
<cbarrett> i definitely think that it should just fail if the tz doesnt exist. something like cat /share/timezones | grep “${sys.timeZone}”
<tilpner> (my router died, or something like that)
<srhb> Let me see if I can figure out something to do about this..
<trikl[m]> I finally got something building this morning, phew
<gchristensen> hyper_webirc: fwiw I'm not invested in you using zfs or ext4 or whatever. I really think something is wrong with your RAM
<gchristensen> dude, your computer has something wrong with it
<tilpner> Where would I propose such a change? Just the issues? Is there something like this already?
<clever> otwieracz: once cl-curl is packaged, you should be able to do something like nix-shell -A lispPackages.cl-curl
<gleber_> makeWrapper is something 100% nix-specific and not interesting for your use case
<Judson> Okay, but if I want to *distribute* something in Rust, we're still a few versions behind stable in nixpkgs
<adelbertc> Ran a `nix-build` (from a shell script) on macOS which gave me a `result` symlink as usual, but when I try to `rm result` I get a Permission denied - is this a bug or am I missing something ?
<neonfuz> and should I take the warning in the hardware config seriously? Will something ever overwrite that file?


<gchristensen> people love old stickers more than up to date stickers, it lets them feel in on something
<gchristensen> Fare, catern, I'm in NYC if ya'll'd like to mee up for something
<copumpkin> I’ll just be sad if have to go update all sorts of ancient LLVM versions next time something like this comes along :)
<dtzWill> for something like this it seems reasonable, but I'm not familiar with tools that let such be reasonably scripted
<tilpner> ixxie - Something's odd. The colors of https://nixos.org/logo/nixos-logo-only-hires.png and your tiny v1 don't match
<clever> mmts: you may want to fix the python in pygrub, since nixos-rebuild will put the double-slashes in every time you change something
<mmts> clever: I can run it with a manually created grub.cfg, but that's not a permanent solution e.g. with updates. Therefore either I've missed something or it's missing in virtualisation/xen-domU.nix ?
<nwspk> I'll check if I forgot something
<gchristensen> LnL: if len(searchers) == 0 { return nil, false, nil } maybe something like this
<LnL> or something like that
<ocharles> Idris gives that support by letting you specify something is partial (a notion of "fuel" for guarded recursion )
<srhb> saf_spa: I'd just go with the default of 32 and nice things if I need to do something else while building
<MichaelRaskin> LnL: «guarantee something is finite» is a more complicated notion than we would prefer…
<srhb> I need an excuse to use dhall for something.
<adisbladis> srhb: You could probably upgrade, create a new encrypted fs in the same zpool and migrate data there if you are not currently using something like luks under your zfs
<srhb> I'm guessing "something something cloudfront" but can't get closer than that.
<sphalerite> if everything could just read its password from a FIFO or something that would be awesoem
<srhb> I feel like there's some story waiting to hatch like... NixOS user namespaces or something, where a user can activate parts of the nixos configuration managed by them, in an unprivileged manner.
<clever> something got changed recently and its a bit wonky
<xd1le> for example, via nix-instantiate or something?
<ekleog> Moredread: something like disabledModules = [ "foo/bar.nix" ]


<ekleog> hmm, the vm doesn't have to include all of x11 for testing, so could very well be really low-ram :) then, for something like what you're trying, switching to your local nixpkgs is enough :)
<ekleog> drakonis: please to put a positive comment on RFC 12 (like “when is this landing” or something similar), I don't really know how to push it forward more :) (I have a working implementation of almost-the-text-of-the-RFC -- actually, of the text of the RFC before it underwent some slight modifications --, so implementation shouldn't be too slow to come :))
<betaboon> i wonder if something like SmPL/coccinelle (works with C only) is applicable to nix. but I'm not into that language-kinda-stuff
<moet> is a system-level directory something that i can configure powertop to have in its environment?
<drakonis> when you need to rapidly modify something that's in root
<drakonis> at least have something like overlayfs for this kind of situation
<drakonis> you can't do something off the beaten path
<Drakonis[m]> a system to handle it or does something else do it
<gchristensen> right, though something about it being difficult to know if it is truly known-good, and easy to be known-bad
<ixxie> there is something between "being a corporate sellout" and "being an artsy obscure hipster"
<dustmote> Why is selling oneself something to strive for?
<ixxie> because something as good as Nix should have much wider recognition
<ixxie> the whole design is so clean and straight it could use something to break it up a little
<moet> sphalerite: though, at boot, the module is not loaded.. i guess i should configure it to be loaded by configuration.nix or something
<tokudan[m]> I'm trying to figure out a decent way to setup a debian chroot or container on nixos. has someone done something similar?
<infinisil> Hmm, now how do i unblock this ip, i could just write youtube support or something
<iqubic> infinisil: Why do you use xmobar over something like dzen or LemonBar or something else?
<miscellany> Hi, I installed bazel-0.6.1 (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/bazel/default.nix) but when I try to use it, it fails on the `customBash` in the derivation not being in the /nix/store -- do I need to do something to make the customBash available? ie. /nix/store/m9rjk4vkhyf3f3ajdl21501p1sgdx4b4-bash/bin/bash is not present
<wilornel> That should work, no? it's fine with me because nix is not malicious. I might be missing something in terms of security, right?
<wilornel> yeah I was thinking of that but I'm already discovering nix and home-manager and it's part of something I'd like to do in the future so
<infinisil> wilornel: something like `home.file.".foo".source = pkgs.fetchgit { url="https://some.url/"; rev="some.revision"; sha256="its hash"; }
<srhb> It would be glorious if they'd blocked cloudfront or something :-P
<srhb> wilornel: You can do something like that with nixops for sure.
<wilornel> but I was never able to find something proper
<wilornel> I remember doing weird things in bash scripts to try to get things set up on my machines. Trying to get services running, trying to install pacages, trying to set up dotfiles. I've many times thought "I should not be reinventing the wheel here, because I think this issue is solved by something"
<wilornel> that's something I was looking to do
<srhb> No, NixOS containers are something different entirely. Check them out in the manual. :-)
<LnL> maybe it was something else
<wilornel> it looked like home-manager was telling me to try to start gpg-agent.service using systemctl. Maybe something else was telling me that?
<wilornel> gpg-connect-agent seems to have started something
<TimePath> because I set something which made the binary cache not viable
<prietoj> May it have something to do with the fulldisk encryption?
<MichaelRaskin> It does have something to do with simultaneous-addition merges in DVCSes.
<srhb> Oh, something works.
<MichaelRaskin> Probably you need to configure something about cache location. And add that cache location to the list of paths allowed inside sandbox.
<srhb> Hmm, I don't think I'm using the ccache thing right.. Do I need to do something more clever than just replace stdenv with ccacheStdenv?
<MichaelRaskin> In France, you can speak in something remotely similar to French and people will understand and try to use simpler phrases so you don't run out of your vocabulary.
<MichaelRaskin> Gigabyte BRIX are actually backpackable _if_ you want to carry something fast and heavy.
<srhb> Anyway, laptops.. I give up. Can we get thin, portable terminals instead or something.
<TimePath> if you do something stupid with node, everything in that process suffers
<MichaelRaskin> «We need to do something, this is something, so we will do it.» — most of human collective decision-making ever.
<otwieracz> But the nix-env is just doing something weird.
<srhb> I'd expect something like this with a broken nixPath or something, but with a fresh install, I don't see how that could happen...
<otwieracz> BUt it's trying to download something!
<srhb> It might contain something else, but it should not contain a directory named the same as your channel (nixos)
<srhb> Weird. It does output something if you don't grep, right?
<hyper_ch> or is nftables-snapshot something different?
<infinisil> This happens quiet often, that once you do something horrible, you panick and make it even worse


<ixxie> Piece_Maker: theres something mentioned here: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ARM#Raspberry_Pi_3 have you tried that?
<ison111> I'm trying to build something using autotools and ./configure complains that it can't find "shtool" and I'm not sure which package to get it from. Also is there any more "correct" way to install autotools other than to just add them all manually? (autoconf, autobuild, libtool, etc.)
<steveeJ> infinisil: did you get the gist of labshell's use-case while you looked at the code? are you aware of something that already exists to extend nix-shell in this way?
<catern> is there any good method for doing a nix-copy-closure or something like that from an Ansible playbook?
<Mic92> kuznero: I can't name you any, maybe you can look at the git history. If you think you need something, you can contribute.
<Mic92> kuznero: I am not aware of something, nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/dotnetfx40 generated manually I think
<kuznero> Mic92: I couldn't find corefx at all as a package in nixpkgs. So, I thought it was never there... I guess it would be nice to try to do something similar to what is there for Haskell packages for different ghc versions.
<cransom> it would be dependent on something have asked for and gotten a dns reply. if that doesn't happen, it would never proceed.
<infinisil> yeah something like that
<clever> ah yeah, i remember something about nix checking the length with stat
<DiThi> also I lost connection for a while, not sure if someone said something
<DiThi> am I missing something obvious?
<steveeJ> I'd test the system thoroughly, it sounds like something else is wrong
<infinisil> hyper_webirc: I mean for debugging, because if the same setup works without crypto, then the crypto broke it. If it still does'nt work, you're probably doing something wrong yourself
<infinisil> ij: Because this doesn't work if you set the NIX_PATH to something other than the default
<infinisil> This seems like something clever could give more info on
<sphalerite> fgaz: right, that does sound like something that would be useful as a system service then :)
<xd1le> yeah something like overlays but for modules would be splendid imo ✨
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: dce = if pkgs ? ns3 then something else pkgs.dce;
<hyper_ch> clever: I think something's wrong with zfs encryption.... it keeps detecting files it can't repair.. already done 2 installs now
<sphalerite> vaibhavsagar: I know it does test it, but it shouldn't need to. Maybe a --no-enforce-exists option or something would be nice


<blackiwid> something seems to be off with the kodi binary package file structure
<Dezgeg> once _that_ works, make it cleaner with overrideAttrs or something on the kernel expressions
<akavel[m]> This seems to be fixed in gcc6 or something
<akavel[m]> so that maybe something could nudge me in right direction
<akavel[m]> I.e. a new/different CPU architecture or something like this
<akavel[m]> @all: did anybody have success defining a brand new cross-compilation target in nixos and building something for it?
<gchristensen> did it break something?
<MichaelRaskin> (Careful people not under duress preferring CLI would obviously use something less glittery, like FreeBSD or GNU/Linux)
<MichaelRaskin> If you want something fancier than just dropping everything into a VCS.
<avn> sphalerite: bind-mount .nix-profile to something local?
<sphalerite> Can anyone think of something I might have missed?
<avn> nh2: well, sometimes top parent of x session is not usually a WM, sometimes it something third. (I abused it, when implement kiosk -- session quits when main app quits)
<Dezgeg> but there's no need to do that unless you write something invalid to nix.conf since everything can be overwritten with --option on the command line anyway...
<goibhniu> savage: is it something that would be worth adding to nixpkgs?
<nh2> hyper_ch: they seem to have something for businesses that says up to 10 gbit/s here: https://www.init7.net/en/access/business-optical-service/; I can saturate the 1gbit easily with deploying new nixops machines over ssh
<fusion809> Hmm, well it gives you a long list but I wanted something I could actually query. But I suppose there isn't something like that for nox? Besides, of course, searching the GitHub repos
<MichaelRaskin> A Debian package would need to first get an ACK for non-FHS-friendly /nix/ directory… Instead of /opt/nix/ or something.
<sphalerite> It's for the users that perform the builds, not the ones that request builds, and will result in all your processes getting killed if you're running the daemon and try to build something
<adisbladis> sphalerite: I was looking for something suitable for my prompt to indicate I'm in a nix-shell
<Moredread> nixy: yes, also downloading a tarball, just to try something out will not work as on other distros
<Moredread> otwieracz: I've been running nixos as my main desktop OS since may and I'm very happy as an ex-arch user. I'm in the process of migrating my server(s) to nixos, e.g. as I had massiv issues with keeping my gitlab install uptodate. With nixos I'm much more comfortable, to try a complex setup again, as I have yet to encounter an issue where something really broke, while I constantly had to tweak my ansible/docker
<otwieracz> Does it changed? Is this possible to have some overlays, or something?
<otwieracz> But there was something wrong about it and in result it was not used at all.
<alp> yeah worst case you could use something like "use-package" in your emacs config to have emacs itself install your favorite packages if they're not installed yet.


<alp> that would get emacs and the emacs packages through nix, but it's probably the easiest way to get to something that works
<csingley> You might want to name it something other than "nixos" unless you want to upgrade the whole OS to unstable
<glaebhoerl> I get the feeling that for some reason it still wants to use the old channel or something, is there anything I could've done previously to cause that? and/or any way I can check if that's the case? (I did see it downloading the 17.09 channel, multiple times, and it's there in the list, and the hash seems good, so presumably that's not the issue...)
<glaebhoerl> the fact that it's for all 3 of the new ones makes me suspect it's not just some coincidence and I might be doing something stupid, but right now I can't see what
<moet> i'm looking for something maybe more minimal, but just thought i'd ask in this channel
<cement> something I had to do was nix-env -e vim
<xd1le> because with -I you'd at least have to download an entire archive of nixpkgs or something
<clever> doing a garbage collection and installing something thinner should help
<hyper_webirc> (or something like that=
<xd1le> clever: does something like "/dev/sda" sound okay?
<hyper_webirc> Mic92: I still tend to think that encfs or something is better as dataset instead of "root" :)
<ertes-w> disasm: that's not the point… i need to do something *new* and debug it when it fails
<ertes-w> it's really annoying to need a separate boot medium every time something goes wrong in the initramfs
<infinisil> hodapp: Oh that sucks, I'll be keeping an eye out if I ever need to use VBox for something for intricate
<hodapp> after disasm had mercy on one of my incessant 1 AM profanity-filled rants and told me to just use something else
<disasm> kuznero: by first glance seems like something is trying use network during build.
<etu> maiksen: Should just be to format as msdos partition table and use grub or something, that works for me on systems that doesn't support uefi
<aw> BTW: You have _no_ idea how hard it is to drag something to boot that's kicking and screaming… NixOS ISO won't boot on MacBook because f*ck you so after many failed attempts with other Linux ISOs (ArchLinux being my favourite but also failing) I booted Ubuntu to install GRUB on hard disk to boot OS X from CD to make it the boot default to be able to load the NixOS USB key manually via this GRUB.
<MichaelRaskin> catern: «nix-store -r» normalizes the argument more than you could expect. And prints the result. And if something is already in store, realisation is a no-op (although with some DB reading)
<catern> well, I was hoping for something else :)
<Ralith> npm2nix is dead, unless something changed
<pmade> During a package postInstall, the network seems to be unavailable. Is that by design or am I doing something wrong? (read: how do I run something like `npm install` in a postInstall?)


<cement> what type of thing is something enclosed in two single quotes, eg. ''words here with newlines''
<infinisil> if there was something like that already i think
<infinisil> or am i missing something
<sphalerite> It's just that if the nix isn't there on the target machine you can't use nix on the target machine to get nix on the target machine! You have to bootstrap it somehow, be it through a tarball or rsync or whatever. Either way you're copying something over
<obadz> and some closure of something? or just Nix?
<infinisil> rycee: I kinda really need it is the thing. I need something to write my notes with (want to use org-mode), i need some IDE-like thing to learn Rust, the same for Idris (whose emacs support is great, and I've used that before)
<clever> catern: you could make your own tarball, ive done something similar in my kexec tool
<catern> clever: I mean, that is exactly what I am using now, it's just that I want something cleaner and more reproducible and nicer than, copy a tarball over and run a script
<roni> tokudan[m]: that's not the right solution but it's just a starting point - i don't know who invokes llvm-config but you could try to track that by running the build phases manually or something
<roni> tokudan[m]: to really hack it, you could experiment with using nix-shell to drop into a build environment, then look at LD_LIBRARY_PATH or something
<Judson> clever, it seems like I want mlocate to be meta.priority = 10; or something.
<roni> tokudan[m]: i assume the clang lib files are supposed to be somewhere and maybe your build environment just didn't ask for that location or something
<roni> i wonder if it's masking or something
<clever> Cale: the only way to check the key is to download something from it, and you need to know the hash of something it has to do so
<lejonet> What is the proper way of configuring pam stuff? security.pam.<option> seems to be the wrong way according to nixops, says it cannot find like security.pam.logFailures or security.pam.enableAppArmor, is it system something or?
<Leo`> The postfix module adds systemPackages = [ pkgs.postfix ]; but as far as I understand it the postfix module does not compiles with LDAP by default. How can I make the module add the package with like postfix { withLDAP = true; } or something?
<sphalerite> iqubic_: with something like xmonad the easier option is probably to write a .xsession script to start it
<infinisil> do you have something in ~/.xsession and/or ~/.xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux ?
<iqubic> Oh, right. I do recall that. Something about your xmobar config being wrong.
<sirkha> first time i have forced nixos to configure something
<sirkha> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at undefined position
<clever> it might be something you installed into $HOME
<sirkha> iqubic, I am also getting those, saw something in here recently mentioning it isn't important
<AllanDaemon[m]> I suppose something like adding the package name in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix` with some set like `{featureX=true}` or `{version='the.version')`.
<iqubic> Is there something else I'm missing?


<mpickering> I have had to package a few libraries to build something else, does everything get added into nixpkgs or is there some relevance criteria?
<sirkha> hi, all, i have been having some issues with icons and I noticed that the hicolor-icon-theme folder in the nix store is completely empty, this doesn't seem normal, did i do something wrong?
<makefu> something like this is definitly missing right now :)
<tilpner> taaperotassu - But if you want something *right now*, here's an old gist of a previous version of it: https://gist.github.com/tilpner/a2131b0244b21dc650e19cdb36d04577
<rycee> Eisfreak7: In principle it shouldn't be too much work to get something minimal up and running though. Mainly to create a NixOS module that can use the Home Manager modules as a submodule within the `users.users.<name?>` namespace, tweak nixos-rebuild to also build the Home Manager generations, and add the HM generation switchs to the NixOS activation script.
<tilpner> Eisfreak7 - I have something like that, implemented with an overlay
<Eisfreak7> In my configuration.nix, I have something like `let unstable = import <unstable> {}; in { nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; environment.systemPackages = (with unstable; [ spotify ]);`. However, nix still won't install spotify because of its unfree license. Why does the setting not apply for the unstable channel?
<bennofs> gchristensen: i think that vuln was not something special to NixOS or something that applies now, but an example of the kind of other vulnerabilities that can become exploitable only in the presence of SETUID binaries
<lejonet> Yeah, but setuid can be replaced my caps, which is easier to police, thus if something can use both, I prefer them using caps to cover the area they needed the setuid for
<emanuelez> LnL, disasm: btw.. I'm running this from within the nixos/nix docker image... maybe that has something to do with it
<emanuelez> my problem is that I would like to install clang5 but: 1) only 4.1 is available in the most recent channels 2) clang5 seems to be available here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/5. I'm sure I'm missing something. any hint?
<sphalerite> you can do something like that
<v0lZy> something I'll need to get my head around... I like the nix abstraction but I also like to know where things are under the hood
<hyper_ch> v0lZy: each packages gets a /nix/store/[some hash thingy]/ path automagically... if in that path you create then a $out/bin path and put something in there there, it will the be symlinked from /run/current-system/sw/bin/
<v0lZy> how can i then configure it with configuration.nix file... I imagine i have to somewhere define that something = enable is a boolean, and that it means to write 'something something = true' or whatever in some config file somewhere?
<v0lZy> archlinux has pacman -Ss something
<hyper_ch> the idea is I don't want the active server to write something onto the backup server in case some script got mixed up etc...
<hyper_ch> ah.... that's something totally different :)
<tilpner> ee1943 - Correction: kate did not actually pick up my theme, that was something else
<gchristensen> tilpner: if nix has already something matching the output hash, it won't rebuild a fixed output derivation


<Nobabs27[m]> tilpner: I don't see a firefox-bin in the package search thing? or did you mean something else?
<LnL> I seem to recall something about disk size, but it might have been for an extra disk
<aanderse> yeah... maybe kernel or video driver updated or something
<sphalerite> oh hey there's actually something almost useful in the journal
<Leo`> Could it have something to do with containers...? Since they share the host network namespace? That'd be weird but...
<Leo`> Something must be wrong...
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: because the extension pack is proprietary software and legally can't be distributed something something
<Leo`> hyper_ch: Well I'm just afraid to break something.
<sphalerite> That must mean that either you can read, or you have someone or something that can read for you
<sphalerite> Also I'm impressed that you managed to type all that stuff at the interactive prompt x) I would have just stuck it in a file and done :l relation.nix or something
<ben> oh anyway i think i'm missing a bunch of gstreamer plugins, do we only package a subset or something?
<srhb> You'll want to add one and name it nixpkgsunstable or something


<tilpner> (But repartitioning to something bigger wouldn't be a bad idea, longterm)
<sphalerite> (And resolve the ref to something that won't change over time)
<sphalerite> Like adding its bin directory to PATH, adding include to NIX_CFLAGS or something like that, etc
<iqubic> Also infinisil_ can I clone your fork of home manager and try out the xmonad module? Do you have a guide as to what options are availible? Something like a man page would be nice?
<Infinisil_> Well, i just bombed my system with something related to it, soo..
<joepie91> infinisil: strange. I'm not sure how to check this, but something may be opening an unreasonable amount of sockets to pa?
<joepie91> in particular something like a loopback
<MichaelRaskin> Also, the throw should be something that a surprised user copy-pastes into IRC and everyone immediately goes asking «so what command did you run to evaluate the entire NixPkgs and what you wanted to achieve»
<MichaelRaskin> ### AARGH do not try to evaluate all NixPkgs if you are not Hydra or something
<MichaelRaskin> AAAARGHDoNotTryToEvaluateAllNixPkgs = throw "AARGH do not try to evaluate all NixPkgs if you are not Hydra or something";
<srhb> I bet something will break from that. :-P
<whald_> MichaelRaskin, for me the mouse pointer itself is fine, it seems to affect only the hovering effects KDE does in some places, which get decorated with something i'd describe as very low bitrate compression artifacts. currently i find it more interesting han annoying. currently. :-)
<xd1le> Wondering if I'm doing something wrong here.
<hyper_ch> whald_: no, that's just for some database stuff... you could migrate that to something newer but not rever anymore... stuff like mariadb if things change.... as far as I know


<infinisil> pie_: If you want to persist something you need a gcroot to refer to it
<infinisil> something like --delete-every-generation
<clever> so something is rooting them
<clever> pie_: next, find something fat from that listing that you dont want, and run nix-store --query --roots against it
<catern> is it replaced by something else?
<infinisil> or am i missing something here
<Sonarpulse> (name is something like that)
<srhb> iqubic: you can use fetchFromGitHub however you like, if you can coerce the result into something that that parameter will accept.
<srhb> iqubic: If you're using channels, something like nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade
<adelbertc> My current thinking is to add an additional Nix build step in my Nix build that does something like docker load + docker save (which presumably gets me the actual Docker image format) and then upload that instead
<infinisil> I know how I can do it, but it's rather cumbersome, I think I'm missing something
<makefu> Mic92: yes exactly, but maybe for testing the raspi3 i have is fast enough (after i've replaced the sd-card with something faster than class-4)
<superherointj> Lately I am learning oCaml because it is good for Unikernels. And I already use Docker containers. But setting up my Desktop environment has always been painful. I am usually afraid of installing something new and screwing up everything I had done so far.
<clever> and this is something not working right...
<whald> so can i just "nix-env -i ..." something and say "but give me that package from channel X"?
<sphalerite> Maybe the bridge missed leave events or something
<bkchr> makefu: Yeah, I already found this information. Maybe something broke with python3 or so
<kuznero> Am I missing something - perhaps it shouldn't be uid:33 and gid:33 on the host? How do I find uid:gid that I need to set permissions on the host?
<richierich_> clever: can something equivalent be done directly from the commandline?
<clever> and i think he mentioned something about running it
<iqubic> I don't need that exact font, just something with plenty of built-in font-awesome symbols.
<iqubic> Or I can do something like what you do with fonts.
<iqubic> Also, I need to figure out my fonts. I need something with Powerline support baked in.
* jsgrant likes the meetup image; Lamflake should have been skewed/angled though to look more-like a nest or something. :^)
<iqubic> boxofrox: No, I meant something like programs.chromium.xxx.xyz


<kkini> Does NixOS have something like Debian's popcon?
<MichaelRaskin> iqubic: nix-collect-garbage -d kills all unused generations and runs a GC (removes Nix packages not referenced from any GC root, like generation of NixOS or profile or something)
<rui> Is Docker something that could allow me to get into a standard linux environment where I could install and run robustly any software that I still haven't found a way to get working on NixOS?
<gandreani> MichaelRaskin: Yeah but you could change something depended by a lot of things and get a nice little chain reaction, no?
<clever> Mic92: i'm writing something very close to that right now
<iqubic> Is that something to be concerned with?
<infinisil> iqubic: Yeah, but you only need to rerun this when you want to change something
<infinisil> iqubic: Just something that's working, doesn't need to be much, you can change anything you like later
<hyper_ch> I like to use luks because then everything is encrypted and I don't have to worry if something important is encrypted or not
<kkini> I feel like I'd usually rather the OOM killer eat something than have my laptop hang up due to swapping
<infinisil> hmm, i saw something like this, but i have no idea how to do taht
<infinisil> but yes, firefox sync server is something nice
<hyper_ch> as said, the syncserver is something that ff has over chromium :)
<hyper_ch> start display-manager something
<ocharles> ok, this one seems to be doing something
<srhb> Probably want bs=2M or something as well
<catern> using nix-prefetch-url or something else outside the sandbox?
<sphalerite> or you could do something like nix-shell -p '(import ~/nixpkgs2 {}).lua52Packages.cjson.shellHook'
<sphalerite> fearlessKim: nix doesn't expand the ~, so you need to use something like -I nixpkgs=$HOME/nixpkgs2
* goibhniu has no experience, but would love to get something that will work well with NixOS
<iqubic> How does that differ from something like .vimrc
<hyper_ch> (except when they break something with a new release)
<joehh> I'd like to be able to do something like stdenv.system in nix-repl


<joepie91> Mic92: one moment, noticing something else that seems off
<joepie91> Mic92: I copied changes selectively, not sure if I might have missed something
* joepie91 feels like he's forgetting something
<joepie91> (I feel like I'm overlooking something very obvious here)
<adelbertc> nah, Kubernetes just doesnt seem to like the tarball. at least not with my naive way of trying to get it to do something
<clever> yegortimoshenko: nixpkgs does other things that youll loose if you override buildPhase, like -j handling and something else
<davidak> yegortimoshenko: you can do something like this to reference to the package conent https://github.com/davidak/nixos-config/blob/e30444489a0edfe9fd4141c538032dffa931320c/binary/configuration.nix#L139
<nixer> Can anyone tell me how to use nix build in 1.12, I just want to run something like "nix build ./nixpkgs -A gerrit", but the -A flag is unrecognized.
<detran> mount claims that it's mounted at /mnt/boot, but there's nothing there. should there be something there?
<joepie91> at best you could have something like `makeBundlerWrapper $out/share/msf/$i ${env}/bin/bundle ${ruby}/bin/ruby`
<joepie91> Mic92: any chance this Nix-binstub-generation code could be abstracted into something like a nixpkgs library function? I don't know if the workings of Ruby stuff are consistent enough for it to work the same everywhere
<joepie91> makefu: these are binstubs, right? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/tools/security/metasploit/default.nix#L38-L45 -- is there any particular reason why they can't be generated by bundler? (I vaguely recall something about bundler being able to generate binstubs)
<mpickering> I am trying to install "nslookup" which should be in the "bind" package, typing "nix-shell -p bind" doesn't make nslookup available, am I doing something wrong?
<ocharles> mudphone: that happens when you `nix-build` something
<mudphone> apparently they are the result of `sudo nixos-rebuilt test`... is this something I can safely remove?
<etu> And if you're on a live-iso I guess you have to do nixos-install or something like that
<richierich_> etu: after adding this line can I just restart? or do I need to do something else
<clever> bulldog: oh, and double check pkgs/all-packages/python something
<sellout-> So, I recently saw something about setting up shellAliases like `"stack" = "${pkgs.tree}/bin/stack --nix";` so you don’t need to have a package pre-installed for the alias to work.
<boomshroom> Did something with Steam change without the manual getting updated?


<Infinisil> or something like that
<lejonet> with fudging with pam or something own built?
<VLetrmx> Am I missing something?
<yegortimoshenko> i see, thank you gchristensen, LnL, i'll see if it is, and if it isn't, i'll see what i can do... perhaps it's just a timestamp inside .jar or something like that
<ertes-w> err, for some reason my NixOS QEMU guest can't start X11: no suitable screens found… am i missing something? i did not configure services.xserver.videoDrivers
<bendlas> S0rin: just running curl to download something should trigger it .. let me verify
<S0rin> awi_2: And the override section in you config is not the not sure exactly what it exactly override in the end try something more spectific
<Judson> Something very wrong when Nix lives and dies by clever's presence :)
<Judson> Something about callPackage?
<joehh> is there something "standard" I could be missing?


<eacameron> bgamari: Hm. I'm not sure then. IIRC I've seen something like this before too but it's been too long to remember what I did
<Denommus> pie_: one of the reasons git was conceived was to prevent something like BitKeeper from happening
<Sonarpulse> should I be able to use NIX_BUILD_HOOK=false or something