
<Ke> like you haven't kept the system on 100 days and only just recently opened a new firefox session or something?
<pinpox> puck: That feels rather hackish though, is there no intended way of doing this? Feels like something that should be configurable if caches already have a priority associated with them
<puck> my standard suggestion here is to patch nix-serve, probably.. something along the lines of `self: super: { nix-serve = super.nix-serve.overrideAttrs (_: { patchPhase = "sed -i s/30/90/ nix-serve/nix-serve.psgi"; }); }` as an overlay i think? (untested, etc)
<pinpox> can I not just change the default's cache prio to something higher?
<jkt> hi there, what is the nix way of packaging something that requires `python setup.py install` followed by invoking meson + ninja?
<pie_> arianvp: specifically zimbatm says "Another tricky thing with sharing the /nix folder is: the container itself shouldn’t ship with Nix installed. Otherwise, it might have references to store paths that are not available in the bind-mounted store. This is something that you generally discover later after a garbage-collection, once things are in production :slight_smile:" and I don't quite follow
<pie_> if you use nixos-container at least, i think the store is mounted in the container, but nix itself is not full set up by default (unless I missed something), which is something I was working on yesterday
<hexa-> something amazon s3
<cole-h> but it's not really something Nix itself cand o


<pie_> pinpox: you can do stuff with path (I dont know if there any best practices for the following) but something we also tend to do is just sbstitute ${findutils}/bin/find where you use the tool
<rmcgibbo[m]> If I have a script that has a nix-shell shebang (with multiple packages pulled in via -p), what's the easiest way to convert that to something that's properly installed into the nix store? Is there are fixupPhase that will rewrite shebang/header?
<JaakkoLuttinen[m> Can I convert a relative path in nix to a string that contains the absolute path? That is, something like: `MYENV = some_magic_function ./../..;` and `MYENV` would become a string that is the absolute path to that directory (e.g., `/home/jluttine/foobar`).
<srhb> gulbanana: Ah, then you will need something like mkShell indeed :)
<srhb> afontain_: --keep-failed and inspect the build dir to determine what the actual structure is. Maybe it's just marked +x or something.
<JaakkoLuttinen[m> a different result than `withPackages`..? Or I'm doing something wrong..
<JaakkoLuttinen[m> FRidh: `env = pkgs.python3.buildEnv.override { extraLibs = [ pkgs.python3Packages.jupyterlab pkgs.foo pkgs.bar ]; };` didn't wrap Jupyter Lab executable in such a way foo and bar would be in when called. At least looks like that to me. Also, isn't this equivalent to `env = pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: [ ps.jupyterlab pkgs.foo pkgs.bar ]);` so maybe I was missing something how the override should've been used to get
<JaakkoLuttinen[m> srhb: Hmm.. I'm not quite sure. I'm using my env definition in a systemd service ExecStart. Something like: `ExecStart = "${env}/bin/jupyterhub-singleuser";`
<CRTified[m]> I just noticed that there's something entirely different wrong - the store path got corrupted o.o
<Ankhers> Does anyone have an average time from something being committed to master and it appearing in the nixos-20.09 channel (or any other release channel)?
<jesystani> whats the syntax in flakes for using a non-github input? like if i have gitea or something?
<simpson> matthewcroughan: A Warner-style spellserver would be a good example of something I'd run at home but not in the cloud: https://lobste.rs/s/xcjpyf/spellserver_generic_remote_code Even though this could be run behind Traefik, I'd probably never actually bother doing it. But it's a fun thought, and I can appreciate that it *should* be possible and easy in Nix.
<simpson> That would make sense; HAProxy is something I used to avoid.
<matthewcroughan> something where I can have 1 instance or 100 instances, and the config is basically the same.
<simpson> Yes; IMO Traefik is what Somebody Else gives you when you're using Somebody Else's k8s. It's not something I'd set up on my own. And also I don't own a datacenter, so I'm not cloud-native; I'm home-native and have a homelab.
<matthewcroughan> I mean, I live with a greybeard who hates it. But slowly I'm convincing him that this is what it means to have something that is scalable


<supersandro2000> lukegb: let me check maybe I just missed something
<mindavi> bryanhonof: I don't have any experience with it, but there's something called autoPatchelfHook that might be useful for that?
<hazel[m]> something's pulling `jdk12` which is broken and I'd rather not have it at all
<eyJhb> I was actually following a journey today in the logs. It was over three days a person tried to get something to work.
<mindavi> I see something that is named pythonOlder which might be of interest
<afontain_> I have a program and cmake doesn't say how to install it, so I'm trying to do something such as
<samueldr> would be interesting to see if something like that is possible
<afontain_> I tried to do something similar in preConfigure, but the source is read-only
<simpson> gchristensen: Yeah. I decided to pivot; I spent all day trying to package AMANDA without success, while I just built backupninja and it took no effort. I don't want to administer something that complex.
<afontain_> I have a "hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '/nix/store/ybhs6xraxglcr6lk9vip8qfkkavbidk8-Unvanquished-v0.51.2-src'" error, but I'm wondering why the error message prints something that's not a sha256
<LilleCarl> When unstable doesn't build, if i wanted to change something in my configuration. How would i approach that? I've already done nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade-all
<attila_lendvai> i'm trying to compile something that requires clang_11 but also libclang, and include files (e.g. clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h). what do i need in my default.nix? does anyone know about an example? i can get hold of clang 11.1.0 from unstable, but i don't know how to get to the header files.
<eacameron> Ok another question: I'm trying to do nix-shell -A ue4 to make it easier to develop this. Things *seem* to be properly configured in the shell (like my custom env vars) but when I run `unpackPhase` it fails. `type unpackPhase` shows that my unpack script is clearly not defined here. Did I do something wrong? It knows how to unpack properly when doing nix-build.


<mindavi> Or something like that :p
<mindavi> And there was something about overriding the updater, I'd like to just keep using the standard lineageos updater
<mindavi> Yeah, I guess it's quite safe to do so. It's indeed lineageos. I just don't want to break my daily driver with something I'm not 100% sure about :p
<confususs> Wondering what the nice way is of defining a binary to be used under another name in a nix-shell. I'm messing around with something like:
<matthewcroughan> pie_: so it needs to be something like contents = oldAttrs.contents ++ [ git ]
<pie_> in a lot of functional languages you call something that is a funciton by "juxtaposition " (which just means putting something next to it
<pie_> so the repl operates on nix expressions, so either you copy stuff in, or you expose something in the result of the let expresison somehow
<pie_> 2) if it has an overrideAttrs you can do something like overrideAtts (old: builtins.trace old old) to trace what args it already has
<supersandro2000> and you need to build something that is concurent
<ahituna_> I set programs.vim.defaultEditor = true; in configuration.nix, and # echo $EDITOR -> vim, but when I nixos-rebuild edit it opens in nano... Is there something else I need to set?
<supersandro2000> should be something like /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/programs.sqlite
<sterni> sure something like that


<lukegb> Unode: you can do something like `nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs-unstable> {}; runCommand "shell" { buildInputs = [ obs-studio ]; } ""'` but, urgh
<colemickens> there are nixos options though that should automate this process, if that's something you're interested in
<feathers> listed in https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Comparison_of_secret_managing_schemes to get there, but would be nice if there was something more official to use!)
<mindavi> Note that I haven't used it, but I saw some things on the bug tracker about secret handling and that something in systemd was in development
<mindavi> There's something in systemd for secrets since v247, see https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/1b30720c1b22df75e147cc201f240db23881672d/NEWS#L840
<lukegb> Basically, the official ceph documentation won't work, you probably want to either do exactly what the nixos tests do to provision the OSDs, or do something similar to my approach
<eyJhb> Ie, I just want to test running something in it
<procrastinatus> I'm new to nix and was evaluating it as a package manager on ubuntu (to try to make a portable reproducible dev environment there and elsewhere). Anyone out there do this? I can't seem to get the multi-user install to work (the daemon started by systemd tries to chmod something and permission is denied and kills the client process)


<lunik1> I believe guix has something like this, but nothing built-in for nix afaik
<ivan> Izorkin: is there a known issue or is it just me doing something weird e.g. maybe grub installed on two drives
<ivan> is something broken with openssh-in-initrd in nixos master? not coming up for me after updating
<ehmry> Mindavi: that should work, unless you are trying to build something that isn't cached
<tad-lispy[m]> gchristensen: I tried `sudo iptables --insert nixos-fw --protocol tcp --in-interface wlp1s0 --destination-port 8080 --jump nixos-fw-accept`, but without any luck. I'm not very good with `iptables`. Should I see something with `iptables --list`? Or is there some other way to debug the connection?
<mica[m]> gchristensen: I haven't, but I fell asleep before I could say something :)
<supersandro2000> something like https://github.com/newrelic/nr1-status-pages but with more users/adoption
<supersandro2000> I would like to know when something goes down without subscribing to them all and without visiting each one
<frostbytten> supersandro2000: Okay. So I'll see what I can do to hack it locally and undo once I see something hit unstable/
<sterni> something like that probably
<sterni> probably you have something installed in your normal user environment which is needed in the build
<tobiasBora> Whoo, I noticed something very strange: in a nix-shell, if I run "source $stdenv/setup; genericBuild", I get errors at compilation time. If I just run "genericBuild", it works O_o Why?
<cinimod> Ok I have something I can try
<cinimod> I am trying to build a package in which I'd like to modify `configureFlagsArray` just to have an extra option - is there a way of saying something like `configureFlagsArray = super.configureFlagsArray ++ [ "--without-x" ]`
<supersandro2000> evils: yeah but maybe network manager or systemd-networkd or something similar already does it better and we do not need to fetch so many patches from debian
<redmp> ok, so it looks like dontUnpack skips the unpack phase in pkgs/stdenv/generic/setup.sh .. i guess this is just the expected type of `src` from some archive to something else.. but, what? is a list of files ok? is a single file ok?


<supersandro2000> Can I do something like forAttr where I iterate over all attrs?
<rmcgibbo[m]> yeah -- try and see is probably the msot robust. i was thinking of checking the username for nixbld or something :P
<BlackMug> yurb isnt that config right for legacy bios or im missing something?
<yurb> BlackMug: please use something like https://dpaste.org/ if possible
<azazel> courajs: I think that on efi a systemd bootstrap is used by default, but you can configure GRUB bootloader, and have something more known (to me at least) boot your machine
<azazel> sofia-m: to paste your config from the install disk, you can use something like "cat /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix | nc termbin.com 9999" (with the hardware config too)
<MichaelRaskin> It all depends on the real cause of issue, of course, if the problem is something about drivers, that might not help anyway…
<l-as> does anyone know how I would change the global registry to point at something else?
<Yaniel> ah hmm I remember there being something on nixos.wiki about that kind of setup
<mvnetbiz_> Are you using uefi? maybe the boot entries are getting erased by something
<supersandro2000> or something else is broken. I don't know.
<tomberek> At first glance, Docker "seems" to solve packaging issues. But then look at any non-trivial container and you'll see things like "apt update" being used and lots of effort put into ordering layers, saving partial results, removing build-time requirements, etc. My challenge is always something like: "can you build a non-trivial piece of software
<supersandro2000> docker is great if you have multiple versions of something with conflicting requirements and you want to use apt as your package manager


<immae> Something like that possibly yes
<DigitalKiwi> if i'd wanted to send something that long to irc i'd use https://github.com/Kiwi/absurd-paste-client ;p
<cantarell> So it would be something more that would be set in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix? And available system-wide?
<aanderse> would you like me to put something together?
<cantarell> doesn't matter apache or nginx is fine, I just want something very basic like XAMPP for instance and wondering what is the best tool for that sort of thing on NixOS
<vifon> Is there something I need to do, to be able to rebuild my NixOS in such a manner?
<yaymukund> my ~/.config/mimeapps.list file doesn't seem to be read, but maybe i'm doing something wrong
<veleiro> parse something like nix-info?
<atemu12[m]> Is there a way to construct an environment with the paths of what's included in something like stdenvNoCC?
<disposabled[m]> I don't know how to install something that isn't in nixpkgs
<tpw_rules> complaining about locale errors and GTK errors and stuff suggests something deeper may be wrong
<tpw_rules> disposabled[m]: if you are trying to run something that needs opengl on non-nixos, you need to use nixGL: https://github.com/guibou/nixGL
<disposabled[m]> I don't know where to start in tracking down something like:


<mindavi> I don't know, but I do know that nixos needed something like that and I thought there was some discussion
<mindavi> I mean, in theory this is 'only vscode' :p. But I understand the point. Don't think that's something that is supported
<clever> a use-case for the canadian cross, is to build something like an arduino IDE, that runs on the rpi, but use x86 hw to build it
<Drakeson> clever: Trying again... I had the first two flags already. Something sounds fishy. What is --disable-init-state (./configure --help is, of course, unhelpful there)?
<Antkibo> Something like that
<Drakeson> Hi! How can I change the store-dir path for my nix installation? I have tried --with-store-dir=/some/path and I still get errors when nix is trying to write something to /nix. Is there an option to change the /nix/var directory as well?
<jkachmar> Do you really think so? I'd kinda be surprised if something that simple got merged in
<kurnevsky> I'm new to nixos so I might miss something :)
<sterni> or are you referring to something else
<Antkibo19> Yaniel is not writing. It's something weird, let me explain
<sterni> unless they all do something very weird
<viric> is there something in nixpkgs to use xorg without mouse? some mouse-from-cursors kind of thing
<charly79> but I understand that I certainly should patch something to replace /usr/bin/env in this " ../lds-gen.p" , but how ?)
<Tv`> that would be nice if it was a direct store path or something
<supersandro2000> ronthecookie: that cross target does not work because something requires itself in the chain to build it
<ronthecookie> am i doing something wrong or is it nixpkgs? "error: infinite recursion encountered, at undefined position" with nix-shell on: https://termbin.com/9p9e


<sterni> yeah I think the eval error was introduced last night or something I think
<maralorn> If other people really rely on a bleeding edge lsp version we can do something with overrideScope for hls, but that would be super verbose for a tiny benefit.
<pie_> namely, either the files should come with the original source, or get added by something, and either its looking for it in the wrong place, or its looking for it in the right place 2) if the error happens with a minimal config, we need to find out why those files are missing
<pie_> in our case that seems to have yielded something
<pie_> Reventlov: maybe im going about it wrong but my train of thought was something like: 1) does the error happen with a minimal config mediawiki? if it does then we know its not something else that we did 2) if the error happens with a minimal config, we need to find out why those files are missing
<exarkun> Given something like configuration.nix, is there already a way to build a JSON (or some other simple structured format) string containing a representation of the complete system configuration?
<supersandro2000> tbh why isn't there something like where is that autoconf macro defined
<abathur> but it might if you tried it out a few weeks ago, or something
<abathur> if you update your channel, and the package's source or any of its dependencies changed, then it'll want to rebuild; that wouldn't really apply if you used something in nix-shell and immediately installed it
<disposabled[m]> Can I grab just a manifest or something and look it over?
<disposabled[m]> I just nix-shell -p'd something to kick the tires


<colemickens> But still, that's just a nix function, not something you need to apply as an overlay.
<colemickens> forAllSystems or something like that, sure.
<colemickens> Often times when you're importing something external you can do something like `import inputs.foobar { system = pkgs.system; };` to tell it to import with system set to the same system as your pkg set.
<EmoSpice> Is there something unique in `uname` output? I'm not on my NixOS box at the moment, or I'd test it out myself.
<jdelStrother> nextloop: there might be a shorter/better way, but I do something like this for that: `nix-shell -I nixpkgs=. -p PACKAGE`
<ipv6[m]> Hello. Have anyone here configured disk encryption on Raspberry Pi? I'm trying to setup plain password luks on home partition on my rpi3 and every time I specify boot.initrd.luks.devices the system hangs on starting kernel while booting. Am I missing some kernel modules or something?
<EmoSpice> I feel like I'm missing something on understanding channels and how to update/manage them. I've read the Nix Channels page on the wiki and it all makes sense, but I've had multiple occasions whereby the channel clone I have does not match with what I see available (both in github or on channels.nixos.org). Can someone point me at some documentation
<mindavi> jdelStrother: Depends -- if something 'core' just landed in the branch you're working in and is not yet in the cache, you'll have to build everything that depends on that
<Andoriyu> I can't figure out something about rust's ovelay here: https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/blob/master/rust-overlay.nix
<drozdziak1> Are there any good libraries for interacting with the Nix store programmatically? Can be a Nix wrapper. On a high level I wanna write something that will help me understand the most storage-hundry derivations in my system
<lukegb> if you're quickly hacking on something, steam-run is a convenient command that's just a buildFHSUserEnv with specific packages installed
<davidtwco> Is anyone successfully using `services.nsd.keys`? I'm trying to it and think I've identified a fundamental issue with it, want to double check I'm not doing something wrong.
<cole-h> manveru[m]: What if you manually edit the flake.lock to add `submodule = true` (in json ofc) to the self input or something
<contrun> I want to put something like email address in my git repo, which I don't care if it is stored in plain text in the nix store. What's the best way to do that? To the best of my knowledge, sops-nix like solutions decrypt secrets at run time. I want secrets decrypted at compile time. Is there any easier solutions for my use case?


<samueldr> garbas[m] just pushed something for the search, either there's something stuck in the cache, or a small oopsi
<_virkony_> tpw_rules: i.e. if you try to add something like (self: super: (import ../lib/empty-attrset.nix)) and then do nix eval --raw nixpkgs.hello
<figgyc> my current flake.lock has nixpkgs set to registry "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable" at d3f7e969 but status.nixos.org has unstable at ad47284f8b01 and `nix flake update` doesn't change anything. is there a good way to figure out why? is the registry cached or something?
<tpw_rules> in bash in general, is there a way to override "smart" tab completes? sometimes it won't tabcomplete a file because it thinks it's the wrong type or something and it's extremely aggravating
<dgpratt> I've take a look at how some browsers and e.g. Emacs handle extensions/plugins, but it seems involved and I'm not sure I need something that complicated.
<matthewcroughan> The problem is that I now have a situation wherein one of the things in my overlay has a dependancy on something that isn't in nixpkgs, how can I deal with that?
<matthewcroughan> Maybe I can do something with lib.mapAttrs to apply the buildPythonPackage function to all of the packages? Since all of these are pypi
<exarkun> hey can someone add a `nix-daemon --pause` command or something'
<kaba_> Is it the parallel builds? I remember there was a flag to force chroot or something like that for builds, perhaps that could help?
<supersandro2000> ploupiboulba[m]: please let me know if something breaks. I can most likely help you to fix it.
<Mateon1> Note: nix-env -i still hangs as user even if I use -f /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos - so it's not anything to do with the nixpkgs version being broken, must be something to do with locking, I think... Or something else entirely
<matthewcroughan> If something isn't compiling on i686-linux, should it be marked as broken if i686 on the nixpkg?


<exarkun> is something more required to add an attribute to `pkgs` than to add a binding in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix? That's what I tried but my package doesn't show up.
<rmcgibbo[m]> maybe `inotify` or something?
<_virkony_> rmcgibbo[m]: from my short exp with nix, I can see that packages represented by something like mypackage = ({pkgs, ...}: mkDerivation { inputs = [ pkgs.mydep ]; }). I.e. it should be movable between channels
<rmcgibbo[m]> i guess i don't understand exactly what you want to do, _virkony_ . either you only override the `src` attribute and you make a small change, or you override and pull the entire derivation from unstable, in which case you're going to get the exact closure that unstable had. if you want something in between presumably you need to tell nix exactly which attrs to override.
<_virkony_> rmcgibbo[m]: that's something I don't understand. If every package parametrized with pkgs, and I guess pkgs.callPackage will pass in that pkgs, then passing in pkgs into <unstable> should propagate it further
<marin[m]> a nixos distro, a program, something else?
<sterni> you may be able to use something like haskell.nix for such things? not certain though
<Unode> what nix/nixpkgs function can I used to do something like `pkgs.python.withPackages [ pkgA pkgB (pkgC only if Py39)
<qbit> does anyone have a systemd service thing that starts something dependent on x11 being running? as a specific user?
<futile> supersandro2000 mhhm yeah something like that might be an idea, thanks! I'll see if that is feasible, cause I don't really want to change the build process too much, but I'll explore it.
<ToxicFrog> (i.e. /etc/nixos, which only needs to be readable by root unless you're doing something weird like me)
<viric> that's why I wonder maybe I don't understand something of asterisk
<typetetris> I am trying to do a fixed output derivation (the build needs to download something) and I keep getting "path <...> is not valid" at the end. (Otherwise the build succeeds.) What am I doing wrong? What can I do to make that work?
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):493:1


<supersandro2000> you shouldn't use a valid hash from something else
<sterni> pushqrdx: although need probably something a bit smarter than that in case some stoer paths (like stdenv) can't be gc'd)
<pushqrdx> sterni --gc is invasive and --remove is too specific as it requires a literal path, i want something in between that clears this package's related derivations
<pushqrdx> i feel like either nix is missing something or it's a misunderstanding from my side
<matthewcroughan> fuzzypixelz: Well yeah, because they're a command you run on the cli, they're something you do as an additional step to your system.
<matthewcroughan> nix-channel --list for example, you have something set there that I don't have set on my system, probably.
<Guest43> Simpson I see, but it's weird that it's random. Does nix have some stuff that perhaps regulates CPU power or something? CPU governor was set to performance
<Guest43> simpson do you think libinput might have to do something with this, cause it puts out error at exact time of freeze saying amount of events exceeded x allowed in x seconds. Either something wrong with libinput or its not getting response fast from machine. Issues both occur in input events, when scrolling and keydown
<simpson> Did you have a specific example of something that you imagine Nix cannot configure?
<Reventlov> see something weird ? https://0x0.st/-b82.png
<jesystani> so im playing around with it now and i have a probably trivial question: runCommand and co create a derivation to my knowledge, but im unsure how to have that derivation be treated as a package, unless im just doing something really wrong, i get an error that im getting something thats not a package.
<jesystani> hello, im wondering if theres something like pkgs.writeScriptBin, except it will copy an existing file, but update the shebang to match nixos? i presume something like this happens in he builder, but im not sure if theres a helper function to quickly create a derivation for single file scripts like that. thank you
<matthewcroughan> I swear that bot is dead or something


<dgpratt> well I added that line to a new /etc/profile.d/nix.sh file and it seems to work, but I wish I didn't feel like I was missing something
<bpye> supersandro2000 is there something else I can look at for logs?
<supersandro2000> kpcyrd: shrug. probably something broken on github. This shouldn't block the update in any way as the PR is already merged
<alienpirate5> I will create an issue. I'm just trying to get something working, the service I'm running has gone down
<sterni> uhohqueenofTechl: also something which is very cool and also pretty fun is generating code and then building it all from within nix using pkgs.writers.* for example
<shapr> uhohqueenofTechl: I think you'd need a different derivation if you wanted to tune for something like Xeon
<tobiasBora> oups, wait for the last thing I may did something stupid
<tobiasBora> tpw_rules: well, did I missed something? http://paste.debian.net/1191237
<hexa-> so if you'd used something home.sessionVariables (home-manager), that could work
<maralorn> hexa-: Hm, it might just be a wrapper or something?
<Magic_RB> odiug[m]: well you beat me to it lol, I also had the idea that I could create a module which would parse `services` then generate something like `services2` which then could get parsed by which ever init system the user picked. I planned to write a semi official design for the new generic services option by going through all existing services and
<srhb> I think it was odiug[m] that posted something yesterday.
<srhb> I'll read bundle in case I missed something
<matthewcroughan> Maybe I could do something with libpam and the fingerprint sensor on my laptop
<l33[m]> can't you use something like nixery?
<supersandro2000> pname and version is right there but something is interring
<matthewcroughan> Okay, this must have been a caching fluke or something, whatever the problem was seems to have fixed itself after garbage collection.
<clever> the overlays are needed, if your overriding a dep of something your using


<clever> matthewcroughan: i think you also want something like python3Packages.callPackage?
<exarkun> So I'd like my CI to do something better ...
<gh0st[m]2> Are you looking for something like https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/unstable/options.html#opt-boot.postBootCommands ?
<srhb> No, really, something else might benefit from that, but not Nix.
<exarkun> simpson: is that really what it's called? seems like it should be called something else since it is something else
<rose_> something i never understood about content addressing is how can e.g. `nix-env` know what hash to look for when it's installing a derivation
<gh0st[m]2> Its something Tweag's been working on
<exarkun> content addressable store is something people have been thinking about and maybe even working on, also
<rose_> in the future could this be changed to not affect the hash? i really don't know much about this, and i get that it goes against the theory or something but surely it would allow cross compiling with much less pain?
<jakobrs> How do I package something that can be built against either Qt5 or GTK3?
<heyarne[m]> hi! i'm new to nixos. i'm trying to use a processing wrapper from another programming language (clojure). trying to do so tells me downloads some jars from maven, for which execution fails because they don't find the required shared libraries. i know that all the libraries are in the `processing` package, which i managed to install. how can i add those libraries to `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`? i know this is something nix tries to
<veleiro> if you're making a derivation that's mostly a package, but it would need some services active, is that considered a module in nixpkgs? or is programs.* the midway for something like that?
<nf> maybe something like evalModules { modules = [ o { config = fromString v; } ]; }
<etu> o1lo01ol1o: Another way is to rebuild again to something else
<o1lo01ol1o> I'm debugging something and have a case I need to test using nixos-20.03.1445.95b9c99f6d0
<exarkun> sterni: I think it's *also* that but that confusion has been in place for a long time without ill effect so I think it's something else too
<exarkun> So still seems like something I did is clobbering the tahoe-lafs overlay
<exarkun> Oh. There's still *something* from my overall project in this environment. Hm.
<sterni> JaakkoLuttinen[m: you can either do it manually which is kinda tedious with that level of nesting or with something like lib.recursiveUpdate although I'm not sure off the top of my head if it supports removing attributes
<Guest19> it says something along the lines Graphical annotation glxtest libpci missing
<Guest82> draw, GPU nouveau driver is loaded I am not sure. I can deal with Firefox issue but something seems wrong not performing
<Guest82> Simpson I am that guy with Firefox issue, tried changing kernel to see if it fixes it. Same GPU driver, xorg. Something is wrong because even in 5.4 when its working besides Firefox issue there is small artifacts when opening and closing terminal, like window doesn't open or close instantly I can see triangles broken shapes while its trying to
<radvendii> can someone give my appimagekit pull request a look? (#116501) I need it for something downstream (going to send a PR to nix-bundle) and I'd rather not have to use my fork of nixpkgs as the flake input


<clever> elvishjerricco: this creates a zfs ami, gchristensen has also done something with it
<beww> srhb: I'm trying to nix-channel --update, see how it goes, I'm on NixOS do I need to do something specific after that channel update to be able to use the new one? (for adhoc nix shell or rebuilding my os
<l33[m]> <pushqrdx "this is not nixos related but i "> the first thing is not to panic! unmount the drive. get another drive of the same size and dd an image of it so you can work on that rather than delete more data on the drive. You can use something like photorec to recover files , however i'm not sure if it support apfs... just don't panic!
<exarkun> oh no. something does expect openssl.override to exist. but it doesn't.. wat. :/
<srhb> exarkun: Oh, I guess you thought it would propagate pname and version into src automatically or something like that
<domenkozar[m]> it has to do something how flakes interprets source
<Guest32> nix-env -ir or something
<Guest32> or nouveau driver is faulty. Something is missing, since xfce4-session command fixes it.
<Guest32> tpw_rules nope, didn't help. I think nixos maybe misses something with xorg package, overall graphics seem iffy (nouveau is installed, works before in other distros). like for example when switching between alacritty and firefox, you can sometimes see slight broken drawings (small glitch type)
<drozdziak1> I'm getting a timeout from prev.fetchFromGitHub inside an overlay, the assembled link downloads the tarball normally outside nix, what could be the reason? Multiple machines do this so it's probably nix sandboxing something in a way I don't understand
<Guest32> aaronjanse it might be hardware issue, but I guess nixos does something differently, other distros work fine, and I tested live environment (gnome) in 3 different machines, all have same stutter in firefox (in live mode)
<Guest32> exarkun other distros, arch, gentoo, void didn't have this issue (tried them). Something nixos related here (I also tried firefox-bin and other versions)
<Guest32> aaronjanse sometimes I get rcu schedulling jiffies something something error on boot, sometimes
<Guest32> aaronjanse what is rcu scheduling process I see on minimal nixos installation? something cpu related?
<sterni> dotlambda: if you use android you can use the relay feature to use weechat on mobile as well which is neat (although you need to use vpn or something the protocol is unencrypted afaik)
<dotlambda> I'm interested in hearing how people use IRC: Do you run the client on a server within a terminal multiplexer or use Quassel or something else? What's your preferred client?
<codygman__> To clarify, I don't understand why changing my flake.nix to "nixpkgs/master" from "nixpkgs" sets the `ref` to master and that's something from 11 days ago. Here is a diff that resulted from changing to "nixpkgs/master" and running "nix flake update --commit-lock-file": https://github.com/codygman/devos/commit/18f063b42e613e53634f519781a69d1f11629b79
<Raito_Bezarius> then that means there is something very wrong


<radvendii> you can test this in two ways, (1) you can just run `cat /nix/store/<package>/bin/executable | grep <hash>` and it will say "executable matches search" or something like that (2) you can run `patchelf --print-rpath /nix/store/<package>/bin/executable`
<tpw_rules> anyway i gotta run. i think this "searching the output" trick is something that people see once in the beginning of nix and forget about, but it's really a key piece of the magic that is behind truly understanding a lot of nix aspects
<unclechu> tpw_rules: what if i do something like this: `runCommand "foo" {} '' mkdir $out; ln -s -- ${file} $out/ ''`
<unclechu> or am i missing something?
<tpw_rules> i would say it's probably an error if something from nativeBuildInputs appears as a runtime dependency because then the package will break if cross-compiled. but there's nothing strictly stopping it
<unclechu> hey, if i do something like `pkgs.runCommand "foo" { str = "${pkgs.someapp}/bin/someapp"; } "echo $str > $out"`
<mvnetbiz_> It looks like it builds a separate set of packages for each platform, or at least just a set of wrappers or something
<matthewcroughan> I still think you're going after something that's not relevant, the code is being used.
<matthewcroughan> No, but it doesn't matter where/how it's imported. Can you give me an example of "importing something wrong"?
<Yaniel> could be /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, could be ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix, could be something else
<Yaniel> if it's included by something that makes it do things it's not a random file
<matthewcroughan> That is untrue, it would do something. If it's included.
<tpw_rules> so there is something in the derivation that is doing that. i could make a derivation that's like { nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ]; installPhase = ''cat ${cmake} > $out/lol.txt''; } and it would make cmake a dependency in the closure even though it's in nativeBuildInputs
<beertoagunfight> sterni: Is there something that I can lookup that allows me to patch it without copy-pastaing the original Makefile?
<praduca> like terraform or something else
<praduca> anyone know if nixops is being deprecated or something like that? I am asking because it was on my list of things to learn, and it disappeared from nixos.org lol
<drozdziak1> sterni sorry, hit enter too soon :P Would a scope be viable for achieving something similar to build-essentials in Ubuntu? Like a multipackage alias?
<pinpox> Ok that makes sense. So to sum it up: Instead of running ci jobs inside nix docker images and copying to the store afterwards, just run the jobs natively. That also avoids having to provide the ci containers with an ssh key to copy to the host and makes sure the build result is what I expect it to be and not something that has been tampered with,
<simpson> You can attenuate the key, but something like a key will be needed in order to enable the write. However, IIUC the writing user doesn't need to be root.
<pinpox> that's also nice. My main concern/question is how to make it as safe as possible, so that the ci doesn't something like a root key to be able to write to the cache


<codygman__> How can I find the latest failure for something on hydra? I see the latest success here: https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixpkgs/trunk/haskellPackages.orgstat.x86_64-linux/
<emily> even if you had to pass `--no-link --print-path` or something it would still be more ergonomic than the status quo
<remexre> or something else for running hw-accelerated linux VMs under apple silicon, packaged etc by nix
<simpson> siraben: The entire goal of the sevenfold tiers was that "dropping support" isn't something we have to consider. Rather, we can simply nudge things up or down by a tier at a time, in response to changes in the environment.
<phalrax> When I built something with nix-build, how do I properly delete it? Will nix-collect-garbage take care of it or is it somehow protected from getting cleaned up?
<nomadtester> btw i have just tested nomadbsd, it worked one time, then something went wrong, rebooted it, and UFS died miserably
<ehmry> s1341_: are these nixos hosts, or something else with nix installed?
<phalrax> Hi, I'm trying to get something like this to work: if programs.zsh.enable then environment.systemPackages = ... else [];
<supersandro2000> I had this once. Something with the ssh connection was not quite right
<ehmry> you see something like 'waiting for a builder'?
<aaronjanse> Is there some way I could catch fetchGit errors with something like tryEval? I want to have a fallback for a private git repository in my dotfiles
<srhb> (My guess is it'll be something like usermod.pam)
<matthewcroughan> Does anybody have something like a dark-theme.nix which ensures the dark themes for qt5 and-or gtk are set up system-wide?


<madonius[m]> I might be onto something
<gchristensen> maybe the error could have, like, alt text or something with something more specific
<Reventlov> and what I get is a 403 on some script when trying to go to the account console (I didn't configure anything else), so I guess something is broken in my conf or somewhere else
<Reventlov> I'm trying to use the module, it runs ok, but I have a small problem with something (namely, accessing the "account console" after running keycloak)
<cole-h> You'd have to make something of your own :P
<rippla> Hi, can somebody help me get that expression right? I'm experimenting with getting that local let working instead of making a file wide one, but something is obviously wrong, it's complaining about the []
<conkker> simpson It's harder to hide something malicious in source than binary, and I can at least build a source package myself if I want to, I can't do that with binary packages
<ploupiboulba[m]> is it possible to build a package from an overlay defined in flake.nix ? something akin to `nix build .#overlays.myPackage` ?
<toasty_avocado[m> I just typed something in incorrectly 😅 and was questioning things.
<s1341_> i think there are deadlocks or something in the nix-daemon... i'm getting a lot of cases where the nixbld* user processes are idle....
<s1341_> is there log or something anywhere?
<clever> so the `result` in fix, will return the `{a=...; b=...;}` part of the function, and the only special thing, is that any reference to `self` in the ..., now has a lazy reference to something
<clever> so if you have something like: `f = self: { a=...; b=...; }` and then try to use `fix f` then nix will first look at fix, and do the code i explained before
<clever> rydnr: nix is lazy, so it wont figure out what the arguments are, until something references it


<Henson> nly: are you trying to build something?
<supersandro2000> and some crates need an ENV that they should use the system library instead of something vendored
<vikanezrimaya> something like this? xrandr --output eDP-1 --auto --output DP-1 --auto --scale 1.25x1.25 --right-of eDP-1
<matthewcroughan_> All I have to do is find a way to make a function that modifies the installer image or something.
<Ke> if you need to patch mesa or something, it can be hard, but kernels in nixos are trivial
<tenniscp25> Has anyone experienced this issue? I'm not sure if this is the upstream issue or is it something about the nix build.
<matthewcroughan_> but on NixOS you could have 6in4.nix which configures you an ipv6 ip from hurricane electric or something
<patagonicus> Does nixpkgs have units for large byte values predefined? Something like 3 * MiB or MiB(3) for 3 * 1024 * 1024.
<maralorn> That’s why haskell.nix is intriguing. For downstream power users they way of least resistance might be to abandon nixpkgs and it’s structural constrains and just use something else.
<sterni> I think we could do something like that but it'd mean our package set wouldn't be homogenous anymore
<sterni> something to experiment at least if it offers any benefits if we reuse something like stackage.nix and hackage.nix