<cransom> hrm. so i did a nix-channel --update (from unstable); nix-env -i nix; nix upgrade-nix, did mojave upgrade, and came back to working nix.
<cransom> git has some complaints though without allowing the xcodes.
<cransom> peculiar.
<cransom> nix builtins grabs the git from path?
<cransom> sure does.
<cransom> ohhhh. update would ahve wiped the zshrc/bashrcs
<cransom> and relinked them via a darwin-rebuild switch, but apparently git from xcode is still a thing. TIL
<cransom> and this ends my thinking out loud.
<gchristensen> yaaaaaas
<gchristensen> oops wrong channel
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<Profpatsch> There’s always room for a yas
<nikivi> hey guys
<nikivi> so is there a way to install packages with nix on macOS 14.0?
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<LnL> morning
<LnL> still having trouble?
<nikivi> morning
<nikivi> I do
<nikivi> I tried to nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA yarn
<nikivi> but when 'which yarn' returns nothing
<nikivi> I basically want to get all the stuff I had installed before (reading through manifest.nix) working on 10.14
<nikivi> nvim being the biggest one though I need
<nikivi> also what does putting `. /Users/nikivi/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh` inside my zshrc do?
<LnL> that will configure PATH to your shell finds nix binaries
<nikivi> was just new to this dot command
<nikivi> I thought it'd be source or something
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<nikivi> oh nvm I just tried install neovim and it worked
<nikivi> nice
<nikivi> im on single user nix install now though
<nikivi> I feel like its inferior since you mention it
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<nikivi> hey LnL
<nikivi> is it normal that when I run `nix-env -q | fzf | xargs -I{} nix-env -e {}`
<nikivi> I get nix as one of the packages shown
<LnL> yeah, everything is in a single profile
<nikivi> I can't install git with nix
<nikivi> get installing 'git-minimal-2.18.0'
<nikivi> error: unable to download 'https://cache.nixos.org/gxcwv1ykpsyfwic6xihf8dls84yq54bc.narinfo': Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (77)
<LnL> do you have nss-cacert installed?
<nikivi> I deleted it
<nikivi> because I did not install it
<nikivi> how do I install it again?
<nikivi> nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA nss-cacert?
<LnL> nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA cacert
<nikivi> ❯ nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA cacert
<nikivi> installing 'nss-cacert-3.38'
<nikivi> error: unable to download 'https://cache.nixos.org/br1bygij6nb4hrhqdv3g671r7y3nh13g.narinfo': Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (77)
<nikivi> have to reinstall nix?
<LnL> unless that downloads stuff, nix-env --rollback until you're pack at a generation with it then
<nikivi> sweet
<nikivi> nix-env --rollback looks magical
<LnL> running the installer again also works for single user
<nikivi> which git -> /usr/bin/git
<nikivi> can I force to use nix one?
<LnL> should be the default if you have it installed
<nikivi> in new shell its correct
<nikivi> thanks LnL
<LnL> but you might need to run rehash, otherwise zsh caches the old path
<LnL> ah yeah or a new shell
<nikivi> so nix is not broken on Mojawe after all 🎊
<nikivi> or there are things that are broken
<LnL> an issue with one of the security tools is the only thing I know of
<LnL> everything else seems to work, given that you're using a recent enough nixpkgs that includes my fixes
<LnL> I'll try to make some time this week to upgrade my macbook so I can look at the user creation error
<nikivi> so why did I get this error dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_network.dylib
<nikivi> Referenced from: /nix/store/2cqdl7qvk9skzag962v9y2a3ga3sm699-Libsystem-osx-10.11.6/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
<nikivi> Reason: image not found
<nikivi> was it because when I updated to Mojawe I was using multi user nix?
<nikivi> it occurred even when trying to run some go binaries I made
<LnL> you probably didn't update your channel since that was fixed
<LnL> every release apple moves things around and we usually have to change something to make stuff work again
<LnL> I might have an idea to avoid this particular case tho
<nikivi> so I could of kept my multi user install
<nikivi> if I did the channel update
<LnL> yeah probably
<LnL> but since you upgraded first you couldn't do that anymore :/
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<nikivi> I can't find psql on nixpkgs
<nikivi> is it present there?
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<qyliss^work> nikivi:
<qyliss^work> The program 'psql' is currently not installed. It is provided by
<qyliss^work> several packages. You can install it by typing one of the following:
<qyliss^work> nix-env -iA nixpkgs.postgresql93.out
<qyliss^work> nix-env -iA nixpkgs.postgresql94.out
<qyliss^work> nix-env -iA nixpkgs.postgresql.out
<qyliss^work> nix-env -iA nixpkgs.postgresql100.out
<qyliss^work> nix-env -iA nixpkgs.postgresql95.out
<qyliss^work> (Set programs.nix-index.enable if you want to be able to do that)
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<nikivi> Set programs.nix-index.enable
<nikivi> how do I do that
<qyliss^work> Are you using nix-darwin?
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<nikivi> yeah
<nikivi> I just want 'psql' command utility
<nikivi> 'brew install psql' but for nix
<qyliss^work> `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.postgresql` is probably what you want
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<qyliss^work> Alternatively you can add pkgs.postgresql to your environment.systemPackages in your configuration and then run `darwin-rebuild switch`.
<nikivi> thank you qyliss^work
<elvishjerricco> Huh, my macbook is still on Sierra. Will updating to High Sierra break Nix?
<elvishjerricco> Oh, I guess Mojave is the newest one. Is Nix ok there?
<gchristensen> doesn't seem it :(
<elvishjerricco> gchristensen: This seems to imply it's been fixed and backported to nixpkgs 18.03: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2244
<{^_^}> nix#2244 (by bemeurer, 13 weeks ago, closed): Installing on macOS Mojave fails
<elvishjerricco> gchristensen: What makes you say it doesn't seem it?
<qyliss^work> Nix is fine on HHigh Sierra for me
<qyliss^work> I didn't do an in-place upgrade though
<elvishjerricco> qyliss^work: But you're not trying mojave?
<qyliss^work> haven't, no
<cransom> i did two mojave upgrades. the first, i just upgraded and then looked at the fall out (xcode-select --install, multi-user nix reinstall). the other i updated nixpkgs to a recent unstable, nix-env -i nix; nix upgrade-nix, mojave upgrade. came back and had to still xcode-select --install for git, but ran a darwin-rebuild switch and it's back to normal
<niksnut> is it possible to change the sandbox profile of a running process?
<LnL> no idea, but probably not with sandbox-exec directly
<niksnut> hm, that's bad news for recursive nix on macos
<niksnut> since we need the ability to make paths appear in the sandbox
<niksnut> probably the only way is to whitelist the entire store in the sandbox
<LnL> hmm, what's the usecase for that again?
<niksnut> the main use case is to allow nix to be used as a "low-level" build manager
<niksnut> e.g. replacing a makefile by a nix expression
<niksnut> the problem is that you currently can't call nix from a nix build, so such a package can't be shipped in nixpkgs
<LnL> right
<LnL> what if that goes through the host's nix-daemon again?
<LnL> deadlocks would have to be handled somehow, but the build environments wouldn't be nested simplifying that part significantly
<LnL> oh btw, have you thought about using things like cgroups to limit things like cpu/memory for builds?
<LnL> max-jobs doesn't really mean much in terms of resource usage at the moment
<niksnut> yeah, using cgroups would be great
<niksnut> and required by multi-uid builds (where a build gets a uid range to run stuff like containers or systemd-nspawn)
<cransom> LnL: I'm curious if https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/45042#issuecomment-424445377 sheds any light on missing objects that haskell is complaining about.
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<LnL> oh, that depends on frameworks so it links against the impure version
<LnL> what if you force a local rebuild first?
<LnL> nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A darwin.libsecurity_utilities --check
<cransom> building.
<cransom> hrm, rebuilt, with the error that may not be deterministic. ___CFObjCIsCollectable is still undefined
<cransom> (from nm)
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* LnL reluctantly throws money at apple
<gchristensen> what kind of money?
<LnL> hmm?
<LnL> the real kind?
<LnL> I wish I could wait another generation, but it's this or no laptop in London
<gchristensen> ouch
<gchristensen> I meant what were you buying :)
<LnL> the new macbook
<gchristensen> nice
<LnL> the 12" I have now has a broken screen and basically dead battery
<LnL> and buying that model again costs about the same as the new macbook with about the same specs as the thing I have now
<Profpatsch> LnL: Well, does it have to be a Macbook?
<LnL> no, but I'm not convinced about linux on laptops yet
<elvishjerricco> LnL: I hear ya. I still can't get mine to suspend :P
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<gchristensen> not to state the obvious, but NixOS is the first one in 10yrs I've been willing to tolerate on a laptop
<cransom> yeah, agreed. though i did also run freebsd on my laptops long, long ago. but the sad thing is... i'm in this walled garden and i might even like it a little bit.
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