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<dtz> can someone w/a darwin builder confirm that the first commit in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/42150 fixes the hanging problem on that platform? Borg says it does but I'd like to test that hanging does occur if the patch is reverted-- but don't want to do that to borg since that seems hostile
<dtz> well I suppose it does have timeouts in place, but even so would appreciate a quick check ;0
<dtz> *:)
<gchristensen> dtz: I'd be happy to, but I'd do it on the same builder my borg runs on
<gchristensen> dtz: I'd just do it anyway :P
<dtz> great, ty! No worries about the machine used I just didn't want to... intentionally ask borg to do something that I hoped would hang lol
<gchristensen> yeah, I mean, I'm not actually going to do it. but I would say go ahead and try it via borg
<dtz> oh okay
<dtz> :)
<dtz> go go gadget borg
<dtz> :D
<gchristensen> :D
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<dtz> what's the timeout? 15min? O:)
<ghuntley> Nixos live stream going live in 10 mins https://twitter.com/GeoffreyHuntley/status/1008534573204922368?s=19
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<ghuntley> ICYMI - I held a brownbag and introduced some folks to nixos and what makes it compelling. The video is now available at https://twitter.com/GeoffreyHuntley/status/1008615801631281153?s=19
<ikwildrpepper> ghuntley: thnx, I retweeted it on nixos_org
<ghuntley> Awesome.
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<Mic92> what happend with nix pills? https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/
<Mic92> Looks like a misconfigured web server.
<ikwildrpepper> Mic92: looks like something is up with the updater of the homepage, checking
<ikwildrpepper> Mic92: should be back up
<Mic92> ikwildrpepper: thanks!
<gchristensen> ghuntley: awesome!!
<ghuntley> There's some factual errors. I'm aiming for introductions aka why nixos is better than debian.
<ghuntley> It's fine. I'm getting folks to take it for a spin aka the why vs the how.
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<ghuntley> World's cannot express how fucking awesome nixos really is. You have built something special ❤️
<gchristensen> :'D
<gchristensen> peti: my understanding from talking to some peers is https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/40128 probably can only be solved via a technical discussion between you and ezyang, are you available for something like that, sometime this week?
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<niksnut> 'NixOS is fucking awesome' - we should put that on a mug ;-)
<gchristensen> +1
<peti> gchristensen: Hmm, yes, backpack support would be very cool to have! I'm hugely in favor of making that possible.
<gchristensen> yay! I have some people who need it very much, and possibly-to-probably some people who can help with time and effort
<gchristensen> how should we make this happen?
<peti> gchristensen: I'll a minute to figure out when I would be able to dedicate some time to this endavour. The first step would be to try and package some backpack code myself, I suppose.
<peti> gchristensen: Right now, I can't really say when I'll be able to do that. We have 2 colleagues on vacation and 1 in the hospital at work, so I maybe not be able to do this this week. :-(
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<shlevy> peti: Edward responded on the issue by the way
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<matthewbauer> Hi all! I've opened an issue here: https://github.com/nix-community/linuxkit-builder/issues/2 & interested if anyone has looked into doing this. I want "not-os" to be used in more places.
<gchristensen> I think you're misunderstanding the role of linuxkit matthewbauer
<matthewbauer> ah... okay
<gchristensen> does that make sense?
<matthewbauer> sort of... where does the kernel image come from though?
<gchristensen> Nix
<matthewbauer> ok is there a reason to use Linuxkit over like QEMU ? like, what does linuxkit give you over direct usage
<gchristensen> linuxkit uses hyperkit which requires no superuser permissions, and sets up seamless networking which is much more pleasant than the networking tricks required for a typical VM
<gchristensen> I did a talk about it, actually, I can look to see if I can "open source" it
<matthewbauer> yeah that would be great! i haven't used it yet but definitely looks useful. Do you have a solution to people bootstrapping without remote builders? I think we could try getting it into cache.nixos.org so that it can be substituted.
<gchristensen> it'll be built by hydra :)
<gchristensen> I just wish I could give it a better name before it made it on hydra
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<gchristensen> matthewbauer: maybe you have some ideas? :)
<gchristensen> nix-linux-build-system-for-mac
<matthewbauer> maybe just 'linux-builder' with the aspiration to support other OS (windows support!)
<matthewbauer> ?
<gchristensen> Nix Linux Build System? Nix Build System Linux? Nix Subsystem for Linux? (NSL is fun b/c National Security Letter)
<samueldr> 4 for "for" needs to make a comeback :) NLBS4macOS longer name makes it easier to search 4
<samueldr> (and with nixos for WSL around the corner NLBS4somethingElse could realistically exist)
<gchristensen> we could go the m4 and k8s strategy
<gchristensen> n15s
* samueldr cries in numeronyms
<andi-> How many of those acronyms can we introduce before going insane?
<matthewbauer> i think Linux users would also appreciate a 'darwin-builder' but IIRC we cannot legally do this without something like PureDarwin becoming a thing
<samueldr> as many as there are letters and numbers, don't forget we could dip in some other alphabets!
<gchristensen> andi-: t5y
<pie_> just please make it googleable
<gchristensen> andi-: (toomany)
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<samueldr> matthewbauer: you're right, though I don't know how much an issue it would be to do all the infra work, but leave the macOS vm work as an exercise to the implementation
<pie_> so preferably a random > 4 character string
<samueldr> AAAAA
<gchristensen> ok I'll name it
<samueldr> that was randomly selected with a fair dice roll
<pie_> samueldr, https://xkcd.com/221/
<gchristensen> 6adaa2ad
<pie_> gchristensen, thats politically incorrect
<pie_> it has negative connotations for the androids that wer part of the AKJL$24 community
<pie_> so what exactly does this thing do? build linux images?
<pie_> (while running on macos?)
<gchristensen> it runs a minimal linux VM on macOS
<pie_> aha
<gchristensen> and automatically sets up remote builders
<gchristensen> *securely*, too, which I feel is a missed step for many :P
* pie_ cringes
* pie_ gets back to work :p
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<gchristensen> does anyone know where to find, say, the stage-1 or stage-2 boot files from Debian or RedHat or CentOS or Arch or Gentoo or ......?
<Dezgeg> what do you plan to do?
<gchristensen> I'm noticing our stage-1 only supports a single console argument, and my understanding is other distros support multiple: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/system/boot/stage-1-init.sh#L137
<Dezgeg> I don't think others do when I last checked
<Dezgeg> but yes, it would be nice
<gchristensen> I have someone in my ear saying they definitely do, because their LOM / iDRAC is over tty0
<Dezgeg> the usual graphical console?
<gchristensen> serial I think
<gchristensen> I can collect more info
<Dezgeg> the ones I checked last were git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/boot/dracut/dracut.git git://git.debian.org/git/kernel/initramfs-tools.git git://git.archlinux.org/mkinitcpio.git
<samueldr> hmm, gchristensen fwiw the nixos kernel with two console= seems to work with my stage-1 with qemu
<gchristensen> do both consoles work?
<Dezgeg> yes, two console= gives you two kernel messages but no two stage-1 messages
<samueldr> I don't have a getty, but both show kernel messages
<gchristensen> ahh
<samueldr> Dezgeg: that's why I said seem, not sure if it was showing init's messages
* samueldr subscribes to this thread
<samueldr> gchristensen: fwiw the sources for archlinux's are here https://git.archlinux.org/mkinitcpio.git/tree/
<gchristensen> nice
<gchristensen> thanks, both of you :)
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<copumpkin> the nix-daemon is socket-activated on linux systemd, right?
<copumpkin> we could probably do the same on macOS
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: pretty sure it is
<clever> copumpkin: semi-socket activated, systemd will pass the listening socket to the daemon, which then takes over listening
<clever> the other mode, is where systemd always calls accept() and spawns a new worker for every connection
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