
<nixos-noob-table> I think I'm going to try without the btrfs stuff. Perhaps something changed between versions
<__red__> nixos-noob-table: Great - we learned something
<nixos-noob> It looks something like this: [ boot | luks+lvm { swap | / } ]
<immae> Hey! I have this configuration to login with ldap: https://tools.immae.eu/paste/qm3z/ when I deploy that and try to login, it fails (I get "Invalid user immae from port 47386"). But if I restart nscd.service I can finally log-in. However this works only until I rerun a nixos-rebuild switch, then I have to restart nscd manually again. Did I miss something in the configuration?
<samueldr> still investigating something about them
<samueldr> a while ago like less than an hour or something else way earlier? if it was something else I surely don't remember :)
<Miyu-saki> I feel like I have to ask something. Why do we prepend the compiler outputs with system triples when we cross compiling?
<evanjs> I remember getting into trouble doing similar stuff for musl. had to make sure I was either using stuff from the stdenv, passing in the right stdenv, or idk, something
<evanjs> something something do you need to refer to the gcc within stdenv or etc?


<ryantm> > I certainly did something wrong to make this pull request https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/98809 but I can't figure what.
<solene> I certainly did something wrong to make this pull request https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/98809 but I can't figure what.
<samueldr> IIRC plasma should have something to refresh menus
<camsbury> I have something like https://pastebin.pl/view/39e87e5b
<camsbury> something like this
<immae> jelly-something (or some name in j)
<KarlJoad> Ok. I guess I changed something somewhere, although I don't know what I changed.
<immae> you probably have an autostart or something like that
<immae> graf_blutwurst: both are there? so it’s your session. Do you have an X session manager or something alike?
<mvnetbiz_> nvm forgot something


<ptival[m]> hopefully I can adapt it to preInstall or something :)
<sheepfleece> I now also tried to install extension pack manually, and it didn't work either, because vm wanted to change something in /nix/store
<immae> (Something like mounting/symlinking /nix/var/nix/profiles to a local /persist, or things like that)
<evanjs> yeah if it were me I'd just configure them through nix or something :P https://search.nixos.org/options?show=environment.etc.%3Cname%3E.text&query=docker
<evanjs> But I'm assuming something _else_ is consuming the configs, outside of Nix's control
<roconnor> I must be missing something fundamental here...
<Ke> though not sure, ix nix packages glibc on darwin or something
<rasmusm> evanjs: do you (or others) have experiance with rnix-lsp, are there something i should look out for when setting it up?
<rasmusm> evanjs: that sound like something viml could have a problem with
<woffs> qutebrowser is broken in channel 20.09 now, has this something to do with / can it be fixed with something like https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/7abb57c7b5eaa9aa34ea289fc1e23ed259547bdb ?
<evanjs> lordcirth: what, is is something like "21.09 is not a version?"
<rasmusm> but must plugins are just a git checkout, so its easy to wrap for nix, execely with something like niv or nix-prefetch-github
<evanjs> I remember seeing something about the update.py script (for vimplugins) needing authentication a while back... is this something that's needed now?
<solene> evils: absolutely not. I added xrdp in my package list. How could I now I can add this as a service to enable? I'm quite new to Nixos, I've read the manual but I can't find a pattern to understand when I can use services.$something. I also looked at the package code on github to find clues and didn't find any.
<__red__> when you ran it, it probably said something like: "
<greyeax> if you use something like NetworkManager, evidently it doesn't require a name service daemon to be running


<mvnetbiz_> have I seen something about systemd "automatic boot assessment" integration in nixos before?
<cole-h> How do I build something without the daemon, temporarily? Is my only choice to become root?
<azazel> garbas: I've tried to do the same, but I've stumbled upon a strange problem with the compilation of the "persitent" package: when I do a "pypi2nix -r plone52-buildout-requirements.txt" it exits with an error ( https://termbin.com/evaka ) that i don't really understand. When packaged alone, the process works flawlessly... I'm almost certain it has something to do with the damn setuptools version
<evanjs> jared-w: right yeah that's what I was wondering. And yes I was thinking something like that might work
<jared-w> evanjs: I do think something like mkPins would do what you want. The first thing I see is you seem to be using it with a list when it takes an attrset?
<__red__> but another part of me says that since I have to pull something else in (because there isn't a nixos package for it) to just let it slide
<evanjs> And I'm wondering if something like the mkPins function might help solve that problem
<evanjs> based on something from infinisil's config lol. the initial expressoin works fine in terms of building and etc, but if I collect garbage and then try to run nixos-option or etc, well, new-modules was never exactly a "dependency" (only used during build time)
<whald> i think lib.mkVMOverride is something the may help, but i can't figure out how to use it.
<pmyjavec> The issue I have with that, is when changing the nix file, if it's the same as something I'd built before, I can't get a path to the drv again :)
<phaebz> kiren: the output of `ls -l /run/current-system/sw/lib/` does not contain ld-linux*.so.2... am I missing something?
<evanjs> abathur: found something lol


<__red__> So I am packaging something which uses make and cmake. One of the makefile targets calls two cmake targets. Once does a whole bunch of detection and copies some python scripts into the /build directory - the second executes them. Problem I have is that when I sheBang them before the target, the cmake un'sheBangs' them.
<jlv> Has anyone packaged `pgplot` by any chance? It's not in nixpkgs, but maybe someone has an overlay or something?
<colemickens> did something in nixUnstable change regarding nix?
<samueldr> then I guess an option is to also look at "similarly packaged" packages, so something that builds the same way
<jasom> So I was experimenting with NIS on nixos, and I'd like to talk abuot nsswitch.nix right now that file needs to be changed for every single module that wants to change nsswitch. I was thinking we could do something like nsswitch.passwd.<module>.priority and then have nsswitch.conf build the files array in priority order, omitting anything with e.g. priority = 0. Then this file could remain
<simpson> It should be something simple, right? Because surely somebody sometimes bumps some single line to change the default GCC on Linux.
<clever> Taneb: i forget the exact option, but you need to use something like: qemu.networkingOptions = [ "-net" "user,hostfwd=tcp:" "-net" "nic" ];
<Taneb> I'm running a VM with a NixOS config (something like $(nix-build -E "(nixos { configuration = ...; }).vm)/bin/run-nixos-vm
<etalecohomology> but I started with something simpler ...
<maralorn> etalecohomology: Can you post your error message? Does something in your nix-shell fail or the generation of the nix-shell? If gi-cairo fails to build, that might be because that package you create is not affected by the buildInputs to your mkShell.
<Ke> as in something to create global db and keep it up to date
<hsngrmpf[m]> Not sure what `undefined symbol: _ZN14QMetaCallEventC2EttPFvP7QObjectN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPvEPKS0_iiPiS5_P10QSemaphore, version Qt_5_PRIVATE_API)` really tells me. Something is missing for sure. but autoPatchElfHook didn't raise any errors.
<zecnate> Are there expressions for joining/extending path values? I often want to do something like `let basedir = ./../../../; thingone = basedir / "thing1"; thingtwo = basedir / "thing2"; in …`
<srhb> eyJhb: I've been out of the loop until like last week, so I may be missing something :)
<clever> zecnate: that feels like something patchShebangs should already support


<infinisil> unclechu: I'd probably add an overlay that does something like `qt5 = self.qt<whatever>; libsForQt5 = self.libsForQt<whatever>`
<__red__> my head hurts - going to work on something else for a while
<infinisil> You need to put something in /etc/nixos/nixos-channel/nixos that actually is a path to nixos
<euank> Channels just resolve things like `<nixos>`, you could also do something like `let nixpkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/0f976477e9f61578c5f7f0a33830cfaa81168d75.tar.gz") {}` instead of `let nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}`
<unclechu> something like `sudo nix-channel --add file:///etc/nixos/pkgs.nix nixos`?
<__red___> is it considered poor form to open up an Issue against nixpkgs to track my own work on something in nixpkgs?
<cole-h> If you need to download something, bind it in a let block and use `fetchurl` or something.
<NobbZ[m]> And if not, it is possible to override with something that is within constraints/known to work.
<lordcirth> infinisil, ok, so it built, but when I change to "environment.systemPackages = [ inputs.nixpkgs-unstable.ipfs-migrator ];" it says "attribute 'ipfs-migrator' missing". Do I need to do something to the repo to use it?
<Peter_Storm> It’s something in the store
<Peter_Storm> I read something about maybe having to do some patchelf stuff to make it available to my shell... but I’m in over my head 😅
<dminuoso> zecnate: Roughly, a derivation is similar to a makefile in that it represents a way to build something for the nix store.
<clever> > :p let scr = "something important"; in { src = src; }
<clever> > let scr = "something important"; in { src = src; }
<clever> so when people come from debian, and expect root installing something to be global, it is
<zecnate> So with my understanding of nix, the way you would "override" something given that sets are immutable is you create a new set with the default/fallback values plus some new override values.
<zecnate> Hrm, sorry I don't understand overrides yet. I think the "standard" way to do things in `nixpkgs` is to define functions that take package derivations as arguments, maybe with defaults, then the caller can choose to swap out pacakges, or something like that.
<matthewcroughan> if/elif scripts that look for a global variable, then set yet another global variable if something is true in the env..
<simpson> In general, factor out common subexpressions; when you see something defined twice in a block, then you can factor it out and only define it once.
<cole-h> Nix is not a general-purpose programming language, so it's harmful to compare it to something like Python or Rust or C.
<matthewcroughan> I have also one-off installed something with nix-env -I
<cole-h> You could do `PAGER=cat man nix-env | grep something` if `/` isn't doing it fory ou
<matthewcroughan> I've tried with the dummy device to get it to handle hotplugs, but something always screws up
<colemickens> Sorta. As of now, VSCodium is the only exception and I'm working on something for that.
<matthewcroughan> Oh no, nvm, it came from your nixpkgs-chromium-ozone or something, maybe it was a flake
<Reiser> Is there something I've missed? Why isn't initrd detecting my LVM devices automatically?


<unclechu> glxinfo says something like “uhd graphics 620 (kbl gt2)”
<xensky> oh, hm. i tried manually setting XDG_CONFIG_HOME and it still doesn't see it. so maybe it is something else
<bqv> or something along those lines
<simpson> zeorin: In general, the binary cache only contains common packages according to fixed configurations. If you've changed something which configures Chromium in some way, then that could be the cause. (And you've got an unfortunate situation, since Chromium takes hours to build.)
<astro> then what is a suggested way to package something which just contains assets?
<__red___> any ideas how to stop that - I'm sure I'm doing something stupid
<cptMikky> huh, I guess the actual issue would be something along the lines of "Empty (but defined) bridges.*.interfaces = [ ] doesn't trigger restart of `networking-setup` service on config switch"
<lb5tr> i did something very dumb with git and i lost some of my changes in symlinked configuration.nix
<la-jesystani> maybe it'll clear on next boot or something


<bbigras> Kloenk: systemd-home. That's the new thing using 1 file or something for home I think.
<bbigras> Kloenk: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Cheatsheet might have something for that
<nbathum> trying to put together a MWE last night and have something which builds a package
<ToxicFrog> the dwm package also has something weird going on where it looks like you can supply a config header as a package argument and it'll automatically overwrite config.def.h with it: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/blob/441a7da8080352881bb52f85e910d8855e83fc55/pkgs/applications/window-managers/dwm/default.nix#L24
<ToxicFrog> Are you sure you don't just have a typo or something? Because that is how it's done and that line looks like it should work
<adam_> Is there a clang11StdEnv or something
<balodja> I'm missing something in those commands.
<la-jesystani> what do i need to read in order to package something from github? i want to use a fork of picom thats not in pkgs
<Miyu-saki> I want to nuke a NixOps machine, but I'm keeping a snapshot just in case I forgot to transfer something
<kini> Maybe the right approach for something like this is to have an overlay repo somewhere which has an always up to date version of `dolphin-emu/master.nix`? Someone would have to set up a cron job somewhere to update it, though.
<clever> matthewcroughan: having something like ccache involved would poison it all
<simpson> I bet something else was changed. Maybe channels got updated.
<clever> matthewcroughan: did you change something involving that?
<simpson> Although I can agree with something like `dolphinEmuGit = dolphinEmuMaster; # better name`
<clever> it takes a set containing the old attrs, and returns something else
<matthewcroughan> so unlike the AUR which has `something-git` packages, nix cannot do this?


<cole-h> LnL: If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in a review or comment or something -- gotta head off to work in a bit. (As you can probably tell, I'm not very well-versed in C++.)
<cole-h> LnL: Only problem now is that the manpage is still short `bar` and `bar-with-logs` since they are outside libutil... Unless I've done something wrong.
<adam_> I still feel like it's not using -stdlib=libc++ or something
<adam_> so does clangd use something other then the standard environment
<zeorin> Suckless's patches tend to do that. They assume you'll just be applying them using `git apply -3` or something, and then it's not such an issue, but when setting it up in Nix it means I have to do it their way first, just to get a unified patch that I must then include in my Nix config.
<Thra11> Is it possible to fetch nixpkgs over ssh? i.e. something like `nix-build -I nixpkgs=ssh://user@`?
<zecnate> clever: Ok. That sounds like something to look into!
<buckley310> clever: so in order to use something like "-I sconfig=/path/to..." to override the whole channel, the channel needs to be designed to handle that?


<evanjs> Mrm pretty sure I saw something like this with asyncio
<cole-h> regnat: `static registeredLoggers` doesn't appear to work cross-lib (or something), so `extern` it is :(
<jDally987> not seeing it unless I gotta be root or something
<evanjs> abathur: arianvp eh that's usally what I end up doing lol. Sometimes multiple runs work, sometimes I actually need to delete something outside the store :P
<evanjs> or is there something else I should be using to handle the error?
<ToxicFrog> It's less useful on laptops/desktops because (IIRC) it doesn't include any GUI/DE stuff, so the -small channel might advance to a version that's fine for headless use but breaks KDE or something.
<ixxie> I tried a simple overlay to bump a package version, but the build is running rediculously long so I must be doing something wrong:
<Ke> if I was setting up something now, I might set up 20.09 directly
<notgne2> if the package doesn't exist in stable either, sometimes you can do `services.something.package = (import <unstable> {}).something;` or you might have to set it in your overlay
<V> it falls back to *something*


<jlv1> Did Qt 5.15 change how it supports Wayland or something? I'm getting `Could not find the Qt platform plugin "Wayland" in ""` when I try to run Qutebrowser with Qt 5.15
<clever> python has a broken = something; field on each package
<jlv1> V: I was thinking something like `qutebrowser = super.qutebrowser.override { inherit (super.qt515) *; };`, but I'm not sure how to "inherit everything from ...".
<not-rager> asked before, didn't really see an answer or any engagement, so re-asking: is there something weird about nixos or bazelisk that make the two play so poorly together?
<jlv1> Hmm. How would I change Qt version of a package with an overlay? Something like `super.libsForQt515.callPackage super.qutebrowser { }`.
<catern> mvnetbiz_: not-rager: infinisil: I went ahead and made an issue for adding something like this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/98133
<praduca> I'm missing something? Its a old n2600 netbook
<mvnetbiz_> clever, I can't get something like this to work nix eval --expr "{ a, b }: a + b" --arg a 1 --arg b 2
<catern> thanks, I guess I'll just look for something like run-nixos-vm but working for containers next to nixos/modules/virtualization/qemu-vm (which is where run-nixos-vm is written)
<catern> I'm wondering if there's something like that, which uses some container software instead of qemu
<maralorn> Was there something done to the purity of builds (or fetchgit specifically) between 20.03 and 20.09?
<catern> infinisil: I know... I'm wondering if there's something that does it with a container... "is there a script to do that as a container?"
<mvnetbiz_> judson, you can have some place in your configuration that you do `let unstable =... in` and use fetchgit or something else to get it, but if you want to use channels thats how you do it
<mvnetbiz_> I was doing something else the other day that needed ${} I forget what. I didnt even realize that works outside of strings, it must be some deeper feature of the parser
<mvnetbiz_> seems like a nix language bug unless theres something obcious i dont get
<mvnetbiz_> if you want an exception for firefox you could use flatpak or something, but I dont know how well that works
<c4droid> Hi, I just installed nix on my macOS, and I installed nodejs, when I using npm install hexo-cli globally, shell cannot find hexo, did I have something wrong?
<colemickens> fair enough, I was just curious, I've been mulling it over for something I'm working on that adds system.build.X attrs
<zecnate> Oh, neat idea. Maybe I'll change my font or something next time.
<gustavderdrache> i've heard that if you change how something is displayed, it makes you re-read it fresh
<zecnate> The result of that traceSeq expr should be `null`, right? So it must be something else trying to access a list...
<samueldr> or something along the line


<cole-h> Though maybe the `boot.` prefix would have hinted something... Now we all know :D
<oxa> Hello, anyone familar with node packages? I'm packaging something need node packages for build dependency (not a part of output). I found there's a global node-package.nix (pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.nix). Do I need to put this dep in global and regenerate it, or use node2nix to get a standalone node-package.nix?
<marble_visions> if something like LTS comes to light
<marble_visions> i see a few hints in the manual that there might be issues if nix changes something
<LogicalOverflow> simpson: I see your point, but I would still like to try. Can you think of a way on how to get something like that to work?
<regnat> I already saw something really dirty abusing the build-hook mechanism to do that… but unless you really need it that's probably overkill
<wucke13> I'm currently trying to package something with a meson build, which explicitly requires some modules from boost. How does that work, currenly none of these modules is found?
<NobbZ[m]> If you do not do that, there is something called "flake compat", not sure though how it works exactly, it was in Elvis GitHub AFAIR
<cole-h> Something is mucky -- my numbers are emojis again ;D
<zecnate> Something is bugging me though, because I feel like I'm doing things backwards from this example: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/#sec-arguments
<zecnate> Actually I did `pkgs = ... \n pkgs` and it appears to have fetched and installed a bunch of something when evaluating `pkgs`.
<Ke> note that some operations might go through the nix-daemon or something


<mmcar> Hi, are newbie questions allowed here? I haven't tried NixOS yet (or guix) but I've read guix has a really really powerful emacs interface. I was wondering if Nix has something close to that or if it's even something that would make sense given the differences between nix and guile?
<vifon> Do you mean steam-run or something more?
<rnhmjoj> NieDzejkob: i've bisected the staging branch and i received a more puzzling result. something like "the merge base is bad: this means the bug has been fixed between A and [B]"
<cole-h> I think Pijul is in the middle of a rewrite or something, since there hasn't been any movement in the repo since 2019.
<drewr> nix-store can delete explicit paths, but is there a way to express that you want to delete all paths related to a particular package? Something like a gc but limited in scope
<eyJhb> Maybe I am overlooking something.
<GolDDranks> And I don't know if this brouting thing is just deprecated or replaced by something else
<Ke> GolDDranks: ebtables is not persistent and maybe there is something on nixos to configure that, but you can always just add custom commands in a proper way
<bbigras> cole-h: thanks. yeah maybe I could use `nixos-rebuild test`. I was testing pipewire and wanted to make sure I restarted everything. But I guess `nixos-rebuild test` would have worked. sometimes I also do multiple deploy in the same day before I realize that something is broken and want to rollback to yesterday.
<joehh1> It seems to be related to the merging of the attribute set using // with something that is coming from the result of a function in an overlay
<Ke> maybe someone knows something better
<joehh1> (not that I think it is a bug, pretty sure I'm doing something silly)
<ornxka> i wonder if this makefile is doing something annoying


<notgne2> xensky (chat.freenode.net): yes, like `home.file.".something"`
<notgne2> xensky (chat.freenode.net): if you don't want to switch everything over to rely on home-manager, you can maintain your files separately and have home-manager put them into place for you on your more nix-y systems using something like `xdg.configFile."something/something".source = ./my-dotfiles/.config/something/something`
<cole-h> As long as you use it from within an editor (where you can undo if something *does* go wrong)
<patagonicus> nf: if you just want a conditional you can use `if val then "foo" else "bar"`. Or something like `lib.strings.optionalString val "foo"` (which returns an empty string if val is false).
<Ashy> andrewrk: i would try a liveusb of ubuntu or fedora or something just to rule out hardware issues
<andrewrk> aha, select sound card did something


<NieDzejkob> sreybastien[m]: dunnoh, try looking with something with gpg in the name in /etc?
<sreybastien[m]> something i miss ?
<immae> Can I add something to a python derivation so that, when used in a nix-shell (like a regular mkShell { buildInputs = [ (python.withPackages(p: [ p.myDerivation ]) ]; }), it adds things to the NIX_LDFLAGS?
<clever> siraben: then you need to check the journal with something like `journalctl -f -u pulseaudio --user` maybe
<moet> i'm packaging something that calls `hostname` in its tests.. since that program isn't available, i was thinking 1) i could make it available or 2) i could inject a stub using `preCheck` that returns a constant .. the stub could be "mkdir b; export PATH="$PATH:b"; echo "echo fakehost" > b/hostname; chmod +x b/hostname" but this seems kind of ugly.. any other ideas?
<clever> vifon: you want something lore like `nix-env -f . -iA foo`, which says to load default.nix, then install .foo


<eyJhb> If I have two imports that modify nix.trustedUsers = [ something ]; will they then get merged or overridden?
<gchristensen> but maybe you wanted to use Group for something else, and so now you have to make a choice about copying it elsewhere in a pre-start, or doing something else scary
<eyJhb> If I have something `let test = 1; in {}`, is it then possible to access the vars in let, outside of the file by importing it? `let myFileWithLet = import letfile.nix; in { myFileWithLet.test}`?
<siraben> I guess I could use `nix edit`, then run a shell script or something
<gaston12> it is what I thought, I should disable it. I was wondering whether it could be possible to add something like an alias which stays and other addresses which changes.
<simpson> To be more direct: Did something in this patchset break your workflow?
<lightandlight> Can an arbitrary nix derivation get something to appear in /etc, or is that functionality limited to nixos modules?
<NinjaTrappeur> Which build system is trying to fetch tarballs here? Something custom?
<cole-h> worldofpeace: btw, I have succeeded in getting the build-vm stuff to work with flakes (in my flake.nix, at least -- which requires impurity since I'm importing something from nixpkgs)
<ntnkwmkmnw[m]> okay I actually got it by cloning my own copy of nixpkgs, which was something I should probably just suck it up and learn to do anyway


<lucas_> Am I possibly doing something wrong?
<lucas_> I've stumbled upon a couple of broken packages, I wonder if I'm doing something wrong
<samueldr> e.g. if it doesn't work with something else too, it's likely that it isn't specific to the nixos image
<samueldr> srid: not "should", but that's something that can help point out issues
<srid> umm, should I? I thought may there is something I can try before that..
<sherub> Hi folks thanks for all the help earlier. The display properly works after running `xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 1600x900`. Now how do I turn this into a declarative nixos config? I looked through options and tried something like, xrandrHeads = [ { output = "HDMI-1"; primary = true; } ]; and resolutions = [{ x = 1600; y = 900; }]; but it
<sherub> When you say TV, do you mean any general display? or something specific?
<typetetris> Hmm I have a call to `nix-shell` in CI, where `NIX_PATH` isn't set to something useful. But the shell.nix should be self contained. But still, I have to user `-I nixpkgs=https://<some nixpkgs url>` because it insist on getting bash from the nixpkgs in the NIX_PATH, can I avoid that?
<eyJhb> cole-h: something like this I guess ? https://termbin.com/zqrh
<Mic92> kyren_: If you just want something working maybe rustup is an option
<jaen> Hi, should I expect the `amdgpu` work on `nixost-unstable`? When I do `vainfo` on 20.03 it works and reports a (somewhat short) list of supported formats. On unstable it fails with a binary symbol mismatch. Am I doing something wrong (basically just plugging in "amdgpu" into kernel modules as I'm not seeing any explicit libva package like for
<siraben> I get something like this: Unable to find libstd under RUST_SRC_PATH. N.B. RUST_SRC_PATH variable needs to point to the *src* directory inside a rust checkout e.g. "/home/foouser/src/rust/src". Current value ""/nix/store/1h2i69b7vljmgng9cxzrvkdj5ixb9hak-rust-src-1.48.0-nightly-2020-09-09-e2be5f568/libstd""
<vifon> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a path, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:7:20
<pbogdan> ldlework: maybe something like this `runCommand "emacs-script" nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; } "mkdir -p $out/bin; makeWrapper ${emacs}/bin/emacs $out/bin/emacs-script --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ hello ]}"`
<sphalerite> 1) the language built-in one, which doesn't have any rules for declaring the type of something and can't be checked statically
<veleiro> that's something ive seen and understand
<veleiro> maybe that's even something ive never understood on many distros
<veleiro> is this and "unsolved issue" or something that is accepted as a fault?
<pjt_tmp> moet: look for something like "ACPI: Waking up from system sleep state 64"
<CyberManifest> samueldr: so something similar to BusyBox ?


<simpson> zeta_0: Actually, I worry that that's not foolproof. I mean for you to do something like https://bpa.st/CEYA and take note of the hash. By comparing hashes, you can know whether or not it's changed.
<zeta_0> i just added an overlay to set xmonad to the newest git revision, but i do i check this to make sure it is? is there some command or something that i can do?
<notgne2> it's also fun to switch around, I've used everything from Gentoo to Ubuntu, trying something new whenever something broke itself
<CyberManifest> I just didn't understand the logic, like didn't know if he found a flaw in NixOS or something
<notgne2> using NixOS can be very boring in that regard, you won't have any excuses to re-install and end up trying something new, and at least for me it was too easy to make things work how I want, which I guess can take the fun out of messing with configurations
<CyberManifest> Is NixOS not production friendly or something: I can't understand why This YouTuber would release this video: https://youtu.be/oPymb2-IXbg and then in less than a month release this one: https://youtu.be/EUHmEO3_zjU shouldn't NixOS have filled the void ?
<simpson> samueldr: Hm. I can imagine spending time testing some of these locally and seeing what happens. In case I can't find the right version of Pi in my piles of useful junk, is the Pi 4 the right choice for local development or is there something else you'd recommend?
<CyberManifest> Yaniel: was that the case in the early x86 days, I seem to remember something about the FSF
<misuzu> https://rpi4-uefi.dev things would be much better if there was something like this for every arm board
<samueldr> misuzu: yeah, good, I was curious if there was something new that made it *completely* unusable
<CyberManifest> bbigras: glad you found something for you :)
<notgne2> and she also has both a laptop and a desktop, which both use the same configuration, which is something NixOS lets you do which is very convenient
<CyberManifest> Yaniel: something an average user wouldn't want to do
<notgne2> and there's no difference between the bin or built packages, just if you try compiling something the binary cache, it will download it instead
<simpson> CyberManifest: No, as samueldr was explaining, there's no good options for adding Raspberry Pis to the build farm; at scale, they'd rather have something rackable and etc.
<bbigras> CyberManifest: ah possibly. but unless I'm doing something crazy with Nix, I don't really code. It's more like a structured config file. When I write a nix module it's something else. I often need help.
<rschulman> I'm trying to compile something from within a nix-shell that needs the GPU to run. Which of the nvidia packages should I include in the shell.nix derivation?
<apache8080> is there something additional I need to do to use boost
<ixxie> Anybody know of a good example of a NixOS module doing something similar?
<Mic92> Raito_Bezarius: networkd can do something on those lines if I can remember correctly
<arianvp> I saw https://github.com/kolloch/crate2nix but it only works when my source directory is local afaics; I want to do something similar to cabal2nix where I can do cabal2nix cabal://my-package-2.0 and it fetches it from hackage
<evanjs> __monty__: infinisil weren't you working on something to replace loaOf?
<alexbakker> though I'm not sure if that could potentially break something else
<makefu> hyper_ch: i have something like this at work, i am using a function and map essentially. not sure if it 100% matches your use case though :)
<makefu> drag0nius: maybe you can start with creating a shared repository of all your hosts' configuration. copy over the config and run nixos-rebuild and you have something which is already very close to what you are looking for
<hyper_ch> how can I run a loop in the configuration.nix so that I can apply the same "instructions" muliple times? something like https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/raw/f94bd465
<dramforever> I think they are going to switch it to the same thing Rust uses, but I hope they keep a version like this (PDF version or something) somewhere
<dramforever> Like Nixonomicon or something
<dramforever> or something
<growpotkin> whats that magic lib command to treat a string as a file? lib.asFile "foo.txt" "Hello, World!" or something?
<growpotkin> Hey I've got some wonkiness going on with a oneshot service I wrote. I've done a ton but I probably just did something stupid. It's an sh script with the ol '#! /usr/bin/env sh' shebang line at the top. It's kicking back "/usr/bin/env: 'sh': No such file or directory", I can swap it for "/bin/sh" and it'll run but it has no path which is pretty worthless.


<Raito_Bezarius> is there something to generate nixos module "template" quickly?
<Raito_Bezarius> something in ~/.config/nixpkgs/... ?
<infinisil> I suspect something regarding the python packaging changed between 20.03 and unstable
<ornxka> i can see something failing to build but its unclear what exactly it is
<mjrosenb> is /nix/var/nix/profiles something that is normally used when running on macos? or is this something special that I got because I tried to install nix-darwin?
<mjrosenb> I remember I did something silly a while back because as soon as a RC of python-3.9 was available, nix wanted to upgrade to that. I wonder if I installed nix by accideent durning that hubub.
<Ke> isn't quota just something you configure and nixos does not need to support?
<pingiun> oh nvm it seems like I was just doing something else wrong
<Graypup_> curious mostly: is there any particular reason why nix builds don't use something like the systemd dynamic users?
<zecnate> Does anyone have a feel for what the most popular installation of Nix itself is? Is it mostly nixos users or is it actually Nix-on-debian or something like that?
<dramforever> as in, not manually but okay if something came with nix, or just no nix at all
<immae> you can check the logs of libvirtd.service too to check if it says something
<zecnate> New to nixos. What is the command to fetch and install a specific revision of nixpkgs? I see `nix-channel --add URL` and `nix-channel --update` but I want something like `nix-channel --fetch URL HASH`.
<euank> chasing down the #! in `/nix/store/.../bin/.ansible-wrapped` and the python wrapped by `$(which python)` in that shell do both give me the same thing. There are something like 3 layers of wrapper scripts here you can poke through to see what PYTHONPATH is being set for various things.
<euank> bradparker: what's the nix-shell invocation you're using? something like nix-shell -p python3Packages.ansible python3Packages.linode ?
<abathur> imo, it's not good to try to figure out something new in Nix when you're up against a wall/deadline
<euank> I've definitely done something like that before to replace a nixos module with a patched one. I'd be a little wary of doing it if the nixpkgs versions differ enough though.
<euank> I think you could do something like `let experimentalPRNixpkgs = (import builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/..../archive/$commit.tar.gz" {});`, and then ....
<euank> It will be cleaner to bind that import to something with a let though, and it'll let it be evaluated less often I think.


<zeta_0> i think colemickens might be taking a break or something.
<pittma> oo I do get something in dmesg now, though. I think this is new…
<colemickens> nij: give me a second, I need to test something to see how channels work with nix-build.
<colemickens> unless you're packaging something you'll never actually touch a compiler/make tools/etc.
<Thra11> colemickens: zeta_0 Assuming you have a nixpkgs checkout with all the history, isn't fetching it with something like `git fetch origin pull/38305/head:packet-tracer` *slightly* better, in that the context might help git to rebase/cherry-pick it more cleanly.
<colemickens> zeta_0: I'd probably start by doing something like this: `curl -L 'https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/38305.patch' | git am -3`
<FRidh> Something like hackmd
<bobvanderlinden> yes, i just used `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nixUnstable` and now `nix develop` is doing something :D
<ldlework> I just use Win-Shift-(one of the letters above) to move something around to another workspace if it needs to move.
<tomberek> and you want this to be something that can be `nix-build`-able?
<GolDDranks> And if touch or echo segfaults, something seems to be wrong. (My gut says that linking is borked? but could be anything)
<zeta_0> the main problem that i have with nixos is it's lack of documentation, with ubuntu i can quickly find step-by-step instructions on how to do something.


<V> I.e. it's a dependency, it ended up in the path, but something wants to use that without using an absolute path to refer to it
<fzakaria> (I could give it the VM module but seeing if there's something minimal; it doesn't need to be bootable)
<fzakaria> (or something with _callPackage_)
<ldlework> How do I include something like ${SCREEN_SIZE:-800x600} in a nix string being used as script source?
<nicolas[m]1> I simply expect the formatter to do something like "builtins.replaceStrings ["\\\\"] ["\\"] (builtins.toJSON "\\xDEADBEEF")"
<davidak[m]> like root was removed or something
<Raito_Bezarius> or I misunderstood something
<Raito_Bezarius> is there something to do IPv4 to IPv6 proxy for TLS using SNI preferably in NixOS?
<fzakaria> Something i've always wanted was also a "continue" debugger like functionality or "next"
<jakobrs> If I need to package a dependency of a package while packaging something, should I open multiple PRs?
<ixxie> pbogdan: hmm so something like this https://gist.github.com/ixxie/ddb2b8b3f1ec1f555e2c753879b5174c but I did something wrong
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, something like that should hopefully work
<cole-h> Definitely not something I plan on donig :P
<bqv> something new has definitely happened with systemd, cause it's also broken something else i have
<zeta_0> i used the nixpkgs manual as a reference, but i'm guessing either my syntax is off or i'm missing something !
<tomberek> okay, i didn't know that. Old nixpkgs works fine. I see you're using btrfs. perhaps something changed there? (btw: the more recent links you posted are not accessible)
<tomberek> bqv: you updated all of the filesystem options and ran a nixos-rebuild? (from a liveUSB or something?)