<pbogdan> so I'm sitting on a branch that updates GNOME to 3.38, would it be useful at all to pr the changes against gnome-3.38 branch?
<pbogdan> it is not super clean but perhaps it would at least help to highlight some issues I ran into?
<pbogdan> (though I'm somewhat disinclined to try and test it on top of staging with the glib update too..)
<worldofpeace> pbogdan: ✨
<worldofpeace> So I think PR'ing the changes is fine
<worldofpeace> hmm, what do u mean by "not super clean"
<worldofpeace> and there's not individule commits for each update?
<worldofpeace> * and there's not individual commits for each update?
<pbogdan> commit per update, with changelogs where relevant
<pbogdan> just some of them aren't straight-forward
<pbogdan> and it took a little bit to figure some things out so there are reverts and so on, and things that need a review
<worldofpeace> pbogdan: sounds like the usual gnome pr 😸
<worldofpeace> this is as far as doronbehar got today https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/98316#issuecomment-695842162
<pbogdan> heh, yeah
<worldofpeace> I'm going to finish that up and I'll be happy to look into your stuff.
<pbogdan> this is where I'm at rn - https://github.com/pbogdan/nixpkgs/tree/gnome-3.38
<pbogdan> I did few things other way around - kept libhandy at -0 by default, same with tracker stuff keeping it at -2
<pbogdan> so not ideal
<pbogdan> but some commits could be useful still
<pbogdan> (I guess)
<pbogdan> or I could review my branch again and flag things that may need attention if that helps
<worldofpeace> pbogdan: yeah, those two things I think we should go the way Jan suggested (for sure with tracker). A lot of these commits look good, if you could drop what's divergent and PR I can look at and probably integrate 80% of it
<pbogdan> yeah they probably should, I just approached it very conservatively defaulting to old versions
<pbogdan> and the trackers need fair amount of duplication either way :-(
<worldofpeace> I'm actually going to rebase the gnome-3.38 branch onto nixos-unstable. it doesn't really need to be on staging just target staging
<pbogdan> I've been working off nixos-unstable too
<worldofpeace> it was actually based of the initially, but it was overwritten
<pbogdan> bit annoying when you may have to work on top whatever (potentially breaking) changes might be in staging
<pbogdan> (or world-rebuilding for that matter)
<worldofpeace> pbogdan: exactly
<worldofpeace> aargh, github make that way more difficult than it needed to be
<worldofpeace> had to like switch base to master then back to staging so it would stop being weird
<pbogdan> time permitting will try and sort out libhandy and tracker updates tomorrow to make the defaults align with latest versions
<pbogdan> (still not too keen on the glib update as that seems to cause some regressions)
<worldofpeace> Jan Tojnar: I'm just realizing if we add a gnome_session_libexecdir patch to g-s-d, gnome-session already depends on g-s-d...
<worldofpeace> so it would have to be global