
<foldingcookie> I guess making a subdir in /var/cache is fine, and I should let nix know about it, probably by doing something like those services
<Lisanna> some boost dependency got added that isn't available normally or something... hrmph


<Sonarpulse> Lisanna: I was thinking of populating that via users.users.<other-user>.buildSshPubKey or something
<Lisanna> sorry, I mean, something that will build Nix if I give it a fetchFromGitHub
<kini> (I understand if it's still too experimental to be documented, just thought I'd ask in case I'm missing something)
<samueldr> it's entirely possible it's fixable, but I don't know either how qtwebkit stuff works, and how qutebrowser is packaged, though, that's something you can explore in the future if/when you explore packaging and fixing stuff :)
<clever> ottidmes: you can also view them with `nixops export | jq something`
<ThatPako> Does NixOS ship with openssl or am I able to install something like libressl too?
<ottidmes> clever: Hmm, that would work, something to keep in mind whenever I find the need to do something like that :)
<clever> something is obviously broken
<infinisil> Wait isn't there a feature to remap key codes? I think I read something like this in the xkb manual
<gchristensen> clever: I mean like pressing something-f1 turns on fans at full speed. you mentioned a whole mess of things about it.
<ottidmes> I did not find this intuitive: nix ping-store --store ssh://mac1, why the --store, or is --store more general or something? (not that familiar yet with nix 2.0)
<MagnificentPako> I think it cleared my clipboard or something
<clever> MagnificentPako: try something simple, just enable xfce and see what happens
<ryantm> foobar__: It is more helpful though if you say why you think something is terrible.
<foobar__> tilpner: i.e. something that perhaps even copies my entire homedir such that I can test things in isolation.
<sphalerite> I think yo ucan also confugire it using xrandrHeads or something
<coconnor> fearlessKim[m]: in your case that would be something like that shell.nix but with an override for the zlib buildDepends
<infinisil> MagnificentPako: Well that's just something to back up in general, nix doesn't touch it
<clever> kitemikaze: something has to be added to the boot.initrd.availableKernelModules to give it access to the rootfs
<mojjo> hi! I'm having a very strange issue on my nixos system since a few days: Whenever I copy something inside chromium (either ctrl+c or with the mouse) I immediately get the 'Aw, Snap... something went wrong page'. The chromium log tells me this ugly message http://lpaste.net/363688 .. Does anyone have a suggestion for me? Usually I'd just re-install the browser, but this is not really possible in nixos..
<disasm> kandinski: I haven't played with it but there's something else called disnix that can deploy services to non-nixos systems.
<angerman> infinisil: and I would need it to work sufficiently close to what `nix-build` ends up instantiating, to figure out why something broke.
<infinisil> This is something a nix debugger or language analyzer could provide
<infinisil> Hm yeah, but that's kind of on the meta-nix level, not something the language should provide
<angerman> infinisil: so I ended up writing something like: traceShowValWithLocation = attr: x: let pos = builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos attr x; in lib.debug.traceShowValMarked "${pos.file}:${toString pos.line}:${toString pos.column}" x
<kandinski> so apparently my nixos-install process is compiling chromium from source. Is there something I could have done so binaries were downloaded instead?
<disasm> kandinski: so, if you're a devops person, you'll love nixos. There's just something beautiful about your package manager, OS and deployment tool (nixops) all using the same syntax that's just beautiful.
<disasm> hariel: I think you can do something like sudo nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-18.03 nixpre and then install nixpre.neovim
<hariel> <some nix command> being something line 'nix-env -i neovim'?
<ryantm> gchristensen: Something seems up with evaluations
<MichaelRaskin> Are there any source mirrors that would call it something not containing wabt?
<boomshroom> Oh right, it's not a script, it's nix-store --something


<boomshroom> Something seems VERY wrong.
<clever> so you need to name it something else
<boomshroom> Could it have something to do with trying to run nix repl as arm?
<boomshroom> Can I use something like makeWrapper to wrap a binary as a derivation?
<clever> tilpner: you just need to be carefull when the foreign binary is something ldd can be ran on
<srhb> Yeah, okay, something's wrong there..
<srhb> OK, I think something went wrong with the proposed changes to release.nix in that PR.
<tfc[m]> clever: one moment. i can do that, but i found out something different. if i put "hostname \n user bla" (instead of giving it a hostname alias) into my ssh config, then it seems to fail differently. now it says it can't find nix-store
<symphorien> iirc it something along the lines of binutils_unwrapped
<leotaku> sorry for repeating myself, but does anyone here know how one should package ruby/rake programmes? I do not programm in ruby myself, so I might be missing something really obvious.
<Slabity> I'd prefer not writing a whole file for something that small
<foldingcookie> still seems very strange for a search to take that long, though... it's just scanning a list, not running a SAT solver or something?
<robstr_> when pressing _copy to clipboard_ inside chromium for example on github, I just receive "Aw, Snap! something went wrong while displaying .." did someone see this too ?
<clever> nh2[m]: i dont think there is, but you can use something like the wrapped i gave, to just make a symlink at any path pointing to any path
<nh2[m]> I want something like this, but that makes a symlink to `${pkgs.elasticsearch}/config/somefile` instead of writing a file contents
<srid> I'd have thought that readFile should automatically trigger a new build, but maybe I'm missing something
<hlolli> does someone have a nix config for forcing num-lock to be always enabled, and the num-lock key disabled (or function as something else)
<jluttine> is there something like lua.withPackages? i'd need to add some lua dependencies to my weechat closure
<ottidmes> LnL: So it is in the release candidate phase or something :P
<clacke[m]> Maybe it should be calling every lambda until it lands in something not a lambda
<boomshroom> tobiasBora: Got it. It will hold onto packages that build completely, but if something built and a test failed, then it will rebuild it again.
<boomshroom> Static compilation was what I looked for at first as well, before realizing that static compilation was just one way to bootstrap and bootstrapping was what I really wanted. Something similar to that script was offered to me when I asked about it.


<ottidmes> joepie91: Nice to know that they now support wildcard certificates, I did not know. You make a good point in your post, something to keep in mind :)
<Synthetica> Can't you do something like set /bin/sh as init script in grub/systemd-boot to get a root shell?
<boomshroom> Which is something I can say only because this is NixOS. :D
<elvishjerricco> hariel: I think the default display manager is SLiM. On top of that being obsolete (i.e. you should switch to something like lightdm), you have to press F1 to choose the right session
<kini> am I doing something wrong?
<neonfuz> isn't there a cli flag or something to do a "more pure" nix build?
<hariel> is there something else i have to set before including vista-fonts
<reber> something goes wrong ...
<clever> slabity[m]: what about something simple like `nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A hello --arg config '{}'`
<johnhamelink[m]> Ralith: I suspect its something to do with the fact I installed termite as a package for my user as opposed to installing it globally (by adding to `users.users.john.packages`)
<srhb> reber: With nix 2.0 you'd do something like... nix run -f https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/commithash.tar.gz firefox
<gchristensen> I don't plan to ever build something to merge a PR which hasn't been looked at
<clever> tobiasBora: something like this i think
<CrazedProgrammer> is there a way i can add the lz4 package to the PATH when compiling the kernel without modifying something in the nixpkgs tree? i want to compress the kernel image with lz4 but after a long process of compiling the kernel it fails because the program `lz4c` is not found. i tried adding pkgs.lz4 to nativeBuildPackages in the override but it did not
<gammarray> is that something i can do for just chromium or would that remove all my other customizations?
<ottidmes> Synthetica: Do you need to do anything special to make that work? I am already using a big portion of xfce applications. I assume I have to add pkgs.xfce.xfce4settings? And then just start whatever executable is associated with that at boot or something?
<srid> once i rebound my xmonad quit keybinding to something else. then i realized i had no way to quit xmonad. ended up killing lightdm in order to exit x session
<Myrl-saki> clever: Thanks, I have something that you might like. :3
<kolb> So I am trying to install hydra, and it tries and fails to compile something along the way? https://gist.github.com/eugeneia/3ceed450b64249f87bc4fc62bdbba6a5
<Myrl-saki> Expect something in.. mmm. 10 mins?
<Myrl-saki> Does mkDerivation do something that the $out/share disappears?
<clever> ottidmes: ah, if you set something like nix.maxJobs = 0; then it just never builds locally
<Yaniel> but something else that was conected when you installed maybe
<silver_hook> It would surprise me if there wasn’t something like that already in there.
<elvishjerricco> I think there's an environment variable or something you can set to choose one of them for Nix.
<Meizikyn> is this something implemented by NixOS?
<ottidmes> abathur: I believe, echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk, should have made it shut up about it within the login shell, but I did not dare continuing at the time, with clearly something being amiss
<ottidmes> abathur: I loved the fix, "disabled IRQ #7" (or something) "nobody cares" :P
<ottidmes> but would tell you something at least
<tobiasBora> I think to remember that I need to do something for that
<Guanin> So I have a list ["foo" "bar" "baz"] and want to build something like "foo" = {something = "/path/foo";}, "bar" = {something = "/path/bar";} and so on
<Guanin> can someone help me setting up snapper? services.snapper.configs requires something like "name" = {some = "set";};, but I want to use map to build multiple similar configs
<MichaelRaskin> If you try to do something, please do it in a place with a different power source…


<MichaelRaskin> Then, just like Nixpkgs imports python-packages separately then inherits some stuff from there, system config could import nixpkgs and inherit something
<MichaelRaskin> Configuration mostly uses super, unless it does want to define something and reuse it.
<infinisil> shlevy: Yeah, that's something I've been thinking about for a bit longer now
<shlevy> infinisil: So something like "global editor support" makes sense to be available in a global namespace somehow
<ottidmes> infinisil: But if you were to share your module, it will be clearly one of yours, but I guess it is easy enough to modify if you plan to share something
<disasm> Meizikyn: it's not abstracted enough in nixos/modules/system/boot/systemd-nspawn.nix -- you'd need to pull request an attribute for extraServiceOptions or something.
<disasm> infinisil: yeah, I have something similar except use `profile.something`
<clever> the raw directions telling nix-daemon how to build something
<Myrl-saki> Basically, I need something to feed to nix-copy=closure.
<infinisil> sean__: something like `overlays = [ (self: super: { hello = super.hello.overrideAttrs (old: { src = fetchurl { ... }; }) ]`
<LnL> yeah using --max-freed 1m or something is pretty handy to get out of inode/disk space problems
<clever> infinisil: your read cache may wind up claiming something that is false, because your un-aware of writes another machine did
<Judson> If I want to pin a revision/tag of nixpkgs for a nix-shell, the way to do that is to do a separate checkout, right? There's not a clever NIXPATH thing or something?
<ottidmes> clever: About the rebuild trigger, I meant call something _only_ on rebuild, so not at start as well, for which I can think a few uses cases
<ottidmes> boomshroom: Just set the shell of the user you SSH with to something other than nologin and the error should be fixed: useDefaultShell = true; for example
<clever> boomshroom: what happens if you try to manually run something like `ssh user@host nix-store --version`
<ottidmes> clever: How does wanting to run something on (re)build leads to re-inventing Hydra?
<ottidmes> clever: I find it a pity that there is no, "activate on build" equivalent that only runs on rebuild, I was thinking about that when I mentioned activationScript, I suppose you could add something to activationScripts to check for this
<clever> though you will also need to update those roots any time something like openssl changes
<mjacob> clever: so what happens if i usually run my system with only the declarative way and then install something with nix-env?
<mjacob> how are the declarative system configuration and nix-env related? this is something i never quite got when using nix.
<sphalerite> infinisil: because it's not really that great. No way to remove something from systemPackages for instance. Confusing/hard-to-debug cases of infinite recursion. Lack of actual modularity
<elvishjerricco> infinisil: Yea. I don't think we'd actually want actual home-manager rolled in. A minimal version of something much like it though
<sphalerite> personally I hope we'll eventually move away from the module system and get something better for home-manager as well
<instantepiphany> `export HOME=/path/to/project/.state` or something
<clever> instantepiphany: nix-env will only obey that if you do something like `nix-env -f nixpkgs.nix -iA hello`
<bgamari-> pbogdan, indeed, I also stumbled upon that and it seems to do something useful
<sphalerit> LnL: as opposed to a chroot store which still uses /nix/store but within something else
<barrucadu> Is there a way to set an environment variable from the command-line for nix-build? I have a project which runs tests against an externally hosted API, so I'd like to be able to do something like 'API_TOKEN=... nix-build'
<fadenb> Is this something one should worry about? Can not remember ever having seen that before
<elvishjerricco> Huh. Same reordering... Something must be up with my client
<ij> sphalerite, 45 secs even if something'd changed
<Lisanna> where arguments is something like [ "arg1" "arg2" ] and fn is (args: ...)
<sphalerite> in that case maybe make them wantedBy = [ "networking.target" ]; or something
<clever> dtz: oh, but i have been thinking of something similar to your idea
<shikiryogy> Hi guys, I can't quite get, how to install something from: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/beam-packages.nix
<dtz> said another way we all "know" that often what our computers execute is sub-optimal but lack the ability to easily take advantage of it or do something about it
<kaychaks> with nix 2.0 I am seeing the error `Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates` whenever am trying to install something. I've got a MITM certificate as being inside a corporate env. With Nix versions < 2.0 this never was a problem as I've got a `~/.curlrc` file with `insecure` flag in it. What changed and how can I get the same thing with nix 2.0.
<thoughtpolice> What I really wanted was something like: `f = path: obj: lib.getAttrFromPath (lib.splitString "." path) obj`
<hakujin> I want to do something that I assume is incorrect: I want to run a derivation only for side effects, because it's convenient for my hydra setup. I want to call `nix-copy-closure` from within a shell derivation but it doesn't have access to the local nix store. is there a hacky way around this?
<hakujin> I want to do something that I assume is incorrect: I want to run a derivation only for side effects, because it's convenient for my hydra setup. I want to call `nix-copy-closure` from within a shell derivation but it doesn't have access to the local nix store. is there a hacky way around this?
<timokau[m]> `unpackPhase = "true"` or something, then no src will be required


<hlolli> }; I somehow expected those kind of experiment to produce syntax errors or something.
<roconnor> aristid: did you have to generate keys with SSL or something?
<infinisil> sphalerite: Pool degraded, one of the devices is offline, something like that
<sphalerite> ottidmes: it usually prefers the remote builders over building locally so at least *something* should build remotely
<sphalerite> aristid: or go with something nonfree
<hlolli> I'm getting unable to open display ":0.0" after connecting with networkmanager via wpa_supplicant and dhclient. I wonder if this is connected to my /etc/hosts but I have networking.hostname="localhost"; in my config.nix, am I missing something?
<Myrl-saki> My ghcjs is compiling something, and god knows what the hell it's trying to compile.
<srhb> Baughn: I mostly use something other than nixops too.
<clever> roconnor: something in your profile had qt-base in the propagated-user-env-packages
<roconnor> interesting. it does claim I have something in my most recent personal profile.
<clever> niksnut: that is something i wrote last week
<Yaniel> although I'd rather go for something like a game or level viewer
<stphrolland> infinisil: trying to understand linux better, trying do something useful in OpenGL for learning... and let's see. Maybe improving the existing or making my own. No plans, just code, learn and see.
<etu> aminechikhaoui: You could define a date as version of the package but still use a revision for what to clone, it's a bit nicer to see how old something is
<Lisanna> figured it was something like that
<clever> something must have changed
<clever> then you need to enable something
<hyper_ch> hmmm, did something change with spice-gtk? I get: USB redirection error: cloud not redirect ....: Failed to execute child process "/nix/store.....-spice-gtk-0.3.4/bin/spice-client/glib-usb-acl-helper" (no such file or directory)
<makefu> i also saw something like creating a default.nix in this folder with the import 'import <nixpkgs>' as contents
<dtz> too big for hydra, I rem seeing something re:that other day
<Lisanna> boomshroom you're a mac user and complaining about something being expensive?
<boomshroom> infinisil: It probably had something to do with the fact that the configuration was still based on btrfs.
<Lisanna> jakeLand something something overlays
<infinisil> Lisanna: Oh, actually nixpkgs/nixos does something like this, hold on
<boomshroom> clever: That explains why it didn't get very much action. I either installed something on my user, or through configuration.nix.
<samueldr> the weirdest part for me is how it cut off something *not* at the last char earlier on
<samueldr> though, since you said that you've seen that happen previously, could it be something else than newlines? only that now we're using the bot more often, it happens more often?
<Acou_Bass> eyy folks, just a quick question - lets say i have two channels in my user profile, so ive done nix-channel --add urltonixos-17.09 nixpkgs, AND nix-channel --add urltonixos-unstable unstable... if i want to install something from unstable, is it just a case of nix-env -iA unstable.packagename... and then if i want it from stable, nix-env -iA nixpkgs.packagename?
<clever> yeah, something sometimes doesnt work right with that in the binary cache


<rawtaz> is kexec usually enabled though? is it something one can enable on an existing system without rebooting it or similar?
<rawtaz> which in a way is too bad, cuz then it's harder to establish which one should be focused on :) i think it's good to have it based on something like calamares as that's a good foundation. but surely clever's has some good sides too
<rawtaz> manveru: not to any relevant degree im afraid. mostly c++ on arduino lately, and its not something i fancy at all :>
<rawtaz> mm well i probably wont touch PRs. if i do something, it's likely going to be polishing some parts of the documentation as i go along and try to give some input in some issue(s), and if i were to do anything advanced it would just be with issues for starters. PRs is a different beast
<MichaelRaskin> rawtaz: by the way, if you start doing something nontrivial about triage of PRs and issues, you could want to start with old entries by Nixpkgs members.
<rawtaz> if it's done, the message should probably include something like "If unsure, please try to reproduce the issue again using the latest version." as well. and it should be done after the next stable release, of course
<rawtaz> MichaelRaskin: what do you think about: automate adding a comment to all open issues older than X days, something like "Is this issue still relevant? If it's been resolved, or is no longer relevant, please close it. This is part of an effort to clean up lingering issues."
<rvolosatovs> lexokay: can you give some pointers on how to do that? Can I something like `mkinitcpio`?
<manveru> https://hastebin.com/uxumibukig.js something like that
<MichaelRaskin> rawtaz: well, there are process issues in the sense of how to review PRs to minimise the risk of truly bad changes ever getting in, reasonably manage the risk of breakage, and still Do Something about the backlog accumulation.
<rawtaz> hmm. is there any specific reason other than "noone did it" that there's no installation program in nixos? i mean something that is graphical OR curses based and that can help the user with the basics, such as partitioning/disks/filesystems, perhaps networking, and of course the default/basic configuration before installation?
<boomshroom> I beleive apt-get and pacman have something similar where apt-get --update and pacman -Sy update the repos and apt-get --upgrade and pacman -Su installs.
<fendor> clever, what does that do exactly? adding new tools and packages or something like that?
<fendor> k, then something is weird, because i am on nixos
<samueldr> if anyone sees something screwy with the github messages through {^_^}, tell me
<psychon_> earldouglas: I proposed a single fix for nixpkgs some months ago and that single commit got me 94 mails so far... "a little noisy" is something else :-(
<bkchr> hmm, fast seems to do something
<clever> gchristensen: something i saw when i went to ase2017, is that the absolute value of tests isnt very meaningfull, the difference is
<monotux> trying to make a nftable portforward to work as expected but obviously missing something. https://hastebin.com/yadeducito.pl
<psychon_> <gchristensen> is hydra going to send all this mail again when it is fixed <- I already have one of those for something with "hardened" and "v4l2loopback" in its job name
<h30[m]> I remember encountering something similar and the `dotspacemacs-excluded-packages '(exec-path-from-shell)` approach worked for me
<clever> schmittlauch_: i'm looking for something else in the mount output
<Ankhers> Is there something wrong with hyrda notifications? I seem to be getting dependency failed notifications for packages I do not maintain.
<aristid> it seems there is something wrong with the nix in nixpkgs:
<tsmeets> Why did I get around 21 mails today about failed hydra jobs? Did something big break?
<clever> so you need to override something sooner, not later
<vidbina> clever: thanks... the runHook is executed before the shellHook but I need to set up the symlink after the last line of shellHook which states `exec ${chroot-user} ${init "bash"} "$(pwd)"` otherwise I have no symlink permissions into root, right? Am I misunderstanding the setup or trying to do something that is bad practice?!?
<Myrl-saki> joepie91: I don't use Haskell for applications, so I haven't tinkered with the RTS, but basically, from what I understand, the RTS is what "manages" the Haskell program, something along the lines of the CLR with .NET applications, I think?
<isHavvy> boomshroom: I already tried convincing the Redox person when they first started out to use Nix natively for package management, and they wanted to do something different, so *shrug*.
<Smithx10> am i missing something
<clever> Smithx10: but you could for example, store all of that in a database, and then replace boot.php with something that looks config up in a DB
<Smithx10> clever: is there any UI / for managing systems? Or is that something I'd have to write
<clever> Smithx10: id use something more like the ramboot in netboot_server for that
<infinisil> Using nixos all the time to be able to rollback, then when something bad happens for once it doesn't work lol
<infinisil> Well damn, something is messed up badly with zfs on my nixos server
<Dezgeg> there's a package called sshpass or something that allows entering the password from a file
<Laboon3k> Something like "permission denied"
<dgpratt> clever, infinisil I suppose that is something I should put in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix ?
<Smithx10> is there something I'm not setting on the pool?
<Lisanna> welp, even if this goes nowhere else, I've learned something today
<Lisanna> something is really fishy here... I don't even see it loading an ssh config
<clever> or something like that
<Lisanna> MichaelRaskin sorry, I meant, is unshare something I would run as part of the derivation's build?


<Lisanna> infinisil ...trying to run ssh in a nix build, to make a fetchScp or something like that
<tnks> I feel I'm missing something basic.
<manveru> Guanin: change https://gist.github.com/Amarandus/346724359d4d8bc3face269cdc96df8e#file-php-packages-nix-L519 this line to something like `name = "calibre-server";`
<MichaelRaskin> Yeah, I think I was cross-compiling to a eBook or something, and setting up everything OpenSSH wanted was just too much of a pain, and lsh worked with a finite number of yes-I-am-sure switches
<nix-noob> symphorien: Right. OK so I creating a venv with `nix-shell` but am still running into the problem where the library cannot be found. I am sure I am still doing something obviously wrong but don't see what. See here: http://lpaste.net/363400
<ottidmes> Unode: You are talking about patchelf in the context of rpath? If so, I guess you could use ldd and something like nix-locate/nix-index to automatically find the libs if they are already installed somewhere in your nix store
<ottidmes> Maybe I should use one of those editors I have installed to determine the offset and then just something like dd to append my modified config file with null padding
<infinisil> when you changed the version of something, update the hash to force a build, then correct the hash when it outputs that the hash mismatched
<infinisil> nix-noob: Just spam here, but don't paste it directly, use http://lpaste.net/ or something
<joepie91> Unode: so let me link you something 'funny'
<Lisanna> nix 2.0 doesn't seem to be picking up my extra channels from my NIX_PATH at all... I have /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels in my NIX_PATH, which contains all of my channels, but unless something is added with "channelname=/path/to/channel" in the NIX_PATH, nix build won't find it. Is this expected? Why isn't nix-channel adding them to my NIX_PATH if so?
<tomberek> infinisil_: thx, i thought i was doing something wrong
<tomberek> I thought I was doing something wrong with Hydra...... So the last thing I'm trying to do is establish declarative releases. Anyone have Hydra experience?
<Lisanna> maybe reword to something like: "x86_64-darwin skipped because 'yarp' does not instantiate on this system"
<Lisanna> nvm... they work on linux, must be something screwy with my darwin config
<Lisanna> Ugh... am I really stupid or something? I can't get a basic "nix build nixpkgs.hello" command to work ):
<infinisil_> MichaelRaskin: So something like an ast viewer
<boomshroom> MichaelRaskin infinisil: Michael is right. I mean something like the Ubuntu software center. A searchable list of packages where you can click on them to install and uninstall.
<MichaelRaskin> I think there was something in XUL
<Ralith> infinisil_: well, most python packages don't use make, so in the absence of cmake *something* is doing things differently
<nix-noob> Yaniel: Apologies if you're not the right person to direct this to, but I was looking at the `sha256` hash of `args`, which you directed me to, and it does not match the `sha256sum` of the `tar.gz` or the `.zip` file I downloaded of the v0.1.0 version release. Should I be running `sha256sum` against something else in order to verify the package hash?
<MichaelRaskin> blankhart: quotation is creating a constant literal with something inside that could be code but won't be evaluated; so antiquotation is declaring a part of the constant literal as something that does need evaluation
<clever> ottidmes: so nix doesnt know what files depended on something
<tomberek> nix-shell abides by propagatedBuildInputs and populates the PATH accordingly. nix-env does not seem to do so when installing the same package. Is this on purpose? is there something I'm missing?
<infinisil> gchristensen: Something like `find -name '*.nix' | xargs nix-instantiate --parse >/dev/null`?
<MichaelRaskin> Something like «not meta.available» → OK, failure to instantiate on master → OK, failure to instantiate on branch with meta.available true — failure to instantiate as a separate notion
<BlessJah> lejonet: it's hown as /dev/ipmi0 or something like that
<clever> ottidmes: so there must be a store path inside the file, or your doing something else a bit off
<ottidmes> clacke[m]: Hmm, they actually do exist, that was unexpected, but when I rename them to something random, still getting the error, thanks for thinking along! I will just have to debug this further
<MichaelRaskin> I treat list-of-networks as a file that just lives under VCS, not something immutable, of course.
<obadz> MichaelRaskin: maybe you know something others don't, but when I saw globin using wpa_supplicant, I felt it required a lot of knowledge that one only ever uses very infrequently… that seems hard as knowledge fades away if not used frequently. nmtui however…
<MichaelRaskin> We-ell. Step one. Instead of GUI you look into the wpa_supplicant.conf.example shipped with wpa_supplicant, step two, replace the values with something that matches the local network
<lassulus> vidbina: maybe you want to run something like `proot -b $SOME_PATH_IN_HOME:/workdir` inside your shellHook?
<ryantm> vonpost: hmm, yeah, qtwebengine is something called "qtModule"
<tnks> ryantm: I almost feel like there's something about Git usage that I'm mistaken about.


<ryantm> I also added something linking to the source code of the update tools, because people keep asking about it, and maybe they can complain there if it makes a mistake.
<ottidmes> people have to point out that they have done something anyway because most people ignore them I think, then it is just as easy to post a link if it is interesting to others
<ottidmes> boomshroom: There is this termux app on Android that is its own little ecosystem with a package manager that has a really small subset of some popular Ubuntu packages, so something similar for Nix should be doable on Android I guess
<Lisanna> so nix-channel would need to have support added to read NIX_CURL_FLAGS or something
<ottidmes> fearlessKim[m]: Probably something like this: function = mkOptionType { name = "function"; description = "function"; check = isFunction; merge = mergeOneOption; };
<das-g[m]> Hmm ... that's nice for persistent projects, but for ad-hoc usage I was hoping for something like
<electrocat> hey, question, if i write a derivation that builds something with gcc, gcc becomes a dependency, how do i make sure only gcc-libs and glibc and the likes stay runtime dependencies?
<infinisil> So something like the module system, but a lot more powerful
<infinisil> shlevy: your adt library is really nice though! I thought about implementing something like this too some time ago, Nix's syntax is suprisingly well fit for interacting with adt's
<ottidmes> infinisil: Is that a bug though? It matches the description, you either give something that is of the type that should be coerced, or you give something of the final type
<tpanum> error: stack overflow (possible infinite recursion)'. Is it a known issue? (or something wrong with my config)
<boomshroom> Hmm... Something seems fishy about that line.
<Lisanna> Yeah, I don't think creating temporary directories in /run is a great idea, since it's a tmpfs, so anything that a normal process would expect to be able to do in a temporary directory (like create big files) will fail when run in a nix-shell or a nix-build. Apparently from what I've heard, this isn't something that other distros do either.
<mutantmell> if I have something to contribute, I'll push a PR
<jtojnar> should not "mv *" error with something like last is not a directory?
<clever> ah, then youll want something more like hydra
<boomshroom> clever: Something that does the other thing I want to do (install nix in an unprileged chroot)?
<boomshroom> Note to self, if something is highlighted, check what kind of file it is before sending it. It might be a symlink.
<boomshroom> FYI, I used something like `tar -cf nix-arm.tar.gz $(nix-store -q --references result)`
<djahandarie> If there's any useful docs someone could point me to on the procedure to get something into nixpkgs, that'd be lovely
<djahandarie> I guess the alternative would be to patch the python to do something more supported, though I'm not sure there is anything more supported than LoadLibrary
<ryantm> boomshroom: my coworker made his own tiny version of something like nixpkgs to do cross-platform static linking https://github.com/pololu/nixcrpkgs
<cstrahan> ... and yet I don't get that sort of error when I do something equally ridiculous for enableHardening
<cstrahan> Has anyone had this experience? I've set a boolean option in configuration.nix to something other than the default, and see that the value isn't sticking
<__monty__> siva: Yes, you'd do something like nix-env -iA unstable.attributename
<ottidmes> Guest21612: That would be nice, I have packaged some things in the past that would randomly change something in the source files, making the hash invalid, but since I did not want to host my own mirrors and they weren't that important I just gave up on them


<djahandarie> (I suppose I could have just greped nixpkgs for something relevant, which I guess is what you just did...)
<djahandarie> ottidmes, hmm, alright. Do you have an example of something which does something similar?
<djahandarie> Hmm, this thing I'm trying to package tries to call python doing something like this: if [ -f /usr/bin/python3 ]; then PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3; else PYTHON=python; fi; exec $PYTHON some_stuff
<ottidmes> Hail_Spacecake: The only problem you might face is missing some packages that are on Arch Linux's AUR, but not on nixpkgs, although nixpkgs keeps growing and I rarely have to package something myself
<Hail_Spacecake> to be honest, I've been using arch so long that I would feel a slight sense of nostaligic loss if I switched to something else :)
<djahandarie> Oh, looking more closely, I need to pass something useful in the DESTDIR environment variable actually.
<djahandarie> Does anyone have an example of how to package something which decides to make random directories in /etc in its make install?
<johnw> as you evaluate, just remember where you say something mentioned in a buildInputs, and then report all the instances
<mpickering> Ah, I might get some sympathy from you John, I'm trying to package something for darwin :P
<LnL> you could do something similar for bspwm/sxhkd then you get rollback, etc. for all of the configuration
<joepie91> gemishhood: no, you should be able to just install electron directly as a package from nixpkgs - either by adding it to your systemPackages or by using `nix-env -iA electron` or something along those lines (see https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html for a list of packages)
<gemishhood> joepie91: I'm not 100% sure, but arent you suppose to nix-env -i ./result/bin or something along those lines. I'm still new to nix
<srhb> (...or something)
<ottidmes> mpickering: man nix-store, I think you can do --repair or something, maybe --verify
<srhb> Something like cabal-install = super.cabal-install.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_2_0_1_1; });
<dtz> when it was setting up /etc files... something re:openresolv went into infinite loop? idk
<fresheyeball> is something going on that is effecting stability?
<Judson> I'm missing something obvious, I think:
<pie_> if i want to write a script for installing something for an installer that cant be downloaded from the internet, is there some way to add the installer to the nix store or something and refer to it?
<mbrock> coconnor: ah, yeah, I was suspecting something like that. It is indeed signing the packages
<phdoerfler> gchristensen: I suppose I could call a cmd line tool such as awk to make the CSV into something that easier to parse for nix. I assume JSON is the format of choice?
<gchristensen> phdoerfler: any chance you can make the CSV something else like JSON?
<srk> uh, something in my bashrc seems to break nix-shell. need to clean that up
<datakurre> Dezgeg: You probably know, if it is possible to cross-compile a complete sdimage for raspberry pi 3 on NixOS after all that cross compilation effort? (Or is there something that makes it impossible?)
<ryantm> gchristensen: Do I need to do something with my PRs?
<globin> gchristensen: ah no i meant something else
<esteth> Hi folks. I submitted a PR to nixpkgs, do I need to do something to get a review, or should I just wait?
<nick_l> srk: I need something like nodes.bobat.config.deployment.ec2.instanceId is that exists?
<mduggie> something with wrapper.c
<mduggie> was there something weird going on with su and sudo in nixpkgs earlier today, or was that just me
<vaibhavsagar> boomshroom: what about something in /nix/var/log/nix/drvs/?
<vaibhavsagar> something like `checkPhase = "true"`
<hyper_ch> how to find out if something from staging was pushed to master?
<ottidmes> clever: OK, thanks, but is there something other than buildEnv that would just combine the packages concretely, not symlinked?
<ottidmes> Is there something in nixpkgs that would allow me to merge packages, I tried pkgs.buildEnv, which normally worked for me in this use case, but since its symlinking is not allowed when used in an initrd