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<flokli> samueldr, grw: received a gemini shipping notification just now :-)
<flokli> order no in the 32xx range, destination germany, us keyboard layout, 4g
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<pxc> flokli: !! I"ve been thinking about ordering a Gemini PDA. I'm sorry, I missed some of the context. Are you planning to run NixOS on it?
<flokli> Yes, planning to use nixos
<flokli> Best would be still being able to use it to phone. But really don't know much on how to talk to the modem from Linux userspace ;-)
<pxc> same. Are you an Emacs user, flokli ? I've been considering the Gemini as an awesome way to do Emacs on mobile, but I'm not sure the keyboard has a great layout for it. I use vim keys and leader keys, so the lack of modifiers miiiiiight not be that big of a problem. I'm still waffling
<flokli> pxc: I usually boot into i3 instead of emacs ;-)
<flokli> Mostly vi and tmux, but don't want to get into religious fights on that :-P
<duncan^> flokli: ofono
<pxc> flokli: I use tmux quite a lot, and my Emacs acts a lot like vim. No objections from me. At any rate, it sounds like you're interested in a similar text-centric workflow to mine. Are you thinking of writing a blog post or anything like that once you get NixOS on the thing and start using it? I would be very interested to hear your account of what that's like, and I bet others would too
<flokli> Currently I'm not really into blogging, but yeah, might write something about it :-)
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<pxc> flokli: yeah, a GH Gist or a NixOS wiki article or whatever would be cool, too. Obviously no pressure/no stakes, since I'm a stranger asking you to do work by writing. I just think it would be cool. :-)
<pxc> I hope your new Gemini is awesome!
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<flokli> Haha, No worries! I will write something up :-)
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