I keep on coming back to this. But if I need to put in a constraint to a project, because it's constraints are wrong. Do I need to do that before it gets to the "src" argument? I think @michaelpj has insisted that Haskell.nix just builds the project more-or-less as specified. But I feel this need to override a constraint might be common enough that people have a better way.
maybe `packages..configureFlags`?
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Okay, I don't think that `configureFlags` helps much, because the plan is derived from Cabal earlier than that, which locks the `--dependency` arguments to Cabal configuration. Putting in `--constraint` arguments on top of that doesn't prevent the dependency from violating the constraint. Oddly, though, I didn't get a constraint violation error. It just proceeded and gave me the build failure.
Wait... I think I found it...
`cabalProjectLocal` passed to `mkCabalProjectPkgSet`.
sorry... I mean `callCabalProjectToNix`.
I think that makes sense, because that's the function that makes the plan.
I feel like I was told this the last time I asked... Things don't stick until I have to use them.
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tnks: you would put the constraint in your cabal.project, usually
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tnks: `cabalProject` has two relevant arguments you might want to use: `cabalProjectLocal`, and `configureArgs`. You can do the latter to pass `--constraint foo==1.0.0` or similar to cabal configure. But the local project file is arguably nicer
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but I would only suggest doing that if you don't control the project, otherwise you should just put it in the `cabal.project`
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On cabalProjectLocal, I found it's a much better place to put source-repository-package. If you do that, you'll get a nix-shell with all the dependencies, but `cabal build` won't try and build them. Downside is that it won't work for people who don't use Nix, but for us that's not the case
Just dropping this tip in for others in a similar position
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Wouldn't using cabal.project.local make it work for everyone? You're not supposed to check that in but I figure the same applies to `cabalProjectLocal`.
I couldn't bear any of them so I just wrote it out by hand 😅
:) I was going to do something like what purefn is doing
I'll have a think, probably needs a PR. I think `package.localConfig = { .. }` might be nice and general. We'd merge that in if a particular package has `isLocal = true`
Then you could just set a global `localConfig` which would apply to all packages, but then get filtered to just local packages
ocharles: yeah, it seems useful enough that it's probably worth having
note that local packages currently includes source-repository-packages, which you may not want to set `-Werror` on
Mmm, I've questioned if that is really right, or maybe we need a new classification. But either way, hopefully a `mkForce` can undo `localConfig` or something. Will find out more when I actually try it
Ok, for now I've gone with a manual call to `callCabalProjectToNix`, and then I look at the `projectNix.extras.packages` attribute to get all local packages. Works, but equally hacky. I'll try and put some time aside for a proper solution
ocharles: part of the problem is I feel like we haven't got an obvious answer to what the right solution is? so I wouldn't spend too much effort on implementation beyond exploration, maybe write up your thoughts on a ticket and we can try and agree on how we'd like it to work?
Sounds good. I don't see it being a huge amount of work