angerman changed the topic of #haskell.nix to: - alternative haskell infrastructure for nix; logs at
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<EncodePanda> hey, so I have this fresh machine that I've been trying to get to work in the past couple of days
<EncodePanda> I have haskell.nix projects on github
<EncodePanda> and now when I build them they compile the whole world (ghc 8.6.x up to 8.10)
<EncodePanda> last time (previous computer) I've managed to configure cache correctly
<EncodePanda> but this time it seems that I'm missing something
<EncodePanda> my `/.config/nix/nix.conf` looks like this:
<EncodePanda> is there anything particualr that I'm still missing?
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<EncodePanda> alright. I got it working
<EncodePanda> this is a second bit I have to contribute to haskell.nix docs
<EncodePanda> LOL, nope, it does not work
<EncodePanda> so let me post my question one more time :) what am I missing in my nix.conf I'm trying to build my haskell.nix project without compilng all the GHCs
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