<jtojnar> hpfr for me it is set to /nix/store/jfg6bxfp6kg4hfxc4cpcx9k2sqp5csla-seahorse-3.36.2/libexec/seahorse/ssh-askpass
<jtojnar> using GNOME Shell
<jtojnar> I would really expect services.xserver.desktopManager.gnome3.enable to be enough unless you disable services.gnome3.core-utilities.enable or programs.seahorse.enable
<jtojnar> not really familiar with this corner
<hpfr> `nixos-option environment.variables` shows it as the same string as you listed, but when I run `env | grep SSH` it's not there. Does something in NixOS's Gnome setup mess with environment.variables?
<worldofpeace> we actually try to use sessionVariables, but I think those get synchronized with environment.variables
<hpfr> yeah it's even in /etc/set-environment which is the output of those settings afaik
<hpfr> hmm, when I run `bash` it's in bash's environment, but no luck for `fish` which is my user shell. but on my i3 desktop, `fish` has it, so it seems to be some interaction between fish as a login shell and gnome
<hpfr> Figured it out! I had to add the NixOS option `programs.fish.enable`, which sets up some environment stuff when using fish as a login shell. Previously I had fish as my login shell but only configured it in home-manager. Now my environment is working as expectedlh
<hpfr> * Figured it out! I had to add the NixOS option `programs.fish.enable`, which sets up some environment stuff when using fish as a login shell. Previously I had fish as my login shell but only configured it in home-manager. Now my environment is working as expected
<hpfr> sorry for the braindump spam haha
<hpfr> this seahorse askpass causes gnome shell to notify me every single time it opens that it wants to inhibit shortcuts. nice feature to prevent making your computer unusable, but can I whitelist seahorse somehow?
<worldofpeace> mkg20001: I only have like 4 comments left
<worldofpeace> we branched today, but I'm not opposed if we could try to have it in 20.09 since we're not beta frozen yet (not sure if people would hate that)
<mkg20001> Ok. Btw, storytime: So I upgraded nixOS to latest unstable and cinnamon started segfaulting, so I worked on the PR while in TTY without copy and paste
<mkg20001> Then made it work with 2.6
<mkg20001> So it's solid since it works in prod
<worldofpeace> awesome
<worldofpeace> lol, "4.6" again
<mkg20001> ah yeah...
<mkg20001> where can I report bugs for "brain"?
<mkg20001> :P
<worldofpeace> if only
<mkg20001> ...neuralink would be finished sooner
<worldofpeace> lol
<worldofpeace> and on xapp too (though I didn't check if u already put the patch there) https://github.com/linuxmint/xapp/pull/110
<mkg20001> I should've caught everything now
<mkg20001> Are we ready for liftoff?
<worldofpeace> I just need to check it locally
<mkg20001> Ok
<worldofpeace> shouldn't be long. it seems all good
<worldofpeace> oh. so u have evince and file-roller in the cinnamon block
<worldofpeace> does cinnamon ship those default and
<mkg20001> hrm...
<worldofpeace> if so should that be in the apps block
<worldofpeace> u also have nemo outside the apps block
<mkg20001> nemo is a session requirement (nemo-autostart, other stuff)
<worldofpeace> ohh okay
<mkg20001> checking evince and file-roller
<worldofpeace> and u have a lot of fonts
<mkg20001> uh oh yeah pantheon
<worldofpeace> u also have gnome-menus installed when u probably wanted cinnamon-menus
<worldofpeace> lol, soo close but soo far
<mkg20001> file-roller & evince: included on mint
<worldofpeace> cool. so I would think in the apps block but maybe nemo soft depends on file-roller
<mkg20001> they have an if check
<mkg20001> so prob opt ok?
<worldofpeace> yep, just saw that. so then it could be in `apps` since it's optional
<mkg20001> side by side
<mkg20001> pushed... I've left the others in, they were there before pantheon when I was doing the config first time last year
<mkg20001> * pushed... I've left the others in, they were there before pantheon when I was doing the config first time last year (fonts)
<worldofpeace> perhaps the default font will be listed in the mint-artwork override?
<mkg20001> ubuntu,sans,monospace
<mkg20001> ubuntu I already got, what's pkg name for sans & monospace
<worldofpeace> I think that just means any monospace and sans matching font?
<mkg20001> dunno
<worldofpeace> ubnutu seems to have a mono font
<worldofpeace> I'm going to assume it's probably just ubuntu then
<mkg20001> let's see... spinning up vm.
<mkg20001> Imagine testing that in debian now
<mkg20001> xD
<mkg20001> terminal looks fucked..
<worldofpeace> ahh, developing nixos is soo much better
<worldofpeace> on mint?
<mkg20001> cinnamon nixOS vm
<mkg20001> so source-code-pro & ubuntu do the trick
<worldofpeace> what's an ls output of fonts on mint?
<mkg20001> termbin.com/ekh8
<worldofpeace> soo mannyyyy
<mkg20001> welcome to debian
<mkg20001> tho some is prob from libreoffice
<worldofpeace> there has to be some sort of fonts metapackage just for mint
<worldofpeace> lol, probably hidden
<mkg20001> yeah
<mkg20001> we can either go with source-code-pro & ubuntu, or the current 5 fonts which are best-effort guess
<mkg20001> or dig another night through piles of build.sh-built code
<worldofpeace> tbh I think source-code-pro is already a better choice...
<mkg20001> so the 2 or 5 fonts?
<worldofpeace> lol, 2
<worldofpeace> the luck of finding them is slim to none 😸
<mkg20001> <worldofpeace "lol, 2"> onboard theme patch: file exists... so dunno what you mean
<worldofpeace> omg are they for real
<worldofpeace> I have to diff the files now
<mkg20001> do I need to remind you that these are the mint people we talk about? xD
<worldofpeace> mkg20001: it seems they changed <key_label_overrides>
<worldofpeace> or perhaps they have an older version without that change from onboard
<worldofpeace> I guess that can be left. strange. Yeah, I think I'm forgetting what group of people we're talking about here
<mkg20001> Ok, so we're ready for liftoff for real now?
<worldofpeace> I'm not sure u need evolution-data-server
<worldofpeace> I don't really see any reference to it https://github.com/search?q=org%3Alinuxmint+evolution-data-server&type=Code
<worldofpeace> u will also save a tonnn of memory
<mkg20001> <worldofpeace "I'm not sure u need evolution-da"> ...and it's gone
<worldofpeace> cool
<worldofpeace> and now I'm looking at geoclue. I have to believe they do something for location services, but I don't see any agent from them.
<mkg20001> dunno, I thought it's pretty useful like some software uses it here and there, redshift for ex - not sure if cinnamon now has it builtin too
<worldofpeace> could u look inside cinnamon-control-center/settings?
<mkg20001> just checked, nothing under desktop & screen
<worldofpeace> so geoclue is also not needed
<worldofpeace> welp, that's kinda boring. but I guess they don't use location in their apps anywhere
<mkg20001> gone
<mkg20001> crazy how "geclue on wifi" and "geoclue on lan" is not the same thing for cinnamon devs (was reading through the issue) xD
<worldofpeace> I'm approving 👍️
<mkg20001> yes
<mkg20001> what's left for a merge?
<worldofpeace> I merged ✨
<mkg20001> yay
<worldofpeace> so we now need release notes and eventually a test to check continually
<worldofpeace> feel free to open a backport PR to 20.09
<worldofpeace> and a future todo for u is to package slick-greeter and make a module, I think
<mkg20001> yep, also warp and blueberry are in the queue for pkg
<worldofpeace> cool
<worldofpeace> this only took, lol, nearly a year
<mkg20001> yeah
<mkg20001> btw, solarOS is also prob shipping with 20.09 (that thing still exists...)
<mkg20001> Have some crazy plans like... nixOS that works without terminal
<mkg20001> </advertisment>
<worldofpeace> hahah, "crazy"
<mkg20001> #ssd-solar:matrix.org
<mkg20001> I've started some projects here and there like an update daemon that will prefetch packages when in the home network and build stuff when in idle... then nixos-rebuild boot... better than windows update: no reboot forcing and after reboot no second spent on upgrade tasks because prebuilt
<mkg20001> one day stable release... I'm actually just solving my own problems in a more convinient way, but that's already half a distro xD
<worldofpeace> said every contributor to any project ever "solving my own problems"
<worldofpeace> it's the best way