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<shmish111_> hi, I just upgraded my macbook to mojave (stupid idea) and now I'm getting `fatal error: 'math.h' file not found`
<shmish111_> has anyone come across this yet?
<shmish111_> I've tried a few things including `xcode-select --install` and `open /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg`
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<LnL> We don't depend on or use xcode
<shmish111_> yeah, I would have been surprised if it had worked as I didn't think so
<shmish111_> so where would it be looking for math.h?
<LnL> what package is this?
<shmish111_> ghc
<shmish111_> /nix/store/qsfhacppm13v295jmjn8fv4pxjdy0wxd-ghc-8.2.2/lib/ghc-8.2.2/include/Stg.h:78:10
<LnL> well that's no fun to build yourself :p
<shmish111_> quite
<shmish111_> actually I don't think it's ghc itself that is causing a problem, it is a haskell package
<shmish111_> I'm struggling to see which one though
<shmish111_> I think it's just during the linking phase
<LnL> this might cause other problems but could you try building with --option sandbox true
<shmish111_> how can I do that from a derivation?
<shmish111_> actually in the repl
<LnL> pass those extra flags to nix-build
<LnL> not sure if the repl takes those
<shmish111_> ok, I've found the package at least
<shmish111_> nix build --option sandbox true -f test.nix haskellPackages.serialise
<shmish111_> is that the correct command?
<shmish111_> it failed with the expected error
<LnL> depends on the file, but it looks reasonable :)
<shmish111_> the file is basically doing `pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc822.ghcWithPackages (p: with p;[plutusPkgs.serialise]);`
<shmish111_> here serialize is coming from the stackage definition
<shmish111_> using stack2nix
<shmish111_> but actually it's /nix/store/qsfhacppm13v295jmjn8fv4pxjdy0wxd-ghc-8.2.2/lib/ghc-8.2.2/include/Stg.h that is looking for math.h
<shmish111_> where does nix usually provide math.h from?
<LnL> Libsystem which makes me think the build isn't using our compiler but the one from xcode
<shmish111_> ok, makes sense, why would it be doing that?
<LnL> because it's installed and without sandboxing nothing will prevent stuff to look in places outside of the store for stuff
<shmish111_> how come `--option sandbox true` didn't seem to fix anything?
<LnL> oh, it didn't?
<shmish111_> no
<shmish111_> but maybe I got the command wrong:
<shmish111_> nix build --option sandbox true -f test.nix haskellPackages.serialise
<LnL> that looks good, but I thought you got a different error
<shmish111_> no, sorry, same error
<LnL> strange
<shmish111_> ah ok, so if I use my local channel it works, 1 step further
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<shmish111_> but it didn't work for me, not sure why
<shmish111_> I assume it won't rebuild because it's cached whatever is causing the problem and these env vars don't change the inputs
<LnL> hmm
<LnL> I think that's about running cabal build interactively
<shmish111_> ah so it won't help with nix building things?
<LnL> no, it shouldn't impact nix builds
<LnL> we try to isolate as much as possible, in theory the os version doesn't even matter
<shmish111_> yeah
<LnL> I get a totally different error, but that might be because of --check
<LnL> yeah, both work (ish)
<LnL> the sandboxed build fails after everything was built /nix/store/xrk3m6jhxpgn1xif0q08mx683iq6p39b-serialise- copyFile: permission denied (Operation not permitted)
<shmish111_> ok, someone at work tells me that they are working on upgrading the nixpkgs we use which should fix it, especially since it works with my <nixpkgs> which is quite recent
<shmish111_> thanks for your help, I'm going to park this for now
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<LnL> alright, it must be somewhat recent already otherwise stuff would blow up on 10.14
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