worldofpeace changed the topic of #nixos to: NixOS stable: 19.09 \o/ || || Latest NixOS: || Latest Nix: || Logs: || #nixos-dev, #nix-darwin, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-chat, #nixcon ... nixcon videos: || For best support,
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »:
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<dsx> Does programs.ssh.startAgent still work?
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<jackdk> IFD is such a footgun, but it's such a niiice footgun.
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<dsx> It works, even better than before when stale files in ~/.config/systemd aren't in the way.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #70144 → pythonPackages.cassandra-driver: 3.18.0 -> 3.19.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed to master « pythonPackages.cassandra-driver: 3.18.0 -> 3.19.0 »:
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<inkbottle> I don't understand that line: services.emacs.package = import /home/cassou/.emacs.d { pkgs = pkgs; }; It seems to say that the emacs user-directory on one specific user will be used for each and every users?
<inkbottle> It is only a guess though; but 'cassou' seems like a specific user
<inkbottle> but services.emacs.package doesn't seem to target one specific user.
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<samueldr> import is the nix construct; /home/cassou/.emacs.d is "just a folder", in a way, where there is a default.nix
<samueldr> and in that default.nix there is a nix expression that gets evaluated
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<inkbottle> okay, I understand
<inkbottle> thanks
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #70942 → pythonPackages.block-io: propagate setuptools →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @nyanloutre to master « pythonPackages.block-io: propagate setuptools »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @nyanloutre to release-19.09 « pythonPackages.block-io: propagate setuptools »:
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<mog> how do i add a file to the nix store and then reference it from my configuration.nix
<mog> i know i could make a derivation, but wanted to know if there was an easier way to do it
<samueldr> would just referencing its out of store path be what you want?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl merged pull request #70871 → delly: init at 0.8.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl pushed commit from @scalavision to master « delly: init at 0.8.1 (#70871) »:
<samueldr> pkgs.runCommandNoCC "that-file" {} "cp ${./that-file} $out" would copy it directly
<mog> i want to make use of the gpgCard feature thats part of 19.09, so it does a cp encryptedPass
<mog> but if i put a file in it isnt visible when it tries to build
<mog> so i am imagining i could fix if i just added the gpg encoded secret into the nix store and pointed to it in the config
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<durka> Hey, I'm trying to figure out where NixOS stores the name of the root partition for booting. My root partition is encrypted, so it must be specified somewhere else. But I've mounted the EFI boot partition and I can't find it -- the /efi/loader/entries/nixos-*.conf file just gives paths in /nix/store
<iqubic> That's what I'd expect.
<durka> Is there an fstab in the initrd perhaps?
<durka> I tried to mount the initrd, but I don't think I did it right
<durka> I'm speaking to you from a live USB because I moved a partition which apparently caused renumbering and now I can't boot :p
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<mog> doing ${path} solved my problem
<mog> i think
<durka> aha I found out how to open the initrd -- it's a gzipped cpio archive
<durka> now the question is whether I can repack it as such after editing :p
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<selfsymmetric-mu> durka: This is like watching Houdini trying to escape from a USB stick.
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<durka> TRWTF is that nix is using /dev/sda4 instead of /dev/disk/by-uuid/...
<durka> though I dunno if UUIDs are stable through gparted shenanigans either
<mog> yup it worked. i know have my laptop booting via gpg key
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<durka> selfsymmetric-mu: ok here goes nothing... I'll be back from /dev/sda5 or (more likely) from this live USB again
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<durka> holy shit, it worked
<durka> I should now write a tutorial on "how to manually fix your initrd after doing stupid things with gparted"
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<minall> Hello nixos!
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<durka> /nix/store/daasdf908734643nasdlk/hello
<minall> I'm on a new nixos installation, when starting the system, I get to the final part which is: -Starting Xorg Server-, it shows it as -succesful-
<minall> But I don't seem to have a xorg server, since all I have next after that is a terminal, I'm on emacs -erc-
<minall> But in terminal mode
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<minall> When launching -ssdm- I'm stuck on -Logind interface found-
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<minall> how can I debug this?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl merged pull request #70841 → mariadb: fix builds on darwin →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl pushed 2 commits to master:
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<durka> Has anyone managed to install the mtrack touchpad driver?
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<selfsymmetric-mu> durka: The hero lives! Well done.
<durka> yes I am happily not reinstalling from scratch right now
<durka> I also found out the reason gparted kept refusing to resize my exFAT partition is... there's just no way to do that. :X
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<GlennS> Has something changed about where journald stores its logs from NixOs 19.03 to 19.09? `services.journalbeat` has stopped working, and I think it is because it can't find the journal files in the default place.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ktor opened pull request #70950 → bcompare: -> →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #70889 → jtc: init at 1.74 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #70952 → dune: 1.11.3 -> 1.11.4 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @iAmMrinal0 opened pull request #70953 → rescuetime: -> →
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<loka> Hello, is anyone using nixos on dell inspiron 7590 here?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #70366 → OCaml: make version 4.07 the default one →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed 3 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor merged pull request #70826 → WoeUSB: Remove writeback buffering workaround →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor pushed commit from @Enzime to master « WoeUSB: Remove writeback buffering workaround »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #70929 → ocamlPackages.llvm: propagate needed libs, fix missing build parameter →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed commit from @symphorien to master « ocamlPackages.llvm: propagate needed libs, fix missing build parameter »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #70955 → ocamlPackages.bigstringaf: 0.3.0 → 0.6.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sevanspowell opened pull request #70956 → prometheus: fix build →
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<hpfr[m]> I can’t launch the DM on the ISO, the service says start request repeated too quickly
<hpfr[m]> Graphical ISO
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<tilpner> hpfr[m]: Check the logs of display-manager, could be a driver thing
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ivan opened pull request #70957 → [19.09] chromium: 77.0.3865.90 -> 77.0.3865.120 →
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<ebzzry> Is there a way to install nixpkgs on Ubuntu, unattended?
<tilpner> ebzzry: What do you mean by that? nixpkgs is just a collection of packages and modules, it can be installed by downloading a single tarball to anywhere on your system
<elvishjerricco> ebzzry: Just opened an issue about that the other day. Has already been fixed.
<{^_^}> nix#3127 (by ElvishJerricco, 2 days ago, closed): Can't bootstrap Nix on Ubuntu 18.04
<elvishjerricco> Of course some internet is required to get sources and bootstrap tools
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<elvishjerricco> Unless you don't mean bootstrapping, which I guess is a fairly rare requirement :P
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ivan opened pull request #70958 → [19.03] chromium: 77.0.3865.90 -> 77.0.3865.120 →
<ebzzry> elvishjerricco: thanks!
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<tobi_> hello, I'm a nixos newbie and I'm having trouble setting up pre-commit. In my environment.systemPackages I have gitAndTools.git and gitAndTools.pre-commit. installing pre-commit works fine, when I try to install hooks (pre-commit install-hooks) for a repository which uses python based hooks, pre-commit complains that it can't find virtualenv ("/nix/store/.../bin/python3.7: No module named virtualenv"). I
<tobi_> have taken a look at the default.nix of pre-commit and it mentions virtualenv in the imports and in the propagateBuildInputs, so it looks like it should be available. Many thanks in advance
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<bahamas> does it make sense to run a development server with systemd? I'm talking about the development server you use when you develop a web app with a framework like Django or Yesod.
<bahamas> I'm asking because I'm wondering whether I should make my dev setup match my prod setup as much as possible
<meatcar> tobi_: newbie here as well, my understanding is that each package that uses python has a different set of python packages that need to be explicitly overridden. In my case weechat's python plugin needed an extra python package to function, and I had to throw together an overlay to import that in.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 pushed to master « citrix_workspace: add 19.10.0 »:
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<ivan> bahamas: if you're worried about that then definitely yes, systemd units are in a cgroup and different environment / process limits
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<bahamas> ivan: does systemd have a problem with the server constantly restarting?
<bahamas> I know that it tries to restart a process when it goes down, that's why I'm wondering
<ivan> no, just change the restart limit
<tobi1234> meatcar: thanks a lot for your response, I will give it a try
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<bahamas> ivan: in what way should I change the limit (I have little experience with systemd)?
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<ivan> you can grep nixpkgs to see how these are applied on units
<ivan> in serviceConfig = { ... apparently
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<hyper_ch2> interesting, system76 will release two notebooks with coreboot
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #3114 → Add libatomic for 32-bit ARM →
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 3 commits to master:
<bahamas> ivan: I'm assuming this setting will tell systemd to not do anything when the process restarts. just leave it be and don't try to restart it. right?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed to master « vscode: 1.38.1 -> 1.39.1 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed to release-19.09 « vscode: 1.38.1 -> 1.39.1 »:
<rnhmjoj> can someone take a look at PR #70312?
<{^_^}> (by doronbehar, 1 week ago, open): urxvt_bidi: init at 2.15
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<ivan> bahamas: those settings control whether systemd gives up on restarting the process when it rapidly restarts
<ivan> bahamas: if you process is restarting on its own (not just exiting), then systemd won't even be restarting it
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<bahamas> ivan: that's good to know. thank you for guiding me with this
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed to release-19.09 « Revert "Backport Rust 1.38 to 19.09 (#70735)" »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #69351 → nodePackages: Use repo tree as nixpkgs →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
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<mg-> Hey, anyone else have issues with light-locker after the 19.09 update? I get this padlock icon and "you will be redirected in a few seconds", but nothing happens. Have to kill -9 from a different tty :S
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<asymptotically> mg-: did not get it before too? i get this issue on debian too
<asymptotically> usually mashing keys and switching between ttys fixes it
<mg-> asymptotically: no before I had another issue where light-locker turned off all the screens and would sometimes refuse to turn back on. Always had to input pw "blind".
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<{^_^}> #69399 (by worldofpeace, 2 weeks ago, open): lightlocker: broken on second lock activation with systemd 243
<wedens> speaking of systemd 243. if I want to downgrade to 242, will overriding src for systemd derivation be enough?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse merged pull request #68836 → Wacomtablet kcm →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse pushed 4 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70757 → python37Packages.tomlkit: 0.5.5 -> 0.5.7 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.tomlkit: 0.5.5 -> 0.5.7 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70747 → python37Packages.xdis: 4.0.3 -> 4.0.4 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.xdis: 4.0.3 -> 4.0.4 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70745 → python37Packages.periodictable: 1.5.0 -> 1.5.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.periodictable: 1.5.0 -> 1.5.1 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70744 → python37Packages.moviepy: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.moviepy: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70739 → python37Packages.pylibmc: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.pylibmc: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70733 → python37Packages.pyspf: 2.0.12 -> 2.0.13 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.pyspf: 2.0.12 -> 2.0.13 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70731 → python37Packages.nbsphinx: 0.4.2 -> 0.4.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.nbsphinx: 0.4.2 -> 0.4.3 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70728 → python37Packages.nbval: 0.9.2 -> 0.9.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.nbval: 0.9.2 -> 0.9.3 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh closed pull request #70726 → python37Packages.gensim: 3.8.0 -> 3.8.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70719 → python37Packages.dugong: 3.7.4 -> 3.7.5 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.dugong: 3.7.4 -> 3.7.5 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70718 → python37Packages.fiona: 1.8.6 -> 1.8.8 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.fiona: 1.8.6 -> 1.8.8 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70712 → python37Packages.cx_oracle: 7.2.2 -> 7.2.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.cx_oracle: 7.2.2 -> 7.2.3 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #69452 → python27Packages.avro: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python27Packages.avro: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.1 »:
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<ptotter[m]> I'm having trouble upgrading to 19.09 with prometheus
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #67092 → python37Packages.starlette: 0.12.4 -> 0.12.7 →
<ptotter[m]> level=error ts=2019-10-11T09:59:48.135Z caller=main.go:216 msg="Error loading config" err="error reading config file: open /nix/store/dwhypd9kgv96wbr1bc6sfgz735caph40-checked-blackbox-exporter.conf: no such file or directory"
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70671 → pythonPackages.cartopy: fix tests →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 3 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.gmusicapi: 12.0.0 -> 12.1.1 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70723 → python37Packages.gmusicapi: 12.0.0 -> 12.1.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70710 → python37Packages.jaraco_text: 3.0 -> 3.0.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.jaraco_text: 3.0 -> 3.0.1 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70367 → pythonPackages.prompt_toolkit: 2.0.9 -> 2.0.10 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @jonringer to master « pythonPackages.prompt_toolkit: 2.0.9 -> 2.0.10 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70809 → wesnoth: 1.14.7 -> 1.14.9 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « wesnoth: 1.14.7 -> 1.14.9 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70812 → wxSVG: 1.5.20 -> 1.5.21 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « wxSVG: 1.5.20 -> 1.5.21 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70807 → wiredtiger: 3.2.0 -> 3.2.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « wiredtiger: 3.2.0 -> 3.2.1 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70803 → synthv1: 0.9.9 -> 0.9.10 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « synthv1: 0.9.9 -> 0.9.10 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #70802 → swig4: 4.0.0 -> 4.0.1 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #70952 → dune: 1.11.3 -> 1.11.4 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed commit from @marsam to master « dune: 1.11.3 -> 1.11.4 »:
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<provessor[m]> wedens: yes
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « androidStudioPackages.{dev,canary}: -> »:
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<meatcar> where can I find the various functions under `lib`, like `lib.mkDefault`? Just want to make sure I understand how they work.
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<teto> meatcar: look into the lib/ folder
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<teto> mkDefault might be in lib/modules.nix
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « signal-desktop: 1.27.3 -> 1.27.4 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos merged pull request #70857 → android-studio: add new emulator dependencies →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed commit from @alexbakker to master « android-studio: add new emulator dependencies (#70857) »:
<__monty__> Just grep `mkDefault =` : )
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<meatcar> thanks : )
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @BrianHicks opened pull request #70962 → Update elm nodepackages →
<b1000101> does someone know how precisely the helper program, that activates when you type a command which is not on your system, works? (The program ‘javac’ is currently not installed. It is provided by several packages. You can install it by typing one of the following: )
<b1000101> I mean, how are the packages (which would javac provide) identified. The problem is, I get a list, but not a full one and it's a bit weird
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<__monty__> Probably similar to
<__monty__> ,locate bin javac
<{^_^}> Found in packages: zulu, zulu8, jetbrains.jdk, adoptopenjdk-bin, adoptopenjdk-openj9-bin-11
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<infinisil> It works by using an sqlite database distributed with the channels
<infinisil> Which is generated with scripts in
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos opened pull request #70963 → [19.09] signal-desktop: 1.27.3 -> 1.27.4 (backport) →
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<infinisil> And that only generates an index for binaries, not other files
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<infinisil> The ,locate command uses which can work with any nixpkgs version (not only the channels), and also with any type of file (not only binaries), but you'll have to generate the index yourself first (or use the ,locate command from the bot)
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<b1000101> infinisil: Yeah, I've tried looking at the code but I wasn't sure where it gets the data from. Tanks a million. Reason I am asking is because for example with javac, the most obvious package, nixos.jdk is missing from the list. So I was wondering why.
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<infinisil> > jdk.meta.license
<{^_^}> { fullName = "GNU General Public License v2.0 only"; shortName = "gpl2"; spdxId = "GPL-2.0-only"; url = <CODE>; }
<infinisil> Hm It's also missing from ,locate
<infinisil> License isn't unfree, which could've explained it
<b1000101> Yeah, I know about the unfree missing from the list, which is fine. It just struck me that javac helper program prints really odd options :)
<__monty__> That *is* odd.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar merged pull request #70734 → nixos-rebuild: Fix target-host using fish →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos opened pull request #70964 → [19.09] android-studio: add new emulator dependencies (#70857) →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @teto opened pull request #70965 → luaPackages.luacov: init at 0.13.0-1 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @talanis85 opened pull request #70967 → python.pkgs.pyglet: Fix missing libraries →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda opened pull request #70968 → [19.09] dovecot: -> 2.3.8 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @doronbehar opened pull request #70969 → cups: 2.2.12 -> 2.3.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #69748 → potrace: 1.15 -> 1.16 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #70928 → shades-of-gray-theme: 1.1.9 -> 1.2.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos merged pull request #70963 → [19.09] signal-desktop: 1.27.3 -> 1.27.4 (backport) →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed 2 commits to release-19.09:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to master « python38: 3.8.0b3 -> 3.8.0rc1 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 1000 commits to python-unstable:
<mg-> wedens: thanks for the link :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #70918 → amber-theme: init at 3.34-1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #70916 → stilo-themes: 3.32-3 -> 3.34-1 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #70914 → zuki-themes: 3.32-4 -> 3.34-1 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pacien opened pull request #70970 → riot-{web,desktop}: 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @karolchmist opened pull request #70971 → Bump devilutionx version to 0.5.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « dav1d: 0.4.0 -> 0.5.0 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda opened pull request #70972 → [19.03] dovecot: -> 2.3.8 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #70806 → virt-what: 1.19 -> 1.20 →
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<freeman42x> anyone knows how to do this?
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<__monty__> freeman42x: Just add it to buildInputs.
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<simpson> freeman42x: Did my advice from yesterday not work?
<freeman42x> __monty__, shell.nix does not allow using `buildInputs`
<freeman42x> simpson, oh, I remember you saying something but I lost the history and did not get to try it :( what was the property to set?
<simpson> librarySystemDepends?
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<freeman42x> simpson, but what I am building is an executable. And it has all the other dependencies mentioned in `executableHaskellDepends`. I tried adding zlib there but it did not help
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<freeman42x> simpson, I tried: librarySystemDepends and it still gives missing zlib error
<freeman42x> if I do nix-shell -p zlib then I can build successfully. I just need to know the equivalent shell.nix change to do that
<__monty__> freeman42x: I'm almost certain you can just add `buildInputs = [ zlib ];` to the mkDerivation argument.
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<freeman42x> __monty__, I will do it again just for you! :)
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<freeman42x> __monty__, here's the error for doing that:
<freeman42x> error: anonymous function at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/generic-builder.nix:12:1 called with unexpected argument 'buildInputs', at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/lib/customisation.nix:69:12
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nh2 opened pull request #70973 → meshlab: 20180627-beta -> 20190129-beta →
<__monty__> Well you're doing it wrong.
<simpson> freeman42x: I tried my modification locally and it "worked"; the entire build command doesn't work, but that's to be expected since you're not really building with Nix.
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<__monty__> freeman42x: Did you add it somewhere in the set passed to mkDerivation? Because it sounds like you put it in the argument list for the f function.
<cinimod> I made some notes about setting up nixos on azure:
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-19.09-small advanced to (from 57 minutes ago, history:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @teto opened pull request #70974 → node updater improvements →
<freeman42x> __monty__, this is what I understood you wanted me to try: ? was it something different?
<das_j> is there a convenient way to find the path of nixpkgs?
<__monty__> No, that's correct.
<das_j> because pkgs.path results in an infinite recursion
<freeman42x> __monty__, then, it gives that error I mentioned above
<__monty__> Are you passing the haskellPackages mkDerivation into f?
<__monty__> Ah, you are.
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<ajs124> anyone here doing typescript dev on nixos? tsc doesn't seem to take NODE_PATH, what's the best workaround for that?
<simpson> freeman42x: Next time please give actual instructions for reproduction. I ended up just copying stuff out of the manual. How does the build actually need zlib? I don't want to mess with Stack or other Haskell crap.
<simpson> (Also I am laughing my ass off at "AGI". Hilarious.)
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<freeman42x> simpson, <<I am laughing my ass off at "AGI". Hilarious.>> Why thank you! Aren't you a nice, likeable and open minded fellow!
<simpson> freeman42x: Not really, no.
<tilpner> das_j: nix-instantiate --find-file nixpkgs
<das_j> tilpner: I need it during an evaluation
<das_j> I don't know the name of the channel tho
<tilpner> das_j: Then just .path
<ajs124> tilpner: "‎[14:55:44] ‎das_j‎: because pkgs.path results in an infinite recursion"
<tilpner> And you need to figure out why it inf-recs
<das_j> I'm currently thinking about just giving the proper channel name into (import <nixpkgs/nixos) but I don't know how yet
<cinimod> last tweeted in 2016 :(
<das_j> tilpner: It's probably because of `imports = [ (pkgs.path + "/nixos/modules/profiles/hardened.nix") ];`
<tilpner> das_j: Try { moduledPath, ... }: { imports = [ "${modulesPath}/profiles/hardened.nix" ]; }
<ajs124> tilpner: das_j: that looks like it works. Thanks tilpner!
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<das_j> ajs124: Did you push it?
<das_j> tilpner: Thanks a million!
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<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @grahamc pushed to master « fixup: .phony on the .json targets, as the json.gz target is generic »:
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<das_j> is it possible to override NIX_PATH entries in nix?
<wedens> when `system.copySystemConfiguration` is useful?
<gchristensen> samueldr ^ the patch was not quite right :)
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<niksnut> wedens: basically never since it doesn't capture anything other than configuration.nix
<niksnut> so you can't use it to reproduce a system
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<wedens> btw, how do I use nixos-* commands from live usb on existing installation when configuration.nix is symlinked?
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<wedens> I tried using nixos-rebuild from nixos-enter, but it seems to have some issues with overlays (even though I have overlays-compat hack in nix.nixPath)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lattfein opened pull request #70975 → station: 1.51.1 -> 1.52.2 →
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<tilpner> > let __nixPath = [ { path = "/tmp"; prefix = "foo"; } ]; in <foo>
<{^_^}> access to path '/tmp' is forbidden in restricted mode
<tilpner> ^ das_j: technically yes, but it might be brittle
<das_j> tilpner: I'm interested
<tilpner> And the double underscore is of course a warning that this is internal
<das_j> wcgw
<das_j> we're already using __findFile…
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<tilpner> das_j: You may also care about scopedImport for setting this during import
<gchristensen> oh no
<tilpner> :/
<das_j> is this in the nix manual?
<gchristensen> (w.r.t. __findFile... but also scopedImport is generally worth avoiding)
<tilpner> Haha, no
<tilpner> Look at the nix testcases for examples
<gchristensen> I think these are specifically *undocumented*
<das_j> gchristensen: Yeah, unless you need to expand a variable into the name of your channel like nixos-${version}${bigSuffix}
<gchristensen> oh no :)
<gchristensen> scopedImport turns off import caching
<hyper_ch2> tilpner: still using your copy-to-iso expression :)
<tilpner> :)
<gchristensen> and you ... want ... import caching :P
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<tilpner> gchristensen: Only if you import it multiple times during an eval, right?
<das_j> gchristensen: Well, what I would do is __nixPath = [ { path = (__findFile __nixPath "wtf?"); prefix = "nixpkgs"); } ]
<das_j> do I just "let" this?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @taku0 opened pull request #70976 → firefox, firefox-bin: 69.0.2 -> 69.0.3 →
<gchristensen> das_j: that is probabl yfine
<gchristensen> tilpner: not sure... would need more testing :)
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<tilpner> gchristensen: Can you nod at the RFC changes (check PM)? Then I'll send a PR
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<gchristensen> yep, ping me again in a PM in 10min?
<hyper_ch2> *Alexa, countdown 10 minutes*
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @taku0 opened pull request #70977 → thunderbird, thunderbird-bin: 68.1.1 -> 68.1.2 →
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<wedens> can I use nixops stateless if I want to provision only local machines? (ideally I should be able to provision any machine from any other machine)
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<makefu> wedens: if you are looking for something like that, check out
<makefu> wedens: alternative you can use $these_three_commands ( )
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<wedens> makefu: thanks. I'll have a look
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<Philonous_> I have a zip file at an url that I'd like to fetch and extract with fetchzip. However, I am only interested in subdirectory inside the zipfile. How can I tell fetchzip to discard everything else?
<Philonous_> The manual doesn't seem to give a list of parameters that fetchzip accepts
<gchristensen> Philonous_: maye with an extraPostFetch argument?
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<Philonous_> Hmm, that might work, thanks
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<hpfr[m]> tilpner: how do i check the logs of display-manager? Systemctl
<infinisil> Philonous_: Or you could just use "${fetchzip { ... }}/the/subdirectory" to refer to it
<arianvp> wedens: my own take on this stuff:
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<Philonous_> Oh, I guess that's easier. But it's good to have a way to prune the result anyway to save space (even though it's not necessary in this case)
<clever> hpfr[m]: journalctl -t xsession, i think
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<hpfr[m]> Thanks!
<wedens> arianvp: nice. looks very similar to what I'd like to implement
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tadeokondrak opened pull request #70978 → discord-canary: 0.0.96 -> 0.0.97 →
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<minall> Hello nixos!
<minall> Can someone help me to debug my problem?, on a new nixos installation I don't have a graphical interface
<arianvp> wedens: I need to clean up and document this a bit more. But it's just serving me so far
<arianvp> Minall: did you enable a graphical interface in your NixOS config?
<wedens> arianvp: how do you handle initial bootstrap? when you don't have nixos installed yet
<minall> arianvp, yes, perhaps, I'm new on Nix, but I enabled everything that seemed 'graphical'
<minall> Such as xorg and sddm and kde
<minall> Thank you btw
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tadeokondrak opened pull request #70979 → discord-canary: 0.0.96 -> 0.0.97 (backport) →
<wedens> arianvp: also, can you compare your deployment approach to krops or morph?
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<arianvp> wedens: krops evaluates on the target, I evaluate on the place that executes the command
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »:
<arianvp> bootstrap is solved with the ./ script
<arianvp> it will install the machine onto /mnt
<wedens> arianvp: so, you basically have a deployment "master"? can it be any host?
<arianvp> any host that has nix
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<arianvp> and the deployment target can either be any other host that has nix, or the same PC in which case it works like nixos-rebuild
<arianvp> any other host that has NixOS**
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<arianvp> the target must be a nixos machine, the host that runs the command must have just nix installed
<arianvp> (and might potentially be a nixos machine)
<arianvp> how to bootstrap a cloud machine for this system
<arianvp> you build a disk image, send it to the cloud, then afterwards the incremental deploy command will work
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<minall> arianvp: Can I give you my configuration.nix?, maybe I configured something wrongly
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<arianvp> Yes please send a gist :)
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<{^_^}> [rfcs] @tilpner opened pull request #55 → [RFC-0055] Retire inactive nixpkgs committers →
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<feffe> Anyone know how to force AptX connections? It says I've got an aptx point registered if i run `systemctl status bluetooth` but any time I connect it just uses SBC. Otherwise I haven't done anything to tell it to prefer aptx if available but I haven't been able to find anything that specifies how to do that either. Any ideas?
<wedens> arianvp: can you explain a bit how your works, please?
<minall> arianvp: Is my configuration of my system, thanks for your time!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edolstra opened pull request #70981 → VM test closure checks →
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<arianvp> wedens: it builds the derivation, but puts it in /mnt/nix/store instead of /nix/store
<arianvp> it then calls nixos-install to activate the config on /mnt (e.g. install the bootloader under /mnt/boot
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<arianvp> and then it's done!
<clever> arianvp: sounds similiar to my nixops plans with `nix copy`
<{^_^}> nixops#1189 (by cleverca22, 8 weeks ago, open): plan for supporting custom partition layouts and custom FS's on any backend
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 3 hours ago, history:
<arianvp> yep
<wedens> arianvp: thanks! I'll steal that :)
<arianvp> i dont like nixops the tool too much though. it seems too much of abstraction to me
<arianvp> im basically only using nix-copy-closure
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<wedens> I wish there was declarative partitioning tool
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<arianvp> just ofund a way to skip the nix-copy-closure stepp woow
<arianvp> nix build --file . --extra-substituters "auto?trusted=1" --store ssh-ng:// deployments.arianvp-me.deploy
<arianvp> this will build locally, but stream the results remotely, I think?
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<arianvp> :D
<arianvp> (what is the difference between ssh-ng and ssh???)
<aanderse> sometimes i'm so confused why certain things are compiled on my computer... :\
<minall> arianvp: Maybe my configuration doesn't enables xorg at startup?
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<arianvp> Minall: you already have xserver.enable = tyrue
<arianvp> so that should be sufficient
<arianvp> are you getting any logs
<arianvp> ?
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<minall> arianvp when stating my system I get to the point of: xorg-server
<minall> Which shows true, but all I have next is terminal mode
<minall> Using 'systemctl status xorg-server' says that the service could not be found...
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<clever> Minall: the service is called display-manager
<minall> Oh
<minall> Let me check it
<arianvp> systemctl status display-manager
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<minall> display-manager.service - X11 server Loaded
<minall> Active: active (running)
<arianvp> interesting
<minall> Even though I don't have graphical...
<arianvp> can you do journalctl -xefu display-manger
<arianvp> see what the logs say?
<arianvp> this is really odd :P
<minall> Oh I think that nixos starts xorg with the diaplay-manager right?
<minall> That pretty cool
<minall> Ok
<arianvp> yes sddm should start at boot
<minall> Running that gives me...
<minall> hint: you are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system. Users in groups 'adm
<minall> Oh, let me go to root
<arianvp> sudo :P
<minall> Oct 11 09:05:17 NixOS sddm[662]: Initializing...
<minall> Oct 11 09:05:17 NixOS sddm[662]: Starting...
<minall> Oct 11 09:05:17 NixOS sddm[662]: Logind interface found
<clever> gchristensen: nice
<wedens> aanderse: any input change can lead to local compilation. or if you use not only channels for nixpkgs
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<clever> gchristensen: have you seen the `echo ~~~` trick with buildkite?
<aanderse> wedens: yeah i don't know why but cron was compiling :\
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> wait. what is ~~~?
<gnidorah> could someone please merge this PR?
<{^_^}> #68440 (by gnidorah, 4 weeks ago, open): openxray: init at 510
<clever> gchristensen: if you do `echo ~~~ header` in a buildkite script, it will fold the logs, and label this section with header
<clever> gchristensen: thats why you have a fold that says `Running build script`
<gchristensen> ah, no, that is for Travis :) buildkite uses ---:
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<clever> gchristensen: buildkite uses any repeated character i think, ive seen `set -x` trigger it
<gchristensen> wat
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<arianvp> that is ..
<arianvp> err :)
<clever> gchristensen: if you download the raw log for a buildkite build, you can see its using ~~~
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to staging:
<clever> 1 ~~~ Running global environment hook
<gchristensen> huh
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* clever finds the issue
<arianvp> niksnut: shrinking the closure size? =)
<clever> gchristensen: check the screenshots in
<{^_^}> buildkite/frontend#421 (by cleverca22, 1 year ago, open): Feature Request: show estimate of remaining time on the build
<gchristensen> neat
<gchristensen> oh! so it makes, like, a second level header
<minall> arianvp: that's all the out I get
<clever> gchristensen: you could give each nix-build command its own ~~~ header
<clever> yeah, that looks nice
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<clever> i'm not sure what the difference is between ~~~ and ---, they both seem to be top-level folds, but different colors
<clever> and with buildkite/frontend being archived, i dont know if the source is up to date anymore
<minall> arianvp: Can we get something with that output?
<gchristensen> oh, you're right :(
<arianvp> im a bit lost Minall :(
<arianvp> also im heading out now
<arianvp> sorryy :(
<minall> arianvp Dont worry!, thanks for our help
<minall> I'm trying for my side
<minall> It seems that running systemctl restart display'manager does nothing lol
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #70805 → x265: 3.1.1 -> 3.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed 2 commits to staging:
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<ar> /34
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<__monty__> clever: Do you remember my problem from yesterday? After updating the remote nix I got a different error: But now I'm back to the former o.O
<clever> __monty__: --option sandbox false
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<Kim> So I'm poking around at getting flickerfree startup working, but I'm running into some difficulties determining how units are prioritized in order to replace `systemd-ask-password-console` with `systemd-ask-password-plymouth`
<__monty__> clever: : / More errors related to /build, does this mean I have to disable sandboxing for all my home-manager switches from now on?
<clever> __monty__: you can also add sandbox = false to /etc/nix/nix.conf
<__monty__> Sounds related to the lack of permissions to create /build from yesterday.
<clever> __monty__: its a bug in nix, that seems to only occur on non-nixos machines
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<clever> __monty__: the problem is that an env var is incorrectly set to /build, when ti shouldnt be
<__monty__> Oh, ok. So disabling sandboxing on the remote, right?
<clever> yeah
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<red[m]> silly question: I'm doing a blah.packagename.extraConfig = '' section
<red[m]> what's the expression for the package's installation directory? for some reason I thought it was ${out}
<gchristensen> ${packagename}
<red[m]> thanks, I thought I treid that but I guess I typoed it
<red[m]> appreciate it
<red[m]> nope - doesn't recognize it
<red[m]> (I assume you mean the actual name, and not p a c k a g e ... etc ;-)
<red[m]> maybe I need to fully qualify it
<__monty__> I'm running into some certificate errors: Is updating the answer?
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<__monty__> red[m]: Maybe you're looking for ${package}.out or .outPath?
<cransom> extraConfig is usually in a module/service level context. did you include the package somewhere in there?
<cransom> ${pkgs.bacula}
<red[m]> maybe I need to include it in systemPackages as well (and not just rely on the service?)
<cransom> it's already in systemPackages
<cransom> if you enable the service, that is.
<gchristensen> red[m]: you need to access the package on your own, it isn't magical string replacement -- it is just like a variable (which needs to be in scope) in any other programming language
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<red[m]> which I guess is why I thought that nixpkgs.bacula would be correct
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli merged pull request #70861 → nixos/gitlab: Don't print sensitive data to log on startup →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli pushed 2 commits to master:
<red[m]> but it doesn't know where to find nixpkgs either
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli pushed commit from @talyz to release-19.09 « nixos/gitlab: Don't print sensitive data to log on startup »:
<red[m]> (this is in my configuration.nix to be clear - I'm not editing the package itself)
<gchristensen> so if you're in a NixOS configuration, make sure it starts with { pkgs, .... } (the "...." is probabl ystuff like 'config, lib' or something) and then do ${pkgs.whatever}... in your string blog
<gchristensen> block(
<gchristensen> gosh I can't type at all today!
<red[m]> ah - pkgs, not nixpkgs ;-)
<red[m]> now it compiles :-D
<gchristensen> woot!
<__monty__> Hmm, is that ssl error local or something up with the cache? Updating channels and rebuilding didn't help : /
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #70799 → unetbootin: 661 -> 675 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed 2 commits to master:
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<Miyu-saki> Is there a way to silence
<Miyu-saki> Sourcing
<Miyu-saki> Sourcing
<Miyu-saki> This causes a regression of `nix-shell --run` not being pipeable.
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<red[m]> Oct 11 12:13:13 apophenia r8pbkwigfi84jfqkk98fn77bj8fqw1rq-unit-script-bacula-dir-pre-start[14556]: /nix/store/ylc0giqfzvcwkriz090cvw9nfhdzha25-bacula-9.4.4/etc/update_bacula_tables: line 50: su: command not found
<red[m]> ^^^ this is fine
* red[m] sighs
* http looks around
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<teto> yep the new python infra is a bit verbose, we should have some shell logging functions: nix_debug/nix_info etc
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<wedens> I'm currently struggling with exactly the same question
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<o1lo01ol1o> Using `haskell.nix`, does anyone know the recommended way to make `pkgs.llvm` available to a a `stack-to-nix` project so that all dependencies with -fllvm flags can find llvm when they need it?
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<wedens> should I use something like `linuxPackages_latest = super.linuxPackages_latest.extend(sf: sp: { mymodule = ... });` in overlay to add the module?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Pamplemousse opened pull request #70982 → python3Packages.pwntools: init at dev3 →
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<wrl> hey what's a quick command to display all of the files contained in a package?
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed to master « ssh-ng: Don't set CPU affinity on the remote »:
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<Izorkin> How to need to merge PR #61671 ?
<{^_^}> (by Izorkin, 20 weeks ago, open): nixos/mysql: fix mysqlReplication test
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace merged pull request #70935 → cawbird: 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed commit from Trolli Schmittlauch to release-19.09 « cawbird: 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 »:
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-19.09-small advanced to (from 60 minutes ago, history:
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<Ariakenom> how should I do nodejs development?
<balsoft> Hello everyone! nix-serve appears to be broken on latest of 19.03 (yes, I know I should update, no time for that right now)
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<balsoft> It just keeps returing HTTP 500 to correct queries
<balsoft> warning: unable to download 'http://our.cache/<hash>.narinfo': HTTP error 500; retrying in 9009 ms
<balsoft> Is this a known but
<balsoft> Is this a known bug?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli merged pull request #70881 → virtualbox: 6.0.10 -> 6.0.12 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli pushed commit from @xfix to release-19.09 « virtualbox: 6.0.10 -> 6.0.12 »:
<balsoft> $ curl http://our.cache/<hash>.narinfo
<balsoft> Internal Server Error
<cjpbirkbeck> hello, do think 250 GB is good enough to store everything with nixos?
<multun> sure
<multun> you can even store multiple times eveything you need
<simpson> Or it's not even close to enough. Depends on what "everything" is.
<multun> If everything is your 2Tb of movies, it won't fit
<multun> but if it's just your typical linux desktop install it will
<cjpbirkbeck> true, i wanted get a 500gb ssd, but i couldn't pass up the deal on the 250 gb
<teto> 250 can be tight in my experience. If a linux kernel compilation fails and you don't clean /tmp you can laready have ~10 GB taken. Also depends if you stay on stable or not (more churn if you follow unstable etc).
<simpson> Nix uses however much extra disk you have. 100 GB is feasible. 50 GB is feasible. 10 GB is feasible.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jerith666 opened pull request #70983 → openjdk: 12.0.2 -> 13 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lsix opened pull request #70984 → postgresql_12: init at 12.0 →
<cjpbirkbeck> right now i've used a desktop with / on a ~120 gb ssd parition and a /home parition on a ~1.5 tb hdd parition, and it's worked okay thus far
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
<cjpbirkbeck> but now i've bought a used laptop, i've got a 250 gb ssd in it.
<cjpbirkbeck> teto: i don't think i've ever had nix compile a kernel on me (it has compiled virtualbox, which took a bit of time on my aged hardware)
<multun> teto: you can run the garbage collector from time to time
<cjpbirkbeck> also, what are your recomendations on disk encryption?
<teto> multun: but then you lose one of the benefits of nixos, falling back to previous generations
<ottidmes> cjpbirkbeck: depends on your treat model, if you don't want you data easily accessible in case of theft for example, hardware encryption can be good enough, otherwise I tend to use LUKS, but you might look at ZFS encryption too
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<teto> if you track unstable do some haskell and kernel developments (with a few VMs), it may lead you to be thoughful of memory. In a way similar to any distro, just with nix you hope to keep a few generations, else it's frustrating :)
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<cjpbirkbeck> i don't want to mess around with zfs, at least at this time. i was thinking of having full disk encycption with lucks (used it in virutalbox) along some kind of software encryption for protecting the system while booted.
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<simpson> Like, in-memory encryption? Are you worried about Evil Maids?
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<infinisil> ottidmes: hardware encryption? I've never seen that
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<simpson> infinisil: It's hard to remember the times before software block management, but there was a time when disk encryption, striping, RAID, etc. were managed by specialized hard-drive management controllers. You may hear graybeards discuss "RAID cards".
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<infinisil> I have heard about RAID controllers, never about hardware encryption though
<simpson> Linux's md ended up being competitive with those hardware components, and they've slowly phased out of the market.
<ottidmes> infinisil: meant Full Disk Encryption (FDE), which is often just called hardware encryption
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<simpson> ottidmes: Right, because if you want to encrypt the *full* full disk, then you need a piece of HW that can decrypt the bootloader, or the bootloader with the key needs to be not-on-disk.
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<ottidmes> infinisil: BTW now that I talk to you, what did you mean with this:; then I can add it to my TODO list for nix-prefetch
<aanderse> anyone in here ever get pam to authenticate against ldap on nixos?
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<aanderse> a few different errors like "In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection."
<aanderse> "cannot initgroups("nslcd",58) (ignored): Operation not permitted"
<aanderse> etc...
<aanderse> if anyone has a working config i would appreciate sharing, or any help
<aanderse> for reference, trying to adapt configuration which is working on an ubuntu box
<infinisil> ottidmes: Hm not entirely sure now
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<infinisil> ottidmes: I think nix-prefetch-git and fetchgit need to know the name of the derivation to work, and those should stay in sync, or so
<infinisil> And it's "source" or something by default?
<infinisil> Or is this only with fetchFromGitHub
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<ottidmes> infinisil: no clue myself, just found that conversation after checking any references to nix-prefetch in the logs. Wish there was a good example, because from what I have read so far, seems already doable with an overrideDerivation
<infinisil> What is doable specifically?
<ottidmes> "nix-prefetch would have to be modified, to use the same name", and shouldn't overrideDerivation allow you to override the name to make it the same?
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<infinisil> Hm yeah
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<matthuszagh> hi. i'm using symlinkJoin to wrap emacs and a collection of other packages I only intend to use with emacs. this works, but anytime a package changes it triggers a rebuild of emacs as well. is there a way to do this that doesn't require a rebuild of emacs each time? happy to post the config if you need more info
<wrl> why is nano everywhere
<wrl> why is nano *everywhere*
<wrl> it's the default in `nixos-rebuild edit` if there's no EDITOR defined
<simpson> wrl: What editor would you rather have as the system fallback?
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<ottidmes> wrl: what is the alternative, wouldn't people claim exactly the same for any other editor, to each their own, just set EDITOR if you prefer one
<infinisil> matthuszagh: It shouldn't do that, nix files would be helpful to see
<wrl> ottidmes: i did, and now i'm trying to figure out where it actually gets set and why `sudo` isn't picking it up
<wrl> simpson: i just really don't like nano and i dislike the fact that i can't uninstall it
<fresheyeball> what is this thing doing NIX_GHC_LIBDIR?
<infinisil> matthuszagh: Are you perhaps including the current directory in the emacs build, which gets changed every time because the ./result link changes when you nix-build? That's a common cause of unintentional rebuilds
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @hedning merged pull request #70357 → nixos/gdm: start on tty7 possibly fixing reload switch →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @hedning pushed to master « nixos/gdm: do not restart on reload switch (#70357) »:
<simpson> wrl: Ah, okay.
<wrl> simpson: i also don't like being surprised by it opening when i have explicitly set something else to
<simpson> wrl: Aha! Then let's fix that thing to respect $EDITOR.
<symphorien> Sudo does no propagate env vars
<wrl> simpson: so, it *does*
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mkf opened pull request #70985 → [WIP] [Very WIP] nixos/desktop-managers: cfg.fallbackXsetrootParam to customize fallback from lack of wallpaper →
<matthuszagh> infinisil:
<symphorien> *not
<matthuszagh> there's the symlinkJoin
<wrl> simpson: it propagates *some*, but i feel like propagating EDITOR is a hacky way about this
<simpson> wrl: It's the standard way. What did you want to do instead?
<matthuszagh> let me know if you'd like emacs overlay as well
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<infinisil> matthuszagh: Can't see anything suspicious in that. An emacs overlay that changes the emacs build? That could be reltaed
<wrl> simpson: there's stuff that ends up in `sudo env` and i'm not sure how it gets there. stuff like GTK_PATH, and i don't know where that's coming from
<wrl> so, why does *that* end up in my env, but EDITOR (which i'm defining in configuration.nix) doesn't?
<matthuszagh> infinisil:
<matthuszagh> there's the overlay
<infinisil> matthuszagh: Ah, the src line looks very suspicious
<infinisil> This means every time that directory changes, in any way, it will cause a rebuild
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<matthuszagh> infinisil: that was intentional since it allows me to use the git master and incorporate any personal changes etc
<matthuszagh> and it seems to rebuild even when I don't make a change to that directory
<infinisil> Even .gitignored things are a change
<simpson> wrl: No idea, sorry. I'm pretty skeptical of trying to set environment variables globally like that, since there isn't exactly a portable way to reliably establish such a setting.
<infinisil> matthuszagh: Double/triple check that this isn't the cause, because that's almost surely the reason
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<infinisil> matthuszagh: You could check the hash of a directory like nix computes it with `nix-hash /path/to/directory` to debug
<matthuszagh> infinisil: that's a good idea, i'll try that
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<matthuszagh> infinisil: it doesn't appear to be a change in the directory. the hash stays the same
<infinisil> matthuszagh: Hm okay, then I have two things you could try
<infinisil> The first is to use `nix-store -q --tree /nix/store/...-emacs.drv` to see the build time dependencies of the emacs derivation
<infinisil> And compare this between two drvs that are apparently different
<infinisil> The second is to just remove the `src` line to see if this is causing it
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<__monty__> Any reason nix-shell'd complain about SSL certs but not my browser?
<__monty__> Debian's solution to the editor thing is to patch `sensible-editor` in everywhere. Then users have a way to change even hardcoded default editors.
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<matthuszagh> infinisil: thanks for the help! i think i found the issue. looks like I was mistaken about it rebuilding emacs itself. but i was using emacs with home-manager and every time the wrapped version changed all of the elpa/melpa packages were getting rebuilt
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<wrl> what's the preferred way to install home-manager these days? globally in configuration.nix (since there's a nixpkg for it now), or?
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<clever> infinisil: nix-diff will diff drvs
<fresheyeball> infinisil: I got hie to find packages
<__monty__> wrl: rycee recommends just following the instructions in the manual. The nixpkg lags a bit. But you might not care.
<fresheyeball> I got it!
<fresheyeball> but fuck!
<fresheyeball> 2 things
<fresheyeball> 1. ghc must be provided by the nix-shell
<wrl> __monty__: aha, got it now
<fresheyeball> 2. ghc must be configured with ghcWithPackages, and then ghcmod will find the packages
<wrl> __monty__: is there a way to add channels inside of configuration.nix? i'm trying to keep the number of imperative commands i have to run low
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<__monty__> I'd just import a tarball or use fetchFromGithub in that case.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @freepotion opened pull request #70987 → maintainer-list.nix: email update →
<fresheyeball> infinisil: ok I got hie working on my project
<fresheyeball> but I had to manually replicate the entire dependency set in the ghcWithPackages
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<mightybyte> Anyone have any ideas how to fix this issue?
<{^_^}> #67210 (by caaaaaa, 7 weeks ago, open): SSL certificate not OK for installing nixos from Fedora
<infinisil> fresheyeball: Oh, I kind of assumed that was the case haha
<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui merged pull request #1203 → Restore commandOutput resources →
<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui pushed 2 commits to master:
<infinisil> fresheyeball: Where did your ghc come from instead?
<fresheyeball> infinisil: its pretty horrible, because now I have to keep my package.yml file and nix in sync
<fresheyeball> I have a globally installed one as well
<infinisil> Why use hpack?
<fresheyeball> I like it?
<fresheyeball> also it's not the issue
<fresheyeball> callCabal2nix automatically keeps my deps and nix stuff in sync
<fresheyeball> now I have to maintain 2 lists
<infinisil> Yeah just asking, I'm not a big fan of hpack because it's just more indirection, wondering why you prefer it
<fresheyeball> oh
<fresheyeball> I like it because it lets me break up my config
<fresheyeball> and has code reuse
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 73 minutes ago, history:
<fresheyeball> for example I have more then one exe with the same ghc options
<infinisil> .cabal files support that too since not too long ago
<fresheyeball> if I use cabal its a dont of duplication
<fresheyeball> infinisil: I may move once I get around to upgrading ghc on this thing
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<fresheyeball> still I don't get what ghcWithPackages does, or why ghc can't find packages in the shell without this additional specification
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli merged pull request #70764 → mullvad: remove unnecessary systemd service copying in installation →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli pushed 2 commits to master:
<__monty__> fresheyeball: Where would GHC look for packages?
<fresheyeball> __monty__: I don't know, the whole thing is complex, and I don't really understand
<fresheyeball> I would think an env var would solve something like this
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<clever> fresheyeball: ghcWithPackages generates a shell script called ghc, that changes the dir ghc looks in for the pkg db
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli merged pull request #70657 → babeld: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.1 [19.09] →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli pushed 2 commits to release-19.09:
<fresheyeball> clever: any way I get it to just see the packages provided by my drv.env.buildInputs?
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<clever> fresheyeball: nope, since ghc needs all of the pkg files in a single directory
<slyfox> what is the canonical way to run test suite when a package was built from source with nix-build? (normally one runs 'make check' for that)
<fresheyeball> clever: what do you recommend?
<clever> slyfox: doCheck = true;
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli merged pull request #70968 → [19.09] dovecot: -> 2.3.8 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli pushed 3 commits to release-19.09:
<fresheyeball> I am using callCabal2nix for my normal builds
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli merged pull request #70972 → [19.03] dovecot: -> 2.3.8 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli pushed 3 commits to release-19.03:
<clever> fresheyeball: the .env attr will run ghcWithPackages for you
<fresheyeball> does this mean that to access ghcmod tooling I need to maintain the same package list again in ghcWithPackages?
<slyfox> clever: do i need to patch .nix file or there is a way to pass it via --arg?
<clever> fresheyeball: just open a shell on the .env attr, and it will do the ghcWithPackages for you
<clever> slyfox: simplest to just add doCheck = true; to the derivation in the nix file
<clever> slyfox: --arg cant override that param
<fresheyeball> clever: that is what I was doing
<fresheyeball> and it did not have the effect
<slyfox> aha, and if the tests require more depends is it customary to extend a derivation to include those conditionally? pointing me to a .nix example would be perfect
<fresheyeball> clever: does it do this by shellHook?
<fresheyeball> I am overriding
<clever> fresheyeball: what are you overriding?
<fresheyeball> the shellHook of my drv.env
<clever> fresheyeball: its not using shellHook
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<clever> fresheyeball: what does `which --all ghc` return?
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<fresheyeball> /nix/store/3zrn4lg46zy20x35f4b6wpwiixkgk9nz-ghc-8.4.3-with-packages/bin/ghc
<fresheyeball> /nix/store/6vf6b99igdgqprd26n7dl1p1g5qj76bg-ghc-8.4.3/bin/ghc
<fresheyeball> /nix/store/ldrk787kdb29hanawx67djjr7cmsdcsv-ghc-8.4.3-with-packages/bin/ghc
<fresheyeball> /nix/store/6vf6b99igdgqprd26n7dl1p1g5qj76bg-ghc-8.4.3/bin/ghc
<fresheyeball> /home/isaac/.nix-profile/bin/ghc
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<clever> fresheyeball: a: you appear to have 2 ghcWithPackages in buildInputs, which breaks everything
<fresheyeball> well I just manually added one
<clever> theres your problem
<clever> fresheyeball: you must not add a ghc to the inputs
<fresheyeball> that is what made hie work though
<clever> fresheyeball: it likely broke everything else :P
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<fresheyeball> unholy
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<fresheyeball> I think I know what is going on
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-19.09-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
<fresheyeball> ok I got it
<fresheyeball> no more adding ghc
<fresheyeball> no more ghcWithPackages
<fresheyeball> the answer is simple
<fresheyeball> when I override shellHook on the env
<fresheyeball> I need to start like this
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt opened pull request #70988 → babeld: name -> pname →
<fresheyeball> '' ${drv.env.shellHook} ... mystuff'';
<fresheyeball> and everything works just the way it was before
<clever> fresheyeball: use old.shellHook, not drv.env.shellHook
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli merged pull request #70988 → babeld: name -> pname →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli pushed 2 commits to master:
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<fresheyeball> clever: done!
<fresheyeball> also why!
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<fresheyeball> don't they refer to the same thing?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch merged pull request #69252 → bazel: 0.29.0 -> 1.0.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch pushed 2 commits to master:
<clever> fresheyeball: if you are chaining several overrides, they wont
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl merged pull request #70987 → maintainer-list.nix: email update →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 pushed to master « python3Packages.diff-match-patch: fix build »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 pushed to release-19.09 « python3Packages.diff-match-patch: fix build »:
<jtojnar> slyfox we have checkInputs for that
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<catern> what's the current best way to run zsh from nix-shell?
<fresheyeball> catern: run the zsh command
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @eadwu opened pull request #70989 → vivaldi: fix build on latest snapshot →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @eadwu opened pull request #70990 → python3Packages.asyncpg: 0.18.3 -> 0.19.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @eadwu opened pull request #70991 → vscodium: 1.38.1 -> 1.39.1 →
<catern> fresheyeball: sure, but passing --command zsh every time is a hassle, is there anything more automatic?
<symphorien> catern: I have an alias
<gchristensen> shellHook = "exec zsh";
<catern> is there a way to add shellHook = "exec zsh"; to everything?
<gchristensen> no
<gchristensen> and it isn't a 100% solution
<fresheyeball> catern: alias nix-zsh="nix-shell --command zsh"
<gchristensen> example: functions don't carry through
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @eadwu closed pull request #69000 → nixopsUnstable: 1.7pre2764_932bf43 -> 1.7pre2844_b7cac11 →
<catern> i'm surprised there's not a way to specify a default shellHook
<catern> or something
<clever> catern: the shellHook is an attribute of the derivation, and impacts the hash of $out
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<catern> clever: ah. dang. hmm.
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<catern> I guess then you could do something with nix-shell --expr but that's no better than --command zsh
<catern> (or --run zsh)
<catern> wait uh
<gchristensen> `nix run` uses your existing shell
<catern> what about setting NIX_BUILD_SHELL?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut merged pull request #70798 → gitAndTools.subgit: 3.3.7 -> 3.3.8 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut pushed 2 commits to master:
<catern> ah right that needs to be bash
<catern> nix run doesn't have the same kind of development environment stuff as nix-shell, right?
<clever> correct
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<Squarism> Hey
<Squarism> I need to troubleshoot this:
<Squarism> error: anonymous function at /nix/store/m9hg0rx6hn47wv4lqghss3g77kiipai5-cabal2nix-LambdaForms/default.nix:1:1 called without required argument 'servant-client-ghcjs', at /nix/store/9r1vhvri4ba913g4vyg5jqrhg6pb9amn-source/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/make-package-set.nix:87:27
<clever> Squarism: servant-client-ghcjs doesnt exist in haskellPackages
<Squarism> oh ok
<clever> Squarism: you need to add it with cabal2nix and an override
<Squarism> hmm.. im super green on nix. But that would be in my project default.nix file?
<AmandaC> clever: Oh, I just noticed your irc realname, any chance I can get some help with this? :P
<{^_^}> cleverca22/nixos-configs#6 (by AmandaCameron, 21 hours ago, open): qemu module is broken on nixpkgs-unstable/nixos-unstable
<clever> Squarism: can you pastebin it?
<Squarism> sure
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<clever> AmandaC: havent gotten that one solved yet, but i have seen signs that something related may already be in nixpkgs, need to look into that when i get a chance
<Squarism> clever, ^
<AmandaC> clever: oh? That'd be very helpful, though I've not seen anything like it, and a quick search of doesn't show much either, unless it was rolled into the qemu package
<clever> Squarism: you need to do haskell.packages.ghcjs86.override { overrides = self: super: { .... }; };
<clever> Squarism: and use that to add both LambdaForms and servant-client-ghcjs
<clever> AmandaC: i have notes somwehre, but id have to dig thru them
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<AmandaC> er, nvm
<AmandaC> well, keep me in the loop, this is all still rather too deep for me still. :s
<clever> yep
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-19.09-darwin advanced to (from 35 minutes ago, history:
<fresheyeball> domenkozar[m]: so now why ghcide instead of hie?
<fresheyeball> both work on my end now
<wucke13_> Whoever uses whatever tool to distribute `broken = true;` to broken packages: It would be very nice to check wether there is a PR open to fix that! I have a PR for a broken package open since a week or so, and had to rebase and resolve a merge conflict caused by some bot inserting `broken = true;`. Like instead of merging the broken marker, one could have simply merged the fix...
<ivan> maybe broken = true; is a bad idea given how things break and unbreak
<gchristensen> I don't think it is a bot that marks them broken. I'm sorry we missed your PR, though, wucke13_
<gchristensen> marking packages as broken, when they're known to be broken, is good for users as it prevents them from wasting time trying to build it. also, it is good for hydra and build success metrics -- # of expected broken vs. actual broken
<ivan> ah
<ivan> cached failures could solve the wasted time
<ivan> I guess the hard part is deciding whether it failed spuriously or not
<wucke13_> No offense, but from my personal view that is somewhat pervert. So maybe have a look #70160.
<{^_^}> (by wucke13, 1 week ago, open): utsushi: 3.57.0 -> 3.59.2
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<wucke13_> (Even if some user reports it doesn't work for his device, it works for mine and having a package which at least compiles fine is better than havin a broken one)
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<infinisil> fresheyeball: Personally I'll stick with haskell-ide-engine for a couple reasons, one of which is that there are a couple people actively developing it (again)
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<gchristensen> wucke13_: looks lke after your PR merges you'll be CC'd since you're the maintainer. it was here:
<{^_^}> #68361 (by disassembler, 4 weeks ago, open): Zero Hydra Failures: 19.09 edition
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<Squarism> clever, sorry I im to new to this tool to understand that. So should I drop the inherit on ghcjs86 and override it instead?
<Squarism> too
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bendlas pushed commit from @ivan to master « chromium: 77.0.3865.90 -> 77.0.3865.120 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bendlas pushed commit from @ivan to release-19.09 « chromium: 77.0.3865.90 -> 77.0.3865.120 »:
<wucke13_> Ah I see, thanks for the info gchristensen. I would appreciate a merge (+backport to stable).
<clever> Squarism: probably
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<Jonathan45> Is it possible to get NixOS to work on a GPT BIOS system?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @avdv opened pull request #70992 → wtf: 0.22.0 -> 0.23.0 →
<wucke13_> gchristensen: And something more: Please have a look at the PR's for ofborgs known-users list soon :) Cheers
<Jonathan45> The manual does give instructions for that.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bendlas closed pull request #70943 → chromium: 77.0.3865.90 -> 77.0.3865.120 →
<ivan> use the grub instructions but also create a 2MB BIOS boot (EF02) partition; grub will detect it
<ivan> near the front of the disk, not the back :-)
<Jonathan45> Okay, thanks. I try that.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli opened pull request #70993 → iwd: 0.22 -> 0.24 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bendlas merged pull request #70958 → [19.03] chromium: 77.0.3865.90 -> 77.0.3865.120 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bendlas pushed commit from @ivan to release-19.03 « chromium: 77.0.3865.90 -> 77.0.3865.120 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bendlas closed pull request #70957 → [19.09] chromium: 77.0.3865.90 -> 77.0.3865.120 →
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<Jonathan45> Oo, that was easy. Thanks Ivan.
<ivan> :-)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli merged pull request #66723 → Bazel test shebangs →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli pushed 6 commits to master:
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<AmandaC> Any idea what's up with this? `/nix/store/l6h4ya0wzb4b8mr0y58k2gh2nhfql4sn-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash: /nix/store/l6h4ya0wzb4b8mr0y58k2gh2nhfql4sn-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash: cannot execute binary file`
<AmandaC> I'm getting it when I try and offload some programs to my linux vm for distributed building from my mac.
<AmandaC> seems to happen from random derevations
<wucke13_> AmandaC: any way you can find out which binaries cause this?
<ivan> run `file` on said binary and see if it can even run on your platform
<c00w> AmandaC, I'd try sshing into the linux vm and running the binary. readelf may also tell you more information.
<wucke13_> If you know them, check wether all of theire shared lirbaries are found (using ldd) and `file` to get more information about the interpreter
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<c00w> kalbasit: Any chance you can merge
<{^_^}> #68135 (by rvolosatovs, 5 weeks ago, open): Add Go 1.13
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bendlas pushed to master « chromium: restore versionRange utility »:
<clever> AmandaC: it sounds like your mixing up linux and darwin binaries
<AmandaC> clever: not sure how? on both machines it reads as an ELF 64-bit binary: `/nix/store/l6h4ya0wzb4b8mr0y58k2gh2nhfql4sn-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /nix/store/6yaj6n8l925xxfbcd65gzqx3dz7idrnn-glibc-2.27/lib/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, not stripped`
<AmandaC> and when I pass -j0 it's not supposed to try and build anything locally, right?
<AmandaC> I'm running `nix-build ./release.nix -A lilac --option system x86_64-linux -j0` on my mac. The same command minus --option system and -j0 runs fine on the remote machine
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<clever> AmandaC: your trying to run a linux binary on darwin, i think
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-19.03-darwin advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
<clever> AmandaC: can you pastebin the expression that is at fault?
<AmandaC> clever: then I'm confused, because according to the wiki for distributed builds `-j0` is supposed to refuse to run anything locally?
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<clever> AmandaC: it should also understand that linux things cant run on darwin, what command are you using to do the build?
<AmandaC> `nix-build ./release.nix -A lilac --option system x86_64-linux -j0`
<AmandaC> clever: er, meant to ping you with that ^
<clever> AmandaC: --option system is your problem
<AmandaC> is it? What's the correct way to do that, then?
<clever> AmandaC: that tells the darwin machine, that it is a linux machine, and is capable of running linux binaries
<clever> AmandaC: pass system= to nixpkgs, any time you import <nixpkgs>
<AmandaC> I see, so there's no way to do it from the commandline?
<clever> AmandaC: not really
<AmandaC> hrm
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<AmandaC> clever: is there any way I could pass the modified nixpkgs to the nixos derevations for ?
<clever> AmandaC: for nixos, you must set nixpkgs.system, which is a nixos option
<AmandaC> so in my machines/(lilac|ita).nix I can set `nixpkgs.ststem = "x86_64-linux";` and it'll Do The Right Thing(tm)
<AmandaC> *system
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<clever> as long as you never move those to a 32bit only cpu, yep
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 merged pull request #70992 → wtf: 0.22.0 -> 0.23.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @scalavision opened pull request #70995 → deeptools: init at 3.3.1 →
<AmandaC> thanks, clever, that actually gives me the snippet of knowledge I'll need for when the qemu-user stuff works for my raspberry pi experiments. :3
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl opened pull request #70997 → cmake: process -iframework in setup-hook →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @magnetophon opened pull request #70998 → physlock: 11-dev -> v13 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #70990 → python3Packages.asyncpg: 0.18.3 -> 0.19.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @eadwu to master « python3Packages.asyncpg: 0.18.3 -> 0.19.0 »:
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-19.09-small advanced to (from 54 minutes ago, history:
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<spiderbit> hi, I just upgraded my nixos (19.03 -> 19.09) with a declerative container that uses openvpn. Which stopped work anymore:
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<spiderbit> system-getty.slice: unit configures an IP firewall, but the local system does not support BPF/cgroup firewalling.
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<Yaniel> ,locate
<Yaniel> ,where
<{^_^}> Couldn't find in any packages
<spiderbit> my first instinct was to try to pin that vm back to 19.03 which would be possible over the "path" option but didn't understand how to make that work then I tried to create a imperative container but there I think I have no tun based network option and also not sure how to bind some paths inside that container... but is there a easy way to fix that without going back to 19.03 inside the container?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b opened pull request #70999 → nixos.tests: silence getfacl absolute path message →
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<spiderbit> I think some sort of pinning would be useful so I can decide when I upgrade the container but if there is a easy solution to fix that network upgrade problem that would be nice too.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #70950 → bcompare: -> →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed 2 commits to master:
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<worldofpeace> spiderbit: I think the release notes maybe have something about this
<clever> ,profile
<{^_^}> clever: Did you mean profiling?
<{^_^}> Use NIX_COUNT_CALLS=1 and/or NIX_SHOW_STATS=1 to profile Nix evaluation
<worldofpeace> only because reading "unit configures an IP firewall, but the local system does not support BPF/cgroup firewalling." reminds me we use upstream sysctl snippets from systemd. but it may be unrelated
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lsix closed pull request #70984 → postgresql_12: init at 12.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @scalavision opened pull request #71000 → svaba: init at 1.1.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #70746 → wmc-mpris: unstable-2019-07-24 -> 0.1.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LouisDK1 closed pull request #67128 → All available translations added for libreoffice-fresh and libreoffice-still →
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<danderson> Hi! I'm getting my server onto 19.09, and I'm confused: there doesn't seem to be any linux 5.* kernel packages in 19.09. Am I reading nixpkgs wrong?
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<samueldr> a change in the way versioned kernel attribute names are handled has been made starting with 19.09
<samueldr> _latest still points to the latest kernel, currently 5.4 IIRC; but versioned names for non-LTS kernels have been dropped
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar opened pull request #71001 → networkmanager: fix udev rule warning →
<samueldr> when the next LTS is announced, I figure it will be added into the list of attrnames available
<samueldr> the principle behind this is to not ship with, let's say, the attrname linuxPackages_5_3, and then it gets removed, thus not having a stable "API" for the packages list
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<danderson> Hmm, I see. I must have missed that in the release notes
<danderson> I'll have to check if the ZFS performance patches got merged back into LTS, or if I need to run latest. Thanks!
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<infinisil> samueldr: I wish we'd get into the habit of using `throw` for dropped attributes :/
<infinisil> This isn't the first time I've seen people ask why attributes aren't there anymore
<infinisil> With a throw the reason along with a workaround can be given
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LouisDK1 closed pull request #67191 → MythTV 29.1 -> 30.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed 428 commits to staging-next:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed 944 commits to staging:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LouisDK1 opened pull request #71002 → MythTV 29.1 -> 30.0 + option to build with or without xnvctrl support →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar closed pull request #71001 → networkmanager: fix udev rule warning →
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<hpfr[m]> I'm trying to use distributed builds for nixos-rebuild on my laptop. My config is here:
<hpfr[m]> Now when I run nixos-rebuild switch, it hangs during "building the system configuration"
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<danderson> for the record, if anyone goes digging for this information: the nixos LTS kernel versions have the FPU function export patch applied, so SIMD checksumming/encryption for ZFS works on those kernels.
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<danderson> so I can downgrade from 5.2 to some LTS version, yay!
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<hpfr[m]> What am I doing wrong? "sudo ssh builder" works with no interaction, and I think that's what I need since I'm on NixOS on the laptop, so root does builds, right? I ssh into my user account on builder, which is all that's necessary right? Don't need to ssh into the root account on the builder
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<hpfr[m]> "sudo nix ping-store --store ssh://builder" returns nothing, which I believe is a success as well
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-19.03-darwin advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
<clever> hpfr[m]: try `nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system -v` ?
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<fuzen> Anyone familiar with building nix packages from Docker? Want to make a Go docker container with nix
<glenndavy> Hi there, anyone know what to do about ssl cert when updating channels/dowloading packages?
<glenndavy> unable to download '': Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (77)
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<clever> fuzen: i generally use dockerTools.buildLayeredImage
<fuzen> clever: The problem is I want to be able to build from macOS as well
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @risicle opened pull request #71003 → pythonPackages.rpyc: 4.1.1 -> 4.1.2, fixing CVE-2019-16328 →
<fuzen> I think im using .buildImage and not buildLayeredImage
<clever> fuzen: this generates a script, that boots nixos under qemu
<clever> fuzen: it will use the darwin build of qemu to do tha
<clever> t
<clever> you can then just add as a linux build slave
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<AmandaC> clever: caviet -- that seems to need a linux host already to build it
<AmandaC> At least, I couldn't build it before, trying again now
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @esclear opened pull request #71004 → calibre: 3.47.1 -> 4.1.0 →
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<kalbasit> c00w: yes, I'm giving it one more ofborg then merge
<danderson> so, when do I change system.stateVersion in my nixos configs? The comment in the installer-made file says to only do so after the release notes tell me to, but the release notes don't.
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<danderson> Parts of the release note mention having to stay at 19.03 for the first activation, because some services need porting of their state. Once that's done, is it safe to set the stateVersion to 19.09?
<danderson> well, changing the state version seems to be a no-op from dry-build and dry-activate's POV, so... Yay? :)
<qyliss> ,stateVersion
<{^_^}> Setting stateVersion to the latest release doesn't upgrade anything and can only break your setup at best. To actually upgrade NixOS see If you want to update the stateVersion option regardless, Ctrl-F for "stateVersion" in to see things that need to be manually migrated with the new value.
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<fuzen> clever: that looks good not sure how to use it. Is this part of nix-ops?
<clever> fuzen: just run `nix-build -A go` and then `./result` to boot it
<clever> fuzen: note, that you need a linux build slave to build the linux build slave...
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt opened pull request #71006 → babeld: add test →
<AmandaC> clever: ... I may have stumbled upon how to make your qemu stuff work again. I did the wrong flag when I did the `-D...` change -- it wants `-Ddefault_library` instead of `-Ddefault-library` -- it seems to have gotten much farther than before, at least.
<danderson> qyliss: that sounds like stateVersion is never meant to be updated, even though the config comment implies it should be.
<AmandaC> Yup, it's building qemu now
<qyliss> danderson: it's only meant to be updated if you're told to update it by release notes and stuff
<qyliss> which is, in practice, never
<clever> AmandaC: oh, nice, thats much simpler then i thought
<AmandaC> clever: It remains to be seen if the changes will be executable, but I'll test that next
<clever> danderson: in general, you need to figure out what services you use, that care about stateVersion, and then investigate what changes it will cause
<clever> danderson: sshd for example, at one point, it changed the type for ssh hostkeys, the upgrade is seamless, but it creates new hostkeys, causing mitm alerts for every single client, and nixos prefers to avoid causing such errors
<clever> danderson: postgresql uses stateVersion to control the version of psql, so you can access your db, and you must manually export it to .sql, upgrade, then re-import
<clever> danderson: the release notes should have details on that kind of thing
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<AmandaC> clever: the "correct" option for future-proofing would probably be to filter out the one that gets added by makeStaticLibrary as well, but this'll do for now, assuming it works.
<clever> danderson: if you remove or change the stateVersion without reading them, then you may break the things its meant to not break, but you could just go ahead, and then fix whatever is broken
<danderson> I see. That said, all those things should show up in dry-build and dry-activate as changes. There was one change in 19.09 that cared about stateVersion, and it was a one-time thing
<AmandaC> ( And I'm not skilled enough with nix to do that filtering )
<clever> danderson: ah yeah, thats a good catch
<danderson> so, based on my reading of the release notes, and the lack of diff from build/activate... seems fine?
<red[m]> So - bacula has issues.
<red[m]> things like this: /nix/store/ylc0giqfzvcwkriz090cvw9nfhdzha25-bacula-9.4.4/etc/mtx-changer: line 336: awk: command not found
<clever> danderson: what was the one thing that changed?
<danderson> I guess I'll find out if all my data gets eaten when I'm not looking :P
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<red[m]> any idea why their shell scripts aren't able to find basic things like awk, su et al?
<danderson> clever: systemd-timesyncd's state directory moved
<fuzen> clever: Oh, ill keep looking into making a docker container to build it, im just trying to get my default.nix go-lang package to target linux-x86_64 only in docker.nix
<clever> AmandaC: i'll take another look at my code and see about fixign that
<danderson> but it has an activation shim to move the state around if stateVersion <19.09
<clever> danderson: ahh, it doesnt really keep much state either, so not much lost
<red[m]> This is from the systemd startup - so I'm sure that's the root of the problem ;-)
* red[m] ducks
<danderson> there were other changes in relnotes that depend on stateVersion, but not for software I'm running
<danderson> so that's all fine.
<red[m]> (when I run it from the command line it works fine... it's just when it's running as a daemon
<red[m]> )
<spiderbit> So I asked that before but I guess not much people were there before... I updated my server to 19.09 and I have a declaritive nixos container with openvpn setup... that did not survive the update
<clever> red[m]: systemd has a different default for PATH
<clever> red[m]: you must set = [ pkgs.gawk ];
<spiderbit> system-getty.slice: unit configures an IP firewall, but the local system does not support BPF/cgroup firewalling.
<spiderbit> cgroup compatibility translation between legacy and unified hierarchy settings activated. See cgroup-compat debug messages for details.
<spiderbit> I would be fine to pin that back to 19.03 if somebody can tell me how to do that
<red[m]> ah ha!
<red[m]> is there a default or something for it?
<spiderbit> I saw the "path" variable but that for some reason replaces the config variable...
<red[m]> (ie - if i define it am I risking it unsetting some other paths that are needed?)
<clever> red[m]: systemd will merge it with the other values
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<red[m]> awesome - thanks.
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
<red[m]> clever: do you know what package su would be in?
<clever> red[m]: a: su, b: why does the service need su?
<qyliss> spiderbit: just wanted to say that i'm sorry you're not getting an answer, and that's it's likely because people here right now don't know, rather than you being ignored :)
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<red[m]> clever: I can show you - one moment
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<red[m]> clever: having problems finding it in the sources - but this is the file that gets installed:
<red[m]> /nix/store/ylc0giqfzvcwkriz090cvw9nfhdzha25-bacula-9.4.4/etc/create_bacula_database
<red[m]> and line 50, an su
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @moaxcp opened pull request #71007 → ttygif init at 1.4.0 →
<red[m]> if [ $db_type = postgresql -a "$UID" = 0 ]; then
<red[m]> pre_command="su - postgres -c"
<red[m]> fi
<red[m]> :-/
<AmandaC> clever: that's definately it, according to my hydra, at least:
<clever> red[m]: that only triggers if you run the script as root
<clever> red[m]: if you set = "foo"; then systemd will drop-root for you
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<clever> so it never needs su, and never gains root
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<red[m]> It's not an awesome design to be honest
<red[m]> the start-up script checks for a database, and if it isn't there su - postgres
<red[m]> yet the application itself has to run as user bacula
<red[m]> so, with that design it has to start as root
<red[m]> ugh
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<clever> red[m]: nixos has options to do that for you
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<hpfr[m]> clever: I'm the guy with the nixos-rebuild distributed build issue, ran `nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system -v` and it's been sitting there for at least five minutes after printing out a bunch of "evaluating file" messages. The last one was for "nixos/pkgs/tools/X11/xkbvalidate/default.nix". I don't know if that was the last file to evaluate and it's now hanging on whatever the next step in the build process is, or if it's
<hpfr[m]> actually hanging on this file. I'm guessing the former, but I don't know where to go from here then