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<carlosdagos> If I have a package in an overlay, how am I supposed to use it in `~/.nixpkgs/darwin-configuration.nix`?
<carlosdagos> Keeps saying it's not found if I say `pkgs.myPackage`
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<dhess> w/hois carlosdagos
<dhess> doh, just trying to see if you're still around
<dhess> anyway, in case you arae or you're checking logs, you want to set `nixpkgs.overlays = [ path/to/your/overlay.nix ]`
<dhess> LnL: ping
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<LnL> dhess: pong, I got disconnected somehow
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<dhess> LnL: did you see the issues I'm having with Mojave (above, maybe not if you were disconnected)
<manveru> hmm
<manveru> i get "dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_network.dylib" after the upgrade
<manveru> i did run `nix upgrade-nix` before upgrading macos, guess that wasn't enough
<dhess> manveru: me too, but only for remote builds
<dhess> local builds are working fine
<manveru> i think i get this message from direnv
<manveru> guess i'll nuke nix once again
<manveru> nix actually fails to connect to the daemon socket
<manveru> ah, yeah, the daemon crashes because of this too
<LnL> did you guys also upgrade the daemon?
<manveru> i guess not
<manveru> doesn't upgrading nix do that?
<manveru> anw, just nuked /nix i can download my stuff again over night
<LnL> depends if you "upgraded"
<manveru> well, i was optimistic :D
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<LnL> did you use the upgrade instructions from the manual?
<manveru> hmm
<manveru> `sudo /usr/bin/dscl . -create /Users/nixbld1 NFSHomeDirectory /var/empty` fails
<manveru> dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14120 (eDSPermissionError)
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<manveru> what's this stuff
<LnL> I remember seeing that somewhere
<manveru> i guess the user already exits?
<manveru> *exists
<LnL> don't recall the details tho
<manveru> i just deleted them... hope that helps
<manveru> jup
<LnL> hmm
<manveru> might be good if the install script did that, or at least checked the list if the user already exists :)
<LnL> that just sets a property, I wouldn't expect it to fail if the users already exist
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<manveru> ok, nix is up and running again
<manveru> hm, i thought sandbox is default now?
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<LnL> only nixos
<dhess> LnL: how would I upgrade the daemon? I am never clear on this with macOS in a multi-user setup.
<LnL> but nix-darwin does that for you if you enable the service module
<dhess> I've been through this before I'm sure but nix-darwin does manage my nix-daemon
<manveru> back to my old config again :)
<dhess> root on this Mac does not have any of its own channels defined, I run "darwin-rebuild switch" from my user account, and nix-daemon is running from exactly the same store path as "nix" in my environment
<manveru> only elixir didn't build
<dhess> Also as I mentioned, local builds are working fine (and are running as nixbld*), it's just the remote builds that aren't, where I'm getting the libsystem_network.dylib error
<dhess> I've got `services.nix-daemon.enable = true;` in my darwin-configuration.nix
<LnL> dhess: maybe there's an older binary of something else like gzip that's being used?
<LnL> manveru: wxmac?
<manveru> yes
<dhess> LnL: any idea how I could force a rebuild of everything ?
<manveru> i don't use elixir atm anyway, so no worries
<LnL> yeah, I'm not sure how to fix that yet
<LnL> dhess: not really, almost everything should be declarative already
<LnL> unless you're using a different channel for something
<dhess> the only channel I use is for nix-darwin
<dhess> nixpkgs is from git
<dhess> dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_network.dylib
<dhess> Referenced from: /nix/store/q819d3vjz7vswpvkrfa9gck3ys8rmvcj-Libsystem-osx-10.11.6/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
<dhess> Reason: image not found
<dhess> Connection to closed.
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<LnL> try running dtruss -n nix-store on the builder and starting another build
<LnL> err, I mean -W
<dhess> BTW that error above is just when I ssh into the box from the Hydra, not actually starting a build
<dhess> so that's running, what, nix-store I think?
<dhess> oh right, which is the point of your suggestion
<dhess> ok
<dhess> I don't even need to run a remote build. If I run the ssh command myself I get the error
<dhess> NIX_REMOTE=daemon NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE=/nix/store/63apg38fhrh1yzysnw2wmkhqvw0z8ycr-nss-cacert-3.38/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt /nix/store/jhq1irchzdcvihkpxc5pqgb71zmb0nk7-nix-2.1pre6148_a4aac7f/bin/nix-store --serve --write
<dhess> then see above error
<dhess> oh I see the problem
<dhess> that command refers to an old nix (nix-2.1pre...)
<gchristensen> ah
<dhess> I don't think I wrote that myself, it must have been generated by the nix-darwin?
<gchristensen> does your ssh authorized_keys file have a command="..."... line?
<dhess> gchristensen: yeah that's it above there
<dhess> and the problem is that it's referring to an old nix-2.1pre.. that wasn't updated with the dylib fix
<dhess> I just don't recall doing that myself so I'm not sure wwhere that came from
<dhess> there's nothing in my darwin-configuration.nix that writes that explicitly
<dhess> but this is a special account I set up on this Mac for remote builds... so did I do that a long time ago or something?
<dhess> I guess I must have
<dhess> well that's what I get for trying to be clever and secure :\
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<LnL> probably from there, but if you don
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<LnL> 't keep that in you config it will stop updating
<dhess> yeah. I wonder if I used to have that but I've removed it for some reason
<dhess> Thank you! I didn't recall inventing that myself and was quite confused where it came from
<dhess> what's that "per-user" part of the path? Is that from macOS or Nixpkgs?
<dhess> /nixpkgs/nix-darwin/
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<dhess> LnL: gchristensen: thanks, remote builds are working here again!
<dhess> that was an insidious one