gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-borg to: https://www.patreon.com/ofborg https://monitoring.nix.ci/dashboard/db/ofborg?refresh=10s&orgId=1&from=now-1h&to=now "I get to skip reviewing the PHP code and just wait until it is rewritten in something sane, like POSIX shell. || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-borg
<ekleog> something weird with ofborg? it just said 3x success for a test build for x86_64-linux https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/48901#issuecomment-433586523
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<ekleog> uh so it triggers at each message edit? good to know
<gchristensen> maybe should fix that feature-bg
<ekleog> well, it somehow makes sense, but it could be better if it detected the line was already present pre-edit indeed
<ekleog> should I file a bug?
<gchristensen> sure!
<ekleog> done :)
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