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<colemickens> This pine64 person hacked me and now I'm missing money ?! (not really, but PBP pre-orders are open!)
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<patagonicus> Do I need another laptop? No. Do I want a PBP? Yes. Sigh.
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<patagonicus> My additional HC2s have arrived. Second one is already online and the first one uses it as a remote builder. :D The other two should be easy enough to add, but I probably should do some actual work instead …
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<kahiru> how are the hc2s? I;m starting to lean towards getting one or two
<patagonicus> I like them, although I don't have much to compare them to. Haven't really looked at performance too much, so far I've only used a spare SSD with one of them, but soon I'll put in some old HDDs to pull off some data and then I'll start getting new, bigger HDDs.
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<patagonicus> But I have a lot to configure first - monitoring, wireguard, automatic upgrades, automatic unlock (basically I want each machine to check if any other machine is currently waiting in stage1 for LUKS and then automatically unlock it so I can have unattended upgrades of the kernel), …
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<patagonicus> I also want the reboots after an upgrade to only happen if all three other machines are up.
<patagonicus> And I haven't even tried anything with Gluster yet.
<kahiru> sounds cool
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<patagonicus> It's a really nice project and I've already learned a lot about Nix, NixOS and nixpkgs. :)
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<kahiru> I'd probably just use it to host storage for other sbcs
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<patagonicus> My main use case is storage for backups & a few random things as well as just playing around with a cluster.
<patagonicus> So I'm also not really concerned with performance, but I'll do some tests with mainline and Hardkernel kernel just to see if there's a difference.
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<AmandaC> Nice, figured out how to produce custom options.json for my custom nixos/nix-darwin modules: https://gitlab.darkdna.net/amanda/nix/-/blob/master/modules/common/common.nix#L19-29
<AmandaC> Whops, meant to send that to #nixos
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<clever> [2/66/218 built (1 failed), 173 copied (658.8 MiB)] building bash-completion-2.10 on ssh://builder@system76.localnet: test/t/test_sum.py .. [ 73%]
<clever> sphalerite: ack, it hadnt built yet!!
<clever> samueldr: oops, wrong s name, heh
<clever> builder for '/nix/store/8xqazcc13pisnd9j8nkcgif0minqgiwy-bash-completion-2.10.drv' failed with exit code 1; last 10 log lines:
<clever> yep, still fails
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