samueldr changed the topic of #nixos to: NixCon 2018 - 25-27 Oct In London || NixOS 18.09 released || || Latest NixOS: || Latest Nix: || Logs: || #nixos-dev, #nix-darwin, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-chat, #nixcon
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<techtangents> Can somebody please add Ansible 2.7 to nix?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « sbt: 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.09 « sbt: 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4 »:
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<mvnetbiz> is there a limit to where you can use a let statement?
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<gchristensen> you can use them pretty much everywhere
<mvnetbiz> if i write a service can I have a let inside config = mkIf cfg.enable { let x = "blah"; in ... };
<mvnetbiz> I get unexpected LET
<gchristensen> you could do ...mkIf cfg.enable let x = ... in { , or mkIf cfg.enable { some-option = let xe = ... in...;
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<mvnetbiz> gchristensen, should I not be able to do like this?
<Ashy> im still not super clear on how to test nixpkgs locally yet though
<gchristensen> mvnetbiz: you'd have to move boot.kernelParams = to before the let
<mvnetbiz> ah I see.
<mvnetbiz> seems obvious now :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #48087 → papirus-icon-theme: 20180816 -> 20181007 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #48088 → dex: grab simple upstream patch so it reports the right version →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #48089 → xdg-utils: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3 →
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<bgamari> Is it just me or do remote builds use an insane value of $CORES by default?
<bgamari> I'm seeing a load average of 95 on one of my builders as all of the builds were started with -j16 (it's a 16 core machine)
<disasm> I think it defaults to number of cores of the system when you run nixos-generate-config
<bgamari> which is odd as I started the build with --cores 1 locally
<bgamari> hmm
<bgamari> Nix really needs a better mechanism for concurrency control
<bgamari> this is all quite unfortunate
<kyren> okay, I think I've broken something on one of my machines, I somehow made this happen:
<kyren> `nix-env -i hello`: `error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value ('config')`
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #48090 → chromium/ don't use remote builders, lots of copying for work →
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<kyren> I was just messing around with channels trying to understand how to reference specific channels in attribute paths
<bgamari> disasm, indeed setting cores=2 in /etc/nix/nix.conf restores sanity
<bgamari> disasm, thanks!
<kyren> I have another machine where this works fine and I'm currently playing "spot the difference" with my user environment
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<kyren> okay, I figured it out, if I add a *specific* channel to *root*'s list of channels, then my user nix-env produces that error
<Ashy> kyren: hmm, i'm getting that same error when trying to nix-build a pkg default.nix
<Ashy> but for stdenv
<Ashy> `sudo nix-channel --list` only shows nixos pointing to nixos-18.09
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.09-darwin advanced to (from 4 hours ago, history:
<kyren> it's a pretty generic error, it's just a nix language error saying that aiui you're just missing an argument, namely 'stdenv'
<kyren> they're not related, I'm getting this without writing my own expressions, just from calling `nix-env -i hello`
<kyren> I think somehow the wrong channel became the... active nix expression?
<kyren> I guess it's *an* active nix expression?
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<kyren> maybe that channel is just not designed to be used by users with nix-env
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<kyren> even `nix-env -qa` doesn't work, but in any case it's not important because I actually don't use nix-env to do imperative package management, I'm just trying to understand how it works
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<kyren> oh shoot, looks like I got disconnected after I asked a question
<kyren> <- I don't know what made it
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<disasm> bgamari: I think nix.maxJobs = lib.mkDefault 2; is better than changing the number of cores.
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<bgamari> disasm, that is different from changing cores though, no?
<bgamari> jobs is the number of derivations built concurrently
<bgamari> cores is the number of cores each build is allowed to use
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<boomshroom> Hello!
<bgamari> boomshroom, hello!
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.09-small advanced to (from 86 minutes ago, history:
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<boomshroom> I tried launching Steam today and got "glXChooseVisual failed". Steam was working fine before the weekend and I haven't updated anything since then beyond Steam's automatic update just now.
<boomshroom> (I was away from my desktop)
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<teto> boomshroom: I've had that error multiple times on Ubuntu, I believe getting rid of the steam runtime can fix it. (i.e., if you remove some steam files in ~/.local/share/steam or ~/.steam, steam will redownload them, thus fixing the issue
<boomshroom> So it's not a NixOS issue or one Nix can automate?
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to (from 11 hours ago, history:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #48088 → dex: grab simple upstream patch so it reports the right version →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to master:
<teto> dtz[m]: don't you have an error when launching mendeley ? I use your patched version "Error setting value: Failed to contact configuration server; the most common cause is a missing or misconfigured D-Bus session bus daemon. See for information. (Details - 1: GetIOR failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.GConf was not provided by any
<teto> .service files)"
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.09-darwin advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
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<hyper_ch> samueldr: unstable
<samueldr> from unstable to unstable?
<samueldr> could you share the output of `nixos-version`? it'll show the revision your system is built from
<samueldr> (for those lacking context, hyper_ch shared this earlier, with a question about upgrading )
<hyper_ch> samueldr: oh, it's a really old version
<hyper_ch> 18.03pre128357.327a84749ed (Impala)
<jasongrossman> samueldr: Thank you for the context!
<samueldr> not *that* old at least
<samueldr> symphorien's suggestion is the way to go AFAIK [15:38:50] <symphorien> hyper_ch: rollback your channel to a know working revision, use the nix.package option to switch to nix2, rebuild, an retry updating.
<hyper_ch> how to use the nix.package option?
<samueldr> alternatively, you could go the tortuous road of changing your channel to nixos-18.03, upgrading, then changing back to unstable, and upgrading again
<hyper_ch> I don't know what you mean
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<samueldr> in your configuration.nix it would look like `nix.package = pkgs.nixUnstable`
<samueldr> (I was verifying whether nix2 or nixUnstable existed, and if they were at a nix 2.x release)
<hyper_ch> samueldr: and how to roll channel back?
<colemickens> Any python experts around? It seems like something is clobbering python package metadata?
<{^_^}> #46318 (by stesie, 4 weeks ago, open): python urllib3 build cripples metadata
<colemickens> I can reproduce the issue described very easily.
<samueldr> hyper_ch: `sudo nix-channel --rollback`
<hyper_ch> samueldr: still stuck at same
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<hyper_ch> root@nixos:~# nix-channel --rollback
<hyper_ch> switching from generation 24 to 23
<hyper_ch> root@nixos:~# nix-channel --rollback
<hyper_ch> error: no generation older than the current (23) exists
<hyper_ch> and still get same error
<samueldr> right and you're nixos-rebuilding without --upgrade?
<hyper_ch> yes
<samueldr> hmm, that's a tad more worrying
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<samueldr> it might be that the revision used was garbage collected
<hyper_ch> yes
<samueldr> I have a confession to make: I'm not using channels on my system :/ so I'm not used to deal with more intricate details
<hyper_ch> so, how still same question: how to upgrade now
<samueldr> yeah, thinking about what I'd try
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<dhess> wow, the way you configure FreeRADIUS is really just not a good fit for NixOS
<dhess> Say I want to symlink *most* of the files from a derivation in the Nix store, but exclude a few specific ones. Does NixOS support anything like this?
<colemickens> It seems like a lot of people don't use channels. They're sort of under-documented and they butt right up next to Hydra which is also woefully undocumented.
<dhess> so like, with FreeRADIUS, it has maybe 100+ individual configuration files. Most of them are fine, but a few of them need to be replaced. So what I'd like to do is symlink /nix/store/asdbc....freeradius-3.0.17/etc/raddb to /etc/raddb, but be able to specify a list of files that should *not* be symlinked (or removed after they've been symlinked)
<samueldr> colemickens: I think that the majority of users are using channels, but nixos contributors here often have specific workflow or work with additional WIP patches on top of nixpkgs, which channels cannot support
<samueldr> at least, for my case, it's lack of experience fixing things with channels
<samueldr> when I was using them, and keeping up-to-date, never even had to rollback
<samueldr> it worked
<dhess> samueldr: yeah, it's weird how the more knowledgeable you are about Nixpkgs, the less you know about channels.
<samueldr> dhess: I agree
<samueldr> (though, as far as hydra is concerned, never worked with it, so I can't say anything)
<colemickens> In theory though, if I conceptually understood them and/or Hydra better, I could have Hydra building my nixpkgs
<colemickens> and/or even optimistically rebasing on channels/nixos-unstable as it advances and builds all my machine configs and puts them into my Nix cache.
<colemickens> I'm sorta in progress on this right now. Though I guess I'm not totally sold on a channel adding much at that point, if I'm already syncing my nixpkgs around to my machines...
<samueldr> hyper_ch: you can probably "hop" temporarily on 18.03, which is further along than your commit is, and then hop back to nixos-unstable
<samueldr> the first hop would install nix 2
<hyper_ch> how to get on 18.03?
<samueldr> I'm getting at it
<samueldr> by setting your NIX_PATH manually you can affect the result of nixos-rebuild for that shell session
<samueldr> I tested in a VM, on 17.09, using: export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=
<samueldr> this will allow you to nixos-rebuild boot
<hyper_ch> samueldr: I need to go now... will be back in about 2 1/2 - 3h
<samueldr> and then after a reboot you'd be on 18.03
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nathyong opened pull request #48091 → helix-cli: init at 2018.1.1705517 →
<samueldr> then, once booted in 18.03, you probably can nixos-rebuild boot --upgrade
<samueldr> when you'll be switching to 18.03, the output from nixos-rebuild WILL be screwey
<samueldr> it will even lack output at first
<samueldr> don't be alarmed, it's normal and will be the only time you should see this
<lopsided98> colemickens: That's exactly what I do. I have hydra create a channel for each of my machines that contains both nixpkgs and nixos config
<samueldr> (unless you upgrade from nix1 to nix2 on other machines)
<dhess> oooh, pkgs.symlinkJoin with a postBuild step should do the trick
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<aleph-> Hey so quick question, on the github, which is the core folder for the nix language? src/nix?
<aleph-> Looking at my own impl possibly and I want to start at only the core.
<samueldr> the parser is in libexpr
<dhess> aleph-: which language are you thinking of using for your implementation?
<aleph-> Rust, kicking around the idea with a mate of mine who's company uses Rust and Nix
<dhess> ok, just asking because there's already hnix (Haskell implementation of Nix), if you hadn't already heard of it.
<samueldr> aleph-: while I don't want to discourage you, another user had a play with a rust implementation
<aleph-> Oh neat, and there's guix right?
<samueldr> guix is not nix
<samueldr> it's using guile as the language
<aleph-> Yeah, doy.
<aleph-> Okay, this is neat.
<aleph-> This could actually make things easier. Since we're looking at a total rewrite of the daemon and everything as well
<samueldr> but aleph-, I do encourage you to try your hand if you want, trying and failing at writing an implementation led, for me, to a better understanding of nix
<aleph-> Definitely, I love it but it has some pain points me and my mate pushcx went through.
<samueldr> (not trolling, genuinely curious) and re-implementing in rust would solve those?
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<aleph-> Oh not at all.
<aleph-> Problems with the language spec and impl. Not really changing anything, so nothing will be solved.
<aleph-> This would just be fun.
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<aleph-> bemeurer: So ask the questions you have. :P
<bemeurer> Oh, hey
<bemeurer> aleph-: I didn't really have any questions in mind, other than not knowing where to start
<bemeurer> I guess, what are the main components behind nix?
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 82 minutes ago, history:
<aleph-> From what I'm seeing, Nix, nix-daemon, libexpr, nix-env.
<aleph-> Need to check the others.
<aleph-> But still, a rewrite optimistically should only be a few weeks.
<bemeurer> Optimistically is the key word there
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #47835 → nodePackages_8_x: add gulp-cli →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master:
<aleph-> Indeed it is.
<aleph-> Well, this is a largeish header.
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<ekleog> and in practice, a few years? :D
<ekleog> (just trollin', but please by all means do, it'd be great to have two actually-working implementations of nix :))
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<kalbasit[m]> say I have two different configuration.nix files, what tools can help me get a diff of the eval of both them? Maybe convert the config to JSON?
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<ekleog> kalbasit[m]: nix-diff
<ekleog> though it's a bit raw, and will be until will be solved
<{^_^}> Gabriel439/nix-diff#8 (by Ekleog, 25 weeks ago, open): Shorten trees consisting only of “These two derivations have already been compared” as the leafs.
<kalbasit[m]> awesome, let me give that a try
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<c15ade4> Anyone know if there is a good way to run a command in a vm? Basically what I want to do is have a nix expression format a blank disk then add a few files
<c15ade4> It lets me avoid using a loop mount basically.
<c15ade4> oh found runInLinuxVM
<colemickens> there's probably easier ways to construct a blank FS image without loopback than using a VM
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<symphorien> <Jarcode> symphorien: it still means symlinks in ~/.config/glava will be broken <<< yes please *copy* the files and don't symlink
<symphorien> Oh they left
<c15ade4> colemickens: I can do a blank disk without root
<c15ade4> but i can't do a blank disk with a few files
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<hyper_ch2> seems I was able to upgrade to 18.03
<hyper_ch2> now lets try next step
<colemickens> Yeah, sorry, I was meaning to be helpful and wound up realizing that I didn't actually have a better option for that, my bad.
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<colemickens> Now I'm curious if nixpkgs has an easy option for enabling the unpriv'd mounting patches.
<c15ade4> I think i found something 'libguestfs' - though under the hood that actually just starts a vm and talks to it lol.
<c15ade4> but at least i don't need to do it manually...
<c15ade4> colemickens: yeah that would be cool
<hyper_ch2> ah, upgrade to unstable seems to work now :)
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<colemickens> I think guestfs/guestfish is actually exactly what you want. Coworker built a tool for pull log files out of remote VM images in block storage using it.
<colemickens> Even if it does use a VM, it's got to be better than doing it by hand, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't.
<colemickens> Hm. I wonder if some nixos modules would be simpler and faster if they used this instead of booting VMs to build rootfs.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edude03 opened pull request #48092 → Feature/build helm from source →
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<symphorien> c15ade4: there is lkl
<symphorien> To make a disk image from a tar
<c15ade4> symphorien: thanks, I'll check it out
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edude03 opened pull request #48093 → cfssl: allow building on all platforms →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Vskilet opened pull request #48094 → nixos/nextcloud: suggest poolConfig option →
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<hyper_ch2> and again problem: How can I get rid of the nix daemon out of memory message?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed commit from @plutotulp to staging « kbd: Rename some keymaps. »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed commit from @plutotulp to staging-18.09 « kbd: Rename some keymaps. »:
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<schmittlauch[m]> Is anyone here stll using pathogen for vim plugin management? I installed vim-pathogen into the system environment, but still vim can't execute "pathogen#infect"
<schmittlauch[m]> And yes, I might want to switch to vim8 native plugin package management later.
<andi-> I just use the plugin management we have in nixpkgs
<schmittlauch[m]> andi- the nixpkgs manual mentions that pathogen is also a viable option, but doesn't give any details.
<schmittlauch[m]> I'm just not sure whether I want to rely on nix for all important basic dotfiles, as I nedd my vim config also e.g. on university machines.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @teto opened pull request #48095 → apvlv: add .desktop file →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @krav opened pull request #48096 → gitlab: 11.2.3 -> 11.3.4, fix gitlab-ee →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edude03 opened pull request #48097 → envdir: init at 1.0.0 →
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<lewo> Does indentation with emacs nix-mode work well for you?
<Myrl-saki> Nope.
<Myrl-saki> lewo: ldlework has a patch for it.
<sphalerit> schmittlauch: I just used nix on uni machines myself
<fusion809> Hi folks, is there a way to change the user icon used in the KDE Plasma menu? On other distros I merely go into system settings to do so, or even just click on the icon as it appears in the menu. Here's a screenshot of the menu, with my mouse hovering over the icon I'm referring to: Can't see an option to at
<fusion809> System settings doesn't show a user profile section, which is where I'd change the icon under other distros
<fusion809> Clicking on the icon doesn't allow me to change it either
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg opened pull request #48098 → nix-optimise: do not run in container →
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<goibhniu> fusion809: I'm also curious about that. I guess we're missing some plasma module.
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<lewo> Myrl-saki: cool thx! Do you know if he plan to upstream it?
<Myrl-saki> lewo: Might wanna ask ldlework instead. :P
<lewo> Myrl-saki: :)
<lewo> ldlework: do you plan to upstream your nix-mode patch?
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.09 advanced to (from 12 hours ago, history:
<schmittlauch[m]> fusion809 goibhniu: According to journalctl the user_manager kcmshell module is missing. Try using that as a starting point on figuring out from which source to build it from, then you can open a nixpkgs issue
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edude03 opened pull request #48100 → helmfile: update from 0.19.0 to 0.40.1 →
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<goibhniu> schmittlauch[m]: nice!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg opened pull request #48101 → nixos pykms: run via DynamicUser →
<schmittlauch[m]> goibhniu: or even better you can then package it yourself :P But I guess figuring out where the sources for that module are is a good starting point
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<goibhniu> hrm, we seem to have a plasma5 user-manager module
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #48073 → ansible-lint: 3.4.20 -> 3.4.23 →
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<fusion809> I find it strange the command "killall" isn't included in my NixOS 18.09 install. I only noticed this because I wanted to use it to stop plasmashell so I can restart it. I applied icon theme changes and for some reason the icons weren't being updated and in my experience when that happens a plasmashell restart usually fixes it.
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<siers> fusion809, there's pkill
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #48043 → nixos/emby : use the dataDir option →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 3 commits to master:
<rnhmjoj[m]> can anyone take a look at this?
<{^_^}> #47872 (by lierdakil, 4 days ago, open): [haskellPackages] pandoc-crossref updated to v0.3.3.0, when it shouldn't be
<fusion809> siers fair point, forgot about that one.
<fusion809> Thanks
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #47853 → buildbot-worker: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #47844 → aubio: 0.4.6 -> 0.4.7 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « cabal2nix: update overrides for latest yaml version »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #47828 → alfred: 2018.2 -> 2018.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #47758 → netsniff-ng: 0.6.4 -> 0.6.5 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #47746 → packagekit: 1.1.10 -> 1.1.11 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #47743 → pcapfix: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pvgoran closed pull request #48031 → openssh: fix tunnel forwarding broken in 7.7p1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edolstra merged pull request #48076 → add clarification on periods in commit messages →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master:
<colemickens> What sort of tooling is there around keeping derivations up to date automatically, based on GitHub releases, etc?
<colemickens> I can imagine how to hack something together if I knew a scripty way to modify a value in a nix file.
<etu> colemickens: ryantm_ runs a bot that checks against (afaik) for new versions and makes PR's to master, not sure that that's what you're looking for though
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<adisbladis> colemickens: Some packages has update scripts. You can look at nodejs-10_x.passthru.updateScript or firefox-bin-unwrapped.passthru.updateScript for inspiration
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master:
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<Myrl-saki> TIL updateScript.
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<betaboon> zsh
<betaboon> argh sorry. wrong window xD
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<Havvy> Wrong window or subliminal advertising? Can _you_ tell the difference? ;)
<betaboon> why can't it be both ? XD
<Myrl-saki> superliminal advertising
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #47706 → yoshimi: -> 1.5.9 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Shados opened pull request #48102 → pidgin-opensteamworks: 1.6.1 -> git-2018-08-02 →
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<r5d> Is there a way to exclude unsearchable packages (like nodePackages) from nix-index? I can't build a database because the nixos cache keeps returning 403s for these. I'm trying to build a libraryPath for a 3rd party binary (vuescan) to eventually write a derivation for it.
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<symphorien> The master branch of nix-index has a fix for it iirc
<betaboon> is there any way to prevent nixops from trying to use ~/.ssh/id_rsa ? oO
<betaboon> srk: isnt that the complete opposite ?
<srk> betaboon: why? that's the classic way (of using ~/.ssh/config)
<betaboon> srk: i want to _not_ use ~/.ssh/config ("prevent nixops from using ~/.ssh/config")
<srk> aha
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<r5d> symphorien: trying that, thank you
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @johanot opened pull request #48103 → kubernetes: 1.12.0 -> 1.12.1 →
<__monty__> betaboon: But you asked for a way to have it not use ~/.ssh/id_rsa, that doesn't seem like a helpful question if what you actually want is for it to not use ~/.ssh/config.
<symphorien> export HOME=elsewhere ?
<sphalerite> betaboon: what are you trying to achieve by preventing it from using it?
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<srk> nixops & ssh, sad story :P
<betaboon> __monty__: to be more precise: it seems as if `nixops ssh ...` tries to offer the public-key at ~/.ssh/id_rsa first. which gets rejected by the machine. and i want that behavior to be prevented
<sphalerite> betaboon: then put a line in .ssh/config that prevents it from using that identity for that host
<sphalerite> betaboon: you seem to be conflating .ssh/config with .ssh/id_rsa
<__monty__> betaboon: Maybe clarify why you don't want to use ~/.ssh/config either. Because that's a solution to your problem, seemingly.
<betaboon> now I'm somewhat confused..
<betaboon> sphalerite: adding rules to ~/.ssh/config for each individual machines doesn't seem like a proper solution to me, as i have like 20+ machines and new ones keep getting added.
<sphalerite> betaboon: set the rule for a hostname pattern, or for all hosts?
<sphalerite> What's even the problem with it using a key that the server doens't like
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<sphalerite> s/using/offering/
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<betaboon> just to show how the "problem" appears:
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<sphalerite> betaboon: so… you don't like the log entries that appear because of it?
<betaboon> sphalerite: the problem to me is: I dont want to see those warnings when I'm actually properly authorized to connect to those machines. eg. when setting fail2ban maxretry=0.
<hyper_ch2> weird... just rebooted office server after upgrading.... it did reboot, I unlocked it remotely.... it auto-started the running VMs... . I can access the VMs just fine but I can't access the host server anymore... not through vpn (openvpn and wireguard) and not through ssh
<hyper_ch2> doesn't even react to pinging
<sphalerite> betaboon: that seems more like a fail2ban (configuration?) problem to me
<betaboon> sphalerite: to me it does not. as nixops actually causes a failed login-attempt before providing the proper key.
<sphalerite> betaboon: this is perfectly normal behaviour of the SSH client when multiple keys are available
<sphalerite> same if you e.g. have an RSA and an ED25519 key
<srk> betaboon: you can use widlcards in ~/.ssh/config or even generate it with nix I guess :)
<srk> I
<sphalerite> betaboon: and I don't htink fail2ban should block at all based on public key attempts..? Brute force is a lot less applicable to pubkey auth than to passwords
<betaboon> sphalerite: as nixops has full control over the ssh-keys couldn't it just provide them on all ssh-based commands explicitly?
<sphalerite> betaboon: yes but there are cases like initial setup with the none backend where it needs to use the user's default keys
<betaboon> my initial intention in asking this question was basically if anyone knows of a reasonable solution to this "problem". but it seems like it derailed a little :P I'll just live with it as-is for the time being.
<sphalerite> anyway this feels like a silly argument. I'll just shut up :)
<betaboon> yeh XD
<infinisil> I think I've had fail2ban block me out of my own system before..
<betaboon> infinisil: that happened to me last week. which is the root cause of thinking about this :D
<sphalerite> I think fail2ban is kind of unnecessary. Just disable password auth :D
<betaboon> infinisil: and i had maxretry=0, bantime=-1 ... XD
<sphalerite> why would you do that
<infinisil> Oh boy
<infinisil> sphalerite: I think I used fail2ban in the hopes of not getting my logs filled with failed attempts
<infinisil> tried to use*
<betaboon> sphalerite: it still creates load on the system. my ec2 nodes are under virtual bombardment of around 10-30 chinese ip's at almost all times
<infinisil> In the end I turned off fail2ban and did some manual scripts instead, which worked much better
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tokudan opened pull request #48104 → gutenberg: 0.4.1 -> 0.4.2 →
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<sphalerite> go go log filtering :p
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03 advanced to (from 18 hours ago, history:
<sphalerite> quite a lot of background noise on the internet…
<betaboon> i just prefer letting "them" know by just getting RST from the 2nd-attempt. for ... ehm opinionated reasons :P
<sphalerite> I just get /nix/store/hb77ahwr07ajrpk4bg3rp3nwvkzymfs4-lxc-3.0.2/bin/lxc-start -Fn neuro
<sphalerite> oops
<sphalerite> I just get Oct 09 13:10:25 lugn sshd[12030]: Received disconnect from port 33994:11: Normal Shutdown, Thank you for playing [preauth]
<sphalerite> right after they open the connection
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<sphalerite> they don't even try when the server doesn't offer password auth
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 79 minutes ago, history:
<betaboon> i see those too. and even this kind of stuff: Unable to negotiate with port 24137: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 [preauth]
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<sphalerite> oh yeah those increased a great deal in June or so
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed to release-18.09 « vdirsyncer: fix build »:
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<sphalerite> nope it was April
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #43735 → build-idris-package: add ipkgName →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @markuskowa opened pull request #48105 → hwloc: 1.11.1 -> 2.0.2 →
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<arianvp> Are any people here using the gitlab-runner module of nixos actively?
<arianvp> I'm considering rewriting it, but it would be a breaking change... as the current version is a bit broken
<arianvp> but wondering how many people's toes i'm gonna step on
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<cryptix> hi! i'm seeing lots of 'connection refused: IN=.. MAC=.. SRC=.. DST=..' in my dmesg log. I guess these are from the default iptables firewall? can I configure this logging somehow?
<gchristensen> cryptix: yep!
<pareidolia> I've got a new hash mismatch!
<pareidolia> fixed-output derivation produced path '/nix/store/6c7kyj10154aggq1igs6rcpyccazw4ar-gcc-7.3.0.tar.xz' with sha256 hash '0ll8vm23gs63bgr33pgy98m143g3bjgcdfangi859rs7n6d89ssk' instead of the expected hash '0p71bij6bfhzyrs8676a8jmpjsfz392s2rg862sdnsk30jpacb43'
<gchristensen> try nix-store -r /nix/store/6c7kyj10154aggq1igs6rcpyccazw4ar-gcc-7.3.0.tar.xz
<cryptix> gchristensen: ty :)
<pareidolia> gchristensen: I have this problem constantly because the http sources change and the hash isn't corrected
<gchristensen> it is very scary that gcc 7.3.0 changed their hash
<arianvp> lets... double check?
<pareidolia> Doing it right nwo
<arianvp> their mailing list is usually very responsive
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<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #2454 → bump base nixpkgs used by default 18.03 -> 18.09 →
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master:
<fusion809> Hi, I installed NixOS 18.09 by following the installation section of the manual and whenever I run "nix-build" I get If I run with root that issue doesn't exist, but I have a feeling I shouldn't get that error with my standard user either, am I right in that?
<pareidolia> It happened again
<pareidolia> fixed-output derivation produced path '/nix/store/6c7kyj10154aggq1igs6rcpyccazw4ar-gcc-7.3.0.tar.xz' with sha256 hash '0ll8vm23gs63bgr33pgy98m143g3bjgcdfangi859rs7n6d89ssk' instead of the expected hash '0p71bij6bfhzyrs8676a8jmpjsfz392s2rg862sdnsk30jpacb43'
<pareidolia> Can someone doublecheck for me?
<gchristensen> fusion809: yikes, should not exist. echo $NIX_PATH ?
<fusion809> Rofl, sorry, I just realized my zshrc references a file that defines it (which I did because I use Nix on several other distros and my zshrc inherits a lot from the scripts I use on other distros)
<gchristensen> oh _phew_
<pareidolia> I'm a noob with Nixos so I am not at all comfortable with the way hashes are calculated, so can someone check for me?
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<pareidolia> I did "nix-store -r" and the error was exactly the samea fter
<colemickens> pareidolia: I don't understand what you're asking me to check, but if there's some command you just want the output of, I'll run it.
<arianvp> pareidolia: I think gchristensen is checking tthem now
<gchristensen> I can't do that now, sorry
<arianvp> pareidolia: you can check with "nix-prefetch-url" command
<Myrl-saki> Errr, there doesn't seem to be assertMsg
<__monty__> I have a version of shellcheck in my store but nix-shell -p shellcheck tries and fails to build a different version. How do I get a nix-shell with the version that's already in the store?
<Myrl-saki> A few days ago, I asked "is there an assert with a message, and I got told `assertMsg`
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: it's in nixpkgs/lib
<gchristensen> not in 18.09
<Myrl-saki> Ah.
<Myrl-saki> That explains why.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tazjin opened pull request #48106 → journaldriver: 1.0.0 -> 1.1.0 →
<pareidolia> arianvp: colemickens: gchristensen: The error messages are really unhelpful, but I can workaround by looking in the "building '/nix/store/i51v1ssdy2l6nzws9a5b8xp63cbci7nm-gcc-7.3.0.tar.xz.drv'..." that precedes it and take the path of the derivation's "out" that is "/nix/store/m16cs9a00znx11mqfbkmk5f3i7gyn1ca-gcc-7.3.0.tar.xz" so I can plug it into "nix copy --from
<pareidolia> /nix/store/m16cs9a00znx11mqfbkmk5f3i7gyn1ca-gcc-7.3.0.tar.xz" and then everything works. Please take note of this because this is a big problem!
<gchristensen> pareidolia: please open an issue for these
<pareidolia> For each individual hash that fails?
<gchristensen> sure
<gchristensen> or not
<gchristensen> your preference
<pareidolia> Against what? github nixpkgs?
<sphalerite> yep
<sphalerite> bennofs[m]: any chance of a new nix-index release to get the bugfix in nixpkgs properly?
<pareidolia> Ok thanks
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<Myrl-saki> builtins.sort seems broken.
<Myrl-saki> Oh.
<Myrl-saki> It's because I only had a single element.
<sphalerite> :D
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: I wanted to sort a list of sets, but passed a list of lists instead, and builtins.sort didn't "type error", then realized that it didn't even run the comparator function.
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<sphalerite> neat
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<Myrl-saki> Updated my test-case to now have 2 elements to avoid making the same mistake. :P
<Myrl-saki> It seems like Nix is a nice language to make a planner on.
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<__monty__> Is there no way to get a nix-shell of a package that's already in the store?
<sphalerite> __monty__: not sure there is. You could use nix run with it though I think
<sphalerite> or just `PATH=/nix/store/…-foo/bin:$PATH bash` :p
<__monty__> sphalerite: Alright. I assumed nix-shell worked more voodoo then only adding the package's bin to the PATH.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 94 commits to python-unstable:
<sphalerite> __monty__: it does — it creates a whole new derivation with the package in its nativeBuildInputs, and enters the build environment for that. But usually the PATH setting is all you need
<__monty__> Ok, seems to work just fine in my case. Thanks!
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: For -p.
<sphalerite> yes of course
<sphalerite> that was the case we were talking about I believe
<sphalerite> __monty__: unless you do want the build environment of the store path — in which case nix-shell $(nix-store -q --deriver $path)
<Myrl-saki> Yeah, just wanted to clarify that, since it could be taken out of context. :P
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<Guillaum> I'm a bit lost with the crossCompilation settings. Where can I find in `<nixpkgs>` the package for `gcc` / `binutils` and `gcc-unwrapped`?
<rawtaz> hello my belowed linux distro community
<rawtaz> err, beloved
<manveru> Guillaum: i think it's
<manveru> Guillaum: well, actually it's just those names
<manveru> rawtaz: yo :)
<Guillaum> manveru: `` contains the content of `gcc-unwrapped`, but I'm still looking for the content of `binutils`.
<Guillaum> (thank you by the way)
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<manveru> well, for me binutils exists at toplevel too
<Guillaum> I wonder if I can use the binutils of the x86 to build aarch binaries?
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<clever> Guillaum: of note, armv6/v7 binaries have special flags to say if its 6 or 7, and x86 binutils cant read them
<Guillaum> clever: so I'll need to use a cross compilation ready binutils. I'm still wondering where I can find it.
<clever> you can also cheat with qemu-user if you want to
<clever> this nixos module allows you to just qemu-user.aarch64 = true;
<clever> and then your machine can magically run aarch64 binaries
<Guillaum> clever: I'm keeping that, that's interesting ;) However I'm not sure that running an aarch64 binaries on qemu will be the best solution performance wise ;)
<clever> yeah, it is fairly slow
<clever> /nix/store/4snh8f34408x61x6lpwqcri86cq829jw-binutils-2.30/bin/readelf -A /nix/store/4snh8f34408x61x6lpwqcri86cq829jw-binutils-2.30/bin/readelf
<clever> Tag_CPU_arch: v6
<clever> this is what happens if i run the armv6 readelf against itself, under qemu-user
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<sphalerite> You can also use `nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform.hello` to get a shell with aarch64 build tools (the shell for building hello to be precise)
<clever> oh, interesting, the x86-64 readelf can also see that field now
<clever> maybe it was objdump that couldnt
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<andi-> wasn't there versions of objdump and srts that just supported many platforms if enabled during compilation?
<sphalerite> yeah all of binutils except as supports multiarch iirc
<sphalerite> clever: regular stdenv objdump lists… a lot of supported arches
<clever> yeah, just noticed that in its --help
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<clever> things have probably improved since i last ran into this issue
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<Guillaum> sphalerite: more precisly, I want to build a configuration file whith the path to the tools, so I need a way to know them programatically. And smarter than running the shell and calling "which"
<sphalerite> Guillaum: probably best to build the config file in nix then
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.09-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
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<Guillaum> sphalerite: yes, that's what I'm trying to do. However I cannot find the name of the nix package "path" which contains what I'm looking for.
<sphalerite> Guillaum: pkgs.writeText "foo.conf" (with pkgs.pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform; ''CC=${}/bin/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc'')
<sphalerite> for example
<Guillaum> sphalerite: that's enough for 'gcc', but 'ar' / 'gcov' / ... are in others packages (which are usually called `binutils` and `gcc-unwrapped`, but I cannot find their "cross compilation version")
<tilpner> Hi! I'm currently on my phone because on my laptop with 18.09 the keyboard just shuts off a few minutes after boot
<clever> tilpner: is the cpu fan spinning?
<tilpner> Has anyone experienced something similar? Any ideas on how to debug?
<tilpner> clever: No, not really
<clever> tilpner: does the cpu feel abnormally hot?
<teto> hum someone is playing with discourse themes :)
<tilpner> It's not just the keyboard. The integrated touchpad is disabled too. An external USB mouse still works though
<sphalerite> Guillaum: oh right
<clever> tilpner: oh, the keyboard stops, not the whole pc
<tilpner> Not particularly hot
<sphalerite> Guillaum: and you can't do the build that this config file is for in nix itself? :p
<tilpner> I can still move the mouse and interact with stuff using the USB mouse
<clever> tilpner: got a usb keyboard?
<tilpner> But I really need the keyboard
<tilpner> No
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 603 commits to staging-next:
<tilpner> I should create an Ubuntu stick and check if it happens there, but I'm not sure I can be quick enough
<Guillaum> sphalerite: I'd love to do this build using nix, but I'm actually creating many toolchain configuration file for another build tool (i.e. bazel)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 605 commits to staging:
<clever> tilpner: one min, i have a crazy idea...
<sphalerite> Guillaum: ah
<tilpner> Ntpd also broke, maybe that's related
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 94 commits to python-unstable:
<clever> > onboard.meta.description
<{^_^}> "An onscreen keyboard useful for tablet PC users and for mobility impaired users."
<clever> tilpner: using left mouse, you can select text, and middle mouse to paste text
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<clever> tilpner: in theory, you can steal letters from random open apps, to assemble `nix-env -i onboard` and `onboard`, though enter is harder (or just do it fast after bootup?)
<clever> then youll have a "usable" keyboard to open logs and debug it further
<tilpner> I'll try that
<tilpner> But I already checked logs and found nothing
<clever> evtest would be one of the next steps then
<clever> tilpner: if you run `evtest` as root, you can select any event source, and then see the raw events coming from it
<__monty__> Maybe sshing in from another device'd be easier?
<clever> headphone jacks give insert/remove events, my wireless headset has volume events for the knob, keyboard/mouse do what you would expect
<clever> tilpner: oh, and does ctrl+alt+f1 give a working console?
<tilpner> It does not. REISUB doesn't work either (it usually does)
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<samueldr> tilpner: using something like powertop?
<tilpner> Yes, I'll disable that
<samueldr> this sounds like some power optimisation thing gone wrong
<clever> tilpner: sounds like a problem fairly low-level within the keyboard drivers
<tilpner> I stopped the tlp service, let's see if that does anything
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<Moredread> Is defining optional options for packages via e.g. nixpkgs.<package>.enableFeature (as it is for kodi or retroarch) how it should be done or is it expected that users use overlays and package overrides?
<clever> Moredread: it generally has to be done with overlays, but you can sometimes use nixpkgs.config.feature = true;
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<Moredread> clever: I'm more thinking about what should be done for new features and/or packages
<clever> Moredread: for example, the blueman package has a withPulseAudio flag, that you set via .override
<clever> but, the default is the value of config.pulseaudio, and it defaults to true when absent
<clever> so you can just nixpkgs.config.pulseaudio = true or =false;
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<wpcarro> I'm trying to diagnose why I lose WiFi everytime after my laptop sleeps. If I just `reboot`, everything works as expected. I've tried running `systemctl restart wpa_supplicant.service`, but that doesn't seem to do the trick.
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<clever> Moredread: conky does the same, but defaults to false
<tilpner> clever, samueldr: Thank you! I'm not sure it's fixed, but I'll try evtest when it does again :)
<Moredread> clever: :) I know how it works, sorry if I didn't ask clearly. My problem is, what should I do as a package developer? Should I define nixpkgs.<package> options, or is that more or less deprecated? I think I saw quite a few packages with optional parameters, that aren't setable via config options and am wondering what is "correct" way currently.
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<clever> Moredread: depends on if its a common flag that a lot of packages have or not
<Moredread> clever: maybe you have an idea on the questions raised there? :)
<clever> Moredread: heh, github is truncating all-packages.nix, cant find retroarch
<clever> > pkgs.retroArchCores
<{^_^}> [ ]
<clever> Moredread: id say this is bad-form, its poluting the top-level pkgs with random internal variables
<sphalerite> yeah I'd expect retroArchCores to be an attrset containing the actual cores
<sphalerite> and retroarch to have an override for it, like retroarch.override { cores = with retroarchCores; [ foo bar ]; }
<clever> retroArchCores is a list, containing all cores enabled, acording to config.retroarch
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<Moredread> I think I'll open a discussion on github on how to improve documentation for users and package writer, as this was one of the largest hurdles to figure out as a beginner with NixOS... Can I cc you there? I'm not sure though when I have time to work on it
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<sphalerite> Moredread: previously: #26211
<{^_^}> (by lheckemann, 1 year ago, open): Nixpkgs manual scope
<Moredread> sphalerite: thanks :) I'll look into the ML discussion
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<sphalerite> umm. error: writing to file: Connection reset by peer
<sphalerite> Not seen this one before!
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<Guillaum> sphalerite: clever: manveru: FYI (import <nixpkgs> {crossSystem.config = "...";}).buildPackages contains all the build system `gcc` and friends.
<Guillaum> thank you for your time.
<sphalerite> Guillaum: aah ok. There's also (import <nixpkgs> {}).pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform.buildPackages as a shortcut for nixpkgs's example platforms
<sphalerite> which are also in the binary cache, rather helpfully :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @KimBurgess closed pull request #36897 → Teleconsole →
<Guillaum> sphalerite: indeed, thank you.
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<Taneb> I've got some behaviour with nix-the-language I don't understand
<Taneb> "let foo = bar @ {baz ? {}}: bar // { baz = bar.baz;}; in foo {}" gives me "error: attribute 'baz' missing"
<Taneb> When I'd expect baz to be {}
<Taneb> Is this a bug, or just something I don't understand?
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<clever> Taneb: the bar @ { .. }: doesnt include the defaults within bar
<Taneb> clever: ah, I see
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @KimBurgess opened pull request #48108 → Teleconsole →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau merged pull request #48067 → limesuite: 18.06.0->18.10.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau pushed 2 commits to master:
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<Myrl-saki> ,escape
<{^_^}> Myrl-saki: Did you mean escape"?
<{^_^}> " double quote: \" backslash: \\ bash curly bois: \${} newline: \n tab: \t "
<Myrl-saki> ,escape''
<{^_^}> '' two single quotes: ''' bash curly bois: ''${} newline: ''\n tab: ''\t any character x: ''\x ''
<Myrl-saki> Eh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau merged pull request #48010 → gramps: add support for recommended packages, add joncojonathan to maintainers →
<gchristensen> > ''foo ''${bar} baz''
<{^_^}> "foo ${bar} baz"
<Myrl-saki> Yeah.
<Myrl-saki> I think I was looking for
<Myrl-saki> > ''${'${x}'}''
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, at (string):196:5
<Myrl-saki> Hm, that doesn't seem to be it.
<Myrl-saki> The basic idea was string interpolation.
<gchristensen> what are you trying to do?
<Myrl-saki> gchristensen: ''${ }, but an alternative way that I learned from here.
<Myrl-saki> I guess it didn't stick for a reason.
<gchristensen> I don't think there is an alternative?
<Myrl-saki> gchristensen: The basic idea was to do something like `''${ ... }''` where ... is a string with a literal ${}
<Myrl-saki> I kind prefered it since it's less noisy than ''${}
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau merged pull request #44077 → slic3r-prusa3d: 1.40.1 -> 1.41.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau pushed 4 commits to master:
<Myrl-saki> (In terms of syntax highlighting, at the very least.
<Myrl-saki> > ''${"\${x}"}''
<{^_^}> "${x}"
<Myrl-saki> I think that's what it was, but I thought there was a better looking version.
<gchristensen> that is ugly :P
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<roflik> hola, is there a (third-party) tool to perform automated nixos installation? incl. partitioning etc.
<gchristensen> roflik: I have done (a lot of) this in the past, can you describe what you're looking for exactly? like, workflow etc.
<roflik> gchristensen: i'd like to pop in the usb stick with minimal iso dd'd to it, provide a url with a configuration file, and have "magic" repartition a given disk and install and configure "everything" (given said configuration file).
<roflik> gchristensen: i don't want to wrangle fdisk. and i'd like to have zfs set up without running zpool and zfs by hand.
<clever> roflik: that is similar to justdoit, the current version of justdoit has a minimal configuration.nix baked into it, and then the whole justdoit is baked into the iso you dd to something
<roflik> gchristensen: basically unattended install on bare metal.
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<clever> roflik: so you literally boot the machine, and type justdoit on a shell, and your done
<roflik> clever: sounds very promising.
<clever> its main limitation right now, is that you have to remake the entire iso and usb if you want to change the initial configuration.nix
<gchristensen> roflik: yeah, so I do that for
<gchristensen> and noted, clever has done similar ;)
<clever> is another project i started but never finished
<clever> which was giving a full gui for installing, along with an editor for configuration.nix, that could show option descriptions
<gchristensen> roflik: how many servers, how many types of servers, and how often will this be used?
<clever> roflik: if you control the network, then ipxe is also an option
<roflik> gchristensen: one physical machine for now
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<gchristensen> cransom: you unfollowed me on Twitter? :o
<roflik> clever: can the "remake the entire iso" thing be overcome by using another usb stick with the config file?
<gchristensen> roflik: or even just a different partition on the USB disk, sure
<clever> roflik: it can be overcome by just tweaking justdoit.nix to accept the file as a param
<clever> roflik: also, rather then using a liveusb, you could do a proper nixos install to the usb, then you can just edit whatever you want, nixos-rebuild, and the changes will persist
<cransom> gchristensen: somewhere along the lines, i stopped following and have no idea why. i rectified
<clever> nix can also be used to generate a disk image with a full install, rather then a live env
<gchristensen> cransom: no worries ;)
<clever> roflik: justdoit.nix itself is a nixos module, so you can just add it to the imports section of any nixos, live or normal
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<gchristensen> roflik: you might be interested in this to complement the justdoit.nix from clever
<clever> gchristensen: i think yours lacks the server? since runs that and just boots the files you give it?
<gchristensen> right
<clever> my netboot_server.nix is meant to be ran on a machine that has 2 NIC's, and will fully configure that box to behave as a router
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 4 hours ago, history:
<clever> the original use-case was to turn my laptop into a router, to spread nixos to more laptops
<clever> and the router config, allows the 2nd laptop to leech the wifi over the cat5 that did netbooting
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<catern> gchristensen: if hypothetically you were going to give a talk about Nix to a Nix interest group at a mid-size corporation which doesn't yet use Nix but has an existing proprietary package manager with some similarities to Nix, with the goal of getting them to use Nix... what talk do you think you should give? :)
<gchristensen> is this mid-size corporation in a high-risk industry with great costs upon screwup?
<catern> hmm, yes it is
<gchristensen> is this talk going to be no longer hypothetical and am I going to come down and see Shangpeng again? :)
<gchristensen> me? I'd talk a bit about how it works, then benefits of a large community including other high-risk companies investing in Nix, then some typical "on-ramp" stuff for how to set the company up for Nix. ideally, before the talk, there would be an opportunity to talk to people who are invested in the outcomes of the project and hear what they care about and their concerns
<catern> It's probably entered the realm of the concrete, but I can't really guarantee that because who knows what crazy corporate thing could happen to stop this talk
<catern> (It makes me pine for when I organized a talk series in college - we just got a random room and talked to whoever walked in)
<gchristensen> haha, yeah
<gchristensen> however since it is a corp and travel is involved, it is a bit different :)
<catern> that sounds like a pretty interesting talk and would work out well yeah
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<catern> I actually have no idea what typical on-ramp stuff you mean :)
<catern> perhaps like... using it for reproducible environments in CI?
<gchristensen> yeah! setting up CI, binary caches, etc.
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<catern> the usage so far has just been as a way for individual developers to install more recent tooling on their development boxes - developers don't have root so this usage is a pretty slick application of the nix-daemon
<gchristensen> nice
<catern> it's a lot like the environment inside HPC clusters from what I can tell
<catern> most teams don't have root so they deploy entirely in their home directories, independent from a more stable base system
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<catern> which is rich ground for Nix IMO :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gnidorah opened pull request #48109 → midisheetmusic: add version to name →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bhipple opened pull request #48110 → f2fs-tools: fetch src from HTTPS instead of SSH →
<jluttine> i've used -g3 and -O0 when compiling an executable but i suppose when it's moved to nix store, debugging symbols are removed? at least it seems so as that binary doesn't contain any debugging symbols.. how do i get nix to NOT remove them?
<tilpner> dontStrip = true;
<clever> jluttine: one sec
<clever> yeah, that
<clever> the above hook will run strip on all binaries, if dontStrip = true; is absent
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #48087 → papirus-icon-theme: 20180816 -> 20181007 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to master:
<jluttine> tilpner clever: wow, that works! thanks!! :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #48027 → nheko: 0.6.1 -> 0.6.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #48109 → midisheetmusic: add version to name →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #46898 → pythonPackages.osmnx: init at 0.8.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Synthetica9 opened pull request #48111 → atom: 1.31.0 -> 1.31.2 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @thefloweringash opened pull request #48112 → accountsservice: 0.6.50 -> 0.6.54 →
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<steveeJ> mic92: have you found a solution to the OPENSSL_DIR issue you noted here? I'm running into the same
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<worldofpeace> How can I override a value in <common-config.nix> ?
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<jD91mZM2> Where can I find a rendered version of xml files in the nixpkgs repository? For example,
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<ldlework> lewo I made a PR to the project
<ldlework> it is up to yorick and friends to merge it, etc
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<Mic92> steveeJ: no, I did not investigate this further.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #48053 → Remove old OCaml versions. →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 7 commits to master:
<yorick> ldlework: link?
<samueldr> jD91mZM2: <nixpkgs/doc> is the nixpkgs manual, though if the change is more recent than the branch-off for 18.09 it wouldn't be there yet
<samueldr> jD91mZM2: don't know what the update policy is / will be, but gchristensen rendered *all* the manuals
<samueldr> this was done over the week-end IIRC
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bgamari opened pull request #48113 → gdb: 8.1.1 -> 8.2 →
<hyper_ch> I have a weird issue: On my system with kvms, the host can't ping any other ip except the router, dns resolution works but no connection to anything - this happened after first "upgrading" to 18.03 because of nix2
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<rawtaz> hey peeps. can anyone explain whats causing the error in ?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch opened pull request #48114 → cdb: init at 0.75 →
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<rawtaz> this is with the master branch, btw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @MP2E pushed 3 commits to master:
<neonfuz> Just bought a nintendo switch a few days ago
<neonfuz> people have ported linux to it, might try nixos lol
<neonfuz> wonder how hard it'll be
<neonfuz> does nixos have arm repos?
<jD91mZM2> samueldr: Ah, thanks! Didn't realize the nixpkgs manual was separate from the nix manual
<jD91mZM2> tbh it's a little confusing how the various nix components are all on one page with the only difference being what you select in the dropdown
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #48115 → libx11: 1.6.6 -> 1.6.7 →
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<samueldr> neonfuz: if you ever intend to play online, do nothing of the sort as it's unknown exactly what can and cannot be detected
<samueldr> neonfuz: but in theory it should work relatively fine since it's aarch64
<samueldr> when it initially was released, I was looking at it, but there were issues with wi-fi bringup and display bringup, which apparently are all fixed now
<samueldr> might try later again
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<samueldr> (as in later in life, not later today)
<neonfuz> samueldr: yeah ik, though if I'm booting into linux that's from boot and isn't even running the switch OS anymore
<neonfuz> so it should be safe
<neonfuz> samueldr: do you have a switch? they started patching units sold after like july
<neonfuz> for the main exploit at least
<samueldr> neonfuz: if the hardware is initialized weird by Linux, it's not impossible that it could be checked by horizon (the switch OS) to profile whether or not you're likely to have done weird things
<samueldr> and it might not be linux, but how the payload is started, which partially is the same way that other homebrew is loaded
<neonfuz> yeah tru, but I mean idk I'm okay with the risk
<samueldr> neonfuz: yes, got one specially for that
<neonfuz> if nintendo is gonna have a problem with running a completely free replacement firmware they can go eff themselves lol
<samueldr> right, just laying it open: consider anything booted using exploits as tainting the device as far as nintendo is concerned :/
<neonfuz> maybe this isn't the best setup actually, idk if it has the newest fixes
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @romildo opened pull request #48116 → xdg/icons: (re)build icon theme caches →
<samueldr> those are the host-side tools
<samueldr> (old and not updated)
<Denommus> anyone making dotnet core derivations?
<neonfuz> but yeah if you don't know, to exploit the switch you bridge some pins in the right joycon (1-10, or 9-10), hold volume up, and boot
<emily> jdnavarro: the distinction between the nix components are a little confusing to start with, tbh
<neonfuz> samueldr: ah alright nm then
<samueldr> emily: our jd9 friend left :/
<neonfuz> I'm mostly concerned if I try to like, get nixos on my switch but don't use the newest stuff and end up damaging my hardware lol
<emily> ah, whoops; sorry jdnavarro
<neonfuz> but man, nixos would be great for this imo, declarative os builds for the switch would be great
<neonfuz> btw retroarch changed its behaviour a really long time ago and then nixpkg still assumes the old behaviour
<neonfuz> I actually consider this an upstream bug though, you used to be able to pass a directory of cores and it would add it would se tthe core directory to that, but now that they have the libraries system they broke it
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<ldlework> yorick: nevermind.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #47933 → vault: 0.11.1 -> 0.11.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 2 commits to master:
<ldlework> lewo: it was already merged,
<{^_^}> nix-mode#48 (by dustinlacewell, 7 weeks ago, merged): Improve indentation robustness
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 53 minutes ago, history:
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<neonfuz> samueldr: nice
<rawtaz> can someone just point me in the right direction regarding debugging/figuring out ?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « scdoc: Update the URLs (homepage and download) »:
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<manveru> rawtaz: seems like you're missing some config?
<manveru> the lightdm module expects `"display-manager".environment` to be set
<rawtaz> hmm i dont think so actually. i have used this config before. i think it's something with unstable/master
<hyper_ch> I have a weird issue: On my system with kvms, the host can't ping any other ip except the router, dns resolution works but no connection to anything - this happened after first "upgrading" to 18.03 because of nix2
<manveru> rawtaz: you running unstable?
<rawtaz> manveru: ill check out an older version of the nixpkgs and see if i can pinpoint when it started
<rawtaz> manveru: no im running on the master branch
<manveru> oO
<manveru> not sure if brave or naive :)
<rawtaz> haha
<manveru> i stick with stable releases and just install single packages from unstable when i need them
<manveru> people put a ton of effort into making them stable :)
<rawtaz> this is just a test machine :) im still just poking around. i upgraded open-vm-tools earlier, thats what made me try master
<manveru> ok
<rawtaz> but it might very well be that i am screwing something up and theres nothing wrong with nixos, it's rather likelt
<rawtaz> -t+y
<srk> I'm running master for like two years without any issues :D
<srk> on my dev machine/desktop
<rawtaz> yeah i will do that too, be on stable and pull in unstable packages where needed only
<rawtaz> haha, there's the brave one
<srk> pretty handy if you plan to hack on nixos quite a lot
<manveru> true
<manveru> but i rather hack on my own stuff ;)
<manveru> and like if i only have to worry about changes twice a year or so
<manveru> anw, nixos is good for both
<rawtaz> srk: yeah indeed
<LnL> well, using master could make your system unbootable
<rawtaz> manveru: you were 100% right. i was missing services.xserver.enable = true; in my config. it had been accidentally removed
<LnL> and that's not a theoretical issue
<manveru> i'm fine with bleeding edge when it comes to home-manager :)
<gchristensen> samueldr: probably never to be updated again
<samueldr> gchristensen: good to know, thanks
<gchristensen> it is incredibly "expensive" to build as a nix expression, and I'm not really interested in maintaining it. maybe a future project for a thing.
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<kalbasit[m]> how to gate the `imports` from within an mkIf? I tried this but I got an error: The option `imports' defined in ... does not exist
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<gchristensen> you can't use the config to modify the list of imports, because what happened if a config causes A to import B, and B changes config so it shouldn't have imported A?
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<kalbasit[m]> oh
<kalbasit[m]> that's too bad, it's fine I guess I'll put those in the host config directly
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<avn> LnL: unbootable (totally) master is close to be impossible -- it should be system with broken/incompatible bootloader
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<gchristensen> that isn't true, unbootable master happens, and it can wrek your bootloader where your you need a NixOS install disk.
<gchristensen> avn: how do you figure it is close to impossible?
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<avn> gchristensen: hehe. When my grub was unable read any kernel ;)
<avn> gchristensen: boot any reasonable generation then switch to lastest is painful, but not impossible
<avn> (I have some breakage due my pulseaudio works)
<samueldr> nixos could have clobbered your grub.cfg with an empty file
<samueldr> (if a bad commit went on master)
<gchristensen> or could dd'd your /, master is wild west
<samueldr> while on nixos-* channel branches, tests will check (among others) bootloaders
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<booglewoogle> hey, it seems that with wine-3.14 (Staging) I can only create 32-bit prefixes on nixOS? anyone else having this problem?
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<booglewoogle> okay, seems like my case isn't unique, as per .. a fix was posted there, too:
<clever> booglewoogle: i notice that the commit is not in any branch
<jabranham> If I'm on nixos, but using nix-env as my user, if I want to subscribe to the unstalb channel should I pick nixpkgs-unstable or nixos-unstable?
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<clever> jabranham: doesnt matter that much, nixos-unstable updates a little less often, because it waits for the nixos tests to pass, but nixpkgs-unstable can also hang because it waits for darwin things to pass
<jabranham> clever: OK, thanks
<booglewoogle> clever: yea, hum..
<booglewoogle> is there a way I can work this patch into my configuration.nix elegantly? I assume with an override, if anything?
<clever> booglewoogle: you would need to be altering the postInstall attribute with overrideAttrs
<clever> and you would need to remove wine64 from the middle of the string
<clever> it may be simpler to just load the modified nix file with callPackage
<booglewoogle> hmmmmm, I just realized the wine nix-expression seems to already be patched with this
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<booglewoogle> clever: thanks for this. seems like I'll have to search down another road first though
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<clever> booglewoogle: my first guess is that you need to enable a winewow build
<booglewoogle> clever: how would I do that? first time i hear about winewow
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji opened pull request #48126 → flashplayer: -> →
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<booglewoogle> clever: thanks! building now, hope it'll work. :)
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<rawtaz> hehe. if the disk is really full, what would you suggest to be able to run nix-store --gc ?
<rawtaz> kind of silly that trying to run gc to clean up the disk doesnt work when the disk is full :P
<clever> rawtaz: nix-collect-garbage --max-freed 1024
<clever> that will stop after deleting 1kb
<clever> and then gradually work the number up until it has enough to gc normally
<clever> you can also just stop when you hit your goal, and keep some garbage around
<rawtaz> cool
<rawtaz> can you tell me anything about what it is that the gc is trying to do when it needs space to write? is it just some index its trying to write, nothing big?
<clever> rawtaz: it moves all garbage to /nix/store/trash, and it has to update a sqlite database
<rawtaz> oh ok
<clever> -rw------- 1 root root 8.0M Oct 9 14:53 /nix/var/nix/db/reserved
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<clever> it will also delete this 8mb file when it starts, to give itself some room
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<clever> but some filesystems dont actually give you space back when that happens
<rawtaz> i see
<rawtaz> any particular ones?
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<rawtaz> that arg helped btw, thank you very much!
<clever> zfs is as immutable as nix, and if you have a snapshot, you gain nothing upon deletion
<clever> and similarly, zfs cant modify any directory in-place, and has to make a new directory listing
<clever> so even renaming an entry in /nix/store requires space
<rawtaz> yeah
<rawtaz> but the regular ext3-4 and xfs dont have this do they?
<clever> but, if you encounter a garbage file in /nix/store/ it wont be renamed to trash, and will be deleted immediately
<clever> yeah, those are more mutable and just give you the speed
<clever> space*
<rawtaz> ok nice
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<clever> another factor, is that nix moves the garbage directories to /nix/store/trash, so you gain almost no space for 90% of the time spent
<clever> but files are deleted instantly
<clever> nix is focusing on atomicly removing things from the store, rather then deleting fast
<rawtaz> it tries to do an atomic gc or whats the reason it moves to trash?
<rawtaz> right
<clever> so a directory either exists in complete, or doesnt exist, and is never between
<rawtaz> yeah
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<bemeurer> Hey hey, does anyone know a way to use git with SSH inside a _pure_ nix-shell?
<bemeurer> I imagine there's some envvar I need to add to my shell.nix; but I don't know which
<bemeurer> Right now I get Permission denied (publickey).
<sphalerit> bemeurer: $HOME probably
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<sphalerit> Or specify -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 or whatever key you use
<clever> or re-set SSH_AUTH_SOCK
<bemeurer> clever: How can I do that?
<bemeurer> I can't just add `HOME=$HOME` to my shell.nix, can I?
<samueldr> bemeurer: there's a new flag
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<clever> echo $SSH_AUTH_SOCK outside, and then export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=<the value> inside
<samueldr> --keep name
<samueldr> When a --pure shell is started, keep the listed environment variables.
<clever> ah, neat
<bemeurer> Ah! That's neat! Let me try it
<samueldr> added that lately
<samueldr> for the same exact need
<samueldr> though it requires nix 2.1 IIRC
<samueldr> (which is current on 18.09 and unstable)
<bemeurer> I'm on 2.0.4 :(
<bemeurer> Hmm, any alternative ways to do it without the manual setting of the var?
<samueldr> aw, then manual operations as clever explained should work
<samueldr> or through a temp file
<samueldr> you could do something DANGEROUS AND DIRTY like printf 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK="%s"\n' "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" > kept_env and in the nix-shell (script?) `. kept_env`
<samueldr> where `.` is the posix compliant `source`
<bemeurer> That _is_ dirty :P
<bemeurer> Let me see if I can get 2.1 on gentoo
<clever> bemeurer: should be as simple as just nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nix after you update the channel
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<freepotion> Hi guys! Can anyone take a look at this PR? It seems we have resolved all problems. But if nobody wants it, I can close it.
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<rawtaz> damnit, why did he leave
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<rnhmjoj[m]> why are there so many broken haskellPackages due to unsatisfied constraints? i can't upgrade to 18.09
* jasom has noticed the haskell problem with other source-based distros as well *glances at gentoo*
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<Myrl-saki> rnhmjoj[m]: Unsatisfied constraints?
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<rnhmjoj[m]> Myrl-saki: try to build pandoc-crossref for example. it fails since it requires `pandoc ==2.3.*` but pandoc is older
<Myrl-saki> Ah.
<Myrl-saki> I thought you were talking about `:: ... => ...` lol
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