gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-borg to: https://www.patreon.com/ofborg https://monitoring.nix.ci/dashboard/db/ofborg?refresh=10s&orgId=1&from=now-1h&to=now "I get to skip reviewing the PHP code and just wait until it is rewritten in something sane, like POSIX shell. || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-borg
<infinisil> samueldr: so you figured out why ofborg eval fails?
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<samueldr> no, but I figured out I did nothing wrong to make it fail
<samueldr> `nix-env --query --available --json --file . --arg config '{ allowAliases = false; }'`
<samueldr> #48339 was never backported, causing the feature in ofborg#250 to fail
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/48339 (by ryantm, 4 days ago, merged): treewide: fix evaluation with `allowAliases = false`
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/ofborg/pull/250 (by ryantm, 3 days ago, merged): add new eval checker for the package list with allowAliases = false
* samueldr grumbles
* samueldr got the wrong PR
<samueldr> there must have been multiple?
<gchristensen> samueldr: is stuff still failing?
<samueldr> release-18.09
<samueldr> and yes
<gchristensen> ouch
<samueldr> all the commits to fix "config.allowAliases = false" seems to be missing
<gchristensen> I'm sorry :(
<samueldr> and not all apply cleanly since there was divergence since august
<gchristensen> can I help?
<samueldr> get me some stronger coffee?
<samueldr> haha
<samueldr> other than doing the dirty work, not really
<gchristensen> just tell me where to send it :)
<samueldr> but it may be more than I can do before I go to work, so I'll look at it this evening
<gchristensen> do you have like Uber Eats or something? :)
<samueldr> haha, I already have a big mug filled
<samueldr> I don't actually need anything
<gchristensen> ;) <3
<gchristensen> my least favorite facet of winter has come about: the butter is hard sitting out on the counter.
<samueldr> we're not even one month into fall and you're complaining about winter :)
<gchristensen> I love everything about winter except the hard butter :)
<ekleog> french people keep their butter in the fridge (a)
* ekleog still wonders how americans manage not to get sick, eating butter that's been out so long
<gchristensen> butter is safe on the counter for like a week or so
<gchristensen> apparently butter is so fatty that things can't easily grow on it, plus the salt
<ekleog> to me everything that's made of milk should be thrown away after an afternoon out of the fridge
<ekleog> yet I eat almost-raw meat without any issues
<ekleog> all gud :D
<gchristensen> that is an okay policy to have for yourself, but know it isn't based on science :)
<ekleog> well, almost-raw (fresh, obviously) meat is pretty safe too, it's vet-tested and couldn't be sold if it wasn't :)
<ekleog> I guess each country has its irrational fears ^^
<gchristensen> I'm on board with almost-raw meat too :)
<gchristensen> and sure
<gchristensen> my understanding is butter was made in order to preserve it
<gchristensen> before refridgeration was really a thing
<ekleog> yeah… it's like removing the layer of mold from the jam and then eating from it again… my grandmother still does this, but I couldn't get myself to it
<gchristensen> yeah that is gross, even though it is probably fine
<cransom> our air conditioning had been running since late may. last week was the first time we've gotten to open windows and not hate life.
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