2019-12-13 14:38:34 < felix_> clever: my guess for the isa of those blobs would be arcompact. broadcom uses quite a lot of synopsys stuff and iirc at least one of their ddr4 memory controllers has an arc core for memory training. at least i think i read soething like that a few days ago
samueldr: this guy is saying that synopsys made the arcompact core, and i have also seen synopsys before, in connection to the rpi usb 2.0 controller
yeah, synopsis _is_ those with the ARC IP
samueldr: also, i think the above "open source" laptop, includes the same ddr4 controller as the rpi4, and they are explaining the blob firmware the ddr4 controller needs
so that sounds about right
though maybe it's _only_ on the DDR4 PHY
>> processor in the Synopsys DDR4 PHY
the rpi4 has some fishy 21kb blobs, that include both binary data and strings mentioning ddr4 and addressing
so not sure that VC4 runs ARC ISA
2019-12-13 15:01:01 < felix_> the memsys0x.bin files don't look like arcompact code; the hello.bin does though
samueldr: hello.bin was made by the vc4 cross-compiler in nixpkgs
`2019-12-13 15:01:01 < felix_> the memsys0x.bin files don't look like arcompact code`
vc4 objdump also spits out garbage for it
at least for the reform computer you linked earlier their DDR4 PHY has one
samueldr: i suspect thats what the memsys files are, on the rpi4, firmware for the ddr4 phy
Setting all DACs to .75 VOH meas
Dram Timing
samueldr: this definitely looks like firmware for something
samueldr: also, large chunks of what is being said in the comments, have since changed
samueldr: the entire gfx pipeline now has a proper implementation in linux drivers
sure, I linked to it as corroboration for using ARC
> If you port that BCM21553 code back to the RPi, then you'll still be relying on the binary blob to control the non-3D hardware, but the entire OpenGL ES stack (everything from libGLESv2.so and the shader compiler to the register poking) will be on the ARM.
error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')', at (string):271:47
thats the purpose of the race the rpi foundation started a few years ago
they open-sourced the android drivers for a BCM21553, which lacked the VPU cores
tilpner has quit [Quit: tilpner]
> I'm not certain about the details, but I'd expect the most likely conflicts are over interrupts (the V3D interrupts need to be directed to the ARM and not the VPU),
error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')', at (string):271:34
samueldr: and thats something i personally was involved in fixing!
i was able to trivially route the irq to the arm, but it was also still routed to the vpu, causing the vpu firmware to crash
samueldr: so basically, the superfx chip from the snes, is now driving the entire rpi, lol
it sounds like they are basicaly another arm?
and are licensing the core IP
"another ARM" as in "another ARM limited licensing core IPs" and not "another ARM vendor" right?
another company, doing the same thing as arm
AFAICT they are not at all ARM
samueldr: the wiki page for ARC also mentions it has an optional usb host
i suspect thats the 2.0 controller in all pi's, which they they exposed to the arm
samueldr: they are also involved in coverity!
Are we not allowed to break internal stuff?
I said internal~ish since it's technically usable from the outside
so I'm not sure :/
samueldr: But I don't see a way not to break it
if I make it toggable I still need to change the output path
to either $out/foo.img or $out/foo.img.zst
Or change $out's name depending on compression being true? Can I do that?
name = "ext4-fs.img${optionalString compress ".zstd"}";
(assuming something like let inherit (lib) optionalString; in...)
ah, I should have been clearer, the main generated image should still be bzip2
(xz would be fine too)
for maximum compatibility
while zstd is easy to get working everywhere, it's not generally as well-known
and we don't even have the guarantee that the end-user is using nixos!
Fair, I'll change that
I just want something faster than bz2 :P
keep it as bz2 since it's not needed for fixing the build
and it'll reduce the confusion of yet another change with compression
Fair, will be bundled with my change for toggling compression
samueldr: np, thanks for all the guidance :)
samueldr: figured out why memsys00.bin has the 32bit chunks backwards
samueldr: the vc4 firmware is treating it as a uint32_t[] when it copies it, rather then treating it as a uint8_t[]
samueldr: and i suspect its shoving it into a 32bit wide fifo, that stores it to ram on the other end, in the forwards order
oh, I hate endianness or ordering of bytes or whatever this one is
so, the vc4 and dram controllers have differing endiannesses
and the act of reading it from ram, passing it thru a 32bit bus, and writing it back to ram, swapps the bytes
everyone knows the right solution to this is having a pointer of 2n-1 bytes, pointing to the middle, and reading from either end of the mirrorred data
nah, the only right way is the unicode way: extend the byte to a variable amount of octets, allow only some octet sequences to be valid bytearrays, introduce several poorly supported control sequences that reverse the direction and pollute the rest of the possible value spectrum with emoji
samueldr: and a little more inspection reveals, i think both vc4 and arm have the bytes "backwards" in ram
samueldr: so its actually the ddr4 controller thats the odd one out, for having its bytes "forwards"
:/ -1 on nixfmt especially since I don't think the formatting has been "decided" on still
(though I could be wrong)
samueldr: I just don't want to have to think about it, I'll revert it then :)
in theory nixfmt on existing nixfmt'd code is perfectly cromulent, but otherwise I'm (personally) not in it yet
web development seemingly is impossible
and I'm 100% sour against all those bad platforms being badly made
I thought about doing it in Nix, but I don't like interpolating stuff like that
as a previous web dev, I see the errors and it's 100% avoidable and it's just bad and I'm disliking my tone right now
I have never written anything that runs in a browser, so idk :P
oh, and it's just a tip, don't mind me :)
in that case I don't think it needs to be changed
Sweet :D
gchristensen: See, the community box access is already paying off, one fix at a time
a thing that could have been done is to have, at the top, ${if compressImage then "img=temp.img" else "img=$out"} and refer only to $img (not ./$img)
that way uncompressed operations could be done directly to the store output
and thus, no bash if at the end, only an expansion on compression to compress to $out
but that's just _a_ way to do it, not a needed change
samueldr: That _is_ better, let me try that
I have a partial refactor of image building done for mobile nixos
urgh, went from bootloader code to scala and sbt. that escalated quickly… :facepalm:
so I had some parts re-thought of
flokli ?
that doesn't sound healthy
samueldr: spinalhdl for the fpga part
> Basically, SBT use online repositories to download and cache your projects dependancies, this cache is located in your home/.ivy2 folder. The way to setup an internet free environnement is to copy this cache from an internet-full environnement where the cache was already filled once, and copy it on your internet less environnement.
error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')', at (string):271:10
yeah, sure.
hdl and fpga, raises your blood pressure last I heard
samueldr: I'd say crappy toolchains do
.....................................................W..WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.WWWWWWWWWWW..WW.WWW...WW..WWWWWWWerror: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
Xerror: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
/nix/store/jsj5d138ih9q9avnr1l6w81qmxgrxmpr-mruby-sdl2/test/rect.rb:4: No available video device (SDL2::SDL2Error)
bless you :-)
that's the actual error
Hello, samueldr's cat
*that* is why my build fails :)
could we add a video card to the nix sandbox?
samueldr: lol. why do you need a video card to build things?
that's the test suite :)
that's a joke, the solution is to actually configure SDL2 to not output graphically I think
I was just gonna say…
samueldr: testing changes
working on a tooling for boot selection for mobile-nixos
samueldr: Working, pushed
lovesegfault: I had left a review comment too :)
samueldr: Yep, fixed and pushed :D
* lovesegfault
blows smoke away from commit pistols
my bet with SDL2 is that it will be able to render to KMS/DRM for those shiny new snapdragon where I couldn't get a framebuffer going quickly
in addition to framebuffer
samueldr: when wayland in initramfs?
flokli: lol
if all fits in 8MiB
I'm just excited for the systemd initramfs
(~20MiB more likely though)
lovesegfault: yes please :-)
I have a requirement where stage-1 needs to fit in 8MiB and be useful, though it can lack features
samueldr: oh, i recently became familiar with the rpi hardware scaler, its responsible for hardware composition
samueldr: basically, you write a series of messages to special ram, that specify things like pixel format, physical address of bitmap, xywh coords to copy from, and xywh to paste into the framebuffer at
having DRM/KMS is also helpful for dogfooding the Mobile NixOS stage-1 (and stage-0?) features on my laptop/desktop one day
samueldr: and the hardware will then fetch lines of image data, scale, alpha blend, and stack it all up, then shove it into the hdmi or lcd fifo
so with that knowledge, you can now blast bitmaps out the rpi display, and also have the option of blasting multiple bitmaps
i think android typically did 3, status, app, and home/menubar, at one time
x11 can use it to render a mouse pointer
games could abuse it for sprites, of any size