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<contrapumpkin> LnL: okay I fixed the weird python issue
<contrapumpkin> a one-character change :)
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<contrapumpkin> man, libsecurity_generic is scary
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<contrapumpkin> turns out cf-private was breaking libsecurity_utilities
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<contrapumpkin> hydra builds seem to be progressing nicely
<contrapumpkin> seeing some legit failures in a few packages but most are looking good
<contrapumpkin> most of what I've had to do so far is undo cf-private damage and similar :)
<LnL> nice :D
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<contrapumpkin> now getting weird segfaults in pythonXFull
<contrapumpkin> will check those out later :)
<contrapumpkin> do you remember if the need for cf-private (and osx_private_sdk, which I really want to get rid of in its current form) was generally for build issues or runtime issues?
<contrapumpkin> really hoping the former
<LnL> I only remember build issues, but could be both
<contrapumpkin> oh well, I guess we'll have to discover them again :)
<contrapumpkin> I haven't fully eradicated cf-private yet in case I don't understand what it's for
<contrapumpkin> but everything I've looked at so far it has hurt rather than helped
<LnL> git is your friend, git log -S cf-private
<contrapumpkin> yeah yeah :)
<LnL> :p
<contrapumpkin> mostly just trying to do the smallest diff possible to get all the obvious bad failures/diffs from trunk to go away
<LnL> uh oh, CoreFoundation = darwin.cf-private;
<contrapumpkin> and then merge and then fix the stragglers
<LnL> never seen that before
<contrapumpkin> fun :)
<contrapumpkin> that one seems to actually build fine with cf-private
<contrapumpkin> that looks like it was matthew bauer
<LnL> yeah, not sure why but he basically renamed it
<contrapumpkin> ah so it still needs cf-private
<contrapumpkin> let me see if I can ask the team to include CFFileDescriptorRef in the public source release
<contrapumpkin> they've generally been very receptive
<LnL> that would be nice
<LnL> missing headers is the only case I remember needing it
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<copumpkin> LnL: if you can think of other things to ask for from CF, let me know (or file a ticket yourself!)
<copumpkin> wow, it actually seems to be going somewhere :)
<copumpkin> "The exclusion was really only about the lack of libdispatch support in the previous CFLite stuff. There is not much reason to continue to exclude it since we now have the ability to call dispatch_source API."
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<LnL> yeah, I just read that :D
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<johnw> hi all
<LnL> I actually don't know that much about CF and the other apple libraries
<LnL> but I might find some stuff if I try to fix some of the packages we can't build now
<LnL> main problems I've run into recently are the templated collection types and missing symbols in CF because of newer system Frameworks etc.
<LnL> johnw: dunno if you care since it's been broken forever, but I fixed aria2 yesterday
<johnw> woohoo!!!!
<johnw> i still build it, but haven't used it in ages
<copumpkin> LnL: gonna ask for CFURLEnumerator, CFFileSecurity, CFStringTokenizer
<copumpkin> I think those are the only other missing things I know of
<copumpkin> (just diffing the top level header)
<LnL> heh, llvm copy pasta
<LnL> it does have some advantages tho, you can fix 6 without having to rebuild 3 llvms to make sure it works
<LnL> the fact that one file is used for 6 gcc builds and the gfortran, etc. variants makes it pretty complex
<LnL> heh, it's been a while since I used darwin-rebuild switch --rollback
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<Ericson2314> anyone know why https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/46574 is failing?
<{^_^}> #46574 (by Ericson2314, 1 day ago, open): elf-header: Init at <libc version>
<Ericson2314> looks like a darwin problem, but those packages are not in the meta.platforms anyways
<LnL> dunno, but I don't see a kernelArch
<Ericson2314> LnL don't see where?
<Ericson2314> it is missing on mac
<Ericson2314> and is used in glibc
<Ericson2314> or linuxHeaders
<Ericson2314> but I shouldn't be evaluating that just snooping the source, I'd've thought
<LnL> ah
<LnL> I'm not sure that won't get evaluated partially
<Ericson2314> LnL, yeah I'll add an `or "asdfasdfasdf"`
<LnL> no that's not it
<LnL> (probably)
<Ericson2314> I pushed something
<Ericson2314> we'll see what ofborg says
<Ericson2314> LnL, then other things crop up :/
<Ericson2314> it's like meta.platforms isn't being used at all. huh
<Ericson2314> and I still have no idea how to repro! :(
<copumpkin> lol pretty sure this isn't the fault of the new CoreFoundation: https://hydra.nixos.org/build/81185998/nixlog/1
<LnL> nope, that's me
<copumpkin> ?
<copumpkin> why would you break boost :)
<LnL> that patch fixes all other versions of boost
<copumpkin> oh okay
<LnL> :D
<copumpkin> I mean, I hate c++ as much as the next guy
<copumpkin> but breaking boost seems excessive
<copumpkin> :P
<LnL> I could probably fix it, but was too lazy
<copumpkin> np
<copumpkin> why do we even keep around ancient versions of boost
<Ericson2314> LnL thanks!
<Ericson2314> copumpkin I'm sure no good reason :D
<Ericson2314> if there is more than 1 version of a thing
<Ericson2314> people always just add more
<Ericson2314> :D
<copumpkin> yeah
<copumpkin> well in some cases there are unstable APIs
<Ericson2314> hey, at least boost isn't a copy paste D
<Ericson2314> * :D
<copumpkin> but I thought boost was reasonably consistent
<LnL> the files in the repo moved, so it needs a different patch
<copumpkin> ah
<LnL> but I think there was another problem
<LnL> it's the last b* failure for 18.09 :)
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<Ericson2314> LnL, I got the local eval out
<Ericson2314> but still no idea what the hell is going on
<Ericson2314> apparmor and the other things don't have .x86_64-darwins
<Ericson2314> so where is the nonsense coming from?
<LnL> yay, 18.09 is getting close to the failure count of the last release
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<copumpkin> interesting, so a lot of the remaining failures are because CFRunLoopGetCurrent doesn't return a valid runloop
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