
<pie_> how do i do something = import <...> {}; with a path in place of ...?
<d1rewolf> does nixos-container use docker, lxc or something else? and is it possible to run a gui environment easily in a container created by nixos-container?
<siraben> And something broke along the way


<das_j> Is there a GitHub issue or something?
<samueldr> and uh, if someone did something bad and added "g++" as an attribute it would be -p '"g++"' AFAICT
<RetardedOnion> when nix-rebuild compiles something, where can i specify max used threads?
<nschoe> I remember asking here, but I cannot find it back, and I think there's something tricky going on with the Arudino IDE under nixOS
<sir_guy_carleton> the kde-plasma5 displays system box instantly crashes on me; has anybody else encounted something similar?
<samueldr> tenten8401: I have something to test if you still have the `because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin` error
<tilpner> Did I do something wrong, or does nixos-generate-config fail to populate boot.initrd.mdadmConf?
<d1rewolf> I can imagine many ways of rolling your own with nix, but curious if something already exists I'm not aware of
<selfsymmetric-mu> siraben: Weirdly enough I don't think you can set your channel in your configuration.nix. I've always found that a bit odd. I mean that seems like something that you'd want to define, instead of relying on some state outside of your configuration. :/
<siraben> Something about priority errors
<d1rewolf> ben, ah...I think you're right. something lingering from older nixos iirc?
<d1rewolf> I'm betting you have to :l something, but not sure what
<d1rewolf> what's the appropriate configuration.nix setting to specify a user's shell as something other than bash?
<siraben> And it said something about tasks/filesystems/exfat.nix
<Akii> do I have to do something special in `server.js`?
<Akii> manveru so what is the bin if there is no bin? :S My yarn package is not something executable
<siraben> But not every time I install something
<i-am-the-slime> I suspect that's because it tries to build with ghc 8.4.3 instead of 8.2.2 or something.
<manveru> so something like `nix build nixpkgs.hello; nix-env -i ./result`
<infinisil> ,callPackage = If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<{^_^}> callPackage redefined, was defined as: If a Nix file ./foo.nix starts with something like `{ bar, baz }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<{^_^}> nlyy: If a Nix file ./foo.nix starts with something like `{ bar, baz }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<GiGa|Laptop> nlyy: something down here:
<sophiag> let me try to update. i think srhb is on to something
<Jason_Grossman> You might say that something that's true can't be unlikely - interesing philosophical topic.
<sphalerite> Anyway, chances are that when a lot of memory is free, either A) you only started the system recently, B) you recently ran something that consumed a lot of RAM, C) (unlikely) you really don't use a lot of RAM
<sphalerite> Jason_Grossman: but why would you want to use it for something other than swap?
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: I think the problem with a GUI installer would be that you HAVE to understand your configuration.nix, so there's something to be said for making you edit it from the get go. OTOH, I would love it if there was a GUI installer that did disk partitioning for you.
<siraben> Something along those lines
<clever> angerman: so if you try something, push, then try again, it wont re-check the binary cache
<samueldr> clever: I needed `strings` for something, this brings the whole binutils-unwrapped, piece-by-piece busybox would have helped me in that case
<clever> or windows is doing something seriously wrong, and can only use 10% of my cpu's power :P
<clever> so either linux is doing something seriously wrong


<sphalerite> I mean, if you had any postgres databases or something they might be hosed? idk, don't blame me if anything is horribly broken :p
<sophiag> i have something like the cap theorem with current versions of nixos, this laptop's graphics chips, and the actual packages i need :(
<selfsymmetric-mu> Only one corrupted path. It's from something I installed pretty recently (Emacs PDF Tools) so that can't be it.
<selfsymmetric-mu> Is there something other than `journalctl` that might record fatal errors?
<sphalerite> selfsymmetric-mu: well if you have to run something to trigger the crash, yes
<selfsymmetric-mu> But simply having a text console wouldn't be sufficient, right? Surely I'd have to be running something?
<infinisil> nh2: Heh thanks, that might be something
<sphalerite> so if you could make a gist of it or something
<fresheyeball> it blorks out a mess of dubstep or something
<jtojnar> to disable hardware compositioning or something
<zduch4c> jtojnar: well it has something to do with python gtkspell in stable
<dhess> some kind of rescue ISO or something where there are very few processes running
<clever> sphalerite: ok, something very fishy is going on with my desktop....
<takeda> anyway once I have something that works well I will open source it
<clever> takeda: something like pypi2nix?
<manveru> for that i usually do something along the lines of `mkdir -p $out/tmp; cp -r $src $out/tmp; chmod -R +w $out/tmp; do_stuff; rm -rf $out/tmp`
<tenten8401> tilpner: yeah, I feel like the json route would be the way to go for something like this
<tenten8401> I was thinking of making a program that could manipulate a configuration.nix from a GUI of some sorts, would hnix be my best option for something like that or would exporting to json probably work alright?
<sphalerite> tenten8401: your best bet if you want something properly powerful and reliable is probably hnix
<sphalerite> ghasshee: for building stuff in nix what clever said will be enough. On non-nix systems you'll probably need to do some pkg-config stuff or something
<jD91mZM2> There was something about nix-env -u updating using names instead of attributes, but I can't find it
<infinisil> The regex thing is something conceptually totally different
<tilpner> (I'm hoping for something magic like __functor)
<zgrep> Hmmm. Maybe it was using something cached in /nix/store?
<zgrep> Hm. Could the fact that I'm running nix on Alpine Linux have something to do with it?
<d1rewolf> i'm missing something here
<d1rewolf> iqubic, ok, so that gives you something to work with. good luck ;-)
<srk> don't know really, removal of eslint and addition of fzf doesn't sound like something that memory heavy
<d1rewolf__> or something else?
<d1rewolf__> so importing the full path works, but I'd like to avoid symlinks to something in my home directory. is there anything wrong with storing it somewhere like /etc/nixos-setup?
<srk> no, that's something different
<zgrep> manveru: No, it pulls in Qt libraries and whatnot. I tried initially setting the rpath, but it wasn't happy with nix's version of Qt, or something like that. Their precompiled .so files that they shipped seem to not work if I add them to the rpath (maybe they expect things to follow the FHS?). So my next step was to wallow around a bit, and I ended up manually making a chroot and running it in that. Until I found out that nix can do
<sophiag> i had to check the pci ports for optimus and the nvidia 960m is listed as "3D something" whereas intel is VGA...
<etu> srhb: wow, yeah, running fans on max is something nvidia-cards likes to do whenever they don't get the driver
<srhb> So I have to do something like... optirun "sleep 200"
<manveru> changing the default is something we should do for 18.09...
<sphalerite> sophiag: Graham recently enabled something that improved speeds significantly for most of Asia and Oceania
<srhb> (Or something to that extent)
<tertle||eltret> liek KDE base or something?
<sophiag> my current hypothesis (and the first new one i've had on this issue for a while) is that wayland is the issue and something switching to it caused these problems
<samueldr> so unless you need something from grub (which has more features) both are equivalent
<samueldr> okay, uh, "something in the store" everything is in the store, and with a hashed path, so it's not much help :$
<samueldr> when did you see "something fail"?
<tertle||eltret> something like that
<tertle||eltret> something in the store
<acowley> hodapp: Do you have NIX_BUILD_CORES set to something interesting in the environment?
<samueldr> I'm not a hydra expert, but AFAIUI, it isn't really built in a way where something specific can be queued up
<PyroLagus> samueldr: but you don't *have* to update that something else at the same time, right?
<samueldr> PyroLagus: what often happens is that *something else* changed around the same time :(


<johnw> I guess that's easy enough to solve using ~/.cache/nix or something
<dhess> Is your goal to be able to point hnix and nixpkgs as-is and ask it to build something?
<infinisil> clever: Doesn't seem to work, unless I got something wrong
<infinisil> When I compile something with gcc and it needs a header file <CL/cl.h> from opencl-headers, I pass -IOpenCL to it. What env var do I need to set for it to find those headers?
<bennofs> maybe we should do something about channel evaluation taking ~8g of memory. isn't that a bit too much?
<manveru> neonfuz: not that i know of... something like 2018-07-20 should be fine anyway
<kiloreux> infinisil, I am mainly talking about the case where I want to avoid building next time. (new disk or something like that). Would that be feasible you think /
<dhess> looking at the nat.nix module, it looks like this is something that's done automagically. I just want to confirm that or figure out if there's something I'm missing
<infinisil> I think clever recently answered something like that
<clever> d1rewolf_: run something like sed over the script to insert ${pkgs.i3blocks}/libexec/i3blocks into the script
<maurer> If you're in the context of nixos, it might be possible to write something that caused the postgresql module to start under a user unit of systemd
<manveru> i was kinda hoping for something like using the nixos module to generate the config only
<samueldr> you probably have something similar to what I use then
<booglewoogle> nlyy: am i right in that there are something like sub-channels? cause two hashes
<d1rewolf> or should I be using the sfdisk or something else?
<angerman> `let repeat = n: c: c + (if n == 1 then c else repeat (n - 1) c); in repeat 10 "c"` something like this...
<srhb> angerman: Euhm, not sure. Might also have something to do with who is trusted to specify builders? Though if it's already trusted, I don't think that's it...
<etu> yeah, and you probably have 2.0 something on your system
<srhb> joehh: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#ssec-stdenv-functions -- so something like find . -type f -exec substituteInPlace {} \; --replace foo "${nixvar}"
<Rovanion> srhb: That looks attended, I want something which applies security updates to my system once per night without me having to do anything.
<hodapp> what is the magical incantation I can never find to make something build just the dependencies a given package needs, and drop me into an environment where I can go through the build phases?
<goibhniu> hyper_ch2 maybe something like: python3Packages.opencv3
<srhb> Lots of failed to resolve something, it seems it's still trying to use the network.
<sphalerite> so do something similar, except spawn a shell with stdio on a socket (in /build) or something that you can then attach to from outside (/build inside corresponds to /tmp/nix-build-foo outside usually)
<sphalerite> or something
<angerman> srhb: so there must be something very specific on how that nixbld runs that very invocation.
<hyper_ch2> something's not good with github here
<iqubic> What is the command I use to find out how long various things took during start-up? I think it's like systemd-blame or something.


<LnL> instead of nix-shell -E with multiple failed attempts at writing something too complicated for a single line you can mess around in the repl and start a shell once you have something that works
<nh2> how can that be? If something doesn't build because of that kind of error, it shouldn't be in haskellPackages in the first place, right?
<nh2> infinisil: here's something I don't understand: When trying to build the packages, I get e.g.
<nh2> Dagger: the suspicion is that CloudFront or something else is being slow on v6; in general my IPv6 works pretty well I think
<nh2> LnL: can I convince nix to use v6 instead? Was there some curl env var or something?
<samueldr> if you need something from unstable, you can use it on stable
<samueldr> well, nixos could be described as hybrid rolling, unless I missed something about rolling
<RetardedOnion> irc is something to get into. not everyone is doing it. especially because its more complicated than telegram/gnu ring.
<samueldr> RetardedOnion: when something is at an older version, it can be for different reasons, but the most common is "nobody got around to it yet"
<RetardedOnion> samueldr: ok... is there an rss feed for manual interventions required? or something similiar?
<samueldr> if something went wrong, the same mechanisms allowing you to boot into a previous generation work
<srk> hyper_ch: sounds like something race-y
<{^_^}> booglewoogle: If a Nix file ./foo.nix starts with something like `{ bar, baz }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<booglewoogle> i'm curious about something else: how would I have to change the 'expression' i linked (https://pastebin.com/rH4exQgx), which I suspect actually isn't one, so i can simply call nix-shell or nix-build on it with the same result? i ask this to further my understanding of nix itself
<muzzy__> the package isnt available in the nix repo. I have to install by other means. I heard something about using nix-shell but if thats only for development...
<sphalerite> Henson: failing that, you could build it with nix and tar up the closure of the resulting path, then deploy that. If you can't create /nix on the target machine, you may want to look into something like nix-bundle
<samueldr> I'm not running unstable, so I couldn't confirm for 18.09+ if something broke :/
<grp> is the overlays-compat hack still working? or something changed since then that broke it?
<sphalerite> xinming: get the build not to use the home directory, or if that doesn't work, do something like `export HOME=$PWD` in the derivation
<xinming> yea, I know, the build tries to install something to .zef dir
<sphalerite> xinming: something in a derivation trying to use $HOME
<fresheyeball> something like that?
<infinisil> Oh, but allowBroken would be something too
<infinisil> So lib.traceVal also prints something?
<nh2> infinisil: I'd expect it to trace something at some point
<dhess> elvishjerricco: I recently saw something about that. Do you have any example repos where you use it?
<infinisil> i-am-the-slime: You'll have to fix that dependency by overriding it with a fix for it (which might be something you just did here with adding git to buildInputs)
<grp> I've managed to define a package, then put it in an system-wide (/etc/nixos/overlays/) overlay and I'm happy that nix-env and other commands see it just fine, but I can't seem to use anything from the overlays inside configuration.nix. I've already followed https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Overlays#On_the_system_level and https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-overlays, but seems I'm missing something. I've thought of
<infinisil> i-am-the-slime: Then just do something like `overrideAttrs (old: { buildInputs = old.buildInputs ++ [ pkgs.git ]; })`
<tenten8401> am I doing this wrong or something?
<tilpner> irc12286 - Maybe strace it to see if it's still doing something?
<goibhniu> hyper_ch2 they use tweaked barebones laptops made by http://www.clevo.com ... Tuxedo can usually get other models too, in case you fancy something else.
<srhb> xinming: Note, this is not a completely trivial technique, not something that second-day-users tend to try!
<srhb> xinming: Sure. On a high level: Fetch moar as a separate source and point the configure script at that local source. It will look something like
<vaibhavsagar> clever: the error with nix-build is something like `What, run() returned!`
<vaibhavsagar> with `nix-build`, something in the build fails
<srhb> If you need git during the build something's probably wrong.
<chrrles> oh nice - i did something productive today
<chrrles> i wonder if there is something missing in the documentation
<kalbasit> I think it's something like `nix-build $NIXPKGS -A haskellPackaegs.greenclip` given NIXPKGS a path, I'll try that
<fresheyeball> so I need to know how to override, so I can do something like that
<cocreature> maybe just run something like "cabal test || true"?
<angerman> Can I specify which remote builder I want something to be built on?
<mightybyte> srk: Now I'm seeing something weird. That error I was getting before (error: opening file '[': No such file or directory) on nixos-rebuild switch...I'm not getting it on other commands like a simple nix-env -i


<elvishjerricco> samueldr: Maybe something from my session is hanging somehow and causing the connection to never actually disconnect?
<elvishjerricco> When I log out, something on my system disconnects my headset. Usually, I'll hear the disconnection tone on the headset. When I log out with them connected and don't hear that tone, that's when I stop being able to connect (after logging back in of course)
<samueldr> though, *something* could have happened that acts like when you logout
<adelbertc> or are you talking about something else
<kalbasit> the unstable channel is stuck :( https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/trunk-combined/tested#tabs-constituents NFS tests got fixed but something else broke lol
<LnL> adelbertc: and doing stuff afterwards with docker build might get tricky (if that's something you need to do)
<sphalerite> wpcarro: as for shell config (aliases, functions, zsh settings), that's something you *can* build with nix but which may not make much sense to.
<sphalerite> wpcarro: brew installs probably not, since package management is something nix does rather well itself
<wpcarro> I'm considering converting my dotfiles into a nix expression, but I'm wondering if this is something that Nix is good for? My gut says yes, but before I undertake everything, I wanted to consult the experts first. Trying to support things like alias and function defns, zsh settings, brew installs, etc
<sphalerite> so something like buildImage { fromImage = buildImage …; uid = 1234; gid = 1234; }
<maurer> "Apart from the base code, Oracle JDK includes, Oracle’s implementation of Java Plugin and Java WebStart. Also includes third party closed source and open source components like graphics rasterizer and Rhino respectively." I'll bet this has something to do with it
<samueldr> (or something along the lines)
<d1rewolf_> there must be something lingering in the parms set on this drive
<acowley> That PR with an 18% savings seems pretty great. I guess it's clear, though, that some amount of segmentation will be required. Something like: chunks of the nixpkgs graph are serialized and swapped out of RAM until needed.
<johnw> certainly something I want to optimize, though
<acowley> I was looking at the current hydra evaluation error (https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined#tabs-errors). It mentions an error when wanting to expand the heap by 10GB, and so I'm wondering, is RAM usage good given how big nixpkgs is, or is this something that could do with attention (beyond installing more RAM)?
<aminechikhaoui> pstn: I think I have that working now (if I didn't do something stupid :D )
<joepie91> milanos: it's worth googling for something like "sudo.extraRules defaults" or so, btw :) lots of people publish their system configs
<srk> something similar happened to me few weeks ago iirc
<infinisil> I don't see a mention of zramctl, but it seems to do something like that
<hodapp> oh, I thought it was referring to something kernel-level, didn't realize
<srk> I remeber something like that.. not sure how to prevent pulseaudio to take soundcard for itself automatically
<sphalerite> you could do something like head -c $(stat -c %s image.iso) /dev/sdX | sha256sum
<sphalerite> secure boot might be preventing it, or fast boot or something like that
<adamt> das_j: Make the comand output something and it should end up in the journal. Then you can at least verify that it ran.
<bkchr[m]> sphalerite: The logs do not indicate something.. I looked into strace
<wucke13> Is there something already available in the nixpkgs which dies autoformat etc. ?
<cocreature> le_jonge: I generally add a .ghci file that sets up ghc options (your are probably going to need at least something like ":set -isrc") and has a ":l test/Main.hs" or something like that at the end
<srhb> Or something else form top level nixpkgs
<srhb> so it becomes something crazy like...
<mightybyte> sphalerite: Ok, so the non-existent one does fail. But the reason I'm doing this at all is because I built something that should have been cached, but it didn't seem to be.
<mightybyte> Is there a way to try to fetch something from a cache without actually building it?
<sphalerite> or something like that
<tilpner> (And I've only heard bad things about CUDA on NixOS, if that's something you intend to use)
<le_jonge> clever: in which repo is the sourcecode of nix-shell (or is nix-shell just a wrapper script around something), if i want to learn from it?
<le_jonge> sphalerite: a separate attr/nixfile would be also fine for me. i am happy if i can do `nix-shell --pure --something --something` and have ghcid available although i don't have it installed systemwide
<le_jonge> i just want something like `if pkgs.lib.inNixShell then ( do something that adds ghcid and maybe other developer tools to the environment).env else drv`
<clever> create a nix file with something like this:
<clever> nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { something = super.something.override { hostname = config.networking.hostname; }; }) ];
<clever> and then in nixos, nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { something = super.something.override { doHadexThing = true; }; }) ];
<crmlt> Hi, i forgot... how I'm supposed to reference the package binary within configuration.nix to get its full path... It was something like "<nixpkgs.chgrp>" I just can't remember...
<tertle||eltret> idk like maybe something like that. im thinking about getting a linux cert for my resume and im just curious about it all
<samueldr> and if you're looking for certification for hardware/software, that's probably not something that's thought of...
<acowley> I'm updating Paraview, and it builds its own VTK, and at some point it wants to read some XML using a binary produced during the build, and that binary can't find a shared VTK library produced earlier in the build. There are many ways to skin this cat, but I'd prefer something genteel.


<logzet> (The guest additions iso is something else)
<sphalerite> if it fetches it from github or something then no
<LnL> __monty__: that's not the goal, I think they are great but what you're talking about is something that's a pretty weak spot in terms of documentation
<wpcarro> was afraid I had a bad install or something
<wpcarro> I was under the impression that nix was somehow bootstrapping itself or something
<sphalerite> wpcarro: the `su - nix` is for logging in as the test user which… I think was meant to be set up in pill 2 but maybe that got edited out at some point or something
<Dezgeg> deploy a new vm from that image or something
<manveru> maybe that gets compiled into something?
<mightybyte> How can I find out whether something would be cached without actually trying to build it?
<tenten8401> Can't tell if this is NixOS specific or not, but is anyone else having issues creating 64-bit wineprefixes with wine staging? I feel like the verison packaged might be 32-bit only or something because with WINEARCH=win64 it still continues to create 32-bit prefixes
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: did something with these 0's end up in the cache?
<Dezgeg> it's probably coming from an old EC2 image or something
<clever> so it must be doing something funky to allow that
<samueldr> oh, if it's not for a project, but for a tool to use in your day-to-day life, there's something else that should be done
<dhess> hyperkit-builder is better, though it is hard to come up with something that catpures exactly what it does, succinctly.
<Pneumaticat> would it be a good idea to run NixOps for a laptop? I find myself enticed by the idea of unifying my configuration, but also worried about if I need to install something while away from my home network, for example
<clever> d1rewolf_: then you need something else...
<nek0> infinisil: yes, but the maintainer of the package is unwilling/unable to do something about it.
<infinisil> gchristensen: Huh, either I didn't port it from factoids or I overwrote it with ,channels or something else
<clever> rydnr: it may help to read something like <setup.sh> and learn how the stdenv works
<nh2> clever: but there must be something that turns the generation of the `.a` file off manually, because it's not even in the .libs build directory after `make` on Ubuntu
<clever> 2018-07-17 11:53:19 < clever> drbrule: something like this would be a good start: export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/dae9cf6106d.tar.gz
<d1rewolf_> I really wish that nixos used something aside from Haskell. I understand the functional nature of haskell probably helps, but learning haskell just to hack on nixos is meh :-/
<pie_> slabity[m], or something.
<clever> drbrule: something like this would be a good start: export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/dae9cf6106d.tar.gz
<srhb> Unless you source filtering is something you want
<fgaz> Did you just hack into my machine or something? :D
<ma27> nh2: how about investigating these trees with something like `nix why-depends`
<dtz> haha I mean presumably they're needed w/glibc version too they were just happily cached already or something?
<dtz> but seems solvable if it's something folks would like
<nh2> comments must have been a bit out of fashion when `LOCALE_ARCHIVE` was added to `haskellSrc2nix` to fix ... something?
<Taneb> Separate to my hydra woes: writeShellScriptBin (from trivial-builders.nix in nixpkgs) fails for me with an error about something being a directory inexplicably
<nh2> elvishjerricco: do you know what it uses this locales stuff for? And can I comment it out or override something so that it doesn't?
<Taneb> So I think it's something trying to make that file can't
<Dezgeg> something like the readPathsFromFile function does?
<freusque> I'm trying to put something in nix.nixPath
<etu> rui: I guess that nixbld11 is present in /etc/group but not /etc/passwd or something like that
<adisbladis[m]> Something like that
<dramforever> I mean, how could we be still talking in plaintext in 2018 if it weren't because of something that old?
<etu> iqubic: yeah, something like that. I don't keep count of when I first met everyone I know :p
<iqubic> Or something. I'm really not too sure now.
<clever> then you want something that can cache the builds
<rotaerk> the fact that there was something in nixpkgs that was impacted by the environment bugs me
<iqubic> But yeah pressing and holding it to trigger a hard reboot is something my computer does automatically, regardless of the OS being used.
<rotaerk> Sounds like something that would create more problems than it would solve
<clever> rotaerk: same thing happened to me, it killed something dbus related and broke the entire gui
<dhess> it might be something you said a few months back
<clever> dhess: something i was thinking of today, is to make a nix expression so hydra builds my entire deployment
<rotaerk> dammit, don't introduce me to something that's going to make me hate what I'm currently using
<dhess> and I'm wondering if those who are using it just haven't upgraded to a recent nixpkgs with support for cross-compling, or something
<clever> revskill: its already building something, according to `ps aux`
<tobiasBora> clever: Hum... I should have a pretty recent version (I installed the rasperry pi something like 5 days ago)
<samueldr> though, probably something like `substituteInPlace src/CMakeLists.txt --replace "/lib/systemd/system" "$out/lib/systemd/system"` in postPatch


<lostman> infinisil: might try that. ultimately this derivation is a part of bigger whole that builds a docker image. so files to to `/usr/...` in the docker image. but I suppose I should put them in `$out/bin` `$out/include` in the derivation. what about something like `/usr/share` though? where do I put docs?
<jtojnar> I do not see how could it know about them unless it also checks D-Bus session bus or something
<nbathum> What is the proper way to express a runtime dependency on ld.so, the dynamic linker? something like adding "binutils" package to `buildInputs`?
<nbathum> Hi I'm a noob, trying to define a package from local git repo. I'm using `src = fetchGit ./.;` When the source is copied, they seem to all have a timestamp of '0' or something, which seems to cause an issue with the makefile targets
<typetetris> clever: yeah I tried ` nix-shell -p 'haskell.packages.ghc824.ghcWithHoogle (ps: [ ps.gi-gtk ])'` but now ListLike is too old again or something. Thanks for your time, maybe I try on nixos-unstable and then maybe I try to dig a little deeper.
<clever> typetetris: this is an example of something i did last week, loading a cabal file, with overrides to disable version constraints on tasty
<tenten8401> + you have the added benefit of being able to rollback if one of those patches messes something up (but they usually don't)
<kirchner> my default.nix looks something like `with import /home/kirchner/src/github.com/nixos/nixpkgs {}; let gems = bundlerEnv { name = "rubyenv"; inherit ruby; gemdir = ./.; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "rails"; buildInputs = [ gems ]; }`
<Taneb> Second issue with that release.nix is I'm launching Hydra with nixops and the machine description takes a "pkgs" argument which I think is normally something like "import nixpkgs {}" and it's hard to go back to nixpkgs from that
<srhb> Mic92: Thinking out loud, if you could throw an exception from something that should only be partially evaluated into a form that does not trigger the exception, and then catch that...?
<ma27> gchristensen: yeah, let's do something with wood :P
<mkaito> I suppose that has something to do with the version of it. From some cursory googling, it seems what you want for python3 is wxpython 4.0
<joepie91> but if the "something you have" isn't really something you /have/ but rather something that lives in your main environment, 2FA doesn't help
<joepie91> the "something you have" typically referred to eg. a physical dongle
<emily> it's already something you have (the password db) + something you know (the master password)
<joepie91> but worst case, you can even use something like syncthing
<aminechikhaoui> Taneb: I think you can do something like imports = [ (builtins.fetchGit https://github.com/NixOS/hydra + "hydra-module.nix" )];
<joepie91> and even then you're not sure because you could've gotten something else wrong
<emily> but maybe the inherited "prepend" in initialRamdisk does something?
<emily> hardware.cpu.intel.updateMicrocode works by setting boot.initrd.prepend. but as far as I can tell, although it's declared and assigned to, nothing else reads it, and therefore the feature is non-functional. am I missing something?
<sphalerite> oh yeah, also for one-off use of a different channel you can also do something like `nix-env -f channel:nixpkgs-unstable -iA qutebrowser`
<Lisanna> also feel free to post your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and we can see if something looks suspect
<tenten8401> Figured I'd ask because it seems like something someone would do
<disasm> make sure permissions are correct, and then nix-build something!
<clever> zenspider: it auto-creates that dir the first time you install something as the ryan user
<Lisanna> clever Oh, okay. That kind of sucks, since these are declarative jobsets based on something like github pull requests. Do you have more details on the bug?
<Lisanna> is there any way in hydra to restart all the failed jobs in a jobset? e.g., if they failed for an impure reason, like the target machine running out of memory and the build timing out or something
<clever> zenspider: i suspect that you have something set that causes nix.sh to abort half way thru running, so you need to stop that MANPATH error from happening
<zenspider> yes it did. at the end. said all terms needed to be restarted and then I could run some nix-shell thingy to verify or play or something
<clever> zenspider: and does `which nix-env` show something now?
<zenspider> is there a troubleshooting guide or faq or something? I just installed and while everything is in place, it isn't actually available
<seafood> Does it just copy files across? Or something more fancy?


<Mic92> samueldr: do you mean something like? { "mic92": { "inxi" : { ... }}
<samueldr> (it's then possible to do something like make the nur.repos prefix lighter, the repo name darker, and the package name bold, if needed)
<avn> NUR is something new, which I miss? or it a just random nixpkgs forks? ;)
<Lisanna> Ugh, trying to write a Hydra plugin for fetching sources from gerrit, and I haven't used perl in probably 8 years. Could someone look at my code and make sure I'm not doing something stupid?
<sphalerite> tobiasBora: you could just give it some local IP address that won't be publicly accessible but will work for tyring stuff out, asl ong as you don't need to use letsencrypt or something
<tobiasBora> if my more powerful machine is a non-nixos machine, can I do something?
<tobiasBora> Wanted to know, when I'm setting up a new service, it takes lot's of time because I try to find the good configuration, and when I modify a single line in the configuration, I need to run nixos-rebuild --fast switch, and this takes something like 1mn to finish, even if I just edit a single line.
<clever> its probably something M$ custom
<manveru> it works fine on win/mac, but gparted says the backup GPT is corrupted or something
<cocreature> rightfold: but ofc if you have something like "fetchTarball" in there it’s not going to work if that has not already been fetched
<drakonis> on the other hand, if you need to nail down something, it isn't going to help
<samueldr> but yeah, if you had a package building it, you could use something like ${that-openvpn-plugin}/share/openvpn/plugin/lib/openvpn-auth-pam.so to get the path


<Dezgeg> usually it's either totally user-configurable or a library symbol that's just selected by stuff, but this is something different