
<LnL> kuznero: I think the connection to the qemu vm is trying to go over the proxy or something
<mbrock> it might be that GHC will tell you something like "It looks like you're trying to use Template Haskell" and that means you need to enable TH in the .hs file (with a language pragma line at the top)
<pxc> mbrock: I don't actually know Haskell. Does that mean I shouldn't be seeing the errors I'm seeing, or something else?
<pxc> there's something kind of cool about it, because it means your program won't compile if it's missing commands it uses, which would normally not be detected
<vaibhavsagar> maybe something like that
<clever> and you gave it something that isnt a function
<clever> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at undefined position
<pxc> vaibhavsagar: what I want to do is something like this: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Create_and_debug_nix_packages
<pxc> yeah, something like `nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A haskellPackages.tldr -p cabal`


<catern> if you can't trivially have multiple instances of services then something is wrong with your configuration language (or more rarely, with the service)
<lhart> Hi there! Trying to cross-compile here, from the master branch of nixpkgs but I keep getting an error `undefined variable 'runCommand' at .../cc-wrapper/default.nix . I suppose I'm doing something wrong but I can't find what. If you have any ideas! Thanks
<Mic92> joko: are you do something with go-zfs? I used this package in docker once
<supremacsy> joko: I was thinking about that. Possibly, some relics in ~/.kde or similar. But shortcuts daemon sounds like something system-wide.
<joko> supremacsy: maybe it's something on the user configuration which is not working?
<supremacsy> pxc: Global shortcuts daemon is not running. I used the configuration from another system, where I installed 17.03 on a bare system. It looks like something in the transition from 16.03 to 17.03 is not done properly.
<tnks> that seemed the cleanest way to shift from depending on a moving target pulled by nix-channel to something pinned.
<spacefrogg> sphalerite: Why do something complicated if something simple does the job?
<sphalerite> silver_hook: it's just something borg needs, possibly for Cryptography or something, there's just some module that needs it
<LnL> yeah, I use something similar
<sphalerite> So when will we get something like debian's popularity-contest so we can work out what everybody's using and will break stuff for everyone?
<silver_hook> Bah, something fails to compile on 17.09 :/
<sophiag> anyone experiencing issues with dropbox? it's always been a thorn in my side on nix since it requires updating, plus something has been causing me to have to rollback to 16.09 then rebuild switch after every reboot, but now i just had to disable it entirely and rebuild because it was taking up 100% of my cpu usage and not responding to sigkill even though stat was marked R. there's a 15-month old open issue on it, but the behavior seems
<tnks> I was hoping I could do something with nix-store --realise or something.
<Infinisil> Or something like environment.variables.PATH = [ "$HOME/.local/bin" ] on NixOS if you want to
<Infinisil> freeman42x: By putting something like export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH in ~/.bashrc or so


<yorick> maybe init-shell or something
<Infinisil> fresheyeball: Yes, something like https://git.io/v5PRn
<mbrock> Infinisil: you figured something out? :)
<Infinisil> M1k3y: Try setting the root option of the virtualhost to something
<mbrock> having some very strange problems with string interpolation and bash meta-variables, will relax my brain with something less scary, like Twin Peaks
<landi> Hi kind folk of nixos! I'm just starting with nixos and there's something I just can't figure out:
<tilpner> Radivarig - You have multiple choices: Try not to hit the path that requires the Gnome_Dark.png, by setting boot.loader.grub.splashImage to something else, or use a newer version of nixpkgs where this is fixed
<tilpner> So probably something like nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-17.09 nixos
<freeman42x> Infinisil, I did something stupid again didn't I?
<jluttine> is there some nice way to get an attribute value if it exists and some other value if not. {foo=42}.bar would raise an error but i'd like something like that but so that it works even if bar is not in the attribute set
<stanibanani2> something like that
<stanibanani2> freeman42x: the only way my partition scheme differs from yours is that my boot partition is 600MB instead of 500MB, so my problem is probably caused by something else. But thank for the help any way! :)
<disasm> eqyiel[m]: it does not, but you can always do let manual = import /path/to/nixpkgs/doc and then do something with manual.
<sphalerite> aminechikhaoui: someone was asking earlier, apparently opening it was something to do manually
<TimePath> especially if the alternative is something like "just run it twice from your shell"
<deltasquared> something something gorilla holding banana and entire jungle
<TimePath> something something take the tail and the rest
<deltasquared> grah, which subdir is home-manager under... not sure if it'd go under applications, data, misc or something else
<sphalerite> so until they fix that with a proper timeout or something, I have to ensure that the GPU is powered on when I start X or suffer
<TimePath> until they adopt something more semver
<srhb> TimePath: I think it took five minutes or something like that to build here, for the record.
<srhb> deltasquared: Something something newStdcpp wrt. intel setups.
<deltasquared> sphalerite: no internal disk? is it an emmc or something
<deltasquared> howdy folks, I was curious as to how nixos runs the process of setting up the "link farms" in generated profiles. is it just a simple merge of all the directories in a profile's component packages, or is there something more intelligent going on
<srhb> TimePath: Erm, something like git fetch pr/25957/HEAD


<pikajude> it's something to do with the multiple outputs i bet Profpatsch
<tilpner> U007D - With something like $ qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -cdrom nixos-graphical-17.03.1769.da2159dafb-x8, do you get the "Could not initialize KVM, will disable KVM support" message?
<sphalerite> Or something like that
<mbrock> clever: hey, do you have some clue regarding how hydra would integrate with s3? or maybe I need some script that uses the hydra JSON API or something
<nwuensche> tilpner: It is ok, but how is the correct syntax to do something like this? windowManager.i3.configFile wants a path, but I want to add this exec feh line too
<tilpner> nwuensche - You can do something like that, if you're okay with having to nixos-rebuild in order for i3 config changes to apply
<nwuensche> tilpner: Can I do something like i3config = /home/nwuensche/.i3/config; windowManager.i3.configFile = "$i3config" + "exec feh....";?
<tilpner> makefu - I agree. Don't actually remove it, "mv .steam old-steam" or something
<nwuensche> tilpner: Seems to work now, thanks! However, is there a way to use the package cache from nitrogen, even thought I override something? I don't change something while installing the package, I just want to add the wallpaper in the end.
<tilpner> U007D - Something like this works in nix-repl tx0.co/_Fh-
<jluttine> i'd like to do something like: config = mapAttrs' someFunction config.some.attributes
<ixxie> ArtebMan: domenkozar might know? He did something this last year with that one
<taaperotassu> loadkeys fi is obviously something u cant set by editing i18n consolekeymap I suppose..
<taaperotassu> and nixos-install .. wondering if I missed something
<akamaus> taaperotassu, something is wrong then, it is the address which is assigned when something is wrong with dhcp
<vandenoever> LateKnight: it's not the right cert for the host, something's up
<mbrock> ah, yeah, I saw something about nixpkgs pinning in the Mozilla repo
<jasom> but right now I'm finishing up getting ql2nix to a state where I can publish an overlay... I'm close to having something "okay" at which point I'll publish, but I have ideas to make it much better...


<ixxie> freeman42x: there should be something on testing too
<ixxie> my dream is something like devilspie2 integrated into nixos as a set of options
<LainuxUser> i just want something thats still around and rockin 7 years from now
<LainuxUser> I have to move away from gentoo to something else, but not for fun. So i must choose wisely, i don't want to switch again 5 years from now
<MoreTea> docker -> kvm+docker is something that I've a WIP branch for already, for nixos.
<joepie91> you'd probably want to look into something along the lines of OpenVZ or unprivileged LXC instead
<sphalerite> I think maybe what you mean by the second one is something like `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; import ./. {inherit fetchurl stdenv perl;}'`
<tilpner> sphalerite recently had an example where he had a friend install software directly from a GH repo. Something like that could work. You could also provide an overlay (like e.g. nixpkgs-mozilla)
<joepie91> so so long as somebody made the effort to write something that converts input data into firewall rules...
<Twey> tilpner: I believe it, but I also can't get it to build with the default args ;) So I was going to play around with the arguments and see if I could get something that works
<Dezgeg> yes, sure if you use something like FAT, then yes filename lookup inside a single directory is O(n)
<clever> mpickering: you can name your override something else
<mbrock> And is there some reason why the hash in the store path would be one thing on my build server, but something else on another computer with the same CPU, so that the binary cache isn't found?
<mbrock> when I do "nix-env -i" something, Nix will ask the binary cache about if the store path is cached. How does it derive the store path?
<sphalerite> What you could do is add something to environment.interactiveShellInit or similar that just adds it to the beginning


<dtz> olejorgenb: is the binary something easily accessible for poking at? O:)
<tnks> is it possible to nix-env install something with just the hash?
<mpickering> I am having some trouble adding something to the haskell generic-builder. I have a haskell executable which I want to use in the builds of other packages, the problem is if I override the derivation to always use it, it causes an infinite loop as it tries to use it when it is building itself.
<adelbertc> is it bad to actually `cp` a file into the `result` directory of a build? i understand `result` is a symlink into the nix store, but for reasons beyond my understanding this tool i'm using doesn't like the symlink i have for `./result/bin/foo` so im thinking about copying it into `./result/bin/foo-copy` or something. i'm wondering if that would mess with nix GC
<mbrock> ok, strange, I wonder why I'm not getting the right narinfo uploaded to the bucket... maybe something's wrong with how I'm using nix-push
<jvkersch> Last question: is there a way to interactively figure out what's available under pkgs? Trying to put together something with emacsWithPackages but specifying the needed package as "pkgs.applications.editors.emacs-modes.cask" gives an error...
<LnL> cricriiiiii: could you create an issue? might be best if we add a check for that or something
<goibhniu> that sounds very strange, yonk42 ... what commands are you using, and are you using some exotic filesystem or something interesting like that?
<fresheyeball> if you send me a paypal email or something
<rotaerk> the first argument is just a name to give the derivation; it'll be something like "cabal2nix-${whateveryouspecify}"
<rotaerk> which are basically just all the arguments that nix would need to fetch something from github
<rotaerk> this ref script is not part of nix; this is something I made to generate the files under the refs folder
<rotaerk> fresheyeball, for an example of something I've done in this regard, check this: https://github.com/rotaerk/iircc
<simpson> dylanjust[m]: I can agree that doing everything related to building your tool is something that Nix can do just fine. But the impure parts are really best done outside of Nix IMO.
<dylanjust[m]> Hi all. I'm trying to write a Nix Haskell build that just runs tests. It'll be used to monitor a production system. I want to force it to rebuild each time. This seems very much against the Nix philosophy. This build isn't deterministic (deliberately). Should I pass in the current time or something?


<LnL> or something like that
<viaken> I'm getting "mount error(6): No such device or address" trying to mount a CIFS share. This exact command works fine in my previous distro. Is there a daemon I need running or something?
<Ankhers> I was hoping to not have something so heavy handed.
<Denommus> Ankhers: maybe you want something like Hydra?
<Denommus> that is, a function f where (f path ./.) gives me the name of path relative to ./. or something
<catern> like a command line thing or something
<pop> Something like when I run `nixos-rebuild switch` it also checks for old generations and removes them.
<Denommus> clever: is there a function to convert a dictionary of derivations into a list of derivations? That is, instead of I having to do `buildInputs = [ something.pkgs.one something.pkgs.two ]`, I do something like `buildInputs = someFunction something.pkgs`?
<bsoudan> viaken: i have thought about setting something that up too... do they have an https proxy too though? that's the problem here, it's injecting a self-signed certificate which messes up tons of utilities
<clever> so when the binary tries to open something relative to itself, it goes into the new share dir
<rolf1> Is there anyone here who uses the xfce4-power-manager? Whenever I try to change something in xfce4-power-manager-settings I get a critical error saying the program cannot set the value for the property.
<Unode> symphorien: not something I can fix from my side?
<pvgoran> michaelpj: I see. I'm considering doing something like: with import ./mymachine-physical.nix; { <logical part> }
<michaelpj> there's probably something you have to do to make it be picked up...
<pvgoran> michaelpj: Yes, this is what I would want to do. I can do it on filesystem level by using bind mounts or something, it's straightforward but I'd rather want a solution on configuration level. (Besides, resources can be other things, like network interfaces or whatever.)
<michaelpj> so you want a way for the logical part to say "the data for X should go on a big disk" and the physical part to say "here is a big disk", or something like that?
<DiThi> do I have to add the local nixpkgs repo as a channel or something?
<pvgoran> Hello. Is it a good place for questions about NixOps, or I should rather go to #nixops or something?
<sphalerite> hefnurg: by the looks of it udisks2 is enabled by default but there aren't any further options for it. It's probably something polkit-related, I'll see what I can find out about it (I'd like to be able to mount stuff through my file manager too)
<sphalerite> use nix-env -qaP or nox to find the attribute path for your package (something like nixos.foo), then do nix-shell -p foo
<jluttine> nix-shell finds the package, nix-env doesn't. but with nix-shell the program is broken (something related to qt)
<sphalerite> hefnurg: I think it relies on a dbus service, udisks2 or something, to perform the mount operation
<rotaerk> hmm is there something already in nixpkgs that would remove the need for this: https://github.com/Rotaerk/iircc/blob/master/runCabal2Nix.nix
<clever> you probably have something odd in your .bashrc or .bash_profile
<colescott> Something happened possibly involving the installation of Enpass i think


<slack1256> just the interpreter should be under nixos.python27.python or something along those lines
<freeman42x[nix]> I liked that in KDE I could just type something in the menu and it would find it, xfce doesn't seem to be doing that without the special search app
<andrewrk> and there were something like 12 extra generations I didn't see before
<clever> ToxicFrog: also, nix-shell -A and -E give you an environment suitable for building something, not using it
<disasm> sounds to me like boot loader is defaulting to a previous generation, maybe autosave with grub or something is enabled.
<ToxicFrog> It occurs to me that nixpkgs could really use something like netKAN that automatically updates derivations when new versions of the package are released, and/or some easier way for users to say "download and install <version>" and pass the version number to the derivation
<felixsch__> but before I ask, I retry the installation to make sure I didn't miss something :)
<sphalerite> nikola_i: if you want it to apply systemwide, put something like nixpkgs.config = {allowUnfree = true; firefox.enableAdobeFlash = true;}; in your configuration.nix
<goibhniu> nikola_i: regarding prime support ... it's still not clear to me if we need something extra from nvidia, or if it's all in the driver but we just need to do provide some extra config
<goibhniu> and AFAICT that's just a bunch of scripts and config (but I may well have missed something)
<sphalerite> Is there something similar to python.withPackages for perl?
<neonfuz> maybe I need something bigger like network manager?
<sphalerite> neonfuz: so something like systemd.services.fix-wifi-after-suspend = {script = "systemctl restart wpa_supplicant"; wantedBy = ["suspend.target"]; after = ["suspend.target"]; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"};
<Lisanna> Okay, that seems cheap enough to be tolerable, would be cool if there was something with syntax more like what I pasted though
<thoughtpolice> Right, I was also going to say, the LunarG website kind of makes it seems like there are really a bunch of packages and they install all of them or something
<dalaing> something bad happened with locks and max cpu
<dalaing> I've had a transient failure building findutils, while building something with Hydra
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: your not supposed to install a package like foo-dev, but rather, create a shell.nix that gives you an environment suitable for building something


<tilpner> Ralith - Have you used bindgen (unpackged, from crates.io) with a buildscript on NixOS? It depends on libloading via clang-sys, and it wants to link something but fails on NixOS (not on Debian)
<LnL> there's something that allows you to run nix in a chroot IIRC
<catern> and I get stopped in my tracks anyway because my /nix is a symlink and something is doing readlink
<tilpner> sphalerite - There was a level that had the text "Accelerometer test" in it, or something like it


<bbarker> I'll try to upload it to a git repo today (and docker hub) so maybe others interested can improve the situation as well, but first I'd like to do something useful in it
<dtz> yeah, many paths, not sure mine's necessarily better. There's a setSourceRoot or something IIRC? dunno
<dtz> and, apparently, run 'find' on it or something lol
<dtz> or if you want patches I think you need to do something like postUnpack = ''sourceRoot=$sourceRoot/slim"
<tnks> I have a fallback of doing what everyone does and rely on a base installation of something like Alpine for configuration files.
<lowski> I'm trying to create default.nix file that I could use with nix-shell for my Rails app. I would like to use Ruby version which is not in the packages. I came up with something like this https://gist.github.com/lowski/9391734b78cf319e04613a1b9f704563 but it does not work. Anyone eager to help?
<dtz> i was || <-- this close to making something similar (but worse :P, and I'm sure using the same underlying hard work that makes nixos-container possible) for some benchmarking
<dtzWill> if that sounds good I can file an issue on the subject or something but wasn't sure if there was a reason to keep it
<hodapp> oh, I just needed to prepend $src to it or something
<vaibhavsagar_> it looks like it has something to do with linkModules in GHC: https://github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/c13720c8c6047844f659ad4ce684946b80c99bee/compiler/ghci/Linker.hs#L778
<hodapp> what's a good way of writing expressions for something like https://github.com/tensorflow/models which is a single git repo that has a variety of modules inside?
<ixxie> does that check ever get run by something else in the course of regular system use?
<joepie91> ixxie: yeah, it'll yell at you if something's wrong
<ixxie> gchristensen, joepie91 - nix-store --verify --check-contents didn't really yield anything; does it normally say something when it catches an error?
<joepie91> gchristensen: if you happen to see ixxiie again, should probably tell them to do a verify/repair on their store; it's possible that something in there is making things blackscreen
<ixxiie> I think my issue is also with the boot sector or something
<ixxiie> by doing something very stupid probably
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: if you want persistent data it's a little bit more complicated, I don't know how to do it for BIOS systems but for EFI I managed to get something working a while back and I can help you with that if you're interested
<lewo> Hi, i'm trying to propagate the http_proxy env variable from the calling user to the builder environment but I'm not able to get this variable in the buildPhase. I defined the impureEnvVars attribute in the derivation. In the buildPhase environment, I only see the environment variable 'impureEnvVars'. Did I miss something?
<sphalerite> otwieracz: it appears to support VMs so you should be able to just run the OVA or something? I don't know anything about smartos and there certainly isn't any official support for it, but it might well work
<v0lZy> sphalerite: does it allow you to just drop a config file in ... like from XML or something.. that would be neat... pfSense for examle stores everything in the .xml file
<v0lZy> or something.
<v0lZy> But if thats the case, then somewhere in your configuration you're reusing something ... that could happen if you're including files or if you simply doubled something
<v0lZy> I dont know how nox works, but i imagine it looks at the config file or something to tell you what you have configured
<sphalerite> slack1256: if there aren't any build-critical variables in them beyond the buildInputs you can just do something like pkgs.runCommand "shell" {buildInputs = a.buildInputs ++ b.buildInputs;} ":"


<sphalerite> matklad: set the preUnpack in the derivation to something like "mkdir src; pushd src" and postUnpack = "popd";
<pstn> OK, I got something but I guess it's not pretty.
<pxc> gnuhurd: is that where dictd dictionaries go or something?
<Judson1> Or is there something easier?
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: it might well be that the change, which should be persistent, is getting discarded because it's using the "memory" GSettings backend or something like that
<sphalerite> You'll either want to do something like `sudo sh -c '. /etc/profile; stuff'` or (better ;) ) build the script in the system configuration to have the variable baked in
<tilpner> I'm just guessing in case nobody who solved your problem shows up. It might do *something* along what you want
<LnL> just the store path is enough to substitute something from the cache
<mudri> [repost] Can I use something like this to pin Haskell packages (either individually or all of them)? http://edwtjo.me/posts/2016-04-24-installing-older-pkgs-in-nixos/
<gfixler> I'm curious how NixOS handles something like Autodesk Maya (I don't know Nix/OS yet)


<copumpkin> --set-interpreter or something like that
<LnL> yeah, you can usually do something like nix-build -A hello.src --check to verify it's actually correct
<JosW> gchristensen: that is strange, if I forgot about this change and after 2 days do a rebuild-switch I still get something I don't want?
<JosW> Something stange happening, i changed my configuration.nix and a rebuild-switch
<aanderse-laptop> anyone have a real working example of a simple web server setup with something like drupal and letsencrypt?
<LnL> do you mean the docker load part or something else?
<dieggsy> I'm trying to follow this year old post https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/4btjnf/fully_setting_up_a_custom_private_nix_repository/ to set up a custom packages repo (more specifically, so i can make an emacs HEAD package), but i'm getting something about "anonymous function called without required argument 'libXaw' at ".../nixpkgs/lib/customisation.nix:72:!2". anyone know what that's about?
<dtzWill> disasm: don't rem, was lookking at the build failure with NIX_DEBUG and something in my brain said "is glibc on build inputs" I guess from tackling this before. I don't remember the concrete details, I think it'll come down to something like "-isystem ${glibc}" causing those headers to be used and then getting confused when #include_next
<ryantrinkle1> in particular, how to make something that is reasonably easy to keep up to date, and also allows people to understand the interface without having to trudge through the whole implementation
* goibhniu tries to remember if chromedriver expects some funny environment variable or something
<nvd> Hi! I've got an issue where I'm trying to nix-build something that relies on webkitgtk and nix is saying "... is marked as insecure, refusing to evaluate" and then gives me something I can add to my config.nix
<mudri> Hi. Can I use something like this to pin Haskell packages (either individually or all of them)? http://edwtjo.me/posts/2016-04-24-installing-older-pkgs-in-nixos/
<joepie91> because yeah, default mediawiki does make something appear poorly maintained :P
<florianjacob> fpletz: High-level view: For some submodule instances, I want to change the defaults values for several mkOptions in that submodules to something application specific. Something like `nginx.virtualHosts = [ (mkMerge sharedDefaults { specifics = "foobar"; }) ];` was in my mind, but that doesn't work, as mkMerge doesn't handle options defined twice. ( I have many similar-configured submodules (nginx vhosts, many instances
<vegai> they did something very very right there
<Lisanna> xd1le: I don't think perl has an equivalent attribute. What you can always do is something like ${perl}/bin/perl or wherever perl's default install location for its binary is
<Infinisil> I hoped there would be something like this in nixpkgs/lib
<Infinisil> so I think it's something with the types `functor`
<tnias> Infinisil: maybe you are looking for something like `mapAttrsToList`, that is used for `vhosts` in nixpkgs/nixos/modules/web-servers/nginx


<remexre> Did one of the root DNS servers change hands or something? Or get a new IP? Because that'd definitely change the hash
<aanderse> and that will allow me to put stuff like my.option.value = "something"; in configuration.nix?
<bennofs> maybe you need to set sourceRoot to something?
<MoreTea> But you can also atomically roll back to your previous version, if you don't like it, or if you find that something is broken.
<tokudan[m]> something like find $out -type f -execute patchShebang {} \;
<ikwildrpepper> something like nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
<srhb> freusque: generally you want to use something like nix-shell -p "haskell.packages.ghc821.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: with pkgs; [ lens conduit ])"
<hyper_ch> something about aircraft and noise it seems
<xj9[m]> some shit change or something?
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: something odd though


<copumpkin> must be screwing something else up
<Sonarpulse> oh did you try like `assert false; null` or something?
<copumpkin> maybe I'm screwing something else up
<copumpkin> maybe something weird is happening then
<Sonarpulse> just needs to be something valid
<copumpkin> just saying that getting a random ding while I'm concentrating on something else from someone asking me to pick up context on their problem and spend time answering it, isn't necessarily going to put me in the most helpful mood :) and I've seen far worse reactions than mine on IRC
<pxc> clever: I should have known you were up to something related; seems like you're always finding bona fide new uses for Nix, hehe
<benley> fresheyeball: heh, I did something more minimalist and hacky to get updated k8s commandline tools: https://github.com/benley/dotfiles/blob/master/pkgs/kubernetes-client/default.nix
<pxc> it seems like something we can almost already do pretty nicely with nix-user-chroot, but we don't have services w/ Nix alone
<nwuensche> clever: Sorry if I annoy you, but have you found something out?
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: something really strange is happening: thunderbird says it has issues with my profiles... no apps show up in KDE
<hyper_ch> now something is totally broken
<hyper_ch> nah sorry, something else
<hyper_ch> so I'm back to the question: You'll want to change `inherit name;` to something like `name = "/path/to/place/${name}", or maybe add another attribute for where stuff for a particular server gets mounted. --> what does that mean?
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: You'll want to change `inherit name;` to something like `name = "/path/to/place/${name}", or maybe add another attribute for where stuff for a particular server gets mounted. --> don't really understand how to rename that or how to add an option for the mount location
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: if you write the loop that you want in pseudocode or python or something I can show you how to translate it into a fold
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: http://ix.io/zsr fixed some mistakes in it, now it evaluates successfully. You'll want to change `inherit name;` to something like `name = "/path/to/place/${name}", or maybe add another attribute for where stuff for a particular server gets mounted.
<sphalerite> xd1le: yep, nix-repl is very useful for that. For something more useful for scripting you can use nix-instantiate --eval
<xd1le> (So I'm thinking something like `if option.type == types.path then <path expression> else <str expression>` ?)
<Profpatsch> disasm: gchristensen Did I miss something?


<Lisanna> Trying to get something like "virtualisation.docker.containers.<name?> = { container = ./container.tar.gz; options = ""; }
<clever> bigvalen: and with this, i can view the journals within something not mounted at / currently
<hodapp> is it preferred, if I'm copying 80-90% of an expression just for something like a different version, to just factor it out and parametrize on the different parts?
<Guest7639> sphalerite: do something with the elm architecture repo and play with it :)
<manveru> usually GEM_HOME but it needs to point to something a few levels up
<bbarker> sorry for my lack of question-mark?- something must be grabbing it
<hodapp> how can I get the sha256 of something I just added with nix-store --add-fixed sha256?
<joepie91> ie. take the phase from the original derivation and then add something and set that as the new phase
<Infinisil> Or was that something else
<deltasquared> Infinisil: it came from when I wanted to do something akin to the nix per-package directory thing with arch's packages, and not wanting to even have to extract the tarballs (still have to decompress 'em first though)
<deltasquared> Infinisil: I don't really, it was just something I needed to do as par the course for maintenance.
<joepie91> (generally speaking, if a computer can't automatically determine whether something is safe to do, then a human certainly won't be able to)
<xd1le> Infinisil: that's actually exactly a case that happened with me like a few weeks ago. I had a presentation in a few hours but I decided I wanted to try a new kernel to see if I can could sound working properly for it, so yeah I just did that, so simple. It didn't work but can't even imagine considering that with something else haha
<deltasquared> joepie91: was it guix or something that had per-package dirs (not sure about full hashing though)
<deltasquared> something something truly reproducable mumble same result with different tools implementing spec mumble
<deltasquared> seeing as it'd be chainloaded by something booted from the real ESP then the "secondary" one wouldn't have to be vfat to appease the firmware.
<deltasquared> I wonder if said "ESP" could be something non-vfat... fscks on my ESP make me worried
<Infinisil> or is it something else that you need to know?
<Infinisil> Something must be wrong, (and sync doesn't take more than a few seconds)
<joepie91> I usually approach things by looking at how they work, or rather how they *must* work to make something happen
<deltasquared> something similar comes to mind from the shellcheck github page (https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck): “At first you're like "shellcheck is awesome" but then you're like "wtf are we still using bash"”
<joepie91> vegai: installing something stand-alone doesn't necessarily make the libraries visible in your environment (although supposedly this happens for *some* libraries? I'm unsure why...)
<joepie91> it definitely should; something along the lines of "expected X but found Y"
<joepie91> dash: something something docker something cloud something cluster something
<joepie91> I'm looking at it more as an interesting concept/implementation than as something to run on my own systems :)
<construct> joepie91: cool, so filesystem are a part of isolation. Glad I was onto something there. I'll watch the video instead of just listen hah
<joepie91> Qubes is an example of something that implements runtime isolation (for graphical systems like desktops and laptops)
<construct> viaken: you couldn't get firejail working for firefox either? Then does something need to be fixed upstream?


<Infinisil> dieggsy: A better solution would be to have something like mypkgs=~/pkgs in NIX_PATH, then use `nix-env '<mypkgs>' -iA pkgname
<dieggsy> I'd also like to not depend on something like linuxbrew, nixos just seems more powerful
<Infinisil> Baughn: Probably something like this is going to work: `nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=${<nixpkgs>}" "nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix" ];`
<Turion> Hi, sort of same question as before, but different package... I want to cabal build something with glpk-hs as dependency. I'm starting a nix shell like this: "nix-shell -p glpk curl" And from inside I try to "cabal install --only-dependencies"
<nwuensche> clever: I found something about i3lock, could that be a problem? I updated the gist.
<clever> construct: you would probably need to write something using exportReferenceGraph that allows it accessing all of its dependencies
<Turion> Do I have to give it a special path or something?
<pie_> i think it had something to do with which environment i was running it in
<Ankhers> I was hoping to write something so that I can know the last updated time for certain nix channels.
<freeman42y> I think it might be a good idea to add to NixOS installation documentation something like: search here for nix configurations specific to devices.
<gspia> yorick: ok, zlib was there already but zlib.dev not (tried to find something like that with nix-env -qaP etc) ... (the error was about missing zlib.h and with other distro's it has usually been about that dev-version)
<freeman42x> should I see something under ip a?
<freeman42x> or something
<freeman42x[m]> I'll tell you how it goes. It said something about starting supplicant after the rebuild
<freeman42x> by main config I mean /etc/nixos/configuration.conf or something
<freeman42x> Mic92, I thought it was something "wpa_supplicant" related
<freeman42y> it was bwc or something
<freeman42y> But I'd expect at least a connect button and some kind of error from the tool, like: missing drivers or something
<freeman42y> for some reason Dolphin is no longer opening for me, I just click on folders or try to open it directly and it appears to do something for a bit then nothing happens
<freeman42y> where will the iso image appear? or do I need to create iso out of some folder or something?
<freeman42y> is it possible to get a live graphical iso with something newer than NixOS 17.03? that should have the WiFi issue fixed
<joepie91> I bet it just pasted a bunch of working memory or something
<joepie91> sure, but imo that's something nixops should be doing
<Nobabs27> I just switched something around it seems to be "building" now. and yes
<Ankhers> Is hackage2nix run manually or is there something setup to run it automatically?
<simpson> Something like that. I don't know the detail.


<Mic92> fpletz: I only had little time to introduce NixOS in my Hackerspace in Dresden, so it is not yet converged in that direction - and now I am in a different place. Let me know, if you plan talks - maybe I can prepare something too.
<freeman42y> Infinisil, but how would this not be working for me only? I thought Nix makes stuff work or fail for everyone or something liket that more or less
<freeman42y> it keeps erroring out, possibly because the first time I tried it I did a ctrl+c cause I forgot something in the config
<fresheyeball> I think it evals something and lets you pass stuff in
<acowley> simpson: Okay, great. A while ago there was something like this and when I asked it seemed to come as a surprise to the folks steering the ship, so I figured I'd ask just in case.
<gchristensen> I thought rust did compile to webasm or something
<ikwildrpepper> bachp: something like https://pastebin.com/WBxbhd56
<joepie91> mpcsh: something with makeWrapper?
<sphalerite> so something like `nixpkgs.overlays = [ import "${(import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub {…}}/my-overlay.nix"];`
<sphalerite> That should be possible too, something like nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs-overlays=${fetchFromGithub {…}}" ];
<mrkgnao> My release.nix file is something like (import <nixpkgs> {}).haskellPackages.callPackage ./default.nix {};
<boomshroom> mrkgnao: add `nix:\n enable: true` to ~/.stack/config.yaml... or something like that. Afterwords, everything is just like normal
<boomshroom-lt> Is it really doing something, or is it frozen for good?