:D that was what I thought you were doing when asking about genisoimage the other day
the annoying thing to do now is figure out how to make macOS run it on boot
(I was doing a similar thing, but going with a .img build using guestfish)
probably not real hard but ... it is Mac stuff and ... :)
does it still allow things in /etc/init.rc?
hmm let's see
(I think that wasn't the right name though)
good thing all the apple developer doc is freely accessible online, like the manpages
oh wait, it isn't anymore
(yes I'm sour)
Since Mac OS X 10.4, startup items such as /etc/rc.local file or /Library/StartupItems folder are deprecated in favour of launchd daemons and agents.source
as a first "get this out of the door" I would probably write a script, make that launchd thing start it; that script would set a stateful at the end /var/lib/look.ma.I.ran and look at it initially; sanwiching mounting/running of the iso
(or unregister itself from launchd)
every boot is pristine :)
or that
no need to tell 'ma you ran
which, notably, makes it annoying to test this :D
also, I should probably make this script trivial and just execute a /Volumes/CONFIG/apply.sh
I concur, easier to then do anything with zombo.com^W^W the script
you say "pristine boot" what happens with qemu on reboots? on KP? (though, KP on real hardware must suck anyway)
if qemu does a reboot, it stays
but if qemu terminates, the data is lost
wondering if you could poison the clover boot setting so it powers off next boot in that script?
(if you definitely don't want reboots)
seems overkill :)
says the one building a virtualization integration for hydra+macOS ;)
ok so this should be not bad...
fingers crossed, samueldr?
that's not good for posture
you just have to believe :)
seems the code .fd file isn't the same
chances are it isn't the same, but incompatible? hm that's a bother
oh, unless osx-kvm starts something else than tianocore as the bios?
it didn't work :(
(the boot script)
I forgot
[root@nixos:~]# launchctl status
launchctl: command not found
it worked-ish
but the disk wasn't mounted yet, so it failed
ok, bed time
the cdrom isn't mounted until a user logs in over the GUI making this not a useful avenue
next thing to try: not a cdrom, but maybe some other type of FS? maybe LnL has ideas on auto-mounting the cdrom earlier... anyway. Bed time.