Ideally I want to change this overlay to not import nixpkgs
I know default.nix gives us the `allOverlays` attribute, but not entirely sure what that is - is it a function of two package sets (allOverlays self super)?
Ok, prepending `(import sources."haskell.nix").overlays` to our list of overlays seems to have worked
I think that's doing what we currently do (using Haskell.nix's pinned nixpkgs), but I don't want that - but I think I'm good now
We'll find out once several GHCs have been built :D
We run a different nixpkgs version, so I'm not exactly expecting cache hits against the IO.hk cache
I'm just trying to avoid us implicitly depending on two versions of nixpkgs and doubling evaluation work. I think just adding the Haskell.nix overlays should do the job though
Cool, so this should work (assuming our other overlays don't negatively interact with what Haskell.nix assumes)
Yay, global coherence
We try to be hermetic to the Haskell-nix prefix :-)
Haskell.nix will still use the Haskell compiler it ships itself and not use any from nixpkgs.
Ah, but that compiler is within pkgs.haskell-nix?
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ocharles: it's just too frickle to depend on the compilers taht nix ships, and they might be mutated in non-compatible ways by the nix maintainers.
so you'll end up always building your set of compilers for haskell.nix and will never be able to rely on those in nixpkgs.
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