true, let me revert it. I mean the idea is good, however this entry does not look right
i havent seen sudo $EDITOR on any other page
at most it should show the file path
but imo that isn't needed since people will know where the snippets go
NobbZ[discord]: `sudo $EDITOR`? `sudoedit` and `sudo -e` feel more appropriate.
lets give Vater another hour to clean up this mess, his previous contributions look all right
NobbZ[discord]: Though also it assumes that config is located at `/etc/nixos(configuration.nix` which indeed might be the default, but people might have moved it, use flakes or just prefer splitting into modules
yep but it should be omited
there's no reason why the wiki should show a command to edit a file
NobbZ[discord]: Yeah, you are probably right
NobbZ[discord]: Lets give "Daddy" a moment.
Kanashimia[discord]: why use {{PAGENAME}} hmmm
i think its unnecessary complexity
my guess would be that he is trying some kind of template for other pages like this
its been 1+ hours
i'll revert it and transfer the good parts myself