and is needed for the current relase of torchvision
ah, so it could be that pytorch is just old
vaibhavsagar: thanks for responding to the issue, i wasn't sure if the problem was ihaskell, ghc or emacs related, anyways i'll go to the emacs guys and show them the problem
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clever: I updated it to the latest release!
how did they manage to release torchvision when it depends on pytorch unreleased
fishy fishy
fresheyeball: is the sha256 correct?
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I just tried downgrading torchvision 0.4.1
and it still needs that file
hmm actually
if I mess with the hash for pytorch I am not seeing nix complain
i installed the ghc package called `haskellPackages.brick` in home.nix, and when i use it in a haskell program it throws the error: `ghcmod could not find module Brick`?
zeta_0: haskell modules are only ever visible if you correctly use ghcWithPackages
zeta_0: I would not advice you to manage your projects that way
zeta_0: you must use the ghc that comes from `haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (ps: [ ps.brick ])`
zeta_0: and i would recomend using a shell.nix and default.nix to provide that, so you dont get ghc's mixed up between projects
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clever: ok confirmed, the hash for pytorch is correct
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I am going to try pointing pytorch at HEAD
I am trying to get a nix-shell environment to build EmptyEpsilon. I copied the EE nix expression from nixpkgs to default.nix. But nix-shell is complaining.
I tried `nix-shell '<nixos>'` and it still is not working.
I guess I am going about it wrong, what am I missing?
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zeta_0: did you run something like: nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: [p.brick])" --run "runhaskell HelloWorld.hs"
zeta_0: if you install ghc with home-manager, you will run into problems when you need a different ghc next week
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Yes, this is something that's a massive departure from the normal way of doing things. Install everything "from scratch" in every repo or project or folder as far down as possible
i make a shell.nix for each project, that pulls in the right libraries for that project
i just use ghc in home.nix for my own projects, and i plan on using nix-shell for work, maybe this is not the best approach?
i like the declarative installation in home.nix
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zeta_0: 2 months later, when your on a different machine (or your home.nix has evolved), you wont be able to build that project anymore
i did run a nix-shell command, so that's why `brick` is not visible?
zeta_0: what args did you give to nix-shell?
zeta_0: what does `which ghc` return inside that shell?
machotool also includes an example of how to override libraries
in this case, the macho library was so ancient, it didnt compile with modern ghc, and was missing a couple features
the command threw an error: `user error (Terminal does not define required capability "cup")` , i am using eshell in emacs, so maybe eshell can't do things like this?
zeta_0: try testing with a plain nix-shell first
CMCDragonkai: only way to make it shorter, is to put that string into a .nix file, and run `nix-shell thatfile.nix`
hmmm i see
CMCDragonkai: if you name it shell.nix, then you can just `nix-shell`
in emacs i use haskell-mode integrated with haskell interactive, so i just type: C- c l and the file gets loaded in ghci with autocompletion etc
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I was wondering that given that we submit Python packages to nixpkgs, how does it know whether a package is python 3-only compatible
zeta_0: about the only thing my workflow is missing (vim + ghcid) is context aware auto-completion
I added `ninja` to nativeBuildInputs
maybe that will do it
zeta_0: but youcompleteme in vim will auto-complete any "word" present in any open buffer, and i usually have those open for cross-referencing, or they are already used nearby
clever: have you tried HIE with Coc?
fresheyeball: nope
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clever: it's nice. Full LSP stuff in nvim
autocomplete, error reporting, documentation, the works!
[nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/Je9g3
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maybe it's the laptop? I'm using a dell xps 9350 when I've used HIE. It could also be that I just find it super slow compared to the language server experience typescript has
which, admittedly, isn't an entirely fair comparison
[nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »: https://git.io/Je9g0
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jared-w: what text-editor/ide do you use?
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jared-w: i use emacs, after fixing a few problems, hie runs fast
I'm a bit of a nixos newbie, so I might be doing something wrong?
EdLin: I think that you'll have to specify user passwords in the configuration.nix that you use when building the VM.
also, on a similar note, how do I delete old VMs?
rm seems to tell me it's on a ro file system
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You could set users.users.myCoolUser.password, or set .hashedPassword. See https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/options.html for details on how to compute password hashes.
EdLin: `rm result` not `rm result/`
I think that the VMs are in the Nix store, so you'd have to remove your `result` symlink as clever says, and then collect garbage from the Nix store (nix-collect-garbage, read the man page first!)
zeta_0: I've done that before, but I like neovim better. It just works better for how I like to use a text editor
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[nixpkgs] @grahamc pushed 2 commits to release-19.09: https://git.io/Je9gD
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jared-w: that's cool, everyone has their own preferences, i like emacs because you can use lisp to hack it making it very flexible, and its part of the gnu foundation, which is great
clever: did that failure snippet look like just adding `ninja` would work to you?
Failure cycle on this is like an hour
jared-w: there are haskell text-editors, but right now they are not very good
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fresheyeball: the postUnpack was for fuzen
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yep, which doesn't seem like that fixed the problem
I guess mavenix doesn't work with that
heyo- got a n00b question that can hopefully be resolved shortly: how would I go about utilizing a specific commit from the 19.09 branch of nixos-channels system-wide on my nixos laptop?
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I'm thinking at this point, it would bbe simpler for me to just run cryptomator's gui through a docker container than to build it
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[nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python38Packages.pikepdf: 1.6.5 -> 1.8.0 »: https://git.io/Je92k
Is there a way to add a python package to an overlay such that it becomes available to all intepreters, as if you had edited the top-level/python-packages.nix?
mwdev, so theres a change in the repo that hasnt hit the mirrors yet?
[nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python38Packages.simpleeval: 0.9.8 -> 0.9.10 »: https://git.io/Je92I
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buckley310, not quite- I have a system76 darp6 and I think they need to update some stuff in their firmware for kernel 5.4 to work well with their driver/firmware
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to that end, I need to pin my system to kernel 5.3, which works
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mwdev: did you check with fwupd (I think system76 uses this) for firmware updates?
on unstable you can just add `boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_5_3;` but im not sure on 1909, let me check what options they have
[nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python38Packages.limnoria: 2019.09.08 -> 2019.11.09 »: https://git.io/Je92m
fuzen, not yet- I've been using stites' repo which uses fetchFromGithub <- I updated the shas to be recent as well
buckley310, fair point. I'm trying to stick to `stable` as much as I can- haven't switched to unstable yet, but I'm willing to if no other options exist
looks like they are using LVFS and system76-firmware, guess fwupd wouldnt update everything
download the linux-5.3.nix file from unstable and in your config do something like `boot.kernelPackages = (callPackage /path/to/linux-5.3.nix {})
in other words, can we use `isPy3k` to disable a package that doesn't work in Python 2? Like ` disabled = !isPy3k;`
CMCDragonkai: I'm not sure whether that's really a rewording of your first question, but yes to your second question. You'll find that sort of pattern already in nixpkgs, I think.
[nixpkgs] @grahamc pushed 2 commits to release-19.03: https://git.io/Je926
but i still haven't figured out how to overlay the python packages such that it becomes available for all interpreters
hexa-: if you want remote unlock, then your /boot and /boot/efi must be plaintext
CMCDragonkai: i'm not sure there is a simple option for that
thanks for being so helpful … and concise :)
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hexa-: and one thing i always worry about, somebody can just modify the initrd to phone-home with the pw, and then wait for you to ssh in and unlock it
so what does ./. mean in nix?
zeta_0: its a path, pointing to whatever directory the nix file is in
clever: true :3
clever: alright, but that is a strange symbol
How can I understand what paths are available during a given phase for `mkderivation`? I'm trying to add a custom "installPhase" command but I don't know what the default "buildPhase" does with the output.
zeta_0: paths start with either ./ (relative path) or / (absolute)
zeta_0: and must end with something not a /
clever: what does relative mean in this case(does it depend on what directory you are currently in), the word relative has always confused me, especially in physics
zeta_0: relative to the file that contains the path
buckley310, so I tried that, but no dice. Seems like it might work, but I'm getting `value is a set while a list was expected, at /nix/store/wrjvn1wysg1y98pr53priyp79di20h7s-nixos-19.09.1548.3a1861fcabc/nixos/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/generic.nix:91:9`
o1lo01ol1o: you can always start with `pwd ; ls -lh` in the installPhase, to figure out whats available and where you are
mwdev: which nixos option did you set to what value?
hexa-: ive not tried mirrored efi yet, so i dont know how its setup properly
mwdev: then line 4 is a single derivation with linux, and line 8 is expecting a set of all linux packages, and thats where it fails
mwdev: you must put a linuxPackages set into kernelPackages, such as pkgs.linuxPackages_5_3
clever: ok, it obviously isn't since it resides on the root fs which is brfs
hexa-: youll need to read the install-grub.pl file, and see what exactly its doing when mirrored boots is set, what efiSysMountpoint does, and what it runs grub-install with
ok, thanks for the filename :)
hexa-: that filename is on line 37 of your pastebin, and its also in nixpkgs
fresheyeball: pytorch is building without cuda support
clever: oh good point!
I am using `pytorchWithCuda`
but have been building `pytorch` in my testing this whole time *facepalm*
clever: is line 4 not what buckley310 had suggested with `boot.kernelPackages = (callPackage /path/to/linux-5.3.nix {})` (admittedly split across lines 4 and 8)?
zeta_0: cabal2nix only works if you have a cabal file
is there any known way of running LoL on NixOS
mwdev: i would not expect that line to work, you have to pass the linux packakage thru pkgs.linuxPackagesFor first
clever: sweet- makes sense.. looking into how to set that up now
mwdev: examples are in all-packages.nix
clever: so i need to run `cabal init` first, i am just following those instructions from that link?
zeta_0: you need a my_script.cabal file, and i think `cabal init` will make one
fresheyeball: dang is this a huge build, lol
i think an `exit 1` and `--keep-failed` in the installPhase would help more then a big computer
[zeta@nixos:/my_script]$ ls
CHANGELOG.md Setup.hs my-script.cabal
Main.hs default.nix my_script.hs
clever, fresheyeball: how about I get y'all a big machine to borrow?
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i just noticed, i'm barely 1/6th into the build, lol
and the count isnt going up
clever, mwdev, maybe this? :) im just sorta free-handing here `boot.kernelPackages = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor (callPackage ../os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-5.4.nix {}));`
buckley310: recurseIntoAttrs is only needed to make nix-env -i search inside it
well i don't understand why some of the instructions are left out, i am guessing i am going to have to use cabal2nix to translate the my_script.cabal to my_script.nix , and do i need to be super user, it keeps telling me permission denied?
zeta_0: callCabal2nix will handle cabal2nix for you
buckley310: the rest looks like it should work
zeta_0: what is inside `default.nix` ?
clever: do i need to place callCabal2nix in default.nix?
clever: I'll get y'all a bigger machine to experiment on :)
gchristensen: thank you (and the others) for setting up those nix-pills they really help, i am currently on chapter 11, garbage collection
clever: bug in the expr overwriting the ssl option.
zeta_0: developPackage is just a giant fancy wrapper around callCabal2nix
zeta_0: so your already using callCabal2nix
zeta_0: found your problem, the directory is my_script, but the cabal file is my-script.cabal
zeta_0: they must match (the _ vs -) or it wont work
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zeta_0: you can also pass `name = "my-script";` to `developPackage`, then the directory name wont matter (the name= must match the cabal file then)
clever: oh, when i ran cabal init , that's what it named the .cabal file
clever: i can just rename the .cabal file right?
zeta_0: you have 3 choices
1: rename the file to my_script.cabal
2: rename the directory to my-script
3: set name = "my-script"; in developPackage
4: rename both the cabal file and set name=!
5: rename both the directory and cabal file!
5 choices*
i guess i will just rename the directory since cabal init generates the .cabal with a - by default
clever: choice overload
clever: you may have saved my bacon- I updated the gist to reflect the changes, but now I think I misunderstand the overlay setup. The current build complains, "attribute 'system76-dkms' missing, at /etc/nixos/system76-nixos/default.nix:23:32" <- I understand the error, but not the path to resolution =/
[nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @0mp to master « Fix a typo »: https://git.io/Je9a9
mwdev: linuxPackagesFor (callPackage ...)` will ignore the overlay
mwdev: so you may want to do (linuxPackagesFor (callPackage ...)).extend, to apply an overlay to it
mwdev: and then it gets simpler to use nixpkgs overlays, to do it in steps, one to add the linux_5_4 and linuxPackages_5_4, then a 2nd to modify linuxPackages_5_4
[nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @dywedir to master « oil: 0.7.pre6 -> 0.7.pre9 »: https://git.io/Je9ad
it throws an error when i try to rename the directory, how strange
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zeta_0: what error does it throw?
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[1851/2983] Building CXX object caffe2/CMakeFiles/torch_cpu.dir/__/aten/src/ATen/native/quantized/cpu/kernels/QuantizedOpKernels.cpp.AVX.cpp.o
clever: ho- lee- ba nay nays- it built XD I changed the last line to `boot.extraModulePackages = [ (pkgs.linuxPackages_5_3).system76-dkms ];` and all was copacetic. That said, I'll be looking into your suggestion as well
mwdev: that might be mixing a 5.3 module with a 5.4 kernel, which will fail to load
mwdev: you should only ever use config.boot.kernelPackages within extraModulePackages
clever: a weird emacs error, anyways i changed: `my-script.cabal` to `my_script.cabal`
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clever: and it works, thanks
clever's karma got increased to 275
clever: I see what you mean- sagely advice
gchristensen: do it
I have to stay up until this builds basically
fresheyeball: the race is on, can gchristensen's machine beat mine, even with a late start!
I'm not going to actually try it, I'm just going to give you access
you can have access to mine personal box
but I don't think it would help much
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fresheyeball, clever: root@ (caveat: this machine can disappear at any moment, but probably wont. make sure to build with --cores 56, as the default system config probably has cores = 1.)
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fresheyeball: i'm in a screen session, `screen -x`
clever: watching you go, this is really cool
fresheyeball: `top` is in screen 1, i see 48 cores!
the core list doesnt even fit on a split screen, lol
oops right this one is 48 cores to 56 (they'are nice cores though, epyc 7401p)
clever: how do I switch screens?
fresheyeball: ctrl+a 1, to go to screen 1
is this a race for the cash
clever: how did you extract appimages? The manual says I should be using "./<crpytomator image> --appimage-mount" and the application launches instead and the mount steps for Type1 fail.
fuzen: there is also an appimage-run in nixpkgs
fresheyeball: this will re-build it, with cuda support enabled
I think pytorchWithCuda does that too
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[nixpkgs] @andersk opened pull request #75477 → python: testresources: Move pbr to propagatedBuildInputs → https://git.io/Je9Va
oh fresheyeball I just have to cut those trans nixos stickers which turned out fine (some other ones I did are not good) and paint the haskell ones still...
I had adhesive residue ruin a bunch of the nixos ones I did :<
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I'm starting to wonder why cryptomator was made in java, if it cant be packaged in a portable way like .deb anymore
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watching this machine work is just nuts
when I handed it over I was disappointed: "aww, it only has 64G of ram..." and that was the moment I realized I am deeply, *deeply* spoiled
gchristensen: lol, i only have 32gig of ram each in my laptop&desktop
samueldr: ive gotten it to work impurely, using rustup i think it was, in a nix-shell
and replacing the import of nixpkgs with pkgsCross for aarch64 results in a failure to build the carnix'd thing
samueldr: i basically used nix-shell to get a linux->windows cross-compiler, then used the standard rust tools to get a windows crate, and off it went
note: I'm not knowledgeable in rust so it doesn't help in tracking down issues
error[E0463]: can't find crate for `std`
samueldr: yeah, std was it, i used some impure cmd to download a build of std for windows and it just landed in $HOME
ive no clue how to do it purely
wondering if it's carnix that doesn't do something or what
since the compiler itself built just fine
I think carnix targets a no-std environment
Can't seem to be able to build cryptomator due to missing hashes on bintray
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fresheyeball: turning on cuda support seems to slow it down heavily at the testing phase
fresheyeball: i can confirm that pytorch is not a split output derivation
fresheyeball: and thats what causes it to install the missing header, so we must read that cmake file
nothing there looks optional, but the file itself may be optionally pulled in elsewhere
fresheyeball: and thats where things get complicated, i dont see any obvious thing loading c10/cuda/CMakeLists.txt
fresheyeball: it almost looks like your meant to build c10 seperately, in its own package
clever: this is nuts
fresheyeball: Caffe2: Cannot find cuDNN library. Turning the option off
fresheyeball: do you know which package thats in?
zeta_0: oh hey, good to know that my tutorial helped you to some extent. :) sorry it is not as comprehensive as you'd have liked. i wrote it assuming that someone already had a valid cabal project.
[nixpkgs] @worldofpeace merged pull request #74295 → Remove lots of pygtk using software → https://git.io/JeXIP
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[nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 22 commits to master: https://git.io/Je9VN
(sorry to be so memetic)
referring to the box about adding compilers to your systemPackages
fresheyeball: pkgs.cudnn duh!
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:41 (target_compile_options): Cannot specify compile options for target "c10_cuda" which is not built by
fresheyeball: aha, c10/CMakeLists.txt has an `add_subdirectory(cuda)` which loads the file in question
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hmm, I'm running xmonad in nixos with a high res monitor; I'd like to increase the size of my mouse cursor. is there some standard nix configuration file way of doing this, or do I just need to run xsetroot somewhere
fresheyeball: which is being loaded by the root...
and if xsetroot, I'm not sure where I should get the cursor file(s) from
fresheyeball: despite building with cuda enabled, the logs say cuda is disabled...
also, I need to get the mouse moving farther across the screen ... it takes several swipes of the touchpad to get it all the way across the screen
[nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/Je9wL
fresheyeball, gchristensen: kind of stuck now, not sure what to check next
though the documentation is unclear on what the format of the speed should be ... guess I'll dig into nixpkgs to figure out where that's going
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gchristensen: shal we kill it or leave it up?
fresheyeball: my current idea, is to edit it to fail after the configure script, skip the huge build, and then iterate until the configure phase says cuda is actually enabled
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fresheyeball, clever will yall try tomorrow?
gchristensen: the plan i have now doesnt require an insane core count
gchristensen: the problem appears to be before the computation heavy phase
gchristensen: and ive put all changes of importance into the above gist, so the machine doesnt matter much
I'm inclined to leave it up
let me know tomorrow if you don't need it
rotaerk: humour me, and if you can, use 4.19 and see if the issue happens there too
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using 5.3.8. and I can't use a much earlier version because it doesn't support my hardware
there might be something weird (and not nixos specific) with 5.3 (maybe 5.4 too?) that makes the computer unresponsive for small amount of time
at first I thought it was the mouse, but it's not, and it happened to a friend of mine on archlinux, and happened to another nixos user that confirmed that 4.19 didn't have the issue for them either :/
rotaerk: right, that's why "if you can", as I saw you said it was a laptop and I assumed a recent one :)
it's not just the mouse; the touchpad and touchscreen sometimes stop responding and *sometimes* recover, but I also sometimes see the entire system freeze, unresponsive to the keyboard as well
yeah, it's not just the mouse either for me
it just looked like that
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though your issue sound different as you say "sometimes recover"
I'm just not sure how to begin to diagnose this
well I think the mouse issue and the entire system freezing are two different problems
here it always recovers, and not for long, just infuriatingly annoying hiccups
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oh, great, compound issues :(
though yeah, the mouse issue alone, it didn't always recover
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I am getting similar issues come to mention it, imac 2008, running elementary Hera (kernal 5.1)
I haven't tried anything in-between 4.19 and 5.3 so it's possible the issue is not strictly new
(and it's not exactly reproducible, so bisecting would end up during days!)
I also get an issue where occasionally when I poweroff or reboot, the screen goes black but the system is still running (and in the case of reboot, it never reaches system startup)
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have to hold the power button
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@keithy[m]: elementarz *Hera*'s out?
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I checked like last week or the one before and it was still 5.0
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yes, and 5.0 updates!
(but tidy up /boot before it accidentally fills up)
i'm slowly getting used to this strange nixos-y world. why is it that when i install something via nix-env i have to name it like `nixos.lxappearance-gtk3`, but when i run it via nix run i name it like `nixpkgs.lxappearance-gtk3`?
ok... one solution I found (bit random) The solution I found was to disable power management of the USB controller that the mouse is connected to.
how do you manage power management settings
@keithy[m], does it elementaryOS work nicely with nix?
no idea - I jst put it on an old imac in the guest bedroom for visitors to use
it gives them a browser, youtube, and now spotify via sideloaded flatpak
Yeah, I was also looking into it for an older machine, not my workhorse, for my children; the target is very different (and I don't have a necessity for nix there).
rot sorry that was just clutching at staws
I'm trying to figure out .Xresources ... the Arch documentation for it gives the general format but...
how do you know what specific name.class.resource things are valid ... I don't see documentation of the actual values you can use
except stray references to one or two here and there
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for instance, you're supposed to be able to set Xcursor.theme and Xcursor.size, but they aren't working for me ... so where do I find out more details
such as what names I can use for the theme ... if I'm referencing xcursor theme folders, where it is looking for them
or what sizes are valid for a given theme
one point of confusion when using overlay to override, is that if you orride python3, it doesn't override python36, python37, python38... etc etc
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[nixpkgs] @tbenst opened pull request #75482 → pythonPackages.caiman: init at 1.6.4 → https://git.io/Je9rr
Does anyone know how to get toolchain binaries without a tuple prefix in a pkgsCross stdenv? A lot of packages are failing to respect $AR, $LD, $CC etc..
kolbycrouch: best to patch the packages I think
kolbycrouch: it's not like the configure script will work like that
yorick: I'm just wondering were at. I tried using ln in pre/postFixup. Didn't work. Not sure if it's an upstream default, a binutils or a cc-wrapper issue.
kolbycrouch: which packages?
kolbycrouch: packages generally have to explicitly support cross-compilation, since they often use build outputs as part of the compilation process
yorick: argp-standalone is one. it tries to call ar from path without a cross-compile prefix. I think having a symlink from i686-unknown-linux-musl-ar should just work.
kolbycrouch: argp-standalone is an autoconf package, that should support AR and such
yorick:I thought I would be able to avoid pkgsCross with i686-musl on my x86_64 seeing as it can run natively, but when using an expression that combines pkgsMusl and pkgsi686Linux I get an error about unsupported stdenv.
yorick: I know it is uses autoconf. Still it fails with command not found for ar. it's respecting CC obviously because the command line output shows the full path for it during compilation, but ar is getting called as just ar.
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yup. almost noone calls me by my name ;)
ar: Well this makefile is :D
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I recently built nix and its dependencies with pkgsCross.rpi and everything went smoothly. Don't think argp-standalone was in the closure, but still.
[nixpkgs] @michaeladler opened pull request #75487 → nixos/systemd: use global proxy config in systemd-importd → https://git.io/Je9ik
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hi all, I've upgraded to 19.09 yesterday. All going well but one service (systemd-timesyncd) is failing right at start. Looking at the service file the ExecStart command has two exclamation marks as a prefix (ExecStart=!!/path/to/timesyncd). I've never encountered this syntax. Does anyone know what it means or if this is the reason why the service is failing?
Unode: man systemd.service :)
(to partially answer your question, !! at the beginning is a valid syntax for systemd services, but it has some consequences that are described in the manpage)
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#31540 (by MrSorcus, 2 years ago, open): Failed to start Network Time Synchronization.
that's a lot older than I thought it would be hmm
I feel like there were release notes about the timesyncd problems
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DigitalKiwi: with every system i update from 19.03 to 19.09 i trip over this
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[nixpkgs] @mat8913 opened pull request #75488 → internetarchive: Provide setuptools at runtime → https://git.io/Je9iF
Because of the systemd upgrade, systemd-timesyncd will no longer work if system.stateVersion is not set correctly. When upgrading from NixOS 19.03, please make sure that system.stateVersion is set to "19.03", or lower if the installation dates back to an earlier version of NixOS.
[nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed commit from @wamserma to master « samba: 4.10.10 -> 4.10.11 (#75456) »: https://git.io/Je9Pz
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rotaerk: for your mouse issue, check for USB resets in dmesg
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[nixpkgs] @hedning opened pull request #75489 → nixos/gdm: only set session on auto login → https://git.io/Je9Xz
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My Hydra server's logs are annoyingly full of "Hydra::Plugin::GitlabSatus=HASH(0x3a27f48)->buildFinihsed: Can't call method \"value\" on an underfined value at hydra/libexec/hydra/lib/Hydra/Plugin/GitlabStatus.pm line 57" :(
hedning I propose using initialSession for the first time session
Hei, question regarding recent unstable changes. My window manager (xmonad) doesn't seem to honor my user path anymore. I assume prior to the change my login shell (using .zshenv) was honored. Can't find anything in nixpkgs/issues. Anyone got a clue?
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[nixpkgs] @filalex77 opened pull request #75493 → db-backup: init at 1.0 → https://git.io/Je91G
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cfricke: Not sure what you mean
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[nixpkgs] @Elyhaka opened pull request #75494 → pop-gtk-theme: init at 3.1.2 → https://git.io/Je91o
Well, I have executables in my user (home) PATH, which I define define in .zshenv, which is read by the default login shell. So, I have in my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix a sessionCommand: "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl --user import-environment PATH &". Before I updated today, my ~/bin was included. Now it's only the default nix defined path.
In this case, specifically, doom-modeline seems to get enabled and all the icons work fine, but when connecting via emacsclient, the icons are not rendered
yorick: the flamegraph.pl thing keeps failing me ... eats too much memory.
angerman: yeah, I run it on a 64GB server
yorick: but the flamegraph would kinda be waht you see on the left in the first screenshot. I'd like to generate that in vscode directly. Without flamegraph.pl. However nice that is.
angerman: so this thing is O(n^2) right? :D
the % annotations are not correctly calculated for anything besides toplevel, so they are garbage here. However the fequency counters give the number of times that line showed up in the trace. That is slightly misleading as we end up aggregating the same line multiple times if there were multiple traces for the same line but different functions (I think).
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immae: thanks, I couldn't search for it on google. Always annoying when syntax isn't searchable
Unode: yes I understand. As far as I saw so far, systemd manpages are rather complete, so I always start there (the only problem I have is finding which systemd manpage applies :p )
hey all, what would be the correct way to override the cacerts on nixos for jdk11? i managed to get it working by overriding cacerts for the package but how does it work in version11 which does not provide the cacerts overridable parameter?
Or you could just use terraform to set up the machines and then nixops to do your nixos configuration
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gchristensen: yea, I wish there was some flame graphy thing for vscode. but i haven't found it yet. wiring the sqlite database up to it shouldn't be that hard.
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gchristensen: I'm still conflicted if I'd rather have nix write the sqlite db directly instead of dumping that info to stdout.
I'm still looking for some help with npm and nix derivations. I have a npm run script, that I want to run when building my derivation. The run script needs several node modules available and I fail to get it working with node2nix. I also can't find too help on nix and npm run scripts online.
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I keep getting errors during nixos-rebuild switch with collisions associated with gstreamer files I think.
is this something I should be concerned about?
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EdLin: Does it error because of those?
fresheyeball: are you interested in the very latest torchvision and compatible pytorch, or pytorch 1.3.1 and whatever torchvision works with that?
anyone have ideas on how to fix these errors?
does `perf record` automatically start watching all the threads of a process?
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i plan using haskell for some projects(right now just web development using the yesod framework and warp web server, as well as sql for the backend(i'm going to use the selda package to write haskell to generate sql code)), anyways, i want to correctly set up nix-shell to install and configure all the packages that i am going to be using, i would also like do the nix code in a very generic and abstract way so i can
reuse it for other projects, as well as to automate everything as much as possible, could someone help in guiding me through the steps?
the goal is to have a nix-shell where I can use this project
with cuda
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is there a way to get the current value of a configration i've setup in configuration.nix?
and is there a good link for `yesod development with nix`?
,dnw alexherbo2
alexherbo2: Provide as much info as possible on problems. What specifically doesn't work? What command did you run? What's the error? This makes debugging easier and helps getting faster responses
i want to execute a command and tell me, for example, what value 'hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit' has
maybe its buried somewhere in documentation and i can't find it
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clever: let me know where we left off, it appears the big box is still around for us
I'm looking in to why hydra-queue-runner is reporting 400 Active jobs when (copying inputs + rnuning + copying outputs) is only about 100. I did a flame graph of hydra-queue-runner but it doesn't seem very interesting. any tips
there's a strong intersection between haskell and nix
alexherbo2: Now open the surf expression, can be done with `nix edit nixpkgs.surf -I nixpkgs=/path/to/your/nixpkgs`
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alexherbo2: The current expression fetches it from a release url, we need to change that to use a git revision
dont ping me on haskell development stuff though, i dont write haskell
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alexherbo2: Namely you need to replace fetchurl with fetchgit
alexherbo2: And fetchgit takes three necessary arguments: `url` for the git repository url, `rev` for the git revision to fetch, and `sha256` for the hash
Can you fill those out?
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not sure how to get the sha
,tofu is useful for this
is useful for this: To get a sha256 hash of a new source, you can use the Trust On First Use model: use probably-wrong hash (for example: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) then replace it with the correct hash Nix expected. See: tofu-vim
That's a vim package name I presume, not a command here :)
is that a emoji code?
i see
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No it is a command here, didn't see that
That's the keys you need to press in vim to insert 52 0's
oh i see
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infinisil how can I test my local nixpkgs?
is there a way to use nix to automatically upload your projects to a repository(gitlab, github) using nix?
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zeta_0 a bash script might better suited for that purpose
to an external repository that is
infinisil: would a patch for nix to make it accept "0" as a syntaxically-valid hash be accespted? That’s much easier to write than "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" when we just want a fake hash :p
kcalvinalvnn: i was just wondering, i normally use git to manually do this
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immae: Hm, we could just extend fetch* functions to use 52 0's by default if no hash is specified
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zeta_0 unless you want to push it after a successful nix build, I don't see the benefits gained using nix
ah that’s an even better idea
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What's the easiest way to get a shell in which I can't
kcalvinalvnn: that's fine, i was just curious
*can run make menuconfig in linux sources
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[nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @florianjacob to release-19.09 « matomo: 3.11 -> 3.13 »: https://git.io/Je9bi
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Hello. Usually on nixos I use systemPackages to define which packages I have. Recently I installed just the nix package manager on a non-nixos system. Is there a way to specify a list of packages declaratively when just using the package manager like systemPackages instead of using nix-env?
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,declarative willghatch
willghatch: There are multiple ways of managing declarative profiles. 1) Attrset, compatible with imperative use of nix-env https://git.io/fAQHW ; 2) buildEnv, providing more control over the paths that are linked into the profile https://git.io/fp0aU ; 3) home-manager, providing nixos-like config for your ~ https://github.com/rycee/home-manager
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[nixpkgs] @jollheef opened pull request #75524 → codeql: init at 2.0.0 → https://git.io/Je9NW
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We have surprisingly little information about software licensing in the nixpkgs manual https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-meta-license, especially when packaging something. I fear expressions get merged that are violative, we could also be requiring reviewers to nudge upstream to make some informed changes.
Other distros have a better wealth of this information referenced or to refer to. And if you even look at their review process it holds a greater importance.
anyone runs pagekit on nixos? i cant get the site to show up properly. i use nginx and phpfpm but all it shows is "Pagekit" after throwing me onto site.com/installer. the relevant pieces of my config are here: https://paste.debian.net/1120698/ some help would be appreciated
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worldofpeace: yeah I somewhat often find things not marked as unfree that should be
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if i can somehow provide helpful logs, please tell me which logs and where i can find them, thanks
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Can I get the number of build threads I should use within a nix derivation?
[nixpkgs] @jonringer opened pull request #75525 → [Draft] teams: init at → https://git.io/Je9Am
gchristensen: I should have found that. I had expected it to be a nix value like `config`.
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[nixpkgs] @robertodr opened pull request #75526 → Add GNU threading and Fortran libraries → https://git.io/Je9AZ
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Are there any docs to speak of regarding patchShebangs? I have this package that has dozens of bash scripts involved in its build and at runtime. I currently call patchShebangs on every file in the source tree just to be sure, but it takes quite a while and feels crude.
[nixpkgs] @reset closed pull request #68709 → dotnet-sdk: add darwin support, set myself as maintainer → https://git.io/Je9AW
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for some reason i can't open uris with custom protocols with xdg-open even though there's a default application for the associated mime type https://pastebin.com/xjhUViLQ
let foo = import ./. {}; foo // { using = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "foo"; buildInputs = [ foo ]; }
then nix-shell will let you build gridsync, and `nix-shell -A using` lets you use a copy nix built purely
but that depends on if you want to develop it more
cool, I'll mess around with that
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[nixpkgs] @offlinehacker opened pull request #75527 → hasura: init at 1.0.0-rc.1 → https://git.io/Je9x6
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Good afternoon, everyone. I'd like to delete profiles in the future (not in the past) and collect garbage to save space, but I don't know how to do that.. can anyone help me out on this one?
mzabani: which generation do you want to delete?
all but the current one. It seems the current one is number 44 according to `nix-env --list-generations`, but the others don't appear in the output of that
mzabani: that would imply that they have already been deleted from the profile
mzabani: do you have a large thing in /nix/store you know the path of, that you want deleted?
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hmmm that's strange. Why do they still appear as boot options?
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mzabani: the bootloader config is not updated until you re-run switch or boot
mzabani: `/run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot` will make whatever your currently running the default boot, and update the list to reflect what --list-generations prints
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ok, that's very new to me..
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mzabani: nixos-rebuild switch would also update the bootloader, but that also builds the current configuration.nix
which may be something you didnt want done
yes.. 19.09 is still broken for me, but I already updated the channel.. I could just go back to 18.09 - which works - and run switch again, I guess
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but I was wondering how to do this without running switch again
mzabani: there is also `nix-channel --rollback`, since channels have their own generations
ah, really? That's good to know.
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thanks a lot, @clever, I'll try to reboot and see how that goes. Otherwise I'll try running switch again with a working channel.
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philipp[m]2: Because buildInputs /= runtime
,runtimeDeps philipp[m]2
philipp[m]2: In order of preference: Patch source OR ((if it uses PATH -> wrap with new $PATH) AND (if it uses dlopen, (patchelf --set-rpath in postFixup OR wrap with new LD_LIBRARY_PATH)))
I guess this isn't even complete ^^, but "runtime" can mean a lot of things. It really depends on how the package uses it
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It's python, so it uses pythonpath. I thought there was some magic in buildPythonApplication, that did it.
i think the magic, is that all inputs wind up in PYTHONPATH at build time
and something will create a shell-script wrapper, that uses the build-time $PYTHONPATH
clever: Yes, that's what I thought, but it somehow doesn't here.
so the PYTHONPATH persists at runtime
does such a shell script exist?
Yes, there is a wrap script, but it doesn't set PYTHONPATH at all, so I ran out of ideas and came here.
[nixpkgs] @risicle opened pull request #75529 → [r19.09] glibc: add patch for CVE-2019-19126 → https://git.io/Je9pw
Hi there, I added nixos unstable to my channels to get some packages from unstable instead of 19.09. The entry in my configuration.nix looks pretty much like the question on https://stackoverflow.com/q/48831392/10924593 and has worked well in the past. However, I'm now trying to install go 1.13 from unstable, by adding unstable.go to my user
Ah! I need propagatedBuildInput, not buildInput.
's packages, but I still get 12.9, which is the version on stable
kolaente_: which user did you add the channel to? are you running `nix-channel --update` as that user?
clever: I added the config to users.users.<user>.packages in my configuration.nix
I updated the channel as root
Since I'm also building my system as root
kolaente_: what does `which --all go` return?
which: bad option: -l
kolaente_: `which which` ?
clever: `shell built-in command`
ah, thats why
we want the which in $PATH
`which go` gets me `/home/user/.nix-profile/bin/go`
try `command which --all go` ?
yep, theres your problem
you installed go with `nix-env -i`, so its ignoring what configuration.nix did
o1lo01ol1o: Its a great thing, but doesn't fully do what I need
you must uninstall that copy with `nix-env -e go`
clever: As my user?
kolaente_: yeah
interesting though, I cannot remember doing that (which does ofc not mean I didn't do it -.-)
kolaente_: ls /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/clever/profile*/bin/go
kolaente_: do you see which generation it was added at?
clever: That gives me ~20 lines of /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/user/profile-<n>-link/bin/go
clever: How do I find the generation?
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kolaente_: what is the lowest <n> in the list?
clever: 2
Does that mean the second generation?
kolaente_: and then `nix-env --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/user/profile --list-generations`
that will show dates for each
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clever: Ah ok, I see it is an old one, back from june
thats likely when you installed go to the user's profile
And the newer versions came through updates? Even though I never did a `nixos-rebuild switch` as my user?
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clever: I guess I need to login again for `nix-env -e go` to have an effect? Since I did that and `go version` still gives me 12.9
nope, it should take effect immediately
you can use `which go` and `nix-env -q` to confirm
you may need to use the exact name `nix-env -q` shows
clever: `which go` gives me /home/user/.nix-profile/bin/go and `nix-env -q` only `home-manager-path`... I'm not sure if I understood that correctly
kolaente_: oh!, so its been installed by home-manager
kolaente_: but `users.users.<user>.packages in my configuration.nix` isnt home-manager, as far as i know? ...
kolaente_: double-check your home-manager config?
clever: Yes, I just checked it and indeed, there it is... damn...
The thing is, I already had go 1.12 pinned in my configuration.nix, and because of that I just assumed it was installed from there and never looked further
clever: half?
clever: where did we leave off on pytorch?
kolaente_: we have the how, but not the why
what should I investigate?
I feel like no one wants ma money
fresheyeball: the configure phase, use postConfigure = "exit 1"; to speed up iteration, and then try and figure out why cmake claims cuda is disabled
clever: got it
clever: I threw the go config out of the home-manager config and after a `home-manager switch` it works like it should
I also took a look at my git, it seems I added that go statement in my home manager config back when I first tried nix - when I really had no clue about it all
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if i understand correctly, i can use ssh-agent to automatically use my ssh password, but what about gpg, i don't want to have to type the password over and over again when using git?
zeta_0: gpg-agent can remember the gpg passphrase for a set period of time, before forgetting and asking again
clever: so gpg remembers the passwords for both ssh and gpg?
i thought i needed do setup ssh-agent and gpg-agent?
it remembers it automatically?
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zeta_0: when you run `ssh-add` with the gpg ssh agent, it will ask for 2 passwords, first one to decrypt id_rsa, then a 2nd one, to re-encrypt it, within the gpg keyring
zeta_0: then it will be saved into the gpg keyring forever, and any time an app wants to use it, gpg will ask you for the 2nd pw
and this one makes it remember the unlock forever (until shutdown)
Are there any firefox (packaging) experts around? I'm trying to add policies support to firefox, but it searches in the unwrapped path, instead of the wrapped one.
so do i need to enable a nix option or put some commands in sessionCommands, i am confused?
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zeta_0: is gpg agent running by default already?
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clever: i just setup gpg and ssh keys setup for both gitlab and github'
clever: i don't know if gpg is running by default?
Any general guidelines on what might be happening for GTK(2) apps that encounter 'The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files' ?
yeah the whole reason i got the ci20 was to run bare metal code on it :p
i had no idea you could do it so easily with nix
ornxka: currently, it only works on the rpi 1-3, and its even more baremetal then the examples, because the arm isnt online, neither is the ram!
zeta_0: 1481 is the new pid
getting cross compilers set up on any other system is a gigantic pain in the butt
>neither is the ram
ram bootstrapping code to me has always seemed like the most arcane black magic ive ever heard of
i dont know where they get those timing numbers, i think they just make them up
So I want to install NixOS on a new system, using a USB thumb drive for `/boot`. But I awkwardly only have one USB drive lying around at the moment, which I use to boot the installer. Is there a way to reuse the USB drive from within the installer?
ornxka: my fork has nix support, and if you just `nix-build -A helper`, it will generate all of the proper cross-compilers (line 3, it doesnt care which channel your on), then cross-compile the entire firmware, and generate a bash script that updates the vfat partition in your SD reader
clever: no that command returned nothing
elvishjerricco: boot installer with copytoram, then you can do whatever you want with the drive
zeta_0: replace 2179 with the new pid
man that is so cool
qyliss: ah, didn't know there was such a thing.
zeta_0: 2019-12-11 19:39:28 < clever> zeta_0: 1481 is the new pid
it's in the menu when you boot the installer :)
i hope some day to be half as good at nix as you are
ornxka: yep
now to find a monitor for this blasted thing so I can see the boot menu :P
or is there a way to make an iso that does copytoram by default?
probably :P
elvishjerricco: the multi-boot helper i have may also work for that
elvishjerricco: if you run nix-build on this, it will generate a directory with 3 files, nixos-kernel, nixos-initrd, and grub-fragment.cfg
elvishjerricco: you then add that grub-fragment to a grub.cfg, and grub-install as usual
elvishjerricco: the rootfs is fully contained within nixos-initrd, so its always in a copytoram mode
elvishjerricco: it was originally made for somebody that wanted a usb stick that can boot all the installers (multiple distro's in the grub menu)
clever: so that means that gpg-agent is working and will automatically save the passwords for both ssh and gpg?
elvishjerricco: if another linux distro is currently working on that machine, you can just copy this magic tarball over, run 2 commands, and it will instantly be running nixos from ram
clever: Ah, no there is currently not another linux distro on it
and that is the rabbit hole that led me to learning the M$ bootloader, lol
Can windows be kexec'd into?
i wanted to add linux to the M$ bootloader, so you could transition over like that, without a usb stick, and without dd'ing over the live disk
elvishjerricco: to windows, probably not, from windows, maybe
elvishjerricco: also, colinux was a thing