has someone here gotten tpacpi-bat/acpi_call to work on NixOS?
Is it possible to get nix to tell me what is the actual path when it says "warning: dumping very large path (> 256 MiB); this may run out of memory"
I would love that
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ok, looks like it isn't
how annoying
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pikajude: do you have any src = ./. in your expression?
yeah, i have a number of those
none of them point to directories anywhere near 256mb in size
pikajude: maybe with -vvvvv?
pikajude: what does "du -h" say?
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pikajude: what is the root .drv after it does all the evals?
does nix do like a drop-in replacement of libraries for the nvidia proprietary drivers? does everything still need to be compiled against them?
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pkill9: nixos handles that by putting /run/opengl-driver/lib into LD_LIBRARY_PATH
oh ok
pkill9: so programs compile against a generic mesa library, then the right one is swapped in at runtime
ah alright
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For an NFS server are there any options that determine if other users on the network can connect? I can mount the share on the same machine, but all other machines just hang when trying to mount. The machines can communicate as I can ssh in. All I have exported is "/nfs *(rw,nohide,subtree_check)"
the firewall?
hmm, trying to run `nix-env -qa --verbose` on ubuntu ,getting "GC Warning: Failed to expand heap by 8388608 byte"
and "Killed"
i think RAM is too small, .5G
running with `time -v`, "Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 910 104", so ~888MiB
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im packaging gscan2pdf and its tests fail on Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: at /nix/store/frjhwxjswgyq0cyw48j9d5yl6hqpghzd-perl-Gtk2-1.2498/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.24.3/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Gtk2.pm line 126.
im not sure how i could possibly fix this without disabling tests
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clever: if you're still here, I finally found the LUKS header, which looks exactly as it should (94eb00000) but when I do mount it as a loop device and luksopen cryptsetup complains it's not a valid luks device
Also, when I tried dividing by 0x512, I got a much lower value than I expected (partition would turn out to be 400gigs, which it never was,only about 240)
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what am I doing wrong?
clever: how do the nvidia proprietary blobs know which xorg libraries to look for?
can the fact that I've dd'd with a block size of 1G have something to do with this?... I guess I need to make a different calculation now
since the xorg libraries are gonna be in /nix/store/*
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am I correct?
I did dd if=<device> bs=1G skip=150
ndrei2: you have to divide by 512 decimal, which is 0x200 hex
then piped that to hexdump
wouldn't you just use patchelf for that
yes sorry typo I did divide by 0x200
oh yeah i would have thought so pikajude
ndrei2: does it show at an offset of 0 when you use the skip on dd?
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i'm wondering how nix fits that part in
the full command I ran is dd if=<device> bs=1G skip=155 | hexdump -C | grep LUKS
ndrei2: and that spit out 94eb00000 ?
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yes, after many false positives
but it did have LUKS.... aes ..
ndrei2: then the data is 150gig + 0x94eb00000
hmmm I guess you could just make a package for the nvidia blobs and patch them with inputs of xorg, and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment var will get all software to use them
SORRY... I really need sleep
thank you
very much
well, patch them such that they look in those xorg inputs
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pkill9: just patchelf in the buildPhase of the derivation i would assume
that's how nix does it for a lot of proprietary software
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you can specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH for a library using patchelf right? so you would patch the nvidia blobs and then also specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that software will use those blobs
welp thanks for answering my questions
ndrei2: as an example, try dd if=<device> bs=1G skip=192 | hexdump -C | grep LUKS
ndrei2: you should get a much smaller number
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so if i want to use small VPS, nix is out?
ndrei2: keep narrowing in, and also try to switch to bs=512 when you get close (youll need to bump skip up by a factor of *2097152
okay, I thought I was closer than that
parsnip - nix-env -qa is out (without swap), but you can still use the rest
ah. so qa is just for listing packages?
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sorry for being so confused, I haven't had much sleep and am really looking forward to fixing this.. so you're saying the first value I had from that command, I can't use that to calculate the offset for fdisk?
ndrei2: you could, but it helps to double-check things by narrowing it in with dd first
ndrei2: the 192 i gave above will get you within 1 gig
parsnip - Yes, you don't really need it
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okay, thanks, will skip that step in tutorials :)
okay, but can't I just calculate myself out of this? I mean, 155gigs in bytes / 512 + (0x... / 0x200) should give me the correct offset right? cause with the result I get it's still way off (400gb partition)
ndrei2: yeah, i believe thats right
i'll try dd'ing that with skip and see if I get the luks header
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that seems wrong, just gives me some empty space
and the offset is correct, but the calculation is wrong
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ndrei2: what about the 192 i gave above?
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no if i do dd if=<device> skip=<offset> bs=512 I get some empty space
`dd if=<device> bs=1G skip=192 | hexdump -C | grep LUKS` and wait some, it should be within half a gig
and what device path are you using?
the device itself not a partition
so that's correct
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ndrei2: what about a skip of 190 or 180?
okay I'll run that again but I can you explain how that will help? I mean, I still have to calculate the offset taking into account the skip=, altough it would confirm it's indeed there. I'm launching it now
It's very very slow so though
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mostly just confirming things havent been typoed somewhere
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hmm something's wrong with the calculation, or somewhere, when I convert the offset to a size in GB I get 40
where I'm expecting something like 190+
ndrei2: dd may use 1000 based units for 1G, rather then 1024 based
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man dd says G means 1024^3
has it been found again with a different offset?
Hydra's jobsets are evaluated and placed on a queue, but queue runner never runs them. Status of a job in a Hydra's interface is 'Scheduled to be built' and journal message of queue-runner is 'loading build <build-nbr>'. On 'systemctl restart hydra-queue-runner' error message is 'hydra.conf: binary_cache_secret_key_file is deprecated and ignored. use store_uri=...?secret-key= instead'. Does anyone know what is causing this and how to
hydra_: what features have you enabled on your build slaves?
no not yet, it's extremely slow, but if I'm lucky I'm closer now, so it should be faster
clever: yep found it now
different offset of course
ndrei2: what dd command was used, and what offset did it find?
so the 192 i gave before should have found it
sorry I missread that, launched now with 192
and yes found
exactly 192gig and 235mb
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ndrei2: so that luks header is at 196843 MB
clever: What do you mean by features? attributes under services.hydra?
all right, so I need to translate that into an offset for fdisk..
I mean, not an offset, the first sector
hydra_: the supportedFeatures entry under buildMachines
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ndrei2: fdisk should accept a start in mb
oh all right
um, nope, it really wants a sector, says value out of range
403134464 sectors from the start
and just to double-check, see what print says about the start after formating things
contains a luks signature :)
now the size is all that remains
which I don't want to remove :)
:).. great relief, thank you very much for your help and please excuse me for my sloppyness, I'm really tired and wasn't really looking forward to ending my day salvaging my data
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clever: I don't use supportedFeatures at all. I was running deployment with the identical code before couple of months and had no problems. I deployed fresh on both ec2 and vbox. My code is similar/based to/on this https://github.com/peti/hydra-tutorial/blob/master/hydra-master.nix
hydra_: do any of your jobs need the kvm feature? or others
Hmm I need to read a yaml file with nix. Currently I wrapped up https://github.com/casualjim/yaml2json in a derivation and use that to transform it to json so I can use `lib.importJSON` but that feels _super_ dirty. How could I make this better?
clever: from kexec I tried now to nixos-install -I nixpkgs=/mnt/root/nixpkgs but I get error: writing to file: No space left on device I did create a swap device but that doesn't seem to help
unlike other build tools there isn't the same cost to requiring a new build tool in a build process
so long as the new build tool is a derivation
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other devs won't have to figure out how to distribute the tool to their systems so they can perform the builds yada yada
heck, other devs might not even need the yaml2json derivation at all. The derivation that is the loaded json of that can be distributed directly
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tilpner: No that looks far more painful than what I was going for :P
coconnor: I'm aware of all this.
adisbladis - Exactly, and YAML is a lot more complex than TOML, so it'd be worse than that
Anyway. I'll stick with what I have for now. Other problems to resolve :)
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my favorite thing about yaml is how the most popular implementation is abandoned, buggy, and targets an outdated version of the spec
toml <3
It's nice for configs
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i can never remember how many brackets for lists and key-value stores. Imho it is not as intuitive as json
even though more pretty
json isn't very nice for configs due to the lack of comments
JSON for machine-readable files, and nothing for config files because config files are an anti-pattern~
* simpson
maybe joking?
simpson: what would you prefare, something like a registry instead, or a database even? not sure what are real good alternatives for config files. of course sane defaults would be fantastic but the world is difficult
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makefu: CLI flags. Supported by shell, every orchestrator I know of, and easy to spot in code diffs.
clearly we need the Windows NT registry for NixOS
finally, a document-object-language to rule them all!
makefu: That's a terrible argument. TOML is "butt-ugly" too. So is YAML. So is JSON, but JSON's at least standardized and maybe we'll have figured out how to write compliant parsers in the next couple years.
Compliant JSON parser is ill-defined becomes compliant JSON is ill-defined.
We should all use mark instead
simpson: no no, parameter are like the next level of ugly. just think about trying to find one parameter in a 1000 characters single-line process call. lists and key-value stores also not really something easy to work with
let's all switch to Dhall
* Havvy
marks down etu as a troublemaker.
makefu: You should learn how to use newlines in shells, especially when writing shell scripts.
vaibhavsagar: I use it in my personal projects
simpson: you mean, everybody should. you have to think about how people would use your proposal
dhess: that's pretty cool!
makefu: I also know how to insert newlines in other peoples' shell scripts.
Havvy: Nah
I've wanted to use it for a while but haven't gotten around to it yet
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simpson: okay, lets be honest here. arguments have their place in system configuration but they are not the one thing to use for everything.
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[nixpkgs] dpc opened pull request #34728: Add pam option to enable Google Authenticator (master...master) https://git.io/vAUzx
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also, moving the goal post is not a nice thing to do ;)
makefu: I *am* being honest with you, or at least I am presenting my arguments as best I can. Your POV, to me, is an impediment to automation at best and a frustrating bikeshed-factory at worst.
hi makefu
simpson: ah you thought my proposals about registry and database were what i thought was the right thing to do ... sorry this was not my intention
i think config files are what we should use for most things as they scale and can be templated with nix quite nicely
makefu: Huh? No, I've talked with you many times before, and I'm just not very patient with you. I don't really expect to change your mind, but I did lay out my reasoning.
Templating configuration files is a last resort, honestly.
templating arguments is not so much fun either
Perhaps templating sucks in general.
Templating in HTML is nice.
probably, yes
Templating in macros is painful, but the result is useful.
simpson: btw i think you haven't talked with me a lot (at least according to my channel irc log). maybe you are mistake me for someone else?
I'll change my kimsufi strategy... at first I'll just setup a normal zfs system with nixos... once that runs, I can convert it to encrypted
btw, is there in nixos/grub somehow a command that makes the next boot go into generation D and the boot afterwards again in generation B?
hi hyper_ch btw :)
makefu: just keep ignorning me... :)
I recently saw @some-attribute@ interpolation, how does that work in nix?
i would never do that :D
makefu is too nice for that
so, do you know how to make the next-next boot go into a given generation?
next-next? interesting
rational: I setup kimsufi server with nixos and normal zfs... once that runs, I make encrypted container yadda, yadda, yadda and put stuff in there... now I want to reboot and if there goes something wrong I can't access it
so the boot after that should go back to a generation that works
basically grub that next boot shall be generation 5 and the boot after shall be generation 3 again
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hm. Definitely don't know. Seems like a grub scripting would be required
grub can probe the existence of files (only off boot?). Could touch a file at the end of the first boot to indicate success
no idea how to write a grub script that probes that tho
there is a fallback boot. How does that work?
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coconnor: good question... thanks for the input... I'll investigate
would someone know how to teach nautilus ftp/smb/etc.. without running full gnome?
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Ralith, online.net still doesn't offer nixos out of the box right? got to do the rescue console thing there as well right?
I remember doing that to my server a while back.
right, similar dance
lots more bandwidth for your dollar though
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heh sure, I used to use kimsufi back when I was a student and kimsufi a little thing, looks like it belongs to OVH now =)
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what are the constraints on what gets accepted to nixpkgs repo?
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if I develop some library X, what would it take for me to add it to nixpkgs? Is it just a matter of me adding it and then making a pull request?
pretty much
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Yaniel: so the projects don't have to meet any particular standard or anything?
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TonyTheLion: It's a bit fluid what gets merged or not. Nothing written in stone. But generally the quality of the nix expression is what we review.
ah I see
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cause we will have a Hydra server to build our own stuff on, some of it is opensource, so thats why I was wondering how easy/hard it may be to contribute the opensource stuff to nixpkgs
We are overwhelmed with too many PRs and not enough manpower so you might have to work a bit on reminding people and pushing for it
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adisbladis: ah good to know
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isn't it good to have too many PRs than too few?
btw, how can I check if a PR that was merged to master is also available on unstable (small)?
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hyper_ch: It's not a good thing if it takes too long for new contributors to get things merged
Well, it shows that the community is active, but if there are too many PRs, it can also mean that changes take a longer time until they are available for all users
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Ideally we would hover around the same number of open PRs but now it keeps going up
adisbladis: I still fail how to check there
nixos-unstable is a week old, what is blocking it?
ah ok
nico202: Unstable keymap tests it seems like
adisbladis: but still, I don't get how I can see what individual packages are now at
hello #nixos. i have a question on nixops + containers in a virtualbox: is it possible to put all containers within a virtualbox in a bridge automatically or do i have to configure nat for the virtualbox manually ?
It seems like there's garbage in form of unprintable ^H in the contents of `man man` when piped into an editor or a file.
when merging staging into master, there might be conflicts, the maintainer who merges is going to solve these ? some blogpost I read said the merging happened every couple weeks , is that still a valid assumption ?
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I have a nix expression that builds a directory structure inside the temporary directory. I'd like to inspect that structure. Can I somehow evaluate the expression like nix-build does, but stop before a phase?
I could, uhm, "ls -R" in the build script, but it's not great.
I... uhm... usually make a late phase fail and pass -K
You could also use nix-shell -A, then run genericBuild
* tilpner
only learned that recently
when running nix-build -A freeplane from inside clone of nixpkgs does it build other derivations that are dependencies based on the expressions in the cloned repository?
freeman42x[NixOS: yes
Anyone heard about the new nocode framework? I think nix, given its etymology, is uniquely posed to benefit from widespread adoption
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nixpkgs/master a600b62 Michael Raskin: linux_4_15: fix a partial version downgrade on staging merge
[nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vAUQv
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freeman42x[NixOS: i'm getting `Plugin [id: 'nebula.ospackage', version: '4.4.0'] was not found in any of the following sources:` there
what nixpkgs are you building it against?
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i'll try with unstable
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manveru, I am building against a branch of top of master from a few days ago
manveru, did you try this: <<To reproduce the issue just git clone https://github.com/razvan-panda/nixpkgs, checkout the freeplane branch and run nix-build -A freeplane in the root of the repository.>> ?
manveru, also in comments here there is an easier way to reproduce (I haven't tried it though)
is there a list of nixpkgs.options options? would be nice if it worked similar way to man configuration.nix
how do i delete the emacs desktop file (i use emacseditor) or hide it from i3-dmenu-desktop? I tried using overrideAttrs for postInstall, but the file still appears in i3-dmenu-desktop
manveru: tried that but I cannot resolve far enough
for example nixos-option nixpkgs.config.firefox
[nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vAUdt
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manveru, I think the issue is that I am using Gradle wrong, my nix expression is the only one using `, gradle` as input to the derivation
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[nixpkgs] geistesk opened pull request #34733: fpdf: init at 1.7.2 (master...fpdf) https://git.io/vAUdV
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Is there any harm to having nix.conf, config.nix and remote-systems.conf on github? Local IPs and paths to local key files seem the most sensitive parts.
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[nixpkgs] dotlambda opened pull request #34734: home-assistant: fix tests by pinning pytest==3.3.1 (master...home-assistant) https://git.io/vAUdx
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And, how do I get nix to install thunderbird's .desktop file?
[nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vAUbG
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nixpkgs/master 266292a geistesk: fpdf: init at 1.7.2
[nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vAUN3
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nixpkgs/master 28e0126 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #34733 from geistesk/fpdf...
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is there any example in nixpkgs for using gradle for build in a nix expression? I couldn't find any
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has anyone experience with using node2nix? I have to deploy using nixops a nodejs project from a private-git-repo and currently wondering if i have to have a duplicate of the package.json in my nixpkgs-repo and run node2nix manually, or how to go on about that. any advice ?
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[nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vAUNw
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forgetful: no, nixpkgs-17.09 does not exist
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infinisil: ^
monty: what do you mean by the nixpkgs channel? (Re your question about the web search interface)
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The web search seems to search only the nixos channel, I'd like to search the nixpkgs channel.
ertes-w: not that I know of. There's no guarantee that whatever path you choose won't break something in the future of course, but I'm not aware of anything that doing so would currently break
forgetful: no, there are only nixos/darwin channels for 17.09 since packages generally don't change that much
There is no nixpkgs channel
sphalerite: thanks
@LnL,sphalerite: thanks!
there are small channels if you want something that updates faster
monty: nor is there a nixos channel for that matter
monty: do you mean nixos-17.09, nixos-unstable, nixpkgs-unstable, or one of the small variants?
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srk: yeah nixpkgs.config is bad and deprecated AFAIK
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sphalerite: good! :)
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ive run into a classic newb issue
i put libtiff in buildInputs but the libtiff supplied tiffinfo isnt in my path when i use nix-shell -p
sphalerite: I meant nixos-unstable and nixpkgs-unstable, I assume the web interface searches nixos-most.recent?
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any idea why this is happening: builder for ‘/nix/store/kyk43l3frv2ll1y6wj0629zvzpy3gi8p-servant-snap-0.7.3.drv’ failed with exit code 1? I am using https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-17.09
the actual error is: Setup: Encountered missing dependencies:
io-streams ==1.3.*
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jailbreaking might help
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LnL: jailbreaking?
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nix-build is doing builds as a different user right? if I do nix-build -K -A somePackage
and go to the /tmp/ folder generated and run gradle build I get a different error
which I assume is because I am running as my user instead of the build user amongst other things
sphalerite: ah, didn't check
which is the proper way to debug this?
freeman42x[NixOS: yeah, you'll want to chown that to your current user first
basically to get to reproduce the error during nix-build by manually typing `gradle dist`
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alternatively you can run genericBuild in nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A hello
LnL, the /tmp/nix-build-freeplane-1.6.13.drv-4 folder?
__monty__: the web interface is only for nixos-17.09 AFAIK. I don't know of one for searching unstable. Shouldn't be too hard to hack together though
LnL, what does genericBuild do?
is there no way to continue from where nix-build failed (eg. during the build step)?
cause I used nix-build -K so it kept the intermediate results
just being in a terminal and getting the same error on `gradle dist` would be very helpful
no, you can't resume a partially done build
oh, you could do it by hand
depends on the expression, but usually you can invoke the configurePhase/buildPhase etc in a shell
but not to finish it with nix-build
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__monty__, sphalerite, it'll be worked on soon to try to upstream it to nixos.org website, but I have made an interface with channel selection https://nix.samueldr.com/explorer/?channel=17.09
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(if/when the unstable channel seems out of date, ping me and I'll update)
I just installed nixos and have been using saltstack to manage machines. Is anyone using salt with nixos and or know where it would fit in with nixos?
Oh yeah, that! Cool stuff
sud0x3: generally it wouldn't fit, because of how thorough nixos' own configuration management system is
so i could replace salt entireley with nixos, this was what i was hoping for :)
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sphalerite: try nixops :) I'm ditching both ansible and salt in favor of nix/nixos/nixops :)
sud0x3: ^^
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maybe I could add an [install] section manually
gchristensen: that worked, thanks!
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I can add extra unit config using systemd.services.thing.text, no?
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nixpkgs/master f4ff322 Robert Schütz: pythonPackages.pecan: remove superfluous patch
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[nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vATL6
nixpkgs/master ec506fd Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #34736 from dotlambda/pecan...
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BTW, how long does it typically take for PRs with new packages to be merged? just so that i know what to expect =)
ertes-w: It varies a lot
at almost merged 700 PRs a month, some otherwise-easy PRs slip through the cracks
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[nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vATYH
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nix/master ad97a21 Eelco Dolstra: nix-env: Fix parsing of --system...
ertes-w: You have any specific one in mind?
well, i'd expect new packages to be not-so-easy, unless they add well known software, but i don't know how far the committers go with auditing
^ the bot got hung up on a bug overnight, sorry
Also: If there is no action after a few days dont hesitate to CC the reviewers who have previously commented. It's usually just forgotten about
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argh npm is driving me crazy. who invented this ...
betaboon: Whats the issue?
* adisbladis
is currently digging deep into npms inner workings
what if no reviewrs commented? I think I have a reasonably simple update PR that got lost in the backlog
rardiol1: link?
adisbladis: just trying to figure out how to write a derivation for a node8 project, that is in a private repo, and should be deployed using nixops :/
gchristensen: huh? did i delete something by accident?
ertes-w: when you open a PR, there is a pull request template in the PR description box, but most of your PRs don't have them
adisbladis: currently trying to get the hang of node2nix. tried `nix-shell -p nodePackages.node2nix` but I'm getting version 1.3.0, even tho the nixpkgs-channel states 1.5.0 is available oO
gchristensen: oh, that's probably because i'm using the command line tool
i don't use the web interface much
betaboon: Which channel are you on?
adisbladis: 17.03
adisbladis: sorry: 17.09
gchristensen: i'll just copy the template then… maybe i can tell 'hub' to use the template by default for nixpkgs, otherwise i'll use it by hand
thanks :)
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betaboon: Did you update your channels? I get 1.5.1 from 'nix-shell -I 'nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-17.09-small.tar.gz' -p nodePackages.node2nix'
betaboon: Sadly cant help you with node2nix. At my work we recently switch away from npm before I got the chance to use it.
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adisbladis: i just updated the channel using `sudo nix-channel --update`. I don't have a nix-channel setup for my user-environment.
adisbladis: what did you switch to from npm ?
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betaboon: pnpm
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adisbladis: do you use that together with nix ?
It can already build a simple application
adisbladis: even with giving the nixpkgs-channel explicity (like your command above) `node2nix --version` returns "node2nix 1.3.0" what the fuck is going on oO
betaboon: Have you at some point installed it into your profile with nix-env maybe?
adisbladis: found the problem. i had the nodePackages overwritten in my own overlay. stupid me :X
betaboon: You could try adding --pure to nix-shell
Ahhh :P Makes sense
Oh boy, 666 PR's
open PR's*
infinisil: We have been hovering at 666 for the last few days :D
Nice number
still wondering: How can I check if a merged PR is already in nixos-unstable-small?
hyper_ch: i think there's some git command for that
adisbladis: pnpm looks interesting. has the transition for your web-developers been fine ?
infinisil: what for?
hyper_ch: for checking that
I don't know how I can see what is actually contained in nixos-unstable-small
hyper_ch: oh wait, are you the guy who doesn't want a git checkout?
infinisil: not sure what you mean?
infinisil: I just wonder if the zfs stability PR is already in unstable-small
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for me that's all the same as being merged
a merge is a separate commit, merging 2 branches
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yeah it doesn't matter much in the end, but it would be nice to decide on one convention
you could just list all merges with git and easily check whether a pr is merged like this
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nixpkgs/master 7e9d214 Michael Alan Dorman: org-packages: 2018-02-07
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nixpkgs/master d2f7f2d Michael Alan Dorman: melpa-stable-packages: 2018-02-07
[nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vATlI
nixpkgs/master 4dda0db Michael Alan Dorman: elpa-packages: 2018-02-07
and closing a pr but using the commits looks the same as just closing and rejecting a PR, which is kinda weird
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Does anyone else get graphical glitches in wireshark? Rendered text is sometimes a little bit garbled. I'd send a screenshot, but starting scrot seems to trigger a redraw or something which fixes it
and yeah, I'm in favor of a more minimal style, as you can see on my website
Hey yinz. I'm working on configuring vim with nix. Is there an article somewhere for creating/bundling plugins that aren't on the nix repo?
it's kind of hidden in the sources
ahh PA-people
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I think the plugin is available for nixos but not Darwin currently. Looking at the repo, I don't see anything special about the NixOS logic though.
gchristensen: Ever since I've moved here I kinda use it ironically
maybe one of the dependencies is marked as linux only
I don't think there are any (maybe I'm an idiot). Let me find you the snippet.
gchristensen: weren't those messages previously NOTICEs?
they were
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is this a substantial downgrade in functionality?
betaboon: Pretty fine :) We noticed that some dependencies were unspecified in one application but other than that its not been too eventful
not particularly, but it's always nice to have the messages less highlighted than messages from humans
ah right on
{^_^} needs some love, I'll see if I can add notice support back in :)
!m {^_^}
You're doing good work, {^_^}!
A bot complementing another bot. Love is in the air.
adisbladis: with your pnpm2nix i can just write a derivation (like eg with mkPythonApplication) as opposed to having to maintain a node-packages.json/node-packages.nix as with node2nix/npm2nix ?
betaboon: Yeah
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that sounds like heaven to me :/
It just loads the shrinkwrap and generates nix packages on the fly
betaboon: I'll tell you when its more useful :)
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Ooh that's concise. I'll try it out tonight.
Thanks LnL. I seriously looked over that line probably ten times last night.
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LnL: Why is that at a completely different place than vim_configurable
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adisbladis: I'm very interested in your work and are willing to test it soon :)
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infinisil: that doesn't really have anything to do with definition of plugins
Also, I've noticed most other pluging derivations(?) are assigned to a variable of the same name. Why is dracula assigned to vim?
the vim_configurable has room for improvement. It would be nice if the paths could be customized (to allow for neovim paths for instance)
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yeah, it's also one of the last remaining things using composableDerivation
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betaboon: Yes
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Profpatsch: I've been trying to build your yarn2nix against nixpkgs-17.09 but ran into a missing dependency "protolude ==0.2.*". that is expected, huh ?
Profpatsch: if i build against nixpkgs-master it works :)
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clever: I have set up slave like in peti's tutorial. slave is the only one listed in buildMachines but hydra machine is the one running queue runner. On restart of queue runner this is still thrown: "hydra.conf: binary_cache_secret_key_file is deprecated and ignored. use store_uri=...?secret-key= instead"
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[nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #34446: skopeo: remove the patch by setting a variable at build time (master...pr/skopeo) https://git.io/vN7ni
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probably it uses nixos-unstable though
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scenario: mac developers, linux nixos hydra + production servers using pinned nixpkgs. if I want to ensure that binary substitutes are always available, do I need to manually `nix-push` from a mac to the hydra instance every so often?
Hence my question directed at samueldr : ) Is my first guess as well but figured I'd check.
infinisil: I did not want to force push on hyper_ch's master branch.
I basically squashed it with minor changes.
Mic92: it's going to be deleted soon anyway
and I told you that you can force push
hyper_ch: I did not got this message.
it'ŝ ok
I'll survive
yeah, does not matter in the end.
Some people are sensible, when it comes to doing that.
it's just a temporray repo for me
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Hm. I'm on unstable and on a rebuild, it seems that xorg is now built locally
Interestingly including nouveau and radeon drivers, which I dont use, nor do I even have an nvidia or radeon card.
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Is there a way for an expression to check if its being run under nix-shell? I'd like to use the same expression for nix-shell and deploy, but I don't want to fetch the source repo if I'm *in* the source repo.
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betaboon: Yes, it’s only supported on unstable/master atm
I suppose I could use a relative import...
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The earlier version is not supported, but maybe it might make sense if people want to use it from stable.
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[nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vAT1g
nixpkgs/master 9d5ab32 Vladimír Čunát: polipo: mark as vulnerable (close #33709)
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It seems that 519 #driSupport32Bit = true;
is the culprit
So 32bit support seems to be stripped from the binary builds
(I start to wonder if I've been somehow shadowbanned.)
you're not, judson
Thanks, gchristensen.
Just bad at asking questions?
:P the obvious answer is to pass a parameter in from the shell.nix saying you're in a nix shell
or override the src to say ./
but something like builtins.pathExists readDir / readFile exists :) and you could act on those in ways
Because of how I'm using it right now, I'm thinking I can rely on a relative import - I'm working locally and then copying things to a nixops config directory. So in the project, I could have sourceHash.nix with ""
But I was wondering if there was a mechanism I wasn't aware of. nix-shell doesn't set such a parameter automatically?
That's even easier.
well I don't think it magically sets any nix variables to look at
pathExists is a really good solution. Thanks!
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hyper_ch: you had a wiki question?
samueldr: I did
(and still have)
please ask, I also work with the wiki
is there a way to tell nix-build to continue from a certain phase and skipe previous ones? since running it with -K argument keeps the previous work nix-build -K -A freeplane
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freeman42x[NixOS: No, you'd have to hack it by splitting up the derivation, which is pretty uncomfortable. You could step through it with nix-shell also.
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samueldr: I like ZFS and I like encryption.... should I post complete setup scripts/config files (using kexec etc.) in the wiki? maybe make different ones for different ISPs?
suddenly my NixOS vm is full
no big surprise I guess
ISP? you mean ZFS setup for VPS and servers?
but doing sudo nix-garbage-collect -d fails because I don't have enough diskspace
samueldr: yes
freeman42x[NixOS: generally, that risks compromising the guarantees pure builds provide
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srhb: got any examples of using those 2 methods? Might be useful later
coconnor, I'd use it temporarly to avoid the long rebuild using Gradle
while trying to fix installPhase only issues
anyone familiar with hydra's "Previous Hydra Build" input option? ideally I want this to reference another job on this hydra instance that built successfully. I see no documentation for this :/
and then I would obviously test it fully
freeman42x I've never tried the first, but the concept is to have individual build phases be the "whole" phase, so that at each step you're committed to the store.
freeman42x: The second: You just run nix-shell instead of nix-build and step through the phases by hand (like unpackPhase) by evaluating them in your shell
Of course, if you mess up the "build tree" so you can't continue, you'll have to start over anyway.
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hyper_ch: I'm wondering in the pages hierarchy how to file those, they're probably more relevant to cloud hosts than ZFS... but there isn't any "hierarchy" for cloud host pages
srhb, thank you, I might need that later when having to do with really long intermediate steps
fresheyeball: systemctl --user restart emacs.service should do it
samueldr: its my vm server
ixxie: ☹
how does one pass a dependency on another package on the same Hydra server?
hyper_ch: if it's generic, then a similary named page is alright, I was thinking you had instruections per-provider
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gchristensen: oh good call.... nixpkgs off you go xD
on a local machine we just pass nix-build the -I ~ flag
on Hydra that won't work
thoughtpolice: thank you!
ixxie: nix 2.0 will run gc itself to prevent this in the future
gchristensen: when is that coming btw? Any day now right?
samueldr: well, I was thinking of handing out complete kexec configs and script for auto setup and config file for encrypted zfs installation
gchristensen: but too unstable before that presumably
nixos-unstable will switch to 2.0 shortly by default
Didn't it already?
did it?
Guess not.
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Grepping the log for nix is hilarious.
It's just like searching or nix things on google, only worse.
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when running a nix command that will download packages, is there a way to get it to show that packages & how much data will be downloaded before it does so?
it shows me that already, but I'd like it to ask me before proceeding
e.g. metered internet connections
Not that I know of.
though perhaps it is worth knowing that Nix isn't very good with a metered connection in general
hyper_ch: prepare something, anyway there's many bits in the wiki that aren't categorized, like those, if/when it's moved, it'll alway redirect to the proper location
Nix requires a fair amount of downloading
gchristensen: less so than any other distribution?
or I wonder if I should put it somehow into the zfs page
it will download more than another distro
why is that?
noffle: For instance, our dependency tree is much more strict
take it away, srhb :~)
noffle: If a dependency changes, its dependents _must_ also change
Oop, sorry :P
hyper_ch: depends entirely on how it's done, the size of the actual page and the size of what you're adding
nope, thank you srhb
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sections can be moved without much fuss
because the hashes change as well?
noffle: Other distros might get away with swapping in a new dependency without touching the dependents
gchristensen: maybe we can start nixflix and send nixpkgs by main
noffle: Exactly!
ixxie: great idea!
that makes sense
who's in charge of burning the whole cache?
gchristensen: security updates send by a raven
noffle: Perhaps you can already envision a solution to that as well. :-)
or a drone maybe
samueldr: one sec, I'm just burning the last 10TB to disk...
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I'm trying to make a custom derivation, but when my compiler can't find `linux/types.h`. I've included `linuxHeaders` as part of `buildInputs`, but that doesn't seem to do anything. Anyone know what might be the issue?
are Cabal or Stack still useful on NixOS?
pmeunier: I thought carnix was going to ignore the target directory now?
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gchristensen: hi! I'm curious about hydra. initial questions: do you know any updated documentation? how does the 'channels' feature work? is the 'channels' approach still a good way to make individual software available outside nixpkgs? if I use a mac laptop (with pinned nixpkgs) for development and nixos linux hydra + production servers for deployment, do I need to run `nix-push` often on my mac so that
hydra's binary cache stays warm for my coworkers?
hakujin: the channel feature should still work well, if you want to get fancy you could even have hydra push the binary cache to an S3 bucket without (too) much work. I'd suggest pinging LnL who runs a hydra for mac software
I’m not home yet, ping me in ~1h
LnL: ack, thanks.
I've built a nixos.qcow2 image and want to test locally in qemu. Anyone know off the top of their head a command that will boot it? qemu-system-x86_64 -hda ./nixos.qcow2 seems to hang
gchristensen: thank you. happen to have a reference for the S3 binary cache bits?
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hakujin: not a great one, but I can send you some stuff. Unfortunately there aren't great, updated docs for Hydra as it generally isn't considered "Shipped" software
[nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vAT7y
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nixpkgs/master 55bbcd4 Vladimír Čunát: linuxPackages.nvidia_x11_beta: alias to stable...
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so, pretty much automated an native encrypted root zfs install on the smalles online.net servers
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gchristensen: me?
gchristensen: I am wondering if we should just abandon all hope of getting anyone to write a wiki article about it
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ixxie: probably shouldn't give up, I just don't know who'd do it exactly
gchristensen: https://github.com/sjau/nix-expressions/tree/master/customIsoFiles --> the three online_net files: the 'kexec' one to serve as configuration file for kexec setup; the 'install_script' will partition the system, create pool etc. and start nixos-install (which will fail because of the default hardware-configuration power management thingy that gets added) and the "minimal enczfs config" file is a minimal file to setup the encrypted
(of couse that currently fits all my needs)
and much is inspired from our beloved clever :)
hyper_ch: mind writing up a quick readme of notes?
gchristensen: I'll improve it for the wiki
looking awesome!
it's just for me right now
that is even better!
ask also keyboard layout and provide authorized key for ssh login for unlocking etc...
remove my preferred nano setup
remove cryptsetup
add option for swap maybe
for zfs swap it's recommended to create a vdev... I wonder what happens when I create a vdev as child of an encrypted dataset
(and I also wonder if nixos picks up the vdev properly)
ehh I'd stay away from swap on ZFS
so then maybe use luks/dm-crypt with random key for swap?
(or someone else can add swap support)
and who'd have thought there is something like: swapDevices.*.randomEncryption
yeah that seems better
but hibernate!
then don't use a random key
bears hibernate
computers don't
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[nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vATdJ
nixpkgs/master 6dfb0be Robert Helgesson: perl-bignum: 0.47 -> 0.49
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so, time for some anime and then another ep of this k-drama
and then sleep
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I have a package that depends on another package (not part of nixpkgs) in my Hydra server, and it calls the other package with 'import <foo>', however hydra complains it cannot find the package, how do I tell it that the package is already in hydra?
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TonyTheLion: Did you mean literally "<foo>" brackets and all? I think you usually feed hydra those as inputs.
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this derivation is based on Freemind one and for Freemind the symlink is created automatically
lewo: Any experience getting virtio-ports available in a NixOS guest?
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Neo--: /nix/var/nix/gcroots/auto contains symlinks to the result folders that nix-build has created for you. Once they are gone (and they will disappear during gc when the targets are gone, being "stale", I think is the term) they will stop preventing garbage collection.
Neo--: Or you can play the find / -name result game and see if you can beat my weekly score!
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srhb: yesss!! that was it! fixed it. Thank you!!
TonyTheLion: Yay :)
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[nixpkgs] rycee pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vATp3
nixpkgs/master c086125 Robert Helgesson: perl-Crypt-JWT: 0.019 -> 0.020
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nixpkgs/master d3fc84d Robert Helgesson: perl-Sub-Quote: 2.003001 -> 2.005000
nixpkgs/master 76f3f22 Robert Helgesson: perl-Encode: 2.93 -> 2.95
Is somebody here succesfully using a switched tinc network on nixos?
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pstn: I had had such a thing working at one point, but not any longer.
simpson: How did you get a net to the network devices? Do you remember that? I need one for arp, but atm they all use just 00s because there isn't one.
pstn: No, I don't remember that part of it; I had an existing network and I converted it to switching by telling each node to use Switched mode.
simpson: I'm also still considering routed. Did you switch back to that because you had specific reasons?
Guest14344: No, I never play with this
pstn: I was playing around. Ultimately, I no longer have a tinc VPN set up.
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How do you keep your configuration in sync over multiple systems? (non-nixos)
srhb, what weekly score :D
Neo--: You get to compete in who has littered most result symlinks all over the place!
Beware, though, I'm notoriously good at this.
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I have a lot, but I'm cheating
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gchristensen: It's called "crowd sourcing" nowadays.
haha, you saw right through me :)
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[nixpkgs] hamhut1066 opened pull request #34749: Add setting to configure group for systemd in Traefik (master...master) https://git.io/vATj6
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srhb, haha :D
gchristensen: that's only if you have an include = […] in your Cargo.toml
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i was pretty bad myself until i found -o *blush*
see my PM pmeunier :)
but you're right, in future versions we should ignore the target directory.
I think I sent you an improvement
I mean, I sent you a patch. I think it is an improvement.
when i was experimenting with a python project the other day i accidentally created like 30 or something result-X folders :D
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what's the easiest way to get an extra symlink included in the system profile? That is, I want it to be in /run/current-system and /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-xyz-link
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hey, guys, I'm trying to make my package just like in tutorial https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#sec-expression-syntax , but nix-build complains :error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value (‘stdenv’)
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[nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #34685: v8_3_16_14: fix on darwin (master...fix-darwin-v8_3_16_14) https://git.io/vAvaO
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the error message was not helpful
pmeunier: around?
so I changed my line { stdenv, fetchurl, perl }: to {stdenv ? stdenv, fetchurl ? fetchurl, perl ? perl }: as it suggests
and got error: infinite recursion encountered, at /home/lex/Desktop/mystuff/nixexperiments/nixbox2/default.nix:3:11
lexconfused: expressions like that have to be called first, you can't build those directly
lexconfused: undo your ? stdenv, ?fetchurl, ... etc bits, then do: ./maintainers/scripts/nix-call-package ./yourpackage
do packages have some kind of metadata field that you use or does that happen differently
lex@nixos ~/D/m/n/nixbox2> nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./default.nix {}' these derivations will be built: /nix/store/c05ilq0r2fsr5bglnigakw984zfp65hk-hello-2.1.1.drv building path(s) ‘/nix/store/m246pm7rcpfgd4h0qnj9fkssraifw777-hello-2.1.1’ /nix/store/b4c9y6nx7sy04fyk1211l9bpvff80r77-builder.sh: line 3: 2: command not found builder for ‘/nix/store/c05ilq0r2fsr5bglnigakw984zfp65hk-hello-2.1.1.drv’
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LnL: carnix doesn't detect system dependencies, you have to use crateOverrides for that
I made mistake in my build.sh . how may I force nix to use build.sh in my current directory, instead of outdated /nix/store/b4c9y6nx7sy04fyk1211l9bpvff80r77-builder.sh ?
we could try to detect the presence of #[link(name=…)] by grepping the source code, but that's only one way to specify dependencies in Rust
there are others, and guessing the package name from that would be hard.
after doing a nixos-rebuild --upgrade right now, it seems like NixOS is trying to redownload nearly all packages I have ever installed. is this expected behavior?
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oh , my fault, sorry, I fixed it, nvm.
leotaku , i beleive it is expected, because with '--upgrade' you upgraded all minor versions to fresh channel
* lexconfused
watched le NHK ni yokoso for last few days
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lexconfused: could you explain to me what a "minor version" is?
pmeunier: ah interesting, going over a bunch of the generation tools to see how they deal with it
Mic92: mind stepping in to #nixos-borg?
gchristensen: so many channels :)
leotaku an package hello_world of version 1.01 have 1. as major, and .01 as minor. an upgrade could be made to hello_world 1.02 and so on
lexconfused: ok that makes sense. I just found it strange how many packages there were/are(still going) to be fetched, as I just recently --upgraded my system.
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LnL how I can pass /file/system/path/to/mytarball as SRC to stdenv.mkDerivation ?
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src = /file/system/path;
sound too good and simple to work in NIX
oh! didn't see the tarball part
though... I think that will still work
why don't we have just API refference for functions like stdenv.mkDerivation, with a list of all possible input args, values
[nixpkgs] noqqe opened pull request #34753: Multiple users with hashedPassword is broken in mosquitto (master...master) https://git.io/vAkqU
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so, since I first started upgrading my system with "nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade" 1-2 hours ago nix/NixOS has been compiling drivers from source.
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is this expected? Shouldn't it use precompiled binaries, or is that impossible for some drivers?
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[nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #34126: init: kubectl at 1.7.9 (alias for kubernetes with only kubectl component) (master...kubectl) https://git.io/vN2KJ
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does nixUnstable change the format of binary caches at all?
I'm getting this really strange errors about paths not being valid when I try to copy from a local binary store (--from file://...)
only thing I can think is that the versions of nixUnstable that produced the binary cache and the version that reads from it might be different
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argh, no, that's not the issue, nevermind
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phew, that'd be unfortunate
still have no idea what the issue is though... for some paths it works, for other paths it says they're not valid (but never *why* they're not valid... arrgghhh)
(recently I've been reading the notes anyway and so forwarding ones related to draw latency / "lag" is not a problem)
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Lisanna: that's lame. And clear behavioral differences between nix versions used? Don't know anything about that but.. **sympathy**
that means the only remaining explanation is... oh god
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no, they're the same version
If anyone around here has experience building NixOS with a custom kernel, would you mind taking a look at my config? I'm trying to install NixOS on a currently-unsupported device (ODROID HC2), and I can't seem to get it to use my custom kernel: https://gist.github.com/andrew-d/d5cee00dd06b24097bdc12ae50520ce8
dtz: <3
The error message is essentially that it can't find the `odroidxu4_defconfig` target, which appears to be because my kernel override isn't applying everywhere
So I'm wondering if I'm making a dumb mistake and not overriding all the various things that I should be such that it's only using the specified kernel
andrew_dunham: try looking on nixpkgs for recent issues/PR's--there's been a flurry of work re:custom kernels particularly in context of embedded or cross-compilation. I haven't been tracking them all so don't have answers but it's likely someone has a PR that fixes all that for you O:)
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dtz: btw did you see shlevy's message?
damn I really miss an IRC client that I'm familiar with (irssi for years, server died, haven't restored my setup re:IRC and been limping on matrix)
right now I want a quick answer to "messages shlevy sent me in past day or two or three" so I can answer xD
in other words...maybe? what message? :D
(matrix has a search but it's so slow that I always regret attempts to use it :P)
if you're interested in having commit rights you should ask for it :)
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dtz: you don't have commit bit?
:D okay. I.. have mixed feelings. I would love commit rights and hope it's not too bold to say I do think I've shown I'm worthy O:). But I've held back so far because it forces me to go through review which is nice :). But I suppose there's no reason I can't still ask for review on things or even post-commit review on the off-chance I make the inevitable mistake.
especially since with commit rights maybe I can help eliminate our PR backlog instead of only adding to it! :D
gchristensen: I do not! .. "yet"? :D
hrm. ping domenkozar?
* dtz
would like to officially request commit rights
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I think earlier there was a misunderstanding around commit bit to _nix_ vs _nixpkgs_
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anyone else find themselves wanting different "roles" for their account? haha, for people lke me than wear many hats
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dtz: I wish github had _ANY_ form of access control levels at all
well to be fair I .. i did think shlevy was asking about nix commit rights specifically. And I think that would be very helpful since I keep fixing things and waiting for someone to notice and merge :)
oh I see, then there was a misunderstanding and it was mine :PP
but it also seems our fearless leader is (probably rather rightfully so) very much trying to keep nix itself from spiraling out of control
yes :)
oh, same but either way I feel like you should get nixpkgs if you want
a hard balance to strike, honestly :). Creative control when you don't have infinite time to scale to infinite community's needs
there I'd just rather the nix project was a bit more active re:community and less about ... whatever goals it has. Kinda don't want anything not reviewed there anyway :D
LnL: okay well thanks for the suggestion I'll do my bestest
(presumably Ggchristensens's mention above pinged the right person already?)
hrm... for the second time my laptop has run out of disk space...
hey re:"nixos-rebuild --build-host" -- this seems to need the ssh user to be "trusted" (re:signatures QQ), is that correct/expected? Is there a workaround?
you can do it as root?
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otherwise it seems like it's exactly the same as configuring buildMachines only I suppose nice to opt-in in an accessible manner
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45508 store paths deleted, 120082.12 MiB freed
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still wonder why my vim-nix doesn't seem to suffer from that
my vim-nix gripe: visual-block insert gets interrupted/broken by some indent changes
don't think it's specific to my stack but have not attempted to isolate it.
I use that to comment out code often xD
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please make an issue if you have something that's kind of reproducable
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nixpkgs/master 78a17f5 Tim Steinbach: helm: 2.7.2 -> 2.8.0
[nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vAkCN
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I'm thinking that my problems might be related to NFS madness. if anyone has any experience with using binary caches from weird filesystem mounts, please don't hesitate to spam me with information about it
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lexconfused is this a problem you're having with a Nix package?
or are you asking how Nix would help you avoid this problem?
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lexconfused: write a nix expression for your project, configure whether to use gcc or clang in that
so I just updated my system and found out that I now have lots of packages installed multiple times in /nix/store these packages don't seem to go away, even after a "nix-collect-garbage", what should I do to remove them?
LnL: you motivated me to try to repro! Issue filed :)
throwup maybe they're referenced by previous generations?
I think there is a difference between "nix-collect-garbage", "nix-collect-garbage -d", "sudo nix-collect-garbage", "sudo nix-collect-garbage -d"?
Lisanna: I remove old generations with "sudo nix-env delete-generations old" correct?
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throwup nix-env --delete-generations old
is this on nixos?
Lisanna: i did set the "--" in the actual command
LnL: Me? If so, yes I am on nixos
the last booted system is a gcroot so that won't get garbage collected
run nix-store -q --roots <path> so see why a path is alive
rardiol1: "nix-collect-garbage" and "sudo nix-collect-garbage" are identical
rardiol1: -d deletes all generations from the profiles it has access to, so root can matter
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Oh, It seems like the packages were kept alive by a result I created when playing around with nix.
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I removed that and now I could trash the old versions.
Thanks a bunch guys!
don't worry about running gc all the time if you have enough disk space
nix tool proposal: interactive "do you still need this root?" utility lol
* dtz
usually grep's "nix-store --gc --print-roots" a few times and removes things that were entirely not important or resolved
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LnL: yeah, but that update nearly doubled my used disk space.
does nixUnstable's nix have some level of verbose logging I can turn on? "'/nix/store/foo' is not a valid path" doesn't really tell me anything :/
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you can use -vvvvv but I'm not sure how helpful that would be
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LnL thanks, it decided to stop reproducing though x_x
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I'm so happy I don't have to debug this while also having to worry about things like LD_LIBRARY_PATH