
<ottidmes> dminuoso: you would do something like my-package = callPackage ./path/to/package.nix { lib = callPackage ./path/to/lib/with/custom/version.nix { }; };
<{^_^}> dminuoso: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<manveru> i guess so... was hoping for something that ties into the attrname in nixpkgs instead of just recording the name and path i guess
<manveru> and writes a json or something
<pie__> clever, i do recommend going through the diffed man page with something like meld <(man /nix/store/msrcfzv0i9k1dgj9dbpqkm9gnks1q7xy-zfs-user-0.8.0/share/man/man8/zfs.8.gz | col -b) <(man /nix/store/pf10i
<pie__> something sometihng.
<pie__> and well, i guess for zfs you cant even say its just random bytes, so i guess the only real solution is to just wrap it in luks (i think you can have the header on a separate device or something, technically?)
<ashkitten> if you have a threat profile that includes this, you probably have other issues. however, this is still something that should be addressed (at least an easy way to change the master key of a dataset)
<clever> pie__: and reveals something mildly scarry
<pie__> samueldr, im assuming that means convert to text as opposed to converting the man rendered format or something
<samueldr> but something's weird
<pie__> samueldr, is there something more convenient than using nix repl to get a path i can realise :I
<clever> active means you must do something before you can disable it (if you can at all)
<clever> tobiasBora: whatever you put in binary, will get passed to screen, so you could also sneak screen flags in via binary = "-something ${weechat}/bin/weechat"; lol
<tobiasBora> clever: ohh... you mean like binary = "${pkgs.weechat}/bin/weechat --dir <HOME DIR>"? I just don't see how to setup <HOME DIR> with something like pkgs.writeText, my first guess would have been to put it directly to /etc/myweechat_conf/ using environment.etc, but maybe writeText has an alternative for folders?


<clever> it would have to re-eval the nix every time it fixes something
<bendlas> jlv: the solution, I most often use, is putting a fake sha, then using `nix-prefetch-url /path/to/nixpkgs/checkout -A <package>.src`. Alternatively, something like `nix-prefetch-url https://github.com/<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz` should be possible. Admittedly, neither are pretty. Maybe there is something else?
<exarkun> I use graphical desktop. The crash symptom is that input is not longer acknowledged and ... probably the display is no longer updated (at the moment I can't remember if I ever waited long enough to be sure _something_ on the display should change if it the problem were only input handling)
<tobiasBora2> and second question, I tried to setup "services.weechat.enable = true;", but I don't get something: how am I supposed to use it? I can't "su weechat" because it's not a regular user, so I don't see how I can call the screen run by weechat
<iqubic> clever: am I missing something obvious?
<simon_weber> presumably there's something I need to do so duplicity runs with that global python environment -- can someone point me in the right direction?
<nschoe> I love nixOS, but I don't manage to understand hwo to do anything with its build system when something goes wrong :/
<nschoe> I'm missing something here and I don't know what this is.
<simon_weber> presumably there's something I need to do so duplicity runs with that global python environment -- can someone point me in the right direction?
<tilpner> But this used to work without that, so this might indicate something else broke
<lucus16> nobody96: And then look through the inputDrvs section for something with source in the name
<eddyb> something in configure, I think? I'm waiting for the current run to fail
<eddyb> but let me try again in case I messed something up
<pie_> im working on something that *might* improve that a bit
<Xyliton> infinisil: it also says something about overwriting allowBroken. Wouldn't that just allow me to attempt a broken package?
<infinisil> sestrella: Yeah I think the docs are wrong there. I'd use something like "cp ${./package.json} package.json" in some phase to get the file
<sestrella> I'm missing something obvious, but I would appreciate any insights. Here is a gist https://gist.github.com/sestrella/ba1107aedd726647e293601d567a6b9e
<azazel> alexarice[m]: have you searched the discourse archives? I remember to have read someone complaining of something similar some months ago
<niksnut> you can also use --check to rebuild something that already exists: nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A hello.src --check
<yorick> maybe github changed something?
<bahamas> immae: yes, I think I understand. nix first builds a derivation for ${inlineJavaSrc}, because it's something I get with fetchgit I assume. it if was just a dir on the filesystem, it wouldn't have done it, right?
<immae> Your issue was that the src was "${something}/foo", which forced nix to build a derivation for "something", and *then* set src of your derivation to "${something}/foo", which makes that src points to a readonly folder (while usually src is a read-write folder where your error wouldn’t happen)
<bahamas> immae: I think you're suggesting something like cp -r "${inline-java}/jvm-batching" ./jvm-batching. and then set the source to ./jvm-batching. right?
<immae> bahamas: then I think you’ll need to copy the content of inline-java (something like cp -a ${inline-java} ./inline-java && chmod -R u+w inline-java), since the build is trying to create files in an already-built derivation, which cannot happen. If you find a way to put those built file in another location it’s better, but not always feasible
<o1lo01ol1o> and I'd do something like overrideCabal [...] (drv: { FOO = ${thing}/foo; })


<alex``> something like https://github.com/alexherbo2/configuration/commit/03e0c48639bdce52ba343e495d84ce564049f287 could be helpful to get a grasp of Ruby workflow
<iqubic> That's something I can do, but don't want to.
<manveru> it's not like you'll push it to rubygems or something
<inquisitiv3> I want to configure Kakoune (text editor), but there doesn't seem to be any predefined options for that? Or did I miss something when reading the manpage_
<inquisitiv3> Did I miss something_
<fasd> I ran nixos-rebuild --build-vm and it's not accepting my password. is there something else I need to do?
<nh2> gchristensen: how often do they run? Mine run once per minute, maybe something overflowed? We couldn't figure it out within 1 day of investigation with #systemd IRC help :(
<clever> Guest88: when adding something to buildInputs, nix will get the dev version foryou
<clever> nh2: something else ive wanted in nixos, is to just give an ip to the 1st link to be online
<root3> It's building something on the 64--didnt have the window visible at the time
<simpson> root3: Interesting. As a first attempt at reproduction, I can't see this with `pkgsi686Linux.git` on an amd64 machine, so maybe it's something specific to i686-native building? Wonder how that happened though. FWIW the test failures don't seem trivial, but I am not familiar with this source package's tests.
<samueldr> though, the fact that 19.09 boots means it's likely there is something that could be done to make 19.03 work
<Arahael> How do I find out how dnsmasq got installed? It's not in the configuration.nix, so something must've pulled it in as a dependency, or I must've nix-env -i'ed it.
* pie_ had a failure trying to figure out how to configure something in kde at some point and is still salty
<Guest36616> and here I was gonna suggest a bash alias or something :\


<jb55> iqubic: you have to do something like this to generate the nuget-packages.json: https://jb55.com/s/758f1ff055e1256c.txt since nuget can be quirky with its cache. yeah it's a bit of a shitshow at the moment
<jb55> iqubic: good question. I have done it but it's a bit tricky. I have something like this for a .netcore project: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/jb55/b8b49893e18b61fb8c3ea3c924358278/raw/3d2e22c22e0feb3db7157264c7e331a911d345fe/default.nix
<hodapp> oh, I thought you meant opt-in per-device or something
<immae> hodapp: about your question, is https://hydra.nixos.org/search?query=strings something like what you’re looking for? (it’s far from complete compared to ,locate, but who knows)
<simpson> We have a lot of stuff going on. (Something something *flakes*)
<immae> (well, actually I’m looking at 19.03, it’s possible that something broke in unstable )
<groodt> matthewbauer: thanks, I'll give that a try. The error I see on 0.26 is something to do with pthread. /nix/store/mffyf74zc4h2wic5lwx0kyx7gvwif0c5-Libsystem-osx-10.12.6/include/pthread/spawn.h:65:34: error: unknown type name 'qos_class_t'; did you mean 'au_class_t'?


<weebull[m]> My memory is failing me. I'm using nix on MacOS and I think I've switched something to allow expressions which are broken on darwin to install. Any ideas what I've changed? (My google-fu is failing me)
<genesis> sure something is broken here
<michaelpj> so if I try to fetchgit something with a default.nix and build it, the IFD is fine, but if it uses `filterSource` on its source then it won't work
<srhb> Something like... nixos = import <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix> { modules = [ (import /etc/nixos/configuration.nix) ]; }
<Alling> It worked on an identical monitor, like, two days ago, but I've rebuilt NixOS since and maybe that changed something. At least xrandr says XWAYLAND2 instead of DP1 like before. The xrandr commands I used to add 2560x1440 as a resolution do not work anymore. I found a guide for Wayland though:
<colemickens> in this case, it's a on etime thing, so I'm hoping for something like `LD_PRELOAD="$(nix-instantiate .... gcc) command"`
<colemickens> I need to run something with LD_PRELOAD=... libasan.so, how do I do that in NixOS?
<bahamas> immae: ok. that's what I did, namely I created nix files for all of them. I thought maybe you meant something else
<bahamas> immae: I seem to have found a way around that issue. now the situation is that I have to use a more recent version for a bunch of libraries. is my only option to create a nix file for each or is there something easier?
<bahamas> the build error might have something to do with the fact that sparkle is using a custom build setup.
<dminuoso> immae: No it's about something different.
<immae> though `thatExpr { a = "something"; b = "something" }` is exactly equivalent wether you wrote it as `{ a, b, ... }:` or `x:`


<mitch-1002> clever: I've found haskellPackages (pkgs.haskellPackages), but it's saying "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set" on that line
<mitch-1002> I assume I need to import something, but not sure where/how exactly
<pie_> bahamas, you said it was something that depends on jvm-batching that is having the problem?
<pie_> mnoronha, you should write a post or tutorial or something if you get it working, i think people have asked about this before
<bahamas> __monty__: but I tried something else. I entered nix repl and did :l ./nixpkgs.nix. then I got this
<pie_> and not "this message means something about the circuitry"
<noonien> i'm pretty sure this is not supposed to happen, am i doing something wrong?
<srhb> bahamas: Normally it's entirely tied to the compiler, so you may be doing something funky.
<clacke_movim> Maybe you would like to make sure you don't accidentally pull something in
<nh2> clever: also maybe something is wrong with that serial console config, that this remote console can't talk to it
<nh2> clever: yes, I have that. Can I pass something to `nixos-generate-config` so that it uses it somehow, or do I need to modify the generated file (e.g. setting the grub part you mentioned)?


<clever> catern: i think stdout being a pipe made by something outside the sandbox is part of the problem
<catern> we shouldn't immediately jump to libredirect because something uses /dev/stdout
<catern> I'm packaging something new which uses /dev/stdout
<marek> we should make "nixos bookmarks" as every day I'm discovering a new awesome link with something interesting
<{^_^}> riottest000[m]: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<lordcirth> Ah, hardening. It always breaks something.
<pie___> or did i just not run into something that has system level deps yet
<ilmu> and it doesn't seem to run the script? is the wiki outdated or should I reboot into the new config or something?
<johanot> can't you c/p the config out of the vm and into a github gist on your host system or something?
<tobiasBora> I don't get something about ldap:
<samueldr> andi-: for ~ I was even thinking of declaring dotfiles bankruptcy and have it something like /Users/samuel/Configuration/Legacy and set XDG_CONFIG (or the right one) to /Users/samuel/Configuration
<gchristensen> something like that where you can easily/safely/quickly roll back the filesystem state
<samueldr> nah, the next level is doing something similar, but having root and home on tmpfs except for "working" directories :)
<thomasd> gchristiansen: I'm very new to nix... how would I go about telling configuration.nix that I want to use gnome-terminal? Something like this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/core/gnome-terminal? do I need `gnome-terminal-server` too? I guess it's up to me to figure it out! whoo boy.


<manveru> something = f: set: with builtins; foldl' (sum: elem: sum // elem) {} (map (name: f name set."${name}") (attrNames set))
<manveru> gchristensen: something = lib.mapAttrs' (name: value: (lib.nameValuePair "foo-${name}" value) // (lib.nameValuePair "bar-${name}" value))
<gchristensen> I'd like to do: something (name: value: { "foo-${name}" = ...; "bar-${name}" = ...; }) { x = "hi"; y = "there";} and get out { "foo-x" = ...; "foo-y" = ...; "bar-x" = ...; "bar-y" = ...; } is there an existing function for this beyond some fold and map calls?
<manveru> domenkozar[m]: is there a way to have something like environment.systemPackages for arion? seems like it's ignored?
<infinisil> Zer0xp: Don't spam your question, and I asked you something before, you didn't reply
<ris> has anyone ever suggested making `makeOverridable` rename any _existing_ `override` attr to something like `overrideInner`?
<Yaniel> if I was going to actually package something that's a different story of course
<gchristensen> mmm no, I have sucked at following through on that :/ I think I'm trying to make it in to something too big -- and should just do anything
<tobiasBora> goibhniu1: and also, on the server you actually run a container also, or you copy the content of the container only? (if you run the container I guess you need to do something to share some partitions...)
<cf6b88f> dminuoso: It's just the only generation with that tag, so I suppose something needs to be current.
<li_matrix> ill let you know when iv something to test
<mankyKitty> I was curious about logs or even automated issues somewhere, I'm not sure "worked on my machine" or the contrary is sufficient to flip the flag. So I was hoping for something more agnostic ? I guess.. .oh well


<selfsymmetric-mu> __red___: Yeah, it's confusing. For most packages you just want `[ "foo" ]` which is an alias of the first output, usually `[ "foo.out" ]` but sometimes if you want headers you'll need both, like `[ "foo.out" "foo.dev" ]`. Confused me the first time I had to compile something like that.
<infinisil> Or something
<gchristensen> there is a setup hook I think which "fixes" the timestamps to a something zip can handle
<selfsymmetric-mu> And maybe it'll be something in the integration, like where NixOS packages python dependencies.
<nschoe> Is this something common?
<MasseR> Can I do in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix something like `config.fonts = { pkg = pkgs.inconsolata; name = "Inconsolata"; size = "11"; };` ? As in have one importable file that sets a configuration value that I can reuse elsewhere?
<arguser> greenerworld[m]: I've been trying to set up something like this https://github.com/uniphil/nix-for-devs#react-native
<pie___> i figured something like this has to exist given that similar things do :p
<pie___> something like nix why-depends?
<talqu> the user is in a wheel group but i get `We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:...` and the password does not work, when trying to do something sudo something


<marek> looks like something with pulseaudio https://gist.github.com/mmahut/794c4173119de8c3d1d921b8d097aec6
<jschievink[m]> it doesn't show up at all, but maybe that's something else
<pie_> jschievink[m], uhhh. good question. I *think* so but I havent completely finished the PR so I might have broken something
<samueldr> thinking something like /boot not pointing to the right location, so you have the real /boot that's an outdated version, and the one currently mounted (or not) that hold the updated files
<samueldr> when you see a callPackage with an attr defined, it often is an override or something not available in the package set
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<clever> DigitalKiwi nginx isnt listening on 443, something weird is going on
<marek> clever: is it something we need to fix in the shebang script?
<DigitalKiwi> i can't get letsencrypt to work is there something i'm missing from here https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nginx
<tilpner> If you put something else in your packageOverrides, are those visible?
<hyper_ch> anything not pastebin.com and that doesn't require (3rd party JS) to display something :)


<pie_> looks like just adding the channel doesnt put it in NIX_PATH, but i figured theres something else in the background...
<pie_> do i need to update my shell environment after adding the channel or something
<pie_> im doing something dumb, still wont work
<clever> pie_: -p only ever uses <nixpkgs> but you can use -I nixpkgs=something to remap it
<ambro718> running the perl script by hand didn't work because it then itself tries to run another perl as part of something
<xantoz> bodqhrohro_: I did something like this, taking inspiration from nixGL: https://github.com/xantoz/nixconfig/blob/master/dotconfig-nixpkgs/usbee/config.nix#L10
<gchristensen> simpson: any recommended research papers to read? ideally something not to tricky for me, as someone who has only read a few papers.
<gchristensen> "When you run an application, as far as the OS is concerned, everything the application does is done by you. Another way to put this is, an application you run can do anything you can do. This seems OK in the example we gave of Word saving your file. But what if Word did something else, like transmit the contents of your file over the internet to a server in Macedonia run by the mafia, or erase any of your
<pie_> id bet a box of cookies its something in your sound settings
<jlv> Might just reinstall nixos or something


<jlv_> Well, something jumps out right away "May 24 17:28:09 nixos pulseaudio[1042]: E: [alsa-sink-CA0132 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:1:> May 24 17:28:09 nixos pulseaudio[1042]: E: [alsa-source-CA0132 Analog] alsa-source.c: Error opening PCM device fron>"
<jlv_> I have a feeling that something changed between last night and rebooting this morning. Last night, I had issues with computer stuttering while volume is changing. This morning I don't have that issues, but now headphones don't work.
<jlv_> I feel like either something really weird is going on, or I'm doing something really stupid
<infinisil> I think it's got something to do with the kernel needing support for it
<jlv_> Is there anything that could change between reboots without changing configuration? Like package versions or something?
<infinisil> I have to say, in Nix land, googling/ducking something usually doesn't yield much
<pie_> fasd`, i have no idea but my shotgun fix attempt would be something something gappshook or enablegappshook or idk???
<infinisil> As in something like `self: super: { zncModules = super.zncModules // { inherit ((import (fetchTarball <nixpkgs version where your patch is in>) {}).zncModules) myModule; }; }`
<zebradil> infinisil: is there a way to get it in shell? Something like "$(nix-env --store-path powerline)/.../powerline.zsh".
<pie_> ok so that works, would be nice to just have access to this functionality from a systemd generator or something
<infinisil> The nixos in the bot is something different than pkgs.nixos :P
* pie_ nags infinisil to get something like it upstream
<pie_> infinisil, did you write :v? or is it in master or something
<ottidmes> DigitalKiwi: about giving the builder access to a file, I assume this was about the adding of a SSH key and you do not want it to end up in /nix/store? I generally would then build something that when run does the actual building (e.g. generating a bash script) or would have the file being handles via a systemd service
<pie_> guess ill just use a script or something to add the service
<pie_> the question being how to do the former. can probably do the latter with an activation script or something
<pie_> i thought you meant i could get something to generate the the service config and then just copy that somewhere mysel
<kuznero[m]> @genesis: What is it exactly I need to put into pre-post hooks? Parts of what I already have in `installPhase`? Or there is something else too?
<genesis> i've not rasberry, just takes this as the smallest dep package to try something


<infinisil> Unless you have something weird going on!
<genesis> kuznero[m] : btw you missed something in this
<kuznero[m]> I finally found something close to OneNote on windows. So far that is the best from open source. For now
<infinisil> dminuoso: Yeah, something like `environment.systemPackages = [ (import ./file.nix { inherit (config.programs.abis) abisHost statePath; }) ]`
<gchristensen> I'd write up something a bit longer, like ... "wireguard: restart on failure\nAs a oneshot service, if the startup failed it would never be attempted again. This is problematic when peer's addresses require DNS. DNS may not be reliably available at the time wireguard starts. Converting this to a simple service with Restart and RestartAfter directives allows the service to be reattempted, but at the cost of losing the oneshot semantics."
<dminuoso> clever: Is that something I did, or does it just not work in principle?
<clever> i'm probably mixing it up with something else
<pie_> did it get reverted or something or just never ended up in main
<pie_> clever, hmm, i set __impure on something without settign outputHash and now networking doesnt work, even though its supposed to
<nh2> tilpner: ah, I didn't know that, that is good. Now I just need something that allows me to set the name, like `builtins.path { name = ...}` does (because the file name I'm being given is not necessarily stable across runs)
<nh2> tilpner: well otherwise `nix-build` seems to demand it. But I just want to end up with `/nix/store/HASH-mfyle`, and that printed to stdout -- should I use something different than nix-build for that?
<pie_> ?ssh-key= or something like that (which i just tried and didnt work for me)
<pie_> yorick, but ive seen stuff like extra parameters passed with ?something= and idk hwo that work
<ottidmes> infinisil: I was indeed hoping something like that was out there
<m0rphism> but I'm neither experienced with electron nor libuuid nor with non-trivial nix-development, so for something security related it would probably be better to notify the pkg maintainer right?
<m0rphism> etu: Adding `libuuid` to `buildInputs` or `nativeBuildInputs` has no effect, maybe I'm doing something wrong
<talqu> oh, god forgot to paste something
<ivan> something caused mass rebuilds in master


<simpson> greenerworld[m]: Counting the updates sounds like an interesting challenge. In general, you can assume that if your channel has updated, then it contains something fresh for you.
<zeta_wolf> i am in the process of joining the open source project to work on the ghc compiler, i would also like to join an open source project where i would learn nix really well, do you guys know of any nixos projects? i am learning haskell, so maybe something related to that?
<greenerworld[m]> zeta I would just use something like rambox
<flokli> it still doesn't solve the problem with running nix-built gl programs from non-nixos. relying on something in /run/opengl is an impurity nevertheless
<simpson> hhefesto: Yes, assuming that you use the same Nix expressions on the same architecture. Normally knowing the precise path of something in the Nix store is only necessary when interfacing with legacy software.
<hhefesto> I am having trouble coercing a set to a string (the string is something like "${laurus-nobilis}/bla"). At least that's what the error says to my deployment-try.
<hyper_ch> gchristensen: still compiling something
<pie_> it looks like it hangs, but its not hanging, you can type something in and youll get a syntax error
<pie_> w....wait a minute...i think i got nix repl do to something really
<turion> Heartman: I mean that every time you do something like nixos-update switch, it will download the latest nixpkgs and install from there. So if there was a bug introduced recently, that could be it
<kandinski> thanks, and I learnt something.
<kandinski> but thanks for the answers, I learnt something
<adisbladis> Something like this:
<roberth> lostman: you can do something like this (import <nixpkgs/nixos> { configuration = {imports = [<nixpkgs/nixos/modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix>]; }; }).config.system.build.vm
<simpson> lostman: More practically, AIUI any attempts for a package to try to forge references at build time will be detected if they're not encoded in some original manner. One has to put in some sincere effort in order to break the encapsulation; one has to do something like blindly pattern-matching throughout the /nix/store file tree.
<Mateon1> The `ulimit -H -n` is 4096 for me right now, I'd like to change it to something like 32k or more


<camsbury> so I think it has something to do with resources... but just not sure where the bottleneck is. Maybe some kind of parallelism fail
<greenerworld[m]> alexarice: do you use KDE too or something else?
<v0id72[m]> hi all! I'm still getting use to nixos and the way the store works. With that said the main thing that I cannot wrap my head around is why I cannot access i3status in order to configure it and fine tune it. Everything else has been easily found online . But for some reason this is not something I can find even when taking some steps provided. Anyone have time to give a little guidance?
<alexarice[m]> If you want to add it to your config, you can put in `import /path/to/repo { }` and use an overlay or something
<tazjin> the original idea was something like this: https://gist.github.com/tazjin/08f3d37073b3590aacac424303e6f745
<tazjin> so you can ask it for an image with htop and curl or something by running, for example, `docker run -ti nixery.appspot.com/shell/htop/curl bash`
<pie_> Ericson2314, it fails in `(makeExtensible (callPackage baseLayer { inherit api; }))` because the implementation of super._api.withPackages, supplied by `inherit api`, tries to access something that doesnt exist until `.extend stack` would be run
<marek> camsbury: depends on your setup, but that sounds good - maybe try to to execute some ssh commands right, to see if it is related to ssh only or it is something related to nix-shell substituters
<camsbury> so something to do with the timeout
<Iyra> granted I think this problem would disappear if I just used xmobar or something else, so it's not a huge issue for me.
<gchristensen> but indeed, something like `command="nice -n20 nix-store --serve --write" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAA...`
<dsx> After update firefox seems to be broken. Is it me or something happened?
<victorbjelkholm> does nixos have something in place already for syncing configuration? My first idea was just to setup a git repository + a systemd service for checking out the current version and then apply it, but don't want to reinvent something if it's already there
<pie__> im confused, isnt something like that what tryeval is supposed to catch?
<Taneb> Issue I'm facing: I want to make something overridable in my work's nix code, but it winds up in the attribute set we've got in CI and our Hydra server gets upset when it tries to build the "override" function.
<ddellacosta> folks how does one make a decision on what to pin something to? I mean nixpkgs-unstable vs. some version of nixos, etc.? And why any given commit? I've been pointed at https://howoldis.herokuapp.com/ before, but it still seems kind of arbitrary--I don't understand the reasoning behind it.


<immae> Ok, so here you have something else
<clever> ondrejsl: so you can either `nix-copy-closure --to root@something` or `sudo nix-copy-closure --from notroot@something`
<infinisil> bourbon: By default when you import nixpkgs something like this: `import <nixpkgs> {}`, it infers some default impure arguments in the {}, one of which is `system` which defaults to something like builtins.currentSystem
<bourbon> our main default.nix does something along the lines of `pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec {...`
<clever> ondrejsl: it cant even find -lc, something is wrong with the entire compiler
<pie_> ondrejsl, infinisil, maybe worth an additional comment, if this is correct?: stack2nix probably wont be using the same packages as in the in-tree nixpkgs haskell packages, and if you happen to have a different version of something thats a core dependency, its no surprise you end up rebuilding the world
<infinisil> ondrejsl: Ideally stack2nix should generate working builds, but it seems that in your case something went wrong and you might need to fix something manually, what's the full error? From the first suspicious line to the end
<sphalerite> cizra: so you can do something like `export out=/tmp/inst ; ( genericBuild ; )
<inquisitiv3> Do I miss something, or is it a bug?
<pie_> yorick, something something .gits can be nondeterministic, but i havent checked that
<pie_> is it possible to check if something is a derivation?
<ajs124> pie_, for that specific usecase, couldn't you do something like (doot.overrideAttrs (oA: { a = oA.a ++ [ 1 ] })).overrideAttrs etc
<pie_> alexarice[m], we should have steam warn if that isnt set or something...
<pie_> or at least i want to do something not entirely unlike that
<gchristensen> FWIW I've been migrating {^_^} to a new system. it is nearly done, but obviously something is going up. will continue work on it shortly
<yorick> pie_: dunno, try it on something with side effects
<angerman> So in restricted mode, (say hydra), can I call `curl` or something?


<samueldr> I did something similar for vim stuff, updated the generated set, added what was missing, used the diff to know how to import it
<clever> only something you can build with nix-build will be portable to other nix machines
<Ralith> I have no idea how any of this works but I'm guessing it's something to do with nixos having started a new dbus while my session still has environment variables pertaining to an old one
<wucke13> alexarice[m], I think that's not the cause. AFAIK this is happening becaus of the poppler people changing something, not because nixpkgs changing?
<ekleog> (esp. none smaller than something that wouldn't fit the uncompressed data of a ~100MB compressed image)
<xok> does NIXOS have something like that?..
<gentauro> to install pythong pkgs. The problem I'm getting is something about "read-only" ...
<jakkn> I was thinking nixpkgs was the output of something. I've seen this repo multiple times, but I got stuck in confusion.
<jakkn> what is the exact definition of 'modifying my own copy of nixpkgs'? Is it simply changing configuration.nix, or something more?
<jluttine> How can I specify a directory in writeTextDir name? I wrote something like writeTextDir "foo/bar/john.doe" ''lorem ipsum'', and nix complains about invalid character '/'
<lostman> entering nix-shell is a bit slow though. I can probably live with that but is there no better way? can I put something in configuration.nix?
<andi-> I obviously want my computer to just do something different from what seems to be your vision :D
<symphorien> lostman: adding something along the lines of `if [ -z $IN_NIX_SHELL ]; then exec nix-shell user-env.nix; fi` in .bashrc might work
<_d0t> hi! How do I reinstall grub? `nixos-rebuild boot --install-bootloader` goes for a full system update, which isn't something I want right now.
<eyJhb> Is there something besides unetbootin for creating a live USB? Can't find yumi, liveusb, multisystem or startup disk creator in the repo
<jluttine> I have some dbus-type systemd user-services. When I log in the first time after reboot, they don't work. No errors in logs or anything suspicious, they just don't work, that is, they cannot be reached via dbus. When I log out and log in again, then they work normally. What could be wrong?? (I'm using my own desktop environment creation, so I'm probably missing something there..)
<worldofpeace> thanks clever turns out something weirder was going on, not related to nix


<clever> immae: see if something in that cycle is optional and can be disabled?
<clever> cizra: if something is purely a bandwidth task and has no computation to it, then its best to do on the client end, and not cache it
<clever> capnp: but something was (somehow) (indirectly) refering to it
<clever> capnp: it can also be in the closure of something else, that has a storepath in $PATH or any other env var
<bodqhrohro_> Should I modify ~/.nix-profile/manifest.nix manually or via some CLI tool? It's minified, which probably means something.
<DigitalKiwi> tilpner: https://gist.github.com/Kiwi/354ca9c133dd8953726c5ccf5a8a6b4f i could do something like this with what's in that other paste >.>
<infinisil> gchristensen: Regarding defaults for submodules options, I recently answered something very similar for pam here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/49506#issuecomment-492852607
<xok> and this something is a perl library...
<xok> I am trying to install something...
<tilpner> bodqhrohro_: Well, the store is usually mounted read-only, so yes, something prevents you from doing that
<tilpner> That's not visible to Nix at all, you'll need to do something custom for that
<tilpner> IIRC gchristensen had something for this, maybe


<clever> 2019-04-03 01:30:01< {^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<tbenst_> I'm guessing I'm missing something for pythonPackages..
<camsbury> something like --substituters
<pie__> i dont suppose theres a builtingfor getting things in the current scope or something
<pie__> (semantics, something something)
<manveru> i'd just be happy if it had an .nixreplrc or something
<ivan> I did something like https://gist.github.com/kylewlacy/c0781e9e8fb5acb50e78ad32c2b5de95 and I got disconnected after kexec with no SSH coming up
<alexarice[m]> andi-: Thanks, just trying to work out if performance issues are just nvidia based or if I'm missing something
<fadenb> Hmm, i did something similar, feels a bit hacky :P
<lostman> andi-: I tried something like that recently with `nix hash-path --base16 $src > $out`. Is there a better way?
<lostman> andi-: yeah, I'd like to try making buildRustPackage compute the SHA automatically. Unless I'm missing something it shouldn't be too hard?
<lostman> andi-: I'd be nice if it was optional. Then I could put a specific SHA for releases but don't worry about it when I'm just developing something. I have a derivation that runs benchmarks on distributed builder for instance
<matthewbauer> ugh manpath detection fails when a derivation doesn't have a bin output! it's relative to PATH, but PATH is never set for something like stdman; https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blame/master/pkgs/stdenv/generic/setup.sh#L180
<infinisil> Darn and I thought I had something there!
<infinisil> kandinski: From looking online, it seems that gnome should have something in its settings that allows you to use X, "GNOME on Xorg" or so
<ashkitten> so, new problem. starting somewhat recently, my network connection has dropped every time i do a `nixos-rebuild switch`. i recently moved, so it could be the network topology or something but i'm not sure why it's happening and i want it to stop
<ashkitten> clever: i think it's not being killed early, but i think switch_root is deleting something and it's not completing the tune (as long as it doesn't leave a persistent tone going i don't care)


<clever> something like that, cant remember the exact details
<pie_> swap just needs to be big enough that theres enough time for it to fill up while the system is lagged out so that you can kill something :D
<ottidmes> yeah I noticed something going wrong with nix-prefetch as well
<pie_> something something /msg nickserv help identify
<pie_> are there any pending kernel updates or x11 or something because for the past two weeks plasma keeps breaking when i undock :(
<ottidmes> arguser: disclaimer I haven't had the time to test the repo, but the source files I used are literal copies from what I used a few weeks ago, so unless I made some mistakes in the glue code, it ought to work, let me know if something does not work for you so I can fix it
<averell> oooh, i see it's trying to put something into the python derivation
<cizra> Is it fixable by, say, deleting something or collecting garbage or something?
<mkovacs> ottidmes: what command did you run? i'm thinking i might be doing something wrong here. i'm executing nix-build from the repo root without arguments
<tunnels> why do i get an error when configuring the desktop in kde plasma 5 which says something like Namespace 'org.kde.plasma.wallpapers.image' has already been used for type registration
<jomik> Can't seem to find something on that. I guess I can toss a PR and point it out, some clever person may know how to handle that then .. :D
<aanderse> jomik: yeah the nixpkgs manual *might* say something about setting that to epoch or something, you'd have to check
<cizra> I'm experimenting with a PR, but it fails to download something-or-other. Why's it not building it from source then? https://paste.ee/p/bIjoN
<cizra> balsoft: I did, and here it is, waiting for approval: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/61546 -- but I want to move on and try something else, not remain on that fork forever. What can I put to ./path/to/my/modules?
<tobiasBora> hum, I'm thinking about something else
<tobiasBora> Or I'm thinking about something else


<tobiasBora> file, and use something like "rootpwFile = '/etc/nixos/secret/ldap.txt'" to setup the password. But the problem of this method is that ldap cannot access this file anymore because it does not have the good permission. So I was thinking instead to use my second method: put in the secrets/ a .nix file, that contains {password_ldap = "my password"}, and then import it from "rootpw" directly. Is this second method
<clever> avn: wait, somethings not right, kernels is rwx rx rx, so it should be world readable, yet you cant read it
<avn> it doing something totally wrong
<avn> clever: missed symbol filter_something.... (was need "screenshot" with mobile, but forgot -- have other issues)
<Unode> I can't really say if this is filesystem or something else causing it
<clever> Unode: something like that would turn me off an FS forever
<MmeQuignon> It raises this : "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):1:94"
<etu> Izorkin: But just name it something else to try with?
<Synthetica> cizra: Also, something seems to have gone wrong during your force-push, a few changes fell out it seems
<run500> clever: would that be such a bad thing for nix to know about different vcs's hashing systems? that would make the process of updating revs easier, which is something that happens a lot