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<jtojnar> fpletz: do you have your pinentry changes available anywhere?
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<Profpatsch> Man, current haddock is majorly broken.
<Profpatsch> peti: Since linking takes such a long time for ghc on linux, what do you think of interpreting the Setup.hs file instead?
<Profpatsch> That should be a considerable speedup (~5 seconds) for each haskell build.
<Profpatsch> that is, instead of ghc Setup.hs && ./Setup $args just do runghc Setup.hs $args
<Profpatsch> Or rather runghc Setup.hs -- $args
<Profpatsch> I thought we switched to gold some time back, but if we did it’s still slooow
<simpson> thoughtpolice: So I tried a thing with Z3. It didn't quite work because PYTHONPATH isn't correctly set up: https://gist.github.com/MostAwesomeDude/b7d19e8438d7f3c253b1006ff2a34c45
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<niksnut> authors should just be required to submit a nix closure of their software :-)
<gchristensen> yes!
<pie_> ^
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<matthewbauer> does anyone know how to override cabal2nix to a newer version? i am running into issues with unsupported platforms that has been fixed in cabal2nix master but not in the one in nixpkgs.
<Profpatsch> peti: We need to apply this patch to ghc 8.2 (and maybe others) https://github.com/haskell/haddock/pull/846
<Profpatsch> haddock crashes way too often on current master.
<Profpatsch> segfaults, that is.
<Profpatsch> matthewbauer: Do you have a local nixpkgs checkout?
<Profpatsch> matthewbauer: It depends on which cabal2nix you are calling.
<Profpatsch> And I know what issue you mean. :p
<Profpatsch> But if it’s the one from all-packages, the following should maybe do the trick: let cabal2nix = pkgs.haskell.lib.appendPatch pkgs.cabal2nix (pkgs.fetchpatch …) in …
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<Mic92> gchristensen: do you mind proof reading? https://github.com/nix-community/NUR
<Profpatsch> Mic92: Oh, you’re announcing it soon?
<Mic92> Profpatsch: yes. It has all features it needs to make it usuable.
<Profpatsch> Mic92: Nice. I read the README and I like the minimalism very much.
<Profpatsch> Perfect design I’d say.
<Profpatsch> How often do you update the NUR?
<Profpatsch> I’m guessing one does it centrally every n days?
<infinisil> Mic92: I'd favor it to not use builtins.fetchGit without a hash, I don't want it to always download new stuff
<Profpatsch> Oh, it does?
<infinisil> It's in the readme
<Profpatsch> Shouldn’t NUR just be a simple cache of hashes to repos?
<Mic92> infinisil: every 15 min or so. You can provide a hash
<Mic92> but only for the top-level repo
<Mic92> the underlying repos have hashes
<Profpatsch> So it has to use IFD, of course.
<Mic92> you can also use NUR from a git checkout
<Profpatsch> (import from derivation)
<samueldr> 👍 namespacing per-repo for the attribute names
<infinisil> Hmm yeah, nice idea though, I like it :)
<Profpatsch> Now I need to add my packages from our vuizvui package set. :)
<Profpatsch> Good thing nix is lazily evaluated …
<infinisil> Mic92: Is it possible to use a subdirectory of a repo?
<Mic92> samueldr: would you build a search page, when I create the needed the data?
<Profpatsch> Mic92: So what’s the story for discovering packages
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<Mic92> Profpatsch: running an indexer over all repositories.
<Profpatsch> I mean I need to IFD every subrepo to get a list of all repositories. Based on the checks NUR does on push, they are all required to evaluate.
<Mic92> but not yet implemented
<samueldr> Mic92: probably can, hit me up this week-end if you have questions for the format
<Profpatsch> Mic92: I’m assuming all subrepos need to specify a full hash?
<Profpatsch> Because fetgit without hash breaks your evaluation guarantees.
<Mic92> Profpatsch: references/hashes are updated automatically by a cronjob.
<Profpatsch> (I still don’t know why nix incorporated fixed inputs without hash, that’s just silly)
<samueldr> convenience?
<Mic92> gchristensen: thanks!
<Profpatsch> gchristensen: whyyyy in the world would you capitalize nix/nixpkgs? oO
<Profpatsch> :)
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<gchristensen> because it is a proper noun
<samueldr> it is capitalized when not used as an identifier
<Profpatsch> Don’t you have to be able to pronounce proper nouns? nickspkdshs
<Profpatsch> :P
<gchristensen> # !!! styleguide
<samueldr> nixkpeekayjeez there I said it
<Mic92> infinisil: what is your use case for that a subdirectory?
<infinisil> Mic92: I have all my packages pretty much ready for nur here already:
<gchristensen> I pronounce "Nixpkgs" "Nix packages"
<Mic92> I though about allowing an alternative file instead of default.nix
<infinisil> In my system config that contains many other things
<gchristensen> Mic92: should it not use an override, but an overlayinstead?
<samueldr> Mic92: alternative path instead of alternative file would solve this
<Mic92> gchristensen: overlays would be terrible, if they are applied without coordination and they are hard to review.
<Mic92> think of recursion
<Mic92> One wants to know where packages come from.
<gchristensen> no no just the top level bit
<Profpatsch> Yeah, we haven’t yet solved vertical composability of overlays.
<infinisil> gchristensen++
<{^_^}> gchristensen's karma got increased to 9
<gchristensen> overlays = [ (self: super: nur = self.callPackage (import (builtins.fetchGit { url = "https://github.com/nix-community/NUR"; ...) ]
<infinisil> Although, what's the point in an overlay for that?
<Profpatsch> +2
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<infinisil> Nothing needs to get overridden
<infinisil> It's just self that you need
<gchristensen> it uses a more understandable mechanism, is mostly it, imo
<gchristensen> and overrides are less nice compared to overlays
<Mic92> many ways lead to Rome
<gchristensen> like semantically I think it is more ... what it is ... than an override
* infinisil agrees with overlays
<infinisil> Related: If somebody wants to supply some overlay, they could do nur.repos.infinisil.myfancyoverlay = self: super: { fancy = changes; }
<gchristensen> anyway, mostly a semantic question and I like the project (though it spooks me a little :)
<Profpatsch> gchristensen: Well, you develop your packages privately in NUR, then, once they are ready to move, you put them in nixpkgs and reference them in NUR.
<infinisil> When should something go in nixpkgs and not NUR?
<Profpatsch> Some packages are only personal anyway, or are tools that are not big or general enough to go to nixpkgs.
<Mic92> infinisil: if it benefits from the binary cache.
<Profpatsch> I mean everybody has some helper tools.
<Mic92> or opinionated patches
<Profpatsch> exactly
<Mic92> or dirty hacks
<Mic92> NUR could also old versions of software
<Mic92> or really new one
<Mic92> (nightly builds)
<Profpatsch> Mic92: Or this one, which drives the backlight shortcuts for my display: https://github.com/openlab-aux/vuizvui/blob/master/pkgs/profpatsch/backlight/backlight.py
<infinisil> nixpkgs-mozilla is a good candidate
<Profpatsch> Or this one, which is a CLI wrapper around the Hasell webserver, warp:
<gchristensen> yes many examples
<Mic92> or large generated package sets.
<infinisil> Could you put that in a section in the readme as well? What belongs and doesn't belong here/in nixpkgs
<samueldr> one could also realistically build a backports collection I guess
<Mic92> speaking of backports, maybe I should put an upper limit on evaluation time.
<Mic92> I don't think we should nixpkgs forks there.
<Mic92> they are too big.
<Mic92> *should allow
<samueldr> Mic92: that would be *hard* to do using time, imagine e.g. travis uses different CPU kinds or some build servers are heavily CPU-starved
<samueldr> this may make the limit quite fuzzy, sometimes passing other times not
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<infinisil> Mic92: Is NUR supposed to be for packages exclusively?
<Mic92> infinisil: at moment yes. I have not thought about a concept how a good module structure could look like.
<infinisil> Other things would be: useful nix functions, modules
<Mic92> *at the moment
<Mic92> I first want to implement a package search.
<infinisil> What do you mean by module structure?
<Mic92> How modules would be exposed and discovered by the users.
<Mic92> and used
<infinisil> Just by telling people about it
<infinisil> Having it restricted to packages only feels a bit arbitrary just because they are the only easily listable things
<Mic92> infinisil: ideally the would be seperated from packages by a convention/scheme.
<infinisil> How about just doing it how nixpkgs does it
<infinisil> Packages are all top-level attributes for which isDerivation is true, recurse with recurseIntoAttrs
<infinisil> Would also make it easy for NUR packages to be discovered with nix-env automatically
<Mic92> I don't understand, how this is different from what it currently does.
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<infinisil> I'm just saying that I don't think it makes sense to enforce a "only packages" rule. Just have it work like nixpkgs, which allows arbitrary things, and use the nix-env way to discover packages, no convention/scheme needed
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<infinisil> (Maybe we're talking past each other here?)
<Mic92> For the module something like https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/22 would be a good idea.
<infinisil> Yeah I'm confused what you're talking about, no idea what module you mean
<infinisil> Isn't NUR supposed to be just a central location people can use to make it easy for others to access nix expressions in their repos?
<Mic92> *for the nix modules
<Mic92> imports = [ nur.repos.mic92.modules.fany-module ];
<infinisil> Yeah, agree with that
<infinisil> I'm just arguing against the argument "only packages allowed"
<Mic92> This is only temporary limitation
<Mic92> and on the Roadmap
<infinisil> Oh, I think I get it now, you mean that callPackage couldn't work with modules?
<infinisil> Because it can nonetheless
<infinisil> { }: { config, pkgs, ... }: { ... }
<infinisil> Oh and only the toplevel default.nix needs the callpackage syntax to begin with
<infinisil> Let me know if that's not what your concern is
<Mic92> infinisil: add an example module + documentation and it will be part of NUR.
<infinisil> Alright
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<infinisil> Looks good, I mean almost anything works, the only thing NUR requires is a callPackageable default.nix at the root
<Mic92> infinisil: I just need to make this a convention, because if everybody should put modules in the same place so indexer can look for them.
<infinisil> Ah I see
<Mic92> I should also encourage meta attributes there so it is possible to find them.
<infinisil> Mic92: Another idea, which can be useful for other things too: Have a nur config settable by the repo
<infinisil> Yes that :). Can be used for also describing what this repo contains, what its modules are, what its packages are, etc.
<Mic92> I think I should ask for a license
<infinisil> +1
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<crystalgamma[m]> I have a nix expression that outputs <LAMBDA> when displayed over builtins.trace but causes "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set" when called … any idea what could be happening here?
<Mic92> crystalgamma[m]: this happens if you not give a function enough arguments, so returns its result.
<crystalgamma[m]> (but if I call it with wrong arguments it still outputs the missing mandatory parameter error)
<infinisil> crystalgamma[m]: It would be good to know what the expression is..
<infinisil> Also, more of a question for #nixos really
<crystalgamma[m]> and if I evaluate it from nix-build -E instead of deep in nixpkgs, it works as intended
<infinisil> crystalgamma[m]: Can you ask in #nixos?
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