flokli: zimbatm: About the spinning clocktower: I looked around a bit at solutions and embedding a website in the stream through OBS seems like the easiest option. Only took a few minutes to get it running :)
adisbladis: ok cool :-)
still need to upload that svg with splitted hands though ;-)
Also: It's possible to preconfigure an entire scene. I'm gonna make a home-manager module for OBS tonight so we can preconfigure everything and get the out-of-tree web module easily.
really cool
so we just need a JavaScript to update the clock hands in the website?
zimbatm: Basically yes
it could even be published on nixcon2018.org
It's very dirty, but you can even embed js into svg
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adisbladis: last time I checked I couldn't find one that handled Alpha correctly
(an OBS module to embed web stufff)
samueldr: obs-linuxbrowser doesn't handly it completely correctly but correctly enough that it doesn't matter for us
samueldr: Seems to have problems with partial opacity, not with full opacity
ah, so uh, fringing will happen around diagonals and circles?
The nixcon logo is from the embeded web stuff, it's not just a static image
hart to say for sure, indead of hdmi, use a white "solid", or a black one; what I'm seeing on the lighter part of the F key might as well be encoding artifacts
though, I didn't start trying to use it, just because it was documented as not behaving with RGBA
I set it to mkv with quite good quality, so any encoding artifacts should be gone
to me, looks like there's black fringing around the flakes
(probably around the tower too, but that's not something you'd see black on black)
(and that's my perfectionist self talking, obviously)
from memory, the issue was that CEF itself didn't relay RGBA information properly
samueldr: Yeah you are right :/
I guess we can work around it by adding some darkness
or using trickery
if only the clock needs to be dynamic, let's make only the clock be CEF
or obs-linuxbrowser
the tower is already dark, so it'll mask most of the crime
Haha :) I like it
since you can put a scene in a scene, it won't be much trouble I think
instead of putting the obs-linuxbrowser instance in a scene, put the scene layering the logo + browser in a scene
Yeah that's not even much extra work
the bit I like in using scenes into other scenes is that it't 100% width and height, making sure everything is placed the same
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zimbatm: you're a bit more into hackyll than I am, right?
I'm searching for a way to embed the svg into the index.html (which is basically a requirement to be able to poke inside it with javascript). However, index.html is no template, and seems I can't use $partial outside of a template
tried adding templateBodyCompiler to the "*.html" match in site.hs, but that gives me a type warning, and I'm a bit https://ihavenoideawhatimdoing.dog/
flokli: want a stupid alternative without embedding the svg?
use the DOM, luke^W flokli
make an empty clock tower, and two hands elements
manipulate through CSS transform()
samueldr: huh? how do I "make" an empty clock tower?
you mean, loading 3 ripped apart svgs?
brr, that's a bit dirty ;-)
not saying it's a good alternative :)
I did say "stupid"
but I never said three SVGs :D
DOM elements could be used for the hands
right - it could also simply be a handsfree nixcon logo, and some <div>s with border-radius
so it'll still be only one svg
but i'm a bit worried with all the responsiveness css classes
this will break somewhere in between
hmm, shouldn't be an issue depending on how it's implemented
especially since the comments say it wasn't
flokli: aspect ratio?
wondering how you'd implement it, but I'd make a vertical div, rotating it though transform:; in JS?
(btw, I'm not saying "oh it's easy, just do X", I may be missing something here)
(I kinda hate doing "armchair development")
I basically wanted to embed the whole svg and poke with the rotation attribute, maybe also use some animatetransform foobar as illustrated here: https://codepen.io/mohebifar/pen/KwdeMz
so far, the paths are split and the rotation center is set to something reasonable
yeah, I gathered from your initial thoughts
maybe it's the easiest way still
I just need some more time to dig into it probably
flokli: I don't know anything about hakyll, just inherited it from last year and hacked around the html