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<Sonarpulse> xquartz seems to be a big pain
<Sonarpulse> surprised there's not even a nix-darwin issue for it
<Sonarpulse> tig in iterm2 lacks unicode (TERM=xterm-256)
<Sonarpulse> and gitk need needs xquartz
<Sonarpulse> what do you all recommend
<Sonarpulse> nevermind tig has unicode
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<szicari> Greetings, all. Some kind humans helped me fix this in the past: I'm finding that nix-channel --update does not actually pull down the latest nixpkgs tarball. The fix was to symlink a certain file into my home directory, but I don't remember which one. Can someone give me a pointer to the file?
<szicari> I think LnL might have helped me with it, but there have been several helpful people so I'm not sure.
<LnL> ~10min
<szicari> Thanks, LnL.
<LnL> ok, I lied but here I am
<LnL> can you run nix-info
<szicari> LnL: One moment.
<szicari> That command doesn't seem to be in my $PATH.
<szicari> LnL: Where would I find that command?
<LnL> nix-shell -p nix-info
<LnL> and also the output of nix-instantiate --eval '<nixpkgs>'
<szicari> Do I run the last command within the nix-shell that I'm in from the first command?
<szicari> The output from the second command was just <LAMBDA>.
<szicari> LnL: ^ ^ ^
<LnL> ah, my bad nix-instantiate --eval -E '<nixpkgs>'
<szicari> LnL: Run this from within the nix-shell from the first command?
<szicari> The output was: /Users/seanzicari/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs
<LnL> and nix-info inside the shell?
<szicari> system: "x86_64-darwin", multi-user?: no, version: nix-env (Nix) 2.1.2, channels(seanzicari): "nixpkgs-19.03pre153206.f753852e11d", nixpkgs: /Users/seanzicari/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs
<LnL> hmm single user, you shouldn't have any suprising issues with channels then
<LnL> f753852e11d is the latest commit
<szicari> I just see "unpacking channels…" but it doesn't appear to download anything (unless the status is hidden now as of 2.0).
<szicari> There is a pause before I see that message.
<szicari> LnL: How do I see which version I'm at?
<LnL> of what, the channel?
<LnL> nix-instantiate --eval -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; lib.version'
<szicari> Oh! I see - it was part of nix-info. I was looking for that commit SHA somewhere.
<szicari> So maybe there isn't an issue, but I was concerned because I wasn't seeing any download progress.
<LnL> yeah, nix-info prints that nicely
<szicari> I thought I was supposed to see that.
<LnL> from what I can tell you're on the latest version and updating shouldn't do much :)
<LnL> nix might look at the etag of the url and not download it if it's the same, not sure
<szicari> Oh, I see. So I'll just keep an eye on it then. Maybe it wasn't an issue originally when I brought it up, either.
<szicari> Still loving nix on macOS, by the way. I'm using it as much as humanly possible. :)
<szicari> LnL: Last question: where would I find the latest commit SHA so I can compare my version after an update?
<szicari> Thank you. I don't see 19.03 on that list, though. I'll check back later.
<LnL> it's nixpkgs-unstable
<szicari> Ah, got it!
<LnL> see nix-channel --list
<szicari> I see it now.
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<elvishjerricco> How can I make it so that launching the emacs in `~/Application/Nix\ Apps` with the Finder UI gives it my shell's environment? Currently it sees none of my environment variables like PATH.
<LnL> I don't know, launchctl setenv doesn't help either aparently
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<nikivi> hey guys
<nikivi> I get this error trying to run git
<nikivi> fatal: unable to access '': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
<nikivi> when I moved to macOS Mojawe
<nikivi> and in there they recommend either setting `git config --global http.sslVerify false` or `copying the CA bundle`
<nikivi> I know that it uses Nix git because 'which git' -> /Users/nikivi/.nix-profile/bin/git
<nikivi> but /usr/bin/git works fine
<LnL> do you have cacert installed?
<nikivi> nss-cacert is installed with nix
<nikivi> however
<nikivi> ❯ which cacert
<nikivi> cacert not found
<LnL> that's fine it's a cert bundle, not a binary
<nikivi> also git runs fine in iTerm
<nikivi> but when I run git from Keyboard Maestro it fails and throws this error
<LnL> what about ls $NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE
<LnL> oh
<nikivi> /usr/bin/git works fine there
<nikivi> oh I know
<LnL> ^ it needs that
<nikivi> . ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ # Nix working
<nikivi> I guess I need to add that
<LnL> or that yes
<nikivi> the simple macro
<nikivi> pretty annoying it doesnt work out of the box
<LnL> packages could reference cacert directly, but then you'd have to rebuild a lot of stuff if you want to use your own cert bundle
<nikivi> but nix just builds the package
<nikivi> git in this case
<nikivi> it should be same git as brew git
<nikivi> just packaged with nix language
<nikivi> the outcome should be same
<LnL> well /usr/bin/git is from apple, not sure how the homebrew people handle this
<nikivi> oh thats true
<nikivi> perhaps I will hit the same issue with brew too
<nikivi> glad it works though
<nikivi> the level of privacy checks they are adding with Mojawe is crazy
<nikivi> securityi*
<LnL> don't see anything special in their package definition, guess they use the bundle that gets shipped with openssl
<nikivi> in theory I can probably easily change git nix derivation on nixpkgs to use openssl
<nikivi> and use that build
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<nikivi> nix has 'brew services' functionality too right?
<nikivi> running things in the background
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<elvishjerricco> nikivi: Nix itself doesn't. You can get stuff like that using though (or NixOS, or home-manager on other Linuxes)
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