gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
<Arahael> However, Wayland also allows "compatibility" options for Xorg based frameworks, which sucks.
<drakonis1> xwayland you mean?
<drakonis1> wayland's supposed to be protocols
<drakonis1> not really a implmentation
<drakonis1> weston fulfills that
<Arahael> I should play with Wayland on nix.
<andi-> samueldr: yeah thats what I meant... they are just register key presses while an $element is style like a text area but actually is something else.. syntax highlighting and such are proably to blame
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<andi-> It is well past bed time..
<andi-> Good night! :-)
<{^_^}> Night!
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<colemickens> Arahael: if you're a tiling WM user, you might be interested in https://github.com/colemickens/nixpkgs-wayland
<Arahael> colemickens: It's a long todo list. :(
<Arahael> But thanks for the tip!
<colemickens> Doing nixy things for a few hours: https://www.twitch.tv/atheistoast IF you're lucky I'll flash api keys ;)
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<gchristensen> oh cool, what kind of nixy things?
<gchristensen> colemickens:
<colemickens> Well, coffee shop drama happened and I'm back offline, but was going to try to fix my overlay being used with 18.09 and then start pulling the Kata and Containerd stuff into my new nixpkgs-kubernetes overlay.
<colemickens> And if lucky, try to build chromiumDev with wayland support on a packet machine :)
<gchristensen> super cool :)
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<joepie91> (about software dev and tribalism)
<gchristensen> ya but my tools are better than the other ones
<joepie91> I don't even disagree that some tools are better than others; or rather, some tools are objectively crap :P
<joepie91> but... arguments, people!
<gchristensen> oh I meant just cus they're _my_ tools
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<elvishjerricco> Linux on DEX is pretty much exactly what I want for the new iPad. But android hardware is so far behind in performance...
<samueldr> my biggest peeve with all the "security" around hardware: can't run your own stuff >:|
<samueldr> (and then, when abandoned by the manufaturer, landfill-fodder)
<gchristensen> the "do it anyway" switch on the chromebooks is nice
<samueldr> yes
<samueldr> as far as I'm concerned, that team has the right idea
<samueldr> upstream everything, keep things open, without reducing security
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<elvishjerricco> Why can't I use `strace -f` on NixOS?
<elvishjerricco> Ultimately I'm trying to strace NixOps, but I'm being blocked by the fact that it's a wrapper script, so I don't see past the execve into the wrapper.
<elvishjerricco> Disregard. I was accidentally strace'ing an strace :P Which I guess isn't allowed or something?
<joepie91> today's yak to shave for me is building a window manager
<joepie91> because that is a totally reasonable yak to have for a project
<joepie91> >.>
<joepie91> (a browser-based one, no less)
<samueldr> 90% sure you already know about that https://golden-layout.com/
<samueldr> dunno if useful
<joepie91> samueldr: yeah, aware of it, not useful for my usecase
<samueldr> (never used it or had a use for it, yet)
<samueldr> :)
<joepie91> it's also not that integratable with other things
<joepie91> bit of a maintenance nightmare
<joepie91> I *am* using flexlayout for another project, similar concept but a React-y thing
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<joepie91> hit green button, drag windows, resize windows, drop them in the sidebars, etc.
<joepie91> that's what I'm working on :P
<joepie91> (I am aware that you cannot drag them back out of the sidebars yet, still working on that)
<samueldr> (they can be dragged around by any mouse button)
<samueldr> including the "back" mouse button if yours has such a button
<samueldr> though, looks like it works :)
<joepie91> oh yeah, plenty of bugs to iron out
<joepie91> samueldr: honestly most of my time so far has been in getting this to perform acceptably
<colemickens> What's the opposite of "a domain of X"?
<colemickens> maybe "y.com is the more base-domain of x.y.com"
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<simpson> 'x' is the domain-logarithm of 'x.y.com'
<joepie91> lol
* simpson maybe joking
<colemickens> I don't necessary mean the second level though, just one less. "a.b.c.d.com" -> "b.c.d.com" rather than "d.com".
<colemickens> "domain logrithm" lol
<simpson> Oh, so like the domain-derivative. "The derivative of a.b.c.d.com (with respect to 'a') is b.c.d.com"
<colemickens> there we go :)
<joepie91> higher-level domain?
<ekleog> the parent in the domain hierarchy?
<joepie91> ah yeah, parent domain
<colemickens> it's so obvious now :/
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<colemickens> there have been as many packets over my wireguard interface today as over my ssh port
<colemickens> but I don't use my wireguard setup. maybe time to rotate keys
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<endformationage> simpson: A couple weeks ago you mentioned the Habitat Chronicles article 'What are Capabilities?'. After reading it, I of course ended up on a reading binge of many things capsec related.
<endformationage> One of these, detailed the COAST architectural style - http://isr.uci.edu/content/coast-dynamic-secure-demand-services
<endformationage> I am wondering if you're familiar with it?
<endformationage> I have made my way through most of the disertation detailing the architecture, and it mentions E as part of the historical context from which it's inspired.
<simpson> Interesting. No, but I'm sharing it with #erights.
<endformationage> In short, it makes security a driving force of the architecture, embedding computation exchange in object-capabilities infrastructure.
<simpson> Nifty stuff.
<endformationage> It has a reference implementation called Motile/Island, with a number of examples.
<simpson> Very cool. It's always neat to learn about other capability-aware languages. I work on Monte, a relatively direct descendant of E: https://monte.readthedocs.io/
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<elvishjerricco> Anyone else experience terrible indentation with nix-mode since upgrading to 18.09? Opening a bracket or paren or anything of the sort *always* changes indentation of the current line when I never want it.
<sphalerite> elvishjerricco: apparently there's a non-default indent function that works better. idk myself though.
<elvishjerricco> sphalerite: I tried changing it to indent-relative, since that one basically does nothing fancy. But didn't seem to take effect for some reason. Don't really know anything about emacs though, so I have no idea if I did it right :P
<sphalerite> me neither, sorry :p
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<ldlework> elvishjerricco: emacs?
<elvishjerricco> ldlework: Yea
<ldlework> elvishjerricco: i thought i fixed nix-mode and that the changes were merged long ago
<sphalerite> maybe those changes are what "broke" it? :D
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* ldlework shrugs
<infinisil> Ugh.. nixpkgs having non-backwards compatible changes annoys me more and more
<__monty__> nixpkgs, or packages in nixpkgs?
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<infinisil> nixpkgs itself