
<sphalerite> Arahael: the routes might be wrong. Could you dump `ip route` and `ip a` output from the pi and the laptop in a gist or something?
<dmj`> colemickens: something like this ?
<cocreature> typetetris: probably something to do with login-shell vs non-login-shell. are you sourcing /etc/profile.d/nix.sh in .bashrc or .bash_profile? try moving it to the one that it’s not currently in
<Lisanna> is there something like a python equivalent of runCommand? Bash is kind of... bleh
<pie_> well..maybe i can put something together for generating a tar file
<pie_> can I set nixos-config to a remote git repo or something crazy like that?
<colemickens> say I wanted to say foo.alpha.beta = 5; can I do `nix-instantiate ./some-file.nix --eval 'foo.alpha.beta=5'` or something?


<Mic92> it also something for building expressions
<uri-canva> is something wrong with the darwin machines? Are there supposed to be more of them? or is it just a matter of waiting longer? I brought this up in #nix-darwin but I didn't get a response: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nix-darwin/2018-10-21
<_kwstas> hello everyone! I have a noob question: I'm working on a haskell project, i have already configured project.nix and default.nix. I want to configure shell.nix as well, but I want shell.nix to have some extra dependencies (e.g. hlint), but I do not know how :(. I tried to do something like: devEnv = (import ./project.nix).project.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
<emily> so I'm guessing something something too new Radeon graphics for the kernel the live media ships with, maybe
<Taneb> drakonis: is that something I'd find in BIOS settings?
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<sphalerite> I was hoping to maybe write a nixos module for it or something
<tilpner> bpye - unison can be configured to watch a directory and sync when something changes
<clever> so when you set something like buildInputs = [ foo bar ];, you can just `echo $buildInputs` in the shell to see it
<__monty__> steell: Try nix-env -iA nixpkgs.androidenv.platformTools (I'm assuming androidenv is something in nixpkgs).
<qyliss^work> rgrau: you sure you don't want libpq dot something?
<rgrau> qyliss^work: aha, thanks for the pointers! yes, this installed something... but apparently libqp.so.5 is not anywhere inside ~/.nix-profile :(
<TweyIV> When I build something with stdenv.mkDerivaton, where does the patchelf happen to set the intepreter of the resulting binaries?
<ramses_> adisbladis: Ah, I saw the check-contents option now, that seems to do something
<jophish> well, I guess that something was using the `uname` program in the bootstrap tools
<srhb> ekleog: Frankly I'd probably settle for something like stow for that.
<Taneb> If you want something more centeralized
<aiowej> can you in Nixos set up per-user configurations.nix files? Or create a package somewhere? If so, is there anywhere an example of such a file to read for a lost soul like yours truly? Something like a per profile nix-shell.
<adamantium> usually i use pkg search to see, where something is categorized.
<adamantium> Yo-- is there any advantage to using flatpak? noticed we have it now. Seems like, something nixos doesn't need though, likely?


<Twey> I wonder if there are some build tools that completely nuke the environment or something
<infinisil> clever: Is there something special I need to do for this to work?
<Twey> What's the appropriate way to use `fetchzip` (from nixpkgs) with a zip that is named something other than `.zip`? I might have expected that there be an attribute to be used for the downloaded file's name (maybe `name`) but there doesn't seem to be anything ??? it's hardcoded to be $(basename $url)
<jophish> so perhaps I could put something in /root/.profile to turn on ssh
<tilpner> sphalerite - jophish is trying to do something (and I'm not sure what), not me
<jophish> tilpner: it's not that I need to get something out, but I need to get into the system
<adisbladis> avn: Something like this: `nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=${your-pinned-nixpkgs}" ];`?
<simpson> And, of course, if something invisibly broke your Nix installation before, it could happen again.
<regina_> so that might ahve been stack build --nix doing something...
<hyper_ch2_> so if you want to change something, alter the property value and on the next run it will put it into effect
<Mic92> substituteAll does something similar
<YellowOnion> Hmm, is there a site or something providing configuration.nix's for various setups one might need?
<wykurz> hi, I've created a PR to add cpuset to nixpkgs. however I'm having second thoughts on the location. the current one in the PR is pkgs/os-specific/linux, but I'm wondering if something like pkgs/tools/admin would be more appropriate?
<pie_> the best guess i have is that i created a circular dependency, and apparently systemd gives no warnings/errors or anything about unsatisfiable orderings or something?


<pie___> not sure if i just have something configured badly... the errors :https://bpaste.net/show/b3cdceccc098
<mightybyte> infinisil: So how would I go about integrating what you did above into something that's really easy to add to an existing Haskell package to get that kind of testing?
<nkaretnikov> i've tried fixing OpenGLRaw and GLURaw packages to use the framework in my local copy of nixpkgs, but it doesn't seem to help. Or I've messed something up. In any case, i'm pretty much out of ideas at this point, so any tips would be appreciated.
<infinisil> mightybyte: That's just something so that the result here isn't printed lazily, you just want systemDeps
<mightybyte> Sure I can do this manually on a per-project basis, but I'd like to have something completely automatic.
<ivegotasthma> I'm testing out nixos in a qemu vm on arch linux, I start the VM with -display sdl. When I start X I cannot move the cursor, is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?
<elgoosy> they must be installed through nix packages or something like that
<rawtaz> it must do SOMETHING
<jonge> that is true and you need some specific level of c++ mastery while C is a language that you could learn in one day. but then, it's much easier to master complexity while at the same time having the compiler reducing the assembly to something as simple as C build output. minus the programmer mistakes.
<jonge> dmj`: also didn't know that netrc is something to look for
<samueldr> maybe down the line in a couple lines something will happen, but I would bet it's highly unlikely
<dmj`> gchristensen: nice, it’s doing something


<Unode> though duplicating the text is something I don't like. Let me see if I can work around that. Thanks for your guidance, I see the issue now.
<clever> Unode: also, if your default value ever contains a storepath, you must do something special
<gchristensen> something something algorithms
<__monty__> spear2: I'd recommend against having it enabled by default. It's often not something you want on a personal machine. Trashing is super likely.
<__monty__> spear2: Don't thisk so. Check with something like lsblk?
<spear2> wait, does there need to be something in configuration.nix to use swap space? i know it was set up when i installed nixos
<dmj`> judson: just want something basic, only a single server
<nDuff> Does the Nix language have something equivalent to varargs support? I want to pass all arguments my function is called with through to another function, but then modify that function's returned value (so I can't just return that function directly).
<nkaretnikov> __monty__: well, something certainly isn't right. it's definitely a build/shared-libraries issue. because i can't think of anything else that might cause this
<nkaretnikov> i'm trying out the haskell gloss library in a nix-shell and it doesn't work (black screen) while it does work with new-build. has anyone seen anything like this? i bet some package is written without macos support or something. any tips on where to look would be appreciated.
<mpickering> urlretrieve is failing in python for me because of SSL verification errors, do I have to add a dependency on cacert or something like this?
<clacke[m]> So it must be like you say, something about the system libs
<aleph-> clever: Thanks mate, going to try this out in a bit and be back to complain when I stuff something up
<Unode> clever: presenting something?
<dhess> every time I need to do something like this I curse the BIOS vendors for being stuck in the 80s
<Unode> Though I figure this is something that should be fixed in the burp package itself no?
<Unode> hi all, did something happen to nixpkgs master? I'm getting conflicts when pulling from files unrelated to my changes.
<clever> drakonis1: you build your packages on something like travis, using normal nix-build, and then push it to cachix, and then you (and others) can use that as a binary cache
<drakonis1> see if i'm missing something
<drakonis1> let me try something
<drakonis1> something isn't right here, i might still be pulling from 18.09 on my root
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at (string):202:1
<drakonis1> got a little ranty about something that wasn't necessary in the first place


<clever> the problem is more likely that something else you fetched in the past, with fetchGit, is incompatible
<Thra11> Looks like hydra's aarch64 build of rustc 1.29 got oom killed or something (https://hydra.nixos.org/build/83020833/nixlog/1). Is somebody able to poke hydra to try again for transient failures? (My system succeeded in building it locally, so it doesn't seem to be actually broken)
<infinisil> services.znc.confOptions.userName did something, but services.znc.confOptions.networks.freenode.userName never did anything
<maurer> infinisil: Would something like gentoo's splitdebug not be more appropriate?
<clever> arianvp: yeah, i think it was networking.publicipv4 or something like that
<Mic92> well, if you want something simpler, systemd-nspawn works fine too
<Mic92> should contain something like: /run/booted-system/kernel-modules/lib/modules
<LnL> yeah, something like armv7 is much harder to find hardware for
<electrocat> clever: cool, that's something
<srhb> TweyIV: Can't find any good way short of modifying nix itself, sorry. I bet it's something silly like a CWD for some shell though.
<srhb> Like, a file descriptor or something
<srhb> I suspect the 122 is something in /proc, but still trying to find out _what_
<TweyIV> srhb: In what? :þ It's literally something I ran in `nix repl` and then I closed the repl
<Ke> something like https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-stable-18.9 but actually working
<Unode> ok guys, seems like there is something weird happening but in any case turns out the 'binary' I was running is actually not 64bits.
<fiatjaf> is there an online database of old nixpkgs or something like that?


<tbenst> clever, I made a new gist here: https://gist.github.com/tbenst/0e2c7bd0219eda87e3915182071f224b and I must be missing something super obvious as getting error: syntax error, unexpected $end
<gchristensen> clever: can you continue helping? I'm half way through cooking something :)
<grp> clever: I need to insert the nix-store path of a package in a conf file I'm providing a service (this conf gets thrown into the nix-store). I thought of using substituteAll or something like that but seems they are only available at the shell level, so would need to make a derivation just to install the patched conf. What's the recommended way to do this?
<sphalerite> judson: maybe also just setting networking.networkmanager.dhcp to "none" or something. Just checking if that's a thing
<robstr> gchristensen: I have a build process creating a nixos vm and I want to copy a specific configuration file on this machine. Do I need to create a `stdenv.mkDerivation` or is there something like copyTo ?
<infinisil> sauyon: Overlays can override something for everything else
<infinisil> betaboon: Yeah something like that
<betaboon> infinisil: you might be up to something
<infinisil> Something that would work is
<kalbasit[m]> betaboon: oh. something like automatic ports assignment?
<catern> sphalerite: yes, but nix-shell must be doing something additional to the expression
<brodul> Hi, I am debugging something
<o1lo01ol1o> can someone remind me of the syntax to run something as a user?
<__monty__> I remember something about steam-run for a day or two ago.
<srhb> EffSquared: It's not something we do much, instead relying on autogenerating them via the NixOS systemd module
<robstr> Hey, trying to build a custom vmdk but I'm not able to login.. https://gist.github.com/rsoeldner/c4c92fd0800903e9978c2d9a24c48da4 am I doing something entirely wrong ?


<jackjennings> how can I make a systemd service on a machine deployed with nixops start when the service is created. The services that I have defined don't start on the initial deploy. Is this the default behavior or am I doing something wrong?
<eddyb> actually, the problem might be a few months older, but my memory is a bit fuzzy because I needed to use nmtui-connect for a while (something about the kde nm integration was broken)
<espg> I can do something like """networking.vpnc.services.myvpn = '' ... '' "" and then nixos-rebuild works, but I'm still unclear how or if this integrates with openconnect
<symphorien> or something like that
<kiloreux_> Couldn't get something to work with nix-repl
<tazjin> has someone thought of something similar before? is there interest for it? Feedback welcome!
<arianvp> something is really broken since the last update
<__monty__> You're not using something like f.lux, are you?
<Lisanna> OK, this is pretty annoying. In general, when I kill a shell script I've launched, I want everything that *it* has spawned to *die*. Is there a mode I can set that will do that? I remember reading something about this involving nohup...
<infinisil> Um, probably something with haskell.packages != haskellPackages when overriding, not sure
<fiatjaf> and it depends on something that depends on something that depends on rerebase. rerebase depends on rebase, but that dependency is specified wrongly on master.
<azazel> do I need to add something to the buildInputs to make makeWrapper work?
<azazel> i'm trying to use makeWrapper during installPhase, but it's complaining that's missing..I'm doing something wrong?
<infinisil> betaboon: Ah I see, then you can just do something like `listToAttrs (imap (n: name: nameValuePair name (services.${name} // { port = n; })) (attrNames services))`
<betaboon> infinisil: yeah something like that :)
<infinisil> betaboon: Something like this ^?
<Taneb> So, I'll want something like systemd.services.nix-serve.after = pkgs.lib.mkForce [ "network.target" "secret-key.service" ];
<Cheery> just wondering because this seems to install neat, and it's bringing in something that looks recent.
<mokasin> My nixos declarative container in a private network does not have internet access. Do I need to define a route over my host or something?
<aleph-> Need something to detract from my ongoing panic
* samueldr is searching for something
<sgillespie> Something must have changed recently with packageOverrides
<sgillespie> OK, I can now see that it was something I had in my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<Lisanna> or will my build have to do something crazy like conspire with cron or systemd to get something resembling this behavior?


<Cheery> but since there's no places for things, every software that's installed has to be told separately where something is
<Cheery> it boils down to the fact that everything should be placed somewhere, and there's not definite way to tell where that something is.
<aleph-> srhb: So something like this. https://paste.rs/uxN
<aleph-> srhb: So just do something like nixpkgs.writeTextFile 'FILE_PATH': ''TEXT'';
<run500> any idea how i could do something like this? the package (protobuf in my case) is also a regular buildInput
<elvishjerricco> I think something can only be a runtime input if its a build time input in the deriver. Obviously sources don't have derivers
<clever> elvishjerricco: but with nix (and snack), it cant understand that something has changed or not, since it has no way of knowing the previous state
<elvishjerricco> gchristensen: No idea, honestly. I think a lot of the nondeterminism is in its unique name generator or something? But the IIRC the optimizer is impure as well, and can produce binary incompatible code. No idea why
<neonfuz> is it an infix operator of something?
<Synthetica> fendor: Possibly, I could see something like `derivationFromFlatpack` being a thing
<betaboon> something along those lines is happening
<infinisil> And runtime deps is something else too
<infinisil> There is propagatedUserEnvPackages or something like that which you could use, but it's usually discouraged
<jabranham> can someone take a look at this overlay and let me know what I'm doing wrong? I'm basing it on https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#how-to-override-a-python-package-using-overlays but obviously I'm doing something wrong because it results in an error.
<gchristensen> kreisys: are you using pkgs.nixUnstable or something?
<sphalerite> tobiasBora: they're run automatically by all "full-featured" desktops like GNOME and Plasma, for lightweight setup you'll need to use something else to run them automatically — just a minute…
<sir_guy_carleton> tobiasBora: like 'exec XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=kde okular or something
<srhb> We have a pretty high threshold before something becomes annoying. :-P
<nschoe> Yeah ^^ I'll come annoy this chan again when something's not clear ;)
<srhb> nschoe: It's both: It also gives you the more trivial feature of providing something like "systemPackages" but for your user
<jasongrossman> nschoe: I use unstable except for the rare occasions when something that I really need in unstable is broken, and then I add that thing using nix-env.
<srhb> I don't know if the shell environment could somehow provide the necessary knowledge to systemd/dbus through environment variables or something...
<drakonis> because i think something wasn't detected here
<drakonis> ah so there is already something for in place installs


<samueldr> so something that likely fits within 512MB max including a kernel
<dhess> but yeah I would look at something like geekbench for a very rough approximation of general-purpose CPU
<dhess> Rusty1: just curious, what's the use case for something like that? I would assume a Jetson TX2 has more actual horsepower/flexibility if you need something like an aarch64 build server.
<srhb> colemickens: Probably not changed, just imported something else under that hash locally.
<srhb> dhess: *scream* I hate fast builds! Or something. ;)
<philippD> mightybyte: you could dig through the issues on the nixpkgs repo if something relating to `developPackage` or `callCabal2nix` was fixed. maybe this issue?
<mightybyte> philippD: No. Is there something in particular I should look for?
<fiatjaf> so, every time I change something in my source code and tell nix to rebuild it, I get a new directory on /nix
<dhess> haskellPackages should probably have something more robust than "dontCheck". Stackage has "expected-build-failures", which is slightly better.
<gchristensen> gamblerx: after you reboot try looking in the logs via: `journalctl -e --boot=-1` and see if there is something interesting in there
<Hamilton> gchristensen, something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIG2P9k6EjA
<gchristensen> Hamilton: if you're happy, maybe you shouldn't switch. but if you'd like to learn something new and try a new approach to how systems can be managed, check it out! you could try it in a VM without being too committal :)
<symphorien> Hamilton: for example you can upgrade knowing that if something goes wrong you can rollback.
<dhess> clever: what's the trick to run a hydra evaluation from the command line? I believe you had something for that
<dhess> This happened on one of my repos and I thought maybe I'd done something wonky there. But now it's happening on a 2nd repo.
<samueldr> general availability; the other community builder is AFAIUI not available; don't know the exact details, probably something about the hardware being scarce
<dhess> well it's how I got the aarch64 GHC/haskellPackages stuff vetted, so it works great... it's just not something you want to be relying on for production builds as there are a number of trustedUsers on that box
<clever> something that failed, because doctest failed
<clever> look further down, for something else
<fiatjaf> that's for each package individually, right? so I just change something in the source code for my own package it won't try to rebuild everything
<gchristensen> something something hard things in computer science
<ma27> does anybody know how to connect to a wpa2 enterprise network using `networking.wireless.networks` or is it preferred to use something like `wpa_gui` then?
<Profpatsch> Alternatively, I could start by writing something on nixos.wiki and then we move it to docbook afterwards.
<gchristensen> sphalerite: ont my work... what said something about doctests?
<philippD> Is there something like yeoman for nix projects?
<kai_w> why do overlays use `self: super: {...}` instead of `super: rec {...}` - unless I'm missing something they both allow the same functionality?
<tobiasBora> It would be great if it would be possible to have something like "unstable", except that the packages moved to unstable are always the one built by Hydra
<tazjin> did something change with how/when pkg-config's paths are constructed in 18.09? It used to just work in normal userspace for me (for linking openssl in particular), now it only works inside of nix-shell or nix-build
<manveru> Something wrong with my cache config then
<manveru> I had hash mismatches as well, I'm on 2G at the moment so I can't give you much details. Will try to write up something when I get to the airport. Just worrying why hydra didn't catch that
<mokasin> But somehow it failed to stop me doing something stupid
<colemickens> Am I doing something wrong? `libdrm` is part of buildInputs...
<samueldr> wanna see something cool? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/46931
<dhess> anyway you can get pretty far into haskellPackages. It dies in tls's tests; could be related to an issue that peti filed on tls-1.4.1 on CI servers where something times out, or it could be a genuine aarch64 issue
<samueldr> >> Figure 6 displays the TEX Live scheme menu; from here, you choose a “scheme”, which is an overall set of package collections. The default full scheme installs everything available. This is recommended, but you can also choose the basic scheme for a small system, minimal for testing purposes, and medium or teTeX to get something in between. There are also various specialized and country-specific schemes.


<Fare> I'm wondering whether to clean up stumpwm or use something else.
<infinisil> I've got something similar with my status bar
<maurer> I use Xmonad, but really, don't pick your window manager based on what's "in", pick something that does what you want
<dhess> anyone else seen something like that? The same Nix store path on my NixOps deployment machine is fine
<samueldr> something must have changed in how it fails to open the luks device when it isn't one
<samueldr> a working luks will output something starting with: /dev/mapper/LUKS-DUFFMAN-HOME is active and is in use.
<mpickering> It's something you need when running a Haskell executable in the builder
<infinisil> In Nixland (or everywhere really) I very much enjoy when something Just Works (tm)
<BL[m]> i mean, something like `runCommand` or whatever
<BL[m]> thank you, wasn't expection something like this to be in builtins
<srhb> that will look something like `imports = [ "${unstable}/nixos/modules/.../path-to-nextcloud" ];`
<srhb> mokasin: Almost. You were referring to something that doesn't make sense. pkgs, and hence your "unstable" name doesn't actually expose any of the modules directly. So pkgs.services makes no sense, and therefore unstable.services doesn't either.
<srhb> Package is surprisingly hard to define in nix. But yes, something like that. In this case I'm thinking of the nextcloud "software" specifically
<srhb> specifically, something like nixpkgs.overlays = [(self: super: { nextcloud = unstable.nextcloud; })]
<cyris212> (I could not find a flag or something in the nix-env man page)
<sphalerite> cyris212: yeah channels are a bit broken UX-wise. If you just want to install a single package, you can do something like nix-env -f channel:nixpkgs-unstable -iA idea.idea-community
<clacke> I thought there was something quirky about #nixos, but if it's using the same bridge as everyone else, I won't bother the channel, I'll just keep trying.
<samueldr> I thought it was something generated, with e.g. xsl or anything making it "tangible" in the output
<samueldr> I was thinking that in addition to make something readable where CSS cannot work, visually distinguishing the parts is not a bad idea


<Acou_Bass> is this something i can fix in nixos or shall i just installanother dictionary in firefox and pretend it never happened?
<Acou_Bass> hey everyone, this isnt a huge deal but its something ive only just noticed and its now bugging me XD ive got my locale set as i18n.defaultLocale = "en_GB.UTF-8"; in configuration.nix, KDE sets my language to en_GB correctly but for some reason firefox's dictionary is set to en_US - ive not installed any dictionaries to firefox, its just using my default system one from what i can see, but all my spellcheck
<boomshroom> clever: Usually I use CMPDL, but Something was happening causing the official launcher to crash, so I tried MultiMC, imported it, and now it works (but without sound).
<neonfuz> mostsly brainstorming here, I might try something eventually but idk
<neonfuz> I'd like it if I could just like, pin certain packages to ramdisk, and then union mount over the nix store or something
<goibhniu> I'm having trouble finding a GUI audio player that works apart from VLC ... clementine, elisa and amarok don't seem to be working (nixos-unstable) ... any recommendations? (I'd like something with mpris support)
<mokasin> Something like this https://pastebin.com/f1m7YZkY
<samueldr> something dirt cheap to try: `boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_4_18;` in your configuration
<samueldr> what I'd do to try and figure out thing: before sleeping, clear the dmesg kernel buffer `dmesg -C`, suspend, resume, then dump the `dmesg` output at resume `dmesg > resume.txt` hopefully there's something in there
<romildo> Is there any guidelines for packaging when the package wants to install something into /var/cache ?
<siers> manveru, it seems that bundix/bundler breaks on «gem 'gem', path: "#{ENV['HOME']}/my-gem-fork"». Am I doing something wrong?
<colemickens> I guess I need something like nixpkgs = mypkgs somewhere, I'm just not sure where.
<colemickens> I'm trying ot write something that will build various nixos configs with various nixpkgs enlistments
<arianvp> or something along those lines
<srhb> arianvp: something like nix-shell --pure -p nix less
<srhb> schmittlauch[m]: You're welcome. I learned something as well :-)
<colemickens> I just want to package something that builds fine wiht Meson on a normal OS.
<samueldr> though it may be interesting if possible to wrap some of it so instead of stdenv.mkDerivation you would mkDKMS or something
<samueldr> I decidedly can't maintain something I can't use
<samueldr> aleph-: I will soon have something for you to try
<samueldr> integrated build of something that won't build anymore at least won't allow a broken system update (hopefully)
<gchristensen> definitely is something it could do
<samueldr> maybe something an XSL sheet could do?
<samueldr> so yeah, *something* isn't setting up the *whatever they are named* modules for those
<acowley> Oh, it might be something to do with nix-channel


<kim0> Is there some way to request a specific package to be upgraded? I just pinged fpletz since he seems to be the maintainer, but not sure if I should be doing something else
<samueldr> since the store is immutable, you can't "just change something" to fix a thing
<samueldr> so uh, generally if something works on other distros, it should here
<Drakonis__> something something the road to hell is paved with good intentions
<maurer> Erayaydin: Pros: If your system works, and you try something new, you can always go back to how it was before. Declarative configuration means it's easy to port a system configuration to a new machine
<o1lo01ol1o> I have an expression question. I'm trying to set a new value on a single attribute from an imported set (while maintaining the rest of the attributes). what's the syntax for this? I have something that looks like: `let foo = import foo-path {}; in foo{baz=NewValue}`
<emily> *nod* nix eval -f '<nixpkgs/nixos>' system.config.services.xserver.config or something, I guess
<emily> I'm thinking I just want to use nix-eval or something?
<mpickering> I am trying to package something where the build program tries to write files into the source directory
<dhess> It should be loaded at start time somehow, maybe the config is copied from the store to /etc/znc or something and the secret is templated in at that time.
<LnL> that's something different
<nikivi> I read something about it reusing dependencies
<manveru> something like that
<rawtaz> if they did it was just a couple of weeks ago or something like that, i edited a page very recently :)
<hyper_ch2> in other words, the first one will just use whatever /run/c-s/sw/bin/$shell points to while the second one will use something like /nix/store/[hash]-shell-[version]/bin/shell
<jonge> Yaniel: my hope is that as soon as they give me some baremetal linux machine with access to the git repos, it should be feasible to blow them away with a demo hydra server that executes integration tests on their product on new pull requests. this is something they have never seen.
<Yaniel> jonge: would they accept something like a .rpm
<Yaniel> can you just give them something with a remotely sane build system that they can build on whatever abomination they want?
<jonge> so i am owning a linux component now and my hope is that they don't care how i build it if in the end something drops out that is 100% nix agnostic and looks like they are used to.
<colemickens> I'm trying to build something that relies on fmtlib, but fmtlib needs a wrapper to work with meson.
<Shados> clever: Yeah, that works. Thanks for your help, should save me a nice chunk of time and disk space, as I'm building a bunch of images for something currently
<clever> Shados: nix-instantiate file.nix -A attr, then nix-store --query --binding out /nix/store/foo.drv gets you the $out of something
<acowley> It's very rare that the changes I need to make to build something on nix would be wrong to make on another system
<acowley> clever: ah, geese, I saw something like that and couldn't find any reference so ignored it
<clever> Shados: and also, what if the remote machine GC's something you where just about to use, but didnt save locally?
<Shados> I've noticed that if I build something like an iso via `config.system.build.isoImage` using a remote builder, nix will end up copying intermediate products (like a squashfs image) back to the local system, which is a bit wasteful in terms of network and storage. What causes this to happen? Are these somehow incorrectly marked as run-time dependencies of the final iso image derivation, or does Nix need the dependencies to exist locally to coordinate the build of


<lopsided98> It works fine on my laptop - this is something specific to your hardware
<alexshpilkin> I have a number of config files stitched together by import statements, and right now I’d have to do something like
<clever> steam-run doesnt include everything, so it might still fail due to something missing
<sphalerite> o1lo01ol1o: something like hydra.package = pkgs.hydra.overrideAttrs (o: { src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {…}; }); should be enough I believe
<Profpatsch> Except if you want to allow a tree of module implementations or something. :)
<ekleog> actually thinking it more, a merge strategy can often apply reasonably only on a single type (apart from when it's something like `first` or `last`… but I think these shouldn't exist, they're IMO the sign of a problem somewhere along the chain anyway, `unique` would be the only case of any-type merge strategy I can think of)
<Profpatsch> I mean if you have something like a “last” merge you don’t want to ignore all values but the last, right? You want to type check them separately first and then merge.
<ekleog> (disclaimer: I'd be willing to use your types module along with some merge logic in something that's not nixtos, this example is from real code :))
<ekleog> something like product.merge-inside { type = "foo"; val = string.merge-lines; } sounds good to me, from an end-user pov
<Profpatsch> And if something doesn’t it’s probably not a good candidate for a merge.
<infinisil> Still need to fix something, namely the hie ghc detection not working if you don't have a cabal hackage database which you get with `cabal update`
<YellowOnion_> is there something like base-devel from Arch in NixOS?
<sevanspowell> I know nothing about these things but it seems to be a DNS problem, it could be something internal to the company I'm working at.


<aleph-> So which would be valid if I put it under common.nix? (pkgs: with pkgs; []) or just remove the ( and ) because either way nix-env -if common.nix still throws an error about it not being a valid derivation. Do I need to have something like import <nixpkgs> (); up at the top?
<gchristensen> infinisil: something is wrong with the bot: that works in a PM but not here
<gchristensen> { ... } is an attrset, it sounds like you're expecting it to define a scope or something :)
<aleph-> clever: So with that inherit packages one, why exactly would I do inherit packages? Why couldn't I do something like - pkgs: with pkgs { pkgs.[ "python36" "micro" "etc" ] };
<Church-> clever: So for a basic declarative approach if I want, say common-packages.nix, I'd do something like this: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-building-environment
<Church-> Hmm, so clever in my configuration.nix could I do something like users.users.aleph.packages { import path/to/packages.nix};
<clever> aleph-: /etc is almost always a symlink to something in /nix/store
<Synthetica> So I can just do something like `import (builtins.fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/Nixpkgs/archive/master.tar.gz) { }`?
<catern> so far I've got: setuid binaries don't work, including ones that can be fairly important like sudo; have to run all your stuff inside the chroot which is overhead for users; sharing between multiple users doesn't work; maintenance/support is harder if something goes wrong since you don't see the state of the system globally
<dhess> how does toJSON represent a Nix path type? something like `{ path = "path/to/foo" }` ?
<cocreature> so something like "configureFlags = ["${out}/…"];
<steveeJ> I'm getting an error and I suspect there's something wrong with my/the systemd setup
<clever> joko: the submodule thing is likely something that would help a number of users
<dhess> gchristensen: "used to be" ? I was having that problem with a very recent version. Something related to IPv6 if I recall correctly.
<o1lo01ol1o> Ok, simpler question: I need to edit my configuration.nix. Can I just add the lines? Do I need to tell nix to refresh something?
<gchristensen> any time I need something powerful I just rent it, I don't mind.
<gchristensen> elvishjerricco: I think I'm missing something, and I'm trying to understand what it is I'm missing -- not challenging that it is a frustrating experience
<betaboon> i just never understand why people go and call something "extraConf".. why not call it "extraConfig" !?
<Guillaum> clever: I'm trying your qemu-user, I've added the repository and set qemu-user.aarch64 = true in my nixos configuration, and it does something (i.e. rebuilt nix), but now, I'm stuck on how I'm supposed to use it. (I.e. run an aarch64 binary on my x86_64).
<kyren> well, okay I was using `-I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-18.09.tar.gz` and I imagine that has something to do with it
<vikingman> im trying to understand how i can give a configuration to something i install


<samueldr> you could do something DANGEROUS AND DIRTY like printf 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK="%s"\n' "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" > kept_env and in the nix-shell (script?) `. kept_env`
<rawtaz> but it might very well be that i am screwing something up and theres nothing wrong with nixos, it's rather likelt