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<Robbiedobbie> Has anyone actually ever tried running the armv6 image on a raspi zero W? Before I was using either armv7 on the raspi 3 or armv6 on the raspi 1 B. I can't seem to boot the armv6 on the zero W, resulting in a black screen and a blinking led blinking long once, then short once, repeating indefinitely... No output on the HDMI
<Robbiedobbie> It looks like the uboot in the armv6 image does not run on the zero W?
<Robbiedobbie> (The image is not corrupt, the same card does run fine in a raspi 1
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<kier> hi all, i'm having an issue booting the AArch64 image on a Raspberry Pi 3
<kier> the serial output ends at "Starting kernel...", implying that the kernel isn't giving me a serial console (or the kernel genuinely isn't being started)
<kier> any ideas as to what else I can try?
<kier> I've checked that /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf contains "console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=ttyAMA0,115200n8", and that /boot/config.txt contains "enable_uart=1", but i'm still not getting any output
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<vcunat> kier: I've heard about some breakage of aarch64 on unstable/master; I'm not sure if the channel has caught up. 18.03 should be safe from that, I think.
<vcunat> (unfortunately I don't even know how the breakage manifested)
<kier> thanks. are pre-built SD images from the 18.03 channel available somewhere?
<kier> i've only seen the link on the wiki page (https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ARM#Installation) - the images from there look like they're from one of the unstable channels
<vcunat> kier: ah, do you have nix somewhere already?
<kier> yes (but not on AArch64)
<vcunat> great
<vcunat> nix-store --realize /nix/store/l3bhcyx4ldj0g1a6fw3006q401nl0ipy-nixos-sd-image-18.03pre132238.ed83f5c574a-aarch64-linux.img
<vcunat> :-)
<vcunat> I think we don't have a nice link yet :-(
<vcunat> Dezgeg might know
<kier> ah, thanks. makes sense that they'd ultimately come from hydra.
<kier> still getting same issue with that 18.03 image
<kier> I realise I've not tested anything other than NixOS on this particular Pi - I might give something like Raspbian a shot to see if the issue is NixOS-specific
<Dezgeg> hmm, I think the serial should just work with the default settings on the image
<Dezgeg> maybe your power supply is too weak?
<Dezgeg> or maybe I remember incorrectly and it needs only 'console=ttyS0,115200n8' to have it work
<Dezgeg> one way to check is that to take the card out, mount it on pc and check if there is anything in /var/log/journal, you can see if it has booted to Linux or not
<kier> taking out the ttyAMA one didn't fix it (though it's probably a good thing anyway, since AFAIK this device is connected to the bluetooth module rather than to a terminal)
<duncan^> reddit tty
<kier> hehe
<Dezgeg> yes, one guess I had was that it was going to ttyAMA0 instead which indeed is the bluetooth module
<kier> there's a subdirectory in /var/log/journal, which appears to indicate that it's booted at least once
<kier> s/booted/started linux/
<Dezgeg> it's a mystery to me then, sounds like it should work
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<Dezgeg> or maybe it was ttyS1?
<kier> the power supply might be an issue? I've checked again and the red power LED blinks off momentarily a couple of times during boot up
<kier> once early on during uboot, and again about second after the "Starting kernel" message
<Dezgeg> yes, it could be a power problem
<kier> though if they were actual power-outs I would have thought the Pi would just reboot
<Dezgeg> I think the behaviour is rather undefined what it does
<kier> fair enough
<kier> It'd be surprising since its powered straight from a mains adapter (not a PC/laptop etc.) and I had no problems using it with a Pi 2
<kier> I'll try a different one anyway
<Dezgeg> you could read the journalctl output and look for clues
<Dezgeg> some of my old boot logs says:
<Dezgeg> 162 [ 0.442248] 3f215040.serial: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x0 (irq = 61, base_baud = 31224999) is a 16550
<Dezgeg> 163 [ 1.351575] console [ttyS0] enabled
<clever> i also had to set some device-tree overlay stuff to disable the bluetooth on mine
<Dezgeg> it should work without any tweaks (or, at least I have captured such serial output in the past...)
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