worldofpeace changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | NixOS 20.09 Nightingale ✨ | | | 20.09 RMs: worldofpeace, jonringer |
<cole-h> supersandro2000: If you think #110375 is good to go, would you mind leaving an approving review? :D
<{^_^}> (by Hoverbear, 3 days ago, open): convco: init at 0.3.2
<cole-h> supersandro2000: FWIW, ofborg has 5 machines (at the moment) to eval on. They're pretty good. Things might take a while when a larger volume of PRs come in, but it'll get done eventually. I don't think any one eval is more important than another :)
<cole-h> (Though I do agree with "Please do not use ofborg to generate checksums")
<cole-h> (Mostly because the roundtrip time is much longer than building locally, though)
<supersandro2000> not only the roundtrip but the package can't really be tested by the updater
<cole-h> Well, it's a checklist item but not required. Sometimes it's hard to test (e.g. it's a library; though that's not the case for the referenced PR).
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<supersandro2000> Could someone with a beefy machine test ? ofborg timed out and I do not have the compute power for that.
<{^_^}> #110706 (by dotlambda, 7 hours ago, open): openjpeg_1: drop
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<lovesegfault> supersandro2000: I'll try
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<worldofpeace> krita frequently does this
* lovesegfault tips hat to worldofpeace whom he hasn't seen in a while
<worldofpeace> does a full death drop
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<lovesegfault> what's a death drop?
<lovesegfault> sounds dangeroud
<lovesegfault> oh, that's a dope dance move
<lovesegfault> if I tried I would actually die
<worldofpeace> lovesegfault: it's not soo much the getting down but the getting back up
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<siraben> `# Do *NOT* use res in your fork. It will be removed.` in all-packages.nix, can we get around to removing it yet?
<siraben> cole-h: force-push what to 110655?
<cole-h> siraben: Anything. `git commit --amend && git push self --force-with-lease`
<samueldr> siraben: I guess get in touch with the author of 055ac8e4955294a3ecf6663628d892a486bba06d who touched this last
<siraben> why would that fix the eval error? Looks like something's wrong with ant-build.nix
<cole-h> I ran the eval locally, earlier
<cole-h> It didn't error
<samueldr> or find the related PRs that added it and follow-up to ask about the plan
<cole-h> Thus, I assume it won't error on ofborg, if you rebase it
<samueldr> maybe the intent is not as simple as removing it
* cole-h is now doubting his sanity
<siraben> cole-h: ok, let's see
<siraben> i rebased onto master and force-pushed
<cole-h> My brain was off. I never actually checked out your PR.
<cole-h> Derp.
<cole-h> So, that won't do anything 🙃 Thanks brain
<siraben> D'oh
<cole-h> I remember now -- I just ran it on master itself :D
<cole-h> Building krita and running outpaths.nix at the same time. Will my PC explode? Tune in next time to find out.
<lovesegfault> why does krita only build on one core?
<lovesegfault> I have a 64 core system that's doing basically nothing
* cole-h just noticed the same thing
<cole-h> lolllllllll
<cole-h> all software is bad
<{^_^}> #35359 (by ghost, 2 years ago, open): Intermittent issue building Krita (4.0.x)
* lovesegfault sighs
<lovesegfault> this solves it
<{^_^}> #110574 (by talyz, 1 day ago, open): krita: 4.4.1 -> 4.4.2
<siraben> how do I retrieve an earlier ofborg eval?
<siraben> for my PR
* lovesegfault reviews that first
<siraben> Thanks, lost it in my browser
<siraben> What does this error even mean o.O
<siraben> `nix-build -A junit` triggers the error
<cole-h> how
<cole-h> I don't understand
<siraben> cole-h: so if I revert the change to ant-build.nix and remove the inherit lib for ant-build in pkgs/build-support/release/default.nix, it works fine
<siraben> but as soon as I add lib to the imports list in ant-build.nix and inherit lib, it tries to convert set to string???
<cole-h> siraben: found the issue
<siraben> cole-h: Thanks!
<cole-h> Otherwise it would try to make `lib` available as an env var (which won't work because it's an attrset, and Nix doesn't know how to stringify an attrset) :D
<cole-h> I made up for my derp earlier, whee
<cole-h> siraben: I'll merge when ofborg is green again (after you squash). Running hydra-eval-jobs rn, which I expect to be green as well.
<siraben> Just squashed
<cole-h> Nice timing; right as I sent that :P
<siraben> magit FTW
<cole-h> ono 1 more nit (sorry)
<cole-h> Doesn't really make a difference tho
<cole-h> So, do what you want
<siraben> I'll squash it
<cole-h> idk
<cole-h> maybe makes more sense to keep it separate?
<cole-h> Being really indecisive right now, sorry
<siraben> cole-h: anyway it's done, hopefully merge soon :P
<cole-h> siraben: Yep, rerunning hydra-eval-jobs cuz why not.
<siraben> ofborg is green
<siraben> How do I do the equivalent of `nix-shell -p hello` but using my nixpkgs checkout? I want to test a Python package I build
<siraben> built*
<cole-h> I don't know if there's an easy way. I know you can do `nix shell -f. [package]` if you have nix-command and flakes enabled
<cole-h> Otherwise you gotta `nix-shell -E 'with import . {}; runCommand "asdf" { buildInputs = [ asdf ]; } ""'` I believe
<cole-h> siraben: Merged :)
<siraben> cole-h: oh yeah that's what i did in lol
<{^_^}> #102766 (by siraben, 11 weeks ago, merged): Initial implementation of cross-compilation to Knuth's MMIX
<siraben> yay!
<cole-h> oh yeah, it's ./. oops.
<siraben> also, anyone using MMIX cross-compilation? hehe
<siraben> actually insane that someone was dedicated enough to add MMIX support to GCC and I think the same person added syscalls to newlib
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<siraben> #110736
<{^_^}> (by siraben, 31 seconds ago, open): wpa_supplicant service fails to restart on i686
<siraben> Who's the maintainer of the wpa_supplicant service?
<cole-h> globin, according to nixos/modules/services/networking/wpa_supplicant.nix
<siraben> Thanks
<siraben> pinged
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<siraben> Does anyone have/know of a cache for cross-compiled GCCs?
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<rajivr> siraben: I am actually working right now almost exact problem. Trying to figure out how to use
<samueldr> I think cross-trunk won't really help if you want to cross-compile a linux system
<samueldr> I don't think it builds any of the toolchains required
<siraben> What's cross-trunk? I haven't used it before
<siraben> I just want a cache to be able to fix things like packages failing to cross-compile
<samueldr> AFAIK there is no jobset specifically made to build the "usual" cross-compilers
<samueldr> but mobile-nixos builds them transitively
<samueldr> so any of the nixpkgs input here should produce both aarch64 and armv7l cross-compilers
<samueldr> from pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform and pkgsCross.armv7l-hf-multiplatform
* samueldr verifies
<rajivr> wow. This saved me a lot of time. :-) I usually spend a day per week, trying to work on NixOS related side project.
<samueldr> yep, I had a doubt about the specific one for armv7l
<samueldr> still, this is transitive and not explicitly a goal
<rajivr> Would it possible to also include armv6l as well?
<siraben> Where can I see in the hydra log if helped?
<siraben> ah it doesn't cross-compile every package in nixpkgs
<siraben> hmm
<siraben> I'd love to see a hydra jobset that tries to cross-compile everything
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<samueldr> nope, doesn't cross-compile everything
<samueldr> and yeah, would be nice to see
<samueldr> yeah, unlikely you'll see if that helped
<samueldr> those all look like "leafy" packages
<samueldr> more to the end
<siraben> supersandro2000: could you resend that list of things that should be in nativeBuildInputs?
<samueldr> be careful with treewide changes and cross-compilation
<samueldr> sometimes it happens that there is a reason for something to be in the "usually wrong" input
<siraben> Right
<siraben> When I made the cmake → nativeBuildInputs changes it was usually because the package had been written before nativeBuildInputs was a thing
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<siraben> What happened to ?
<siraben> Where's volth?
<siraben> is this that deleted account again?
<siraben> oh
<rnhmjoj> yes
<siraben> so how did they perform that treewide change?
<samueldr> I don't know that anyone knows how volth worked really
<siraben> What do you mean? Mysterious figure?
<samueldr> more that I don't know if they shared their methodology
<samueldr> and yeah, a bit mysterious too
<siraben> Oh, and how are they able to push patches directly to Nixpkgs?
<{^_^}> #110670 (by siraben, 21 hours ago, merged): treewide: fix double quoted strings in one-liners
<samueldr> they aren't
<samueldr> someone must have applied it
<siraben> looks like kvtb is volth
<siraben> samueldr: but that commit does not belong to any commit in nixpkgs
<samueldr> ah
<siraben> kvtb sent a few patches this way already somehow
<siraben> I know that a .patch file is accessible when a PR is made, but this person doesn't seem to be using PRs to make the patches visible? I must be confused
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<samueldr> any commit can be accessed "as a patch" by adding .patch
<samueldr> then it just requires someone to push that to a fork
<samueldr> and hey, presto, a [PATCH]
<samueldr> (this is the current tip of master)
<siraben> So any fork will do? huh
<siraben> So this person's fork must be private then?
<samueldr> it could be
<samueldr> but not necessarily
<samueldr> github doesn't snitch
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<samueldr> someone could be syncing from another git repo's location too
<samueldr> or it might be a `git am`
<siraben> I'd like to know how that patch was made since it indicates some sort of Nix parser
<siraben> along with 08f68313a47a2093dc0f408a706b2c125bc59c95
<samueldr> get in touch with them, they're on the discourse still
<siraben> Ah ok
<samueldr> they might also be a sed wizard level 10!
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<rnhmjoj> it seems they are sending patches through the nixos forum, and also opened a couple of PR
<rnhmjoj> with the HEAD being located in an "unknown repository"
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<siraben> rnhmjoj: interesting, the commit author is kvtb there
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<rnhmjoj> siraben: how did you come by that patch? i can't find it in the forum or github
<siraben> rnhmjoj: kvtb posted it in a comment
<supersandro2000> siraben: but it is not fully tested and something is probably missing or on there by accident
<siraben> rnhmjoj: they were mysterious about it
<siraben> supersandro2000: ok, what's a fast way to check if say makeWrapper is in buildINputs?
<siraben> maybe multiline rg
<supersandro2000> rg on the file?
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<siraben> `rg "buildInputs.*unzip"` returns a good amount already but fails on multiline inputs
<supersandro2000> unzip is a special case
<supersandro2000> sometimes it used to unpack files fetched with fechurl
<supersandro2000> in those cases fethchzip should be used
<supersandro2000> which also work for compressed tar balls
<siraben> oh TIL fetchzip works with tarballs
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<raboof> nixpkgs-review now fails on master (so basically will fail everywhere AFAICS?), possibly because of the zigbee2mqtt change in
<{^_^}> #110545 (by svanderburg, 2 days ago, merged): nodePackages: regenerate with node2nix 1.9.0
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<Gaelan> I'd appreciate some advice from someone with better git-fu than me: I've got a staging PR (110571), with a merge conflict. I'd expect this to be solvable by merging in the output of `git merge-base origin/master origin/staging`, but for some reason that pulls a bunch of unrelated commits into the PR.
<Gaelan> Any idea what could be going on?
<supersandro2000> raboof: I am going to revert that
<supersandro2000> if it is not already
<symphorien[m]> what is the password of the nixos virutalbox ova user ?
<symphorien[m]> ah demo
<supersandro2000> Does anyone know any method of checking if commits on github belong to the repo or a fork?
<supersandro2000> I couldn't find anything in the rest/graphql api
<supersandro2000> and when searching for this I only get results for how to manage forks on github
<supersandro2000> I want to check if someone tries to sneak in fork commits in vimPackages and I have no idea how to do that without a headless browser
<sorear> all commits belong to both the repo and the fork (try it - load any commit on the web interface, then change the repo name in the URL)
<siraben> how would that not cause a collision eventually?
<supersandro2000> sorear: thats the problem I want to fix
<sorear> the data you want to use doesn't exist
<supersandro2000> sorear: it is shown in the webinterface for me
<sorear> where?
<sorear> link?
<supersandro2000> big yellow warning
<sorear> remember that every time you merge a PR every *intermediate* commit transitively becomes part of history
<sorear> read the message carefully - there's no concept of a commit being part of a repo, but there is a concept of a commit being part of a branch
<sorear> but you can't derive any trust information from whether a commit is in a branch, because I can PR something with malicious commits hidden under innocuous commits, and I don't think your tooling checks for that
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<siraben> supersandro2000: i added the i686 logs
<supersandro2000> sorear: that is not the problem. I want to catch commits which are not merged at all and just point to some random repository
<supersandro2000> everything that is merged should fall through
<tilpner> supersandro2000: I searched a while ago for , but didn't find any good solution either :(
<tilpner> The #spoof-warning element is unhidden by JS, so there's probably at least an undocumented way, but trawling through minified JS to find the caller is pain
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<rajivr> Is it the case that `localSystem` and `crossSystem` parameters to `nixpkgs` are mutually exclusive?
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<gchristensen> I think you can cross compile to your local target
<gchristensen> yeah, the first link is showing a commit in somebody else's repository
<supersandro2000> I think I try to hack something together later
<gchristensen> what for?
<supersandro2000> to check if we download commits from forks
<gchristensen> oh neat
<supersandro2000> and add it to nixpkgs-review-checks. If it is useful we can integrate it into something else later.
<gchristensen> github didn't used to show this message at all, so you could write and push a malicious commit authored by Linus Torvalds, and show it in the Linux repo as a spooky thing
<etu> Don't we do that by design whenever a merge commit is created?
<supersandro2000> like some of the things are being added to nixpkgs-hammering
<etu> I mean, that's what a merge commit is.
<gchristensen> etu: what is?
<etu> gchristensen: When a commit is created in another fork/branch, then that commit is merged through a PR, we get that same commit, by the same ID and gpg signature and everything into nixpkgs.
<supersandro2000> merged commits show as being part of master and the PR
<gchristensen> they're part of the repository
* etu might be missing what the point of the links was showing to begin with
<edef> etu: consider eg a fetchFromGitHub that fetches from
<edef> etu: that is in fact not referring to a commit that is reachable from that repository's refs
<supersandro2000> etu: I want to find fetchFromGitHub which fetch commits from forks without us knowing this
<supersandro2000> this could be a security risk that someone sneaks in a malicious commit into maybe vimPackages
<etu> ah
<etu> That's handy!
<supersandro2000> and right now I am not sure how to check this at all.
<jtojnar> siraben: the aspellDicts are either up to date or their update scripts do not update them correctly
<siraben> supersandro2000: how do we know if it hasn't happened already
<siraben> perhaps someone should attempt such an attack and see if it gets through or not
<siraben> Jan Tojnar: yeah some of them are up to date and some of them say they're updating
<siraben> but no changes to the files :/
<jtojnar> updating just means running update script
<jtojnar> the update script might find it is already the latest version and do nothing
<siraben> there's several that report back "updating..." though
<jtojnar> every package should report "updating..."
<jtojnar> update.nix has no way of knowing whether the package is up to date
<jtojnar> it just runs update scripts and lets them decide
<jtojnar> the message should probably be changed to make it clearer
<siraben> Yes, that would be good
<siraben> Profpatsch: lol imagine hlint but for Nix
<siraben> What's the way to benchmark Nix functions? I'd like to check performance and memory usage between foldr and foldl'
<siraben> > lib.foldl' lib.add 0 (lib.range 1 100000)
<{^_^}> error: cannot open connection to remote store 'daemon': could not set permissions on '/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user' to 755: No space left on device
<siraben> > lib.foldr lib.add 0 (lib.range 1 100000)
<infinisil> Oof
* infinisil runs a nix-collect-garbage
<siraben> Is `foldr (a: b: a // b) {}` equivalent to `foldl' (a: b: a // b) {}`?
* siraben wishes he could just QuickCheck it
<infinisil> foldr (a: b: a // b) {} [ x y ] == {} // (x // y)
<infinisil> foldl (a: b: a // b) {} [ x y ] == ({} // x) // y
<siraben> hmm for that it's equivalent
<siraben> infinisil: wait in the foldr case isn't it x // (y // {})?
<siraben> foldr f (x:xs) = f x (foldr f xs)
<infinisil> Oh hmm
<siraben> a // (b // (c // {})) =?= ((({} // a) // b) // c)
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<infinisil> > :p foldr (a: b: { inherit a b; }) {} [ "x" "y" ]
<{^_^}> { a = "x"; b = { a = "y"; b = { }; }; }
<infinisil> > :p foldl (a: b: { inherit a b; }) {} [ "x" "y" ]
<{^_^}> { a = { a = { }; b = "x"; }; b = "y"; }
<infinisil> Yeah so `foldr = x // (y // {})`
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<siraben> I think // is associative because merging is associative and being right-biased is associative as well
<siraben> {} is the unit
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<supersandro2000> siraben: in the issue that someone earlier linked is a snipped which might help test against the entire repo
<Profpatsch> siraben: that would be a fun project
<Profpatsch> infinisil: foldl' also is strict over the operator arguments
<Profpatsch> At least if it’s like it is in Haskell
<infinisil> Yea it is
<Profpatsch> So the idea is that we can save some thunk buildup if we change most foldrs in the lib to foldl'
<Profpatsch> Which should save us some memory
<infinisil> Btw, sometimes foldl' by itself isn't enough strict
<infinisil> Especially with nested structures
<Profpatsch> yes, it only forces whnf
<infinisil> And it can be very efficient to force evaluation a bit deeper (though sometimes builtins.deepSeq is too much)
<Profpatsch> But at least it doesn’t cause thunk buildup like foldl would
<infinisil> It can
<Profpatsch> sure
<Profpatsch> but not by default
<Profpatsch> e.g. foldl' (+) also builds up thunks
<infinisil> It depends on whatever the folding function is, whether or not foldl' builds up thunks
<Profpatsch> Although it might make no difference in nix since lists are strict
<Profpatsch> err, foldl (+)
<Profpatsch> My muscle memory adds the ' by default
<gchristensen> on nixos-unstable, does mixing nix stable and nix unstable client/daemons cause build logs to be not printed? that seems to be the case on stable
<gchristensen> that seems to be the case on 20.09
<gchristensen> I've been running with `-vvv` to get building of '/nix/store/xxx.drv!out' from .drv file: read 66 bytes output, just to know it is doing thinsg :P
<gchristensen> my laptop is running Nix 2.4pre20201201_5a6ddb3, the remote builder is running 2.3.10, which is producing these builds which have no printed log
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<domenkozar[m]> there's a PR for that
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<{^_^}> nix#4418 (by roberth, 3 weeks ago, open): Fix #4234, send build logs to Nix 2.3
<gchristensen> interesting
<gchristensen> this is actually the opposite direction
<gchristensen> 2.3.10 sending logs to 2.4
<domenkozar[m]> seems like that requires another fix then :)
<roberth> gchristensen: my PR suggests a "similar" fix for the opposite problem, but that's for the issue of duplicate logs.
<roberth> did you check that you're not accidentally running a 2.3 client locally because of a nix-shell or something?
<gchristensen> doubel checked: daemon is 2.4, remote builder's daemon is 2.3.10, remote builder's `nix-store` for root is 2.3.10, local nix client in my shell is 2.4
<siraben> lol all I wanted to do was ask how a volth treewide PR was performed and people start bashing on GitHub
<siraben> How is volth going to answer now
<abathur> yeah...
<drakonis> wait what
<drakonis> volth's account is gone
<drakonis> thanks github
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<V> that's old news :(
<rnhmjoj> <siraben "How is volth going to answer now"> have you tried using the email in the patch?
<V> I believe this was attempted
<gchristensen> I just wish github hadn't disappeared the content of their messages
<immae> Was it a "legitimate" break or did they delete it by being overcautious after a claim from some big company like they did for youtube-dl? (not to justify the action from github, I’m just wondering how "bad" it is)
<gchristensen> as far as I know, it was fairly legitimate
<drakonis> thanks github for spiriting away with all user data
<immae> ok
<siraben> rnhmjoj: I'll try that
<supersandro2000> can someone with experience in creating teams take a look at
<{^_^}> #110623 (by yurrriq, 1 day ago, open): maintainers/teams: add beam team
<siraben> frustrated that the discourse thread got siderailed
<drakonis> moving away from github still wouldnt solve anything, would it?
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<drakonis> ie: using gitlab would only change the landlord and have a different set of rules?
<V> It's less the moving away and more who is being moved to
<V> e.g. blocking a user wouldn't result in a mailing list losing their contributions
<V> If things are self-hosted (e.g. an own-run gitlab or gitea instance) this wouldn't be possible
<drakonis> not having the service provider poke holes on the archive
<V> mailing lists revolve around everybody having a copy of the content, too. so this would at worst affect the canonical archive (which can be recovered from local copies)
<immae> integrating issues and PR’s into the "main" tree is another way to make sure it cannot happen (thankfully github didn’ rewrite history to remove his commits :p )
<V> yeah, if the bug tracker exists through git etc
<drakonis> the actual badness is whenever someone nukes their own account, github replaces with "deleted account"
<drakonis> so you can no longer identify who posted a comment
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<siraben> Profpatsch: the count went down to 47 then back up again, hm
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<supersandro2000> siraben: what does this count?
<supersandro2000> having issues in git would probably make the repo very hard to handle on machines with less memory
<colemickens> immae: that's a great idea btw, sending that over to GH
<immae> colemickens: there were already some works to make this kind of thing (issues and/or prs "integrated" into git), but it never made through
<immae> not by GH, other projects
<colemickens> sorry, I meant GH rewriting our history.
<immae> supersandro2000: it could be in a reference that is not fetched by default
<siraben> supersandro2000:
<immae> supersandro2000: PR’s are git references in GH, you don’t fetch them by default for instance
<immae> colemickens: ah :D
<supersandro2000> the changes, not the commits
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<Profpatsch> siraben: we will find that heathen!
<gchristensen> total hydra builds over time:
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<V> Terrifying
<V> Also I'm not sure that's how graphs work
<gchristensen> hm?
<gchristensen> like that it shouldn't have lines?
<V> The lines are a bit misleading due to the low and inconsistent sample count
<gchristensen> yea
<V> By inconsistent I mean distance, not that the samples are incorrect ofc
<gchristensen> of course
<gchristensen> I would make a more proper graph but I don't feel like waiting the several hours it would take
<V> oof
<gchristensen> (counting the rows with just an index scan takes ~20 minutes)
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<ehmry> Ericson2314: I'm getting a `cycle detected in build of '…' in the references of output 'bin' from output 'dev', do you have advice on how to deal with this?
<Ericson2314> ehmry: well it means bin has the hash of dev, and dev has the hash of bin
<Ericson2314> is this witth lowdown?
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<andi-> just build nix from master and apparently there is only a single `nix` binary in the output now. Where the other commands removed?
<ehmry> Ericson2314: no, tkrzw, some database library
<Ericson2314> andi-: i didn't think so? they are symlinks
* andi- checks the hacking guide again
<Ericson2314> ehmry: ah ok whew, cause I just made lowdown have more outputs
<andi-> oh, have to run make install :D
<ehmry> strange that dev would reference bin
<ehmry> but thats a helpful explaination
<Ericson2314> ehmry: pkg-config file might have bindir
<Ericson2314> why would bin reference dead?
<ehmry> this is a strange one
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<samueldr> can we figure out the cross-compilation story of "simple Rust programs" before we think about adding those to the base closure of NixOS?
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<cole-h> ^
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<samueldr> that would be a severe regression with cross-compiling NixOS, which flokli had managed to manage without workarounds for a few generations
<samueldr> (before a regression in upstream programs broke things anew)
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<samueldr> I guess the basic milestone would be that `pkgs.pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform.writers.writeRustBin "hellors" {} ./` works
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<gchristensen> +1
<samueldr> hm... pkgs/build-support/writers/test.nix has per-writer tests, but does not expose them it seems
<samueldr> ah no
<samueldr> passthru
<samueldr> nix-build -A tests.writers.bin.rust -A tests.writers.bin.rust # built-in test to test
<samueldr> uh
<samueldr> copy fail
<samueldr> nix-build -A pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform.tests.writers.bin.rust # obviously
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<supersandro2000> We still have an stackoverflow somewhere I think
<supersandro2000> nvm I had ulimit -s on 4096
<supersandro2000> nix should check this tbh
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