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<ocharles> I'm gonna spend a bit of time looking into this
<michaelpj> hmm, I would have hoped we'd have noticed if dataFiles was broken...
<ocharles> Oh, this conversation is something else. I meant the explosion of src directories
<ocharles> But dataFiles doesn't work properly for me either, but that's easier to work around
<ocharles> I'm looking at some `plan-to-nix-pkgs.drv` derivations and they have `-src` inputs that are full directories, so that already looks suspicious according to what you said on GitHub
<michaelpj> hm
<michaelpj> do you use `package.yaml`?
<michaelpj> no, I don't even know
<michaelpj> maybe this `canCleanSource` thing is broken
<ocharles> Yea, I'm already in that file (and `clean-source-with.nix`)
<ocharles> I'm familiar enough to do some digging, will report back!
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<ocharles> Something is definitely up. If I do `nix-instantiate -E 'let pkgs = import ./nix/pkgs {}; in pkgs.circuithub-haskell-nix.hsPkgs.circuithub-prelude.components.library'`, I get a `.drv` back with a src input that is just the `prelude/` directory (fine), but if I watch `/nix/store` with inotify tools at the same time, it literally copies the whole directory into the store. Not much of an update, but a confirmation of a problem
<__monty__> ocharles: Doesn't nix always copy the src to the store?
<ocharles> Only when it's forced in a particular way. I believe the point of cleanSourceWith is to let you chain a bunch of filters, and then only copy in a filtered version of a directory
<ocharles> Also, this is all copied in with the name `circuithub-src-root-prelude`, so I don't think the intention is that it sees the entire repository, but just the subdirectory it needs
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<ocharles> By doing `includeSiblings = true`, every package that is project local copies the entire root directory into the store. I'm not quite sure what to suggest - there seems to be talk about "cross package references", but I don't know much more beyond that (we certainly don't expect one sub-directory to be able to refer to sibling or parent files)
<ocharles> Just trying out a branch with that set to `false` now
<michaelpj> yeah, seems suspicious
<michaelpj> need the equivalent of `disallowedRequisites` but for source files, somehow...
<michaelpj> it's really hard to ensure this sort of thing doesn't creep in
<ocharles> Honestly I'd just say "no, Haskell.nix will only copy the directory containing a `.cabal` file per package". If you're doing all sorts of weird shit saying "data-files: ../foo", then we'd provide you with the necessary tools to augment your cabalProject call
<michaelpj> I do agree that this should not be on by default
<ocharles> I suspect this will dramatically speed up evaluation too, because watching /nix/store with inotifytools shows entering a shell each package ends up copying the entire root folder into the store
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<immae> Hey, I submitted a proposed (quite simple) change to haskell.nix which comes with a change in nix-tools too, is someone available for review maybe? and
<immae> Oh
<immae> Thanks for the information
<michaelpj> immae: we probably need moritz for that, and he's pretty busy with other stuff atm...
<immae> Any idea of the time it would require to get attention?
<immae> (Just to know if it’s worth waiting or forking)
<michaelpj> immae: no idea
<michaelpj> I left a comment with a suggestion, though
<michaelpj> I think it would be easier to not do this via magic-comment+nix-tools
<immae> Ah I think too (I assumed it was not a very nice way to do), but I saw no other way :D
<immae> Thanks for the comment
<michaelpj> yeah, I'm not sure the docs mention sha256map yet
<ocharles> Yep, reverting that change in 843 has got evaluation on CI down to under 2 mins!
<ocharles> happy dayz
<immae> If we wait long enough there will be the "fetchAllRefs" flag to builtins.fetchGit, but that might not be a happy solution either
<michaelpj> does cabal fetch all refs by default?
<immae> I have no idea what cabal does, I assume there is no sane way in git to only get a given reference
<immae> so either fetching a branch or the whole repo
<michaelpj> I guess I'm asking the ur-question: does this work in Cabal?
<michaelpj> i.e. would a non-nix user who tried to use that project succeed?
<immae> in stack it works
<michaelpj> or would cabal complain?
<michaelpj> ah righ
<immae> I don’t diretly use cabal
<michaelpj> so stack presumably fetches all refs then
<immae> Let me try and figure out
<immae> (I’m sure that stack’s message only say "fetching abcd123", but it doesn’t tell what it does internally)
<michaelpj> generally our preference is "do whatever the build tool does"
<immae> notes
<immae> * noted
<immae> I’ll investigate and update appropriately
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<_d0t> ohai! Is there a way to get a list of all non-haskell dependencies for a given project or component?
<michaelpj> ocharles: sounds great! I wish we had some kind of "eval time regression" CI test for this kind of thing...
<michaelpj> _d0t: probably you can do stuff with the normal `nix-store` query commands, but I always have to look up how those work...
<michaelpj> do you want this in an automated way, or just for exploratory purposes?
<michaelpj> if the latter, the `nix-tree` utility is nice
<_d0t> It's the latter and I wanna use it as an input for nix-shell.
<_d0t> Basically, I want a separate shell that contains only non-haskell dependencies.
<michaelpj> and you can't use `shellFor` from `haskell.nix`?
<_d0t> I can, but it'll pull haskell stuff.
<michaelpj> then I think no easy way of doing that automatically short of replicating the logic `shellFor` uses
<_d0t> this is rather unfortunate :(
<michaelpj> what are you trying to achieve?
<_d0t> so, I have a stack project here, and I would like stack and haskell.nix to use the same native packages. For that, I would like to add some haskell.nix-based shell to stack.yaml via shell-file pragma.
<immae> michaelpj: with an equivalent to sha256map I can indeed avoid having to patch the nix-tools, which is very nice
<immae> Thanks for the pointer!
<_d0t> I'm curious about one more thing. Has anyone tried to build reflex-platform projects using haskell.nix?
<ocharles> Given a call to `cabalProject`, where would I find the GHC path? suggests there is `.compiler`, but there is no such attribute
<ocharles> (The .ghc attribute is just `null`)
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