<antifuchs> hm, not sure I asked this before, but what's the best way to pin a specific nixpkgs version? I'm using niv to pin all my other deps, would love to use it to pin nixpkgs, as well
<antifuchs> should I just set `nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides` to a function that returns my niv'd nixpkgs?
<antifuchs> huh, yeah, that's it, I think!
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<Mic92> antifuchs: nix flakes can do it for you, this is considered experimental for now, but will become the goto solution in future. You can also set your NIX_PATH with entries from niv in your configuration.nix.
<Mic92> I am not a heavy darwin-nix user, but I suppose their should be a similar mechanism for macOS.
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<adelbertc> how do ir eference.. an "existing overlay" like https://github.com/nix-community/emacs-overlay in my (non-NixOS) system (macOS)? I dump my own overlays in `~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/` but I don't know how I would reference the Emacs one?
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<aterius> You could do something like this
<aterius> echo "import (builtins.fetchTarball {
<aterius> })" >> $HOME/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/emacs.nix
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