> well... most is weak, but I'm working on bolstering it all
<wpcarro> gchristensen: I'd love to
<wpcarro> when I run `nix-channel --list` I have `nixos-unstable` and `nixpkgs-unstable`
<samueldr> the system builds with root's channels
<samueldr> so you will need to `sudo nix-channel --list` to see the right one
<wpcarro> samueldr: ah I was wondering how all of that was working. That makes sense. Let me see what that output is
<samueldr> (or sudo -i to get an interactive shell as root)
<wpcarro> yeah it's `nixos` 18.03
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<wpcarro> should I `sudo nix-channel --add <url> nixos-18.09`?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko opened pull request #48325 → fetchurl: warn on rev archives, resolves #32999 →
<samueldr> you will need to rop the "18.09" in the last parameter
<samueldr> it needs to be named "nixos"
<wpcarro> and when I `rebuild switch` it'll switch everything to whatever is on the 18.09 channel?
<wpcarro> if so, then I think that clears up a ton of my confusion
<samueldr> not entirely certain if you need to --update the channel after adding
<wpcarro> samueldr: is there any harm in doing that anyway?
<samueldr> shouldn't be any harm
<samueldr> if it updated already, it'll mostly be a no-op
<wpcarro> this is awesome. Thanks so much gchristensen and samueldr for the insights
<samueldr> the manpage for nix-channel seems to say that --update is required (their example for adding is followed by --update)
<wpcarro> samueldr: okay I ran `sudo nix-channel --update` anyways... simple enough
<samueldr> though
<samueldr> prefer nixos-rebuild boot when changing channels
<samueldr> switch might work fine, probably will, but just in case
<wpcarro> samueldr: I think I need to `rebuild` anyways because of the Kernel update
<wpcarro> about to do that, so I'll be hopping offline in a minute here
<wpcarro> *fingers crossed*
<samueldr> good luck :)
<wpcarro> thanks again
<samueldr> though pretty confident everything will be working as it should
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<wpcarro> samueldr: turns out that `linuxPackages_4_18` wasn't available on 18.03 but is on 18.09
<wpcarro> thankfully I switched over before
<samueldr> :/ right, last is 4.17, weird
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<wpcarro> samueldr: looking like 4.18 isn't working for me
<wpcarro> I can't get past Stage 2
<gammarray> hi, i'm curious how to add a service to my configuration.nix that will only be started manually with systemctl... seems like it should be easy, but my searches aren't turning up any useful results.
<sphalerite> gammarray: just define it without wantedBy = [""]; and it won't be autostarted
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jerith666 opened pull request #48326 → WIP: openjdk: 10.0.2 -> 11 →
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<symphorien> sphalerite: gammarray: wantedBy is populated by default but you can empty it
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<gammarray> thx! symphorien
<sphalerit> symphorien: for openssh, yes
<sphalerit> For custom services, it's not
<symphorien> ah maybe
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<gammarray> hm, yea, i'm trying to set this on and it's telling me the wantedBy option doesnt exist
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Assassinkin opened pull request #48327 → Python packages cleanup →
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<gammarray> i see it in the derivation, but it's not set as an option, nor is "after" (
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<gammarray> its ok... no deal to have this one running in the background, just trying to keep running processes to a minimum
<gammarray> ah, i see. i needed to use ` = [];` instead of `services.mopidy.wantedBy = [];`
<gammarray> the rest of my mopidy config us under `services.mopidy = {}` and does not begin with systemd
<gammarray> thx for the help! i think i'm all set
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<mokasin> Hey. Can I somehow check the configuration files written for a nixpkg without installing into the system?
<symphorien> nixos-rebuild build will create a result symlink in the current directory
<mokasin> I'd like to check, what effect a packages options have to the config file
<symphorien> without touching your system
<symphorien> you can even run it as non-root
<mokasin> okay, thx. I'll try that
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog opened pull request #48328 → generators: make toPretty handle floats correctly →
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<mokasin> symphorien, is it also possible, to this for just one package, without a system conf attached?
<symphorien> Hum can you give details ?
<mokasin> Something like this
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko opened pull request #48329 → vulkan-{headers,loader}: lock revs, update sha256 after bump →
<mokasin> So basically just what for example service.nginx would do...
<mokasin> Not sure, if that makes sense without some system config?
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<mokasin> Just looking for the most lightweight way to check what one package would do, when setting certain options
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed commit from @cocreature to master « alt-ergo: 1.30->2.2.0, ocplib-simplex: 0.3->0.4 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl closed pull request #48175 → alt-ergo: 1.30->2.2.0, ocplib-simplex: 0.3->0.4 →
<infinisil> mokasin: Maybe try diffing the result with nix-diff
<symphorien> You can point nixos-rebuild to a lightweight configuration (with -I nixos-config=foo.nix iirc)
<hyper_ch> hmm, just run nixos-rebuild boot --upgrade and got this error: error: assertion failed at /nix/store/xlmja9agydii8nazmp5c9n40573kdpys-nixos-19.03pre155260.276b99a847e/nixos/pkgs/development/libraries/vulkan-loader/default.nix:4:1
<symphorien> But you need a few boiler plate options like a boot loader
<mokasin> infinisil, that looks interesting
<mokasin> symphorien, yes, makes sense I guess
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<mokasin> nix-diff is perfect!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #48329 → vulkan-{headers,loader}: lock revs, update sha256 after bump →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 3 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b closed pull request #45512 → bazel: move darwin ad hoc code to darwin patch →
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<goibhniu> I'm having trouble finding a GUI audio player that works apart from VLC ... clementine, elisa and amarok don't seem to be working (nixos-unstable) ... any recommendations? (I'd like something with mpris support)
<goibhniu> (VLC stutters at the start of each track too)
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.09-darwin advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
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<goibhniu> audacity works \o/
<goibhniu> I mean audacious
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #48331 → gmailieer: 0.9 -> 0.10 →
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #48028 → linux_rpi, rasperrypifw, raspberrypi-tools: update to latest versions →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 4 commits to master:
<neonfuz> Anyone ever ran a nix profile off a ramdisk?
<neonfuz> idk if it would actually improve performance or anything
<neonfuz> but maybe?
<gchristensen> I run some nixos servers entirly out of ramdisks
<neonfuz> du -hs $(readlink -f ~/.nix-profile) says my profile is only 28mb, might as well be in a ramdisk imo
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<neonfuz> how do you acomplish that? root disk on tmpfs?
<gchristensen> yeah, via netboot
<neonfuz> nice
<neonfuz> my current main computer has a slowish hdd but 16gb of ram and I'm just trying to see what I can do lol
<neonfuz> I'd like it if I could just like, pin certain packages to ramdisk, and then union mount over the nix store or something
<gchristensen> pretty messy
<gchristensen> the kernel will automatically keep as much fs in ram as possible
<neonfuz> or maybe like, just the entire closure of current profile?
<neonfuz> yeah I was thinking of that too
<neonfuz> I feel like it'd be better if it could be more explicit though, like the nix store is read only anyways,
<neonfuz> and so it's not like backing up to disk ever needs to happen
<neonfuz> I guess the kernel is probably pretty good at this
<neonfuz> though like, I don't like how my dmenu menu takes time to load
<neonfuz> on my (now broken) laptop with a ssd it was instant
<neonfuz> I'd rather wait a tad at boot to load my profile into a ramdisk and then have everything be really snappy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #48332 → notmuch-bower: 0.8.1 -> 0.9 →
<neonfuz> mostsly brainstorming here, I might try something eventually but idk
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<boomshroom> Hello!
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<jasongrossman> Hello boomshroom
<boomshroom> I'm feeling like playing some Minecraft right now, but when I launched it, it doesn't produce any sound. I've tested with MultiMC and the official launcher.
<boomshroom> The most helpful log line I can find is `AL lib: (EE) ALCplaybackOSS_open: Could not open /dev/dsp: No such file or directory`
<boomshroom> It also doesn't seem to matter whether or not it's modded.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48309 → go-sct: 20160529 -> 20180605 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #48332 → notmuch-bower: 0.8.1 -> 0.9 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @dtzWill to master « notmuch-bower: 0.8.1 -> 0.9 (#48332) »:
<Ralith> boomshroom: do other things produce sound successfully?
<boomshroom> Yes.
<infinisil> boomshroom: Are you using the latest version? I recently fixed minecraft sound in #43774
<{^_^}> (by Infinisil, 12 weeks ago, merged): minecraft: clean and fix up
<clever> boomshroom: is it visible in pavucontrol?
<boomshroom> infinisil: That would fix sound in the official launcher, however I'm currently using MultiMC
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<boomshroom> I don't have pavucontrol installed. -_-
<Drakonis> i smell minecraft
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<boomshroom> Drakonis: Specifically the StoneBlock modpack
<clever> boomshroom: ah, how did you download it? all the links are windows-only
<Drakonis> its java
<Drakonis> java...............
<boomshroom> clever: Usually I use CMPDL, but Something was happening causing the official launcher to crash, so I tried MultiMC, imported it, and now it works (but without sound).
<clever> Drakonis: the pack management utils are are moving towards windows only
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<clever> Drakonis: and the site is just not giving you a .zip option, because idiots cant unpack a zip
<Drakonis> hilarious :|
<clever> yeah
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<Drakonis> multimc is our only salvation i guess
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Luis-Hebendanz reopened pull request #48120 → rmount: init at 1.0.1 →
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<boomshroom> I will never run out of cobblestone!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b opened pull request #48333 → cryptodev-linux: update meta.homepage →
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<clever> boomshroom: :D
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @romildo opened pull request #48334 → deepin-wallpapers: init at 1.7.5; deepin-desktop-schemas: init at →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48333 → cryptodev-linux: update meta.homepage →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #47600 → hugo: helpers/content.go: call rst2html directly to render content →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #42988 → libraw: 0.18.12 -> 0.19.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48331 → gmailieer: 0.9 -> 0.10 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48321 → guile-cairo: 1.4.1 -> 1.10.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli merged pull request #46579 → masterpdfeditor: 5.1.12 -> 5.1.60 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli pushed 4 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pnelson opened pull request #48335 → weather-icons: init at 2.0.10 →
<fresheyeball> st
<worldofpeace> Anyone mind reviewing the python package in #47631 ?
<{^_^}> (by makefu, 1 week ago, open): cozy-audiobooks: init at 0.6.3
<fresheyeball> hamishmack: you around? and willing to help me get some ghcjs going?
<makefu> worldofpeace: thanks for asking :D i think the PR is now in pretty good shape after the rework we did together
<worldofpeace> makefu: I do too :D. Though I think that python lib may have more complexity
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #48320 → COPYING: move notice to →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer closed pull request #43575 → Move note from COPYING into new file COPYING-NOTICE →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @delroth opened pull request #48336 → tests/prometheus-exporters: add tests for new Tor exporter →
<elvishjerricco> fresheyeball: What do you need for GHCJS?
<fresheyeball> elvishjerricco: I just want to get a simple project going
<fresheyeball> now I am thinking I will stick with jsaddle warp
<fresheyeball> but even then I can't get it going
<elvishjerricco> fresheyeball: I usually start out with `nix-shell -p haskell.compiler.ghcjs84` and `cabal new-configure --ghcjs`. I switch to Nix once I need anything resembling OPs or better version pinning
<elvishjerricco> i.e. I use `cabal new-build` until that point
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<elvishjerricco> and just let cabal download and build the deps
<fresheyeball> elvishjerricco: what impact does -new stuff have in this case?
<elvishjerricco> fresheyeball: Well it's either new-build or sandboxes, else you risk the global package DB "cabal hell" of ye olden times.
<elvishjerricco> And I just find new-build more pleasant than sandboxes
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko opened pull request #48337 → nginx: if root is in Nix store, use path's hash as ETag →
<fresheyeball> elvishjerricco: here if you want to take a look
<fresheyeball> I am just looking to us jsaddle warp
<elvishjerricco> fresheyeball: 404 page not found
<elvishjerricco> fresheyeball: Are you looking to use Reflex?
<fresheyeball> elvishjerricco: no, I want to try a different idea
<fresheyeball> elvishjerricco: try that link again
<elvishjerricco> fresheyeball: 404 still
<elvishjerricco> fresheyeball: But yea `cabal new-build` ought to be able to build jsaddle-warp out of the box
<fresheyeball> grr, try now
<elvishjerricco> I would think at least
<fresheyeball> elvishjerricco: does the link work now?
<elvishjerricco> fresheyeball: Yea. What's not working?
<fresheyeball> can't even enter the nix-shell
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<elvishjerricco> fresheyeball: Trying it out...
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<elvishjerricco> fresheyeball: Looks like it's just version bound issues on jsaddle-warp, right?
<fresheyeball> that is where I left off
<elvishjerricco> fresheyeball: I wonder if there are cabal file revisions...
<worldofpeace> makefu: this pkgbuild is revealing (I don't think you'll need to add cython)
<elvishjerricco> There are not. So you'll either need to change those package versions or just jailbreak jsaddle-warp
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b closed pull request #22009 → vmTools: add Ubuntu 16.10 and Debian 9pre →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli merged pull request #48327 → Python packages cleanup →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli pushed 4 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @unode opened pull request #48338 → libaosd: init at 0.2.7-9-g177589f →
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<Unode_> hi all. I'm trying to create a PROJECT/dependencies folder that I can point vscode to in order to have it find all project specific dependencies. I've considered using 'nix-env -p PROJECT/dependencies ...' but this creates links for each generation which cause unnecessary visual noise. On the other hand nix-build builds a single derivation. Is there any other option that could be used here?
<makefu> worldofpeace: i just tested and it seems that the current version of peewee builds on py2, even though the pkgbuild uses two different folders
<fresheyeball> elvishjerricco: I added the jailbreak and pushed, no dice
<Acou_Bass> hey everyone, this isnt a huge deal but its something ive only just noticed and its now bugging me XD ive got my locale set as i18n.defaultLocale = "en_GB.UTF-8"; in configuration.nix, KDE sets my language to en_GB correctly but for some reason firefox's dictionary is set to en_US - ive not installed any dictionaries to firefox, its just using my default system one from what i can see, but all my spellcheck
<Acou_Bass> boxes are coming out with fuzzy red lines because i dont type american spellings
<Acou_Bass> is this something i can fix in nixos or shall i just installanother dictionary in firefox and pretend it never happened?
<worldofpeace> makefu: Yeah the attribute to build it with py3 is `python3Packages.peewee`. I think the main problems with current derivation is there's missing check dependencies(shoud be in `checkInputs`) and that there's no way to enable/disable optional features.
<infinisil> Unode_: What's the problem with nix-shell?
<infinisil> Oh, I understand now
<infinisil> Unode_: You can always just clean up the old generation no?
<Unode_> infinisil: I am using nix-shell for compiling but can't think of a good way to go about it to make vscode happy. I don't want to run it from within a nix-shell (if possible).
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm opened pull request #48339 → treewide: fix evaluation with `allowAliases = false` →
<Unode_> infinisil: that's what I'm going for now. Just wondering if there's any way to tell nix-env to not use generations at all and simply replace the target link.
<infinisil> Oh actually
<infinisil> Isn't nix-env just a fancy wrapper around buildEnv?
<infinisil> You could build the environment with that using nix-build, then it will be in the result symlink
<Unode_> won't that trigger builds from source?
<Unode_> rephrasing, I don't actually know how to merge multiple derivations into a single 'result' target
<Unode_> nix-env -p includes -iA
<symphorien> use buildEnv
<Unode_> is what I'm using now
<symphorien> all things in the buildInputs of buildEnv will be merged
<clever> paths*
<symphorien> without recompiling
<Unode_> ok, I'll read about it. Thanks for the pointers
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<Unode_> symphorien: that looks simple enough
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #48339 → treewide: fix evaluation with `allowAliases = false` →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed 2 commits to master:
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<wpcarro> I'm trying to switch to kernel 4.17. I'm seeing that `linuxPackages_4_17` is defined in the `top-level/all-packages.nix` file on 18.09-beta of nixpkgs. When I try to `rebuild switch`, I get an error about a missing attribute `linuxPackages_4_17`. I'm not sure how else to troubleshoot this atm. My `sudo nix-channel --list` is on 18.09
<makefu> worldofpeace: okay i see what you mean, not sure if this actually makes sense for cozy but hey... what is the current best practice to define optional dependencies which are turned off by default?
<clever> wpcarro: did you use pkgs.linuxPackages_4_17 ?
<wpcarro> clever: in my `configuration.nix`, yes.
<symphorien> wpcarro: the branch is release-18.09, not 18.09-beta
<wpcarro> `boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_4_17`.
<symphorien> linux is now 4.18 iirc
<wpcarro> symphorien: that's gotta be the issue! Let me try switching and see what happens
<symphorien> you can use linuxPackages_latest to avoid these problems
<wpcarro> symphorien: I've been checking out the `git tag` ... is `release-18.09` a branch though?
<symphorien> yes
<wpcarro> symphorien: wrt 4.18, I tried that and couldn't boot past Stage 2
<wpcarro> so I was gonna work back from there and see what happens. I was on 4.14 all last week and trying to switch
<symphorien> when 4.18 was released, 4.17 became EOL so it was removed
<wpcarro> EOL? End of line?
<clever> life?
<wpcarro> ah okay
<wpcarro> symphorien: after checking out `release-18.09` my expectations are sync'd up. Thanks for that
<symphorien> note that there is still a small discrepancy
<symphorien> release-18.09 is what hydra tries to build
<symphorien> the channel is the latest suscessfully built and tested commit of this branch
<wpcarro> ah that's good to know
<clever> wpcarro: also note that nix-channel leaves a copy of nixpkgs in ~/.nix-defexpr/
<clever> wpcarro: so you dont need to clone nixpkgs to know what is available to the current machine
<symphorien> wpcarro: this tells you how much it lags behind
<wpcarro> I'll also have to continuously pull from the remote as well, which I didn't have to do with the tag
<wpcarro> clever: ah so I may be reinventing the wheel? I'd love that bc my query function is hacky
<clever> wpcarro: you can also just `nix-instantiate --find-file nixpkgs` to see what <nixpkgs> maps to with the current NIX_PATH
<symphorien> the remote you are interested in this the nixpkgs-channel repo
<wpcarro> clever: I'm guessing `channels_root` is what I see for `sudo nix-channel --list`?
<clever> yep
<symphorien> s/this/is/
<wpcarro> symphorien: thanks!
<wpcarro> clever: I'm not sure I follow
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 7 hours ago, history:
<wpcarro> clever: ah are you saying that's a smarter way to get the dir? Love that
<clever> it also finds it the nixpkgs when not using channels, if you change NIX_PATH
<clever> and can help debug if you are messing with NIX_PATH
<Unode_> symphorien: getting lost here. The link you sent instructs on how to write a ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix and meant to be used with nix-env. I always get lost in how to convert this to a nix-build recipe. Do you know what section to read to understand how to adapt one and the other?
<symphorien> write a buildEnv expression in a file
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<symphorien> nix-build file.nix
<symphorien> the result symlink will be analogous to a profile
<makefu> another thing, is there a way in 'nix build' to show what is happening in the different build phases (default behavior in nix-build)?
<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @asymmetric opened pull request #80 → lenovo/thinkpad/t450s: init →
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<eeva> makefu: nix log </nix/store/smth> can show you the full log
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #48340 → workrave: 1.10.21 -> 1.10.23 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #48341 → zstd: 1.3.5 -> 1.3.6 →
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<Church-> Heya folks
<Church-> Heya Drakonis
<worldofpeace> :D
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #48342 → xdg-desktop-portal: 1.0.2 -> 1.0.3 →
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<wpcarro> Has anyone run into issues with Linux 4.18 not being able to boot past Stage 2? I'm consistently getting an issue with RNG, which I hear is a random number generator
<Drakonis> hi ho Church-
<Church-> Heya worldofpeace
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.09-small advanced to (from 7 hours ago, history:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #48343 → woeusb: 3.2.9 -> 3.2.10 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #48344 → Auto update/libbsd →
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<wpcarro> I'm guessing maybe MacBook Pros have difficulty with 4.18
<hodapp> hm, seeing on 18.09 when trying to run Cura: "Cura: freeglut (foo): glutBitmapCharacter: bitmap font 0x00000000 not found. Make sure you're not passing a stroke font."
<hodapp> the fact that 'foo' appears in this error is odd
<hodapp> but it appears that some text won't render (anything in the 3D view)
<hodapp> Can anybody else reproduce this? should just be able to install cura, run it, and see this error in the console
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<symphorien> hodapp: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'findChild'
<symphorien> I don't see your error
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<hodapp> is that error fatal for you?
<hodapp> such that you wouldn't even get far enough to see my error
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<symphorien> yes it is
<symphorien> I get a screen to send a crash report
<hodapp> weird, and you're on 18.09? and how did you run it? (nix-env, nix-shell, nix-build)
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<symphorien> 18.09.783.299814b385d, nix-shell -p cura
<hodapp> okay, if I run in nix-shell I get the same... hmm
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<hodapp> what is really confusing to me is that I just ran 'nix-env -u' and it should have updated cura (right?), but didn't
<symphorien> nix-env -u --leq ?
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<symphorien> if the version number did not change or the name changed then nix-env does not update
<hodapp> oh, hmm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #48345 → wireshark: 2.6.3 -> 2.6.4 →
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<symphorien> the problem is: nix-env does not know from which attribute the currently installed cura comes
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<symphorien> so it uses heuristics based on the derivation name
<symphorien> and is easily fooled
<hodapp> oh, interesting
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #48344 → Auto update/libbsd →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 3 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #48346 → xmr-stak: 2.4.7 -> 2.5.0 →