
<clever> then something is wrong with either the drive or the cable
<clever> Raito_Bezarius: nix run -f '<nixpkgs>' something
<Raito_Bezarius> e.g. take a RabbitMQ broker then link it to something something with IRC
<Raito_Bezarius> is this something that I can easily reproduce using NixOS?
<gchristensen> it is a bit annoying having irc bots join / part a lot during dev, which is sort of the norm for bots, but you can also get the same by handing FDs around during re-execs, and also through something like znc as a proxy
<simpson> Sure. To avoid breaking existing configuration, you'll have something like `lxde = { ... lxterminal = callPackage ...; ... }; lxterminal = lxde.lxterminal; # alias for backwards compat`
<pickfire> But I am surprised that something simple like lxde is not there.
<pjt_tmp> pickfire: something weird with your ram/zram settings maybe? If you're using /dev/shm you could give it more space
<typetetris> Seems like I want a builtin. Is fetchGit or fetchurl "better"? I darkly remember , there have been issues with fetchGit cloning the whole depot needlessly? Was there something like that and is it still relevant?
<dsal> I don't know nix well enough to understand how this magic is meant to work. What I really want is something like nix-shell -p openscad --run 'open -W ${pkgs.openscad}/Appliations/Openscad.app' -- but that's not valid.
<pjt_tmp> and here I was just suggesting something because it _sounded_ right-ish. Huh.
<dsal> The command works. I just looked through the env to find something that at least made a connection. I feel like there's a more right way to do this.
<siraben> Does anyone know if Nix has something analogous? https://guix.gnu.org/blog/2020/guix-further-reduces-bootstrap-seed-to-25/


<sss2> i mean if key is not device itself, but something inside filesystem located on device
<colemickens> you know, I think something is just messed up with xdp-w -> my file dialogs are broken in firefox, in addition to pipewire not working.
<pie_> evanjs: is this against something in nixpkgs or pypi
<evanjs> I see one poetry.lock in tree and it's for poetry itself. Can't remember where I saw it initially, but are poetry2nix-generated lockfiles something we expect to see in nixpkgs more often?
<meh`> is there a way in a shell.nix to rename a binary file to something else for anything running within?
<clever> nix-store -q -tree ${something} | less
<clever> nix-store -q -tree ${something}
<clever> nix-store -qR ${something} | grep clang
<pickfire> something
<lordcirth> Shouldn't it use a vector or something?
<clever> and then something didnt fit
<clever> Orbstheorem: does the error say what line its on? does --show-trace say something useful?
<nix_installer> Hi, I'm helping a friend install NixOS and it's an older system and I didn't recall UEFI in the bios but my friend did, so we did the UEFI install, but now it won't install. (also Flash isn't downloading, like adobe must have moved the source or deleted it, or something like that...)


<ryantm> pumpy: I don't know for sure but probably has something to do with the type being "notify" https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/24c9b05ac53e422f1af81a156f1fd58499eb27fb/nixos/modules/services/networking/keybase.nix#L33
<jkt> hmm, if I rename the name of the derivation that I'm trying to create to something like "mpv_jkt", then `nix-env --install mpv_jkt` says: error: selector 'mpv_jkt' matches no derivations
<immae> if you want to have a consistent behavior I believe you would have to drop the -A and use something like nix-env -i binutils-wrapper
<infinisil> Something like this might work
<Ke> warning: ignoring #pragma omp parallel [-Wunknown-pragmas] <- do I need to do something special in nixos to get openmp
<urkk> is possible to use something like substituteInPlace to expand @fig.trees.large@ to "${fig.trees.large}" in a latex file?
<pickfire> pumpy: You may need to enable systemd start services or something like that.
<spease> euank: it's a dependency for something else which complains about the static lib missing, and it hasn't triggered a rebuild
<euank> I just like using nix-shell if I'm trying something I may not want to install permanently; shouldn't make any difference though


<bqv> Something something paths in s3 got renamed and now can't be unrenamed
<pumpy> im trying to compile something but it errors on "not found: make". but there's no "make" package so which do i use?
<gluonix> Apologies if this is something I should be able to find on my own, but I wonder, how can one set an environment variable for the build phase to pickup on. Also, the env var is a path that must start with the absolute path to the `sourceRoot`.
<aswanson> it seems like there's something wrong with my cx_oracle overlay that is polluting python3.pkgs or something?
<aswanson> alright continuing my foray into overlaying python stuff. I need to override the version on cx_oracle which is a dependency of something I am already overlaying. I can run `nix build nixpkgs.python3.pkgs.cx_oracle` and build the older version. Now the other overlay I have is complaining that it needs the `buildPythonApplication` argument. If I ditch the cx_oracle overlay my other overlay works fine.
<gluonix> For a derivation, `foo.nix`, it builds in the `nix-shell` session, invoking the phases manually, (`unpackPhase` and `buildPhase`) and when trying to build it with `nix-build` it fails. I am new to `nix` and obviously I must be misunderstanding something about the difference between building in a `nix-shell` and invoking `nix-build`.
<DigitalKiwi> elvishjerricco: https://gist.github.com/matejc/688225bfec7f2e07abbeb474f7f59ea8 something like this maybe?
<jonathan47> Something about missing libGLU, how do I figure out how to supply that dependency.
<dminuoso> That being said, I long so badly for something similar to hackage/haddock for nixpkgs.
<Taneb> It is small compared to something like Ubuntu or Red Hat
<Taneb> pumpy: partially, I think. I get the impression the author was trying to use Nix to be something it's not
<pinpox> --arg configuration '<nixpkgs/nixos/maintainers/scripts/openstack/openstack-image.nix>' This builds an image, but how do I add/modify to the config? e.g. install something?
<gchristensen> maybe something like this: nix-instantiate --eval --json --strict --expr 'builtins.attrNames (import ./yourthing).mystuff'
<pumpy> what's best remote desktop setup to use? vnc, rdp, something else?
<risson> DigitalKiwi: yeah ofc, but it's kind of a mess, and I thought starting from something fresh would be something to try out
<pumpy> what's best remote desktop setup to use? vnc, rdp, something else?
<hexagoxel> (maybe my overlay is overriding something, I just noticed)
<hexagoxel> am I overlooking something obvious for why `chromium` does not appear to be in the binary caches for 1909 / 2003 ?
<regnat> ocharles: I don't think so, but you can do a fetchurl and then have a runCommand "mysrc" {} "unzip ${fetchedStuff} -d $out" or something like that
<DigitalKiwi> were you expecting something else __monty__ lol
<simpson> ziprandom: Probably, but I don't endorse overlays. For glibc in particular, I'm not sure whether you're going to have satisfaction just by changing its version; I expect that something else will break and the breakage will be hard to contain to an overlay. But go for it!
<hpfr> thanks. I assumed nixos would set them to comply with the freedesktop spec or something if you had services.xserver.enable on
<hpfr> $XDG_CONFIG_HOME and $XDG_DATA_HOME are unset on my i3 desktop. should something be setting these?
<DigitalKiwi> pickfire: you could probably get something working again if you temporarily disable lxqt remove nix.package = nixUnstable and switch and then reenable it but that's not really a solution...
<samueldr> if you wanted something that's user-serviceable, it looks like that the newest ranges from HP, all across, are possibly great for that (but untested with Linux)


<jasom> anyone have suggestion for the most reasonable way for configuring nixos to do periodic tasks? systemd timers, anacron, something else?
<pumpy> what is the nixos pastie service? i have something to show
<pie_> i really thing we should do something abut that
<pie_> clever: so im not dumb, it is absolutely useless and im missing something
<aswanson> I have a feeling I'll need something like that, because right now nix is complaining that visidata is being called without required argument 'buildPythonApplication' which I shouldn't have touched with overridePythonAttrs, (I think?)
<pie_> i have no idea how that definition is not an immediate infrec but apparently `newscope something somethingelse` is similar to `callpackage somethingelse`
<pie_> aswanson: check if you can tab complete something like .extend in the repl
<pie_> :thinking: there are probably scripts somewhere that can generate something for you but i dont know any
<cransom> pinpox: use map, for something like: map (x: { url = x; }) (lib.splitString "\n" (builtins.readFile ./all-subscriptions.opml))
<sphalerite> if it's a little less obtuse than weechat, maybe you can point it to ~/.nix-profile/lib/mcabber or something
<simpson> gluonix: Like, with dockerTools? You can of course install the traditional `docker` command with Nix, but eventually it'll be easier to treat the container image itself as something which Nix builds.
<emmanuel_erc> I've tried doing something like "${pkgs.removeReferencesTo}/bin/remove-references-to -t ${pkgs.haskelll.compiler.ghc843} $out/bin/${component}"
<domenkozar[m]> betaboon: if you leave me an email or something
<betaboon> domenkozar[m]: is the --nix-conf-dir in that comment something new? it doesnt seem to exist in 0.3.8 ?
<domenkozar[m]> betaboon: so something like NIX_CONF_DIR=$PWD/nix
<pumpy> maybe im messing my disk perms up or something. i noticed if i try doing fresh installs a few times in a row, there seems to be prior state left over. when fresh booting the installer, how can i format the disk before i use it? (/dev/vda in this case)
<Dandellion> something like `{x = 3; y = self.x}`


<bbigras> Do we have something to skip Go tests or I need to patch them out?
<emmanuel_erc> Ok, here's a better question. Why isn't there an attribute for every derivation called something like "runtime-deps" which allows you to explicitly your runtime-dependencies?
<lordcirth> attempt to call something which is not a function but a path
<fresheyeball> I am confused by something
<tpw_rules> what is an appropriate way to have multiple nix environments open in different terminals? i want something like python's virtual environments
<buffet> hey, does something like `mkIf condition {iftrue} {iffalse}` exist?
<dminuoso> evanjs: Mmm, couldn't you just do something really simple with `asEmacs = x: x`, and then make a very very trivial lisp-in-nix mode?
<evanjs> Sounds like something you'd do 😝
<ToxicFrog> Does nixpkgs need more reviewers? More people with write bits? A bot that can do the merges so that once something has been approved by maintainers you don't have to wait weeks-months for someone to merge it in?
<ToxicFrog> Apropos the community, something that kind of worries me about the long-term health of nixpkgs/nixos is the sheer number of open issues and PRs -- it seems like lots of stuff gets reviewed and either sent back for updates and never gets updated (I've been guilty of this myself, but largely due to the next point...) or approved but never merged.
<amercan> By sandbox do you mean something like firejail or does nix use something else?
<amercan> Hey, a while ago I heard that NixOS has /bin/sh and /usr/bin/env links for compatibility purposes, did something change about it?
<srhb> simonpe^^: If that does not get rid of the problem, then I guess either the server is truly serving a wrong narinfo (hash doesn't match the actual path) or something entirely different is going on.
<noonien> i'm guessing this has something to do with the order in which the filesystems are mounted. the bind mount is happening before the source filesystem is mounted. is there a way to fix this?
<simonpe^^> the same problem appears on several clients so it's probably something on the server end of things
<joesventek> So I think I want to get rid of nix-channels on my NixOS installations. Are flakes usable yet? Or should I better go with something like niv or even adding nixpkgs as git submodule for the time being?
<Orbstheorem> Hi o/ When working on an app, I often use a nix-shell to wire in an adequate build environment. I have some integrations in my vim config (e.g. language server). Something that's been bugging me for a while is that whenever I need to add a new library, I have to close vim exit the previous shell, and re-enter the new shell and reopen vim. I wonder if there's a better way to do this (such as per-shell profiles,


<emmanuel_erc> so I've found something in common between the issue that Pandoc faced and mine
<euank> And it's also probably a sign that the toolchain in question is doing something kinda weird.
<pittma> I've just updated to the new thunderbird, and I'm hitting something like this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/98765
<Ke> I git clone and set NIXOS_CONFIG or something
<parsnip> can I do something like `nix show-derivation nixpkgs.emacs-27.1`
<utlaert> Or systemd.user.units or something
<Raito_Bezarius> if you try wireguard on mobile or something like this
<Raito_Bezarius> exarkun: I'm not sure it has really something to do with NixOS directly
<dminuoso> Notably you can use nix + terraform, if you combine that with a sensible cloud provider, you can build something similar but with high deterministic guarantees
<dminuoso> You can however, build up something similar to k8s with nixos


<rnhmjoj> do you know what's the purpose of settings `ExecStart = [ "" "blabla" ]` in a systemd unid? i guess it has something to do with overriding
<selfsymmetric> emacsGcc borked for me with `(setf seq-elt) is already defined as something else than a generic function`, even with --no-init, so I'm rolling back to something that works
<pbb> forgot something there
<noonien> i think i used your guide on how to setup nixos on scaleway, i remember it was something similar
<ocharles> What do people think is the most idiomatic way to turn /nix/store/...-foo/bin/foo into /nix/store/...-foo? I could just use runCommand to create a sym-link, but I wonder if there's something in pkgs.lib?
<Henson> maralorn: thanks for the suggestion. It doesn't look like that's happening. I replaced "procmail" in the postfix configuration with a wrapped script that calls procmail but also executes some investigative commands. It tells me that whatever calls procmail can see bash in the nix store, so something must be going on with procmail that is preventing it from calling the shell properly.


<fresheyeball> I am doing something admittedly fancy
<Athas> If I install 'xfce.xfce4-session' I get something that can start an X server, but with no window manager, toolbar, or anything else.
<sneak> hmm, perhaps i will write something modern
<simpson> sneak: `shotwell` is packaged with that name, although perhaps there's something simpler.
<nixos> or maybe I have another boot partition inside the crypt with something like reFind? then the grub guy works with heads and it's purpose is to open the disk and boot refind and then once I'm in the trusted zone I can boot nixos from the other boot partition?
<siraben> Ah, I don't think we need to go that far, it's something like being able to package thttps://github.com/siraben/knightos-nix
<Wulfsta> simpson: I have done something similar packaging tensorflow for ROCm so I understand what you mean - my concern is that we already have `gmsh` in nixpkgs


<Unode> Am I missing something obvious?
<astk> something to do with non interactive sessions and problems with the path
<bk1603[m]> (I haven't read the thesis paper linked in the book, in the hopes that it won't be crucial to the understanding of nix, and I am hoping I am missing something extremely simple.)
<bk1603[m]> But I tried listing out the contents of where the derivation was built and I didn't see them there. I am sure I am still getting something wrong.
<jared-w> Not sure, honestly. WSL is not something I'm terribly familiar with
<jared-w> astk: it can create/manage/etc several instances at once. Yes. Think of it as something similar to ansible + terraform
<bk1603[m]> In the derivation for gnu hello, I see something like `"/nix/store/2xwl0cp7vz8x6wfyi09f9dcpdaj033vr-coreutils-8.31.drv": [ "out"]` I get that the inputDrvs contains the derivations for the build dependencies, but what does the "out" stand for? Is it somehow related to the "out" attribute in "outputs" for the derivation?
<ma27[m]> worldofpeace: I'm very sorry, but I won't make it today. If there's something I should comment on, just CC me in the ticket or in IRC, I'll take a look later tonight or tomorrow :)
<evanjs> I see a lot of references to boost-zstd in the CMakeFiles and wasn't sure if there was something better I could do
<evanjs> Also wasn't sure if there was something idiomatic for nix/pkgs/os
<evanjs> So X-based services on RDP -- is this something that's feasible (and easily configurable)? I am using xrdp and various services, such as picom, only start on local sessions
<lordcirth> bbigras, do you have a build host configured or something?
<immae> something in your configuration is not loaded when not in a login shell and doesn’t find the path
<immae> does it contain something like `for profile in /etc/profile.d/*.sh; do <source some file>`
<astk> is this something to do with nix-build not being a regular exe?
<Taneb> asheshambasta: if you only add something to nix.binaryCaches, only root and other trusted users can use them. Try adding to nix.trustedBinaryCaches instead?
<samueldr> something on master broke


<neothefox> Also systemd-nspawn documentation is really lacking, am I doing something wrong here? https://pastebin.com/nCnwE3sB
<anthony[m]> No, that's a fair point. I'm just not super familiar with VMs. Usually I just create an Ubuntu 18.04 image with Vagrant whenever I need an environment to test something in.
<leo60228> you could do something like use substituteInPlace to replace "python2" with "${python2}/bin/python"
<LnL> you're better of with something like direnv for the later case
<judson> For me, nix run <package>, by default, starts bash with package in scope, something like what nix-shell -p would
<neothefox> hey everyone, I'm migrating my server to NixOS right now, and I really like it so far! However, there is an issue with pretty much vanilla nextcloud config, both on 20.03 and 20.09 - some settings can't be changed by the admin at all. What's worse is that there are no indications in the journal or the logs to even give a hint about what could be wrong... Am I missing something? https://pastebin.com/CGDgwDjW
<worldofpeace> it was breaking something for noto-fonts stuff. which was probably the emoji font
<simpson> Alas. So then you'll have to make your own unit and add `wantedBy = ["haproxy.service"];` or something like that.
<typetetris> @spacekookie: That seems really strange, maybe take a look at the systemd unit for nginx if it contains something spooky?
<avaq> lassulus, I have not opened any ports. I occasionally, under a specific configuration, managed to get the error message: "Cannot connect to remote server" or something of the sorts. Perhaps that was the closest I got, but without open ports! I'll give that a try! :)
<srhb> simonpe^^: Hmm. Usually I like the directory approach. Like, you check out something, there's a shell that's relevant for this in particular, entering it brings a bunch of tools on $PATH that are relevant for the project in question
<gambpang> samueldr: I see that. That makes me think there is something else up.
<julm> samueldr: do you know if is it a wanted? a technical impossibility? or something to be fixed? And is there a way to run only a few selected tasks to reproduce the problem in the present case?


<samueldr> I launched an eval, with your commit included, to see if I can discover something
<rawtaz> feels like it would make sense to make something where nix can just take a Dockerfile and built it in its special way
<infinisil> Something like this should work in general, but it's obviously impossible to debug without seeing all the relevant code
<jasom> I'd like to crib some configuration-file generation from nixos/modules for generating a docker image with nix's docker tools (i.e. I'd like to have configuration options that I set instead of just dumping a wall of text for the config file). Has anyone done something like this before?
<lewo> immae: i think someone did something wrong by pushing a lot of branches to the nixpkgs repo and eelco removed them
<dminuoso> Do any folks here have success stories on something more automated in a vmware environment?
<colemickens> I just don't get it. Am I doing something wrong or is it just flat out broken?


<V> so if we ended up with a package named 'platform' or something
<AluisioASG> dminuoso: I do something like this: https://paste.sr.ht/~aasg/6962fa110e83bd8fdef5968030c7dac5471c03f7
<dminuoso> I admit, I didn't even bother to click on Login, because I didnt think something like Github would work.
<pinpox> is this something I should be concerned about?
<scott> i also have an alias from `nb` to `nix-build --no-out-link "<nixpkgs>" -A` so i can do something like `less $(nb rrootage)/share/licenses/rrootage/README.en` to build the package and view that file in one step
<scott> i'm skeptical that it's possible, but it would be interesting if i could make it fast to peek into packages i don't have while researching certain types of standard files, like appdata.xml or something
<bk1603[m]> I just used `nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=/local/nixpkgs` expecting that it'd only install packages mentioned in my config.nix, but I just saw `gnome-desktop` being copied from the nix binary cache, and a lot of other things that I know I don't have currently on my system. Is this intended? Did I get something wrong?
<Ke> buovjaga: your runcommand needs to be assigned to something, you are using it in an imperative way, that is not acceptable even semantically
<__monty__> solene: Hmm, I already have something like this. An attrset of things I can separately install as packages but I can't install the set as a package.
<DropsOfSerenity> Hi all, is nix-shell known to be slow or am i doing something wrong? I have a c project with minimal dependencies, on my other linux systems it builds in 1 second, on nix using nix-shell it builds in 6.5-7 seconds
<Ke> maybe though eating ram can be fixed by reboot, if you have something spewing nonsense at busyloop speeds
<eyJhb> But else, you need something that can de snapshots
<Reventlov> Yeah but I'm not using ZFS (yet) and I was thinking about something builtin (I'm pretty sure I saw something, but I don't remember where exactly)


<azazel> xensky: those are in your installed godot closure, which you chan find with something with nix-store -q $(readlink $(which godot)) or ldd $(which godot)
<azazel> xensky: I used patchelf sometime, but for small things... I'll give a try to something like "patchelf --set-soname libXcursor.so.1 path/to/lib" repeated for all the libs, but I was more intrigued in finding how other people solved it, but I haven't an answer yet... someone that is not you has packages and probably used it on nixos, after all
<nf> cole-h: how does your nixos-config end up in ~/.config/nixpkgs ? is that a canonical location or something? (i'm looking at your weechat module)
<damjan> __red__: well php by itself wont run mediawiki. so you need something like uwsgi+php, or fpm or apache + mod_php
<zgrep> lopsided98: Hm. I'm most likely doing something wrong, but it's not working for me. It still ends up using bson instead of pymongo. (Additionally/unrelated: I assume pyopenssl should be automagically included as a dependency, but it isn't.)
<jkt> I tried something like `self: super: git-review = super.git-review.override { python = self.python3; } }`
<Ke> something like that
<mananamenos> hi, when i do something like this
<Reventlov> Did I miss something ?
<WilhelmVonWeiner> The suggestion I would've made, to enable something like system.copySystemConfiguration by default, has clearly been decided on already (seeing it's default value of false)
<dminuoso> Reventlov: Definitely not something that just works out of the box
<Reventlov> thanks (but I wonder if there's something better)
<pinpox> V: btw. if I just manually create a /secrets dir, can I have the configuration.nix create links to those files without making them world-readable? Something like the a ssh key, I imagine I could put them in /secrets/ssh/root/id_rsa and have my config create a symlink to /root/.ssh/id_rsa for it, I just don't want those to be readable by all users
<V> pinpox: IMO secrets aren't something that should be specified declaratively, they're state. if you can have something that generates keys that don't exist yet (like the SSH module does) that's pretty good
<evanjs> V: Yeah I've heard that too and totally agree. Would be nice if it was officially supported or at least endorsed, idk. Like the arch wiki is always helpful but it's nice to have something, you know, for Nix/NixOS 😝
<V> e.g. in the python PAM package it has to be called something other than pam, because otherwise callPackage will fill in the python package (i.e. itself) and not the system library
<samueldr> and yeah, you could have a "bootloader like" linux system that is used to select *something else* to do


<jdnixx> I thought it was like 2.4 or 3.0 or something
<Reiser> Must be something specifically about environment.systemPackages
<Reiser> I'm guessing I need to wrap my derivation in something extra
<scott> is it possible to make a src derivation that doesn't check its output hash? i'm trying to do something a bit unusual outside of nixpkgs. my only issue with builtins.fetchurl is that it downloads at eval time instead of build time
<simonpe^^> I'm trying to write an overlay that adds something to the `nativeBuildInputs`
<simonpe^^> I mean, coming from yocto where you pretty much can slim down the image to about 6MB in size I want to evaluate how I could achieve something similar with nixos
<simonpe^^> I'm guessing maybe I need to pass something as `system` for the nixpkgs/nixos/default.nix import
<ehmry> simonpe^^: you can cross compile the whole build, you need to pass in `{ localSystem and crossSystem }` to `nixpkgs.config` (or something like that)
<clever> pjt_tmp: something like that


<colemickens> I might need to check the fedora patch, maybe something else is needed to fully enable it now?
<colemickens> I want to convert disabledModules = [ <nixpkgs/...> ] to something more flakes friendly.
<dsal> clever: thanks. I'm just barely starting to using nixos as something more than a Linux distribution that works
<dsal> Am I doing something weird here: nix-env -i `readlink result`
<solene> sphalerite: I'm looking for something similar than this on OpenBSD http://portroach.openbsd.org/solene%20rapenne%20%3Csolene@perso.pw%3E.html we have a per maintainer update scraper
<solene> it's $something gc :)
<qyliss> pickfire: you could look into something like https://github.com/myfreeweb/evscript/ for that
<sphalerite> V: well, you could have a systemd service that cleans user profiles up or something.
<unclechu> sphalerite: I’m trying to write something like this: `super.haskellPackages.callCabal2nix name (super.lib.cleanSource thatSubDir) {}`
<pickfire> Ah, but I don't really want it randomly booting, if I am doing something and didn't save then GG.
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):325:2
<unclechu> am i missing something?
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):325:2
<V> so most of the time it works just fine, and only breaks if you're doing something funky
<pickfire> I am using arch qemu, I never had an issue with EFI or something like that.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, you can do something like « (let freshPkgs = import /path/to/git/nixpkgs {}; in freshPkgs.neovim) »
<MichaelRaskin> You might want to add it to NIX_PATH — or not, that's your choice. checkouts are not something to add to nix-channel
<daemon1024> Can we change default shell of nix-shell from bash to something else?
<sergeykish> srhb: thank you, I guess I don't need it that much, thought something wrong with my setup. Arch has it, unlucky first choice to try
<la-jesystani> hello, i have a question about nix flakes i havent found an answer too while reading, when defining a flake output for `defaultPackage.some-system = with import nixpkgs { system = "some-system"; }; ...`, what system should i choose for something like a bash script?


<heywoodlh_> But I think it's the way I'm invoking it or something.
<alienpirate51> ok so I am having a hard time wrapping my head around something
<cransom> hrm, yeah. interesting. it's something like a minute that it buffers before playing anything.
<siraben> I'd like to be able to declaratively say which KnightOS packages the derivation needs, and have something analogous to buildPythonPackage etc.
<aveltras> you may have to tweak something in your config then
<aveltras> otherwise you can do something like "sudo nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos" to switch to unstable
<humancalico[m]> how do I do something like this http://paste.mozilla.org/5GjEP30b which was described in here https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Fonts
<aveltras> humancalico[m]: do you encounter an error or something else ? you should be able to add something like the following in your config at top level
<ocharles> Ok, rebuilding all my mounts has worked - must have missed something
<l33[m]> this blog post has a explanation of mkOptionDefault .. Maybe something like this needs to go in the manual, which clearly explains priorities and how to set them?? maybe not? https://www.malloc47.com/migrating-to-nixos/


<craige> Does anyone have any good examples that can point me to of packageX having a variable set that points to the latest version of a file in packageY? Am I seeking something that can actually be done in Nix?
<AluisioASG> Hey, do we have any current consensus on kernel module names? Most packages use something akin to "name = ${pname}-${kernel.version}-${version}", but some newer ones switch the versions around or even get rid of the kernel version
<nh2[m]> clever: ah, `environment.usrbinenv` I see. Now I guess I just need to find a legit way to do something like that for a docker image
<siraben> Something like https://github.com/elitak/nixos-infect but not for servers?
<__red__> but every time I build something out of Pis I'm always disappointed with their performance, but I'm addicted to core count
<immae> That might be something interesting to investigate if you kept both versions of the store (and are interested into looking at that)
<simonpe^^> the build I saw was due to something else
<woffs> syd: something like --option extra-substituters http://my.cache/
<immae> Also, maybe there is something in the part of the paste that you didn’t post
<immae> (if you say one of the installs went wrong maybe there is something there)
<Ke> heh nowadays debian container just boots inside nixos, did someone fix something
<cole-h> radvendii: What do you mean "path with a variable"? Do you mean that you want something like `/asdf/${foldername}`?
<radvendii> so is it possible to have a path with a variable expanded? I'm looking for ${foo] not surrounded in quotes and not finding any. Is there some way to convert a string to a path or something?


<Jonathan59> Eh, okay, that is a strange error? Something about failing to to start SystemD time synchronization service when switching configuration.
<fresheyeball> so I need to be able to ssh as root or something?
<clever> numkem: this is how i did something similar on a pi (non-nixos) https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/528f4a851d17444ed60ef7d609cdae6e
<gchristensen> are you concerned about IP or something?
<gchristensen> clever: is there something specific about those IDs?
<eyJhb> THe reason it does not work for you on master, is because you are not running the unstable channel, so you are missing something there :p
<tobiasBora> Hello, I'm trying to use writeScriptBin to create a script that wrapps a given program, and then I'd like to copy this script so that it appears in the final app folder, next to the other executable. So I tried to do something like: let mywrapper = binaryfile: writeShellScript "XX" "bla; ${binaryfile}; blo"; in mkDerivation rec { ... installPhase = "install -Dt $out/bin mainbinary ${myWrapper (out +
<pinpox-> Is this installed as dependency or something?
<eyJhb> I ALWAYS want to do something like value.options = ..., and then just hope that magic happens
<euandreh> eyJhb: how about "yourSet // { key2 = something-else;}"
<eyJhb> If I have a set { key1 = something; key2 = something; } and I want to change key2, but leave key1 as it is, how would one do that? I have the value of the set as value, as I am doing mapAttrs
<V> and hopefully you don't get something fail while you're in the middle of compiling something else that takes forever to build, because otherwise that gets killed as well :)
<radvendii> so there's a $NIX_DEBUG variable in various scripts. How does that get set? Is there a command line argument I can pass to nix-build? Or is it something I set in the nix derivation?
<jasom> benley: maybe? It did something for camsbury
<camsbury> like it doesn't have the drivers loaded or something... unless this should work even then


<camsbury> I want to install something else on it but can't get to the BIOS
<Reiser> Trying to build a rust cargo application with buildRustPackage, but there's a compilation step that requires an environment variable to be set, is it possible to set something via buildRustPackage or do I need to abandon this route?
<jasom> jkt: but I agree it should just "come up" so if it doesn't something is likely wrong.
<jkt> hi there, I've tried booting nixos-plasma5-20.03.3061.360e2af4f87-x86_64-linux.iso on my new Thinkpad T14s with an integrated AMD GPU (Ryzen something), and I only get shell, no display manager
<NemesisD> how could i install a ghc with a set of overridden packages into something like home-manager?
<fresheyeball> maybe something got corrupt
<fresheyeball> something is impure
<euank> The above nixos.wiki link; `let home-manager = builtins.fetchGit` + `(import "${home-manager}/nixos")` in your imports. Is that what you mean, or something else?
<euank> pinpox: you can add home-manager imperatively by using something like `builtins.fetchGit` recommended here: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Home_Manager#Configuration
<pinpox> euank: can I add them somehow ? Something like "programs.ssh.extraConfig" but "programs.alacritty.extraConfig" would be enough
<pinpox> Not sure yet what the "official" way to access the docs is when configurating something
<tsmanner> pbogdan That looks to me like a UNIX permissions issue. /nix/store is the path where your store is always mounted. Can you `ls -al /`? It should show `drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4 Sep 9 00:26 nix` and if you `ls -al /nix` you should see something like `drwxrwxr-t 1737 root nixbld 8134 Sep 29 03:00 store`
<etu> zarkone: Things may break on unstable, like config options changes etc so you have to adapt your config. But if you want to remain on stable but want something a bit newer you could switch to 20.09 (which isn't released yet) and help out reporting issues :)
<sneaktest> i'm trying nix-env -iA nixpkgs.myPackages which seems to be building something
<sneaktest> i'll migrate it to something better once i understand more about nix
<daddy_james[m]1> guess there was maintenance or something
<ornxka> i bet hes running nixpkgs-unstable and something broke
<__red__> Not a big deal, I'll open up a new PR and I've learned something
<colemickens> l33: hm I'm not sure what the rest of the file looks like but Nix isn't going to have that variable in scope unless there's a related `import` or `with` function above or if it's an input to the file/function or something
<colemickens> l33: or do you want 'include /nix/store/....something' to be output into the file?


<KarlJoad`> And any time I attempt to put `documentation.* = true` in there, I have a `set could not be coerced to a string` error (or something like that)
<nature> ok yeah I would definitely need a nim2nix or something if I want to continue developing nim with nixos...
<nbathum> if you truly want to use nimble on NixOS, that sort of implies writing something in nix like node2nix for example
<nbathum> most programming languages which do something like that end up having a nix infrastructure, to act as a sort of translation layer
<cole-h> Maybe there's some env var you can set for it, like NIMBLE_HOME or something.
<cole-h> It comes from something wanting to access $HOME, when it shouldn't.
<nbathum> try something like `nix repl '<nixpkgs>'` to get pkgs in scope in the repl session
<tbe> woffs: Thanks for dm-Fotowelt-FHSUserEnv.nix - I'll try to make something of this.
<tobiasBora> Can I just replace the kernel = pkgs.linux_4_19; with something like kernel = config.boot.kernelPackage? Or is there a better way to proceed?
<evanjs> lordcirth: that's what I usually do if something is being used directly like that
<mkg20001> I have something similar for FHS user envs https://github.com/mkg20001/nix-dev


<__red__> Okay - so I have to say I was surprised and impressed by something
<roconnor> maybe I can put the package name or expression in my prompt or something.
<samueldr> mthst: you could ping me on a PR or something I guess... though I can't say I exactly remember :)
<simpson> itshaydendev: Something like that, yeah.
<samueldr> so the parameter has to be something like ({stdenv}: stdenv.mkDerivation {})
<{^_^}> If you're updating a file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. If it's not in nixpkgs, try `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./file.nix { }'. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix.


<testonaut> sterni reptarmigan is the -I nixpkgs=... solution something "permanent"? It feels like a temporary workround
<notgne2> I'm kinda wishing there was something like yaml that wasn't yaml, toml can get a bit annoying for deeply nested stuff, JSON is erroneous in so many ways, and yaml is, well, yaml
<reptarmigan> there's something called cups-pdf but there's no package for it so far, I've tweaked a few derivations so I could give it a try (I've built textadept to 10.8 and 11 alpha 3 for giggles, it was mostly straight forward ;-)
<NieDzejkob> (when trying to build something with cargo build)
<__red__> I think she dropped a laptop or something
<__red__> I hear my daughter crying - she's scared to tell me something
<worldofpeace> __red__: Well I think for when something's live and it's really just supposed to be someone "watching" I'm not crazy about even having a chat at all. I think there's only so much "active" you can be over the online medium, so I think a passive audience you cannot see is fine. And on the flip side if it's just not passive interaction then small groups and a "random participant" space can be nice. Outside of tech spaces, in
<infinisil> worldofpeace: Hmm actually I think it broke because twitch changed their API or something..
<infinisil> And if you messed something up, you can always get older versions with `git reflog`
<evanjs> I wish we had a nixpkgs-mozilla channel or something