android-kernel/config.aarch64 comes from the PR you linked
we'll probably need to make one for mainline, based off that blueline_defconfig
because we need to tweak options
OR, introduce partial configs
so we can compose them
partial configs surely would be better in the end
* colemickens
adds to list
make[3]: *** No rule to make target '/nix/store/9nza2zs0xal07h1anxi2qn4sd45j0q8l-linux-5.8.0-rc4-mainline-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/dtbs/5.8.0-rc4-mainline/hisilicon/hi3660-hikey960.dtb', needed by '__dtbs_install'. Stop.
* samueldr
restarts, only building the bluecross dtb
oh and the pass through part, ha, ok
it's more of a convenience thing
note that cable length may be important up to your serial dongle
(and still, DO order those passthrough breakout adapters, they're helpful!)
long cables from my breakout to the FTDI didn't work
but short did
here, long was the length that was already on a known-good serial adapter
short is ~3"
(a bit less than 10cm for the other kind of people)
though the author of that repo (the android debug cable howto) didn't have issues with longer cables
it might be because of the specific breakout board too
it wouldn't surprise me that the cheap one harms signal integrity
if the pixel 3 is like the pixel 2 (likely to be) you should have serial output during the boot up too
like from the UEFI before even ABL is running
my ft232 still has a jumper on rxd/txd from when I got it, which I think is for testing; I think it must've been on the first time I tried to do something with it? oh dear.
I think it's expected that you set it between two values to setup the "voltage" level on that "not-ground-not-tx-not-rx" cable
or pin, here
or maybe for setting whether it's 5V or 3.3V
a comment on sparkfun says "The quickest and easiest way to make sure everything is working is to do a TX/RX loop-back. To do this, insert a jumper wire between TX and RX. Anything that is transmitted from the TX pin will be echoed back to the RX pin."
makes sense too
weird, I definitely flashed esphome devices with this, I must've taken it off and put it back on. Regardless. This is fun, I'll be setup soon to test it out.
Were you doing a build? It sorta seemed like you'd made a smidge of progress or were trying something else?
yeah, looking at how to get your dtb built
I think I'm 1 or 2 builds to having it
obviously I won't be able to boot it :)
I'll be curious to see what steps you're doing. I don't really know what that entails at all :|
"get your dtb built" is magic to be right now :)
I think you know what a dtb is, at least at the higher level, right?
well, the proper name is FDT, .dtb is the extension for an FDT
vaguely that a device tree describes some sort of "how to access hardware" usually for arm type devices
if I'm giving my honest, without googling it rough understanding
I think it should be sufficient
"It is derived from the IBM OpenFirmware specifications and has been chosen as the default mechanism to pass low-level hardware information from the bootloader to the kernel."
so basically the godawful way they chose to do this is not to have it be part of the hardware it describes
but somehow part of the operating system build
and you need to have it loaded *somehow*
AFAIUI linux can load a dtb that is appended to a kernel "image" (including zipped image)
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dtbs_install should, in theory, just build all dtbs and install them
but for some reason an unrelated board won't build
so I looked in the git history, found out the name of the dts (device tree source), and am trying to `make ` it
so Image.gz-dtb is Image.gz with the (built?) dtb stuck on the end?
ok ok
with "OEM kernels", it's generally a step that's part of the make isntructions
since you build a kernel for a specific device
with mainline, it could be a generic kernel
and that's where my knowledge is a vague intuition
that it's appended somehow external to the build
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tilpner_ is now known as tilpner
So, as an aside and checking my understanding, are you not having this with PBP? Does it not use mainline? Or it just does the dtbs_install process and works as expected?
good question!
it can be provided through other means
one of them is in a bios-like fashion at a well-known address
in theory it should have been that the bios provides it and everyone's happy
but the kernel team decided they are gatekeepers of device trees (probably because some of poor quality)
so the "bios" needs to load what the kernel wants, for the kernel, in that well-known location
for most ARM SBCs it's u-boot that does that
if you look into our extlinux.conf files, it sets FDTDIR, which u-boot knows to look for $board_name at the right location (oversimplified) and it loads it at the well-known memory address
so for the pixel3 do you lean on the Android bootloader then?
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I think I get that. On PBP, you build the bootloader, so you need to put the dtb in it so it cna stick it in memory for the kernel to read?
well, you're kinda forced to lean on ABL
(ABL being the UEFI android bootloader)
Also when I plug/unplugged the last time my wireless mouse stopped working until I replugged its usb reciver.
I am convinced linux's usb stack is badly buggy
it flashes bootloader_b and then turns around 10 seconds later and says it doesn't exist. that's not a bad usb connection. that's technology gaslighting me