
<Denommus> Fare: yes, that would require dependent types, or something like F#'s type providers
<Denommus> Fare: the fact that something can't be typed doesn't mean that people can't fathom it, just that the type system isn't powerful enough to express it. I bet it's perfectly possible to express a type for those in something like Idris
<eacameron> Fare: I want to do something like { cabal2nix = self.fetchzip "newer version"; }
<ertes-w> disasm: it has monitoring, but you need something else for alerting… there is a distributed alerting system for it, too
<disasm> Mic92: and do you use grafana for alerting or setup something like kapacitor?
<sven_> Some industry machines just have intel atoms, so 32bit is something I might need for some more years ... :(
<samueldr> the SD images (used for arm targets) do something like that
<maurer> My experience with nixos has been that it's frequently harder to get something working than with other distros, but once it's working, it doesn't usually break
<samueldr> sphalerite: chromebook your ARM laptop or something else?
<hyper_ch> I thought since this is all done by cups you could add an expression or something
<ij> something like this? myPackage { this = "gets overrided"; extends pkgs; }
<Infinisil> woffs: something like wrapFirefox (firefox-esr-unwrapped.overrideAttrs { version = ...; src = ...; }) {} would override firefox stuff
<woffs> How to build an old version of Firefox-ESR? Trying something like nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { system = "i686-linux"; }; firefox-esr.override { version = "45.9.0esr"; } '
<Infinisil> Okay I guess I know now that it's something in my configuration.nix
<Infinisil> It's probably something with my X11 setup
<fgaz> probably because openssl is a default package or something
<Infinisil> And I don't think I have any other QT app on this machine, so I would've never really noticed if it didn't work. I guess it's something theming related
<hodapp> should I change my window manager to something more keyboard-friendly because I just moved and haven't set up my desk yet and don't have a good place to use my mouse?
<Infinisil> Well that's something at least. Doesn't seem like it's worth it thoug
<schoppenhauer> having something like "lvm send" would be nice
<octe> unstable.services.foo.enable or something...
<Infinisil> I learned a ton since then :). I kinda get really into it once something interests me enough
<sphalerite> idk what niksnut thinks of this idea, but it's something I have run into a few times in the past myself. I'll open PRs.
<sphalerite> neonfuz: hnix has something for that
<Infinisil> It's not released yet, but the branch exists already, something like release candidates I'd think
<etu> viric: Exactly, since they don't make promises with a stable disk format, they don't make any migration tools (I think) either. So you basically have to make a new filesystem with a new version. Or something. But they also say that they haven't found the need to change the format for quite a long while.
<Infinisil> The course is Distributed Systems, and I guess we'll go something related on android
<clever> from what i remember (its been years), paypal sent the password "bare" over https, but my online banking app did something more complex
<clever> disasm: i remember something about the curl library, the enable openssl flag works backwards from what is obvious, and defaults to being secure


<lejonet> gchristensen: do you have a snippet you could share or? Because I'm guessing something needs to be appended to /etc/shells
<gchristensen> lejonet: I have something like this in my configuration, it isn't manual :) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/config/shells-environment.nix#L175-L182
<lejonet> gchristensen: would maybe having something similar in the config work: config.environment.bin."bash".source = pkgs.bash
<jonge> symphorien: i will figure something out. however, a little export in the build file is also acceptable in the end. :)
<jonge> if _something_ works
<jonge> is there something like "nix-shell --env-rebuild" ?
<mitchty> if i'm building something with some rather evil hard coded pkg-configs in Makefile, would it be better to let pkg-config take care of things or to just search replace on the Makefile to say "get your includes/libs here"
<julm> Hi there. Nix has import and builins.readFile, but does it have something to read Nix code from the output of a command? eg. gpg --decrypt
<Ankhers> gleber_: Would you prefer me ping you here, or just write something on that issue?
<Ankhers> Sounds good. I will let you know when I have something.
<Ankhers> Yes. I would be interested in looking into something like that as well.
<tester123> Or launching chrome and getting something like "Cannot access display :0:0"
<tester123> So it's definitely something in my nix config
<LnL> did something change with preStart for services in 17.09?
<Dezgeg> I don't think ssd supports making it relative to something else
<Infinisil> jluttine: I think something like this should work: https://git.io/vdTm7
<jluttine> am i trying to achieve something impossible?
<lejonet> is there something I must do to get SSSD to work for user accounts except enable sssd, nscd and supply a working conf for sssd? Like some pam args or nss args?
<Fare> xd1le, cl-launch does something similar for Common Lisp programs.
<Nobabs27> ok so I'm trying to 'build' something that already has a pre-compiled binary - I have dontBuild = true; & installTargets = "install-bin"; set. Anything else to do? It just needs to move the files where ever it needs to using magic


<Infinisi1> I usually use nix-instantiate --eval '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.nix.trustedUsers to see what options evaluate to in the end, so I guess nixops show-option uses something like that
<nickels> hi everyone. i'm trying to install nix. I used gdisk as usual, and it reports what I told it: an EFI boot, a swap, a root, and a home partition; it shows these as sda1-4. However, lsblk shows sda1 as 1G, and sda2 as an LVM with swap, root, and home partitions each of different sizes than I'd specified in gdisk. Am I missing something?
<lejonet> clever: the annoying part is that the error I get is "Connection refused", not just a blackhole that never responds, so SOMETHING is actively rejecting the connections
<lejonet> and look at that, something decided to drop the VMs traffic again, in the middle of the deploy lol xD
<LnL> what's the advantage of matrix compared to a znc setup or something?
<Infinisil> Alright them, learned something new
<corngood> philipp: I just cherry picked it from my branch, so I must have missed something. Post the error on the PR and I'll take a look. You can always send a PR to the source branch on my repo
<Infinisil> Actually i don't know if ssh config works with this, I thought you used something else, not the nixos config
<Infinisil> But why do you need something other than root?
<lejonet> sphalerite: that command can't even find base.nix, so most likely I'm screwing up the path or something
<sphalerite> it might have PATH set wrong or something
<joepie91> yeah, this isn't something I really feel like messing with now :)
<joepie91> there was something odd about that
<joepie91> it seems like something that a meetup/sprint might be useful for
<Dezgeg> and no way around that either than putting it in xorg.conf (or running something like gnome-settings-daemon which listens to those Random Events and resets the layout)
<Dezgeg> Robinson2: I thin my build script just crapped out on something, it should be back in an hour or so
<sphalerite> Or something like that
<sphalerite> It's something I've wanted to do but I haven't even got Debian booting successfully yet
<Robinson2> yup, from the articles i've read i'm getting the impression that I can install NixOS onto a USB or something and then copy that over to the C201 internal hard drive


<Lisanna_> I think what I'm going to do is something like "{ nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, mypkgs }: let pkgs = nixpkgs // mypkgs; in with pkgs;"
<Lisanna_> specifically, what should the top line of my project-specific default.nix files be? Is it okay for it to be something like "nixpkgs: with nixpkgs;"
<Lisanna_> Yeah, I guess that'd work, so something like (f "myFoo") // (g "myBar")
<clever> rycee: both nix-env and nix-build will "basically ignore NIX_PATH", enless directly told to search for something in it
<clever> sphalerite: probably using something similar to what i did with ghc a month back, one min
<rycee> ixxie: I expected it to be set like the NIX_PATH variable I gave above. I don't know why it is different in reality. It may very well be that I'm missing something fundamental so it would be nice to have input from somebody more knowledgeable in Nix and channels…
<rycee> ixxie: You can try manually setting NIX_PATH? exporting something like `NIX_PATH="nixpkgs=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels"` might work.
<rycee> qz: Sorry, yeah. I guess you are inside a Nixpkgs checkout or something. In that case try `nix-env -f . -iA elmPackages.elm-compiler`.
<kuznero> In the contribution guidelines on nixpkgs it is stated to do `nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=/path/to/my/nixpkgs` after cloning nixpkgs from github. How to revert these changes? Should I do something like `nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=<nixpkgs>` after I'm done? Or is there a better way somehow to isolate my experiments?
<ixxie> something isn't updating correctly in my channel
<Ankhers> But I don't know what everyones opinions on k8s and nix are. But I do not really see a reason at the moment to exclude it. I feel like if it was really something people didn't want, it wouldn't still be in nixpkgs.
<v0lZy> seems like someone could slip them something
<Infinisil> I imagine the nix-daemon interface to be something like "Build me this derivation: /nix/store/...-foo.drv" -> "Here is your built derivation: /nix/store/...-foo"
<v0lZy> does it add 'mc' as a package to configuration.nix or something?
<kiloreux_> ixxie, Thank you. Do you have any link or something so I can read more about this?
<ixxie> kiloreux_: there is something somewhere about serving the nix store and since docker images can access your local network it should be possible
<Infinisil> slack1256: /run/current-system/nixos-version is something
<slack1256> is there a "reflog" for nix somewhere? something that tells what channel,user,system version you where using a such and such time?
<Lisanna_> currently I'm building RHEL versions of everything and then packaging them into RPMs with Nix as well, then shipping those RPMs off through Docker or something
<Lisanna_> Infinisil: all of these are true statements ^^ I'm going to start maintaining my own internal channel probably for our software, and then if they bitch about something breaking or being old I'm just going to point them to Nix :)
<Lisanna_> so it's nice to be able to build something with a Nix expression that just runs on red hat "out of the box" :)


<ryantm> With Chef, when you try to converge a machine, you get a kind of diff of what will change on the machine. With nixops, or just NixOS reconfiguration, there isn't something like that by default. Any suggestions for mitigating that downside?
<disasm> there's just something about never having to worry about conflicting dependencies :)
<Infinisil> but that's something completely orthagonal to luks
<rnhmjoj[m]> I did use nixos-generate-config but it missed something
<rnhmjoj[m]> i noticed something strange: if I set `fileSystems.<name>.encrypted.enable = true;` nix fails to build the systemd with a type error: null while string is expected.
<ryantm> Mic92: Oops, I just had something wrong in my network configuration. False alarm.
<ryantm> Does that seem like a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
<globin> bachp: I'd check open PRs, I think I might have seen something
<disasm> so what I would do is run `git grep` in nixpkgs for cmake and copy something similar
<sphalerite> something like aliasing it to nix-shell -I nixpkgs=path/to/nixos-17.09
<sphalerite> Unode: ah right. I'm not sure it's possible to get it to use something other than <nixpkgs>, so your best bet is to set NIX_PATH in one way or another
<Infinisil> There is a package named 'gle' at nix top-level, but it's something different..
<zzamboni> Hi everyone, one question, and apologies if this is due to a misunderstanding of how channels work: I just saw that https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/29587 has been merged. When/how will I be able to see the update on my machine? I have https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable as a channel, but even after running 'nix-channel —update', nix-env -qa does not see the package. Do I have to do something else, or just wait for the cha
<nixy> I think I have it set for something, but not sure how to check
<ixxie> hey rycee - something weird is happening with my home manager dotfile building; multi-term is getting a 'output path '/nix/store/<hash>-multi-term.el has sha256 hash <hash-a> when <hash-b> was expected.'
<kuznero> I am running 17.09 (it works in 17.03). Also just pulling a base image is working fine, but something breaks further down...
<ij> There was a reason why «nix-env -i package» takes forever and I had to specify that it doesn't have to do a deep search or something. May anyone remind me how, exactly?
<azdle> pknopf, AFAIK (I'm still new to this) you can do something like that. Not inheratance exactly, but you can use multiple config files, one for each "topic", where you can combine them differently on each machine.
<azdle> I'm trying to figure out an issue w/ firefox. It seems to not have permissions to do *anything*. I get this error when I try to download something: https://i.imgur.com/oqOx9N1.jpg


<gchristensen> you'd like something more like cargo2nix?
<Mic92> Lisanna: are you using something like `make DESTDIR=$out install` ?
<wilornel> I see. Hmm... is there something similar (for managing running daemons with a configuration file) that is not tied to NixOS?
<wilornel> Hey #nixos! I was wondering if there is something like nix for running processes? For example, I'd like to easily say: "have redis-server running with port 3333"
<Lisanna> Is there a good way to deal with the fact that buildInputs expects things that would normally go in /usr but most of the stdenv derivations I write have a /usr directory in the output? I end up having to do something funky like buildInputs = [ "${component}/usr" ] in order for it to get picked up during the build of the dependent derivation
<ij> Infinisil, Do people usually find this out just because they're clever or I haven't read something?
<ij> How do I build something that expects not { pkgs } and then uses pkgs.foo, but just { foo }? "--arg nixpkgs" won't work, right?
<Infinisil> (I'm pretty sure I must've done something wrong)
<disasm> although, I'm not a huge fan of putting bundler, bundix and jekyll in your systemPackages. Would be better to do something like nix-shell -p bundler bundix jeklyy
<ixxie> I have never seen this error before when its something syntactic, and the same files worked earlier today on the work machine
<silver_hook> Before I rebuild and reboot again, is there something I missed in this howto? https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Bluetooth
<rycee> Ah, you are doing something like `home.file.".emacs.d".source = ./my-dotemacs`? Then it wouldn't work.
<rycee> ixxie: Btw. with the lastest HM master you should be able to change the Emacs package. Try something like `programs.emacs.package = pkgs.emacs25-nox`.
<etu> ixxie: Isn't term.el from upstream? M-x term works for me. But you might refer to something else?
<makefu> hyper_ch: there is also something about this in one of the manuals
<fadenb> There is already something on customizing iso in the wiki
<hyper_ch> makefu: this site was so empty... so I took the liberty and added something.. now it needs your advanced wiki-fu https://nixos.wiki/wiki/VPN
<nixy> Well the issue seems to be happening because of something buildGoPackage is doing since your .nix file doesn't have any post-installation stuff
<zzamboni> unfortunately I have no idea what that means. Furthermore, if I go into the build directory, it seems the binary is built correctly, but something is failing in the "post-installation fixup"
<azdle> I'm new to nixos, so this may be a dumb question, but is there something special I need to do to install firefox extensions?
<nh2> kuznero: if that's it, this too should be something that nixops should warn about IMO or the manual should talk about, or both
<Lisanna> it's probably doing something internally like ${fixupPhase:-${defaultFixupPhase}}
<kuznero> nh2: these lines `"17.03".eu-west-2.hvm-ebs = "ami-ff1d099b"; "17.03".eu-west-2.hvm-s3 = "ami-fe1d099a";` correspond to what I have in my physical setup: `region = "eu-west-1";`. Should I also check something in my EC2 dashboard?
<disasm> clever: yeah, just plugins works fine, /plugins it errors can't write to /plugins, so in this case, what cmake is doing is fine, more of wondering why it's doing this, and if there's a bug or I'm doing something wrong
<disasm> clever, LnL: so... now I have /nix/store/derivation/'$(out)'/plugins, lol is this a bug? or am I doing something horribly wrong?
<em1l> hello mighty nix-friends :) - i a just starting playing around with nixops and did something stupid: deleting a *.vmdk out of my /nix/store/ - now I geting VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and subsequently VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR (full stdout here: http://paste.lisp.org/display/356308). Other nixops deploy rely on this image too. I can't deploy anything anymore... How can i recreate this image, or make a fresh nixops
<nh2> eikke: nixpkgs doesn't have a `haskell-` prefix or something like that for hackage packages


<nh2> eikke: hmm so using `locate zlib.pc` I can find only `/nix/store/...-zlib-1.2.11-dev/lib/pkgconfig/zlib.pc` having a pkgconfig file, so it must be something with the .dev output thing
<nh2> kuznero: the nixops manual has a section about it, does it not cover something you need?
<nh2> eikke: try depending on zlib.dev or something
<nh2> I'd like something newer than 1.11.11
<pxc> those are the slides. I need to do something shorter and more demo-y at some point, maybe I'll make some videos
<gchristensen> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /nix/store/qvqdgbf9sq7jnzpjffvka4bscs1bgh80-nixpkgs-17.09pre110905.0eb4f6fd25/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/tools/haskell/lambdabot/default.nix:12:78
<gchristensen> can I do something like nix-env -iA mycustompkgs.fizzbuzz ?
<gchristensen> can I do something like nix-shell -p fizzbuzz '<mycustompkgs>', where fizzbuzz comes from mycustompkgs*?
<gchristensen> can I do something like nix-shell -p fizzbuzz '<mycustompkgs>', where fizzbuzz comes from mycustompugs?
<disasm> Fare: as for emacs and other interactive tools, I install those globally, and don't use --pure with nix shell unless it's something I'm specifically testing that needs a pure shell.
<Fare> LnL: do you include emacs & all your interactive tools in it, or something?
<LnL> is type -P cc a store path or something else
<LnL> is clang installed globally somewhere or something
<kuznero> domenkozar: basically in the end it is saying: "Unpacking base image..." and "/tmp/nix-build-docker-image-monitor.tar.gz.drv-0/.attr-0: line 24: image/repositories: No such file or directory". Should I add this to github issue or it is me doing something wrong?
<kuznero> domenkozar: something is still not working. Here is the log: https://pastebin.com/7Etb66cc
<tnks> The more I think about it, the more I think it would be useful to reference something in a nix expression by it's nix-store path, trusting it to be fetched pre-built from a Nix cache like Hydra.
<hyper_ch> from usb or something?
<roni> now we need something similar for R packages :-P
<roni> neat, so you can convert a requirements.txt file to something that looks like this, or what?
<roni> slabity: you may need to install a dev package, something like nixos.libxml2.dev
<roni> but i am not sure when/how i would fill something in there
<TweyII> nixer: It's widely considered Something We Ought To Do™
<catern> you could dump it as hex or something to see for sure (or use hexl-mode)
<roni> do you think i'd override chromium and change the postInstall step or something?
<disasm> tnks: so basically you have something in /nix/store built already that you don't have access to the source derivation and you want it to use that, and if it doesn't exist, fetch from binary cache
<tnks> disasm: nix-build normally take a Nix expression that yeilds a derivation as input. I'm wondering if it can also take in the /nix/store path for something that's already built and just grab it from a private cache.
<tnks> disasm: I think I'm asking something that's not possible or recommended, which is one reason the question sounds funny.
<chakerbenhamed> Hey, I am generating a list of set using mapAttrs' it's generate something in the form of { foo_x = "bar-a"; foo_y = "bar-b"; }, Right now I wanna repeat that 3 times so it can generate something in the form of { foo_x_1 = "bar-a"; foo_x_2 = "bar-a"; foo_x_3 = "bar-a"; foo_y_1 = "bar-b"; foo_y_2 = "bar-b"; foo_y_3 = "bar-b";}. I tried using map on top of mapAttrs map (i: mapAttrs' (name: value: nameValuePair
<ocharles> Hmm, I have something quite odd. I have a file, `cabal2nix.nix`, generated - unsurprisingly - with `cabal2nix`. It looks like `{mkDerivation, foo, bar}: ...`. I now have `default.nix` which contains `import ./cabal2nix.nix`. Using this `default.nix` works fine when passed to haskellPackages.overrides
<TweyII> So I've been running an old generation of NixOS for a while because newer ones hang on boot. But it seems like something upgraded my Nix, and now I get: error: current Nix store schema is version 10, but I only support 7
<hyper_ch> domenkozar: good that you're here :) maybe you can give me advise on something
<neonfuz> trying to compile something that needs libudev.h, which package would have this?
<Unode> just call it something else other than nixpkgs


<sphalerite> To something else and then back to the HDMI one
<makefu> there is "yum what-provides" (or something), and there is "apt-file" for debian
<maurer> I'm suspecting something is wrong with my configuration.nix, since I just added to the driver line "hot garbage", and nixos-rebuild build still succeeded...
<Infinisil> I should use something like nixos-containers, or a vm for that I guess, but I haven't felt like setting that up
<ixxie> Infinisil: maybe a good way is to go for something like "name a stack made of componants packaged in Nixpkgs and we will set up a server over the next hour"
<Lisanna> arximboldi: infinite recursion means you have something referencing itself in an unresolvable way, I don't think there should be anything wrong with calling fetchFromGitHub in configuration.nix
<srhb> It's asking some metadata api for... Something.
<catern> (I want something that I can actually use for deploying services in a user account)
<catern> oh, home manager is good, I want something official though :)
<goibhniu> EpicMemes03: the sha-256 is on the download page, are you looking for something more?
<silver_hook> Will do, thanks. I was hoping something in the lines of: https://packages.gentoo.org/
<sphalerite> silver_hook: you can use the firefox-bin package or override the firefox package with enableOfficialBranding = true; or something like that, but the latter will result in building from source
<bebarker> General question about understanding the release schedule for Nix - I see something I want merged into master 10 days ago, and I have nixos and nixpkgs, both unstable - just ran nix-channel --update && nix-env -u, and still at the old version
<jtojnar> well the default shell is stored in /etc/passwd, not sure if home manager can do something about it
<sphalerite> Just make a file that evaluates to a set containing packages (something like let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in { inherit (pkgs) tmux vim; } as a simple example)
<revoltmedia[m]> disasm: I didn't see an example.. did I miss something?


<benzrf> something where you can plug in a haskell package and have recursive dependencies of the correct versions?
<benzrf> hey, are there any kind of plans to set up something like a recursive callHackage?
<sellout-> ktf: There are issues like https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/18131 that give me at least something to try. Hopefully I’ll get a chance tonight.
<sphalerite> if it's in an overlay, probably something other than chromium
<roni> i figured something like that would be necessary
<rycee> roni: In any case, installing something like `pkgs.hiPrio (pkgs.writeScriptBin "chromium" "#!${stdenv.shell}\nexec chromium --force-device-scale-factor=1.5")` may work. Emphasis on "may" :-)
<rycee> roni: No idea either. Seems like it should pick up something from X.
<roni> something like "chromium --force-device-scale-factor=1.5"
<rycee> roni: Something like this perhaps: https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/6z9epj/using_nix_to_specify_json_configuration_files/dmumj7v/ (although this example does a bit more than just add a flag)
<joepie91> the desired effect here is something being executed *in* the user session
<jtojnar> toogley: maybe something like environment.etc."xdg/autostart/app.desktop" = {target = "${app}/share/applications/app.desktop";};
<Myrl-saki> How do I statically link something that needs getprotobyname
<Infinisil> That's something different, Having 24GB less memory does in no way compromise security
<joachifm> without something like dm-integrity they can still mess with your stuff
<nh2> bachp: so I'd go that way, and then we should rename the option, from "cfg.tlsSettings.tlsKey" to something like "cfg.tlsSettings.tlsKeyPath" so that it's clear that this is the file path, not the contents
<bachp> Infinisil: nh2 : I think I found something. If I change the type of the config from path to str it works.
<Infinisil> Hey, rycee, I'm having some env vars problems, it seems that my ~/.zshenv has been sourced already before, maybe with pam or something, do you happen to know how to check what env vars pam sets?
<ixxie> its a bit confusing when you try and look for something like emacsWithPackages and its not in the emacs folder of nixpkgs
<joepie91> pie_: yeah, that isn't an especially novel thing; package repos really should do something like levenshtein distance checks (especially against stdlib stuff) at the very least
<joepie91> this is something that really should be fixed at some point - the flash player builds break way too often
<isaac__> Is there something I can read that will get me up to speed with compiling a haskell project with profiling?
<Nobabs27> clever: as in, setting the make file to use the right directories, or something else?
<clever> Nobabs27: something in the package is trying to install to a place it shouldnt


<Profpatsch> I hope I can get something pushable next week finally.
<qwertasdf> Yup. To grok something = to get it, to understand it
<michas> yorick, ok, at least I found something in the repo: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/10-0-stable/config/secrets.yml.example - Interesting that the official documentation does not seem to cover that.
<Alling> Maybe it's something about profiles that I don't understand.
<sphalerite> true, but at least BOFH does something about it
<sphalerite> so I'll be getting up at 6:30 or something on those days because I'm awful at getting ready quickly
<sphalerite> slabity: besides what samueldr said, you should also be able to do something like nix-env -iE 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; dwarf-fortress.override { theme = dwarf-fortress-packages.cla-theme; }'
<ixxie> rycee: maybe you know something :)
<clever> out of ideas then, something that simple should just work


<LnL> you can do something like VBoxManage modifyvm "foo" --natpf1 "guestssh,tcp,,2222,,22"
<Mic92> something like a virtual ethernet network card.
<Mic92> wasn't their a host-only adapter or something?
* tilpner tries something else
<Infinisil> tilpner: So your problem is that you want overlays for <nixpkgs> but also be able to use the <syntax> for something else?
<tilpner> pxc - You can set the weechat log path to something outside of your dotfiles
<maurer> I mean, that says something good for it tbh
<pxc> adangelo: I'm glad you figured something out but I feel like that shouldn't have been necessary. :-(
<taktoa> but maybe something changed?
<joepie91> qz: so assuming you're currently in your nixpkgs clone, you'd do something like... `nix-build -A elmPackages.elm-compiler .`
<Infinisil> it's supposed to be interactive, so I need to start something like tmux/screen or a terminal
<samueldr> that would definitely work, though, would I implement that, I would do something like build-${platform}-${date} and symlink it to something like build-${date}-latest
<Dezgeg> maybe it could put the last built commit in a text file or something
<Alling> clever: disasm: Wow! Works now. For future reference, is there any way to list available keymaps or something?
<clever> checking something more...
<clever> tilpner: you might have luck just adding something to nix-env or systemPackages, that has the same name
<FRidh> so, I tracked the issue I was having down to `callPackage. In the expression linked to by the following url, I have three sets. The first is obtained with callPackage, the second with import, and the third is defined locally. The sets are the same, containing the same attribute. If I then use these as propagatedBuildInputs, something goes wrong when using callPackage, but it does not with import or when its defined locally. Any ideas why?
<sphalerite> You can create a bind mount using something like fileSystems."/nix/store" = {type = "bind"; device = "/mnt/nix/store";}; or something like that (might not work exactly like that)
<maxigit> which one is something and something_elese ?
<tilpner> mount --bind something something_else, if you're just testing this
<maxigit> sphalerite: for example if I don't have git installed and do `nix-shell -p git` then find the path of the git binary in the nix-store I found something. I do insted `NIX_STORE_DIR=... nix-shell -p git`. Then the hash in the new nix store is a different one
<sphalerite> dannyg: if you put something like (import (builtins.fetchTarball https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/<commithash>.tar.gz) {}).packageName in your systemPackages it shouldn't ever need rebuilding
<dannyg> something that takes way too long to build ;)
<maxigit> to be honest, I have only shared the nix-store using by setting NIX_STORE_DIR, install something and check if it reuses anything from the new store
<maxigit> @tipner if I Do `which something` on both machine I get a different path (different hash) in the nix-store
<mbrock> reminds me of a guy in #lisp who once said something like "I live on a sailboat and spend my time coding Common Lisp. It's the life I want to live and the love I want to give"
<tnks> it's like something changed between the version of Nix/Nixpkgs I've got checked out in source, and whatever is on my system.
<rauno> question, is it possible to assign secondary ip to interface with nixos configuration? something like: ifconfig br0:0 netmask up


<samueldr> (shouldn't even go as far as not booting if something goes wrong)
<sphalerite> Neither do I. Maybe just grep for GST_.*_PATH (I think there's something like GST_1_0_STUFF as well) in nixpkgs and see how/where else it's done
<sauyon> should we pick something :P
<Infinisil> I would use something like { fooSupport ? false, enableBar ? false }: { bazlib, cmake }: stdenv.mkDerivation ...
<sphalerite> So if the package has an sdlSupport option as an input, you can do something like ffmpeg.override {sdlSupport = false;}
<sphalerite> Germany's more or less at the top of my list ATM, partly because I'm German but have never lived there and that seems like something to catch up on
<LnL> maybe you could add something like the cc.langFortran for rdm
<LnL> sounds like you'd want something similar to the cc-wrapper for that
<schoppenhauer> hi. i want to slowly migrate my server from debian to nixos. the thing is … I am not a friend of doing this all at once. does anyone have an idea of how to "smoothly" migrate to nixos, not all at once? (like, have a debian-vm or something)
<xdelv> Will definitely give home-manager a try. Curious though, the only '-r' I can find in the nix-env manpage is an alias for '--remove-all' under the --install command. Is that what I'm looking for or am I overlooking something else?
<Infinisil> disasm: You could take the argument "pkg3to2" instead and use callPackage path { pkg3to2 = pkgs."3to2"; } or something like that
<xdelv> just confused about how to translate the 'haskell.compiler.ghc7103' that nix-shell likes, into something that nix-env likes
<kuznero> At some point I was quite impressed with how it must have been effective gathering feedback with something like Real Worl Haskell. That let people who barely scratching the surface to ask a question and potentially guide the content into a different direction to make it more accessible.
<Ankhers> NixConf EU and NixConf NA or something?
<hyper_ch> I was just inquiring about your train of thought.... maybe I can learn something from it ;)
<makefu> now we have something to reference to if new users have a similar problem
<gchristensen> gross, I think lnl has a good config or something? I dunno
<phdoerfler> or an optional type or something like that
<clever> tput bel just prints a bell character to the console, and the terminal is responsible for doing something with it
<pie___> clever, ive done something like that before but christ the fear of typos
<WinchellsM> Running patchelf swrast_dri.so or something like that?
<pie___> apparently it may have something to do with how grub sets up stuff, or im misunderstanding something
<hyper_ch> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /nix/store/ysdsqg6kchxgq1ajr5nss1zm58abhyyh-nixos-18.03pre115166.1b1fc65505/nixos/lib/customisation.nix:74:12
<phdoerfler> Viaken2: Thank you for clarifying. Is it normal to not see much output like the list of upgraded "packages" or something?
<woffs> in https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ there is something written about this
<guillaum1> Hi. There is something which is still unclear for me. Which channel is used by default when I install nix on any computer? On nixos? Can I have a nixos computer using nixos-stable AND, in the user session, the same channel as the one used by nix users on any other distribution?
<makefu> hyper_ch: it's something! :D unfortunately this can mean anything. you may need to create a fhsUserEnv for this package


<Infinisil> Maybe this has something to do with it
<Infinisil> And you can't change that with a command line argument or something else?
<tokudan[m]> WinchellsM: something like /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/
<catern> gotta wait for NixUP for proper support, something I am eagerly awaiting :)
<Infinisil> It's a decent installation method for when something isn't in nixpkgs
<andy__> hello, i have another question... I am running nixos in virtual box and would like to install the virtualbox guest additions. however, when I try to run the vboxadditions shell script, it says /bin/rm no such file or directory. is there something I can do to allow the script to see the rm that is installed in /run/current-system/sw/bin/rm?
<sphalerite> if it's something on the system level, like a display manager or generally anything that's shared between all users, yes, configuration.nix
<Infinisil> Generally you just need to search for option there (or in `man configuration.nix` if you want something local)
<clever> there was something on github a few months back, about a tool that would allow giving it a set of git args, and canned answers
<gchristensen> octe: here is something I can talk about :) https://engineering.tumblr.com/post/161854099032/jetpants-integration-testing
<FRidh> fearlessKim[m]: There's definitely improvements possible, and I would welcome those. I guess its just hard to write good docs. When writing such instructions you have to assume a certain prior knowledge of the read, so there already there may be a mismatch. Then, there's the question of whether you want to provide quick solutions, or want to actually teach something. And, to come back to your first point - what are user aspects and what are developer aspects
<rotaerk> you'll want to do something very similar, but for nixpkgs
<cocreature> not sure if there is something that takes into account that you can override what nixpkgs refers to (e.g via NIX_PATH)
<unlmtd> fearlessKim: I dont think you can bypass the declarative nature of nix, but you can script something that computes the checksums and adds them to the derivation
<unlmtd> clever: youre unto something


<Nobabs27[m]> via the command line but I'm guessing I misstyped or something - gonna try it again
<joehh> wanting to put something similar to the haskell infrastructure for julia "juliaWithPackages"...
<Infinisi1> yrashk: Maybe try something like "echo HERE I AM" and then look for that in the logs, to verify it's executed. What exactly did you put in setupScript?
<sophiag> it's really confusing because i see ones with a build stamp from the date in June i have to rollback to, but the rest say January something instead of more recently
<Infinisi1> I feel like something is wrong, but there's no error, just stuck at "building the system configuration..."
<makefu> something like this, this discussion also got quite emotional
<sphalerite> Profpatsch: I know you have something to do with the organisation
<domenkozar> hyper_ch: no, I'd aim for something neutral :P
<gchristensen> something is very weird
<gchristensen> aanderse: when you nixos-rebuild with a new fileSystems... configuration, it should rebuild a file called something like `stage-1-init`, can you paste that file's contents somewher?