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<johnw> copumpkin: you guys want me to build something against my package set here?
<copumpkin> the change is in staging if you want to try it out :)
<johnw> ok, let me give it a shot
<copumpkin> thanks :)
<johnw> building now
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<LnL> hmm, good idea
<LnL> I'll switch both my machines and use it for a week, if there's any runtime weirdness I'll hopefully notice
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<copumpkin> LnL: I'm thinking that LTO thing is fairly low-risk so I'll probably merge it soon
<LnL> sure
<LnL> only thing I can think of is builds that start using it automatically but don't work properly with it
<copumpkin> I'm actually kind of confused about our ld wrapper now :)
<copumpkin> because it somehow hides the fact that ld supports
<copumpkin> normally if you just build cctools and ask for ld in it, it tells you LTO support is enabled
<LnL> I had a quick look yesterday and didn't see that looked off
<copumpkin> but if you use the ld in the stdenv, with the wrapper, the message about it supporting LTO is gone
<LnL> oh hmm weird
<copumpkin> even though with my simple test, LTO still worked
<copumpkin> so we must do something weird to the `ld -v` output?
<copumpkin> I couldn't be bothered to look more carefully
<LnL> you can see what the wrapper does with NIX_DEBUG=1
<LnL> but my understanding of binutils/ld is pretty fuzzy
<copumpkin> yup
<copumpkin> not a big deal
<copumpkin> I'm just going to try patching qt not to need the missing CF symbol
<copumpkin> it uses it in stupid places anyway
<copumpkin> that way we can keep ancient qt4 for another decade :P
<copumpkin> I want to kill support for it but it seems like everything still depends on it
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<LnL> vim did until recently
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<copumpkin> fun
<symphorien> hello. I am developping nix-du on linux, and when travis builds it on darwin (with nix) I get "ld: framework not found Security" for some rust dependency.
<symphorien> is it caused by nix or something else ?
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<symphorien> (the full log is here https://travis-ci.com/symphorien/nix-du/jobs/145991002#L1030 if necessary)
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<copumpkin> sounds like some of the rust build machinery might not propagate a build input properly?
<copumpkin> add darwin.apple_sdk.farmeworks.Security to your buildInputs
<copumpkin> LnL: wtf, when I try to build qt48 locally texlive fails miserably and consistently on what appears to be a broken makefile :(
<copumpkin> somehow my ICU settings end up with newlines in them and break the makefile :P
<copumpkin> oh fun
<copumpkin> so icu-config uses /bin/sh
<copumpkin> which obviously does shady shit on different systems
<symphorien> copumpkin: thanks :)
<copumpkin> LnL: I am super confused
<copumpkin> symphorien: np :)
<LnL> I'm almost back home
<copumpkin> argh, I think this is more cross-compilation weirdness
<copumpkin> where's ericson
<copumpkin> or maybe matthew
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<copumpkin> *sigh*
<LnL> impurities!
<LnL> :p
<copumpkin> we should call them IMMORALITIES
<LnL> this one is pretty easy to check tho
<copumpkin> oh?
<LnL> nobody probably looks at them, but I wrote a few stdenv tests a while back
<copumpkin> oooh
<copumpkin> are they integrated with the other testing machinery?
<copumpkin> I've been meaning to take a closer look at that
<copumpkin> how do I use them?
<LnL> nothing special, just regular builds
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<LnL> but they are part of the unstable job, so the channel won't update if the cc wrappers don't work as expected
<copumpkin> ah cool
<copumpkin> I'll add a test to that then
<LnL> maybe those should be in a separate constituent job tho
<copumpkin> so do we just fail the build of a test if it fails?
<copumpkin> can I just say that a test should be run on all platforms? we seem to be listing out the same stuff on all of them
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<LnL> they don't run on all platforms?
<copumpkin> maybe they do, I just saw them listed out
<copumpkin> in the release.nix so assumed they didn't
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<copumpkin> hi matthewbauer!
<matthewbauer> hey! sorry about the patch-shebangs issue
<copumpkin> no problem
<matthewbauer> we wanted to do this for some cross stuff but didn't realize it could effect other stuff so much
<copumpkin> I don't feel too strongly about which solution :) I'm mostly just trying to fix qt4 which I broke but I can't even get there because texlive is out of commission
<copumpkin> yeah makes sense
<matthewbauer> yeah. is the parallel thing still an issue? most of the issues should just be moving nativeBuildInputs -> buildInputs
<copumpkin> parallel thing?
<{^_^}> #46476 (by dtzWill, 6 days ago, open): parallel: cleanup
<matthewbauer> this is all still in staging right?
<copumpkin> yup staging
<copumpkin> oh parallel hasn't hindered me
<copumpkin> this is texlive
<copumpkin> or rather, just build qt4 on staging
<copumpkin> it'll fail this way
<copumpkin> on darwin
<copumpkin> it'll complain that the Makefile has a syntax error in it
<matthewbauer> ok. since bash is already part of the stdenv, it should be possible to add it as a defaultBuildInput, right? it's already a defaultNativeBuildInput i think
<copumpkin> the shell?
<copumpkin> sure, that seems fine to me
<copumpkin> anyway, anything you can do to unblock me is welcome :)
<LnL> defaultBuildInput?
<copumpkin> but also see the latest comment I left on that PR
<copumpkin> "strictness by not patchShebangs-ing something" doesn't seem desirable
<copumpkin> I'm all for loud strictness but just quietly not doing something that used to be done seems wrong
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<LnL> but why isn't nativeBuildInputs enough?
<copumpkin> the shell?
<LnL> yes for bash
<copumpkin> anyway, need to go do some stuff, will take a look at the qt4 thing when I get back if someone fixes this in the meantime :)
<copumpkin> I think I have a sensible patch for it if I can get past texlive
<LnL> nice
<LnL> hopefully I have enough cached by tomorrow so I can switch my system to it for a bit
<dhess> Anyone upgraded to the Mojave GM?
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<copumpkin> matthewbauer: what confuses me is that bash is in the common-path
<matthewbauer> yeah it goes in initialPath, which is added to PATH but not HOST_PATH
<copumpkin> so is that the thing to fix rather than adding [shell]+buildInputs?
<matthewbauer> The issue is those are all for the builder not the cross system
<matthewbauer> besides bash is the only thing that should be referenced from there
<matthewbauer> i guess it's possible someone uses coreutils/gnused/gawk but hopefully we can just have those list that in the derivation. but i don't - it might be easiest to make it backwards compatible?
<matthewbauer> anyway, https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/a4630c65caf8a239b9ba5c013466d485c4fd7fde will fix it on staging. still would like a longer term fix that works on cross and native without any surprises
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<copumpkin> yeah, I don't know enough about all this cross stuff to know which of your commits is a better fix :) will just wait for ericson to weigh in
<copumpkin> I've worked around it locally by just hacking up the shebang in my mutable store :D
<copumpkin> so am back to fixing qt4 :D
<copumpkin> anyone notice that SDL2 somehow builds llvm 3.9, then llvm 6, then actually SDL2 on darwin, despite having llvm 5 in the stdenv 🤔
<johnw> copumpkin: hi
<johnw> copumpkin: so, there was a failure building latest staging
<johnw> gcc-7.3.0 said "unsupported option -static-libgcc'
<johnw> that is, the gcc-7.3.0 derivation build
<copumpkin> that seems unlikely to be my fault
<johnw> it's clang-5.0 reporting the error
<copumpkin> lots of stuff is broken in staging right now it seems
<johnw> well, 466 built, which is good
<copumpkin> cool :)
<copumpkin> maybe report the issue and see if anyone knows what's up
<johnw> well, one big question is why anything is building gcc-7.3.0 on darwin
<johnw> it appears to be a ghc-8.2.1-binary dependency
<copumpkin> yeah, that seems wrong
<copumpkin> linux folks love to stuff gcc into their buildInputs when it's not needed
<copumpkin> not sure if that's the case here
<johnw> yep, I've noticed that
<copumpkin> of course qt4 "vendors" all of an ancient version of webkit in its source tree, meaning I have to patch stupid webkit crap that upstream fixed a million years ago
<copumpkin> johnw: surprised you didn't encounter any qt4 woes :)
<copumpkin> or texlive woes