gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-borg to: https://www.patreon.com/ofborg https://monitoring.nix.ci/dashboard/db/ofborg?refresh=10s&orgId=1&from=now-1h&to=now "I get to skip reviewing the PHP code and just wait until it is rewritten in something sane, like POSIX shell. || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-borg
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<timokau[m]> Could we replace the known users list with a check weather or not the user is a contributor?
<gchristensen> like has contributed anything?
<gchristensen> or, has merge rights?
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<LnL> I feel like that's the same as just giving everybody access
<infinisil> Yeah, it's really easy to get the contributor status
<infinisil> But I'm not opposed to it
<gchristensen> I am open to making it easier to get access
<ekleog> I think if the known users list is removed, there should be a pre-written banned users list added
<ekleog> just so in case of issue the path to recovery would be easy
<ekleog> (by pre-written, I mean the deploy giving all contributors access should also add the banned users list support)
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<timokau[m]> I assumed the point of the known-users list is just to prevent someone from DoS'ing ofBorg, is there any other reason for it?
<timokau[m]> I think currently pretty much anyone is added when they ask anyway right? That would only reduce friction for contributor and the ofBorg maintainers
<timokau[m]> If GitHub doesn't make it possible to ban someone from a project, we would need a blacklist true
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<{^_^}> [ofborg] @erikarvstedt opened pull request #247 → Add erikarvstedt to extra-known-users → https://git.io/fx4F6
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