
<samueldr> on nixos fish uses a plugin (or something else third party if it's not a plugin) to load the environment from a sh-compatible shell AFAIUI
<samueldr> it would at least ensure there isn't something keeping the environment active
<ajs124> That way, the filesystem gets mounted, the first time something tries to access it.
<elvishjerricco> It was only a big problem if you had multiple large, totally unrelated histories. But that's pretty common with something like fetchGit...
<cocreature> epta: try something like (fetchgit …) + "/subdir"
<clever> nix never allows a refernece to something which doesnt exist
<Lisanna> Is there a one-liner or something to delete a store path and all of its referrers?
<pie_> ugh, after some googliing i just discovered qemu doesnt like files on other partitions or something
<semilattice> yeah that's something that I didn't add so no idea where it is
<mikky> I've actually only seen the "don't swap to zvol" warning in a NixOS wiki page, dated "as of 2014-something"
<hodapp> emily: I always viewed it as something like "stick a Windows partition there with 15 GB of horse porn, and make a *really* good act of pretending that that's what you're hiding"
<clever> mikky: but once you format the disk, you only have one chance to get things right, and will need to reinstall something with the datacenter tools if nixos doesnt boot
<mikky> for the moment there I tought kexec got new features like spawning a new container with custom kernel or something :)


<mikky> something like that, yes
<jasongrossman> clever: That gives me something to work on. I'll report back later. :-)
<petersjt014[m]> I got something roughly like `long blink - brief pause - quick blink - longer pause`
<samueldr> :/ they changed the hardware without doing something like tacking a + to the name?
<infinisil> Yeah something like that
<WilliamGHatch[m]> cocreature: Thanks, maybe I will do something like that.
<cocreature> WilliamGHatch[m]: maybe something like direnv would help you? although I have admittedly not used it myself so I can’t comment on how well it works
<WilliamGHatch[m]> gchristensen: Hmm... that's what I was afraid of. I find using nix-shell every time I want to hack on something a pain... Is there no way to have stuff you are building in your home directory more dynamic with less of a hard-line stance on reproducibility and purity?
<Mic92> there is still something weired going on in my system evaluation. I set config.systemd.package in my configuration.nix but the evaluation has still the default value in some places.
<samueldr> ryantm: it seems something broke the build
<samueldr> Mic92: whew, I actually thought I missed something
<SailorHaumea24> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<samueldr> btw, one use case is something like --keep SSH_AUTH_SOCK while keeping things as pure as possible
<thoughtpolice> Then, in buildPhase, do something like `cc -o $out/bin/app ${pkgs.lib.writeFile "source.cc" sourceText}`
<thoughtpolice> Right, so now move it to C++. Let's say `tires` actually gives you a fragment of a file. It can do this using something like builtins.readFile
<thoughtpolice> For example, you might have like, a set of tires and you want to pick one. So you'd have a set of files, ./tires/{big,small,truck}.nix. Then you can have your ./default.nix do something like `{ tire-shape ? null }: let tires = import ./tires/"${tire-shape}.nix"; in ...`
<thoughtpolice> So what you really want is: "I want to select the different components when I run `nix-build`and get an artifact of their composition". This means you're looking for a function, first off, since you want to vary the arguments. So maybe what you want is something like, have each component described in a Nix file, and import them based off the arguments.
<Taneb> So I want something that takes arguments specifying which pieces to use, and put them all together and compile them
<thoughtpolice> Yeah, and it's *only* the module system that does that. In practice that's fine, but occasionally you might do something like, import a .nix file directly and merge attrsets
<nly> I have privoxy.nix containing 'extraConfig ="something";' then I have another caching-server.nix with 'extraConfig ="extra options";'
<robstrr> Hey, I'm entering my haskell project with something like `(import ./release.nix {}).app.env` - is there an easy way to add more system libraries to the shell ? ie, adding a tool to the env?
<rain1> it cant load a documentation file or something
<Myrl-saki> Hm. Seems like I need to fix something on my side.
<Myrl-saki> Welps, still doesn't work, maybe I'm doing something wrong.
<sphalerite> to refer to it in your config you could do something like (import <nixos-unstable> {}).luakit)
<sphalerite> other than that, not that I know of. You could hack something together from options.json (nix build -f '<nixpkgs/nixos>' config.system.build.manual.optionsJSON) and jq and fzf :D
<sphalerite> You'll want something completely different.
<srhb> (I do something like that, but I'm deluded)
<Myrl-saki> srhb: Probably has something like `runCommand "ln -s ./. $out"`
<Myrl-saki> srhb: Want to hear something more disgusting? Having a `default.nix` in the store path exactly so that you can do that. :P
<srhb> Or buildEnv something that contains them
<srhb> sphalerite: Perhaps you know something about rain1's problem? They have nix installed with a root of ~/nix but it seems to think that ~/nix/var/nix/profiles/... is in the nix store, so it's refusing to create gc roots there
<sphalerite> nikki93: you shouldn't need to set the user shell manually unlessy ou want zsh or something. Make sure to set isNormalUser to true
<Myrl-saki> I think I have to use nix-push or something.
<iqubic> Alright... something isn't working here.
<iqubic> So are there ways to have nix files print information to either the terminal or some file somewhere. I'm trying to debug somethings that aren't working
<samueldr> :/ sorry, maybe I got something wrong with the overlay
<samueldr> once the system is rebuilt and switched/booted, you'll probably be able to do something like emacs --version (if it answers to --version) or readlink -f $(which emacs)
<iqubic> Something about putting nixpkgs.overlays = ... into my configuration.nix?
<iqubic> How do I make emacs 26 the default? Do I need to do something fancy?
<iqubic> Something like hoogle for haskell.
<kalbasit> clever: that might work, well until the machine loses a disk or something :) I like git controlled stuff
<srk> kalbasit: it means something is trying to use that option but you didn't provide it


<infinisil> coconnor: There's also symlinkJoin there ^^ And buildEnv also does something similar
<aristid> so something else is going on? weird
<ivan> is there any way to audit changes coming into nixpkgs? neither `tig` or `tig --first-parent -m` do something particularly useful (the latter because of how merges are done in nixpkgs)
<clever> phry: i think your best bet is to do something like, linuxPackages = self.linuxPackages // { zfsUnstable = super.linuxPackages.zfsUnstable.overrideAttrs (old: { src = ...; }); };
<d1rewolf> from root to something else?
<johnw> or put it in ~/.nix or something and use an explicit path in .envrc
<maurer> Usually people have multiple .nix files, and if there's a lot of duplication, give them a common.nix or something to import from
<thoughtpolice> Also happens if your PS1 has something on the RHS for example like your CWD. But yeah the latency and mobile roaming are completely worth minor redraw issues
<sphalerite> something like NIX_PATH=channel:nixos-unstable could work though :)
<thoughtpolice> Because 99.9999% of anyone, practically speaking, is always going to have to make a patch for something.
<thoughtpolice> Normally I checkout something into /etc/nixos/nixpkgs as a repository clone, keep that in sync, push everything upstream as much as possible.
<davidak[m]> it should work, that's what i'm also thinking. but it doesn't. maybe i have done something wrong or something is wrong with NixOS :D
<TweyII> I'll stick to nix-build, that seems suboptimal. Guess I could generate a unique tmp path or something
<iqubic> clever: I found something else that works better for that.
<clever> i think it opens a shell inside emacs, that auto-runs nix-shell, something like that
<clever> either way, you have to find something to handle the ui and install it
<clever> jasongrossman: id use either nixops or not-os for something like that
<iqubic> Question: Can I do something like "nix-shell; echo $PATH; exit" in a bash script and have that echo the nix-shell $PATH, instead of the default $PATH from outside?
<cmcdragonkai> Something like `let path = "a.b"; in { a = { b = 3; }; }."${path}"`
<drakonis> blah i really needed to print something
<acowley> It seems as though something like nox-review would be very good to have. It's a shame it isn't a more active project.
<sviteri> This process would be a whole lot easier if it was like shared.showManPage or something


<sviteri> dtz[m]: or is it something else entirely
<dtz[m]> sorry I really gotta go I just couln't NOT say something when I see "multicalll" and pondering argv[0] and such
<sviteri> I assumed it was for purity of build reasons or something like that
<cransom> does `nix-store --gc --print-dead` also include `unused links`? i'm hitting something where i'm making disk images and on a fresh image, i can nix-collect-garbage immediately on boot (or, nixos-enter rather) and it frees space, but claims to delete no store paths.
<matthewbauer> vcunat: one thing the Emacs devs did for last release was ask users to proofread sections of the manual (https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2017-09/msg00483.html). it might be a good idea to try something similar. could be helpful in nixpkgs by dividing up sections. mainly looking just for spelling, grammer, missing words, etc.
<domenkozar> job posting or something interesting relevant to nix
<kamme> I'm looking at https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/blob/master/nix/libvirtd.nix but I don't seem to find an option to use a remote host but I may be missing something
<srhb> testuser: Something like this perhaps. Note that I've little experience with the python frameworks, so this might not be idiomatic: https://gist.github.com/62b2afa51eceddbbbbb0544399c5334c
<iqubic> coconnor: That is something I need to try
<ldlework> i'm not saying it should be an international language, but it would certainly be something that people could realistically teach each other in short order and actually order some food or something
<trevthedev> dangit! I should switch to something else this user experience is horrid! xd
<samueldr> you can probably do something like : `nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable unstable`
<samueldr> ah, right, that's something you'll need
<sjanssen> my computer locked up and rebooted during a nix-build and now I'm getting an error like "/nix/store/3b3bpdjp9isz1jmg8d334g3cy0vjdqlk-msodbcsql17-". Can I do something to clean up whichever corrupted files were left behind?


<ris> not something i tend to have to do much
<bigvalen> It might be that it took a copy of an old zfs.cache or something.
<MobileMatt9> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<18VAESJXC> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<badon3> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<bigvalen> I wonder where the ramdisk startup script is...there must be something that does a zfs import.
<hammer0657> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<dave492513> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<nullrouted> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<bgamari> the best I can think of is something like { llvmPacckages = super.llvmPackages_5.override { overrides = self: super: super.llvm.overrideAttrs { doCheck = false; };}; }
<pskosinski164> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<mcspud1019> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<mcspud26> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<bmos1421> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<steev11> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<limbo15> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<Dave2121> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<Dave22> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<huhlig5> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<VampiricPadraig> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<information32315> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<letty5> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth
<clever> gchristensen: run `env` in the setup hook and grep for something you know you passed to nix-shell ?
<instantepiphany> I then get missing libGL.so.1 but that is something new for me to figure out, so thanks!
<tnks> aszlig: I was pointed to the C code by shlevy on Twitter... and I see more or less what you typed above. So... with lists easily getting larger than 2 elements, am I missing something or is there nothing constant time at all about these lists past 2 elements? That seems to make optimizing my Nix expression more hopeless.
<Enzime> d1rewolf: did you do something?
<Enzime> symphorien: huh I actually had something installed under root nix-env...
<Enzime> sounds like something that'll be hard to find unless you know exactly what it is
<srhb> pie_: Something like this should do you: https://gist.github.com/srhb/fa8003f9f8d318aaf0e355d8389902a0
<pie_> and i think something else...but i forgot what that was
<Myrl-saki> Says something about clock skew.
<clementd> so I guess I've done something wrong
<clementd> I've tried overriding the package in an overlay but I may be doing something wrong
<eric1> Is there something I missed?
<samueldr> wpcarro: not sure if there's something better than weiting a shellHook = "export PS1=foo"; in your shell.nix/default.nix
<ekleog> (that said, personally I don't use it because I sometimes have to deploy my dotfiles to non-nix'd machines, so… currently it's hand-rolled, but I plan on trying yadm or something similar)


<ldlework> does it look the up the sha256 before downloading and then not even look at the url if it found a cache of it or something
<clever> add name = "something"; to your override
<ldlework> clever: now I get error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /nix/store/g26fs0jbfbvbcghr3vawi7ynpl5h3gaw-nixos-18.03.132405.ee80654b526/nixos/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix:251:55
<drakonis> okay i'll be back soon, gotta fix something that went wrong with windows
<clementd> reading specs and references without something concrete does not work well for me
<clementd> clever: to be sure "setname" can be something else, right?
<infinisil> ldlework: I think it's more of a "nobody bothered to make it yet", because it's not trivial to make something like that
<drakonis> want to work with something more complex, time to drudge out the docs
<clementd> hi, I'm looking for a step-by-step explanation of how to package something for nixos / how to test it locally. I've read the nix pills articles a few times, but I can't follow along with nix-repl, I get permissions errors when I try to run it
<sphalerit> Oh yeah for gitlab... srhb was doing something to improve the secret handling there
<Denommus> sphalerit: would that require an impure scape hatch or something?
<samueldr> it just happens to be shipped alongside something else
<smolboye> i actually need something permanent
<borisbabic> Should I keep the name or change the . to a _ or something else?
<manveru> cryptopsy: if you always want to build everything from source, you can probably change your /nix path to something like /gentnix :)
<catern> I guess someone just ignored gchristenbot or something?
<manveru> yeah, it's something i need once or twice a year, so not a big deal for me
<biopandemic> Does anyone know of an example of (somewhat sanely) recursively mapping an attrset of options for output to something like a file/json? Trying to export options to documentation. I know there isnt a sane way to do it with packages :( (unless I'm wrong??)
<azazel> thefloweringash[: thank for the link, I immagine that it is something a circurlar reference to the set itself... that i fail to understand how it's setup
<hyper_ch2> something like this could work https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/raw/031fbdb7
<srhb> asymmetric: I don't know what the simplest example is, but both python.withPlugins, haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages, vim_configurable and terraform do something similar to this
<srhb> asymmetric: I don't see why not. The usual pattern is something like rofiWithPlugins [ ... ] where [ ... ] gets built into a symlink forest of all the plugins needed, and then the wrapper just adds --plugin-path that points at that forest.
<eddyb> haha it is something in the environment
<ekleog> haven't used F* with anything, btw, just something that looks just so cool
<the-kenny-w> Is there something like `wrapProgram` as a derivation? I have a bunch of scripts I need to wrap for dependencies and don't want to write a full derivation for each.
<eddyb> maybe I should run nix-shell under nix run or something
<Orbstheorem> clever: But thanks, I'll see if I can come up with something generic
<Orbstheorem> Hi, I'm trying to package a toolchain that uses `gcc -print-file-name=...` to vefiry if the libs are there: (https://paste.gnugen.ch/raw/iyqE). However libreries specified in buildInputs do not appear in stdenv's gcc default search path. Am I missing something or is upstream doing something wrong?
<clever> ah, thats something diff
<zgrep> On NixOS, if I install something with nix-env, or I change my configuration.nix to add a package and do nixos-rebuild switch, $XDG_DATA_DIRS doesn't seem to change for my currently running WM/DE/etc. I was wondering if there was a recommended way to do things, or if I should just log out and log back in for changes to take effect.
<Orbstheorem> Hi, I'm trying to package a toolchain that uses `gcc -print-file-name=...` to vefiry if the libs are there: (https://paste.gnugen.ch/raw/iyqE). However libreries specified in buildInputs do not appear in stdenv's gcc default search path. Am I missing something or is upstream doing something wrong?


<juhe> samueldr: It is searching also home folder, so did temporary symlink to relevant lib folder in nix store, though it fails - the library is found but couldn't initialize or something: https://ptpb.pw/H0CR
<camsbury> and I saw something say that it did house the mode
<samueldr> I'll have you try something
<infinisil> juhe: I think it's a matter of nix-env installing qt.base or something for now, but that PR should fix it properly
<samueldr> hah, that's probably from something that was previously in a command
<samueldr> zduch4c: this shouldn't allow replacing something with something else, since it will hash the results, only the provenance of said thing
<zduch4c> something with nix-env or something
<alphor> how would I find out where something like overrideAttrs is defined
<hyper_ch> hmm, something has blocked nixos-unstable and nixos-unstable-small for the last 2 weeks :(
<gchristensen> there is something on the FAQ on nixos.wiki about that


<jasongrossman> I can no longer imagine relying on a file system that's not COW. I guess something better will come along eventually, but there isn't much COW competition for ZFS, is there?
<joepie91> clever: in the right context, that would be seen as something positive
<clever> when confirming if something had been broken recently in the channel
<clever> daveo: something like this
<samueldr> TheBrayn: why not use something that works, if it works?
<worldofpeace> do `journalctl -u display-manager.service -xe` and see if maybe there is any errors? also paste your config again so someone else can look in case I missed something
<sphalerite> Most likely malicious scenario, I suppose, is that someone has compromised upstream and put something malicious there (i.e. not MITM and not targetting you specifically)
<worldofpeace> I'm thinking maybe the owner might have messed with the tag but it seems like something they would never do
<smolboye> im gonna try writing something nonetheless
<smolboye> it not the best but its a something
<worldofpeace> smolboye: yeah slim was abandoned in like 2013 so maybe use something else too
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: I think that means it's waiting for something else
<tazjin> and if not, is there something that would stop one from writing such a function?
<sphalerite> then again, not sure if changing it at runtime via nixos config is something that would be needed often enough to justify the effort
<nly> i think it was doing something nasty too, i saw copying '/nix/store/{application on machine X}' but not supposed to be on machine Y
<infinisil> Should be something like systemd.services.multi-user.after = mkForce []
<Yaniel> something like noauto,x-systemd.automount could work
<tinco> right, so I was wondering why didn't it do the default anyway, is that something that has to be set explicitly in my nixos config?
<samueldr> sir_guy_carleton: write something, both code and RFC
<samueldr> this shouldn't be something that's to discuss about the installer
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: IIRC this list is safe, if you put something that doesn't exist the build will fail
<samueldr> something like "show me more options"
<clever> you will either want to copy its definition or get it out of something in env
<samueldr> --mtime="@____" where mtime means something else when there is or isn't @ before
<djtyml> clever: I see. I will look something further. Thanks for the insight!
<elvishjerricco> clever I have something like this https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/u2l3chpK/
<lunik1> ok thanks, I knew I read something about that but couldn't remember where


<samueldr> off the top of my head, something like 'let foo = import <foo> {}; in {/*your config*/}'
<Enzime> like how would I install packages from it in my configuration.nix for something
<Enzime> samueldr: I was thinking maybe having it under a different attribute or something?
<Enzime> should I manually modify the nixPath or add it to nix-channel or something else?
<gchristensen> wucke13: the nixos ntp pool is operated by NTP itself, so ... probably something misty going on
<wucke13> the nixos ntp pool set my computer time roughly 6979 seconds to the future, multiple times today. Is there something misty going on?
<LnL> yeah nope, something like that would need to run outside of the build like activation cripts
<cryptocat1094> It is. I think something went wrong with the daemon installation.
<Akii> well it's just a symlink pointing to something in the store
<tenten8401> pretty sure that means you built something manually earlier and that's the result
<tenten8401> something like that I think, but for the life of me I cannot figure out where the nvidia drivers are actually downloaded in nixpkgs
<RetardedOnion> how do i add entries to config files? i want to add something to /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf. can i specify that in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix?
<clever> just last week, i had the need to do a rollback of several months to test something
<pie_> clever, i dont think i have anything useful in any previous generations, can i do something like "delete everytihgn except the last n generations
<pie_> something like sudo nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than 5d would probably delete all my previous configs since i havent updated it in ages


<pie_> clever, i think i figured out that something is wrong with my nix environment..., i can run glxgears outside it but not in it
<tenten8401> would I just add something like wineBuild = "wineWow" to the pkgs.wine.overrideDerivation?
<pie_> maybe im just expecting to see something that wouldnt be there anyway, but i still find it odd that i dont see anything.
<pie_> clever, the thing is, this is something i didnt compile with nix, just plain ghc, do you think that could still help?
<infinisil> nek0: nix-store -q --tree /nix/store/... would give you the tree of dependencies of a derivation, you mean something like that?
<clever> check `alsamixer -c 0` and see if something is simply muted
<growpotkin> so wait I should track something like "gith://github.com/foo/bar.git" instead of "https://..."
<clever> iqubic: something like: dd if=something.iso of=/dev/sdb
<acowley> samueldr: What you've done seems well thought out to me, too. But this issue with the desktop environment needing its plugins to be identical to those used by apps does sound like something that could be very awkward.
<joepie91> like, you're not going to solve this just by writing a manual, it's something that needs ongoing ecosystem support
<Lisanna> Akii let me write something in the wiki real quick...
<clever> d1rewolf: you want to see what the child proccesses of nixos-rebuild and nix-daemon are with `ps -eH x` and find one that is blocked on something
<sophiag> i try to keep mine on indefinitely whenever something like this happens since i'm likely to burn a couple days if it crashes
<gchristensen> I'm core something :P
<tilpner> nlyy - You could try something weird like nixpkgs.pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { system = "i686-linux"; };, then check again
<nlyy> i must have missed something tilpner
<tilpner> That might have broken something
<noqqe> tilpner: uff.. I dont know. 16-something?
<infinisil> carlosdagos: there's an option nix.maxBuildUsers or something like that, increase it to maybe 32
<samueldr> tenten8401: put something wrong for bash to die on?
<clever> abueide: i suspect that something might be wrong with the config, its been in there for a few years


<iqubic> I might have something else laying around.
<tadni> tertle||eltret: Eluding back to the poor moderation bit, where if I can't have something everywhere it's hard for me to have/run it all technologically.
<tadni> If I was doing Haskell or something, I think I'd jump right in -- but while there seems to be trivial support for an area of interest like Scala (sbt2nix), more I'm thinking about it now I might just be setting myself out to fail (or at least get quickly discouraged ...)
<tadni> Okay, so I've been doing a lot of debating back and forth ... and really kind-of want to go NixOS on my independent-study/development machines (desktop and a laptop) to practically 'reteach myself programming' on/around the JVM. Should something like intellij work 'right out of the box' if I override the jdk to be jetbrains? Guess I'm trying to figure out if the trouble is "worth it" at this point of my experience.
<clever> RetardedOnion: its plausible that its using cross-site scripting to connect to something like the freenode webchat from your ip, and then spam more
<mikky> yeah, or some other way to boot something
<clever> logzet: i think it uses something like ${out}-root as the rootfs for the build, with many bind mounts
<clever> fresheyeball: then you need to change something to correct the failure, and re-run it
<ambro718> (the reason is that I am cross-compiling something whose configure script would interpret these variables as cross-compile tools which they are not)
<gchrist`recovery> something like eval $(nix-shell ... --run env)
<Ankhers> I'm trying to come up with something that can test all supported versions for a lib I am writing. Something similar to travis, but I can run locally. Sure, one sec.
<Myrl-saki> Or something like that.
<clever> d1rewolf_: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/7ae0ee0847b3da2150d22ee63175dbad is a dummy file left-over from when i was testing something
<infinisil> Yea, I'll hopefully come up with something smart when implementing it
<srk> infinisil: would need metadata in docs or something like that
<d1rewolf_> is the wiki deprecated or something in favor of the manual?
<Taneb> But I was hoping there would be something I could change in the commands grub runs (which I can do at boot)
<Taneb> How can I edit the grub script thing to skip fsck'ing the disk? I've got something very dodgy going on
<Myrl-saki> Time to turst `find` or something.
<srhb> Should be testable by resetting it to something sane and rebuilding
<srhb> It's like your accumulating all the hashes through some chain of bootstrapping the pins or something.
<tilpner> Something is really broken about your system
<jD91mZM2> Yep, trying currently to do something like `buildInputs = old.buildInputs`
<booglewoogle> that includes a change of the NIX_PATH though, which from my experience isn't persistent? am I missing something?
<srhb> booglewoogle: In pseudocode, something like this: (self: super: super.yourPackage.overrideAttrs (oa: { postInstall = ''echo foo > $out/share/yourpackage.desktop''; })) -- and then this would go in the nixpkgs.overlays list in configuration.nix
<|Leary> If I have local source for a derivation in a git repo and I change branches, it rebuilds even when its already built the other branch before. Is it because something git is doing in src/.git/ is changing the hash? Is there an easy way to exclude those irrelevant changes so nix only hashes and uses the actual source files?
<clever> but as soon as you want something more complex, i can see it getting to be a lot more complex
<d1rewolf__> clever, ok, so I don't see it in the manual. Are we talking aboout a chmod or something else?
<tenten8401[m]> I would use something like Ungine Superposition but I can't run it because of a bad interpreter
<tenten8401[m]> Anyone here know if there are any GPU stress tests available for NixOS? I'm wanting to test a fan curve script but I can't seem to find something that really stresses it very well


<RetardedOnion> that is something else. simple=/=easy, misremembering=/=forgetting
<simpson> RetardedOnion: Okay. I'm afraid that I can't reproduce, although I'm not on the same hardware, so I suspect that it's either your hardware or more likely something else also running in the BG.
<maurer> You can export HOME to point at something else, that's where it's finding homless-shelter, but that makes me worried for what the actual application will do
<RetardedOnion> andi-: i said "unbareably". so i mean click something, wait 20 seconds. ram usage isnt much better as well
<__monty__> pie_: So you did something like nix-shell -p ghcWithHoogle {[gl]}?
<drakonis> i mean, as long as it doesn't become something like "the arch way" which is some community stand in for "do everything in the most painful/time-wasting way
<cocreature> growpotkin: try something like "nix-shell -p 'haskell.packages.ghc843.ghcWithPackages(pkgs: [pkgs.text])'"
<joepie91> but it's a realistic possibility that something will steal Nix' thunder
<srhb> lostman: Then your buildInputs probably was more like buildInputs = with pkgs; ... or something
<angerman> tilpner: for reference I've done something similar to a jiffy box; and that was somewhat painful.
<srhb> mkaito: Something like this perhaps: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; (nixos {}).bootStage1}'
<joepie91> presumably something is conflicting between stable and unstable stuff, idk
<etu> Izorkin: Something like this: https://ptpb.pw/kOmd/nix ? (untested code)
<clever> samueldr: something else ive seen fail hard, is propagated user env packages
<clever> elvishjerricco: something that may help is the defaults machine
<samueldr> and now, to re-do a 20 minutes compilation because I forgot to do something
<samueldr> tenten8401[m]: I might actually have something of a fix
<elvishjerricco> Has something to do with git submodules though. Hydra was doing my submodules happily before I tried to update it :/ But the script that's failing seems completely unchanged.
<elvishjerricco> Uh. So I tried updating my hydra version to something from master and got `/nix/store/mspgzdfmlxjs8pcbnhkhyfkz42wq8yj2-hydra-2018-07-07/bin/.nix-prefetch-git-wrapped: line 160: cd: too many arguments`


<samueldr> weird though, the "PATH=" fix should work, unless I missed something with unstable :/
<samueldr> ooh, tenten8401 :3 wanna try something?
<lutzmor> samueldr: i do a reboot and start from scratch :) maybe i messed something up :)
<bkchr[m]> Anyone online that knows something about logind and how it sets permissions for video devices?
<RetardedOnion> or its something else
<d1rewolf_> guys, I have a machine on which I need to adjust DPI. is the preferred way of doing this ~/.Xresources or something else
<rschmukler> Hey all. I did something stupid (rm -rf ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/*) and now when I re-add the channel, nix-channel --update doesn't do anything (ie. ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/ remains empty)
<Profpatsch> Complaining doesn’t help anyone though, that’s why I’m trying to get something nice running with s6
<RetardedOnion> tbh, never had such problems where updates broke something so essential that i would consider it a "partial upgrade". just because i use an old quassel, my system wont break
<mkaito> RetardedOnion: it happens when something blows up half way through
<etu> RetardedOnion: Yeah, I said. And I was surprised that they haven't found something like that earlier.
<__monty__> And here we are supporting something back to py2.6 : |
<epta> I've just opened https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/44001 and curious is it something known
<kalbasit> samueldr: did I miss something in the hack setup? https://github.com/kalbasit/system/commit/f94d6dfb1ae8bd451557fec013221bc4c1cdc3a5
<samueldr> what I'm thinking about is cases where e.g. you're updating something in nixpkgs, you cd ~/nixpkgs (or whatever) and then `nix-build -A attrpath` like `nix-build -A hello`
<samueldr> btw, when I'm building something for a PR, I use `nix-verify` which acts just like nix-build, but purifies the env a bit more https://gist.github.com/samueldr/35929e83255642cea10990bbf18f5690
<samueldr> yeah, my main issue with overlays at first was how I couldn't nix-env -iA some-new-attribute (for something that didn't make sense to be in systemPackages)
<samueldr> so uh, either I'm doing something right or doing something wrong :D
<pie_> so i messed up some overrides or something :x