eyJhb changed the topic of #nixos-on-your-router to: NixOS on your Router || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-on-your-router
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<LilleCarl> What's up with quagga being the packaged routing package rather than FRR?
<LilleCarl> Actually BIRD too, but like Quagga -> FRR
<hexa-> LilleCarl: do it
<hexa-> the maintainer of quagga in nixpkgs was last active in 2017
<LilleCarl> hexa-: Reason i asked was because this IRC channel exists. I mean that must mean there's people using NixOS to route things :p
<hexa-> LilleCarl: yeah, mostly bird :)
<hexa-> personally also babeld
<LilleCarl> Once I'm done packaging Stremio I'll get around to FRR
<LilleCarl> Should be ez, there's quagga to base it off
<hexa-> I suppose so
<LilleCarl> We'll see
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